24 Dives, Pomeroy Brilliant Showing New Easter Millinery i ? (Stm J!t' hk\ ear Something New For Easter—For Luck j q J Particularly a New Hat I k (■ ffcjj ' More Than a Hundred Models Bought ' V Specially For This Week-End Display Fjr Beautiful Models in Black, White and Leading Gorgeous New Pattern Hats Make This Easter Spring Shades at $4.95, $5.95 and $6.50 , Showing One of Unsurpassed Loveliness 1 ° A ircsli group of pattern hats, wonderful in their originality and fascinating in their exquisite beauty, will be T . • shown for the first time to-morrow. Manv of the models arc large, of the sailor type, and essay blighter effects HE nat styles designed specifically for the Easter trade show many delightful ideas. They tlian the earlier models. Dashing leghorn model with entire top [ l.argc blue liemp sailor, with wide j Large black hemp sailors, with wide are hridlt and crav with lnrcrp hats as nnnnlnr as thr smaller mnrlpls faced with black satin, high roll to one I edge of red maline trimmed around edge of black maline, crown draped with .lit origin anu Willi large liais. as popular as me smauei moucis. gi(le with )arKe whlte wfnK *IO.OO i ..nu red i.irdssis.oo I blue silk and blue ostrich fancy, sia.oo At these popular prices are scores and scores of stylish creations. Yellow erin liat with maline streamers, French wreath around line edge; colored silk flowers em- / '-v . < ry-> • t 1 T a* r" r\ edge, crown trimmed wTTh ribbon crown 56.50 br Sl^ ort ,? S n crown • $12.00 Ostrich 1 rimmed Hats at $5.95 t roses In pastel shades $15.00 j All white sailor hat of hair braid i B''orns, in Wu ro . , , ......... . . ~ , ,u - ,J Beautiful white hemp liat faced and maline $5.95 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart— -1 lie most attractive value we nave ever seen m tins class of millinery, there has been talk of m U"/ M with pink chiffon and white silk Old rose mushroom hat with ma- Second Floor, Front. ostrich returning to favor and these stunning hats verify it. Large dressy black shape trimmed with fl ■JmbK v \\/ J i 1 A £ A "NT 'U.I gi two large white plumes—old rose picture model with two matching plumes—smaller plume trimmed T*v/ VVonQGrilll A-SSOrtmeilt Ol A. INOtciul© oilOWin^ stvlcs. The best plume hat vou ever saw at $5.95 x , /mko s \ . . - - , * T /-> _ _ ' V Untrimmed Hats 98c to $lO of New Sport Hats Style Features That Appear ma^e a point of showing If there is a stvle of liat fixed up- The sport hats this year are I tU M , H only one hat of a style, so that on bv fashion that is missing from brighter and gayer than they have " when a woman makes a selec- this great display we should be glad ever be ?"' . l . he - l ? e , °- f ! oft hemp and Hair hats in delicate shades tion she ma Y /eel sure she is lo know about i"t. colors' of"crepe' with JrwTthoutcof Chinese and Mexican straws getting an exclusive style. Liscrc niilan hemp , sp H t straw , (p/ft ored figures, of fancy striped fab- Pokes and mushrooms / Now that the Spring Open- novelty straw braids, fine hair I rics make the new styles jaunty and Large Georgette sailors ings are over and hat fashions braids, crin, Panama, leghorn in as Y charming. Picturesque Sherpherdess hats are settled, we are confident many shapes as there are hats. U ( , \) kmbroidered effects are featured Goura is a trimming leader women will agree with us that \\ \l Th * " lost Posing shades are j-p- M , Jggf-j together with other striking novel ni 4. _ i j j , j l vv ;S\ , . P \ , )\ V\ resented—silver greys, lavender, ties that make them the most dis- Ostrich, curled and uncurled, I our showing is correct and au- j J pink, rose, blues, citron, red, brown, tinctive ever designed. in vogue v^Jf . thentic in every detail. gren, black and white. $3.95, $1.95 up to SIO.OO. The New Cotton Blouses at $1.95 to SIO.OO Represent Easter Suits For Women and Misses Sty leTendencies Not Shown Heretofore This Season , p j With touches of hand embroidery, filet lace insertion and panels of organdie ,these clever adaptations of re- Ivl.OClCrfl.TGiy .1 riCGQ. fl. P I fI.T 10 fl S Oi |i cent garments direct from Paris are altogether the most interesting collection of blouses that has been brought to- . gether in Harrisburg this season. P«riQi«n ifl I HVplv S%9 The materials themselves are of the highest order of quality and include dainty Swisses, sturdy embroidered Cll 101C1.J.1 XXX x_/V-» v x awi IV/O A\SY ' voiles, novelty weaves and organdie. . , c . , Frills arc featured in many of these new styles, while some of them give just a little tone of color which adds H'om every angle workmanship, style and finish, the suits in the / a new charm. Fresh water pearl buttons are used extensively. n 0 T* * - N I I. c J // \ \ Waists of handkerchief line, are shown i„ tailored st'yles with convertible collars at 53.95 and $5.00. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Easter collection excel any others to be found /o\\ Sixty Dozen Corsets To-morrow at SI.OO INFANTS" CAPS, HATS AND WHITE DRESSES in Harrisburg. The fabrics are the finest to be had and the modes rcpre- /yw/ I jwO\ "*Nj batiste coutil. in medium low or high bust styles; a c«iriatre hats or lawn or organdie, trimmed with dainty sent clever adaptations of late arrivals from Paris. ♦'nil r„ur/> r.i■ ci-,oc flowers and touches of colored ribbon SI,OO to 83.95 IV iiiii -»i . ial. . White dresses trimmed with tucks, lace or embroiderv rn« • i • i i a *ll 1 1 *. *±. \ La. ' v\. , . , , si.oo t<. s-.so 1 lie new arrivals include tailleur models, spoit suits and afternoon V\ \ lie American Vjirl Cor>Ct IS designed 011 moderate lines i'ream colored coats, self trimmed or trimmed with braid ————————————————————————. y \ \ \ gi\ ing the correct support for a girl. |or hand & Floor. '° $7,#5 garments of silk—everyone of them interestingly priced. / \\ ) — Suits of shepherd checks, black and Copen- Norfolk style serge suits, buttoning through ( hagen with collars and cuffs of green, Copen- to the throat and finished with cuffs and col- \ f XT'CTATO Tir/>r>Tt-T T"» TT- A T>T\T/> bagon or red faille silk; belted blouse with lars of silk poplin and both sides of the front, V y I IN "-"" O W 1 1 I f\ I I\IC X pleated flare and finished with buckles and as well as the back is finished with a double xxx . j buttons $17.50 row of buttons which are laced with cord to J / ." cans string beans :{#<• 3 packages long or elbow macaroni i 3 lbs. sugar, 20c. with one pound of Gabardine suits in navy blue, black and tan; match the collar $20.00 if [ 1 \ :> cans torn 39c 25c coffee. i coat of straight lines with flare bottom and Cover cloth suits with long revers In tai- 111 !^sjl 5 cans succotash 89c 4 lbs. rice 25e Sliced ham. lb *SO buttoned to the throat $25.00 lored styles and full flare bottom $30.00 \J 5 cans peas 39c Pint bottle grape juice 22c Boiled ham', lb. . ... 1.35 c Purity mustard, jar 9c Heinz baked beans, can 13c Shoulder lb 15c „ - - -—» ••••••»». Women's Street and Sport Coats Specially Priced - Th \/" The collection of styles is very interesting and the prices are decidedly moderate. Belted or loose ripple AIC/ 1 UpUldl 1 IIIOH™ UdOJv kJUllo ror JL OUng coats of checks, covert cloths and chinchilla arc features of the Easter assembly. A special showing of Worumbo \yf PI T T * \ T ' f Chinchilla Coats is a feature for to-morrow. Men shown nere in a Oreat variety or Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. FflshlOn&folo FabriCS. $12.30, sls a.nd $lB Unusual Types of Neckwear Women's Hosiery Underwear TO the man or vounfr man wlin want*; tlip litmnct ' A to.— The new Easter styles that have just been brought for- Fast black silk lisle hose . i l- .♦ C * 1 i l a> 4.1 V ■ 1 M r ward are far removed from the stereotyped ideas of tic Lisle outsize hose; black and white in st> le distinction, our Spring models oner the \\TT* Jl m past tew months, representing modes that cling to a Black solit sole cotton hose• fept Tii/* best styles introduced this season including a note V - spirit of youthfulness, at the same time posseting dis- Black spht sole cotton hose faM.oned feet .. .37^ intrtxiucea tins season, mciuaing a note \\ , « \ tinct features which scrve to kccp a woman young in her Childrenis hnc ribbed silk lisle hose; seamless, black, worthy assemblage of the smart Pinch-Back models- ft I appearance. tan and white 25? specialized young man's suit that is favored bv men too - Shown in net, organdie, chiffon, Georgette and crepe de White silk lisle ribbed sleeveless vests, regular and rpi 1-, i • . ! 1,1/.." o ,'i * I Chine, In such worthy colors as pink, old rose and blue, as extra sizes, each ; .. ."iOf* Ine Quality and individual stvle features OI these " * W I well as in white—plaiting that are irresistible, at $1.50 ' •. *ii i* . . , , . . . . v - Mf&PJsm \ Organdie vestees in embroidered effects, new rolling collars White lisle ribbed sleeveless vests; regular and extra new suits will be appreciated by critical inspection. iV&H \ ln sol,d shadeß . or if > ou |lke - ,n white wlth a , e turnln f sizes 371/^ J 1 > I blue, pink or old rose 2»c to s2.i>o "VJV pv 1 . , . ( /.tnHP. I Oriental lace collars in white and ecru . 25c and 50c Children's white cotton ribbed vests: lone or short Remember We are Nearino Faster When %SXs£ S »!:S «v«gh« ** X—/CJ.O l V-»X ▼▼ 7// Dive., Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Every Man Should Have a New Suit . J " The new Pinch-Backs are in one, two and three button styles, full {. \j J Men Ate InVlted tO See the NeW FumishingS • Assembled For Them in the Men's Store Blue ri'"" 8 striped unfinished wonted)) cassi- /Mi Tn shirts and neckwear the showing is one that is full of novel ideas as well as staple styles, IJIUO nannelh y Brown Scotch tweeds mere* Smrnk r ~ —— - - ——— s all moderate in price. Men s Spring Sack Suits in English and more conservative cuts in r - • < ■ • .. „ , c . v* cu* * 6 v-uis in i j inls ii mercerized cloth shirts with French cuffs, Men s Night Shirts a great variety of patterns; sizes 34 to 42 SIO.OO to $25.00 ' Jj?l.l!) Surplice neck; fancy trimmed and plain white ....«>o^ v Novelty plaids and woven and satin stripes madras ?.f l ' ie mus ''" night shirts • • _ _ . . . •| u . ~ , . a a., -a 'Hotel extra large cut night shirts spI.UU y pn ' Q c nrlnrt CIO CA CIC in shirts with trench and laundered cuffs .... 91.50 fioys'muslin night shirtsfsizes 4to 16, at 50^ iVien S opnng lop Boys' Sorina Suits r* " Vtimr "Silkcloth shirts made from a fabric that comes from barathea and fancy silks; sizes for your collars ... .50^ j pi n » Snrinrr KR7 the Kagle looms; it outwears all shirt weaves; designed Seamless bat wing ties, in plain colors and novelty pYtm Pai*- in beautiful combination colors, panel stripes «»0^ I air 1 rousers Sizes 2V to 8 vpar #-.00, $2.«)0, Siili.OO and #3..»0 Fancy and plain colors in bat wing and graduated Sizes 6 to 18 years /2S Spring Pajamas club ties .......... ..................... .^.>C (TQQP UnCt C-7 cn $3 50 Men's plain white and striped n,adra S cloth pajam a 5.... New our m hand broad end tics m plaids stripes and to Jh/ Ol) vUiW, VO. J/Uj sJO.v/V/ White and colored plain crepe cloth pajamas 91-19 plain colors and 5(51.011 ' ,r77 T r *\ r.u«te rett e plain ton, white, blue and lavender pajamas, J1.50 Reisers black reversible and broad end four in hand v ')fr F i ) High grade madras cloth pajamas in soft finish $1.98 . i n ,... e r Q4 * I-Jr Boys' pajamas, one-piece garments 75c and 81.00 ties and SM.UU Pomeroy & Stewart-Men'. Clothin*. Second Floor. Rear. V Dive,. Pomeroy & Stewart. Men'. Store. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG &&& TELEGRAPH APRIL 7, 10ie>.
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