iwc-liitiif Season Is on—lt's tie Wait Ad's Bisiiess to lent Muses Deaths INBLLUe Mrs. Elizabeth Snelling. aged 75 years, died March 26, 1916. Funeral services will be held from the home of her daughter, Mrs. N. L Ward, 430 South Thirteenth street, Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. 4telatlves and friends invited without further notice. Burial at Paxtang Cemetery. AIUMS On March 25, 1916, Jessie Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert J. Adams, aged 7 ye^rs.. Funeral services were held this af ternoon, at 2 o'clock, front the home, 1923 Logan avenue. Burial was made in East Harrisburg Cemetery. Ser vices and burial were private, due to quarantine. _____ Lost and Found LOST ln street car, going from Steelton to Harrisourg, a silk umbrella (folding), with silver handle. Engraved with initials H. B. R. Reward if left at Telegraph ofltce. LOST Eleven or dollars in bills, between D„ P. & S. store and •third street, on Market. Finder will receive slut&ble reward If returned to J. L Penner, 22S Cranberry street. FOUND Young Collie dog. Owner can have by calling at 1618 State street. Help Wanted —Male WANTED—A man for posi tion in our shipping department to assemble furniture. Prefer one who can finish. Burns & Co., 28-30-32 South Second street. STOCK SALESMAN WANTED—Must he man of ability. Interesting and -ood proposition. Apply Charles E. Bard & Co., 921 Hemlock street, WANTED A foreign-speaking so- j liritur and collector for Steelton. Sal ary and commission. Apply any day this week to Assistant Manager, Room 207, 219 Walnut street. I WANTED Good electrician. Ex- ! pcricnced men only need apply. S. E. R. Electric and Gas Fixture Co., 130214 ' North Sixth street. ] WANTED Reliable, sturdy young man to work in factory. Jennings' Mfg. Co., 414 State street. WANTED A good boy for work in store; must be over 16 years of age; reference required. Apply Grand Lnion Tea Co.. 208 North Second. WANTED Young man thoroughly acquainted with the city and experi enced In driving motor, car for our delivery service. Apply at once. Kaut nan's i nuerselling Store. —— WANTED Salesmen for Men's Fur- ! nisliing Department. Apply at once, j Miperintendent's Oftice, Kaufman's Un- ; i.i i selling store. I WANTED Good man, family of ! two, who is not afraid of hard work; j permanent position; excellent opportu- j nity to advance. Address X., 3666, care ; of Telegraph. WANTED An active man in can ! washing department. Regular employ- , ment. Call before 7:30 Wednesday! i.fining. Hershey Creamery Company, south Eleventh street. WANTED—Young man for office work. One having previous experi ence desired. Give age, salary ex pected and place where formerly . e;nployed. Only mail applications will be considered. Apply to United. Ice and Coal Co., Forater and Cow- j den stiets. WANTED Experienced die cut ters; also boys to learn cutting. Apply Harrisburg Leather Products Company, 1 120 Wyetn avenue. GOOD PRESSSER WANTED Ap piv -t once at Simms', Dyers and Clean TEAMSTERS WANTED Men under :.i> years of age need apply. Bogar l.umhet' Company, North Sixth street, above Division. WANTED Two experienced drivers bv Gardner & Baptlsti. Apply Thursday | afternoon only, Third and Chestnut streets. WANTED 4O able-bodied men between 21 and 40 years of age for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring mill or lathe hands, who can work from blue prints; also tool maAcera. Ad dress, or apply, Employment Depart ment. Weatlnghouse Electrio * Mfg. Co.. East Pittsburgh, Pa. LEARN to become a practical chauf feur and earn $l5O to S2OO per month. We give you practical lessons at your own home. We send you a $5,600 Lozier with Instructions, to practice on between working hours. Write for particulars. Auto Transportation Training, Corresponding Department, 25-27-29 North Cameron street. Harris WANTED Man of good habits to work in garage: reasonable wages; I steady employment. Apply 1745 North Sixth street. WANTED, AT ONCE.— Reliable i paperhanger and scraper; steady work. A. B. Tack. 1216 North Third street. HOUSES FOR RENT CITY I ! 142 Linden St., 3 s. f., 8 r., gl2 ! I 150S Allison St., 2% s. b sl4s " 1316 N. Front St., 3 s. f., 7 r fls» ! " 330 Boyd Ave., 2 s. f., 5 r *ls* " 2-story 7 and 8 r. h.. 014, *ls and *1« 1 "1537 S. 13th St., 3 s. b., 7 r„ b., .. sl7 II 658 Emerald St., 3 s. b., 9 r *l7 ' 109 S. 14th St.. 3 s. b„ 10 r„ »2lt 1207 N. 14th St., 2% 8. b., ! r, .. $25 , 2327 N. 3d St., 3 s. b., 8 r„ b.. .. S3O , 622 Relly St., store room and dwell ing, 7 r. b. & f., (from May 1), *3Ol ,408 Brlggs St., 3 s. b., 9 r. b $35 4 ~2010 N. 3d St., 3 a. b., 9 r.. 2 b.,..540» m 2218 N. 2d St., 2% s. b »4,Y 12220 N. 2d St., 3 s. b., 9 r. b., .. $5O l 2118 N. 3d St., 3 s. b.. 12 r.. 2 b„ $55 ! .209 S. Front St.. 3 s. b., 10 r„ ..; $754 204 Locust St., 13 r„ 3 b *75 ! "911 N. Second St., 3 s. b.. 14 r„ sloo 1 312 Chestnut St., (furnished) .. *125 > APARTMENTS Housekeeping Apartments, from l ' ; April Ist, 825 N. Sixth St. 91BIRBAN Bella Vials, Ross Ave *14.50 Camp Hill. Myers Ave., (fur.) .. *2s* , Cove Station —bungalow (fur.). .sisj , , Knola, Adams St., 2 s. f„ 6 r„ .. sl2l Halnlyn (Aldlnger Cottage) ... suit Lemoyne, 294 Market St *lßj Liinntou a delightful suburban, ii home—2%-story frame—lo rooms! ■ —bath hot water heat stable • I —lot 100x220 ft *35 1 Riverside, 3114 N. 3d St *0 MISCELLANEOUS "Vacant ground, Susquehanna Twp.| 120,-. and 1207 Capital St.. 3-storv« brick carriage works (30x80). *SO "loth, State St., storage building, S2O" ' Offices and store rooms. MILLER BROTHERS &CO RBAti MfJln Insurance Surety Bonds l.oeiist nnd Court Streets TUESDAY EVENING, 1 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH! MARCH 28, 1916. Help Wanted —Male PAPERHANOERS WANTED Four paperhaugers wanteil. Apply at once to H. A. Bodmer, 813 North Third street. TOOL, HARDENER WANTED— First class Tool and Die Hardener on tools for all around production work. Re plying, state what experience and wages expected. Drlggs-Seabury Ord nance Company, Sharon, Pa. WANTED A strong. white man for delivery team, acquainted with city. Regular work with chance for advance ment. Address, with reference, K., 3663, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man (colorei for chauffeur. Will have to live in Hummelstown. Inquire W. L. Dow hower, Bell phone, or 21 North Fifth street, Harrisburg, Pa. Help Wanted —Female EMPLOYED PEOPLE increase your income $25 to SSO per month wlthqut interfering with regular work; no sell ing; no canvassing; no money or ex perience required. Not work, but fun. The Com-Packt Merchandise Co., To ledo, Ohio. LADIES WANTED To make bibs at home; 10c brings sample and par ticulars. B. Stoner, 3826 North Smedley street, Philadelphia. WANTED Students to Know R. E. Hoke, A. M., will soon be a teacher in my school. More and better teaching always counts. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second. WANTED Extra salesladies for Saturdays only. ApMy at once, Super intendent's Office, Kaufman's Under selling Store. WANTED Experienced salesladies for Shirt Waist and Shoe Departments. Apply at once. Superintendent's Office, Kaufman's Underselling Store. WANTED Operators, ex perienced on power sewing ma chines. Jennings Manufacturing Company, 414 State street. WANTED White girl, not under IS, for general housework In apartment in small family; no washing or ironing. Fhone 1936J, or call Leonard, 2518 North Sixth, second floor. HELP WANTED AT HERSIIEY Women under 45 and girls over 16 can find attractive work in Ilershey Choco late Factory; good wages and steady employment; modern daylight factory scientifically ventilated. Apply at once in person at Hershey Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. Hours of Bureau, 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.; Saturday, 8 A. M. to noon. WANTED An experienced young saleslady to sell ready-to-wear women's apparel; good pay and steady job to the right party. Call immediately at Bloom's 810 North Third street. WANTED Stenographer, experi enced in general office work. Perma nent position. Addi'ess, stating age, experience and reference, 0., 3920, care of Telegraph. WANTED Girl for office work. Experience not necessary. Give age and reference. M„ 3921, care of Tele graph. WANTED Young couple desire willing, young, white girl for general housework. Reply A., 3835, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED Three intelligent ladies to demonstrate and sell Spirella Cor sets. Apply Cltv Manager, 815 North Sixth street. Bell 495 M WANTED Girls experienced on power machines to make Infants' shoes; also learners. Address Dauphin Shoe Co., Fourth Floor, Over Hub, No. 320 Market street. WANTED Young white girl to as sist with general housework; country girl preferred; must be tidy and have reference as to character. Apply 2112 Chestnut street. WANTED Five good, experienced dressmakers; also girls to learn dress making trade. Apply to Madame Mc- Dowell. 105 A Market street. Positively no phone calls considered. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED Experienced sewing machine operators, also trimmers and learners, to work 011 women's and children's wear. Hariisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State street, rear entrance. Help Wanted — Male and Female WANTED—We have openings for 12 more bright girls and boys. Apply, Silk Mill, Corner North and Second streets. Agents Wanted AGENTh Send for free sample and large catalog of quick-selling articles. Hood Co., 729-P, Huntington avenue. Boston. WANTED Agents to represent large manufacturer for the retail trade on commission. Address Box It. 3830, care of Telegraph. Situations Wanted—Male WANTED Experienced barber would like position for evening work and_ all day Saturday. Phone, Bell 3807J, or address 625 Herr street. Position as collector or sales man by young man, 26 years old, thoroughly experienced and if possible would like to connect with some responsible firm requir ing services of man about four or five days a week. Address, M. B. J. 3929, care of Telegraph. WANTED A middle-aged white man wants a good home; At houseman and gardener; sober and reliable: work for fair wages. Address B. M. W., care of Telegraph. WANTED Chauffeur, young man, desires a position driving Ford car pri vate or delivery car. Apply 107 South Second street, or Bell phone 1225 J. Situations Wanted—Female WANTED Middle-aged widow wants position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor; good manager, and can take full charge; references Address P., 3030, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman would like general housework or day's work. Apply 450 Hay avenue. \i ' NTED White woman wants washing to do at home; satisfaction guaranteed. Addres X., 3926, care of Telegraph. WANTED By German girl, nosl tlon as ceneral housekeeper; no wash ing; or will tnke care of invalid, ad dress No. 83 Dlabrow street. Situations Wanted—Female WANTED A colored woman wishes day's work of any kind; can give ref erences. Address 326 Cherry avenue. Real Estate For Sale 340 CRESCENT ST. Good property, all Improvements, side entrance and the price is right at $3,250. H. P. Ped low, 110 South Thirteenth street. FARM of 30 acres. Cumberland Coun ty; new house; all outbuildings: 500 fruit trees; running water. Price, SI,BOO. H. G. Pedlow, llj South Thir teenth street. FOR SALE Three-story brick building, No. 1305 Wallace street, Harrisburg, Pa. George E. Etter, 703 Kunkel Building. 1006 HEMLOCK STREET Corner property; 3-story brick dwelling; 8 rooms .batli and furnace; lot, 15x83. Price right and on easy terms. Brin ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut strets. A REAL TRUCK FARM, 1 mile north of Camp Hill, good buildings and green houses. This is a money maker and will Interest any trucker. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. NEW CUMBERLAND, corner Six teenth and Bridge streets; 2',4-story frame dwelling; practically new; 8 rooms; bath; gas; electricity; hot water heat; range; good water; front porch 28 feet long; also rear porch; located along car line within 5c car fare limit; barn. 18x28 In rear on 16-foot alley; schoolhouse within one block; plot, 82x 150. Lovely country home. Price, $4,850.00. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. NEW CUMBERLAND One acre of ? round fronting on Sixteenth street 100 eet and extending 366 feet on a 16-foot alley; one-half block from car line; 5c fare to Harrisburg; fruit trees in abundance; suitable for flowers, garden and raising chickens; blue limestone quarry on rear yielding owner $250.00 yearly in royalties, us build you a beautiful home on this plot and have the amount received in royalties pay for the same. Price. SBOO.OO. Backen stoss Bros., Russ Building. SWATARA STREET, 1818; 3-story frame dwelling converted Into two apartments; 4 rooms and bath each; total rent. $29.00; lot, 20x100: steam heat; drive alley in rear; newlypapered and painted throughout; best of condi tion; one-half block from car line; taxes. $26.00. A bargain at $2,200.00. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. PENBROOK .BUTLER STREET, be t.ween Twenty-sixth and Twenty-sev enth ;• excellent building plot; 60x150; one block from car line. Price, SBOO.OO. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. PRICE greatly reduced on the corner ' property at 1518 Swatara Street—brick —gas electric light hot water I heat porches two bay windows. I Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. , FOR SALE— A BARGAIN Three ! choice lots In Edgemont—Lot, No. 3 located on Locust Lane; lots No. 56 and No.; 57 on Highland Avenue. Size, 30x120 ft. Inquire 36 North Nineteenth street, or Bell phone 1713 R. FOR SALE llO7 North Second street. Harrisburg, Pa. For further In formation apply to H. M. Hartz, Real Estate Broker, Palmyra. Pa. FOR SALE 6-room house; all con veniences; Spencer hot water heater, with automatic feeder and regulator, burns buckwheat coal; $2,500.00 —$500 cash required. Address No. 676 Schuyl kill street. FOR SALE • Desirable louse Best Location DAUPHIN, PA Address, Box R 3839 care of Telegraph. 65-ACRE FARM, within four miles of Harrisburg State road almost to the property all required buildings— good apple orchard variety of fruit. Particulars at Bell Realty Co., Uergner Building. FOR SALE 2%-story single brick house in New- Cumberland: 10 rooms; 1 all improvements; slate roof; lot, 50x j 175. Price reasonable. JanieS A. Davis, i New Cumberland. FOR SALE. CHEAP Lot south- | east corner Logan and Oyster Point, ' avenue 19, Camp Hill, 50x160 feet. Ad- ! dress Box 11, 3838, care of Telegraph. I FOR SALE No. 2122 Sixth Street— , three-story brick 8 rooms bath I gas steam heat drive alley on rear [ —side alley. Other Sixth street prop- j ertles. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build- | ing. SECOND AND SENECA; plot of I ground fronting on Second street 80x 107. including a dwelling thereon. If | you are interested* see us about price. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. HARRIS STREET HOUSE FOR SALE ! —1 nree-story brick house rooms —! l-i- gas furnace porch front. ! Attractive price to interested person. Get particulars Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk- j wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. front up to one-half acre plots j sewer water gas —electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c j trolley. Keeney & Simmons, i Agents. FOR SALE—Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire! or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. LISMOYNE— ' FOR SALE Two-story frame, all improvements, price $3,100; 3-story double brick on Hummel avenue, price $3,000. West Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust Building, Le moyne. Pa. Bell phone 31U8J. Real Estate For Rent LODGE HALL Swab Hall, teenth and Market streets, with 4,000 ' feet of lloor space; will be altered lor lodge purposes; secretaries of organiza tions desiring to reserve evenings for permanent use should consult Allison Hill Trust Company, Thirteenth and Market streets. FOlt RENT No. 1435 Walnut St $22.00 No. 5:16 S. Seventeenth St 21.50 No. 1713 Revere St. and Garage.. 25.00 No. 118 Nagle St 9.00 J. E. UIPPLE, 1251 Market St. CAMP HILL, corner Hamilton and Logan streets: 2V4-story frame ; 8 rooms; improvements; lot, 108x147; fruit trees and chicken houses: $25.00. Back enstoss Bros., Russ Building. FOR RENT 207 South Front street, from April 1; also three rooms on third floor of No. 9 South Market I Square. Applv to 232 North Second I Ktreet. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT 143 Royal Terrace; new brick house; all modern conveniences; I possession April 1. Apply Allison Hill Trust Co. FOR RENT Store room at 1249 Market street. Will be decorated and lighted to suit tenant. Rent, $25. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT lll4 Capital street. 4 rooms, with hall and bath, $12.00 per month. Apply J. S. Sible, 266 Herr street. FOR RENT Three-story brick house, Fifth street. New Cumberland; all modern improvements; one square from trolley. B. H. Rltter, New Cum berland, Pa. FOR RENT Five and six-room apartments, complete for housekeeping, with porch; strictly private; moderate rents; most beautiful outlook and sur roundings In city. Open daily for In | spectlon at 1702 North Second street. FOR RENT —Large, new double brick house at Oyster Point, Camp Hill. Rents, S2O and s2l per month. All modern improvements. Two minutes' walk to street car line. Will be ready about April 1. West Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rice, I-emoyne Trust Building, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell phone 3198 J. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT Near Capitol Park, for live months from about April fifteenth—comfortably fur nished, seven-room house. Very reason able figure to small family. Address M., 3932,/ care of Harrisburg Telegraph. FOR RENT Three-story house, 3219 North Third street. Riverside; gas and all other modern improvements; hardwood finish throughout; oak and maple bordered floors; large lot and chlckenhouse. Call Bell phone 3622J-2. CLOVERLY HEIGHTS Sycamore Street, 1724, brick dwelling, 9 rooms, bath, steam heat, gas and electric lights. Rent, $23.00. Rohrer & Son, Bergner Building. FOR RENT Two-story warehouse, 1 3 Cowden street, near Market. Eleva tor. P. R. R. siding. Possession at once. Bill phone 899 M. C. F. Gohl. 1003 North Second street Real Estate For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT Desirable business property, No. 1733 North Sixth street, large store room, front hall, open stairway, five bedrooms, living room, dinlngroom, kitchen and bath room, with two-story stable in rear. Good, reliable party can lease same for one year or longer. Repairs will bo made. Address owner, Mrs. Katie E. Keeseman. General Delivery, City. Wanted—Miscellaneous HOUSE WANTED A 6-room house, in good locality, reasonable rent, pos session about April 10; state rent, street and number of house. Address Box 324, Manheim, Pa. WANTED Two or three unfurnlsh * rooms, on Allison Hill. State loca ,.wu and price. Address 8., 3665, care of Telegraph. WANTED A plain working woman to share several rooms. Address G,, 3664, cave of Telegraph. WANTED House, or apartment, by family of three. Give location, rent and describe same. Prefer within walk ing distance to Fourth and Market. Best reference. Address M., 3837, care of Telegraph. WANTED Middle-aged lady wants one or two unfurnished rooms, with privilege of bath. No cooking. Away part or time. Possession April 1. Ad dress Y., 3919, care of Telegraph. WANTED Old Machinery. Boilers, Engines, Motors, Automobiles unfit for repair. Highest prices for large lots Copper, Brass, Lead, Zinc and all old materials. F. R. Laverty. Bell phone 761W, Harrlsburg, i'a. WANTED. AT ONCE 53,000 on first mortgage on three three-story brick houses. Location, West end city. Ad dress M., 3945, care of Telegraph. OLD FALSE TEETH and old Gold and Silver. $1 to $lO paid for old, broken sets of false teeth; higher cash prices for old jewelry, such as rings, watches, chains, spectacles,etc.; any condition; also good crowns and bridge work. This week only. Drop postal. Will call. Address B„ 3917, care of Telegraph. Apartments For Rent APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second floor, 1939 Sixth street; also house 2006 North Fourth street, from April 1. Ap ply J. C. Mehring, 2439 North Sixth, or Drug Store, Fourth and Peffer. FOR RENT Two or three-room apartment, furnished, second floor; also two third floor rooms; all conveniences; private family. Apply 1315 Swatara street. FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment, two large cheerful rooms and bath, in excellent lu cation. George E. Etter, 703 Kun kel Building. FOR RENT From April X, apart ment in the Sixth Streot Bank Building. Apply at Bank, Sixth and Maclay streets. FOR RENT Apartment, 1419 Ver non street, first floor, electric lights, gas and steam he&t, stationary laundry. Apply Baptlsti, 1208 Chestnut, or Third and Chestnut. Bell phone 624. FOR RENT 927 North Third street; city steam heat, electric light and hardwood floors, second floor, five rooms and bath. S3B; third floot\ four rooms and bath. $25. Apply at No. 931 North Third street. 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET 2 ond floor housekeeping apartments, containing 2 or 3 rooms with baths and kitchens. Possession April 1. Ap ply to Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. WALNUT ST., SO4 An apartment with six rooms and bathroom, balcony In the rear with dumb waiter and clothes drier. Terms reasonable. City steam. E. Mather. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; all itnprove ment and use of phone. Call 638 Boyd avenue, or Bell phone 1455 W. FOR RENT Furnished room, with privilege of hath, cookine- and entire house; lady and gentleman preferred. Address 425 Muench. FURNISHED ROOMS Large, fine furnished, well lighted, steam heat, hardwood floors; handsome bath at tached; good location; moderate price. Apply 41b Cumberland street. OFFICE ROOM FOR RENT on sec ond floor front; large bay window; cor ner room;'splenaid location for a den tist, occullst or doctor. At present oc cupied by Dr. Eppley. Dentist Inquire at 1945 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two. three or four furnished or unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping, to a quiet couple with no children; private family; rent very reasonable. Apply 1628 North Fifth street. FOR RENT Desirable second floor front room; bath; hot and cold water; city steam; two beds furnished If wanted; room arranged to suit renter; home conveniences; rent reasonable. jSIO North Sixtli street. FOR RENT - Two furnished rooms, ; third floor, with private family; rent 1 reasonable to right party: references exchanged. Applv 814 North Sixth sti eet. FOR RENT Large, modern, attrao , five room, furnished, second floor. Ap ' ply 121 State street. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Second floor front room, facing Capitol Park; stationary washstand (hot and cold running water); electric light; city steam; use of Bell phtne and large hath. Apply 410 Noith. FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; also large front room at No. 9 North Front.; suitable for one or two gentlemen. Apply 9 North Front. Phone 1029 M. FOR RENT—Chestnut St., 107, splen did furnished rooms; also two adjoin ing rooms; all conveniences; desirable location; centrally located; private fam ily; rent reasonable. Apply Mrs. J. A. Durand, above address. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; also parlor and parlod bedroom; city steam; Bell phone. 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Storeroom, 252 Hamilton street, rent sl2. Chas. Adler, Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third street. FOR RENT—Two bright, airy rooms furnished for light housekeeping; all Improvements; gas range; kitchen cabi net; refrigerator; gas on separate meter; Immediate possession; references exchanged; no children. Apply 342 South Sixteenth street. STOREROOM FOR RENT Fine large room. 231 North Seond street. In qulre 217 North Second. For Sale —Miscellaneous FOR SALE —Hallrack, couch, bureau, gas stove, baby coach, chairs, beds, springs find a few other household articles. Dealers need not apply. In quire 234 State street. City. FOR SALE Ford Runabout, in good running condition; must be sold by April 1. Also two-ton Mack Truck, ns good as new. Will demonstrate. Sell at half price. Good reason for selling. Apply 35 South Summit. FOlt SALE Santo Vacuum Cleaner, almost new: all attachments; suitable for hotel, church or large hall. Few days' trial allowed. Box O, 3931, caro of Telegraph. WR SALE 45 shares First Na tional (Newport) Bank stock. Bank statement mailed on request. H. W. Executor, Newport, Pa. FOR SALE Confectionery Store for sale. In business seven years. Party leaving city, must sell this week. Ap ply 1338 North Fourth street. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS SIO.OO up. Remington, Underwood and S. C. Smiths, rebuilt like new, at at tractive prices. Geo. P. Tillotson, 211 Locust. FOR SALE At Schefter's Book Store, 21 South Second street, show cases, fixtures; safe, rare books, sta tionery, etc. Open till 8 P. M. every evening this week. FOR SALE Beautiful oak folding bed, two extension iables, child's crib, bed, two extension tables, child's crib. Apply 627 Emerald street. BICYCLE BARGAINS Special for to-day and to-morrow, $5, sll, sl2 and sl6. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third. BICYCLE TIRE BARGAINS New tires, 98c each and upward. See them to-day. Will not last long. Special to advertise our new store. Dayton Sycle Co., 912 North Third. BICYCLES and parts of wheels bought for highest cash prices. Rebuilt wheels, $5.00 and upwards. Guaranteed repairing, quick service, reasonable prices. Phone us. Save money. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. SALE Two bedroom suits, one folding couch, chairs, etc. Apply 222 Pine street. City. FOP. SALE At a bargain, small Grocery Store in fine location, doing good business. Reason for selling, leav ing city. Only interested parties need replv. Address X., 3925, care of Tele graph. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS canine secured at tho Telegraph Business Office. AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L. primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set Also other sizes. AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5.000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department The Tele graph Printing Company. For Rent FOR RENT Fireproof, up-to-date private garages, $4 and $5 per month. Apply Geo. W. Updegrove, 1200 Penn street. Bell phone 3860. STORE ROHM For Rent at North Third street; good location; possession at once. Ap ply to H. B. Mitchell, 600 North Third street, or No. 5 North Second street. FOR RENT First-class soda, ice cream and confectionery store, with up-to-date fixtures, with an established trade, doing a nice business. Good rea sons for renting. Inquire, or write, to L. Silbert, corner Sixth and Harris streets. FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. Business Opportunities IF going in business, Join me in Patent Business. I want partner with Ford car and $300.00, or $700.00. Half interest. No experience required. R. Horst, Jr., Penbrook, Pa. ANY Intelligent person can earn ,-jood Incomv corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 in five years in the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. Business Personals MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. CASH PAID for good cast-off Ladles' and Men's Clothing, Shoes, Furniture and Carpets. Please give description of goods you want to sell. Send postal to 636 Herr street. GENERAL HAULING PRACTICAL men, with years of ex perience. Motor trucks that are good and dependable. Reasonable rates. Apply Ensmlnger Motor Co., Green and Cumjerland. Bell 3515. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. EXPERT PIANO TUNING $1.50 Bell 146 Winter Piano Co.. 23 N. Fourth St. HAULING H. A. HARTMAN, Boarding Stable anil Nntlonnl Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. 11. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2603 R. MARKET SHOWS BIG IMPROVEMENT Obscure Specialties Move For ward; Wabash and United Fruit Active New York, March 28. Trading Quickened and broadened at. higher levels before the end of the first hour and speculation sought, new channels. Such issues as Goodrich and a few relatively obscure specialties wrested leadership from United States Steel and other former favorites, Goodrich making a gain of 1 % to 77%. Later Crucible, American Locomo tive and American Car assumed some of the recent prominence. Klsewhere noteworthy movements included United Fruit, up 3 and Cuban-Amer ican Sugar, up 16 to 245. Wabash, pfd., "A" was the active feature of the rails and a general improvement was shown in that quarter. Bonds were steady. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations; New York, March 28. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines 20% 20% Allis-Chalmers 28% 29% American Beet Sugar .. . 72 4* 72% American Can 61% 61% American C &- F 69 70 American Ice Securities . 28% 28% American Locomotive .. 74% 77% American Smelting .... 100% 100% American Sugar 11l 110% American T & T 130% 130% Anaconda 85% S6 % Atchison 103% 103% Baldwin Locomotive *105%' 105% Baltimore & Ohio S8 88% Bethlehem Steel 475 470 B F Goodrich 76 76 California Petroleum .. 23% 23% Canadian Pacific 167% 168- Central Leather 54 54% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 63% 63 | Chicago, Mil and St Paul 94% 94% Chicago, R I and Pacific 17% 17% rhino Consolidated Cop. 53% 53% Colorado Fuel and Iron. 45% 45% Corn Products 20% 20% Crucible Steel 87% 90 Distilling Securities .... 47% 48 Erie 37% 37% Erie, Ist. pfd 52% 52% General Electric Co. ... 167 167% Gt. North, pfd 122 122 Gt.'North. Ore, ss 44 44 % Ins. Copper 47% 47% Interboro-Met 17 ~ 17 Kennecott 55% 55% Interboro-Met. pfd 72% 72% Lackawanna Steel 77% 77% Lehigh Valley 77% 77% Maxwell Motors . . 70% 73 Merc. Mar. ctfs 17% 17% Merc. Mar. ctfs. pfd. ... 70% 68% Mex. Pet 107% 106% Miami Copper 36% 36% Missouri Pacific 4 % 4 % National Lead 66% 66% New York Central 105% 105% NYN H H 65% 65% New York Ont and West 27% 27% Norfolk and Western... 121% 121% Northern Pacific 113% 113% Pacific Mail 24 % 24 % Pennsylvania Railroad.. 56% 56% Pittsburgh Coal 27 27% Pittsburgh Coal pfd ... 102% 102% Press Steel Car . 5S 53% Railway Steel Spg 39% 40 " Ray Con Copper 23% 23% Reading .■ 87% 86% Republic Iron and Steel. 51% 61% Southern Pacific 98% 98% Southern Railway .... 20% 2i Studebaker 142 143 Tennessee Copper 53 53% Union Pacific 133% 133% U S I Alcohol 154 153% IT S Rubber 51% 52% U S Steel 84% 84% U S Steel pfd 116% 117 Utah Copper 80% SO% Va Caro Chem 46 46 Western Union Tel .... 90% 90% Westinghouse Mfg 65% 66 Texas Oil 195 195% Business Personals FOUND What you iiave been look ing for in good work, at Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market street. Wo call and de liver. Both phones. Farms FOR SALE NEW KINGSTON, Cumberland County; 12 miles from Har risburg along old State road; 7 acres (all under cultivation): dwelling with 8 rooms; barn, which will house 4 head of stock; necessary outbuildings; good water; level ground; 1,000 bearing fruit trees, mostly peach. Possesion at once. A real bargain at $1,300.00. Backen stoss Bros., Russ Building. FOR SALE ELIZABETHVII.DE. 1% miles from Farm; 53 acres; known as "Potticher" farm; 2-story dwelling; 8 rooms; new large bank barn; plenty of fruit trees; Ideal fruit and poultry farm. The buildings alone are wort., more than the price asked for entire farm. Price, $1,650.00. Backen stos Bros., Russ Building. Storage FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 conts per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Automobiles FOR SALE—I9I3 5-passenger Cadillac touring car, excellent condition, electric starter and lights, fully equipped. Apply, Harrisburg Cigar Company, 500 Race Street, Harrisburg. FOR SALE Touring car, A 1 condi tion. Good tires. Bargain to quick buyer. Also Overland Roadster In good running order. Good tires. Will sell for $125.00 If sold Immediately. Inquire 1206 Market street. Financial LOANS sls to S3OO on personal property, real estate or approved endorsement. , THE ENTIRE COST ON $25, Four Months, Only $2.88, *SO, Four Months, Only $4.80. $75, Four Months, Only $7.68. SIOO, Four Months, Only $9.60, Or arrange for longer time and smaller payments at very little extra cost. If without bank credit and pressed for funds to meet Im mediate necessities, consult us. C O-O 1' K R A T 1 V B LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. 204 Chestnut St. TRAINING CAMP TO BE HELD IN SPITE OF MEXICO First Camp at Fort Olgethorpc, Georgia, Eliminated; Others Will Be. Held More than 2.200 actual enrollments nave already been received for tho Fort Oslelhorpe and Plattaburg camps which will this summer, as in former years. take soft, flabby businessmen and weak, anaemic students and make them over into hardened veter ans of a month's training in the school of the soldier. The large num ber that has enrolled at this early in^'nim,h'r, U i a . tlVe of an overwhelm mfn as n r. ? , r ° n ' because business men as a. luie have waited until the last minute to enroll, fearing that some unforeseen circumstance might P Th e i U t, lfi r at can"!!'' The sudden disturbance on tho Mexican border made necessary the postponement of the first camp at hfvi Pe « Geor S ia . which was to have run from April 1 to May 1, on ? f n, ° withdrawal of troops 0,11 that post. The War Department announced to-day, however, that ar have been completed for C^n'.l !. Ui remaining eight Training Camps, three at Oglethorpe and five Plattsburg and it has been stated a "thonty that the devolop fmth?,,. M . cxU '° wiu not cause any rurthei postponement of camps. Employers are generally ot" the opinion that whatever financial sacri ? necess ary in order to give ioriT ein P'°yes the opportunity for service at one or another of these camps is a protective insurance charge and whatever loss may be entailed by their absence is a patriotic contribu "°" preparedness." The need of cont lbutions in order to finance th« enrollment campaign is an urgent one and although many prominent men iiave already contributed generously, the amount necessary has not as yet been received. Enrollment blanks and information may be obtained lrom the office of the Military Training Camps Association, 133 South Fourth street. Philadelphia, or from tho officers in charge, Military Training l amps, Governor's Island, N. Y. PHILADKI.piim rnouutc By Associated Press Philadelphia, March 28. Wheat i No. 2, red, spot, and March, Pirm; No. 2. yellow, local. 77®78c stoa,ner ' No - yellow, local, Oats Firm; So. 2 white, 50%® 51c; No. 3, white. 47%®48%c. 1 ni^ rar i.r~ lle market is dull; I Ciiy mills, winter, per ton, $25.u0; west ern, winter, per ton, Spring, per ton. $22,50 0)23.00. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 7.00 c; fine granulate, U.UOc; confectioners' A, 6.80 c. Butter —• Market steady; western, Eggs The market is steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $8.45 per case; do., current lcceipts, free cases, s(>.3o per case; western, extras, firsts, flue cases. $6,45 ' aso; western, firsts, free cases. $6.30 per case. Live Poultry—Firm, To wis higher; fowls, 18 '/j <jv 1 Uc; roosters, 12®13c; fapring chickens, 14@20c; ducks. ISM 20c, geese. 17®19c; turkeys, 20@22c. Dressed Poultry Market firm; turkeys, fancy, 31c; do., good to choice, 27® JOc; do., lair to good, 25® oS?; / ?;• old toms. 25c; fowls, fancy. -o Vs®2lc; do., good to choice, 19® 20c; do., small sizes, 16%®18%c; old roost ers, loc; broiling chickens, nearby, 22® 2bc; do., western, 22©24e; roasting chickens, western, choice to fancy. 19{fl 22c; do., fair to Rood, 15®J8c; Spring ducks, nearby, 18®20c; do., western. 12 ® 18c; geese, nearby, 15@20c; do., west ern, 15®17c. , Potatoes—Market higiier; Pennsylva nia, white, per bushel, $1.30®) 40; New York, per bushel. $1.15® 1.18; Maine, per bushel, $1.20® 1.25; western, per bushel. jl-15® 1.20; Jersey, No. 1, per basket, foU@7oc Jersey, No. 2, per basket. 30® 40c. Flour The market Is dull; winter, straights, $5.26®5.50; do., patents. $5.60 ®0.85; Spring;, straights, $5.40®5.65; do., patents, $5.70®6.00; do., favorite brands, $6.1506.65. . '.'"J" ~T Market steady; No. 1, large bales, $21.50 ® 22.00; No 1, medium bales, $21.50®22.00; No. 2, do., $19.00® 20.00; No. 3, do., $15.00® 16.00; no grade, slo.oo® 14.00. Clover mixed, light mixed. $19.00(9 19.50; No. 1, do.. $18.50® 19.00; No. 3. CHICAGO CATTI.R By Associated Press Chicago, ill., March 28. Hogs—R»- ceipts, 15,000; weak. Bulk of sales, $9.80 @9.95; light, $9.50® 10.05; mixed, $9.65® 10.00" heavy, $9.55®9.85; rough. $9.55® 9.70; pigs, $7.50® 8.65. Cattle Receipts, 4,000; steady. Na tive beef steers, $7.75 (g» 10.00; stockers and feeders, $6.00(3)8.25; cows and heif ers, $4.25®9.00; calves .sß.oo® 10.50. Sheep Receipts. 10,000; steadv. Wethers, $8.60@9.35; lambs, s9.Bsijf 11.90. v This Is the Birthday Anniversary of—J • —.... : " JOHN LAPPL.EY a progressive shoe merchant of th» West End. During the thirty years Mr. Lappley has been in business hli> store, at Fourth and Kelker streets, has been three times remodeled to bring It. up-to-date and capacity. He lias a host." of friends in the city, and received many congratulations to-day. VIKWEKS FOR CITY NAMBQ At the suggestion of City Solicitor Seltz the Dauphin County Courts to-dav appolntefl Attorney Paul G. Smith, K. E. GraefT and Harry C. Fahnestock as a board of viewers to assess benefits and damages incident to the opening of Fifth street from Reel's Lane to Mon roe street. The first meeting will be held Asrll 17. 13
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