2 PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS GUESTS TONIGHT AT DINNER DANCE Prettiest Social Event of the Season at the Colonial • Country Club The dinner dance given this evening at the Colonial Country Club promises to be one of the most enjoyable social events of the year. There will be special decorations with suggestions of St. Patrick's Day. favors, confetti and a new song sheet recently adopted by the club, which will have its first trjout. The TJpdegrove orchestra will play and among the guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Paul Starkey, Mr. and Mrs. Stan ly Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Larkin, Mr. and Sirs. Charles W. Burtnett, Mr. and Airs. R. Brinser, Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Delmotte, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Rninbo, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter, Sirs. Henrietta Corbin, Mr. and Mrs. F. L, Benedict. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Houser. Mr. and Mrs. Brook Trout. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Pennook, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stucker, Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeny, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Orr, Miss Eleanor Copelin, Miss Helen Weaver, Miss Mabel Wallower, Miss Miriam Landis. Miss Margaret Landis, Miss Mary Boas, Miss Alice Decevee, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Diener, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stroup, Samuel Nissley, John Seely, Marshall Dean, James G. Hand shaw, Jr., Richard Heagy, Robert 8011, DeForrest Lescure, Charles E. Raffens perger, Fred Walker, Warwick M. Ogelsby, Hart Ogelsby, William Kelley, Fred Miller, Mrs. James D. Tlawkinß, Miss Anna Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Kirkpatrlck, Miss Edith Boyer, of Boyertown: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mengle, Miss Margarette Stucker, Miss Carrie Ortli, Miss Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alden, Stcelton; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Darby, Steelton, and Mark Milnor. MISS GLADYS KUIIN, HOSTESS Miss Gladys Kuhn, of 2208 North Fifth street, entertained the G. A. Club of the Maccabees at a St. Patrick's games, music and refresh ment Those present were Mrs. Sprusbank, Mrs. Stouffer, Mrs. Grow, Mrs. Kns minger, Mrs. Lippert, Mrs. Strayer, Mrs. te'eidle, Mrs. Garlin, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. E. Miller. Mrs. M. Miller, Mrs. Kichter, Helen Grow. Silvia Ober holtzer. Daisy Seiille, Mary Showstall, JDorothy Gerhart, Mabel Shipnian, Margaret Kuhn, Mrs. H. M. Kulin and Gladys Kuhn. Other Personals Paste 9 I Its Universal Use and Its Age are the greatest evidences of the purity and whole- A someness of Lea & Perrins' Sauce. It has been on 0 the market for generations and it is in demand in all g > The only original Woreeitcrihire Since Send postal tor free kitchen Imager containing LEA & PERKINS, Hubert Street, New York City WHAT THE , ARE, .SHOWING 4rWEj Rising above the demure droop of a little mushroom brim, a high crown almost surrounds itself with an extra collar of straw, flared, curved and pointed in the most whimsical outline, and after adding a Stiff, feathery bit of fancy of the same new citron shade at exactly the most fascinating angle, back and front, this charming crea tion in Astrlch's French room, Fourth Rnd Market streets, awaits its own er. This is but one of the many attractive models, which have caused BO much favorable comment at the opening display, and new hats are daily being added, each of unique beauty, priced as low as $5.98. Sepia Brown The new Sepia brown boots shown by the Walk-Over Boot Shop, 220 Market street, arc especially smart and attractive, combining beauty of color with distinction of line. The grace ful lines of this marcel last are em phasized by the white stitching, which, however, is not in the least conspicu ous. These boots are high enough to be strictly fashionable, and the French heel Is unusually trim and graceful. The expert care with which the boot is finished and the fineness of the kid, add the little touches of perfection which make this boot an exceptional model. It sells for SB.OO. Autographic Photography The newest development In East man photography is the autographic kodak, and the charm of kodaking Is doubled by this simple but most ttseful dfevlce. These kodaks are equipped with a little spring door on the back, covering a slit through which the writing is done on the red paper which covers the film, by means I; are now P rc " •' S '™ ™ pared to ser v e !■ £ family trade with ice £ £ cream of our own £ •; make. > I ROSE'S ;1 The Pure Cream Kind jj Ji Automobile Delivery Both Phones .J !; Sunday Delivery • VWVWVWWWWWW4SWVMWW a SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH IS, 1916 Miss Clendenin'B Pupils in a Grab-Bag Recital Miss Edith B. Clendenln entertained some of her music students at a grab j bag recital last evening at her home, 1 17 North Thirteenth street. She wa£ assisted by Mrs. J. E. Watson, vocalist. Piano selections were played by the ! .Misses Lydia Wilt, Julia Wilt. Flor | enoe Hartman, Elizabeth Rutherford, ! Adda Herman, Verna Daubert, Ruth ! Daubert, Hazel Heck, Catherine Sta mens, Ruth Thomas, Ruth Plowman I and Anna Hoffman, Russell Ulrich, Park Wagonbaoh, Russell Sheet/, and Eugene Buck, of Steoiton; the Misses Doorthy Wcidman. Genevieve Lingle, Catherine Lutz, Freda Romberger, Rhoda Romberger, Kdlth Zeiders, Mary Kerr, Km ma Kerr, Elsie Con dran, l.eona Nell, Mary Hare and Merle Kennedy. HOSPITAL RUMMAGE SALE Preparations for the rummage sale for the benefit of the Harrlsburg hos pital are going rapidly forward. The young women from the Flower Guild will serve on the committee to solicit donations for the sale. Their names will be announced shortly. The sale will occur early in April and will be held in the large room fronting both Walnut and Locust streets that is now occupied by Goldsmith. Further de tails will be announced later but It is hoped to make the affair a great success in every way so that it may turn considerable money Into the treas ury of the hospital. GUESTS OF MISS McCAXN Miss Opal McCann, of 36 North Eighteenth street, pleasantly enter tained the members of the B. R. E. club at her home Thursday evening. Refreshments were served to the Misses Vera Harman, Lillian Long, Lucy Teahl. Ruth Pea, Marie Moretz, Sue Long, Olive Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Danner. ON TENTH BIRTHDAY Mrs. J. A. Conley gave a St.Patrick's party last evening at her homo, 531 Emerald street, in celebration of the tenth birthday of her daughter, Miss Mildred Conley. There were pretty decorations and favors at the supper attended by Miss Edith Mann, Miss Dorothy Bombergor, Miss Viola Gard ner, Miss Helen Martz, Miss Beatrice Bomberger, Miss Helen Mann, Miss Dorothy Beatty, Alda McMorris and Miss Mlldren Conley. Assisting Mrs. Conley were Mrs. C. .T. Bomberger, Mrs. Robert Morley. Mrs. C. R. Gard ner. Sir. and Mrs. V. C. Gibbons and J. A. Conley. The Rev. Dr. J. Ritchie Smith, for mer pastor of Market Square Presby terian Church, who now occupies the chair of homiletics at the Princeton Seminary, Princeton, N. J., was a Har rlsburg visitor for several days. of which it Is possible to date and title every negative. The Gorgas Drug Store, l(i North Third street, makes a specialty of Eastman kodaks and supplies and all the new things may bo found at this store just as fast as they come out. Tasty Desserts Plum pudding of the rich, fruity, delicious kind, is offered by the Stu debaker Grocery Store, Second street at the crossing of State, and a splen did dessert it makes especially during these months of COQI weather. Stude bitker's also offer a novel and very tasty custard sauce, already prepared, which is excellent with plum puddings, as well as with other desserts, while a punch sauce of piquant flavor is another Studebaker specialty which helps to give variety to many familiar desserts. Thoy sell, too, a most deli cious mince meat, made of the best ingredients—a fact which is assured when the purchase is made at Stude baker's. In Spite of the War In these strenuous war times when even neutfal America is suffering many hardships in the way of in creased prices and inferior materials in both luxuries and necessities, it is good to know that in spite of the war, the Penn Comfort and Penn Perfect furnaces sold by the Himes Hard ware Store, 10 North Market Square are still maintaining their high stand ard both of workmanship and ma terials. These furnaces are of full cast iron construction and the ex cellence of all materials used, as well as the expert workmanship employed insures their durability and satisfac tion. ENTERTAIN WITH GAMES AND MUSIC Seventeenth Birthday of Wil bur Adams Is Merrily Cele brated by Young Folks The seventeenth birthday of Wilbur Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams. 581 South Front street, was merrily celebrated with a St. Patrick s Day party. Music by the Knola Min strels quartet, Mrs. Adams, Mr. Brown eagle. Mr. Heilig and Mr. Hoffman, with Miss Finney at the piano, was much enjoyed and games were fol lowed by a buffet supper. In attendance were the Misses Naomi Ilocker, Marion Hocker, Mrs. Robert Wolf and daughter, Hilda Myers, Kathryn Finney, Teresa Knolile, Anna Waltz, Mary Fry, Marguerite Sweeney, Miss Hamaker, Lulu Meals, Anna Adams, Ruth Getz, Ina Bennett, Wayne L. Rockey, 11. L. Keller. Sr., Herbert G. Rupp, J. G. Stone, irven Browneagle. John Hare, Harry E. Baer, Henry Heist, Harry Hoffman, Leßoy Stauffer, Boyd Knaby, George Lang, R. H. Derick, Earl Waltz. Harry Adams, Wilbur Adams, Parker Heilig. James Adams, William Adams and John Adams. Miss Catherine Nye. of 1066 South Ninth street, who has been confined to her home for some time, is con valescent. Mrs. Richard Bucher, of 1410 Derrv street, left yesterday for New York city, where she will stay with Mr. Bucher, who is engaged in business there. FOR PEN*BROOK W. C. T. U. Mrs. F. E. Elser entertained the W. C. T. U. at her home last evening in a most delightful manner. A pleasing program was presented with vocal numbers, by Mrs. H. W. Wetteroth, Mrs. Carman and Misses Mader: piano solo by Miss Grace Rahn; erad lngs by Mrs. James Smyser, Miss Cath erine Elser and Master I-larold Plank. Prizes were won in a guessing con test by Mrs. John Rownian, Jr., and Mrs. Gurman. Dainty refreshments, appropriate to St. Patrick s day, were served to 42 members and their friends. • MRS. KIPP'S BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Kipp entertained some friends at their home Thursdav evennig in honor of Mrs. Kipp s birth day. The following guests spent a pleas ant evening: Miss Bessie Tailor, Miss Bessie Kriner, Miss Louisa Kipp. Miss Esther Logan, Miss Elsie Kriner, Miss Charlotte Grass, Miss Elizabeth Fisher, Nelson Lauver, Price Kipp, Harry Triece, Isaac Lucas, Mrs. Earl Trayer, Mrs. John Simons, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ivlpp, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Lauver, Sirs. Harry C. Van Lear, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Kipp. Mrs. M. B. Kreiger and daughter, Dorothy, of 127 2 State street, are vis iting in Philadelphia for a few days. Mrs. Frank Hesser of 1209 Swatara street, entertained the Friday Em broidery Club at her home. M|>3 Julia Schlayer, of 2037 Green street, was among the St. Patrick's Day hostesses of last evening. Mrs. Cherrick Westbrook, of Mel rose Is home after a pleasant visit at Tain aqua and Pottsville. Mr. and Mrs. William Palrd Mc- Caleb and sons, are going to Atlantic City for a short stay. MILLER TRIO TO PLAY The Miller Trio, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Z. Miller, of Erie, for mer Harrlsburgers, will give a con cert in the Fifth Street Methodist church Monday evening. The trio comprises Miss Marie M. Miller, harpist; Miss Winifred Miller, 'cellist and Miss Dorothy Miller, vloliniste. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Margaret Sherman gave a sur prise party in celebration of the birth day of her daughter, Miss Nena Ful ton, who In turn surprised the guests by announcing her engagement to Wil liam Miller, of this city. The party included Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sheesley, Mrs. Harry Cohen, Miss Pearl Cohen, Mrs. David Katz, Miss Jennie Peel, Miss Lillian Embick, Laurence Eieliel berger, Henry Leedy, William Miller, | Miss Nena Fulton and Miss Margaret i Sherman. REMOVE TO CALIFORNIA Mrs. Nelle Jauss Nestor and chil dren, Miss Frances and Jay Nestor, who are visiting Mrs. D. 1,. Jauss, of Boas street, will leave Monday for Southern California to make their home In the future. Mr. and Mrs. Horace M. Witman, of 2100 North Second street, an nounce the birth of a daughter, Barbara Carmany Witman, Friday. March 17, 1916. E€mpte&f*|| INSTANTANEOUS [air Color Restorer iu Kor 20 year* In constant M e by Hair Dressers and pj alp Specialists, Easily ap- If lea, Acta Instantly. Re area gray, faded or ft/1 eached hair to Its natural WfJ lor. No afterwaahlns. 9117 r box. Vi imprCSS Hair Removei CJ JTM Dispels Superfluoua Hair W flk I Instantly without irritating HP normal skin. Rctarda its Hit m future growth if uaed occa- -SbS kjL sionally. A new European IMR9 RM formula of aoothln*;, harm- If? Ml leaa and antiseptic oil*, 30c. nil/ MM Jt SI.OO. Trial bottle 2Sc. JJB from manufacturer. iCT7 & empress Hair Tonic M r(AI A pure, harmleaa Preven- jyK Utn tive for Scalp Itching and TM W/j Falling; Hair, whloh will rfCn M stimulate the growth of Di/f lm New Hair, SOc. per bottle. WA y impress Dandruff [ft Remedy Ml Remove* Dandruff wheth- S| rW) er Scaly or MoUt. If uaed WjAl occasionally keeps the Scalp £wi W Clean and Healthy by stim- Wm jf ulating the vitality of the /Kr\ roots of theliair and there [\\i by promotes the growth of K/f new hair. SOc, per bottle. fA Said by Dives. I'ouieroy & iim EMPRKSS .11 KG. CO. sj§> If J 3« wnt aoth .St., N. V. Jg* Vrt Write for Descriptive l>ea|let |S|gj / \ / we man I Far SPEEDY SERVICE ! ■ ■ With Capacity for and Stamina for Ste | These PACKARD Light Service Trucks j [ T"\ACKARD .Light Service Z'rucks are built to a definite need that is intensified with every delayed delivery—the need for a JL swift, light carrier backed by a company of known responsibility. They offer an immediate and profitable solution to any light hauling problem requiring a really well-built truck with speed enough for a wide radius of action. 2 ■ t ■ They have the endurance to withstand continuous high-speed travel over any roads, the activity to perform just as effectively in traffic, and the capacity to convert both types of hauling into dividends. In construction and design they are duplicates of the famous Pack ard trucks that have won supremacy in every branch of heavy hauling. A wide range of body styles, including demountable, stationary platform and enclosed types, adapts them to any service. The new Light Service Trucks are built in two sizes, rated re spectively at 1 _ to 1 % tons and Vh to 1 % tons. The chassis price for the lighter unit is $2200 ; for the other, $2500, f. o. b. Detroit. Like all units in the Packard commercial line —seven sizes, ranging ■ from 1 to 6H tons, inclusive —they are chainless, silent, clean, easy S to operate and maintain, and can be had in optional frame lengths to suit the work to be done. A telephoned request will bring one of ■ our salesmen to discuss with you the motorizing of your hauling. : 1 PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY (/PHILADELPHIA 107 Market Street, Harrisburg \ ..... / Miss Pearl Halbarde Is a St. Patrick's Hostess Miss Pearl Habbarde, of 2116 Penn street, invited a number of her friends to a St. Patrick's day party last eve ning,. The house was decorated in green. The evening was spent in Karnes, and victroia music. Prizes were won by Miss At.tie Mowery. Refreshments were served to the following: Miss Jean Snyder, Miss Verna Eby, Mis Dorsothy Baldwin, Miss Evelyn Lewis, Miss Margaret Garrett, Miss Attie Mowery, Miss Alice Thompson, Miss Dorothy Holtz man, Miss Mary Lowe, Master Clar ence McDonald, Emerson Lowe, Rus sell Lowe and Miss Pearl Habbarde; Mrs. R. Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. John H. C. Poorman, Mrs. H. McDonald, and Mrs. T. F. Dougherty weer assistants to Mrs. J. P. Habbarde. PARTY l OR FOUR-YEAR-OLD Mr. and Mrs. Owen L. Rimel, of 620 Oxford street, gave a little party for their four-year-old son, Owen A. Rimel, who received many pretty gifts from his guests. Various amuse ments and refreshments were enjoyed by Dorothy Ruby, Elizabeth Earliart, Florence Presley, Beatrice and Thelma Relnhard, Helen Zieglcr, Mary Gra ham, Elizabeth Denny, Freda, Cecil and May Rimel, Owen Rind, Harry Denny, John Denny, Charles Reby, Mrs. Owen Rimel and Mrs. Walter O. Clayson. MRS. RUSS IMPROVING Mrs. James Russ of the Rodearmel apartments, North Third street, who fell in front of the Court House three weeks ago and broke her arm is get ting along nicely but is still unable to leave the house. MASQUERADE INVITATIONS The R. U. Luny club has issued in vitations for a Bal Masque Thursday evening, March 30. in Winterdale. Prizes will be awarded for costuming and the Sara Lemer orchestra will play. A large attendance is antici pated. BASKETBALL HNJURIEB Leslie H. Hall, a Cornell student has been brought home to 2303 North Sixth street, from Ithaca, N. Y., suffer i ing from injuries received in a bas- I it at.bail xiuue at the school. Shower Mrs. McCurdy With Household Gifts Miss Stella Fehl entertained at a miscellaneous shower for her sister, Mrs. Eugene Fehl McCurdy, at her homem in New Cumberland Thursday evening. Mrs. McCurdy received beauti ful gifts of cut glass, china, linens and aluminum ware. In attendance at the party were Mrs. Levi Kalabach, Miss Margarette Colestock, Mrs. P'red Hoyler, A. B. Buxton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fehl, i Mrs. McCurdy and daughters, Mar garet and Helen, of Harrisburg; Mrs. Murry Singiser, of Wormleysburg; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Matliias, Miss Carrie Keener, Miss Rhoda Desenberger, Miss Edith Miller, Misses Alda and Jessie Long, Misses Mary and Esther Dick, Miss Helen Ayres, Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene McCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. George Landis and daughter Vera and sons Meryl, Carl and Clyde. Mr. and Mrs. John Fehl, daughter Stella and sons Arnie and Ray Fehl. Mrs. Compton. of 336 Hummel street, is recovering from a severe illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Knisely, of Fourteenth and Haehnleh streets, left to-day to spend some time with friends In Carlisle. Walter Ross Beard, of 2018 North Seventh street, is ill at his home. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Earner and family have removed from 1847 Park street to 234 South Fourteenth street. GIVES RECITAL IN LANCASTER Alfred C. Kuscliwa, organist and choirmaster of St. Stephen's Protes tant Episcopal church is giving an ort gan recital this afternoon in St. James* church, Lancaster, assisted by Master Harvey Etter, boy soprano ■soloist of St. Stephen's. v Ha or dA&cvoiu.dr^ai SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY , FOR MISS GERTRUDE BEIUj Miss Gertrude Bell, daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boil of 1237 Swa tara street was given a surprise party 1 In celebration of her 18th birthday, j Music and contests were enjoyed and supper followed. ■ There was a gaily decorated birthday cake bearing 18 candles in the center of the table. j In attendance were: The Misses; Gertrude Soil, Leola. s ßeil, Sarah | Herbst, Ethel Fray, Grace Lelimer,: Leola Speese. Hester Spott, Olive Beil, Rossclla Taggart, Mildred Shoop, Caroline Pyne, Myrtle Beck. Clinton' Hand, Paul Fray, Harry Leese, Harry! Finley, Samuel Bloom, Clarence Ben tit, j Sore Throat or Mouth. You must keep the throat and mouth clean aud healthy. Any disease that attacks the canal through which must pass the food we eat, the beverages we arink and the very air we breathe is a serious matter. Why neglect Sor*» Throat or Sore Mouth when TONSILINE makes it so easy for you to get relief? ! TONSILINE is the remedy speci ally prepared for that purpose. TONSILINE does its full duty— &X you can depend upon it. Keep a I bottle in the house where you can /'] j get it quick when needed. 25c. j!j and 50c. Hospital Size SI.OO. h* All Druggists, v'a J SERVICE! ;! F"j wor( * SERVICE is fully apprc- jj fIU ) ciated when dealing with our ; \Ljßy | /' The B*olu«lve Victor llou.se \fe C. A\ ,vS , Inc. Lr pianos Vlctrol«» , Aaron Beck, Charles Honnafous, Ar thur Kunkel. Ernest Behmer, Jacob Beil, Roy Beil, Mrs. Taggart, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beil. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD j If you suffer from bleeding, itching, ' blind or protruding Piles, send me your I address, and I will tell you how to cure I yourself at home by the new absorp- I tion treatment; and will also send soma of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality llf requested. Immediate relief and : permanent cure assured. Mend nc moniy, but tell others of this offer ] Write to-day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box j p, Notr« Dame. Ind. FURS Ileady - to - Wur Made- to« Order anil Remodeled. Gentlemen's Fur-llncd Coats, fcklua for Millinery Purposes. R. Gerstner PRACTICAL FUIUIIER £lB Locust St. Opp. Post Office
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