I SEVEN STANDARD OVENS I | Installed For the New Standard Bakery at Harrisburg I The word Standard' occupies a position unique in the English language. Webster's dictionary says Stand ard means model, by which others are compared or measured." The Standard Oven is the S lANDAKD OVEN, because it is built in accordance with the definition given by Webster. I all :ti " K ' ' TVr •• . Standard Ovens in the New Standard Bakery, Harrisburg, Pa. STANDARD Ovens are extensively used where heavy baking of the better quality is the rule, and will bake perfectly any kind of bread, rolls pies, cakes cookies, etc uniformly fine in quality. The Standard system of applying heat to the baking chamber makes each loaf bake evenly and gives that thin, crispy crust that adds so much to the quality and flavor. These are some of the ■ reasons why standard Ovens are used in the largest and most progressive bakeries in the country. I Standard Oven Company I , I 1835 Oliver Building Pittsburgh, Pa. I STANDARD BAKERY CONTROLS EVEN THE AIR THEY BREATHE Here is shown the Humidifier, an enclosed room which contains apparatus for controlling the atmosphere pres sure in the room above by thermostatic control, keeping It always at an even temperature. aimospnere pros i ■■ "ONLY FOUR INCHES OF ANKLE OUGHT MRS. EDISON Orange, X. J., Feb. 18.—"Grown , w omen are going about in the present •styles looking like little girls. Amer- ( loan women show no originality in dress. They all follow the dictates <>f fashion blindly, whether the dress in vogue is becoming to them or not." This epitome on feminine attire „ was given by llrs. Thomas A. Edison, ' wife of the wizard of Menlo Parle. It <ame immediately upon the efforts of •Mrs. Edison and other clubwomen of «'range to light the extreme in dress. Asked her opinion of the present j-'>le of evening gowns, she replied: "Anything that is indecent is un- : necessary. Such gowns are not beau-1 tiful: they detract from that which is beautiful. "1 am sure that men do not like them. Men like to see things of j beauty, and nothing is more beautiful j ihan a woman becomingly and sens ibly dressed." I Reverting to street dress, she said: j "It is unbusinesslike for women to ! (to about dressed like little Birls. Xo dress should be more than four ! inches from the ground, though three! inches would be better. I am not against low cut dresses, so long as they are within reason. "The trouble with American women ' is that they show no originality. They j ■ill dress alike, and look alike. They 1 take a model and all follow it blindly,' l whether it becomes them or not. "There is plenty of scope within the lines T have mentioned for women to j use their judgment and originality in' I designing or ordering their gowns." Mrs. Edison was shown the report of the announcement made by the American Importers" Association. This declared that the advance notices of fashion decreed that "skirts will hang j about 15 inches above the ground." "It is disgusting," she declared. "It is to restore originality in dress within the limits of respectability and beauty that we sent out the note in connection with the Women's Club of Orange Ball. I am glad to say that ; th» young girls are co-operating with us splendidly." THE ARCHITECT'S INNER WORKINGS (Con tinned fioui Page 2 This Section) ; doors, thus insuring against fire travel- ! The floors throughout the manu-1 | facturing portion of the building are I of maple laid on chestnut sleepers em- ! [ bedded in cinder fill, on top of the re- ! inforced concrete floor construction, i This wood floor does not destroy the fireproof qualities of the building and gives the workmen a comfortable i floor to stand on. The basement and third floor of the ■ building are utilized for the storage jof flour, surplus stock going to the , former. The large flour storage bins i are located on the third floor, and are I 'fed by a screw conveyor which is di-J irectly connected with the blenders. On the second floor, just below the i storage bins is located the flour scales, 'j which receives the flour through a chute from the storage bins. As the i baker requires flour he indicates the desired weight on the scales and op erates a lever when the desired i amount of flour is deposited on the i scales, a gate at the bottom of the! ', latter opens and the flour runs through ' ; an aperture into the mixing machines. The water scales, one of which is placed between each set of flour scales, i also operates automatically on the same principle as the flour weighing equipment. The working platform back of the mixing machines in the mixing and dough room is of concrete with a finished sanitary composition floor pitched to a drain at the center so that the floor can be washed with a; hose at any time. A feature of the mixing and dough 1 I room is the humidifying system in stalled by E. H. Vitalius, of Detroit, Mich. This washes and heats the air and insures the proper degree of in tensity. By this means a constant | supply of fresh air is forced into the I mixing room, providing an entire change of air every few minutes. The proofing outfit is located on the ceiling of the mixing and dough room so that the dough is proofed under I the same condition as mixed. On the first floor, directly under the, dough room, is the making-up room l which contains the dividing machine, j rounder and moulding machine. The J divider feeds the rounder and a con- I , veyor takes the dough from the round- : cr to the proofing machine on the t ceiling of the mixing and dough room ! iof the second floor, where the da-' HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH i sired proof is obtained and the dough returns to the moulding machine on j the first floor. I The dough is taken from the mould ing machine on racks through the i steam closets to the ovens. The oven 1 I room is adjacent to the making-up | room and contains a battery of six I ovens. Conveyors will run in front | of the ovens and take the bread as it iis baked to the shipping room. The j shipping room is equipped with cool ; ins; tables which receive the bread , from the conveyors. Alongside of HH Eg] I i I 1 PI ~ _ m 1 '" 1 1 1 1 I | m A FTER a thorough test and careful | **■ comparison with other makes of pans 1 mi H 1 Shock Absorber Bread Pans 1 ™B | BBBB^ffi^a^HßaßMßgffiffim^a^BgßßgßWßßWWCiWßaßß^ißßaßWßMa!asaaaßasasaa9asß3 1 i M S won out, as usual, on their merits, and were • adopted by the Standard Baking Company j|j for their new bakery. [ ' 1 1 Go into any progressive bakery, look over |] their equipment, and you'll find Lockwood 8 P ans - Pi 1 ' B |jj Shock Absorber Bread Pans are made 1 only by 8 g ss The Lockwood Manufacturing | Company, Cincinnati 1 1 i ffl i I . 1 i the shipping room is the truck space where the automobiles back up to the platform and receive the goods through doors which side up in two j parts, the doors being arranged in this way so that in loading in cold weather only a part of the opening will be utilized, thus keeping the coid air from getting into the workroom. The cake department of the plant is located on the second floor, and has refrigerators, stock room, mixing room and oven room. The elevator connects this department with the shipping department on the first floor and the flour storage of the third floor. The locker rooms, toilet and shower rooms and lunch room are located on this floor and are central to the various departments of the plant. The general offices are also locat ed on the second floor, and are com posed of salesmen's counting room, general office, private office, tiling room, waiting room, dressing rooms, etc. The woodwork of the office par titions are of stained chestnut with a solid panel wainscot about four feet high and glass above finished at the ceiling with moulded cornice. in the basement is found the boiler room, with boilers which supply the high pressure steam and heat for the entire building. The refrigerating plant is also located in the basement and supplies the refrigeration of the cold storage rooms of the second floor. A pump is located in the basement to pump water from an artesian well to the air conditioning apparatus on the third floor and to supply the water used in baking. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers