iEHVIf mVU" m VU»' wslffl 1 Timaga^gip■ , ai^^iTp u ~,.n ^aiay^n][jl^jl ll tCTT gjpi|'|1 1 Mh/L»»>1 nHi«ii M I^l , Women's and Misses' ffC AA i._ 4?OC ~ i FA / \|| Pfl f New SPRING COATS s*>.vU lO N If StowV. ? New Spring DRESSES *•>•"«> tO «j>£JTf Hundreds of the smartest, newest styles and materials Every coal < ik \ /£ IN fIHIMI I JiMill ill ffiSll iillllit \ ii ! !'1 11 ' So many, many now styles that it's difficult to do justice to even a I 1 excellence. All the newest colors in Serges Shep- £ I\ V W J Wiflilll 1 jllpill 111111111111 lllllljV |i !Hi 118 1 V portion. Suffice to say that every new idea in Silk, Crepe de Chine. «' J ® tr 'P et ' Corduroys, Gabardine®, etc. Hardly two alike. I k » W fHV7i|TI|M Jj [Si aJ ■fiTv TTNffifJ raft jjf«2*C| CS| JH| Vjjljp Ir: i ill ■ g ) Crepe Meteor, Silk and Wool Poplin. Wool Serge, etc., is now being shown <' m To.ig!nal°and^lc B Tng- an I- ° m w choose something Individual, ■ E> |n|| I i^^H iji Continuing the Opening Exposition of Spring Millinery ;! j; iT'*"* *gyw"_ 1 Tomorrow and Saturday!; * Jt' ■ A supcrh collection of the newest Trimmed and Un- 5 ;> j"! P trimmed Hats for Spring. Greater variety or greater j! ;! ■ ;■•; -Oyfty $Z P originality and individuality in style treatment can't be % ■I £ & P found anywhere outside the Kaufman Millinery Store, j ■" PP* .i/, ■ No matter what you require or what your fancy, you ? iir Si rr E " an satisf y There're hundreds and hundreds of j! I;! ' ~~*/\ M<f' 6 ncw st y' cs » c °l° rs > shapes and straws. In Turbans, Mush- { \ \ rooms, Sailors of fine Hemp, Milan, Lisere Braids and f !; V iSi X 3 v v// L Goura, etc. Some ribbon trimmed, some flower trimmed; J | ,/JP and all marked to sell at Kaufman's Famous Very Low i . j! • I Underselling Prices. To-morrow and Saturday the dis- s I f uT \ I■ '/>'>'.//) play is yours to view and enjoy—come. i t;j I ffl Trimmed Hats $3.90 to $10.90 :j Untrimmed Ha S 79c to . $7.90 \ SECOND n.onii— MILI.IXERY DEPARTMENT. r l ' • '■■■■.V.V.V.-A. A v.>.%V,V,VW.WAV.V.W.SWA\V.WWkV/AW.V\%WJV.WAV.-A a '| Style Supremacy and Remarkable Low Prices I A Feature of the Opening Display of Women's | if Spring Suits, Coats and Dresses at Kaufman's I oil TTT HO you are or what you are, or what your Ideas t j:' V VV or r <' < l"ircmern(s as to Ncw Spring Apparel may «f o fW he, or whether you wish to Invest much or little. L WaL the Knufmon Underselling; Store's Spring; Opening Ex- J O position of Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts wiU quickly • ' % anf ' easily serve you to your entire satisfaction. Come jKr ff o / to-morrow and see the finest and most complete aaseni- \ blago of New Spring Apparel ever shown in the city. £ \ * O 1 g j \ The New Spring Suits at $12.90 1 1 ■ Are decidedly smarter in style, bigger in value than iT%\N if S 12 } a «y Suits possible to secure anywhere else in Harris- fit V\v\\ 2 2 * a I)urff for the mone y- Made in the latest stvle of good /F \VvA 5 wO- £ v /// Serge and Poplin and will cost considerably more later Mk. \ \ V\% <5 ■ g 'fwif H \ OU ® U5 * now ' a " and colors. j-% —§ J§ - A The Spring Suits at $15.00 iff £ O \\ Are actually worth tp-day SIB.OO to $22.50. Come in / •' , $ JO « ''lWil \\ All Wool Serges, Gabardines, Poplins and Shepherd / ( \ S PS 391 \ Checks. The latest flare models, belted or semi- f j | |l 5 I? 4| i belted jackets; all the newest shades and silk lined \ 1 1 X K Y 1 I I [throughout. \ \ / A |§ f I / Spring Suits at $16.50 \\ J t ■ 5 l \ I And 118 one of the most popular prices for Women's K S Su'ts- Practical, dressy models for youthful, average V A 5 J £ ®V ' / and Stout figures. All colors, all the newest materials. r $ K 5 *7 Suits that will positively have to be sold for a fourth tj® ■ A Vi ■ / more If reordered. Buy yours now at $16.60. 1/ / *5 'VI Other prices range from SIB.OO to $30.50, including « \n> A • § S3 \ our famous $20.00 to $25.00 Suits which would sell in T Y 5 W X f lowest priced specialty shop at nearly half again I \ $ |\ 'J as we ask ' AU the beßt fabrics, including U Jo VI Taffetas and combination of wool materials and X R g silk; all sizes for any figure. X | In Our Enlarged Bargain Basement Tomorrow b Saturday, the L , Ten. Day Money-Saving Sale Offers the Most Remarkable Bargains In New Spring Merchandise ! MUSLIN I FILLED Fleecedown SLUMBER APRON SHELF CURTAINS CUSHIONS BLANKETS ROBES GINGHAM OIL CLOTH 50c ruffled) $1.59 round $2.00 gray and $2.25 slumber fl c fu'l stand- 5c shelf oil muslin curtains, and oblong white wool finish robes and bath lril apron ging- cloth In many good length and sateen cushions, jotton blankets, robe blankets- ham, 27 inches different styles quality. To-inor- filled ready for To-morrow spe- heavy quality wide; all styles and colorings, row only, pair, use. To-morrow, Mai, each, To-morrow only' an( l colors. To- To-morrow only, 3. special, each, <|>j oach, ya°r r i rOW ° nly ' yard ' 20 TAPESTRY ~ I Mercerized g CURTAINS WOOLNAP Cnkrs OUTING NAPKINS $3.00 tapestry BLANKETS II , tT.VRI II of rT a dAzen I 1 t-urtains with . . . border, good An extra boavv Soap 10c outing kins, 18x18 In -rc-en coloring grade in white, Mjfflft-yBTII mMifiW|l o . flannel. Chieflv ihes. hemmeti for small doors J'W . and tan: p~— l light and dark ready for use. ind single door. fu " «'5. e> „ ~ ... . , colors in good Special, each, .To-morrow only, $1..>9 None delivered except when heavy quality, Xl/ pair, other goods are purchased. yard, (jlZfi _ $1.19 BASKETS > —— TEA SET ■ 3t>c to 50c Bam- TABLE DRESS COTTON s2. no Japanese BED boo sandwich CLOTHS GINGHAM POPLIN tPa set - 'onsist- TTptfTMf; baskets, also LLUHIa UtIMUtIAM lug of H tea cups I * fruit baskets—a 89c pattern ta- 15c dress ging- ~"F colored and saucers, 1 10c heavv bed final cleanup, ble Cloths, hem- hams. 32 inches poplin, in -ream. 1 sugar tickincr Old- Special, each, stitched, good wide, extra good 2, , a P f ' white, and 1 tea poi. 1 •IKwna" 131 /'< ; "" a "V« Li2 SPREADS HUCK COLORED SET OF MUSLIN s i.oo crochet TOWELS SATEEN DISHES m 4 Vbea?tfful "c unbleached bed spreads, full 10c white huck $1.51) American cups and sauc muslln. 30 Inches bed size and an towels. These "e remnant Rpauty Hose Set ers: larce size, wide, good qual- pxtra heavy are extra good jen Kins, t n . Ditiheg . T - beall . oach onn ity for general, |uality. To-mor- ind specially big • nne t |f u j pieces, all cup saucer, use. Special, yd., I :ow, size, quality, jaiu, 500U shapes, ' for, a set, s<? I 85<r. 4<* 110 $1.09 9<- I I I ; be kept handy.—Advertisement. BRINGING UP' FATHER By McMANNUS r 1 I'LL. POT »T IN I JASPER-TAKE 1 . If IT'LL ©C K»ND OF C. NF - CHILL\ DRTSMN' W OUT OF HE _ ENTPTT IT OVER V ' CANT AFFORD TO />? 1 | TH **" PWCC THURSDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 16. 1916. l| A Rousing Big Sale of Women's Newest I;! 1916 Cotton Waists and Silk Blouses || At Far Less Than the Prevailing Market Prices Is || 5000 Beautiful Silk Crepe de Chine, Pussy Willow Taffeta, Georgette Crepe, jji Dainty Voiles, Nets, Laces, In All the Latest Spring Styles jj J Later on \ Rit\f i || Every Waist / ff% j i | te Near a Half ; |i || Now and Save. 'f d ||'! 11 Silk Crepe de Chines are' j " F ture of the Sale. !| i I l| extremely scarce and high j. priced. We placed orders * A t^le Kaufman Store. Bear in mind that the scarcity of good !| % ]! for thousands before they 11 advanced. That's the rea- -But there is no advance in prices here, no shortage in variety, no less- J! t i' son you can buy now and vIT \ \ ening in quality. Kaufman's is one of the few stores who by careful || j '! save dollars later on v\ planning and foresight are not forced to raise their prices on waists or K !> ' \ blouses. Women who buy their summer's supply of waists now will j! # |; save many a dollar through our advance preparations. ! > J j! Beautiful New Spring Waists Qfl Pussy Willow Taffeta Silk tf»Q QC Copies of Imported Silk <t»yf A[J |!l ;! at vOC Blouses for Blouses for |! These waists will cost you $1.50 to $2.00 Also new Crepe de Chines, gorgeous lace ef- Dainty Crepe de CKlne and Georgette Crepes j; ■ !» later on; white and plain color Voiles, also fects and nets, including Georgette Crepes, in . * s , haf ' ea a " d \\l ]. colored Satin Striped Voiles; many trimmed various color combinations. Waists you'll have pav s'« 50 for anywhere" on ?ale now Y at'V4'9s° |!r j! with fine embroidery or lace: all sizes. for later on; all sizes and colors. So two alike' a"l ' $ 'J| J !; Silk Crepe de Chine Blouses d» I Af Women's Combination Silk d»0 QC The Loveliest Silk Blouses <t» r? rk C i' l ! !! for 0)1 Blouses for %PO.ViJ Imaginable at ill !» And handsome Striped Tub Silk Blouses that . creation that will cost you $5.00 Reproduction of the finest foreign models. !i ' ' -x v . » .. 'o the future; combination of Georgette Silk made of lovelv mmlitv [>»„„ i you wont be able to get for less than $2.50 and washable Satins or Crepe de Chine and ™te (°re,?e comhlnatk,n« various new ?-m ! i I «> to $3.00 later on; all sizes, all colors and Georgette Crepe; scores of other styles; plain, ming treatment and all best shades and all "'I ~ newest styles. shaded or striped; all sizes. sizes. Cost $7.50 later In the season. !; I An Extra Special Big Friday Sale of Men's Pants ! |M>/ Stylish, and Extra Well Made Pants at Ha 1 f Prce I \ ® ne '* ot °' E N'S PANTS One Lot MEN'S PANTS Special Lot of MEN'S PANTS J ■ Worth to $1.50 a Pair Worth to $3.00 Worth to $4 00 f Nearly all sizes, well made, stylish Good wool worsted and cassimere Extraordinary values in smart new % mm an ?. serviceable colors, materials and in a great variety of desirable pat- models of cassim-re and worsted™ S WJlw / patterns. terns. All sizes. all good styles and patterns. All'sizes'. 1 S—# Three Bi? Friday Specials From the Boys' Clothing Store < I® ;Em |l Boy 5 ' 75c knicker pants boys* Norfolk suits boys' blouses I ] I? New, All Sizes, For Worth $4.00, For Worth 39c, For / 1 j'T II 49c $3.00 24c < I J - «,r3C. 4 rs: | € ONLY CASES WITH MERIT NEED APPLY i i j Lieutenant - Governor McClain i | j Lays Down the Law Regard- j 1 ing Pardon Board Work \ Only applications which have a basis > ■ of merit and which are worthy of the serious consideration of the State | I Board of Pardons will Bet by the board j now> The members of the State's] tribunal last night finished their March j I work, recommending ten pardons, re- ' g fusing Iwo and holding over half a J C dozen more to investigate. Ueutenant- W Governor McClain, chairman of the \ board, in commenting upon the de £ cisions, said that the number of par •• dons recommended was due to the character of the arguments advanced and the merit in the cases. "This is the shortest list to come be fore the board as at present consti tuted and is due to the fact that the board has consistently urged upon at torneys that they refrain from presen tation of cases without merit," said he. "The number of pardons recommended io-day is due to the fact that the ap plications were of the kind that, could properly come before the board." The board granted a rehearing to Stanislof Woceslioski, Beaver,sentenced to be electrocuted, but refused a re- , hearing to Gar,par Marturana and : Thomas Ohiekarelli, Cambria, to be electrocuted next month. Three cases! were continued with orders for attor neys to appear next, month or the ap- I plications would be. stricken from the I list. The board recommended pardons in the following cases: Robert Moody, second degree murder, Philadelphia: Levi Seeds, rape, Philadelphia; Steve Coss. manslaughter. Beaver; Albert William Hugo, perjury, bigamy, Erie; Alexander Stivers, robbery, ljuzerne; Angelo Terranova, manslaughter. Bed ford; Walter Herod, larceny, Chester: Charles Rodgers, felonious entry. Dau phin: James C. Rowles, sodomy, Franklin; John Buono, burglary, Northampton. The board refused Addison Alls worth, pandering, Philadelphia, and Joseph Mapleson, felonious entry, Al legheny. C. Miller, forg-ery, Chester, was granted a rehearing;. CURIOUS TOBACCO PIPK-80111 R Travelers among the Sioux In dians are very much impressed with the perfect smoothness of the bore in their pipe-stems. Without the use of a tool of any kind, they make a perfect bore in the twigs of ash trees, which they use for musical in struments and lor pipes. To accom plish this end, they employ the larva of a-butterfly which inhabits the ash tree. The Indians remove the pitch for about three inches from the stick they wish bored. Into this cavity they place one of the larvae of a brown butterfly, which gradually eats its way down through the pith until the bore is completed. A little heat applied to the wood expedites the work of the larvae. The Indians consider both the tube made In this way and the larvo as sacred as their idols. Popular Science Monthly. ■ r ~ Acid Stomachs Are Dangerous JJ 'Acid stomachs are dangerous be : cause acid irritales and inflames the delicate lining of the stomach, thus hindering and preventing the proper action of the stomach, and leading to probably nine-tenths of the cases of stomach trouble from which people suffer Ordinary medicines and medic inal treatments are useless in sucli cases, for they leave the source of the trouble, the acid In the stomach, as ' j dangerous as ever. The acid must bo neutralized, and Its formation pre | vented, and the best thing for this I purpose is a teaspoonful of hisuj-ated magnesia, a simple antacid, taken in ;a little warm or cold water after eat ing. which not only neutralizes the ai-id, but also prevents the fermenta tion from which acid is developed. Foods which ordinarily cause distress may be eaten with impunity If the meal is followed with a little bisurated 1 magnesia, which can be obtained I from any druggist. and should always i IIP kf>nt hflnrlv— 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers