Moisc-iiitiif Season Is on-K's tic Want M's Bisiiess t® tent liases Deaths MS.WI.IXG—Anna E., on Wednesday, March 1">. 1916. at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. John E. Sweeney, Camp Hill. Mrs. Anna E. Neavling Private funeral services will be held . it th<- home. Saturday morning, at 10 •o'clock. Body wil be taken to Man helm. Pa., where further services and burial will lake place. Catd of Thanks MH. JOHN L FELIX. SON AND PARENTS wish to extend their many thanks to their friends, neighbors and lodges for their kindness rendered and evidence of sympathy shown to them during the sickness and death of his l"vlng wife and mother. Lillie O. I- ellx. J. L FELIX AND SON. In Memoriam IN MEMOHIAM In sad but loving remembrance of our dear son. C. Kdgar Setdel, who died so very sudil_nly on March 14, 1914. BY HIS MOTHER AND !• AMILY. Help Wanted —Male WANTED Colored boy; nnust be steady. Apply Books Shoe Co., „li .Market street. WANTED Boy, 16 years old, to work around lunch room. Apply 211 Walnut street. WAITED Experienced pattern maker with some business ability, to reratc small job pattern shop. Ad vertiser "ill rent well equipped shop, with rower, to suitable party and sup plv considerable work. Address, witn mil details of experience, references, etc., Box A, 3884. care of Harrisburg Telegraph. \Y \NTED A porter, white or col li red; must come well recommended with references. Dr. Phillips, Dentist, 320 Market street. Apply at once. W\NTED Colored boy. 16 or 17 vears old. to deliver packages and make himself generally useful about store. Apnly at once. Bazaar, 10-1- South Fourth street. WANTED An experienced chauf feur to drive my delivery car. Apply s. & Fomeroy. 5 South Market square. M VCIIINISTS WANTED First-class lathe, planer, drill-press and bench hands, dav turn; best wages and steadj ivfrk assured to competent workmen. Apply to Master Mechanic, Machine Shop. Central Iron & Steel Co. WANTED With reference, a man for housework. Apply 104 South street. W \NTED Office boy. Address P. O. Box O. Harrisburg, Pa. W YNTED Man to make himself erally useful around cleaning and ilw works; experience not necessary. Apply Slmms, 802 North Third street. W \NTHD Two experienced waiters, Apply Manhattan Restaurant. WANTED laborers wanted for concrete and pick and shovel work. Ap -1,1 v to Robert Urace Contracting Co., Milton, Pa. Wages, 20 cents per hour. W \NTED Experienced draftsman or * iarge manufacturing , company uildlng heavy machinery; also a good racer. Applicants should give age and '.tst experience. Address W. B. 1 , caie f this paper. WANTED 4O able-bodied ijicii between 21 and 40 years of age for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, liarrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, liarrisburg, Pa. LEARN to become a practical chauf feur and earn $l5O to *2OO per month. \\V glvo vou practical lessons at your i>\. n home. We send you a $5,500 l>i/.irr with Instructions, to practice on between working hours. Write for particulars. Auto Transportation Tunning, Corresponding Department, North cVnieron street, Harrls- MACHINISTS WANTED Boring mill or lathe hands, who can work from blue prints; also tool maJtera Ad dress, or apply. Employment Depart ment, Westfnghouse Electrlo & Mfg Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa Help Wanted —Female WANTED Girl for general house orU; must have reference; good home i right party. Apply 146 North Thir entli stroet. WANTED Operators experienced «.II power sewing machines, also five • \perienced examiners, at Jennings - Mfg. Company, 414 State street. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED Students to Know R. E. Hoke, A. M., will soon be a teacher in my school. More and better teaching always counts. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second. WANTED Experienced sewing machine operators to work 011 women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State •street, rear entrance. Help Wanted — Male and Female KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELL ING STORE REQUIRES THE FOLLOWING HELP: Ex perienced fitter for ladies' suits and coats. Experienced sales ladies for infants' wear and shirt waists. Experienced saleslady lor women's and children's shoes. Experienced young salesman for men's furnishings. Apply at once, Superintendent's Office, Second Moor. 5 To settle an estate we offer for sale: j; The Denny Property 1409 S. Cameron St. •| The Mansion House and plot 15 oxl3B % ft. I- Plot 400x125 ft. on S. Thirteenth street. 'J Two plots, each 400x125 ft. on S. Twelfth street. I* Plot 50x138% ft., just north of dwelling house. j A DEVELOPMENT PROPOSITION MILLER BROTHERS & CO. •J Locust and Court Street* THURSDAY EVENING, HARRTSBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 16, 1916. Help Wanted — Male and Female WANTED Man and wife for ser vice in the suburbs Call at No. 18 North Third street between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN WANTED For an ex ceptional bond proposition. One that will stand investigation. Must be men of maturity, ability and good standing In community. Box 466, Scranton, Pa. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED Young man, 18 years of age, desires work in tailor shop; one year and a half experience. Address 1625 Fulton street. WANTED Position as chauueur in private family (city); two years' ex perience; can do own repairing; 24 years old, married and strictly sober. Address Chauffeur, Box 135, Rheems, Lancaster county. Pa. WANTED Positions by man and wife, general housework; man to take care of and fire boilers, do general work about house and take care of automo bile. Address 317 Clinton. Call be tween 6 and 7. WANTED Young white man de sires position on farm; lias hail some experience; can furnish reference. In quire 544 North Third street, Steelton, WANTED Young, married man wishes position as shipping clerk, ot at anything: connected with railroads; experienced. Address R.. 3878, care of Telegraph. WANTED A young man desires position of any kind; can furnish ref erence. Call, or write. R. N. Anderson, liemoyne, Pa. Situations Wanted—Female WANTED Colored woman would like a situation as cook. Call, or ad dress, 1314 Marlon street. WANTED Woman wants washing to do at home and no ironing. Call, or address, 1527 Fulton street, City. WANTED Young lady, with ex perience, desires position with type writing and general ofttce work. Ad dress 0., 3883, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young white woman de sires work two or three days a week. Address 1527 Wallace street. WANTED Plain sewing, under wear and children's clothing preferred. Apply Mrs. Hake. 1232 Market street. Bell phone 42SM. WANTED A colored woman de sires a place as cook. Address 60S York avenue. WANTED An experienced woman desires work, cooking or general house work. Call, or address, 1415 Fulton street. WANTED Colored woman desires work for Thursdays and Fridays. Ad dress M. E. J„ 1003 Cowden street. WANTED Middle-aged woman wants housework in small family; no washing. Address Box O, 3875, care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced colored cook wants position in hotel or private family. Apply 1211 Wallace street. WANTED Housekeeper wants po sition. Apply 1152 Market street. Bell 21UR. WANTED Position as pantry girl, or managing housekeeper; experienced; best of reference. Address Y„ 3877, care of Telegraph. Real Estate For Sale CKE3CENT ST.. 310 Good property, all improvements, side entrance, ann the price is right at $3,250. H. G. Ped low, 110 South Thirteenth street. CUMBERLAND COUNTY farm for s7,io: nil buildings, level, on a main road; S4SoO can remain on mortgage. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE at Pit man, N. J., frame house, seven rooms, porches, well, chickenhouse. shed; one acre ground; young fruit trees (bear ing); near station. North Broadway. Price, $.',000. Will exchange for llar risburg property. Address At., 3886, eare of Telegraph. FOR SALE—Beautiful new two-and a-half-story brick residence In one of the finest locations in the city 1001 North Seventeenth street. Corner lot, 60x120 feet Eight rooms and Ilall through center. All Improvements. Fine lawn and shrubbery. Sold on easy terms. Inquire of J. A. Singmas ter, Gettysburg, Pa. FOR SALE—Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. SIXTH ST. DWELLING FOR SALE at a reduced price all improvements nine rooms suitable for business lo cation—easily altered. Buy it while the price Is right. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. RIVERSIDE AND ALLISON HILL New houses steam heat gas electric lights brick construction all other Improvements. Prices only $2,800 to $3,300. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. FOR SALE I3S North Thirteenth street. Three-story brick house, is now offered at a greatlv reduced price. This property has all conveniences. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE 2311-13-15-17 North Fifth street 2 Vt-story brick houses— all improvements; hardwood floors. Open for inspection. Easy terms. Prices upon inquiry. For information see Fred C. Miller. 213 Walnut. 1911 PARK ST.; nine-room brick house; all Improvements; all cheerful rooms; deep lot; rear drive alley; excel lent neighborhood. Owner wishes to leave city. Apply above. Real Bargain. FOR SALE Desirable corner resi dence. few minutes' walk from Market Square. Excellent location. Seven light, pleasant rooms and bath, all im provements. Price right to quick buyer. Address M„ 3828, care of Tele graph. Real Estate For Sale * SALE N. Eighteenth street, No. 35; 9-room brick house, steam heat, electric light, front and rear porches, paved street, granolithic walks. Must be sold before April 1. What is your offer? J. E. Olpple, 1261 Market street. FOR SALE Briggs street, Nos. 2005 and 2007. frame 7-room dwellings, with water and gas in kitchen. Rental, 110.50 each. Price, $2,500 for both. J. E. Glpplo, 1251 Market street. 22S WOODBINE STREET 3-story brick dwelling, 9 rooms, bath and steam heat, front and rear porches. Lot, 26x 90. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. , FOR SALE Three-story brick house; gas, electricity. Instantaneous water heater, two baths, lavatory, pantry, front and back porches, steam neat. Apply 1703 North Second street. 559 CAMP STREET Corner prop erty. 3-story frame dwelling, S rooms, bath and furnace. Lot. 15x130. Bar gain price. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. LKMOYNE— FOR SALE Two-story frame, all Improvements, price $3,100; 2-story single brick, price $3,100; 3-story one half double brick, price $3,100. West Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust Building, Lemoyne, Pa, Bell phone 3198 J. FOR SALE N. Eighteenth street, No. 118. a modern 9-room brick house, with front and rear porches and side entrance. Convenient to car line. Special price to a quick buyer. J. E. Glpple. 1351 Market street. FOR SALE S. Eighteenth. No. Sl9, new 3-story brick dwelling; steam heat, electric light, front and rear porches, side entrance. A very attractive home for only J3.100. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Mar ket street. FOR SALE S. Fifteenth street. No. 222. a modern 3-story frame dwelling house, conveniently located. Offered at a special price If sold before April 1. Price upon inquiry. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. front up to one-half acre plots sewer water gas—electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c trolley. Keeuey & Simmons, Agents. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT No. 1816 Green street; house is newly papered and in first class condition; all Improvements; rent reasonable. Apply 1816 Green. 103 LOCUST STREET; 10 rooms; all modern Improvements; city steam; cen tral location; suitable for rooming house. Apply 8. W. Fitzgerald, 317 Walnut street. FOR RENT 1609 North Second street, 3-story brick; all improvements; steam heat; electricity; front porch; front and side entrances; excellcut lo cation. Apply C. Lk Kunkel Building. CLOVERLY HEIGHTS Sycamore Street, 172 4, brick dwelling, 9 rooms, batli, steam heat, gas and electric lights. Rent, {23.00. Rohrer & Son, Berpner Building. FOR RENT r-arge, new two-story single brick house with all improve ments. with vegetable garden, privilege to build garage, located on Long street. West Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust Building, Lemoyoe, <Pa. Bell phone 3198 J. FOR RENT 320 avenue, to small, white family, centrally located, 2Va-story frame; water in kitchen; handy to market and works. Rent, {9.50. Inquire 429 Broad street or 1631 North Second street. FOR RENT Two-story warehouse, 3 Cowden street, near Market. Eleva tor. P. R. R. siding. Possession at once. 801 l phone 8!»flM. C. F. Gobi, 1003 North Second stroet Apartments For Rent FOR RENT Five and six-room ! apartments, complete for housekeeping, with porch; strictly private; moderate i rents; most beautitul outlook and sur roundings in city. Open dally for in spection at 1702 North Second street. .1 RENT One furnished apart ment for housekeeping, consisting of t four rooms, bath, kitchen am) locker, j First-clasa in every respect, including location. Vapor heat, triple tloors, I hardwood finish, no store rooms on first floor. Fronting on Locust street. Rent, only $35.00. Address, with reference, A.. 3885, care of Telegraph. APARTMENT 1906 North Sixth [ street, five rooms, with use of bath; man and wife or elderly people pre ferred. FOR RENT Rooniß completely fur nished for light housekeeping; hot and ■ old water; bath and steam heat; good location. Apply No. 20 North Seven i teenth street. City. FOR RENT From April 1, apart ment In the Sixth Street Bank Building. 1 Apply at Bank, Sixth and Maclay j streets. FOR RENT Apartment, 1419 Ver ; noli street, first floor, electric lights, I gas and steam heat, stationary laundry. Apply Baptistl, 1208 Chestnut, or Third : and Chestnut. Bell phone 624. 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET 2 sec j ond floor housekeeping apartments, ! containing 2 or 3 rooms with baths , and kitchens. Possession April 1. Ap ply to Brinton-Packer Co., Second and j Walnut streets. i . WALNUT ST., 204 An apartment with six rooms and bathroom, balcony lin the rear with dumb waiter and ; clothes drier. Terms reasonable. City ; steam. E. Mather. Wanted —Miscellaneous i WANTED The use of black male j Pomeranian, as stud. Cail, or write, 10 j Linden street. I AV \NTED —By two gentlemen, two adjoining rooms, in territory bounded by State, Front, Chestnut and Fourth I streets. State location and price. Ad- I dress A., 3879, care of Harrisburg Tele graph. WANTED By two business women, I two or three unfurnished rooms, with | bath, for light housekeeping; must be I In good neighborhood. Hill or uptown; i home only at night. Address Y.. 3656. I care of Telegraph, stating location and i rental. ! DRESSMAKING WANTED Have i some sewine. but would like a few more engagements. Work guaranteed satis ! factory. Mehring Apartments, Sixth j and Cumberland. ! WANTED Two unfurnished rooms | for light housekeeping, preferably up ! town. Must have sink and gas range, i Apply D„ 3876, care of Harrisburg Tele -1 graph. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Two unfurnished or I one furnished room, with use of all lm i provements. Address Y., 3882, care of I Telegraph. FOR RENT One large front room; well lighted: near Reservoir Park; fur nished or unfurnished. 1932 State street. FOR RENT—Two pleasant furnished rooms for rent; seven minutes" walk from Market Square; gentlemen pre ferred. 912 North Third street. FOR RENT Rooms completely fur nished for light housekeeping; hot and fold water; steam heat and bath; good location. Apply to 20 North Seven teenth street. City. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT—Large, front room, suit able for one or two persons. Apply 'J North Front street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, suit able for light housekeeping, or a lone gentleman. Apply 29 South Cameron street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; also parlor and ?arlod bedroom; city steam; Bell phone. 19 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Apartment of two rooms completely furnished for light housekeeping; also nice furnished rooms for ladies or gentlemen; rent rea sonable. 4 South Fourth street. PINE ST.. 218 Furnished suite of large llvingroom with bay window, bed room and private bath; also separate room with stationary washstand; city steam heat; electric lighting; hardwood floors; reference required. FOR RENT Large, modern, attrao tlve room, furnished, second floor. Ap ply 121 State street. FOR RENT—Two bright, airy rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; all Improvements; gas range; kitchen cabi net; refrigerator; gas on separate meter; immediate possession; references exchanged; no children. Apply 342 South Sixteenth street. STOREROOM FOR RENT Fine large room, 231 North Seond street. In quire 217 North Second. Board and Rooms ROOM AND BOARDING WANTED in private family by family of three, be tween North and Broad streets. Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., IHOS North Third street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, centrally located, in private family; all conveniences with use of phone. Board if desired. 1411 Market street. VACANCY for one or two gentlemen in refined family; pleasant, cozlly fur nished front room; all conveniences; SIO.OO per month. Breakfast served. Address Box H. 3837, care of Telegraph. For Sale—Miscellaneous FOR SALE Pool Room and Cigar Store. Can be bought cheap. Address Box O, 38S0, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Two milk wagons In good condition. Apply to J. B. Attick, Oberlln, Pa. FOR SALE Good, serviceable horse, work anywhere; set good single harness, spring wagon. Guernsey cow, fresh in July, good one; eight Chester White shoats. 40 to 70 tbs.; some corn, about 25 chickens. John Young (Knobby Place), near Pyne's Corner, Enola. FOR SALE Mahogany Bureau. Has large glass, and is in first-class condition. For sale cheap. Address E., P. O. Box 130. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE s3so piano; small bal ance on purchase; first SSO takes It. Apply afternoons. 404 Forster street. FOR SALE Beautiful mahogany player-piano. Standard make—ln first class condition—cost new SUSO. Will sacrifice for low price. Good reason for selling. Call at No. 207 Nortli Fif teenth street. City. For Sale —Miscellaneous ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can bo secured at the Telegraph Business Office. BUY Traveling Bags, Suitcases and Trunks from Wholesale and Retail Leather Merchants, Second and Chest nut. Repairing neatly and promptly at tended to. Specialties made to order. Harrisburg Harness and Supply Co. FOR SALE Cash register, foun tain, bar. marble-top tables, chairs and outfit of dishes and silverware. Would sell separately or altogether very cheap. Appiy 1.. Capin, 1731 North Third street, Harrlsburg. AT GABLES. 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 U j primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set. Also other sizes. FOR SALE Delicious Extracted i Honey, direct from bee-koeper, $1.85 per gallon (12 tbs.); $1 per one-half; gallon, delivered by parcel post. Satis- ! faction guaranteed or money refunded. ! L K. Hostetter, It. F. D., No. 5, Lan caster, Pa. AT GABLES, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint, Aemo quality. Alt the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Scratch Pads - new supply—so for 2oe while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department The Tele graph Printing Company. Automobiles FOR SALE 1914 Ford touring car, in fine condition. Will sell for $325.00. Apply to Miss Mary Rutherford, Royal ton. Pa. For Rent FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. Business Opportunities SHIRT FACTORY FOR SALE The best equipped factory in our county, running 34 machines and turning out 320 dozen shirts per week. An excep tional good chance to make money from the start. Rent low. Call, or ad dress, Kreamer Shirt Co., W. A. Swartz, Manager, I< reamer, Pa. ANY intelligent person can earn Rood Incomv corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 in five years in the mail order business, began with $5. Send for tree booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. Business Personals MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. FOt'ND Whttt you have been look ing for in good work, at Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, ; 1245 Market street. We call and de | liver. Both phones. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine I Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market | street, Harrtsburg, Pa. Telephone i orders given prompt attention. Bell ! 1960. EXPERT PIANO TUNING $1.50 Bell 14« Winter Piano Co., 23 N. Fourth St. HAVI.ING i It. A. lIARTM AN, Boarding Stable and \ntlmial Traimfer Co. Movers of f danos. safes, boilers and general haili ng. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. j 2503 R. Storage 1 rooms for household goods. $2 per 1 month and up. We invite inspection. I I*>w insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Ilarrisburg Storage Company. 1 STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Prl- I vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents j per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. PRICES OF LEADING SHARES STRONGER Advance Dui'ing Active Mar ket; Crucible Lends List of 300,000 Sales By Associated Press New York, Marcn 16.—Activity pre vailed throughout the first hour, sales again exceeding 300,000 shares. Prices of leading stocks, especially rails, shad ed soon after tho opening on selling precipitated by news of another marine disaster in fhe foreign war zone, but strengthened again as buying was re sumed. Crucible led the list, extending Its rise to six points and other prominent issues including United States Steel which rose to S7V4, its top price for the current movement. Mexican Petroleum and Baldwin and American locomotive. Numerous specialties were higher by one to five points but rails continued backward, with heaviness in Canadian Pacific. Bonds wore irregular. \'EW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg,; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street, New York, ; furnish the following quotations: « New York, March Ifi. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines 21 20% Allis-Chalmers tift 32% I American Bee. Sugar ... 73 % 72 % American Can ... 63 64% American C & F 73% 73 American Cotton Oil ... 55% 56 American Ice Securities . 29% 29 % American Locomotive .. 82 % 81% American Smelting .... 103 102% American Sugar 109% 110% American T & T 129% 129% Anaconda 88% 88 Atchison . , 104 103% Baldwin Locomotive ... 112 112% • Baltimore & Ohio S3 Is 89% Bethlehem Steel 517% 52 9 B F Goodrich 75% 76% Brooklyn Rapid Transit 85% 85% California Petroleum .. 25% 24%; Canadian Pacific 168% 165% ! Central Leather 55% 55% I Chesapeake and Ohio .. 63 62%) Chicago, Mil and St. Paul 96 95% | Chicago, R I and Pacific 17% 17% i Chino Consolidated Cop. 55% 55% j Colorado Fuel and Iron. 46% 49% i Consolidated Gas 136% 136% I Corn Products 22% 22%! Crucible Steel 95 96% I Crucible Steel pfd 118% 117%. i Distilling Securities ... 47% 47% Erie 38% 37% | Erie, Ist pfd 53% 53% \ General Electric. Co. ... 170% 170 General Motors 480 480 Gt. North, pfd 122% 122% Gt. North. Ore, ss. ..... 45% 46% Gug. Exp 20% 20% j Ins. Copper 48% 48% 1 Interboro-Met 17% 17%j Kennecott 56% 57% ! Interboro-Met. pfd 73 73 Kansas City South 26% 26% | Lackawanna Steel 80% 81% j Lehigh Valley 79% 78%) Maxwell Motors 62 65 i Merc. Mar. ctfs. 16% 16% Merc. Mar. ctfs. pfd. ... 71% 71 Mcx. Petroleum 112 108%.j Miami Copper 37 37% j National Lead 67% 68% i New York Central 106 V, 105% NYN H H 66% 66% Norfolk and Western 120% 120% Northern Pacific 114% 114% Pacific Mail 28% 27% Pennsylvania Railroad.. 58 57% Pittsburgh Coal 29% 29 Pittsburgh Coal pfd.... 104% 104% Press Steel Car 57% 56 * Railway Steel Spg 43 43 Ray Con Copper 24% 24% Reading 88% SS Republic Iron & Steel .. 53% 54 Southern Pacific 99% 99% Southern Railway 21% 21% Studebaker 117 14 8% Tennessee Copper 58 58 Texas Oil 202% 199% Union Pacific 134% 134% i IT S I Alcohol 155 155% U S Rubber 53% 53%! U S Steel 86% 86% i U S Steel pfd 11 7 % 117 % 1 Utah Copper 83% 83% Va Caro Chem 47 % 47 % West Union Tel 90% !I1 j Wcstlnghouse Mfg 71 69% j PHI I. A DEI.I'll IA PRODUCE) By Associated Press Philadelphia. March 16. Wheat j Higher; No. 2, red, spot ana March, | Legal Notices NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the Estate of ALFRED A. PANCAKE, late of Harris burg, Dauphin Co., Pa., deceased, have been granted by the Register of Wills for Dauphin County to the undersign ed. All persons owing said Estate will please make payment promptly, and 1 those having claims will present them without delay to HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY. 16 South Market Square. Or MARY EMMA PANCAKE, 1501 North Second Street, Harr'.sburg, Pa., Executors. , Pennsylvania State Highway Depart ! ment, Harrisbrug. Pennsylvania. Sealed proposals will be received at said office until 10 A. M., March 16, 1916. for crush ed stone and for pea gravel or stone chips; and until 10 A. M„ March 17, 1916, for culvert pipe and and until 10 A. M., March 21. 1916, for crushed stone and for pea gravel or stone chips; all of the ! above materials to be used for mainte nance work of the Department. Bids ' will be publicly opened and scheduled I and contract awarded as soon there j after as possible on the above materials. Bidding blanks, specifications and full ; particulars on application to R. J. Cun- I I nlngliam, State Highway Commissioner. 1 | Pennsylvania State Highway Depart- ! 1 ment. Harrisburg. Sealed proposals will j ; he received at said office until 10 A. M„ March 22. 1916. when bids w'll be pub-! j licly opened and scheduled and contract j awarded as soon thereafter as possible ] for furnishing the Department with dynamite, caps, fuse, and exploders to i !be used in its maintenance work. Bidding blanks, specifications and I full particulars on application to It. J. Cunningham, State Highway Com missioner. To the Members of the Family of Daniel {'. Fraellck: NOTICE is hereby given that an ap- | plication has been made to the Court' of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, for the adjudication of Daniel C. Fraellck, as a weak-minded person unable to care for his own prop- ! erty, and for the appointment of a I Guardian of his Estate, and that the j said Court has set April 3, A. D. 1916. at 10 o'clock A M„ at the Court House, i at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for hear- 1 ing said application, at which time you j may appear, if you set proper. HENRY E. FOX, Attorney for the Petitioner. Financial Bieyto loan I To Housekeepers and Workingmen. We will treat yon fairly. EQUITABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 1 Room 21 Spooner Building. Licensed, bonded, incorporated. Take elevator. 1 Telephone Bell 1647 R. i $L17@1.20; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.15® Corn Higher; No. 2. yellow, local, 81 ® 82'/&c; steamer. No. 2, yellow, local, 7980 He. Oats Higher; No. 2, white, 53® 52% c; No. 3, white, 49<8>50c. Bran Market quiet, but steadv; city mills, winter, per ton, $25.00, west ern, winter, per ton, $25.00; Spring, per ton. $22.50® 23.00. Retined Sugars Market higher; powdered. 6.85®6.90c; fine granulated, 6.75®6.80c; confectioners' A, 6.65®6.70c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extras, 38c; nearby prints, fancy, 41e. Eggs The market Is higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby m -ts. free cases, $6.60 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.45 per case; western, extras, firsts, free enses, $6.60 per use, western, lirsts, free cases. $6.45 per case. Live Poultry Market firm, fowls, 18®19c; roosters, 12® 13c; Spring chickens. 14®20o; ducks. 18® 20c; geese, 17®19c; turkeys, 20®22c. Dressed Poultry Market firm; turkeys, fancy, 30c; do., good to choice, 27®28c; do., fair to good, 26<y 26c; do., old toms. 26c; fowls, fancy. 20®20 J /4c; do., good to choice, 19®19%c; do., small sizes, 16®18c; old roosters, 15c; broiling chickens, nearby, am 26c; do., western, 22®24c; roasting chickens, western, choice to fancy. 19® 22c; do., fair to good. 15@l8c; Spring ducks, nearby, lG@18c: do., western, 11 @l6c; geese, nearby, 16®18c; do., west- Vl 1, I'll' Itll Potatoes—Quiet, Arm; Pennsylva nia, white, per bushel. $1.20®1.25; New York, per bushel, $1.10®1.15; Maine, per bushel, $1.15® 1.20; wostern, per bushel, sl.oo® 1.10; Jersey, No. 1, per uasket, 60®70c Jersey, No. 2, per basket, 30® 40c. Flour The market Is dull: winter, straights, $5.35@5.ti0; do., patents, ss.t>s @5,90; Kansas straights, $ 1.85 <g> 5.85; Spring firsts, clear. $5.00<8>540. ao.. straights, ss.r>oSz<s.7s; do., patents, $5.85 @6.1»; do., favorite brands, $5.25#6.?b. Ilay The market is steady with a fair demand; No. 1, large bales, $21.50<£i>;!2.00; No. 1, medium bales, $21.60@22.00; No. 2, do., $19.50® 20.00; No. 3, do., $16.00@18.00; no grade, $10.00(014.00. t Clover mixed, light mixed, $19.00® 19.50; No. 1, do., $18.60019.00; No. 3. do., $15.50® 16.50. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, I!!., March 16.—Hogs—Re ceipts, 32,000; slow. Bulk of sales, s9.t!o fit 9.80; light, $9.30®.9.50; mixed, J9.40® 9.85; heavy, $9.35<f/>9.80; rough, $9.35} i/ 9.50; pigs, $7.80<ji;9.00. Cattle Receipts. 5.000; easy. Native beef cattle. $7.60fD9.95; stockers and feeders. $5.90<ft)8.20; cows and heifers, s:i.BoCri>B.7s; calves. SS.2O® 11.00. Sheep Receipts, 10,000; steadv. Wethers, $5.25@8.90; lambs, $9.75® 11.50. Mueller Told by Gross He Is No Longer Forester If Harry J. Mueller, one-time city forester, prefers to stay around for a few days In the Park Department there probably won't be any actual objection to it, although he doesn't hold a city job; and at next meeting's session of Council City Commissioner E. Z. Gross, superintendent of the park department, will ask his fellow commissioners' authority to take over Mueller's desk and vacate the posi tion. Mueller, who had been given until yesterday to quit, was at his desk in the park office early this morn ing. In answer to surprised inquiry as to whether or not he had resigned, he said he "hadn't and didn',. Intend to." He declined to talk further than to add. "And I've nothing more to say. Sometimes, you know, silence is golden." That Council will, of course, sup port Commissioner Gross, was au qualifledly stated by other commis sioners. To-day Commissioner Gross hand ed Mueller this letter: The fifteenth of March having passed, at which time your resig nation, if you saw fit to present one, was to have 'taken place, I hereby notify you as I did ver bally Tuesday, March 14, that your services would not be need ed after the fifteenth, and that the check you received on the fourteenth would bo your last from this department, sp far .-is the department is concerned. This you will understand. And any time you put in here from now on will be at your own risk. I shall ask Council at its next meeting to authorize me to take possession of the desk and va cate the position to date March 15, as I have notified you. You will please govern yourself ac cordingly. East End Republicans Eat Chicken and Waffles Members of the East End Republi can Club, with many friends, enjoyed a chicken and waffle feast last night. The supper was served at club head quarters in the Swab building, Thir teenth and Market streets. There were no speeches at the supper. A cordial welcome was extended to all present by George A. Shuler, the president. There was music, card games and billiards, for the enjoy ment of the guests; plenty of eats and sociability. Among those present were Mayor E. S. Meals, D. S. Eight, YV. H. Capell, P. B. Kinney, J. L. Burnite, A. M. Poster, R. E. Boswell, J. A. Spenser, Arthur H. Hull, Francis H. Hoy, Jr., Jacob Eckinger, Sr., E E. Beidleman, John O. Jackson, John C. Henry, Augustus Wildman, H. H. Bowman, City Commissioner; Ashton I>. Peace, J. Cranford, F. H. Young, W. A. Confer, George T. Peters. G. W. Mumma, H. E. Lowery, C. J. Stevens, D. P. Cocklin, P. E. Byrem, George W. Stewart, C. E. L. Ifeene, M. D., W. II Lynch, City Commissioner; J. W. Swartz, W. F. Warlow, George A. Hoverter, John Wonders, G. Shelhas, J. W. Vailes, C. J. Bush, W. S. Hem perling, William A. Mcllhennv, F. Demma, T. Magnelli, Joe Demma, H. M. Bathurst, Joe Alberts, Dr. P. A. Deckard, G. Fred Holtzman, J. S. Iloppes, J. S. Klinedirst, Frank Tem plar, Harry Fahnestock, Joseph M. Peters, Paul G. Schelhas, George W. Stewart and Dewitt Fry. niIBBER S7AMO9 7JWOI SEALS A STENCILS tfV |jf 11 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. If sls to S3OO LOANS at Icgnl rates on personal prop erty, real estate or approved en dorsement, Weekly or monthly payments. No company will make you a loan at lower rates or on easier terms. CO-OPERATIVE Loan and Investment Co. 3«4 CHESTNUT STREET Chartered by the State of Penna. Dec. 7, 1909 FOR RENT Modern apartment, 5 rooms, I city steam, third floor, 25!4 N. 2nd I St. Central location. Possession I April 1. S. W. FITZGERALD [pUNERAL SPRAYQ I I ANP DES I G N 3 j New Comb In i lorai Co. New Cumberland, I'd. V J Camp Hill The Suburb of Natural Beauty; go out with us and Inspect our new addition, "Cooper Heights," with its concrete walk, electric lights, water and gas with its fine build ings and bungalow sites. We will help you select a lot and build you a homo. One hundred bungalow designs and plans to select from. West Shore Realty Co. Boer & Rico Lemojne Trust Co. Building Pa. Bell Phone 3108-J MIDVALE STEEL & ORDNANCE CO. Detailed to report on this Com pany will be sent free on re quest. L. L. Winkelman & Co. 130 S. Broad St., rliildelphla. I'll<»ncnt Walnut 0(137; H ace 255.1 New York WlliiiiiiKton, I)el. l'nrkcrslniru, W. Yn. Direct "Wire* to the \ arloun Market* FOR RENT ' 341 Relly St., dwg„ part, 8 r. & b. Silt 400 Broad St., dwg., part, 10 r. & b. $25 331 S. 14th St., dwg., 19 r. & b., S3O 1238 Monroe St., 6 rooms & b., sl2 1242 Monroe St., 6 rooms & b., sl2 637 Camp St., 8 rooms & b. ...$22 1923 N. Seventh St., 6 rooms... .$9 707 East St., 5 rooms $10.30 1705 Elm St., 5 rooms $8 801 N. Sixth St., 16 r. & 2 b., SOS 104 Tanners Ave., 6 rooms $8 Storeroom 341 Reily St $lO Storeroom 252 Hamilton St. ...sl2 Storeroom 514 Market St SSO Garage rear 1627 Fulton St $8 524 West Ave., 6 rooms $9 312 Cumberland St., 7 r. & b., S2O CHAS. ADLER Real Estate and Insurance 1002 X. Third St, 1 FACTS AND FIGURES COPPER ZINC OIL SILVER LEAD T'" you are Interested in the nnturiii reanurcca read «nr MAHKKT I,KT- of Ihr IHIi liinlant. nnal.vzinK llic benefit* derived l»y the IcmlliiK produc er* owluk <«' *l |c enorinoim mil mice in Hi,, price of the metal*. Our letter "l*o covers the current eveut* ItearluK on YWJ-OW PINE liENNECOTT BUTTE & SUPERIOR MAGMA CALEDONIA INSPIR YTIO> GREENE CANANEA MUKIiOGEE MOTHER I.ODI: MIDWEST UNITED VERDE EX. COSDEN Detailed reports furnished on request. Direct private wire to our New York office places you in touch with all markets. PHONE. CALIi or WRITE Howard A. Riley & Co. l.nnd Title Building Philadelphia Telephone*! 3# Board St. Spruce 4410 New Yurk Knee 130 MIDWEST OIL COMMON —PREFERRED Recent advances in oil prices will create not less than SIO,OOO addi tional net earnings monthly for the Midwest Oil Company. All further advances will spell a proportionate beneiit. Within the past week some of the most powerful in fluences In the Western oil indus try have identiiled themselves with the company's interests, and pro duction Is to be increased imme diately. Midwest Oil has been the most popular trading medium among the low-priced oil stocks within the past fortnight on an advancing scale. Based upon our knowledge of the company's assured produc tiveness, it seems inevitable that a market move is impending which should prove immensely beneficial to present and prospective share holders. The facts regarding this big producing oil enterprise are to speak mildly extremely impressive. Let us give you full details. Our Weekly Market Review Just issued also contains comprehen sive details regarding MERCAN TILE MARINE. SUBMARINE BOAT. SAPULI'A REFINING, COSDEX OIL. WAYI.AM) Oil, and GAS. ANGLO AMERICAN ,DIL, MAXIM MUNITIONS, UNI VERSAL MOTORS, MIDVALE STEEL and all the active se curities. We suggest that you communicate with us at once while the market movement in securities is in full swing. L L. Winkelman & Co. 1311 S. Brond St., I'hllrdelphla Phones i Walnut #<l37< Race 2583 New York Wllmluicton, Del. I'n rkcrabu rj£, \v. v n . DIRECT WIRES to the VARI OUS MARKETS Try Telegraph Want Ads 15
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