jHonsc-Hnnting Season Is on—lt's tie Wat Ad's tesiicss to lent lenses IDeatbs |;T>OYKH On March S, 1916, Mrs. Katharine Etnoyer, widow of Jacob Etnoyer. at the home of her son, Urich. Main and Florence f >trei ts. Penbrook. aged 71 years. n Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at - o'clock, from her late home. Burui in Shoop's Church Cemetery. lne relative-- and friends are invited to attend without further notice. » IIU'PLE On Wednesday March i 8, 1916. Elizabeth Jane Cripple, at he, home, on Bridge street. berland, aged 5 1' years, b months I'uiv'ral on Sunday. March IJ. a' 2 C ,M . from her late reslderiee. t which the relatives and friends aie invited to attend without further no tice. Burial Knola Cemetery. lITOST Wednesday. March 9. at 2:15. Theresa Voder* ings«. a«ea «7 years, wife of Fred \\. YinSst. at residence. Hyde and Market street., ' «ltllp Ilill. frnni lloX* Kuiii ral Saturday, at - P. M** tlveg . im | iate residence, to which relatKes ana friends are invited to attend w lthout further notice. Burial P r * at • risburg Cemetery. . ' (.MIDM'.K March 8. F. tiardner. at her late home, -n hSiISS a&er^n.^f friends are invUed! prtvate. at Camp llill. Please omit flowers. HOItsTICK On Tuesday -J*®*! I ,™?' March 7. 1 IMiss Susie fc-. HorstlcK, at her home, in Paxtang , aged *> Funeral sedvices on Saturday aftei noon, at - o'clock, from her late resi dence, the Rev. H. B. Klnc officiat ing. Burial Shoop's Church Ume terv. Relatives and friends are in vited to attend without further notice. LOST LOST Black lypx neckpiece, on Cumberland stieet. between Penn and 116 Cumberland street, on Tuesday evening. Reward if returned to lib Cumberland street. LOST Tuesday. March 7. on Market or Second street, between Board oi Trade and Delaware avenue, or on sec ond street trolley car. crescent diamond pin. bavins seven initials engraved in side. Reward it returned to this or flce. LOST On Second street, between Maclav and Union Trust Building, brown leather pocketbook. Reward If returned to 226 Maclay. FOUND FOUND What you have been look ing for in work, at Eggert s Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market street. We call and de liver. Both phones. HELP WANTED —Male WANTED A boy, for store work; must be 16 years of age: reference re luireij. Apply Grand Lnlon lea to., 208 North Second. TRI CK HELPER—Experienced man to help or. auto truck. Apply 8 A. M. llarrisburg Gas Works. WANTED Young man of experi ence for clerk in general store, country town. Address C.. 3751, care of Tele graph. Ir " WANTED Form builders and handy men accustomed to working around pile-driver. Apply to Robert. Grace Contracting Co., Milton, Pa. WANTED Young man steno grapher. Must be experienced. Be ginners need not appiy. Opportunity for advancement. Permanent position. State references, age and salary. Appli < at.ons revived until March 11. Ad dress J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED Tailor on pants and vests for out-of-town custom tailor. Address Box F., 3799, care of Tele graph. WANTED Layer out for general steel plate and structural work. Apply to The Union Boil er & Alfg. Co., Lebanon, Pa. WANTED First-class Drop Ham merman and Die Sinkers, on all around work. Highest wages, best of condi tions, no trouble. Apply Drlggs-Sea bury Ordnance Company, Sharon, Pa. WANTED Experienced bell boys. Apply Superintendent, Harrisburg Club, Friday morning between 9 and 10 o'clock. WANTED Solicitors and collectors. Goon proposition to live men. Salary and commission. Apply Friday to Man ager, Room 206, 219 Walnut street. WANTED First-class Drop Ham mermen and Die Sinkers, on all around work. Highest wages, best of condi tions. no trouble. Apply Driggs-Sea bury Ordnance Company, Sharon, Pa. WANTED First-class salesman to represent reliable Automobile Tire manufacturer. Must be local man; ex perience not necessary; excellent propo sition. Apply Rutherford Rubber Co., 13 South Fifth street, Reading, Pa. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring mill or lathe hands, who can work from blue prints, also tool maJiers. Ad dress, or apply. Employment Depart ment, Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.. East Pittsburgh. Pa. LEARX to become a practical chauf feur and earn Slsi» to S2OO per month. We give you practical lessons at your o'.\ r home. We send you a $5,000 Lozier with instructions, to practice on beiween working hours. Write for j'Hr.iculars. Auto Transportation /raining. Corresponding Department, 23-17-2!) North Cameron street, Harris l-urg. ANTED Man and family for on s farm, about 115 acres. Address G„ 5793, care of Telegrah. WANTED White cook and bar tender at Pennsylvania Hotel, Pine Grove, Pa. WANTED Good man to do general work In garage; must be sober and honest; permanent position; state ref erence. Address 8., 3801, care of Tele graph. WANTED A few good men who understand working in scrap yard. Ap ply at once to Wm. Friedman, Tenth street, below Mulberry Street Bridge. WANTED Man to work on farm by month or year—three-quarters of a r.iile from Harrisburg. Phone Bell S>9s-S-R-3—or write Box A. 3625, care t>f Telegraph. *9ll N. Second Street! FOR SALE 1 Reception Hall 14 Rooms Two Baths i Electricity ami Gas • City Steam Heat i t J-ot 211x102 ft. T 20-ft. rear alley 4 A fine, large, substantially con-i intruded house In a desirable neigh-1 • borhood. • Price upon inquiry j MILLER BROTHERS & CO. j REAL ESTATK I ln»umnre Surety Hoods* i Locust and Court Streets » THURSDAY EVFNING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH * MARCH 9, 1916. HELP WANTED—MaIe WANTED 4O able-bodied men between 21 and 40 years of age for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. HELP W ANTED—Feiualo i WANTED Millinery apprentices, at once. Apply to Astrlch s. Fourth and .Market streets. WANTED Competent colored girl for general housework and plain cook ing; must come well recommended. Ap- I ply 110 Boas street. , WANTED Students to Know R. E. 1 Hoke. A. M., will soon be a teacher in my school. More and better teaching always counts. Harrisburg- Shorthand ; School, 31 North Second. WANTED Experienced young lady to sell women's apparel. Good place . for the right party. References re quired. Call at Bloom's, 810 North Third street. WANTED By refined widower, with baby boy two years, a young wo -1 man to take care of baby and uo the (housework; state salary wanted; refer ence. Bflx 3795. care of Telegraph. WANTED Office girl, typewriting and shorthand unnecessary, capable of using phone intelligently. Apply in per son. Keystone Rug Co., 1115 Mont , gomery. WANTED Young, white woman for i general housework; small family; good wages. Apply 420 Spruce street, Steel i ton. Pa. | WANTED, AT ONCE Gltls for 1 folding. Inquire Plough Mfg. Co.. Reily i and Fulton streets. WANTED Experienced rollers and bunchmakers. Steady work guaran teed. Apply Central Cigar Company. I 425 South Cameron street. WORK at Hersliev In modern factory; good pay while learning; steady em ployment; desirable positions now open. Hershey is the healthiest industrial town in America Delightful living conditions. Apply at once. Hershey Employment Bureau. Hershey. Pa WANTED Operators experienced on power sewing machines, also five experienced examiners, at Jennings' Mfg! Company. 414 State street. WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL teaches all pattern cutting by measure, before sewing. The pupil cuts the pat tern, cuts the goods, and makes the entire dress, making her own dresses while learning. Day and Evening classes. A $5 reduction oi the tuition is given all pupils who begin now. • Works Dressmaking School. 22 North i Fourth Street. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced . Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, . Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel i fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. W ANTED Experienced sewing machine operators to work i on women's and children's wear. . Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State | street, rear entrance. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Young, strong man de sires work around restaurant; can fur nish best of references. Address 624 Cumberland Etreet. WANTED By young, married man, strictly sober and willing to work, po sition in grocery store best references, and can run an automobile. Address 1253 Derry street. WANTED Position as cake baker by young man; willing to leave city. Address No. 1625 Fulton street. WANTED Chauffeur, young man, 27 years, wishes position driving tour ing car or truck; seven years' driving experience in Harrisburg; also first class repairman; can give very best ref erences. Address M., 3755, cafe of Tele , graph. WANTED Farm work by the month; can give good reference; age, about 32 years. Address 1625 Fulton ! street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED A woman for general housework, with knowledge of cook ing. Apply St. James Hotel, 405 Mar ket street. WORK Assisting in general house work. Address 1125 North Seventh. ' WANTED An elderly woman : wishes position as housekeeper In small family. Trustworthy and compe tent of taking full charge. 823 Sus , quenanna street. WANTED White woman wants ; general housework: references. Address ; 80S East street. WANTED Young girl desires to , learn clerking in store or any kind or general office work. Address 1213 Ful | ton street. City. WANTED Girl 16 years old wlsnes • general housework or child's nurse; i must sleep at home, in city. Call, or i address, 1215 Fulton street, Harrisburg, ■ Pa. ' WANTED Situation by competent . : young woman; thoroughly understands handling of pattern department and de . ipartment store work; reference furnish i | ed. Address M., 3824, care of Tele , graph. . I WANTED Situation wanted at gen eral housework; good home in prefer ; ence to high wages. Call, or address, 412 Herr street. [ ! HOUSEWORK Two colored South [ • ern girls desire positions at general ■ housework. Call, or address, 108 Mary • avenue. WANTED Cook and pastry maker » of experience desires a position In pri ■ vate family. Address K., 3800, care of i i Telegraph. WANTED Middle-aged woman, i with seven-year-old boy. desires posi tion as housekeeper. Address T.. 3749, [ i care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ILEMOYNE— FOR SALE 2-story single frame, ] price $3,600; two-story frame, all Im provements. price $3,100; 2-story one half double brick. $2,750; 2-story single i brick, price $4,200; 2-story single brick, price $3,100; 3-story one-half double brick, price $3,700; 3-story one-halt double brick, price $2,850. West Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust | Building. Lemoyne. Pa. Bell phone SI9BJ. WOobBINE ST.. 548 and 652—Anxl ous to sell, and therefore the prices are right. All Improvements, including ' steam heat. Particulars at Bell Realty 1 Co., uergner Building. 1 j NEW HOUSE that should interest you 1 !at $3,200, well built, desirably located, 1 f equipped most modernly, steam heated, 1 three porches. Bell Realty Co., Berg -1 , ner Building. CORNER PROPERTY FOR SALE at a greatly reduced price lot, 17x125 1 frame house stable on rear pro p-1 ert.v now yielding S2O per month. Price, 1 $2,100. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bulld • 1 Ing. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1315 VERNON STREET Owner out .; of town, want to sejl; modern im • iprovements: steam heat. What will you .'give for it? H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. ' j 24 X. EIGHTEENTH STREET A ■[good property; Inspect it; occupied by owner. if It pleases you we can agree 1 on price. 11. G. Pedlow. 110 South Thir teenth street. FOR SALE 1937 Penn street; two stor.v brick: 8 rooms and bath; all im provements: side entrance; front and , back porches: splendid condition. 2134 GREEN STREET 3-story ■! brick dwelling. 10 rooms, bath and i I 1 steam heat, front and rear porches, side ] entrance. Lot. 21x81. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. j. WEST FAIRVIEW —On trolley line. ! corner property on Enflla Road and j Pennsylvania Ave.. 2H-story frame dwelling. 7 rooms, bath und furnace, i j Lot. 60x110. Would make a good loca- ; ! tlon for grocery business. Brinton- ! Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. i FOR SALE Frame houses, located I in Shlremanstown. Pa., Main st.-eet. , Steam and trolley car service. Easy s I terms. Money standing In at low in .l terest. Come and be convinced. Ad dress M.. 3726, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE BlO North Second i street, a desirable home at low price. . Inquire of C. C. Hackett. Room No. 20, 1 No. 9 North Market Square. $1,600 WILL BUY frame house No. I 1940 Seventh streeet 7 rooms bath | gas furnace. Also other similar, properties in city and suburbs. Bell ; | Realty Co.. Bergner Building. LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk-' wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. front up to one-half acre plots j sewer water gas —electricity. L S2OO tip. Easy payments. 5c I trolley. Keeney & Simmons, 1 1 Agents. FOR SALE 2 l i-story brick, facing Jonestown Road, north of Reservoir ■ Park. All Improvements. Built one i year. Now vacant. This week, $2,800. Edgar B. Lerew, 4 North Fifth street. i FARM 9B acres, three-fourths mile - west of Enola; stone house; bank barn; > all outbuildings: fine apple orchard; ; will be sold at reaslnable price. Also ; small farms ranging from 5 to 16 acres. Good locations. Houses In nearly every ■ part of city and suburban villages. Fine ■ j building lots East and West Hr rris . : burg, Penbrook, Earlington and Pax ; tang. For further Information call, or i j write. Samuel plough. Real Estate i Agent. 256 Crescent Street, Harrisburg. : Pa. FOR SALE—Beautiful new two-and -1 a-half-story brick residence In one of the finest locations in the city 1001 North Seventeenth street. Corner lot, I 60x120 feet. Eight rooms and atlie. . Hall through center. All improvements. I Fine lawn and shrubbery. Sold on ! easy terms. Inquire of J. A. Singmas > ter, Gettysburg, Pa. FOR SALE—Desirable build [ ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth,! Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid I opportunity for builder. Inquire I : or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, . care of Harrisburg Telegraph, ' city. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 207 South Front i street, from April 1; also three rooms - on third floor of No. 9 South Market • I Square. Apply to 232 North Second • | street. 1 : FOR RENT 426 North street, April 1, corner brick house, 8 rooms, bath . and city steam heat, fronting new Capi ■ tol Park. Inquire 400 North street. FOR RENT A three-story brick house, with all latest improvements, front and rear porches, in first-class ' condition. Inquire 2133 Jelterson street, : • City. I FOR Et.\T House No. 206 Herr ' , street; 9 rooms and bath; stationary j wash stands in several rooms; suitable .' for rooming or boardlnghouse; new hot ■ air furnace; coal and gas ranges; large i ■ yard. Inquire 129 Pine street, or write ' Mrs. J. McK. Reiley, Apartment 5, The Kenilwortli, BuiTalo, N. Y. ! CLOVERLY HEIGHTS Sycamore ■ Street, 1724, brick dwelling, 9 rooms, 1 bath, steam heat, gas and electric lights. Rent. $23.00. Rohrer & Son, ■ Bergner Building. . 110 N. SECOND STREET Second ' and third floor front office rooms, ln , eluding steam heat and light. Apply ' to Brinton-Packer Co., Second and \Val- ■ nut streets. FOR RENT No. 1816 Green street; ! house Is newly papered and in first class condition; all Improvements; rent , reasonable. Apply 1816 Green. 1 FOR RENT Twd-and-one-half storv frame dwelling for colored peo ple only, 1130 North Front street. Ap ply 226 Chestnut street. FOR RENT ijirge, new two-story 1 ' single brick house with all improve ments. with vegetable garden, privilege . to build garage, located on Long street. West Shore Realty Co.. Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust Building. Lemoyne, Pa. Bell phone 319SJ. FOR RENT 320 Sayfi.rd avenue, to small, white family, centrally located, : 2%-story frame; water in kitchen; handy to market and works. Rent, $9.50. ' Inquire 429 Broad street or 1631 North Second street. FOR RENT Two-story warehouse, ' 3 Cowden street, near Market. Eleva | tor. P. R. R. siding. Possession at ' , once. Bell phone 899 M. C. F. Gohl, ' j 1003 North Second street. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To purchase, a 7 or 8- room residential property. Price to be about $3,500.00. Any good location eon ; siderea. Address J. E., care of Tele \ graph. WANTED. TO BUY Business prop-' - erty on Market between Eleventh and • Thirteenth. Must be not less than 20x90 ■ lot. Anybody who wants to make quick ' sale, investigate. Must know by last of March. Address M„ 3796, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET 2 sec i ond floor housekeeping apartments, containing 2 or 3 rooms with baths and kitchens. Possession April 1. Ap ply to Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR RENT Furnished Housekeep ; ing Apartment Four rooms and bath, including kitchen. Location central on • Locust street. Phone 1260 M. Penna. f ! Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust [ street. 1 WALNUT ST.. 204 An apartment 5 with six rooms and bathroom, balcony in the rear, with dumb waiter and " | clothes drier. Terms reasonable. City steam. E. Mather. FOR RENT Apartment, 1419 Ver non street, first boor, electric lights, gas and steam heat, stationary laundry. " Apply Baptist!, 1208 Chestnut, or Third and Chestnut. Bell phone 624. • APARTMENTS WANTED — t I WANTED Apartment on second _ I floor for business and living, with all . improvements, on Second street, bc ; tween Market and State streets. Can | furnish best of reference. Address 0., i 3859, care of Telegraplu j BOOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Three rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, on second floor, unfurnished; must give reference. Call Bell phone 810 J. FOII RENT Elegantly furnished rooms for re lined people; use of bath and phone: gentlemen preferred. 1332 North Second street. FOR RENT ljuge. newly furnish ! Ed room, with three windows and bal | cony, second floor. suitable for two gentlemen; steam heat, electric light and use of phone. Apply 125 Pine , street. FOR RENT"— Furnished rooms, single or ensuite; city steam; Hell phone. Apply 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Furnished front room; all conveniences; use of hone; pleasant location; moderate rent; lady or gen tleman. Inquire 30 Evergreen street. FOR RENT Finely furnished front i room, three large windows and all con veniences. including phone; central and desirable location. Apply 324 North ! Second street. FOR RENT—Storeroom, 252 Hamilton street. Rent, $12.00. ' Chas. Adler, Real Estate and In surance, 1002 North Third street. I FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec ond and third floor rooms, with board, in small, private family. Apply 4a I North Sixteenth street. j FOR RENT —Two bright, airy rooms. I furnished for light housekeeping; all I Improvements; gas range; kitchen cabl- Inet; refrigerator; gas on separate meter; immediate possession; references jexch&ngeu; no children. Apply 342 ! South sixteenth street. FOR RENT Unfurnished vacant third floor, consisting of two rooms, two closets, hall, heat, gas. privilege of | bath adults only considered; ten dollars : per month. Apply 1420 Walnut street. [ FOR RENT Two attractive second floor rooms; all conveniences and use of phone; gentleman only. sl3 North j Second street. STOREROOM FOR RENT Fine large room. 231 North Seond street. In- I quire 217 North Second. FOR RENT Two nieel, unfurnish ed communicating second floor front ' rooms; steam heat; electric lights; use of bath; no children. 618 Camp street. FOR RENT Furnished and unfur nished rooms for rent, second and third floors. Call 1210 Walnut street. FOR RENT Attractively furnished room, also one unfurnished room, at 222 North Third street. Apply 9 North Front street, or cgll Bell phone 1029 M. FOR RENT Furnished second floor front room for rent; steam heat; use of bath: within three minutes' walk of Market Square. Address 0., 3732, care of Telegraph. | - FOR RENT Neatly furnished I rooms; all modern conveniences. Ap- I ply 11S South street, near Front street. i UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ! FOR RENT Rooms completely fur nished for light housekeeping: hot and ! cold water; steam heat and bath; good i location. Apply to No. 20 North Sev i enteenth street. City. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Three or four nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Hill district preferred. To take posses sion about March 15 or April 1. Ad dress S.. 3794, care of Telegraph. ROOMS AND BOARDING BOARDING Excellent home-cook ed meals. Reasonable rates. 235 Boas | street. FOB SALE ; FOR SALE 6 pups, three months I old: crossed English Beagle and .. ox hound. E. E. Sneesley, 13 South Six i teenth street. City. I FOR SALE Pair of Velvet shock absorbers, slightly used. Will sell cheap. E. Eggcrt, 1240 Market. i . I FOR SALE Complete outfit of ma chinery for repairing shoes, including one two-horse-power motor. Apply | Hoffman House, 441 Market street. City. PIANO 5375.00 pfano for sale for j less than half price. No reasonable of fer refused for cash. Full size ma ' hogany case. Used two months. Ad -1 dress Ruth Kline, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and i tools: small country town; good rea- I sons for selling. Address 0., 3735, care ■ of Telegraph. I FOR SALE lndian motorcycle; ; single cylinder; free engine; flne condi ! tion; new tires; $55 cash. Apply 28 j South Third street, Harrisburg. FOR SALE—Extra fine pair mated black horses, five years old. Sound and gentle. Accli mated. Make splendid dray or ! general purpose team. C. D. I Stewart, 706 Kunkel Bldg., or H. M. Stees, 127 South Cameron ! street. FOR SALE An art. embroidery and fancy goods store. Owner retiring. Reauaonuble price if taken soon. Apply 1 at store. Sixth aJid Granite avenue. FOR SALE —Bv party about to leave city, Haynes upright piano. Used less than six weeks. Price, $125. Cost, s4ou. 1617 Penn. FOR SALIC One concrete mixer, one-fourth yard, in good condition; one 1314 Ford runabout. In good condition. Price, $215.00. West Fairview Garage. , | Bell phone 3009 M. FOR SALE —Old Stalner violin, and ; several other old violins, In excellent . condition. Cheap to quick, cash buyer. Professionals, lake a look at these bar wains. Call 22S Charles street, between ! Cumberland and Broad. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be (secured at the Telegraph Business Office. BUY Traveling Bags, Suitcases and Trunks from Wholesale and Retail Leather Merchants, Second and Chest nut. Repairing neatly and promptly at i | tended to. Specialties made to order. ' Harrisburg Harness and Supply Co. 1 AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set. Also other sizes. ) FOR SALE 45 shares First Na -1 tlonal (Newport) Bank Stock. Bank j statement mailed on request H. W. | Wert, Executor, Newport, Pa. I FOR SALE 1315 model 48, Chal | mors touring car, six-cylinder, sevon ! passengers. Tire 3 and machinery prac | tically good as new. Yach' body. Will 1 sell ait a great sacrifice to quick buyer. Apply 424 Relly. Bell phone 2281 W. AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5.000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE Cash register, foun tain, bar, marble-top tables, chairs and j outfit of dishes and silverware. Would : sell separately or altogether very cheap, j Apply L Capln, 1731 North Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE CARETS OB sal* at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—6o for 25c while they last. Ap- I ply Job Printing Department The Tela- JL*CX*LELU Printing- coiunnnT. IPRICES RECEDE AFTER OPENING 1 i Mexican News and New Haven Freight Case Cause Un set tlement j I By Associated Press New York, March 9.—Prices receded - soon after the opening, wiping out most i • gains and causing general unsettle . ment. Disturbing news from the Mex lean border and suspension by the In- j • terstate Commerce Commission of | t higher freight*rates for the New Haven ■ road were partly responsible. New I Haven falling 2 points. Later, how- j i ever, the Initial rise was resumed with great breadth and vigor, American I ■ Smelting, Marine, pfd.. Cuban Ameri l can Sugar and Fertilizers recording i ; gains of two to llvo points. Rails and j • I United States Steel also manifested! ..greater firmness. German exchange! I made a new low record at 72 5 !). Bonds . j were steady. NEW YORK STOCKS . Chandler Bros. & Co., members New > York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes. 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; i 338 Chestnut street, Phila- I dolphia; 34 Pine street. New York, ■ furnish the following ((notations: New York, March 9. . Open. Olos. " Alaska Gold Mines 22 % 20% . Allis-Ohalmers 20 30 t ' American Beet Sugar ... 68 % 69% , I American Can 59% 60% t' | American O«& F 67% 09% ' i American Ice Securities . 29 29% • I American Locom6tive .. 70% 70% J I American Smelting 100% 101 j American Sug;.r 109% 109 i American T & T 1277s 127% ! Anaconda 86 % 87 % - Atchison 102% 103 'Baldwin Locomotive ... 105% 10!>% j Baltimore & Ohio 87% 87% ! Bethlehem teel 478 4S-1 .|B F Goodrioh 70% 72 t i "Brooklyn Rapid Transit 85 % 85% i California Petroleum .. 23% 24% II Canadian Pacific 165% 165% I Central Leather 53% 53% I [Chesapeake and Ohio .. 61% 61% Chicago, Mil and St Paul 93% 93% -jChicago R I and Pacific 17 17 JjChino Consolidated Cop. 57% 57% , Colorado Fuel and Iron. 41% 43% . j Consolidated Gas ...... 133 133% - I Corn Products ... 23% 23% r I Crucible Steel 81 % 82 JiCrucible Steel pfd 114% 114% ''Distilling Securities ... 47% 48 Edle 36% 37 i - I Erie. Ist pfd 52% 52%! II Gen. Electric Co 169 170 " ; General Motors 465 464 • Gt. North, pfd 121% 121% | ■ Gt. North. Ore, ss 42% 43% : ] FOR .SALE OR EXCHANGE ! ! FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Su burban home, 2%-story frame, 8 rooms j and bath, pantry and laundry, all mod • ern Improvements, large front, side and rear porches. Lot. 80x150 ft. Beauti ful lawn and shrubbery. Auto garago. i " I One square from trolley, one fare. Must - : be seen to be appreciated. Will sell ; " cheap. If Interested address IC. M.. 2360, j ~ this office. FOR RENT FOR RENT Stable, rear Metropoli an Annex, Strawberry and Cowden " j streets. Will accommodate 20 horses with extra sheds for wagons. Large ! lot, 90x100 feet, close to P. R. R. Apply ■ Claster's Jewelry Store, 302 Market street. s; FOR RENT—Offices suitable Ij for a doctor or dentist or general, purposes. Light, heat and at-; <- tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, j '7ll North Third street. ; WANTED . ! FAMILY of two will give half-grown 1 - 1 girl good home for the summer and r i maybe longer. Good home for right ! -j party. Call 117 Royal Terrace. WANTED We have a purchaser j for a well-located Grocery Store. Get I - in touch with us if you have a proposi- I 1 tion of this kind to offer. Brinton- | - Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. WANTED By refined widower, - board for two-year-old son. Address ; Box 3797, care of Telegraph. . • BUSINESS OPI'OIiiUNITIES j " i DRUG STORE FOR SALE Bus i-1 ness *40,000 annually. Western Penn- ' : sylvania; SIO,OOO cash required. Ad ; dress C„ 3860, care of Telegraph. WANTED —Lady or gentleman, with I' small capital, to rent space in dry goods ; store. Good proposition. Do not reply ; ' unless you mean business. Address Box S„ 3826, care of Telegraph. 1 GROCERY STORE 1 OR SALE—Stock at inventory and fixtures at a discount —modern equipment corner property. ■ Rent for dwelling and store, S3O. Bell 1 | Realty Co., Bergner Building. •| ■ r ! ANY Intelligent, person can earn good | Income corresponding for newspapers. - experience unnecessary. Send for par -3 i tlculars Press Syndicate. 798. Lock j i port. N. Y. ' i WILL EXCHANGE a live retail store. - doing a cash business of SIO,OOO per , | year, on improved real estate. Stock 3 ! and fixtures will inventory about . ! $2,500.00. Address "Exchange," care of . | Dally Telegraph. i I MADE $50,000 In five years In the 1 ; mall order business, began with It. i t ! Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea- ; cock. ?.55 lyockport. N Y. - ' BUSINESS PERSONALS i ; " MOV IK G ! WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth i . street. EXPERTTPIANO TUNING . $1.50 Bell 146 . i Winter Piano Co., 23 N. Fourth St. j FOR falling hair try oroa» yulnine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, ths i Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market street. Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone orders glv.u prompt attention. Ball ' 1960. HAULING It. A. RARTBIAN. floardlmr Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general*haul . ! Ir.g. 11. W. Lather. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine . street- Bell phone No. . | 2503 R. 1 STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE Private rooms for household goods, $2 per J | month and up. We Invite Inspection, r Low Insurance. 427-445 South Second 1 street Harrisburg Storage Company < ETORAOE 419 Broaa streot, for \ household goods and merchandise. Prt } vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 7S cents 1 per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co 411 - NOTICES ► I WTLL the lady who worked In Astrlch's Cloak and Suit Department during the months of December and ''January of 1?ll. kindly furnish me ! ■ I with her name and address at once. • j CHAS. C. STROII, Allnmav -ax-jLajc. i. Gug. Exp. 21 21 Ins. Copper 46Vi Interboro-Met 17 17 Kennecott 57V4 57V» Interboro-Met. pfd 73 a i 74 Kansas City South 25 25 U I Lackawanna Steel ~6V» 77 Lebigh Valley >••• 78Vi Maxwell Motors 00 C>l Merc. Mar. ctfs 16 : ? il7 Vt Meiv. Mar. ctl's. pfd. ... •>!• 69 ■ Mex. Pot 102 M. 102'* ; Miami Copper "6% 1 Misouri Pacific 4 : *i , National Lead fiS'.a 08% i New York Central .... 104' a 104% | NYN H H tiG \a 66 Norfolk and Western .. 115% 117 Northern Pacilic 112% 112' i Pacific Mail 25 24% Pennsylvania Railroad.. 56% 67 Pittsburgh Coal 28 Vj 28% Pittsburgh Coal pfd 102% 102 ' i Press Steel Car 52 > 3 53 \'i Railway Steel Spg 39 39% Hay Con Copper 24% 24% Reading 85 84% | Republic Iron & Steel .. 52 52% Southern Pacific 9"% 57% j Southern Railway 20% 20% j ; Southern Rwy pfd .... 59 59 Studebaker 140% 141%! Tennessee Copper 57% 57 I Texas Oil 203 207 j Third Ave 01 G1 Union Pacific 182% 132% I IT S I Alcohol 150 149% U S Rubber 50 50'4 l T S Steel 83% 83% I IT S Steel pfd 116% 116% Utah popper 86 85% j Western Union Tel .... 90 90 Westinghouse Mfg 64 64% 1 PHILADELPHIA rnnnucß By Associated Press Philadelphia. March 9. Wheat | Unchanged; No. a, red. spot and March, SI. 17 4i 1.20; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.154ji 1.18. Corn ■ — Lower; No. 2, yellow, local, 79%(aS0'ic; steamer, No. 2, yellow, local. 78®79c. Oats 52c; No. 3, white, 48is® 19% c. Bran The market is steady; I city mills, winter, per ton, $25.00; west- ; ern, winter, per ton, $25.00; Spring, per ton. $22.50023.00. ; Refined Sugars Market steady; refined powdered, 6.60 c; tine vranulat- I ed. 6.50 c; confectioners' A. 6.40 c. Butter Market firm; western. | creamery, extras, 3Sc; nearby prints, | fancy, 41c. Eggs The market is steady; | Pennsylvania and other nearby tlrsts, ' free cases, $7.20 per case; do., current ' | receipts, free cases, $7.05 per case;} j western, extras, tlrsts, free cases, $7.20 ! per ase; western, firsts, free cases, i $7.05 per case. Live Poultry The market is firm; i fowls, 17%#18%c; roosters, 12@13c; Spring chickens, 14®20c; ducks, 18® | 20c; geese, 17®19c; turkeys, 2l>@22c. 1 Dressed Poultry Market firm; turkeys, fancy, 30c; do., good to choice, 27®28c; do., fair to good. 25® ; 26c; do., old toms. 25c; fowls, fancy. 19%@20c; do., good to choice. 18® 19c; do., small sizes, 15® 17c; old roosters, 15c; broiling chickens, nearby. l!2® 5 26c; do., western, 22@24c; roasting I i chickens, western, choice to fancy, la® | 22c; do., fair to good, 15@18c; Spring ; ducks, nearby, lS®2oc; do., western, 12 j ®18c; geese, nearby, 16®18c; do., west ern. 14 W 16c. Potatoes—Quiet, but firm; Pennsylva nia, white, per bushel, sl.ls(fi 1.26; New | York, per bushel, $1.10®1.15; Maine, per! bushel, $1.15®1.20; western, per bushel, $1.00®1.10; Jersey, No. 1, per uaslcet, I 60@7uc Jersey, No. 2, per basket, 30® | 40c. I Klour Market dull; winter, i straights, $5.50@5.70; do., patents, $5.80 ; ®6.10; Kansas straights, $4.55®5.85; ; Spring firsts, clear, $5.00©5.40; do., 1 straights. $5.30®5.50; do., atents, $5.7 a | ®6.00; do., favorite brands. $7.00® i.50; Hay Market steady; Ns. 1, large bales, $21.50^1'22.00; No. 1, medium: bales, $21.50®22.00; No. 2. do.. $19.50® 20.00; No. 3, do., $16.00(g>18.00; no grade, l slo.oo® 14.00. I Clover mixed, light mixed, $19.00® I 19.50; No. 1, do.. $18.50® 19.00; No. 2. 1 do.. $15.50® 16.50. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago 111., March 9. Hogs Re- ! ceipts, 26,000; strong. Bulk of sales, s!i. ls(if 9.6f>; light, slMsft !i.G, r >; mixed, , $9.25(f( 9.70; heavy, $1'.20®9.75; rough, $9.20®9.35; nigs. $7.70®8.80. | Cattle Receipts. 4,000; strong. Na -1 tive beef steers, $7.40@9.85; stockers land feeders. $5.85® 8.00; cows and heir- | ers, $3.60®8.60; calves, $8.50@11.2n. ! Sheep Receipts. 15.000; steady. ! Wethers, $8.25®r8.85; lambs, $9.75® I "• 50 - " I CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., March 9. Board of , Trade closing; 1 Wheat—May, 1.11%; July, 1.09%. Corn—May, 75; July, 75%. Oats—May, 43%; July, 41%. Pork —May, 22.70; July, 22.60. ! Lard—May, 11.00; Juiy, 11.22. Ribs—May, 12.07; July. 12.20. TRIBE 50 YEARS OLD A two-day celebration of Corn-! planter Tribe of Red Men, in observ- I 1 ance of the fiftieth anniversary of the' ' tribe, will begin to-night in Chestnut , Street Hall and more than 300 guests I are expected to be present. A big] j banquet wiil be served and representa- ! j tives from State and National coun cils will speak. The Red Men will parade to the hall to-night. To-mor j row evening a big card party, vaude ville show, buffet luncheon and danca I will be held. Morgan's orchestra will furnish the music and the committees in charge have completed elaborate* plans for the biggest celebration in the I history of the tribe. DONATION PARTY FOR PASTOR ! West Fairview, March 9. On Wednesday evening members of j Grace United Brethren Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward I Kutz on Second street and -while the ■ pastor, the Rev. J. E. B. Rice was en gaged with the official board in the church, proceeded to the parsonage ; on North street taking with them all manner of good things to eat, giving I the pastor and his family a rousing | old-time donation. Upon the return j of the pastor from the church lie was, completely surprised at the scene j which confronted him. The Rev. Rice made a short address thanking his parishioners for the donation. B. C. Horn, class leader, mado an address. FUNERAL OF MRS. E. F. WORK | Enola, Pa., March 9.—The funeral 1 ; of Mrs. E. F. Work wll be held to- j morrow morning at 11 o'clock with services at her late home, instead of Saturday, as previously announced, j * \ Ideal Fruit and Poultry Farm Six acres of level ironstone soil, j ! one mile south of Grantham Station j on P. & !*• Railroad. 350 grapes, 60 j sour cherries, 200 pear, 30 sweet \ cherries, 160 apples, 50 quinces, 200 plum, 50 peach, 6 apricot, 3 culti vated chestnut, 50 gooseberries, 50 currant, two patches black raspber ries, one patch red raspberries, one patch strawberries, very good build- | i ings, never-failing well of water, five minutes to school, church and 1 store. A bargain at $2,500. Must be seen to be appreciated. For particulars, see. J. B. MacDONALD lira I Estate. 1319 Market St i SIOO,OOO Fire Threatens Heart of Pottsvilie Pottsville, Pa., March 9. A SIOO.- 000 fire destroyed the Slater estate building in North Center street early this morning and for a time the high northwest wind threatened to cause 1 the destruction of the entire heart of .the city as huge flaming torches were , carried a half mile onto housetops, j causing numerous slight fires. The Slater building was occupied by the Garden Moving Pct.ure Theater, clotjiing stores of Spleker Brothers and Rouse and Rosonzweig, two eat ing bouses, another small store, while six dwelling houses in Railroad street in the rear were ruined by lire and water. The roof of the repair shops of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company was afire also. The cause is unknown. About 75 ; per cent, of the loss is covered by in surance. I LYKEXS COUPLE ARE REFUSED LICENSE IN MARYLAND Elkton, Md., March 9.—Francis I Ochs and Harriet E. Wallace of Ly kens. Pa., were refused a marriage license here yesterday on account of the prospective bride not being of legal age. rtBIBoER STAMnS SEALS * STENCILS 1 |** MFG. B V HBG.STENCIL WORKS * 11 11 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. If / —— """ < MONEY We lend money in amounts from $6.00 to $300.00 and arrange pay -1 meats to suit borrowers' con | venlence. Business confidential. Lowest rate in city. Licensed, bond- I ed and incorporated. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 13S Walnut St. < ; p —^ FUNERAL SPRAY Q AND DESIGN^ New Curat* rln.vl lorel Co« I New Cumberland, i'a. [ , sls to S3OO LOANS at legal rates 011 personal prop erty, real estate or approved en dorsement. Weekly or monthly payments. No company will ■ make you a loan at lower rates or oil easier terms. CO-OPERATIVE Loan and Investment Co. iOI CHESTNUT STREET Chartered l>y the State of Penna. Dec. 7, 190 i» t " '% Camp Hill The Suburb of Natural Beauty: ! go out with us and inspect our new ; addition, "Cooper Heights," with ! its concrete walk, electric lights, water and gas with its fine build ings and bungalow sites. We will help you select a lot and build you a home. One hundred bungalow designs and plans to select from. West Shore Realty Co. Haer & Rice Lemoyne Trust Co. Building Lcnioync, Pa. Bell Plionc 3198-J ZINC j YELLOW PINE Regular quarterly dividend of 10 cents payable March 25 to stock holders of record March 10. Stock holders now receive dividends every six weeks. SUCCESS Enough ore in sight to insure pro duction at present rate for IS months. New vein will double proven ore. Has $250,000 cash In treasury. COPPER ! KENNECOTT Will be largest producer of copper In world within a year. Could pay current dividend with copper sell ing as low as 10 cents a pound. M it; M A Regular quarterly dividend of 50 cents payable March 31 to stock of j record March 10. Zinc production will increase earning power. MOTHER LODE Proven ore in sight equivalent to 40 cents per share on total capital ization, with all expenses deducted. OIL ! PIERCE Annual report will show earnings of more than 7 per cent, on stock. Complete cycle In oil industry. PURE OIL Earning SO per cent, annually. Just distributed extra dividend of 50 per cent, amounting to $2,260,000. A request for (Ictulleil report incur* no obligation. HOWARD A. RILEY & CO. lißiid Title lJiilldlng: t PlillurielphlM. Telephones: Spruce 4410. ,111 Brond S|, Knee ISO. New York I MIDWEST OIL The productive qualities of this remarkable oil company in Wyom- I ing are just being appreciated by j shrewd Investors. MIDWEST OIL is at present supplying Midwest j Refining with 6,000 barrels of I crude oil daily and the latter or i ganization has just announced its intention of entering the Eastern j market. MIDWEST OIL is capable of j quadrupling production at any time and with record prices prevailing for crude oil the earnings of MID WEST OIL ttkF this year should be of a character to create tremen dous activity In the stock. Our Weekly Market Review, Just | issued, also contains comprehen sive details regarding COSDEN it COMPANY, DnPONT POWDER TOBACCO PRODUCTS, UNITED PROFIT SHARING. OHIO OIL PURE OIL. PEERLESS MOTORS* KATHODIAN BRONZE. SAPCLP V REWMNO, MIDWEST REFIN ING, INTERNATIONAL MER CANTILE MARINE, CHEVROLET MOTORS, MOTHER LODE, and all the active oil securities. We suggest that you communicate with | us at once while the market move ment in the oil stocks is in full swing. L. L. Winkelman & Co. 13ft S. Broad St., Phllrdelpbla Phone*) Walnut 1637; Race 26SS> New York Wilmington. Del. ivirkeralturg. W. Va. DIIUJCT WIRES to the VAHI OD3 MARKETS iV i J 13
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