HAYNES'LIGHT SIX' HAS FLEXIBILITY C. E. I loin, of Miller Auto Co., Gives Opinion on Women Motorist's Preference 9Bm '> iHH HPiLJB Bvf HH jaj c. k. hoin C. TO. Tlotn, of the Miller Anto Com pany, local representatives for the Tfaynes Automobile Company, of Ko komo, Ind., one of the most prominent and the oldest automobile manufac turers In tho United States, when pressed for an opinion on woman's preference in motorcars, said: "Women, being possessed of grace, beauty and all of the finer qualities, naturally seek the better points in ob jects with which they come in con tact. Also the modern women, who are developing ideas aloner sturdier lines than their earlier sisters, are looking for objects of their daily life along the same line. The automobile is not an exception, and when selling a car the women are important fac tors to consider in the sale. They de mand not only beautiful and graceful lines, but strength and power as well." The Miller Auto Company has long been identified among the leading Automobile cqneems of Central Penn sylvania and arc strong boosters for the Haynes, "America's First Motor Car." One of the season's most popu lar cars, according to Mr. Hoin, is the Haynes "Light Sir," seling at $1485, completely equipped with everything pertaining to the motorcar that one might desire. The Haynes "Light Six" has gained quite an enviable reputation among local motorists through the flexibility in its varying speeds. Popular opinion has its effect in the finished product in most every line, and that of the motorcar manufac turer is no exception. The American motoring public demanded a car that, could be throttled down to a mere crawl—a mile an hour on hißh If necessity demanded, and as readilv swung into a sixty-mile gait. That was the public demand end the Haynes complied with that demand—the new "Light Six" is their answer. The motor in the Haynes "Light Six" Is of the light high speed, high power type, which has proved to be tho most economical type of automo bile motor. The power plant is a single unit with three point, suspen sion. So perfectly adjusted is the mo tor that an ordinary lead pencil may stand on the cylinder block while the motor is running at 1,500 revolu tions per minute. This is equivalent to a speed of 37 miles per hour. The cylinders are cast en bloc and water is circulated between every cylinder and around every valve seat. The cylinder dimensions are 3V&XS inches. The 1916 Haynes "Light Sii" is an extremely handsome car. Its refine ments are such an appeal to the own ers of the highest priced cars, people who demand the utmost comfort and refinement and convenience. The car has many attributes that can only be lound in machines many times its price. Tt has a distinctive appearance i that attracts the attention of the man ! of position. The Haynes company with their 23 years' experieneo of suc cessful automobile building feel that they have produced a car which they can be justly proud of. Another salient point of superiority claimed by the manufacturers of the Haynes "Light Six" and one of pri mary interest to all motorists just at this time is the extremely low gaso line consumption, the claim being that from 15 to 22 miles per gallon will be delivered under all conditions. This moans un unusually low running ex pense, a point to be borne in mind when considering the purchase of a motorcar. Mr. Hoin, in speaking of the accom plishments of the new "Light' Six' claims to have averaged a pick-up of 30 miles per hour in seven and one half seconds from a standing start a real accomplishment for a car the size of the Haynes. Jordan to Make Motor Car Bearing His Name A young mar who paid for his high I school education by "kicking" an old (>orclon press after school in a coun try newspaper office and worked his way through a big university as a star j political reporter stood up before a j uroup of bankers, business men, news- 1 paper and advertising men in Chicago 1 the other day and announced that he had resigned a high salaried job a*, secretary and sales manager of a bis corporation .o begin the manufacture of an automoiillo to hear his own name. Within forty-five mir.utes the men i who hoard this announcement had subscribed $200,000 to the stock of the •lordan Motor Car Company, of which Kdward S. Jordan, who began life as : a printer's devil, is president and gen eral manager. The stockholders Include bankers, newspaper editors, automobile parts makers, salesmen, engineers, advertls- | ink' experts, wagon manufacturers, farm paper publishers, successful mo tor car dealers, the counsel of a great American railroad, advertising agents, heads of large printing concerns and capitalists. All of these interests have been marshalled by Jordan, who, with his working associates, will have control of tho company, while he also brings to the business the experience of nine years as secretary and sales manager of the Jeffery Company, one of tho five wealthiest corporations in the industry. Jordan says he will not build a ' heap car, but one which appeals to iliree people—the tall man, the short man and the woman of good taste. As an explanation of his success he said to the stockholders: "I learned when I was a newspaper reporter through interviewing many men like Boosevelt, McKinley, Taft, Justice 1 Brewer. Pooker Washington and Ellhu Hoot that tho secret of success does not lie in fortunate birth, but in know ing more a.boul your job than anyone : else and" working harder at it." SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG B§S|& TELEGRAPH MARCH 4, 1916 PAmcsica's Greatest "Light Six^Tf ■ i 111 1 H I ' ■ - $1485 | p ~ B' ||p AMERICA'S GREATEST "LIGHT SIX" is no idle when applied to the Haynes §|f| ||p; "Light Six." What other car is so flexible as to go one to sixty miles per hour on high? sgg pSf: What other car runs under all conditions, from 15 to 22 miles on a gallon of gasoline? What other car can pick up a speed of 30 miles per hour in seven and a half seconds from js|l &£€ a standing start? What other big car will average 8,000 miles to a set of tires, and 400 iff miles to a quart of oil? THE HAYNES MOTOR, WITH CYLINDERS 3!/ 2 x5, WILL fjig 111 DEVELOP MORE POWER THAN ANY OTHER MOTOR OF ANY MAKE OF §g|: EQUAL BORE AND STROKE. How could there be greater Get behind |gj ; the wheel of the Haynes "Light Six," and you will quickly understand why it is called Is America's Greatest "Light Six." ! America's Greatest "Light Six" Specifications and Prices America's Greatest "Light Twelve" |ft i Here's a car you're proud to own. Placed "LIGHT SIX" "LIGHT TWELVE" This beautiful new car is Haynes quality -1 nf nrirp (Model 36) (Model 40) throughout. Behind its twelve purring cylin- I*j i <. <r u Five-ptssenfer lourinf car Five-pa««enger touring c«r ders you get a ioy of driving you have never consideration the Haynes doeß not suffer by or three-pasienger roaditer. or three-paMenger roaditer. J 6 17 8Y ry a 'iL Weight 3000 fb.. Wheel- wheeiba.e 121'. Weight before known— ust one long sweep, up hill, comparison. Compared with cars in the ba .e i2i». .. 31001b.. wire Wheels. , , \ • J m. same price class, it gets a wide margin of p rice $1485 Price SIBBS ?° wn , hll '' everywhere, w,th no v.brat.on, s , It is a light-weight car containing a powerful, Wfifi * pre erenc . (Model 37) (Model 41) smooth running twelve-cylinder motor which JSftS < It's great to drive a car so graceful and meeigaT actually develops seventy-five horse-power. g||| J| thoroughbred in appearance that you smile with pride every time you step in for a Price $1585 Price $1985 type, with valve-in-head construction and drive. There is real pleasure in owning a removable cylinder heads. Aluminum pis jgk car that will do more than the other fellow's tons are used - The desi £ n is sim P le and all sss a powerful car that is so easily controlled >»>£ cover., moto-meter, ammeter, and ail acee»«»rie.. parts are readily accessible. The motor MM Epfe that any woman can drive it—a car that is light, weighing but little more than the / 4 , , , - f Let us dcmonßtrite the Haynci to you—actually SHOW kt o* »• a. t. • e t . will pull through hub-deep mud and up YOU WHAT it WILL DO. L».t spring and summer more Light oix motor. It is powertul yet eco- | the toughest hills on high without shifting people wanted Haynes cars than could get them. Th. aame will nomical—absolutely the last word in auto l,,v lA/ugMv®., m "be true this year. But placing your order now will insure deliv ... . s®gKS* gears. ery of your car when you want it. mobile engineering. | MILLER AUTO COMPANY I Eg Front and Market Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. W& g Both Phones 3690 C - E - HOIN, Representative if THE HAYNES AUTOMOBILE CO. ■ 13
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