/jjf I Publishing • I V" n *nA | a Newspaper i 'lll ujjj 1 /or Business-folk —J i -^T |l Where Are the Fads of il J Yesteryear? j % | Newspaper fads, we mean. I Wj| Many of them are as extinct as the wax centrepiece and the what-not. I M" %\ The great fundamentals of good newspaper publishing remain the same. The |E jf | excrescences vanish. | | "Hold fast to that which is true" —here is the inspiration for the newspaper that |l» \l will live. ||| | Time was when newspaper men were trained to write bizarre or exaggerated 1 | headings; to get interviews on the "How it Feels to be Buried Alive!" order, and I | to draw diagrams in which "X" usually marked "the Spot Where the Body Fell." 1 | To seize upon the froth of life and ignore its substantialities —this was one of the | | failings of many newspaper writers and editors not so many years ago; and in some | % quarters today this same error in judgment is permitted to flourish. 4 1 I The true understanding of the real, big things of life and its higher ideals requires »i broad perspective. !g The Philadelphia PUBLIC LEDGER is edited to give to all the news its true- flijp y value treatment. If there be crime or mystery in the happenings of the day these J f are not ignored. They are treated in a humanly interesting fashion, with due re- i I gard, however, for a growing sense of distaste among the better informed people for | too-liberal details of such undercurrents. 1 | There are, after all, two great things in life. One is Love. The other is Business. . 1 I And as all men and women are more or less engaged in business, whether the il | business of running a home, factory, store or office, or helping in this work, the §1 | Philadelphia Public Ledger's viewpoint is coming more into favor every day. 1 | Out of the great mass of happenings in this city and in this country are selected | | for treatment by the Public Ledger those events which have a direct bearing upon | the happiness, the mental and moral development and the acquirement of broader | | knowledge, among such Business-folk. | | A month's reading of the Public Ledger is a liberal education in things worth 1 while. Your newsman will bring the Public Ledger to your door early every 1 morning. i | PHILADELPHIA | | PUBLICtfig&LEDGER I If 2 Cents Daily 5 Cents Sunday 1 1 ■ § s MEMBER OF THE AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION '= s §: WEDNESDAY EVENING, RAMMBBPRO TELEGRAPH MARCH 1, 1916. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers