j A Telegraph Want Ad Will Quickly lent flat Vacant Room Deaths SPWGI.ER On Wednesday, March I 1916. Allen K. Spangler. at his residence, on State Road. Lemoyne, aged 14 years. l uneral on Saturday, at 10 A. M-, from l r . B- Church at I-emoyne. Burial vft Olivet Cemetery. New 1 , - u ' land. The relatives and friends aie invited to attend without further no IXI'KH Mrs. Caroline Etter, on Tues <:«>•, February 28. 1916. widow of Daniel Etter, aged 69 years, 11 months and 20 days. „ . „ Funeral on Friday afternoon, at - ..'■lock, from the home ot her son, William li. Etter, 1634 Penn street. Tin relatives and friends ate invited lu attend without further notice. - Died on Tuesday. February •j'.i. 1016. Samuel Bryan, at his home. 2009 North Sixth street, in lws bbtn Funeral services will be held from tlie above address Frlda> morning. HI s o'clock. Burial In the Cl*urcn town Cemetery. R ,? la i without friends invited to attend without further notice. l.v Ti;n Funeral services for thelate Cyrus Lyter. who died at't!he Harris li ii i">* Tuesday Riorums, I Vb7un. v 29. l'jlti. will be, held from M* If: to Home. sfi4 S Reia- K rid ay afternoon, at 2 ocjoik. Reia Uvea and friends ar« RUHRI lend without further notice. Burial in Paxtang Cemetery. TAWSSLBY Mrs. Lavina Tawnaley. wife of E. E. Tawnsley. died of pneu monia yesterday at her home, 64 Reily street. She is survived by her husband and one clilld. Funeral Thursday, at 2 P. M. Tn« Rev. Mr. Pyles. of Fifth Street Church will be in charge. Burial East Harrisburg Cemetery. KEVNKT On February 28. l®!*- Aiisetm W. Bennet. aged 64 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the services on Thursday af ternoon. at 1:15 o'clock, at his late residence. 214 Hamilton street. Bunal Mt. Zion Cemetery. Churchtown. CARD OF THANKS WE wish to thank all the many kind friends who extended to us their s>m pathy and assistance during our recent bereavement in the death of our much beloved babv daughter, Catherine. MR. AND MRS. JOS. J. PARIALO. ;;02 South Second street. LOST LOST Fraternity Pin. P. E. K.. Sat urday noon, between 11 and li, on «tei ket between Fourteenth and Bowman s Store. Reward if returned to 1403 Mat ket street. FOUND FOUND What you have been look ing for in good work, at Egbert s Steam Ix. eiug and French Cleaning orks, 124.*. Market street. We call and de liver. lio'Ji phones. lIELP WANTED —Male \v \NTED Male stenographer in railroad office. Apply in own hand willing, stating age, experience and salary wanted, G., 37 41, care of Tele lirnpn. WANTED First-class la'yerout for boiler shop. Good position to right man. Apply 36 North Ninth street, Lebanon, Pa. WANTED Painter and' paper hanger, at once on a job. Alust come well recommended, able to show his work. Apply 607 East State street. WANTED Two single men of neat appearance to travel with crew. l' jX " penses advanced. Call 1001 North Sec ond street, 1-Mlft. WANTED Errand boy wanted at once. Apply Askin & Marine Company, ;;u North Second street. S2O TO $35 per month extra money to am employed person. No selling. No amassing. Positively no investment. Address Northwestern Silver Co.. St. Paul. Minnesota. MEN WANTED in every county to sell Hl-Sy, the carbon killer, saver of repair bills and gasoline to auto and gasoline engine owners. Steadv em plovment, big monoy. Frank K. Schultz, Hast Greenville, Pa. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. Mv free booklet, B. Y., 372, tells liow. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins, Washington. D. C. WANTED By a large store, an ex perienced salesman for boy's clothing, also men's furnishing. All communica tions strictly confidential. Address, stating age. experience and reference, l;ox A, 3737, care of Telegraph. , WANTED Young man, 16 to 20, as clerk in grocery store; experience and reference required. Addresß 8., 3733, care of Telegraph. WANTED Trimmers, up liolsterers and apprentices. Good wages, steady work. Apply, Rooms 304-305 Trustee Building, No. 8 North Market Square, Har risburg, Pa. WANTED Machine Shop Foreman; slate past experience. Address P. O. Box 759, Harrisburg, Pa. MACHINISTS WANTED Bering mill or lathe hands, who can work from blue prints; also tool mailers. Ad dress, or apply. Employment Depart ment, Westlnghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa- WANTED Several men who have • perience dealing with the consumer. Advance Premium Plan. Salary and iinmission. The Gt. A. & P. Tea Co., i ::08 North Third street. WANTED Boys over 16 years of »ge for bottoming and lasting room. L»evlno & Yungel Shoe Mfg. Co. i HOUSES FOR RENT 1 • i • 142 Linden St., 3 s. f., 8 r 112* • 2122 N. 7th St., 3 s. b., 8 r. ...... SIKI • 1508 Allison St., 2% s. b 914. i 1316 N. Front St., 3 s. f„ 7 r. ... $154 ? 330 Boyd Ave., 2 s. f., 5 r #ls* t 2-story 7 & 8 r. h., *l4. sls and iI«J •15p7 S. 13th St., 3 s. b., 7 r. b ... " ('.">£ Emerald St., 3 s. b.. 9 r. ... giri f 13;; N. 13th St.. 3s. b.. Br. b. ... *25? Tl-o:- N. 14th St.. 214 s. b„ 8 r. b.. aant 12327 N. 3d St., 3 s. b., )f r. b, ... **to' t lion N. 2d St., 3 s. b.. 10 r. b. .. *3O? i .'220 N. Second St., 3 s. b„ 9 r.. b *ttnT I 209 S. Front St., 3 s. b., 10 r. ... ant? J9IJ N. Second St., 3-story brick f 1 I I rooms 2 baths *loo* 1312 Chestnut St.. (furnished) . *l2lll i 1205 and 1207 Capital St., S-story ; ; brick carriage works (36xSo), f3oi t SL'BUKBAN I Delia Vista, Ross Ave f14.n0! 4 Cove Station—bungalow Bltii i Knola, Adams St., 2 s. f.. 6 r. .. *!•>• i llnlnlyn (Aldinger Cottage) ..." aotii • l.awntnn a delightful suburban* (home— 2 H-story frame—lo rooms? —bath—hot water heat—stable t lot 100x220 ft tifff FROM APBIL. FIRST 2052 Swatara St.. 3 s. b.. Sr... in! i 10th and State Sts., storage bid* * >0 * i4OS Briggs St., 3 s. b., 9 r. ...7'*3sl 4 2010 N. 2d St.. 3 s. b„ 9 r. 2 b *4O! I 2218 N. 2nd St.. 2>4 s. 8 r. b. ..." *4n! MlB Chestnut St., 3 s.h.. 11 r.b., *47.50* f Vacant ground, Susquehanna twp. I i MILLER BROTHERS & CO.! i lIEAIi ESTATE :lnsnraaee Surety Bonds? f I.orust and te.rt Slre.l. I AY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 1, 1916. HELP WANTED—MaIe WANTED—An experienced collector. Apply Collins Co., 29 North Second street. ARMV OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodied. unmar ried men between ages of IS and 35; citizens of United State*, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can 4peak, read and write tlie English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market Sts., Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED Experienced gent's fur nishings salesman wanted. Steelton Store Co., Steelton, Pa. WANTED A hoy in a boolt and stationery store. Apply W„ No. 3718, care of Telegraph. THE GLOBE has an opening for a good, live, experienced salesman In oui men's furnishing department; good sal ary. Aply at once to Mr. Plank. The Globe, 32:1-324 Market street. WANTED 4O able-bodied men between 21 and 40 years of age for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED. AT ONCE A man to lire boiler. Apply Palace laundry, 2103 Logan avenue. SALESMEN WANTED ltf: Ol II DISTRICT MANAGER If you are a member of any lodge or social organization, and can give us two business references, you can sell our line exclusively in your city—earn ing a handsome profit. Some of our representatives make considerably more than $75 a week. The line is one that can be sold to department stores, sta tionery stores, fraternal organizations, schools, colleges, big manufacturers. In fact, everywhere you turn there is a market for some of our many products. To be independent and have a profitable, dignified business of your own, write to us to-day, giving us particulars about yourself, and enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope for full par ticulars. Langrock Bros. Co. Estab lished 15 years. Capital, 1250,000, 35 Ormond PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. HEI/P WANTED —Female GIRI. WANTED AT ONCE for tobacco stripping. Apply 200 Market street. LAR6E MANUFACTURER will es tablish active lady of good address and ability in permanent, profitable busi ness In her home town. *50.00 to SIOO.OO per month. Experience unnec essary. All or spare time. Occupation congenial to woman of refinement. For particulars address Parker Co., 2750 North Twelfth street, Philadelphia. Pa. WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL teaches all pattern cutting by measure, before sewing. The pupil cuts the pai tern, cuts the goods, and makes the entire dress, making her own dresses while learning. Day and Evening classes. A $5 reduction o i the tuition Is given all pupils who begin now. Works Dressmaking School, 22 North Fourth Street. WANTED Girl for general house work. Must sleep at home. Apply Mrs. C. A. Rogers, 235 Boas street. WANTED Colored woman for doc tor's office and general housework. 306 North Second street. WANTED White girl for family four adults; no washing or sweeping. W„ 3728, care of Telegraph. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Btinchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED Retiable and experienc ed girl for general housework In small family. No washing. Good wages and home to right party. References re quired. Address, for interview. Box R, 3722, care of Telegraph. WANTED Stenographer and typist, also girl to do copy work on type writer. Reply in own hand writing and furnish references. Apply M., 3732, care of Telegraph. S2O TO $35 per month extra money to any employed person. No selling. No canvassing. Positively no invest ment. Address Northwestern Silver Co., St. Paul, Minjn. WANTED Experienced sewing machine operators to work on women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State street, rear entrance. WANTED Middle-aged white wo man to take charge of house. Family of three adults. No washing. Apply av once, 119 Herr street. Bell phone 791 J. WANTED Responsible white wo nia? . ve ' n my house, who can cook, bake and assist with housework. Best wages paid. Must have good rei erencos. Address A.. 8720, care of Tele graph. j WANTED—We have openings for 12 more bright girls. Apply, j Silk Mill, Corner North and Sec,- | ond streets. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female WANTED Two or three good young men or ladles on commission basis, , either part or all the time. Must bo good talkers. Apply 105 North Seconu street. SITUATIONS WANTED—-Male 1 WANTED Position as butler or : porter in hotel by young colored man. ' Ad.iress 514 South. WANTED Young man desires po- I sitlon as stenographer wherp there is chance for advancement; good refer- I ences. Apply 1415 Liberty street. WANTED Young man wishes po ! sitlon as chauffeur for commercial car; can give references; several years' ex ■ perience. Address K., 3731, care of Telegraph. j BLACKSMITH Job wanted by all around blacksmith and horseshoer. A. IL. Jensen, 509 Walnut street, Harrls j burg. WANTED—By neat-appearing young j man, worn of any kind. Address H. G., 616 Forster street. ! WANTED Young man, experienced ; stenographer, desires position;, moder ate salary; highest references. Address j W. J. R., 23 South Second stroet. WANTED Young white man de sires position as butler; can furnish best reference. Address T., 3716, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—'Female WANTED Position as housekeeper in widower's family only. No out-of ,town place. Reference from last em ployer. Address A., 3712, care of Tele graph. WANTED Young woman, with child, wants position as housekeeper. Call, or address, 641 Saul avenue. WANTED Young colored girl de sires housework, nursing, or office girl. ■ Audioes HOD North Fourth street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe . WANTED Bookkeeper and steno grapher of three years' experience, now employed, wishes position; can furnish best of references and communications will be kept strictly confidential. Ad dress A.. 3i35, care of Telegraph. WANTED Day's Work of any kind except washing- Address 150 Balm street, or Bell phone 40W. WANTED General housework In small family, or second girl. Address 804 Daisy avenue. WANTED Middle-aged woman wishes work by the day. Apply 141 North Fourth street. WANTED Young lady wishes po sition as bookkeeper and stenographer; has six years' experience in general of flce work; can give reference. Address Box 127, New Cumberland, Pa. WANTED Young, colored woman wishes day's work of any kind; have good references. 10!) South Dewberry avenue. WANTED Colored woman wants washing or ironing or day's work of any kind. Call 1412 William street, City. WANTED An experienced waitress desires position. Aduress H., 3723, care of Telegraph. WANTED Stenographer and book keeper, with four years' experience In an Insurance office, desires position; can furnish best of references. Address 0., 3715, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE DESIRABLE brick house, No. 214 Crescent street centrally located all improvements now vacant for sale. What Is It worth to you? Inspect It. Bell Realty Co., Building. NEW houses at Riverside, with all modern conveniences, including steam heat, gas and electric light. Price is most reasonable at $3,300. See the cut in evening papers of last Saturday. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. VERY desirable Paxtang property for sale semi-bungalow 8 rooms— bath gas electric light steam heat hardwood floors porch 10x42 —plot, 60x120 —chicken house. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Storeroom apd dwell ing, corner Derry and Benton. In quire George Klchman, 1047 Melrose street. LIEMOYNE Hummel Avenue, two story single brick, all modern improve ments; will sell cheap. Three-story double brick, steam heat, electric lights and gas; will sell one half. Bosler Ave nue, one single two-story frame, all conveniences, one double two-story brick with improvements; will sell one half. Herman Avenue, one two-story frame house with large stable, on cor ner lot; will sell cheap. West Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rice, Lemoyue Trust Building, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell phone 3198 J. 25 ACRES 2 miles west of New Cumberland, good frame buildings, spring and running water. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE 2lll Moore jtreet; 3- story frame dwelling, 8 rooms, bath and furnace. Lot, 14x7 4. Price, $2,100.00. Brlnton-Paclcer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. 5 ACRES 1 mile east of Mechanics burg on Trindle Road, brick dwelling with 8 rooms, bath, steam heat and hardwood floors, frame stable, level lime stone soil. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. 107 ACRES 2% miles west of Dun cannon at King's Mill, 27 acres of extra good timber, 9-room frame dwelling, large bank barn, running- water, all kinds of fruit trees. Price, $3,000.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. FOR SALE at a real bargain, properties on Capital street, 40 feet front, extending to James street, a brick and two frame dwellings tliereon, Nos. 802, 804 and 806 Capital street. Harris burg Trust Company. FOR SALE—Beautiful new two-and a-half-story brick residence In one of the finest locations in the city 1001 North Seventeenth street. Corner lot, 60x120 feet. Eight rooms and attio. Hall through center. All Improvements. Fine lawn and shrubbery. Sold on easy terms. Inquire of J. A. Singmas ter, Gettysburg, Pa. LOTS Levi Brandt Est., Elkwood, New Cumberland 5O ft. front up to one-half acre plots sewer gas electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. 6c trolley. Keeney <& Simmons, Agents. FOR SALE-i—Desirable build ing lots, located'on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 320 Sayford avenue, to small, white family, centrally located, 2Mi-story frame; water In kitchen; handy to market and works. Kent, SU.IVI. Inquire 429 Broad street or 1831 Nortn Second' street. FOR BENT single brick house with all improve ments, with vegetable garden, privilege to build garage, located on Long street. West Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rico Lemoyne Trust Building, Lemoyne. Pa.! Bell phone 3193. T. „ CLEVERLY HEIGHTS Sycamore Street, 1724, brick dwelling, 9 rooms, bath, steam heat, gus and electric lights. Rent, $23.00. Rohrer & Son, Bergner Building. FOR RENT 1313 Derry street, two family house, with modern Improve ments. Rent, |27.00. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT No. 1850 Market street; brick, 9 rooms and bath, steam heat, electric light and side entrance. Pos session March 1. Rent, $32.50. J. E. Gipple. 1261 Market street. REAL. ESTATE WANTED WANTED, TO RENT A house In country from April 1, with garden and ground. Address Box E, 3740, care of Telegraph. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT FOR RENT OR SALE Farm prop erty near West Fairview, about 120 acres; possession April 1. Harrisburg Trust Company. , FOR RENT OR SALE B-room house, all improvements, $14.00. Fine location. A. S. Finger, Cumbler Heights, Steelton, Pa. AFARX.HIi.N'IS FUR REM WALNUT ST.. 204 An apartment with six rooms and bathroom, balcony in the rear wll*i dumb waiter and clothes drier. Terms reasonable. Oily steam. E. Mather. SNAVELY APARTMENTS. 231 North Second street 7-room partment; bath; electric light; city steam heat; linen closets; all modern conveniences. Inquire 217 North Second street. FOR RENT Apartment, 1418 Ver non street, first boor, electric lights, gas and steam heat, stationary laundry. Apply Bapttsti, 1208 Chestnut, or Third and Chestuul. Bell phone 624. ROOMS FOIi RENT j FOR RENT Front rooms for rent j to man appreciating home life; com- ; forts of good home. Plenty of neat; j use < t plione. Elfrht minutes' walk, to center of city. 1231 Derry street. j FOR RENT Four desirable rooms, unfurnished. Apply 222 Pine street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, on second floor; use of hath and phone; no children. 1604 Derry street. • FOR RENT l.arge. newly furnish ed room, with three windows and bal cony, second floor, suitable for two gentlemen; steam heat, electric light and use of phone. Apply 125 Pine street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with or without board. Apply 9 North Front street. FOR RENT Pleasant room on sec ond tloor; heat, electric light and use of bath. 819 Third, street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, second and third floors, front. Second door from Third street. Apply 271 Herr street, FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping, with all conveni ences; steam heat; use of phone. 1814 Green street. City. FOR RENT Storeroom. No 252 Hamilton street. Rent, $12.00. Chas. Adier, Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third street. WANTED Young woman would like refined, young lady to room and board. Good home for right person. Address 8., 3729. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Second floor front room; use of light, heat and bath; gen tlemen only; $2 per week. Address 126 Summit street. City. FOR RENT Second floor front room, facing Capitol Parle; stationary waslistand (hot and cold running water); electric light; city steam; use of Beil phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street. FOR RENT Well-furnished rooms; city steam heat; Bell phone. 719 North Sixth streets. FOR RENT Two attractive second floor rooms; all conveniences and use of phone; gentlemen only. 813 North Second street. y ROOMS WANTED WANTED Eady and daughter, five years old, want room and board near Reservoir Park. Address A., 373«, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two or three furnish ed rooms for light housekeeping; couple with one child; centrally located. Re spectable household. Address Mrs. P. E. Moore. 700 North Sixth, City. LN*LKNISUEI> ROOMS 101 l Ith.NT BUII.T exclusively for light house keeping, strictly private, ail outside, with or without kitchenettes. Stoves furnished free. Laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Weekly pay ments. Janltress service. Inquire 429 Broad street. Dally inspection invited. I'OR SALE BICYCLE BARGAINS Rambler, new tires, paint, wheels, nickel, etc, $16.50. Keystone, rebuilt, Hartford tires, good brake. Stearns, without brake, SI.OO. All good bargains. Key stone Garage, 912 North Third street. FOR SALE Household goods at private sale. Good furniture at rea sonable prices for cash. Let persons who may think of purchasing come without delay to 310 South Thirteenth street. H. F. Long. BUY Traveling Bags, Suitcases and Trunks from Wholesale and Retail leather Merchants. Second and Chest nut. Repairing neatly and promptly at tended to. Specialties made to order. Harrisburg Harness and Supply Co. FOR SALE Three French-plate Glass Showcases, with base, wired for electric lights; first-class condition; size, 8 ft. 10 In. by 6 ft. G In. and 5 ft. 6 In. Address Box W., 3738, care of Tele graph. 1' OR SALE Touring car. 40-horse powcr, Interstate; first-class condition, can be seen at Conover & Mehring's Garage, 1713 North Fourth street, ot call W. L. Dowliouer, Bell phone. FOR SALE Three furniture de livery wagons used by Rothert & Co.; two i-unabouts, two top suries, one Jenny Lind; all rubber-tired, in good condition; one light Dayton wagon, one open wagon. Make us an offer. Ober Brothers Livery, Court and Cranberry streets. FOR SALE 1915 Pullman Jr., passenger touring car for sale. Will sacrifice at once to quick purchaser. With tools, lamps, etc. 29 North Cam eron street. FOR SALE Westlnghouse electric motor, 1%-horse-power, dtrect current. Motor only slightly used; fine condi tion. 29 North Cameron street. PUBLIC SALE Sale of household foods at 617 Schuylkill street. City, 1:30 . M„ Saturday, March 4. 1916. Shrenk, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Harley-Davldson mo torcycle, 1914, 8-H.-P twin, two-speed. Rebuilt and enameled. Looks like new. Guaranteed as represented. 1160.00. Heagy Bros., 1200 North Third street. FOR SALE—I Columbus Electric, com pletely overhauled and rebuilt; guaran teed to be ;n perfect running condition, equipped with new oatteries and n?wly painted. A bargain at $350. Address H., 3739, caro of Telegraph. FOR SALE Pony outfit. Good pony, age 6 yoars. safe ar.d sound. Fine bug(i'y and harness. A bargain. Apply to Oscar R. Sultxbatigh, Mlllersburg, Pa. FOR SALE Blue broadcloth suit, latest style, size 10. Bought two months ago for $35.00. Will Bell for $12.00 to quick buyer. Address U., 5724, caro of Telegraph. FOR RENT Typewriters bought, sold or rented. Harrisburg Typewriter and Supply Co., 40 North Court street. FOR SALE Brand-new Whitman Player Piano, scarf, bench, cover and two dozen rolls. Will soli at .great sacrifice to quick buyer. Apply 424 Reily street Bell phone 2281 W. FOR SALE 45 shares First Na tional (Newport) Bank Stock. Bank statement mailed on request. H. W. Wert, Executor, Newport, Pa. FOP. SALE Army shoes, slightly used. Best shoes for railroad men. Also $3 army hats for 25c. Your money back if not satisfied. Opon evenings, a. Mellzer. 513 Walnut street. FOR SALE Stock of the Dlllsburg National Bank. Apply 1316 Vernon street. FOR SALE S. C. W. Leghorn and White Wyandotte Eggs for hatching; Tom Barron and Young strains; also, six slightly used Cyphers and Buffalo Incubators, at a bargain. Address Locust Grove Farm, Marysvllle, Pa. FOR SALE 1916 model 48, Chal mers touring car, six-cylinder, seven passengers. Tires and machinery prac tically good as new. Yach' body. Will sell at a great sacrifice to quick buyer. Apply 424 Reily. Bell phone 2281 W. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS Rebuilt and scecond-hand. SIO.OO up—L C. Smith's. Remington and Underwoods, etc. Oeo. P. Tillotson, 211 Locust street. Opposite "The Orpheum." ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Ofllie. FOR SALE CARDS on sate at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Scratch Pn<3s new supply—6o for 2Sc while they laet. Ap ply Job Printing Department Tlx Tele grapU Printing Company, STEADY DECLINE STRIKES MARKET Speculative Issues Lead Drop and Reach Lowest Prices of the Year I By .Associated Press New York, March 1. United States j Steel, Reading. Anaconda and Ameri- | can Can led the gradual, but steady de- , cline of the morning in which various | speculative issues made lowest prices | of tiie year. The selling bore unmistakable signs of fresh liquidation, rattier than bearish activity and was heightened by advices of further marine disasters in the fot eign war zone. Even Heading fell under the impact of the movement, which af fected some of the hlfh priced special tlse. like Bethlehem Steel and Cuban- American Sugar from ten to eighteen i points. Anglo-French 5s repeated their . recent tnlnimum of 93%. Bonds in general were heavy. NEW VOHK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members Now I York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street, New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, March 1. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines 20% 20% Allis-Chalmers 26% 27% American Beet Sugar ... 65% 65 % American Can ......... 58 57 % American C& F 65% 65% American Ice Securities . 28% 28% American Locomotive .. 68 68% roit SALE OR EXCHANGE: FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Su burban homo, 2%-story frame, 8 rooms and bath, pantry and laundry, all mod ern Improvements, large front, side and rear porches. Lot, 80x150 ft. Beauti ful lawn and shrubbery. Auto garage. One square from trolley, one fare. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will sell cheap. Jf interested address K. M., 2360, this office. FOB BENT FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. FOR RENT Storeroom No. 19 North Third street; third lloor apartment 20 North Fourth street; office rooms. In quire Second Floor No. 20 North Fourtji street. WANTED APARTAi T WANTED Young, married couple desire for occupancy March 16 four-room housekeeping apartment, unfurnished or furnishea. State terms and location. Address K., 3717, care of Telegraph. i WANTED. TO BUY Secondhand ; show case about 3 ft. square and 4 ft. I high. Address R„ 3734, care of Teia- I grapji. WANTED Refined family of two desire about an eight-room house, in sanitary condition, all conveniences. I Either on Market street, between Fif ; teenth and Nineteenth streets, or "Camp I Hill," main street, central part, ir with -lin one square of main street. State | rental. Must be moderate. Permanent I tenant. Address 11. M., 373", care of j Telegraph. t I WANTED To buy, a Victrola, slightly used model, from $50.00 up; also records. When answering state what price machine you have. Address Box C, 3719, care of Telegraph. BOARDEUS AND ROOMERS WANT ED at 214 Relly street. All convenl | cnccs and use of phone. BUSINESS OL'POKI'CNITIES i FOR SALE B-room dwelling house, j with storeroom attached; all necessary j outbuildings. Or storeroom to let with llurnlshings for sale. All in good con i dition. For information address Joseph I Jacobs. Mifflin, R. D„ No. 1, Pa. FQR SALE Millinery Store on main street. Will earn 200 per cent, on money invested. Kent, S2O, worth *4O. Prico, $1,500. Address |N. Crum, Mount Union, Pa. WILL. EXCHANGE a live retail store, I doing a cash business of SIO,OOO per i yuai, on improved real estate. Stock |p.nd fixtures will inventory about L 2.500.00. Address "Exchange," care of icily Telegraph. ANY Intelligent person can earn good j income corresponding for newspaper*, experience unnecessary. Send for par | tlculars. Press Syndicate, vyg, Lock- I port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 in Ave years In ths mall order business, began with st. .send for free booklet. Tells how. HM | cock. 355 I.ockport N. Y. liLSINESS PEHSONAI.S PACKING A. H. Shrenk. 1906 North Sixth street, first-class packer of fur niture, china and bric-a-brac. Bell plione 399 W. FOR falling hair try oross Quinine Ualr Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market ; direct. Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone 1 orders glv :i prompt attention. Bell \ 19S0. ' n A UMNO It. A. lIAItTMAN. Hoarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, aafes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lather, Manager. Fifth nnd Woodbine street Bell phone No. 2 50311. STORAGE ' FIREPROOF STORAGE Private rooms for household gooda. $2 par month and up. We Invite inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE: IN' 8-atory brick building, rear 409 I Market street. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to 1 I*. O. Dlcncr, Jeweler, 408 Market St. | STORAGE 419 nioao streetTTor household goods and merchandise. Prt ! vato rooms. $1 to $3. Wagona. 76 cants per month Apply L>. Cooper (k Co 411 MONEY TO LOAN MONET TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa. MONEY TO LOAN SI,OOO TO I.OAN on first mortgage. Address "C." Post Office Box 775, Har risburg, Pa. Money toXoan i To Housekeepers and Workingmea. We will treat you fairly. EQUITABLE INVESTMENT CO., ! Room 21 Spoonar Building,. Licensed bonded. Incorporated. Take elevator 1 Telephone Cell XSI7R. ' j American Smelting 97 97>4. American Sugar 109 109 Va I American T& T 127 V* 127*4 i Anaconda 85 85 | Atchison 102 >,£ 102 j Baldwin Locomotive ... 102 102% Baltimore & Ohio 85Va Bethlehem Steel 450 450 B X<" Goodrich 09% «8% i Brooklyn Rapid Transit 85% SU California Petroleum 28 27 aCanadian Pacific 164% 164 Central Leather 52 52% 1 Chesapeake and Ohio . . 01 61 % Chicago, Mil and St Paul 93% 92% Chicago, R I and Pacific 17% 17% Chino Consolidated Cop 56% 57 Colorado Fuel anil Iron . 40 % 40 % Consolidated Oas 131% 131%| Corn Products 21 21% Crucible Steel 73 73 Crucible Steel pM 112% 111% Distilling Securities ... 44% 44% Erie 35% 35% i Erie, Ist pfd 52 51% General Electric Co. ... 166% 165% ( General Motors 460% 460 Gt. Nbrth, pfd 120 120% Gt. North. Ore, ss 41% 41 Gug. Exp 20% 20% Ins. Copper 44% 44% Inter boro-Met 16% 16% Kansas City South 2 5 25 Lackawanna Steel 72% 73% I Lehigh Valley 76% 76% ICenne'tt 52% 55% Maxwell Motors 61% "0% Merc. Mar. ctfs 15 15 Merc. Mar. ctfs pfd- ... <14% 63% Mex. Pet 90 95% Miami Copper 35 34% Missouri Pacific 4•% 4% j National Lead 65% 65% I New York Central 103% 103% j NYN H H 67% 67% | New York Ont and West 27 27 Norfolk and Western... 114% 114% ! Northern Pacific 112 112 j Pacilic Mail 25% 27 ! Pennsylvania Railroad.. 57 57 j Pittsburgh Coal 29% 29% Pittsburgh Coal pl'd.... 103% 105 I Press Steel Car 51% 50% Railway Steel Spg SB% 38% Ray Con Copper 24% 24% ! Reading 82% 82 Rep Iron & Steel 49% 49% I Southern Pacific 97% 96% ] Southern Railway 19% 19% Studebaker 135% 135% 'Tennessee Copper 53% 54% I Third Avenue 00% 59% bUnlon Pacific 131% 131% jXJ S I Alcohol 144 151 jU S Rubber 49% 49 jcU S Steel 81% 80% U S Steel pfd 116% 116% i Utah .Copper 83% 84 IVa Caro Chem 44% 43% J West Union Tel 57% 87 | Westinghouse Mfg 02% 62% aEx div. 2%; bEx div. 2; cEx div. PHII.ADEI.I'IIIA PIIODDCB By Associated Press | Philadelphia, March 1. Wheat \ | Steady; No. 2, red. spot and March, j !$1.18@1.21; No. 2, Southern, red, sl.l6s| 1 | 1.19. Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, local, ! 81®82c; steamer. No. 2, yellow, local, 79% <fi)Bo%c. Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 63@ 1 53% c; No. 9, white, 50«#51c. Bran Market quiet, but steady; city mills, winter, per ton, $25.00; west- I ern, winter, per ton, $25.00; Spring, per ton, $23.50@24.00. Refined Sugars Market firm; refined powdered. 6.35 c; fine granulat ed. 8.25 c; confectioners' A. d.loc. Butter Market higher; western, creamery, extras, 37c; nearby prints, fancy, 40c. Eggs The market Is higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby flrsjs, i free cases, $8.25 "«r case; do., current receipts, free cases, SB.IO per ease; I western, extras, firsts, free cases, $8.25 por ase; western, firsts, free cases, | SB.IO per case. IJve Poultry—Steady; fowls higher; ; fowls. 17® 18c; roosters, 12@13c; Spring ! chickens. 14(g>20c; ducks, 18(U>20u; geese, i 17 41>19c; turkeys, 20® 22c. I Dressed Poultry The market is quiet; fowls higher; tur | keys, fancy, 30c; do., good to i choice, 27@>28c; do., fair to good, 25® 26c; do., old toms, 25c; fowls, fancy, 19@19%c; do., good to choice, 18@18%c; do., small sizes, 15® 17c; old roosters, 15c; broiling chickens. nearby 22® 26c; do., western, 22® 24c; roasting chickens, western, choice to fancy, 19® 22c; do., fair to good, 15®18c; Spring ducks, nearby, 18®20c: do., western, 12 ®18c; geese, nearby, 16® 18c; do., west ern. 14® 16c. Potatoes Quiet but steady; Penn- ; sylvania, white, per bushel $1.16®1.20; j I New York, per bushel, $1.10; Maine, per | bushel. $1.15(8)1.20: western, per bushel,! $1.00@1.10; Jersey, No. 1. per casket, So@7oc Jersey, No. 2, per basket, 30® 40c. Flour Dull and nominal; winter, ! straights, $5.50®6.70; do., patents, $5.80 I ®6.10; Kansas straights. $4.85@5.85; I Spring firsts, clear, $5.00@ 5.40; do., straights. $5.10®5.50; do., patents, $5.75 @6.00; do., favorite brands. $7.00@7.50; CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIKECTORY THINGS YOU WANT AND WHERE TO GET THEM Artificial Llroba and Trusses Braceß for all deformities, abdominal supporters. Capital City Art. Limb Co., 412 Market St. Bell Phone. Automatic Shoe Repairing I. T. S. Men's 50c, ladles' 400, Catspaw 40c and 26c. 1260 Market St. Dressmaking and Needlework Moderate prices for everyhedy. Miss ! G. M. Green. 210 N. Third St. French Cleaning and Dyeing Goodman's, tailoring and repairing, all guaranteed. Call and deliver. Bell phone 3296. 1306% N. Sixth St. Fire Insurance and Ileal Katale J. E. Gipple—Fire Insurance—Real EiT tate —Rent Collecting. 1251 Market St. Bell phone. Photographer Daughten Studios Portrait and Com mercial Photography. 210 N. Third St I Bell 3583. Tailors ! George F. Shope. Hill Tailor. 1241 Mar-' ket. Special prices during February. I Tailoring. Cleaning. Pressing Ladles' I work a specialty. Steve Wugrenec, 207 Locust. Signs and Enamel Letters Poulton, 307 Market street, Bell phons. ! Prompt and efficient service. Upholsterer—Furniture Repairer Simon' N. Cluck, 320-526 Woodbine St. i Bell phone 1317 J. FOR SALE An exceptional opportunity to buy for little cash No. 826 N. Third street for a business stand. Apply to FRIFDMAN, »eal Estate & Insurance Kunkel Bldg. or 217 Peffer St. . PHILADELPHIA STOCKS | Philadelphia, March I.—Stocks closed I lower. Cambria Steel 81 General Asphalt :14 Goneral Asphalt. Pfd 71 Luke Superior Corporation 10r« , Lehigh Navigation 75',* j LehlKh Valley 7(i It Pennsylvania Itailroad 56% I Philadelphia Electric 27'^ I Philadelphia Company 40 | Philadelphia Company, Pfd 36',4 j Philadelphia Rapid Transit IS-'* J Reading i B'J% Heading, Gen. Mtgs 95% Storage Battery 6:4 Union Traction 4.1 United Gas Improvement 8!) <4 United States Steel SOW Warwick Iron and Steel 10H CHICAGO CATTLE I Chicago, 111., March 1. Hogs Re ceipts, 37.000; active at 10c above yes terday's average. Bulk of sales. $» (S.flO; light, $8.50fi'8.93; mixed, »8.60(f» I a.iOO; heavy. $8.n0@9.00; rough. sß.sorg> I B.#P; pigs. |7.25(9>8.1">, , Cattle Receipts, 1:5,000; strong. Native beef steers, |7.25@9.Gu; stockers and feeders. $f>.70(?i7.85; cows and heif ers calves, $8.25(0111.00. ! Sheep Receipts, 16,000; weak. Wethers, $7.90@)8.60; lambs. 11.30. | CHICAGO BOARD OK THAItK | Chicago, 111., March 1. Board of •.Trade closing: Wheat—May. 1.11%; July. 1.08%. Corn—May. 74%; July, 73%. Oats—May. 42%; July, 41. Pork—May, 20.95; July. 20.90. Lard—May, 10.52; July, 10.70. Ribs—May, 11.57; July, 11.67. ' SMALL LOANS " We lend money in amounts from $5.00 to $300.00 and arrange pay ments to suit borrowers' con venience. Business confidential. I Lowest rate In city. Licensed, bond ed and incorporated. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 182 Walnut St. N I f \ FUNERAL SPRAYQ 1 AND J New Cumh. M*j4 loral Co. New Cumberland. Pa. I > — J r^nFoFsALE"^""} i % Three new 9-room brick / j \ dwellings, located in a desirable { i 5 neighborhood on the Hill, i j > These properties have gas, elec- V I ? trie light and steam heat. Prices 5 j 5 $2,900. $3,100 and $3,200. J ! s Get in touch with us for fur- ? j { ther particulars. £ ■; Brinton-Packer Co. J : 5 Second and Walnut Sts. Prospect Hill Cemetery 1 MARKET AND 2«TH STREETS ! This cemetery Is soon to be en-f larged and beautified under plans f i prepared by Warren H. Manning. » | Lots will be sold with the per- T | petual care provision. Prospect Hill Cemetery Co. I Herman P. Miller, I'renldent * I LOCUST AND COI'KT STRKETB ! j BELL PHONB 1505 * I —- sls to S3OO LOANS at legal rates on personal prop erty, real estate or approved en dorsement. Weekly or monthly payments. No company will make you a loan at lower rates or on easier terms; CO-OPERATIVE Loan and Investment Co. Chartered by the Stnte of Penna. Dec. 7, 190U I For Sale No. 206 Walnut Street Fronting 32 feet 9 Inches, ex tending through the same width to Jxx'nst street. Applications For Renting First floor and basement may be considered. Floor area about 5,273 square feet, including Bhow win i dows. APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Co. 222 Market Street Safe 7% Stock $200,000 (offering) United CtgarStores. Ltd. 7% Preferred Stock selling at $5.00 (par value), with a bonus of 25% of Common Stock >'n Prior Urns or Mortgages (NOTEI HAS ALWAYS PAID 7<& 1 This investment is open to large or small Investors on the same ! terms. FOR FULL INFORMATION A. H. MARTENS & CO. Members Toronto Stork Exchange PHILADELPHIA OFFICE 023 STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENTS i——————.—__ Try Telegraph Want Ada 13
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