m ■ w i» |• Spring Millinery • ' ' -j]|y|jl ' ! STORE OPENS Our New Butterick Pattern Dept. I I: i W AI NIISJI "rfnwf Wil! Be opened Very S,on Wilh ' 1 » * I n,so Pretty new models of sipping braid. In the new I JA II !| W M HiiWimm iv*V*j||)i|| lltj liUjl fl] |H jl jjilffi In u | UK IU Irm il] L Ij I (|frm ■ LLUuEiO ill .1 %I . C • f> k TTTUMO 1 t ! / shade of old rose: in fact, a splendid as»ortment of all '' i IA I\M ,J| PH I|W flit Hl'W I J thP lead ' n j * lV ' e S h W ('g b *. h' t "^n f M Ulfne ry" for *S prl n£" d " j \ |||||j ||j| I |jpl| I **Cdl kJJJI lllg iniILIUIU | Advance Showing of Authentic Fashions For Those Who Are Ready For Spring Now |! Advance Showing of Spring Suits, Coats & Dresses || skirts for women Nail This Opportunity Men! 5> ' 11 For the Woman 'Who tVants Individuality Without Extravagance I: AND MISSES } m I Just a sprinkling of the new modes, enough to give you II Ar. herein .piendid variety I Hamsburg s Best Suit & Overcoat Values :: If ,(. •i\'jk a splendid idea of the new styles that will predominate through- '; I? LI If J I ' 117*11 F IT 1 isaw Hill* anhKttl HPjpSjpfPgß out the coming season. For the ultra-fashionable women the i Chic new models of checks. Y Half and LCSS Will fclKl 1 Q*mOrrOWfjßfe* mf ""Mi new Shepherd Checks and Novelty Plaids are extremely popu- i! plaids v serges, poplins, etc. Choose Any Winter Suit or Overcoat in Stock Sw'^Jml l ! WtfipW ,ar as are also the suits of Silk Taffcta ' while Poplins |! Every new idea brought out Worth up to SIB.OO and Pav ' • <[ jL/f | an d Gabardines make their own appeal to the woman of more j! « (J ■ . iWv<'. T "vJ •'1 i conservative taste. All are being shown in many new vari- jj thls season and f avored by mg /\A /fc PJ [* 1 J!! /i ! WffvJD'/ ations, particularly the combination of serge and silk which are j! Dame Fashion is here ready for hBBE Ir% %U / I'y I 51 muf'ffl ISM being shown here in sufficient assortments to please the most i; r i tion to . morrow , OVtl V hi §§ m 'l C;; —*-*" v .. critical. But the most important feature of the display is the J! _ * ' jm VI W i lii KJ \ V\ fact that it brings to every woman in Harrisburg the oppor- j! and best of all they are mark- tor Suits aad Overcoats For Suits and Overcoats For Suits and Overcoats „ W |J| o*' , 1 Jij j \ tunity to secure the best there is in New Spring Suits, Coats j! id to sell at prices you won't Worth to SIO.OO Werlh $12.75 Worth to SIB.OO 4smj w 1 £j; \j 1 \ \\\ and Dresses at prices no other store can duplicate. j; a^je tQ du pii cate elsewhere. Every garment a bona fide bargain. Every garment perfectly tailor- 1 I %;; \! \ \ rpi C *i. D * AA d»o/\ p"a 'i ed and finished and guaranteed the biggest value you ever had the chance 1 , r!| <' l \ ' I«e dUll 1 riCeS fill fn »p2J* i! Don't miss seeing the display, to secure for the money. Now's the time to buy and lay aside for future I #i; v .!*-» \i *r • *r • jj use . All sizes, but not of each style. All the best fabrics and colors. 1 i: S^s \\ The Coat Prices $5.00 to $25.00 ij swrt now, you win later on. Don't Miss These 500 Pairs Men's Pants in a | >! \l) The Dress Prices qq f ft 00 § The Skirt Prices Boys' Clothing Bargains Sale at Half Their Real Value } 1! x r H ' v u,vv i; $1.95 to $7.50 Entire Stock of Winter Suits and I Last Day To-morrow of the Sale of Men's I \ # *■ Overcoats Radically Reduced Trousers at Half Their Real Value Cj n i• T 1 p•11 nt r 1 C • O mr Hir mi BOYS' 39C BLOUSES O/l *% O ne lot of MEN'S PANTS; worth to f\f\ I ' > Beautiful Silk Blouses ror Spring Save Money Men on These for *•*. a Pair . 90c ■ u » Made with link collar and open cuffs; yoke back; v., r i v _n Qiv .„ , . ~ I ( Crepe de Chine, Pussy Willow Taffeta JfEW FURNISHINGS a„a e —• " > '" B - , I Georgette Crepe and Exqms.te Vo.le A New Shin, a New Neckr.e, New Stockings, etc. Wha, «*™ro CAPS • 5c 0"| 3 >o. of MEN'S PANTS; worth J 4 g ■ , i Popular Crepe de Chine Blouses; tfl QC ft 1 ma , n nearly always need one thing or the other at the Boys' $3 POLO OVERCOATS, -| AQ Good wool worated and c'assimere' in a great variety I 1 worth to $3.50, for 1 .i/O v end of the week? The Kaufman s Underselling store is con- For boys 6to i 0 yca rs .. $1 ,*tV of desirable patterns; all sizi j s. IC 9 m the most desirable shades of flesh and ivory, etc.; g Furnishings at prices that save money. Made ln , he bnrton-to-the-neck model. Special lot of MEN'S PANTS; (M r\ C I K also a prcat collection of China Silk and Ilabutai Wash tneSC. # ■ BOYS $3.50 SUITS, Sizes 6to O Q worth to $4.00 tP X ® # J Waists in Spring s latest patterns, colors and models; T«tll\\ Fine Dress SHIRTS T A New NECKTTFS rt j 117 years .*.... «-P uoi" xJ * 1/ C all sizes. M ftW / 7Qr New NUtMILb JA ■ / new lot of Sprlnfr Nortolk model Slllta at a re . Extraordinary values in smart new models of cassi- 11 1 /\y UL k wortn sl.Zo, at .. . . ft/ Vx at H I V I ductlon of SI.OO- —made of fancy mixed cassimere. mere and worsteds; all good styles and patterns. All C Georgette Crepe and Pussy Willow \ .J \ percll«.° f ln B scored?f b AH the latest color combinations I First Floor, Hear. sizes. M t> cr c:il. di niTCCC . A m* 1» 'I laundered atll ' P |aln wide flowing M F ianeta olik BLUUSto, ff / or cuffs. All four-in-hand ties of silk. | WO " h ,0 °° '' ' . , '"NOTASEME" HOSIERY FOR O A and A O * » ! , , MEN... . Z4c 48c , AfADFIVIY Hlf.H f)FnifATF NFW SSTI.^r-" «,*;..... .w,, ..r n, a , ». \ r ~.,°b, s .«'.!, B a%a'.v , s ,n .£.:"' ,e ' «»"*'«•«' *»»« 1 . HtrtUEiiu 1 mun ucuitniL i>lvv JS.'™ I • children's school Dr Funk will I I WOMEN'S * C * ' M a. 117 ACO nOITCCCC C 1 I C speak not only at this service, but I ? l>> upnng S newest YVAOII UKLJjLO ror llirls School Accorded Certificate Dr. W. R. Funk, General U. B. wU , I 1 preach mor " and T ev *ning as I*f I ?< J * 9 -s- 4► I 1 i well, announces Dr. J. A. Lyter, pas t House Greaf Array of New Styles at Kaufman's Famous T\ jIC Privilege by West Publishing Agent, Will Be tor of the church The classes of the 1 'ilvMuv * vwwvw. rrw ». _ . J „ ~ /1 Am \ K SJI • , c „ , ~p. school will attend the evening aerv ji !;> Underselling Prices. 6to 14 Year Sizes IF <► f Point Speaker of Day j ices in a body. I ; New and Serviceable |;J Prettier styles or a larger variety were never shown anywhere in 1 XP> >1 | Dedicatory serTiTes for the I | Ap( p| rj Apl burg All are decidedly new and perfectly made and priced extremely low. iiMlwtf National recognition of the high niary Sabbath School Chapel of the [ - j Ski r % 'I Girls' Xcw Spring QC Girls' New Spring djl m standard of scholarship which pre- Derry Street United Brethren church, j JOHN' A. FAUBER OIKS £I 7 Jvj tpltLU, i\> Wash Dresses, at 53 Wash Dresses, at. . I ''' o Sheer White /I « Ik \ ** t J. ails al the H ? rrisbul "K Academy has Fifteenth and Derry street will be ob- I Halifax, Pa., Feb. 25.—John A. Fa -1 ? ?'! Smart m>n- stvles of King- poplin and pique, in AQ U F>'E>T?CCT7O /// i \ 2- Y' 1 ' 0 * 1 ! served throughout Sunday. I ber, aged 69 years, died on Wednesday |j. JJ" b^.efK° ,I 2uan US o*lors h an'd? ' I noatly n,:uie and fln * new notch C ginghams° dain- / from the Captain of the 1 manager of the United Brethren Pub- morning at his home in '.'ishervllle, Ij striped effects: ants Those at| J earß " tn >" trimmed. «to 14 year d> OQ C \T\ <! J 1 f $1.45 come in extra large sizes and} ,[ Girls' Xcw Spring $145 «irl< Xew Spring dJO AC \l \> C effect "hat the loci" academy has C ! C ib?e b rtvVe d of n H^use fa Dre U Mes \M r I rt rWSr i S ' 1. Wash Dresses, at $2*45 Y>f fine dainty voiles; also XT \ f been granted the certificate, privilege. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij:ir-itTiti: L rinnii iiiiiiiiiiTT'tmriltTiiiriitTr M W t'ri hil rich !..h «?t thn ..ricei* Include clever models of Handsome models, of fine pastel shades; trimmed with JW ► C This means that students of the Aca- BWmmmgt»M^lffifflfflll)lt»»;il1l[lllttti»lirimillllllltmUiJjlilllllllll!ltllllllllltttfESi KL„, ,1 values at the - rep and attractive ginghams: ribbon; velvet and lace backs ► # demy who enter West Point may do - r quoted. ...... f < dies; all beautifully made and many different styles; 6to 14 6 to 14 year sizes. \* L so under the certificate method and • «■% f • g I !,u '" u * i-ook . J trimmed; bto 14 year sizes, year sizes. L-— _________ • " <* J will he relieved from all except physi- J, ffgj|» 1 jQ,-M|jrijTlllMf 1 // I r - ' 1 Cn Xoth "l g"^ hat has happened of re- jffiSf % t —— years has pleased so much those jfi jR.) ]HH||(jj t M who are interested in the Academy's jrf . 0 *Jk f I K;t c fntfie Tkroaui "Bawmpnt New /SSrSfs: \Ws&m fast sign of Pyorrhea J <iU Wnrtk tn QBc I matter and indicates emphatically; v■* \ r! 9 £ SUS, TTOrxn to »OC, I T • C the hi »li opinion Which is held abroad fi „„„ U„ 1C 1. •» t 1 J . I I 1T" C I quality and thoroughness of' j\ \flak When you brush your teeth, does it feel as I d.Xr n , . „ . . , _ , , „ , , N \J IJ.AI.\JX llllJ I the mental training afforded to Har- ffi*C though you were brushing against the quickf 1 WC ■ ■ PILI ow rMM™! A Aoron Included are 2-qt. Berlin Tea Pots. PILLOW CASES, 1 Apron uinghams, • l*»\* \H«tnAri 1 headquarteks -W pyorrhea has caused the gums to pull away 2 lUC j; t -, , . , .si.r" a ror nurses 1 »<«««*,»»« m . J Pots, with cover; L'-qt. Berlin Coffee 1 1 | Mr. Arthur E. Brown, ' tmct y ' faces unprotected. Pots, w'th cover: S-qt. Berlin Preserv- Good serviceable Styles, in I Headmaster. Harrisburg Academy, 1 v , .„ „ . f . , . , , . , f ins Kettles, 3-qt. Casseroles, with f — >. ... , , . . , Harrisburg Pa Your dentist will tell you, if you teeth against the attack or further I w\ er i er ' in Dish Pans * S V'V _ i b,ack and wh,te materials. My Dear Sir:- ask him, that you have gum reus- progress of pyorrhea. C Warm Bed Blankets Made to stand many tub- I j S >"ou eri thLt n your fetter 1 V 1 Feb 0 : «•«•/ and that gum recession U <But Stnrec, d,e,m,re. It cleanses J 10c Yard-wide Percales; Cl/_ „ VVX A4X XlvU UO bings. j 12. 1916, addressed to the Adjutant caused by pyorrhea. , f uji- l. ( u T. • u ( Special, yard 0/2 C & I 1 General of the Army, Washington, D. , the teeth delightfully. It gives them a Figured and striped effects; light, Plenty of cold weather to come yet, that warrants the buying Nurses' Rlaflc Ilnifnrmc ' C " has been referre d to these head- Unchecked, pyorrhea will warp a whiteness distinctive of Senreco I s„Hn' Q •• ,h "-»■ "•«-«•«•«*»•»»"=• - acK u " norms ' «7^^^ 4 a ,, syr!Us?a 1 s ji nk »" ddc, °™- h ««»«• r siu-fiai varri " ' C (t inc uvtd A T t>T a MT/rmo ti, i i- M ' *% i f"""" 1 the United States Commissioner; It will break down the bony struc- and it leaves in the mouth a won j Pretty novelty checks and stripes, ' LAKvjii, BLANKETS, f ?, Education to the effect that the ture into which the teeth arc set derful sense of coolness and whole- W 19 i„„ hM -T —— w ■ w i Harrisburg Academy is accredited by , ... , ~ , I stripel Percales- in Extra large size and heavy quality, come in gray or white, with Of fast color black Soi- j the United States Military Academy and y»u Will tventually lost them. someness. § >- ap stripeu i'ercaies, IQ c fancy borders ,Y ~. . K 301 % under the certificate privilege. To save your teeth you will have Start the Senrecn L SjMMial, yard 1 sette. All sizes. J Very sincerely yours. . , • A .u:, J. ax &tart the henreco treatment A a New shirt and waist patterns; full Co cn ni * j <*><■ nn T->, • , a>r , 9 C. O. CARTER I to begin to hgnt this dread disease before pyorrhea grips you for f yard wide. flaia $5.00 Plaid $5.00 Bed Whitp I inpn Ilnifnrmc ■ Captain, Coast Artillery Corps, at once. £ ood * Details in folder with ) 22.. Table Oil Cloth, 114 1C„ WooinaD Blankets Di I . rnmfnrtc wmie Linen umtorms # " Adjutant. every tube. A two-ounce tube +~] t Yards Wide, yard 13C Full double lied size* Blankets A C S A specific for pyorrhea has been for 25c is sufficient for 6 weeks* » I i In plain white and a variety of col- extra heavy ami in pink, blue and all ovlr S2. 95 i k 'p •>- discovered recendy by dental sci- treatment. Get Senreco LM K "I s - .. . , warm grade at. tan check, full dou- sateen and filled with 4/fc • ✓ J Xew Cumberland, Pa., Feb. 2.,. , . 1 J of your druggist War; or send MP A 9 l - igured soisctte: 12 V«>r a ti o*7 ble bed *0 co lambs d>o on M Viola Zorger, aged lu months, ence, and is now offered for daily 4c in stamps or coin w sample 'g\ K p IS„n' P 'o«o'rf»«iVn'o -. j 1 pair sir? JbO.by woo i, ea ... 53«89 In all sizes; made strong, j s^?. h ,! er n f 0 vf°t' Ke treatment in Senreco Tooth Paste, tube and folder. Address "IT* » m Small neat rose designs, i 2 inches " ' " 1111 ° § \ Zorger, of Fifth street, died yester- _ , . , , Sentanel RemeHie« Tomnanw JP wide. \ neat and durable. £ 'day afternoon after an illness of two Senreco combats the germ of the „ !?P. any iw«. ■■■■■HMnaMHßHßSVmnnmHnßraßai SECOND'FLOOR. jj weeks Funei-al services disease. Its regular use insures your Cincinnati Oliio. " uu<lu *» ' | BRINGING UP FATHER BY McMANUS n —l YT 1 7 \ -1 REALLY- QA.RON »T'b SUCH A BORE QoT NR. - I BUT m MOtTT BE PAID HAVE REALLY • HAVE DECIDED To LET WOULDN'T MIND ,N NEw At> 1 AM BEASTLT / n MO <ERM COULD DECIDED TO <iO TOUR HUSBATSO HAVE WORTHS atH AFRAID OF CERMSOIN OLD r ' WHAT? LIVE t)N TOUR TO V/QRK' XOU ! FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 25. 1016. 5
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