12 Power Economy Service An inspection of its mechanical parts will mile a minute over outlying roads, reveal that no stone has been left unturned . in the field of motor production to give . e body and equipment bear out the driver and passenger motor satisfaction. ~5 r 5 exce^®nce t^ e J? a y nes motor -54,513 miles and a wearing of only five ten- e pholstery is of hand-buffed leather, thousands of an inch in the crankshaft bear- The entire car weighg but 2g5() pQunds ,n S - This spells economy in fuels, lubricants and It is master both of by-ways and main tires. 18-20 miles per gallon of gasoline. traveled roads. T • . , . , . In it are the brains and craftmanship of The engine is silent, powerful and smooth twenty-three years of motorcar building, running; unconscious of the motor you _ .... . , travel in the arms of the wind. In to beauty, the Haynes road ster has mechanical excellence, luxurious The motor is flexible you may ride a appointment, economical upkeep and the mile an hour in congested city traffic or a guarantee of the Haynes name. MILLER AUTO CO. DISTRIBUTORS, HARRISBURG AND ANNVILLE, PA. HARRISBURG OFFICE—FRONT AND MARKET STS. Both Phones 3690. Harrisburg, Pa. Your Most Critical Inspection Invited. In Attendance at the Show. C. E. HOIN H. W. MILLER B. F. BARKER Efficiency Proved * When you seek plain, unvarnished facts "During nine months of constant ser regarding the efficiency of any piece of vice the truck has more than equalled our machinery you go direct to the user—the expectations and has not been out of man who has paid his good money for its service a single day. installation. This applies to motor trucks just as much , " THe haul has been about four as to any other mechanical equipment. per J . trtp to all pomts of sht PP in S via all leading railroads and steamboat We sell Garfords on an out-and-out basis lines." of efficiency. ...... A single Garford not only does the work And we ask you to believe only what we G f several teams but does it in the truck way can actually prove by performance. Instead of the horse way. Garford owners in a great many distinct . lines of trade attest their remarkable value. " 18 faster—entirely independent of weather and fatigue—stays on the job 24 We quote the Doehler Die Casting Co., hours a day if necessary—involves no expense Brooklyn, N. Y.: when not working. , "As to the comparative results in I( you have deliverles t0 make _ i( you y motor "" transportation trouble s -you need a against horse-drawn equipment, our re- Garford. order for another Garford truck is con clusive proof of the satisfactory results Our complete range of styles and sizes obtained . enables us to fill any trucking requirement. Commercial Car Co., Distributors E. J. CAVENDER 1334-44 Howard Street Harrisburg, Pa. The Garford Motor Truck Company, Lima, Ohio Manufacturers of Trucks of %, 1, 1%, 2, 3, 5 and 6 ton capacity Distributors and Service Stations Erst i=w PbUad tt, B » ssar- ssr. rasas WEDXF.SDAY E YI 7 XIXC,, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 23, 1916. GREAT WILLIAM P OUTGROWTH qFJPOSTROAD OF 1799 Was Used For Distribution of Moils West From Harrisburg; E. E. C. Gibbs, Booster of Route Compiles History I An interesting account ot the early [ history of the new William Penn Iligh- I way as the original postroad from j Harrisburg to Pittsburgh has been I written by E. E. C. Glbbs, member of | the William Penn highway committee and the Huntingdon Chamber of Com | merce. It is derived from original let- Iters and records of John Cadwallader, j the tirst postmaster of Huntingdon. |in 1797 and one of the pioneer resi dents of the Juniata Valley. The history of the postroad as ar j ranged by air. Gibbs follows: The OKI Postroad of 1799 "On the twelfth day of August, 1799. a joint agreement was signed I by John Wyeth, printer, of Harrisburg and John Cadwallader, attorney and, at that time, postmaster of Hunt ingdon, with Joseph Habersham, post master general of the United States. This agreement covered the trans portation of the mails between Har risburg and Alexandria on the Franks town branch of the Juniata and was to take effect on October first. 17'99. The route was to commence at Harris burg, then by way of (Mark's Kerry, Millerstown, Thompsontown. Mifflin town. Lewistown, Culbertson's Mills and Huntingdon to Alexandria, return ing over the same route. The com pensation was to be at the rate of six hundred dollars a year and the trip was to be made weekly. John Wyeth agrees to engage a rider for : one year and procure a horse to ride I ; with the mail on the Harrisburg and - ] Alexandria route, the rider to also | carry newspapers from Alexandria to | Captain M. Beatty's at Water Street! Gap, Judge Stewart's At ill. to Wil liamsburg. thence by New Frankstown to Hollidaysburg, returning the samel day to Alexandria. John Wyeth also; \ agrees, that he will print or cause to | be printed, weekly as many nevrspa | pers (The Oracle of Dauphin) as will accommodate all subscribers on the route and also as many German news- i - ; papers as shall be required on the i route or in the adjoining settlement i and forward them by the mail car | j .1 weekly from Harrisburg at two I dollars each subscriber —agreement | witnessed by John Porter. I Contract in 1803 I _. T 1 ?'" service was continued by * an ? Cadwallader and on the «V£.i y . ot f u,y - ISO - :l nt>w contract i in?,.!"!' i" was ma(le between I John Cadwallader of Huntingdon and I utdeon Granger, postmaster general, iv.! Balr >e rate ($600.00 per annum). This contract specifies that a penaltv I iof one dollar for each hour's depart- l ,re < « ni sc,le dule arrival time at anv postofflce and five dollars for missing connections at junction points or pass ing a post office. Thirty minutes to be 1 allowed postmasters to make up mail I arter the arrival of the carrier. The' ! co |}"/ Jctor to furnish portmanteaus j ;and bags, and to be allowed to carry newspapers outside the regular mails. ; 1 " e route and instructions to the car rier. Thomas Priestly—son of Jona than Priestly read as follows: Leave Harrisburg: when the mail is closed on Wednesday at 2 p. m. First Station; Air. Locknarts, thence to the ferry j and cross to Second Station; Mr. Robert Clarks, drop the mail on ar- | rival, wait on the postmaster and take ' lodging, breakfast at Juniata Ferrv. i ; rhird Station, Mr. Joseph Fitterman's at Millers Town, drop the mail and 1 | take it up without delay under di rection of Jlr. Craven, the postmaster. | fourth Station, Mr. G rath ho use in | Thompson Town, Dine. Fifth Station. ! jMr. William Cottels. in Mifflin Town, I | drop the mail at Mr. Davidson's of-I ifice on arrival and take lodging. Sixth 1 j station, Mr. David Williams in Lewis j Town, wait on the postmaster. Dine. I Take up the mail at Mr. Walters of | flee. I Note. The former route from J l,ewistown to Huntingdon ran bv way of Culbertson's Mill and Drake s Ferry, but was changed in ! this contract to go by Reedsvllle and Belleville on the up-river trip.] "(seventh Station, Jlr. John Heed's at Bellville. Take up the mail when 1 he is done with it. Eighth Station, ! Mr. Ditwilers at head of Kisocoquil- j lars Valley, lodge here, take breakfast' at Col. Fee's and be in Ninth Station, I Huntingdon post office at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. Dine at J. McCon nell's. "Tenth Station. Alexandria. De liver mail to Jlr. Walker at Mr. Fish er s office before 2 p. m. The return ing mail left Alexandria on Sunday and followed the Juniata river to t Lewistown, the mail carrier dining at ! Huntingdon, lodging at Drake s Ferry, i getting his breakfast at Culbertson's | New Mills and arriving at Lewistown |in time for dinner. The mail at liar- 1 | risburg was to be delivered at Mr. , Hasting's house and the carrier was Ito stop at Mr. David Elder's. The carriers entertainment bills are quaint ! reading: 'Super' 1 s. 'Hey' 1 s. 3d i Brekefest' 1 s. 'hogen' 4 d. '1 Gill ' Whick' Pt. Beer' 414 d. and a bill from Kich'd Thomson for repairs reads: 'Dec. 3 To Meanding the Seat of a ! Saddle and Stufing the pad 3s. Dec. i 15th To a Pair of End Straps for the mail 2 s. 6 d.' and a horse-shoing bill to Paul Dowlin. Dr. To 2 Removes and 2 New Showes 7 s. To Steel to ing 3 s. 7 d.' The mail carrier receiv- I ed the princely salary of sixty dollars I a year and his expenses. That he was faithful on his trips is shown by a bill from Jos. Fitterman in which the i regular dating shows a bill every five . days for 'Gowing and Coming, 4 s. 8 d.' "A letter from David Davidson en closed a bill for riding post in place '• of the regular driver 'who could not travell on account of a Boile and your : hors was liekwisc Done out.' Charge 1 BRISCOE 1 g _ a gg The best-liked car S| Jg in f/*e country {The Briscoe is the one car that combines in an equal degree all the essentials of motor-car rfjy satisfaction. No factor of motoring enjoyment Sm __ _ _ _ _ _ _ has been slighted. # BRISCOE £j£ You can have a Four-cylinder car with a sweet- n . is* "%r running motor that develops 38 horse-power WW Mfj I I j ££ on an amazingly small allowance of fuel and oil. o. :f t .. 3hT "To make the automobile Talneof • dollar ■A Ur, if you prefer, you can have an Eight-cyhn- w , . , .. D „ i .. • ' . i . j . |£2| greater under the Brucoe name than anr 4rj* der motor in your car that has been designed B . . ... ... _ .... 7 22 and built by men with years of experience in S 7A" A ?T JL ffjp the construction of multi-cylinder power-plants. 55 , f an ,0 7P Z mmm^ jggL ' K Terdict of u»cr« will be our best met faf yy The same beautiful distinctive Briscoe-line body 55 future »alea." ifipl in each; the same tturdy chassis; same cantilever SZ jjfr spring suspension, deep cushions, ample room. _j9 y Full equipment and electric starting and flight- £& W ing, of course. * S De Luxe Four 38 $750 S S De Luxe Eight 38 $950 55 I 1 Come in and why thm Briscoe f« fa Sjg truth th* best-liMed cor In country CONOVER & MEHRING gp (Distributors) V? 1713-1717 N. FOURTH STREET H Briscoe Motor Corporation JACKSON, MIOt M Model "34 "--$985 / y-. TCO ItF? A Revelation and Delight is this Jackson Four. Its road performance is astounding to those familiar with ordinary high-grade four. It flies up hills and pulls through sand with an ease and freedom from laboring of any sort that makes the driver loathe to believe it is only a "four." Vibrationless at 55 Miles per Hour with the motor turning at 2700 r. p. m. When you see this test you'll begin to appreciate that you're getting an extra ordinary car in the Jackson Model "34." A Four of Amazing Flexibility Flexibility virtually means motor elasticity. It means SUPPLENESS—the power to exert and recover without effort. But you must let the Jackson "34" tell its own story; we'll gladly offer you the opportunity. Model "348" sl,l9s—Model "68" $1,585 P. H. KEBOCH Distributor For Eastern Pennsylvania 15 SOUTH THIRD STREET for horseliire, one Quarter of a dol lar per day and three shillings for the j dirver's day. The Harrisburg-Alex- i andria route connected with one run- j ning from Alexandria to Hollidays burg, to foot of Allegheny, to j Cannum's on top of mountain, to Shar ra's beyond the mountain, to Beala, to Crawfords on Chestnut Ridge I mountain, to Bradford on Conemaugh j river, to Denniston's Town and to | Greensburg, still following the easy | grades of the now William Penn High- j way. "The Car of No Hcgrcts" The King is the second oldest auto mobile in the United States; 191G m » ael sllsO King Car Sales Co, 80 S. Cameron St. AID SOCIETY BANQUET Special to the Telegraph Dauphin, Pa., Feb. 23. Last eve. ning the annual banquet of the mem bers and their families of the Ladies' Aid Society, of the United Evangelical church was held at the home of it» president. Miss Cora Coffrode. After the banquet two dollars, which they earned during the year, was contri buted by each member and many amusing incidents were told of how it was earned. About fifty people were present. WE REPAIR REFLATE and ENAMEL Radiators, Windshields and Lamps or Any Brass Parts For Your Auto Mfg. Co. 11th and Mulberry Sts. Harrisburg, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers