16 Divest Pomeroy & Stewart _______ * * JC/CL r) item in this announcement represents a saving and $3.50 to SIO.OO For Women's and ; 0 , shows how profitable to buy beautiful laces and embroi- 1L M m 9 C • T" 1 1 O 1 C T . m broideries deries at this time of the disposal of the Cook stock. I JVxISSGS 1 I*OlXl f jTIO Ol IA J Jp!n COOK'S LACES COOK'S EMIIROIDERIKS Valenciennes lace edges and In- Cook's Price Our Price W. Cook: Regularly $17.50 to S3O || ■ aK sertions: Cook's price, yd., 8c; 12 yds., 23c 12 iic 5c Valenciennes lace edges and In- 18c 8<- i Sfe At! CXCelleilt Opportunity tO OWII a Suit for general sertions, l ooks pnee, . our Price L'-. tik wear that cannot be matched at any other period of the i.aee edges and insertions in «*c P * mm year in point of price attractiveness. In the L. W. Cook flvJGßiflnrrW ! \ \\| white and eciu, looks pi ice. Flouncing. i 2 and 17 inches and // i\stock of outerearnients there are many choice bargains M/l ix ) Imj \ \ yard. 25c 5c j corset cover embroidery, 17 inches I /I u ■ Lac ® edges and insertions in ; wide; Cook's price 30c 19c j I j that are irresistible. Wp white and ecru: Cook's price, inches; Cook's price 30c 15c I ' Misses' grey oxford stripe, tan, Navy hluc, black and grey serge yard, 50c 10c Organdie and Swiss embroidery I /j \\ serge and cheviot suits; size IG. L. ant ] poplin suits, trimmed with white U.U •'"Tell VeniSP t and fancy U,CC bands - 3 flouncing, 18 and 27 inches; 1 \\ \\\ W. Cooks price Our Prices Fa „le silk on collar and re /1 VA UflmtWWCTr- l-m fflT t0 0 inches : book's price, values Cook's price, values to 75c 25c /II \\ \ \\ SU.oft and $5.00 J- /,?• |H I ,j p F to $2.50 25c Kmbroldered voile flouncing. 40 / U \\ \ \ Xavy Wue and cheok suits of flne V °' S ' 68 ° " f Venise lace allovers in white and inches: Cook s price, values to I J 1 \\ \ f iuality all wool weaves; in sizes 14, and 43; UW. Cook's prices $25.00 to SEra£saS» | I £jj ecru; Cook's price, values to $2.00 50c $1.25 !#«• I 1 l ' B 16 ' 18 an<l 3 *' Coo' 5 * 8 prices $35.00. Our Prices $16.50 to $22.50- I ■ I Allover shadow lace in white Swiss, voile and crepe flouncing J 1 I $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 and $30.00. Our I Fine quality chiffon broadcloth, gab j 1 and ecru; Cook's price, values to I 45 Inches; Cook's price, values Prices $7.50 and SIO.OO nrdine, velour delaine and serge suits, jjj $1.25 23c | to $3.00 98c Navy blue and Copenhagen serge in sizes 36 to 44, including several *' "™ lp qglSw' and poplin suits, in excellent styles for suits for stout women. Trimmed with v / the s P rin K season. In sizes 14. 16 and Hercules braid velvet bands or fur. »VJ \ i?" a " d "! e /i OI L O^ in i 8 0 Bl ? es w° r Actual value $25.00, $35.00, $42.50 You Can - Brighten Your Colored Dress Cottons Low v K%^.''':r.«u»» l ar«2s SJi^KSSrSSES Home With New Draperies in Price Even With a Women's and Misses' Winter Coats 'Way From the L.W. Cook Stock Rapidly Advancing Market Under Maker's Cost 25c poplin in solid shades with silk stripes and colored Solid color, stripes and mixtures, lined throughout with yarn-dyed satin; sizes 14, 16 and 18, Ihe savings are material and the values are tar grounds with figures. Mill and Factory Sale price, yard, . 36, 38 and 40. Actual $12.50 t0518.50 coats. Our price $5.00 above the average. 20c cobweb voile in white grounds and colored stripes. Coats in black, oxford grey, English mixtures and solid colors of boucle. Regular $16.50 and L. W. Cook's 75c and SI.OO tapestry for upholstering Mill and Factory Sale price, yard Our price $7.50 chairs and cushions, 50 inches wide. Our price, OC r 20c tissue in white grounds and neat colored pin stripes. Regular $18.50 and 520.00, three-quarter corduroy coats and wide wale cords, lined through vartj £dOi~ .Mill anc j J." ac tory Sale price, yard US'/'# out with fine quality satin and soft luxurious silks. Final Clearance Price $9.50 L. \V. Cook's si.oo to 53.00 odd pairs of curtains in net. . 25c dress ginghams in checks, stripes and fancy plaids. Djves - Pomeroy & Btewar t. second Floor. muslin and scrim: onlv one pair of a kind. CA r to Ef| Factory Sale price, yard Our price, pair * : .'. 1 m%JVJ Jac W ash serge in cream grounds and pin stripes. Mill . . . rni I—, 1 —, . . 8c *° at»«.•;«\l%. More Distinctive Than EverAreThis L. \V. Cook's 25c to 39c chintz and cretonne, in de- "1 Q _ Mill and I actorj Sale price, yard ....... 10 l />q sirable patterns; 35 inches wide. Our price, vard .... tr -,"" C a . nC 1,1 J,< - ) shades. Mill and lactory Sale CT' , ~ ] _Qj TT I \ 4rk444««4#irf \ 11 < _ drap^'^r k o,"p^e 3 %rf , :. cun, :" e . a " a .. 0 ! h ". lsc ' 'Miii and'iito;; -skic HriceV,lrdf spring s btyles in Mourning Millinery Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Third Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. j A SHOWING of close to 200 models ill Mourning IlatS from $1.95 tO $15.00, gives Some idea Jt\ of the unusual variety of styles to be found here. Many of these hats are from New York's t * j \\r 1 TV T " ' I In tn.o \—/. Vv. Cook INOtlOn InelVlllland Factory Sale Provides ' in this class of millinery is reflected in this comprehensive display. Tcil-r-vf-* -il Pr* n /->,JT " a L Small black silk turban $1.95 Medium size hat of crepe, edged with dull jet Arp f „ O C ni t 1 economies in a OI Medium si«e black silk sailor Sl.#s beads, fans of crepe, finished with dull jet beads Staple Items For the Home mlck silk mcdiun V ™d i 0 draped f a novelty ,k veii a^f d black ** k . . . ' ana ! mallne, touched with white crepe SIO.OO J MrlflV /\ ttrfi 0 wflVinCfS * l - 19 nickel frame casseroles., 50c cut glass tumblers. Mill and '° n ° mo,lrnl K 1 mnlc( ul 1 £g,oo Handsome black mushroom hat of silk and crepe, V V Mill and Fa.ctory Sale Price 69c j Factory Sale Price 33c I.arge black silk hat with soft crown and rolling w,th a veil of flne meshed net, edged with T _ _ ~ _ ; eled \nn Ifnrt "p.H" Covered butter jars for refrigera- brim, wide binding of crepe and trimming of crepe. ribbon SIO.OO 1... Cooks Our t '®,, J*. "J rors - and tor— combined with dull jet SIO.OO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Second Floor, Front. Price Price ba,e Pnc ® 98c _ .. Trrut* i v. polished tin lunch boxen --lb. capacity, 25c value, at.. 15c _____ e h,?t^nL JUt^ S ;, per 8, 088 ;••••, ?2 C 2 -° MI " an<l Factory Sale Price 27c 3 - ,b - capacity, 33c value, at. .20c S #C F^ t o^.f o i^e lrOn "- X Colon^al' a \abie 3 9< tum'ble'rs! t ' MHI Firidl HpftrflnrP of F1 1V Q Fmmt Vl P £ —a v Clearance or rurs rrom tne Pin cE o C 4<c covered garbage cans.' MHI 10 '. Ils' 1 l s' t 2o ' 2 J a " d 40-watt. Mill F^th«^rtitcw Vrkia ? rioe 29( . and Factory Sa ie pnee 2 3<. -r \\r o, _ t De Long's press buttons 10c 7c and Faotnrv i*® cans. Mill Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart— I \/\/ m K fC Rice's 50-yard spool silk, spool 5c 3 for 10c and Factory Sale Price :s9c Basement. \—J • ▼▼ • VyUUi\ VjIUV./i\ Foot form stocking darners 10c 5c KSn..™'Wbkmiill }g 7c„ tr . qo r„,i d c tk. <**«* mM* w cook's P i one white Iceland fox L. w. cook's its It /t>c to y ° c t> at » Room Fix- : *«*.*»«>■ *««•«» F.fght I 'weKuW^ahicidi'1 2 t 2 °c r? . t $45.00. our price wO.OO one sabie muskrat set. L. W. cook's price, K?d e and e tued r e'!:!!::!!!:!!!::!:::!;;.! 5 5 c c Soc \t UreS JuTlteT the Mill aild One skunk set. L. W. Cook's price $50.0 a $20 .00. Our price ST.oO Dives, Pomeroy & stewart-street Floor. F aCIOrV 08.10 I OITIOTTOW * Ol )p Cook's price, $50.00. Our price .... $18.50 ostrich. L. W. Cook's price, $12.50. Our « T ' 97 ' WV/ One civet cat set. L. VV. Cook's price, p r i ce -..#7.00 lNotabie bxamples of the Economies q 'VOa 537.50. Our price $1.».00 One silver grey marabou muff. L. W. D - | iiltm Cook's price, SIO.OO. Our price $5.00 to be round Among the Table f |p ' "one white Thibet set. L W." Cooic's price, Black marabou and ostrich muffs. L. W. t • /-»-» ! I I wK ! $27.50. Our price $153.50 I Cook's price, $7.50. Our price $4.50 Lvinen 1 o-morrow *stks* | 75c towel bars; 2 sizes; 18 and 24-inch. 83c tum . ,_ . , /-> . oee mercer,zed tabic damask. Special, yard 2 9 C 8 J, I 1 vSS b*X» Mell'S Wool alld WoA GIOVCS Specially .■:oc mercerized table damask. Special, yard OC | BPEEe£SESS£^SZO > FA holder. v SI.OO bleached table damask; all linen, "special, yard .. $1.25 mercerized scalloped table covers. Soecial no larly ar 7sc. tOWel bar8 ' resru " . _V 5c wall soap dishes. Mill ami Factory , Mill ami Factory WOOI; TOP SIUKTS v yKr '" c toilet I.aper holders. Sale Price Sale Price , . 85c mercerized scalloped table covers Snecial ne\ y-V Men's and boys' 60c Scotch , Men's 50c heavy wool gloves Sale 1 ..pctiai £?Q f-I f\ f\ and go if wool gloves with snap and mittens for driving and ™ tc SI 00 hemstitrherl tohl» c •, S3c bathtub scats I 1 I \ button clasp and knit wrist. .. .35c outdoor work ..30° Men s grey, tan and blue flannel liemsticcned mercerised table covers. Special.... 7C„ 19 f I* I Men's SI.OO heavy Scotch Men's canvas gloves, knit top shirts. Special 79c - . .. IOC II I II 9 "5c tub soan I__ wool cloves, interlined, grey and wrist and short cuffs 5c mini.™ n„. —n..- /C crash towehnsr, with red border Snecial v-irrl r- Wfffr'WßTytftfltf-sift : Wj" SJI \II 1 11heather 7®C Men's and boys' tan and grey ! , a , , b, eu Ijoraer. special, yard g c dishes Boys' and girls 2oc golf and jersey gloves 9c flannel shirts, in tan, grey and $1.75 cut corner and scalloped crochet quilts. Special, d*| or d 8 VoV" work® 00 OVERALLS AND WORK COATS Jj^' 1 - 25 and ,I#9 valueß ' #sc 69c bed spreads, 72x81 inches. Special AH -s y 47 c _____ A cuffs 25c, Stiefel blue— flannel shirts, military collar. 17c Turkish towels. Snprial - _ Men's SI.OO and $1.15 Han- ! » Sizes to 44, at 90c Special 79c 1 1 V//?#* "™" mmm over and Hansen lined and un- j Siees 18 to 52, at SI.OO Boys' 7Sc flannel shirts. Spe 19r TiirH«h tnuißlc ' c - - lined work gloves, gauntlet and Pin stripe denim railroad cial 59c isi, l urkisn towels, especial 1 C short cuff style, reindeer and coats, collar and cuffs trimmed; Boys' 26c grey flannelette IOC natural color 79c I sizes 38 to 50. Special 85c tapeless blouse waists. Special, 18c White Dress Materials Reduced 222XZTlZl~Z~ t S* • 25c Specials in Grocery Department 9o„ „i„- i m o • . , Two pounds granulated sugar for 10<S with pound of any brand of coffee. 29c plain white voile. Special i 39c oyster fryers and basket like etching f b . fiJC C.-. '1 ' TVT'II Ir- ' ClCtling. * \ _ .. j»| ce 25c 3 cans Corn 25c 1 lb. Cocoa 25c 29c stripe voile. Special . - Special in the Mill and Factory Sale, at i ii jß prunes s cans Peas 25c jr 1 1 . ,0,< j ib. ißc Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. UOS ' omor oy & Stewart—Basement. , ll)S Heans 2 cans Peaches 25c j 4 packages Sunshine biscuits*.'! 25c u ■ V j boxes Itaisins 25c 6 cans Soup 25c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, H 3 boxes Currants 25c 3 cans Salmon 25c I Basement. SOCIAL rotlier Personals on Page I] Y. M. H. A. NOTES The V. M. H. A. and ladies' Aux iliary are planning for a large bazar and entertainment to bo held later in j the season. A gymnasium class is beingr formed with Miss Trieman chairman of the committee. The junior league work with Miss Ida Levinson chairman is going on nicely. A prize speaking contest for junior itirls and boys is announced for March 1 19 and the Ladles' Auxiliary is also ! arranging a special Purim entertain- | ment for the same date. VALENTINE CARD PARTY Miss Grace Ditmer of 311 Walnut street gave a Ave hundred party in honor of Miss Helen Campfleld. A decorative color scheme of pink and white was carried out with sweet peas ia the flowers. A buffet supper was served to Miss TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 15, 1916. | Anna Mehring, Miss Ada Bender. Miss ! Minnie Gelbow, Mrs. H. B. Ivulp jProf. and Mrs. C. Beitzel. Dr. J. Alt ! house, Joe Cooper, T. Mullen, B. Fish ier, C. Price and L. Leßoy of Balti ! more. MEADE \V. C. T. V. MEETING Personal reminiscences of Frances! Wlllard were given last evening by j Mrs. John De Gray at a meeting of the Meade W. C. T. U. held with Mrs. C. C. Gastrock, 1426 Carnation street. 1 Mrs. Fishell spoke of "Living With I Our Children." Mrs. J. H. Kase, the I president, presided and after devo- i tional exercises by Mrs. Gastrock, re ports of committees were heard. The [second anniversary of the organization j will be celebrated Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock in the Market Street Baptist Church. EVENING OP MERRYMAKING FOR THE ARSOLVU CLUB The Absolvu club was merrily en tertained at the home of Allss Alice j i Osman, 1924 Swatara atreet. Games, ! music and dancing were features of! pleasure, preceding a valentine sup per. In attendance were the Misses Ha zel Seibert, Grace Leib, Alice Osman. I Rhea Arnold, Ethel Peace, Gertrude Kilgore, Henrietta Speese, Eva Mc-1 Claren. Mildred Walker and Dorothy: i Shannon. Fred Osman, "Ted" Arnold, 1 1' rank Cozzoli, John Frankenberg, Earl Glace, Jacob Nauss, Harper Wharton, Edgar Smith, Ernest Shoe i man, Mr. and Mrs. Osmun. Foster DeHart Playing in College Production Foster L. DeHart of this city, a stu dent of the school of dentistry, Uni- i versity of Pittsburgh, is playing one of ! tthe leading roles In "Suite IB," a pro-; duction being staged by the "Cap and j i Gown Club" of that Institution. The j play was given at the Schenle.v tliea- < ter. Pittsburgh, Friday and Saturday j land Mr. DeHart attracted consider-' I able attention as an oriental dancer. I The play will be staged in Altoona and ! | Johnstown in the near future. Mr. IH known in this city, i?i 8 . r ad . ua ted with the class of ,1914 at Central High school. ! A. Foster Mullin Dies at His Philadelphia Home Carlisle, Pa., I*eb. 15. A. Koster Mullin, a former resident of Mt I Holly Springs, died at his home in j Philadelphia on Sunday, after an ill ness of ten weeks of grip. Mr. Mullin I was born at. Mt. Holly Springs Sep- ! tember 14, 1837, and was engaged in the manufacture of paper with his ' father and brothers for many years 1 ; About twenty years ago he went to! Philadelphia, when he wan engaged l ;in the paper business. He is survived ! Iby his wife, a daughter, Mr*. J. L , 55ug. and a son, J. D. Mullin, all of I Philadelphia: also one brother, AY. A. j Mullin of Boiling Springs. The fu- | neral will take place at Mt llolly I ISjbilo&s to-morrow aXternaoa 1 Mrs. Wm. McClure, Mother of Dillsburg Postmaster, Dies Special to the Telegraph \ Dillsburg, Pa.. Feb. 15.—Mrs. Agnes j McClure, wife of William McClure and mother of J. Robert McClure, Dills burg's postmaster, died yesterday at her home In Carrol township, near | Dillsburg, after a lingering Illness from j heart trouble, aged 65 years. WOMAN PIKS AT HOSPITAL Special to the Telegraph Lykens. Pa., Feb. 15. —Mrs. Robert ! Kuntzleman, aged 40 years, died at I Fountain Springs Hospital, Ashland. Mr. Kuntzleman wpnt to visit his wife and was told of her death when he | reached the hospital. -The body was ! brought to Lykens for burial. Funeral I services will be held at the home of j William Kuntzleman, a brother, on i Wednesday or Thursday. ( MARYSVIL! E CASE WILL CLOSE TODAY! I | Commissioner Ryan Will He-i ceivc Briefs in Shannon's i Complaint The complaint of John F. Shannon, j Jr., and others of Marysvllle, and other j West t-'hore towns, against the service , : on the Marysvllle line of the Valley I Hallways Company, was closed except j ' ! for the filing of briefs and argument j • | before Public Service Commissioner 1 . Michael J. Ryan at the Capitol to-day. The company submitted figures show ing the cost of operation of Its system , and what an additional car on the I [ Marysvllle line would cost, the figures ! i being presented in great detail, j Commissioner Killing heard the com- j 4J>laint of James H. Maurer, member of] A . | the Legislature from Reading, an'' ] "resident of the State Federation o j Labor, against the Oley Valley Railway (Company, which operates a nineteen ; mile trolley line out of Reading. M Maurer contended that toilets 'shou>< be Installed, but the company contend ed that it would cause contamination «l ; streams. 1 Mr. Rilling rendered a decision to- I day in which he decided that the coni | plaint of William S. Adams, of Mt | Tabor, Adams county, against the Phlla- Idelphia and Reading, over station facili ties, should be marked satisfied. Tht company established a full agency sta tion at Peach Glen. | In a decision by Commissioner Pen. , nypacker he dismisses the complaint ol j the New Castle Box Company agalns' the City of New Castlo Water Company J a rate case. "GLOBE" GETS CONTRACT From a large list of bidders Th« I Globe, 422 Market street, was given t I large contract by the Citizens' Flr< j Company. No. 1, of Dillsburg, to sup j ply the members of the company will | complete and attractive uniforms.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers