JSjowmanZ JSocmanZ | • .tttn. JfoamanX | ~ | J2xmmai& To-morrow Is the Day When the Great B:B. B. Sale Comes to a Close i been a mos t wonderful event. in Wnrf *Q * O LI 11/ If A vUCtO # it has again proven the supremacy of this house in creating genuine savings. | n Timo /Ao TVfVI Most gratifying is the thought that shoppers who came with their own ideas 111 J- M. KJt LiltZ X / 111 11 of the savings tffcred, were delighted over the actual savings, which, in many Palm Beach and- the several other southern resorts are centers of style—at the present mo- cases, were in CXCCSS Ol what they expected, ment, of styles designed for Spring wear. a., : c i * j .. j-j This initial showing is rich in new points of interest. Again, tor t.he last day, your own good judgment may decide, as even it must A stronger trend toward wider skirts is plainly seen. were the former prices given. These few items do not represent the sale. There rnd it may be said they are longer. are nianv more. Coats are in all. shorter with a return of the raised * _______ x\- att waist line. This is slight, however, and sometimes made „ , A _ Buy a Hair Switch - • to form a blouse effect in the back. The flare is more de- . ' r/ a l S • ? A ™ During This Sale Another shipment of 432 cided than heretofore; both from the shoulder and waist- ! nc mbroidered Flounc- Wavy switches of an excellent organdie collars and sets TTll line. an extraordinary B. a a nd m most favored styles, at Lighter shades, typical of Springtime are occasionally HOWMAVS- MaTn KIO£ l lere arc two extraordinary hair the special B. B. B. Price to Iff U ( 'jml— found in strong contrast with deeper shades. Sage, rookie. switch values. I hey will prove m , P. I* W 'lfSfr 'IETO (brown), Russ tgreen). Callot (blue), and sand arc among Children's Coats wavy hah- We have^Lm",rao s '.l'y U. the most prominent. $1.50 to $8.25 all shades (gray excepted). Lockwood Sheeting, 27? yd. T>l In fabrics shepherd checks dominate lie showing. Corduroy, velvet, plush, chinchil- While they last. #1.37 and ,T , , , j CH( Pleasing, new checks, they are. Poplins, gabardines, ve- Ia zibclinc and mixt ures; trimmed #1.91. si inr!f -rl If!Tn '• lour checks and combinations of gros de londres will be with velvet, fur and fancy buttons. BOWMANS— Third Floor pieces ' found. Sizes 2 to o and 6to 14 years. A Women's Hose, 25<- pr. BOWMAN'S—Basement ."niai tl\ tailc red, | eau de c\ & nt and in e\ei> * BOWMAN's —Third Floor I 'lain black and plain white; Axminster Rugs, $15.98 * detail. tliev are trulv splendid. double soles; high spliced heels; • Q ~ • ... . .. , . Priced, *25 to $69.50. K » Mwn „ r Longcloth, 10 yds., , !)<• „ide garter tops* ' 2 '™ all-over and On x. . Chamois finish; excellent quality; BOWMAN s—Main Floor ' New Dresses Spring- Mnstlv Fvprv T) nvßrinas • i " incl,is - Pillow Tubing, 130 yd. ; Like and Beautiiui mostly every uay Brings ix*» yam,„f.*rw. * a.«i 4.- Rup, at si.29 m £>+h in rr ISJ/ynt in /1/T illin ov\) Table Damask. yd. inch bleached tubing; cut from fulf J n.i 4 inches; velvet, Axminster All assemblage of erea- 2\ (sW ITI IVllLLllTCry Bleached linen; remnant lengths pieces. Perfect quality. and tapestry in floral, all-over i• i - ~ , , i i. • • j i .101 1 1 r 1 ->■ / i , £.£.-\ BOWMAN's —Basement and conventional patterns. 11011s which loretell the \\ ith the thought in nnnd about the South and a new hat, we ot 2. 2>» and 3 yards; 66 inches. BOWMVN's— Fourth Floor style trend for Spring. are featuring particularly modish hats that will typify the style BOW MANS— second Floor Glove Silk Underwear, $2.25 i Of °rcatest interest are which Spring has in store. Bed Spreads, $1.89 Union suits, tailored top; hand • Silk Crepe ce Chine, B.W yd. the new and striking mod- C ?l )ies °! excellent models, here at a lesser figure than you Colored satin; double bed size. In ; oi^ er ® d 4 f ~ n l ' Pi " k a " d whUc " flesh 'navv ''marine'^aml els effected bv a combina- wou,(l P a - V tor the original creations.are attracting unusual atten- rose, light blue and gold. * lo ' BowMAN's-Tuird Floor African; 36 inches * , . , 1101 l BOWMAN'S —Second Floor 11011 or some damtv touch . ... ... ... nnumc 4SI nil BOWMAN'S— sum Floor that is different; embroi- Pnces are *+•»•>. •>•>•*>•>. and $< .M). Step Ladders, 590 Women s p°wns, SI.OO Chiffon Taffeta 98* vd , , . . BOWMANS— Third Floor. ... , , , . . , , Aamsook and batiste; low neck; laneta, ya. dered Georgettes tor m- Made of clear. selected lumber, short sleeves and sleeveless styles; In African, Hague, Russian, navy stance Rose and biscuit AT RlnifCOG Aro Ftlnn P ro^;n) . " pa^M A k™ent Empire surplice, lace embroidery and wistaria; 36 inches, seem to he favorites in I Veil/ UIOIJS6S JrA.T& JLjuGfl A T&ZtIGI o an< 3 beading trimmed, or pretty BOWMAN'S— Main Floor color while crene de ( 1 <• ,1 Standard Clothes Bars, «>9O vokes of lace and embroidery. ~ TT ~ i , • I cie «, - Among those you would care to place in your southern f,i,„i„ m w.thrl.f,,H" ' BOWMAN's —Third Floor Cotton Voiles, 29«' yd. chines, meteors and tat- wardrobe" are brieflv described: .Made ot clear lumber, three folds, Pi„kmaise flesh tan battle fetas constitute the -Hisque georgette; - hand cm- -Coral crepe de chine, cape effect ""rV/'hKhes" s !^h T Children S Dresses, M* ffrav> navv . light blu J. c^nhagen! weaves. broidered in contrasting shades; col- in white. SS(i.,>o. 1 ' ' BOWMAN s-Ba'sement Pla,n chambrays. striped percales j )]ack ina * r i ne , old rose and apricot; Prices arc $13.50 to cuffs edged in castle red. -Georgette in coral, maisc and Rnwlc OQ* and plaid pnghams; cuffs, collars 44 inches, as,- M | 1 wide frill with whitr Yellow Bowls, -.>< bet and belts of white and plain colors; BOWMAN'S— Mam Floor s4'.<>o. —White georgette; hand embroid- i silk, Jfrl.t).!. " Decorated with white band; 6 pleated and plain skirts. Sizes 2to Men's Union Suits .SI 49 BOWMAN s-Third Floor crcd designs: blue stitching to match —Crepe tie chine in neach white bowls to set ~ onc cach 4 ' 6 > 7 > 8 6 and 6to l4 X eal T s ' t , . , uni ° n f ullS ' 7,1 ...j.rin.r nrm 1r» «s in i , • , P eacll - «»»te. , q.: i K ow j s BOWMAN'S— Third Floor .Natural wool mixed union sutts; caging arounu net collar. maise and coral with white o*eorc r ettc» duu uilh uuuiw. .in & s 1 BOWMANS— Basement •*<»/. plain and ribbed; heavy weight. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor vcstee and collar. Mens Underwear, o.IV BOWMAN'S—Main Floor About Dance Frocks Albeit, These New Feminine Boots Women s Gowns tor evening, after- Are in a Class ot Their Own Heavy weight; bleached and peel- white and ecru. Shirts 36 to 44. 7-inch size: assOrfctf shapes? noon and dansant a comprc- v- -ii . , . , , er colors Drawers, 30 to 36. blended colors including matt green, hensve line embodving the • . e same thing when you observe how neat and BOWMAN-S— Main Floor BOWMAN S— Mam Floor BOW MAN s—Basement richest of silks in 'combin- . tnm arc tlle l ,nes - an d especially, how smart the new shades — ation with latest modes. ivory, dove gray, champagne, field mouse, also white. Come in __ # ■» Prices, #13,50 to #29.30. n ,s^ so it kid: high cut: leather and covered French heels. Price. OttlGX* UlirinitV.irC I € The Clothing ~ ~ Offers Advantages So Great; section F °rßoys Assortments So Different? Advantages that make jDurchasing as profitable for folks liv- /^jrinnni^l^S. Aif not been equalled by any store within '/X ' )\\ } -Cy «ll'i jl/ \ This in substance is the whole story about our Substantial j[ ill jf£j lf| If I February Furniture Sale, and why it has grown constantly from j) fSwlJil if ra i Cut there is much more to know, which cannot be told in a nuf J' few paragraphs —much more that deals with the success of these y\\U \U I) Wl M, You arc , mos . tl >' .interested in knowing how its growth i.c- CHOCKS, time ami Drown screes ami Wt.W //MmiVWll Ull 111 comes more beneticial to you, cacli year. Si ' I_ I VTLJ. a few corduroys and velvets; sizes Tl M ? _ It is because we may purchase larger quantities—from larger / I w _ ' j_\ \\ -".•to". Price, #1.98. C C/VC fC* Ofl f* QOIf fl p houses; because we may place these larger orders so many months j)™ j H Wash Suits in blue and white V*x vvQlO vi LXIC ahead when orders are less frequent, and therefore gain the ad- /j 1 \ JW/ >tripes, with plain blue trimmed sail- T_T * 1 . 1 TT T vantage of lower prices, which are passed along to vou. WJ'/ or collars; sizes sto 10. Price. H9c\ XJ.lSij.cSl Vjr3.ClG vv C *IW\T There is still more of vital concern. The quality of woods, IL—-—^ BOWMAN'S seconj n.or to V-* dI 1 y t hc seasoning, dovetails, interiors, whether dustproof, the char- Wi , Ro . nr , rm _ 1 i . c i i ■ .1 c . • r , • . , , Windsor Kocker or arm cliair to 11 1 acter ol men who woik in the lactones Horn which we buy; and of match; solid mahoganv. Fcbru- Soft and Stiff Hats IU o the factories themselves. Such you cannot fully appreciate unless ary Sale Price, #6.73. Felt hats and heavv caps The season's most favored models in blue boucle mixtures ■ the furniture is before you ..." j Library Table Lamp-choice 06 for men and bovs at* tartan checks, shaggv cloths meltons and kersc vt; 1 , yOU U understand why our invitation to spend some time I five colors of silk shades. Im.i --15 ail ,i #| fiV ' Chesterfield full box birk- •inr! frrmVi,' 1 r here to-morrow, is so lull of assurance that we can be of greater I( j d tlul rn,)bc(l mahogany^ anu V IN.sici NCIU, IUII oox back and form-htting styles lor men Lightecn lamps only. February Fur hats, at $2.85 and and young men. ' sen ice • r . r . Sale Price, #4.75. ' / Sizes 32 to 44. i Jur cntne salcsioicc JS niglily \ersedm furniture craft. Isn t 4-piece Solid Mahogany Dining Bovs' hat* lisf Tak+ z 2 i . that to be considered ? Suite buffet, china closet, scrv and #1 oo 4.L + n ~ reduced prices on suits and . Free deliverv on anv purchase—anvwhere. Convenient credit '"8 table and extension table. Men s and bovs' c overcoats—s6.9s, $7.95 and $8.95. terms, if desired. Sheraton pattern. February Said 4 J waist. Priced at 85{-. sl.lO, $1.65, $2,55 and ifSii.io? 9 " Sa,c ' IMcc. j Plan to Defend Coast With an Aerial Fleet By employing a comparatively small number of flying boats and creating a series of zones from Maine 10 Puget Sound, our entire coast could be adequately patrolled and surprise attacks by a hostile fleet thwarted, ac cording 1 to exponents of an aerial-de fense plan which is being promoted. The Initial mo\ e in carrying out this proposed undertaking is now being made on Casco Bay, near Portland. .Me., by the establishment of an aerial CASTORIA for Infints and Child™. Bears the Ibi Kird You Havi Always Bought J FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 11, 1016. patrol base. This station has been promoted by Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary, who urges the co-operation of the various seaboard States of the country in building the complete sys tem of bases advocated. TIPS FROM XE\v YORK Reports on the dyestuft situation i ir. this country, laid before an associa tion of clothing manufacturers several days ago, indicate that a crisis for the garment trade is already at hand, and that before long everybody will have to wear white clothes or none at all. Representatives of more than $75.- j 000,000 of capital invested in the manufacture of men s garments heard the reports that attempts to relieve the situation by the importations of log wood dye had been a failure, as all the logwood dye in Jamaica, if avail able. would be inadequate. More than * ,nA l^H ile mil,s - employing upward of 100,000 persons, are now either idle or running on part time because of the shortage of dyes. There is no im mediate hope of relief from the crea tion of an American aniline dye in dustry. Capital cannot be interested ii' ;l project of this kind because it is regarded as temporary, and the belief is that American dye works would not withstand the renewed German com- • petition after the war without a great measure of tariff protection. The scarcity of servants In New York City because of the war is caus- j ing great concern among employment agents, and as a result of a recent 1 meeting on the East Side, an organ- ; izatlon may be formed to meet the ' situation. The employment agents at j the meeting expressed alarm over the news that, after the war. laws would be enforced by the various countries restricting emigration, and plans were discussed for sending representatives' abroad to stimulate the supply of girls to do housework. "Not alone in Xew York City, but the whole nation is feeling the effects of the curious situation." one who was present at the meeting said. "There never has • been anything similar in the history of the country that I know of. It ! was suggested that men be sent to! Germany. France, England, Russia: and other countries to advise the wo- I I men how to get to America, and tbej advantages in the shape of employ ! ment to be obtained there." The de mand for servants is pouring in from ; all over the United States, and at least r.0,000 girls, it is estimuted, could llnd places. Camp Hill Councilmen Fill Vacancy; Road to Be Repaired in Spring Special to the Telegraph i (.'amp Hill, Pa., Feb. 11.—At a meet- ; ing of the Cainp Hill borough council ! last evening John C. Orr, who was ; 1 president of the ' body, resigned bc- I cause he recently changed his place I of residence to llarrlsburg. Charles W, llardt was elected to ftlj tie va-{ cancy and A. E. Stroud was elected president. C'ounil decided to make some repairs to Market street, the main thorough fare through the town. At the open- , ing of court in Carlisle on Monday morning Constable Sawyer reported that the road was in very poor con dition and Judge Sadler took occasion to remark that he had heard many 1 complaints about the condition of the , stretch. The court has ordered the i ' district attorney, George E. r,loyd, of '' Mechanicsburg. to notify council that j the road must be put In passable con dition before the next term of court. Mr. I,loyd explained that failure to ! comply with the notice would likely mean an indictment for the council. The body, however, betcan to work be fore the notice was received and it is expected tliat in the Ygr> early Spring i the much-needed repairs will be mads lo the road. An Unfailing Way To Banish Hairs (Beauty Notes) Ugly hairy growths can be removed in the privacy of your own home iC you get. a small original package of delatone and mix into a paste enough, of the powder and water to cover tli<» hairy surface. This should he left on the skin about 2 minutes, then re moved and the skin washed and every truce of hair will have vanished. No harm or inconvenience can result from this treatment, but be sure sou buy teal fldatone.— a 3
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