a c ;"pZ, ! Moorman^! :z:z JSmmuhM F :.r | JSjoarmat# "Inventory" is a time when stocks must give an account of themselves. They must prove whether they're as eood T\T\ 7"P\TTP/ r \ , n\/ as we would have them. r* 1-4 I I \i I 111 Y It means considerable work, and it's altogether essential that stocks are low—as low as it is possible to make I I\ I "* AA ▼ In a determined effort to reduce this massive stock, we've assembled all the lots that are not just up to the TT 1 • standard—perhaps broken in size or others not to be duplicated, for a four-day sale, prior to Inventory, January 31st. I C Vv I we've taken one grand whack at the prices and ott came anywhere lrom a fourth to a half Below the simple story is told—without any exaggerated claims as to the character of J the merchandise; even without the beloved old "was so-much." It sof no concern to us or to you what the former prices were. You'll know that every article was priced at con siderably more. ====_ Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Why not BA. M. to-morrow? Pre-Inventory Clearing Out of This Big Variety Of Fine biouscs in Lots That Are C °K All That Remains of a Fine Stock . No !.fri" - ' s r;r Of Winter Suits For Women rcpc de chines and taftetas. „ ro . a c.,a ; 6! Enter this Pre-Inventory Sale at a Saving of Half and More All are styles that have won popularity in the past month Navy blue zibeiine; 52 inches r» 1 r • 1 * , .. •r so? Navy blue striped broadcloth; s2 only lour pi ices are prevalent. At these prices we ve included every former price from the Clearing out price Navy blue broadcloth; 52 inches. lowest to the highest. On sale to-morrow at: Granite Coatings, cardinal, brown and j* $2.00 and $3.00 $7.50 $lO sls $lB 75 ~ I ~ ~ Navy blue nil wool voile; 46 inches. _ * Neckwear In A bavings In Art Goods iii*\cK: blue a " wool llenrletta - From a serviceable plain tailored model to the very fine broadcloths, with rich fur trimming, 3 T . |. 27-inch linen colored centerpieces wool serge; 42 inches. 3 model to suit your taste will be found. ■ re-Inventory Clean-Up stamped for embroidery. Clearing inches. tltl>e de chine - 42 Serges, gabardines and in the better grades, velvets and other popular fabrics. Organdie vestees, high and low out price, s*. mack aJ! woo" 1 storm .sVrger'ie 3 inches. In shades most wanted; trimmings most favored, ollars. Clearing out price 190. 36-inch oval linen centerpieces, Black mohair, silk finish; 46 inches. Sizes to 53. Odd lot of neckwear; many styles. SaV ' ngS , Small Lot of DrCSSCS NeW LOW PHceS Oil -Icaiing out price, 50. runners, stamped. Clear- On W 3Sh L)rCSS Goods • <£o QQ ~ BOWMAN's —Main Floor i BOWMAN's —Second Floor Nub Ramie Linen, 46 inches; Ooing at $3.98 Cloth Coats _ , _ „ ~ " in Copenhagen and wistaria; Clear- Mere are serviceable dresses of serge and In this Pre-Inventory Clearing Sale Men Will Profit By Lowered '"iwM a«.H« s moi«,i r . on which»b« saving «to i* had. $s $7.50 $lO su.so D . „ ~ . / . Out Price. J!»e yd. Tins season s models m a small lot. 'Pme mixtures, men's wear fabrics and a host of Prices On Suits and Overcoats o u^c?S e^ inc,,esiClt,ring Pretty Silk Dresses o,^™^SS?&ode ls . Our entire slock of winter suits and overcoats for young amMllue; ''clearing Reduced tO $5.50 Save Half On Sport Coats nicn and all men have been marked very low to insure imme- 12y 2 f yd. The remainder of models that are popular New prices are: •ale disposal. , Silk Embroidered \ oiles, 40 this season. Striking combinations and smart $5 and $lO Reduced to $7.00 About fifty suits and twenty overcoats for L cann £ Out rice, o 0 plainer effects. Corduroys in white and lightly touched with color. in . .. ,ncn a " d >' ou "f mc " : tailored garments Silk and Cotton Poplins, 36 - fiSTSt inches; Clearing Out Price, 55, Domestic. Offer GooH RtttfC At f.r«tlv Reduced to $12.00 Sub.t.nti.l Saving, On I ntrrrrrl Prirr reguUrs' ld S ''"' S 3rC '" c,l "'e (l '<sizes to 44 Plaid J„d fancy Crepes, 28 inches. | Every Day Needs LOWCreCI fTICCS Reduced to $14.00 Hand-tailored suits and overcoats; sizes to Clearing oul price, ! Pillow Tubing; bleached; cut in We've gathered together an assortment of small-lot rugs Reduced to $16.00 Blues, grays, browns and mixtures. Over- Rough Silk Pongee, natural and Price, 13J40. Look over the following list carefully and nO t e the well-known coats in single or double breasted cither Copenhagen: 27 inches; Clearing erades form-fittinp or bn -h -1 Men's Trousers, about Men'q Fur r an !p a a i Satin Charmeuse, 36 and 40 blue and pink; cut from full pieces; 2"x04 Bundhar \\ilton Rugs; I 8.3x10.6 \\ ilton Rugs; Clearing ..-j-c kJv „ T) \ TV Men s Fur Caps Reduced: seal- inches ■ Clearinc out orice 756 vd /-i k ♦ • ** A Clearing Out Price, $3.48. Out Price, $21.50. C iari," out price W &- C tri n - R °"i Strfped Satiii Messaline' daric Clewing Out Price, yd 36x63 Bundhar Wilton Rugs; 9x12 Bigelow Axminster Rugs; Mens Hats* soft and stiff in and $5.50. . shade! and gray; Clearing Out Apron Ginghams; cut from ull Clearing Out Price, $4.98. Clearing Out Price. $19.50. n . *" . ... Mens Fancy Vests the new Price 396 vd pieces; fast colors; blue checks; 36x60 French Wilton Rugs; 9x12 Wilton Rugs; Clearing Out Clearfnc mu at W <H> 3 s - double hreasted models included; Dnchesse. 44 inches; Clearing On, price. yd. Clearing Out Price, #6.98. ! Price, TO. ° Men's Working Caps with itt *1 <H) •» ?S CeS «?% Clearing Out Price, #1.98 yd. Sheeting; bleached; 81 inches 4.6k6.6 Smith Asnnnister Rugs; 9x12 Body Bnisscls Rugs; Clear side fur band" (lot,in .Si -A 92.25, $3.35 Black Silk Faille, 44 inches; wide • standard make • 5 and 10 vard Clearing Out Price, $5.98. nig Out Price, $21.50. price 356 deanng out and $3.50. Clearing Out Price. $1.98 yd. Ide standard make 5 and 10 yard 4.6x7.6 Wilton Rugs; Clearing 9x12 Wilton Rugs; Clearing Out pnce> BOWMAN's —Second Floor Black Moire. 44 inches wide: lengths; Clearing Out Price, 23$ Out Price, $9.98. Price, $30.00. — ~~~————^ ___ Clearing Out Price, $1.50 yd. lapestry Brussels Rugs; Carpets A n/ J TL ' 1 xt Imported Silk Samples, one-yard Sheeting; bleached; 90 inches Clearing Out Price, $4.98. Remnants and short lengths of 1 ills VjOOQ iNeWS pieces; Clearing Out Price, 39*." I wide; 5 and 10-yard lengths; Clear- 6x9 Wilton Rugs; Clearing Out | Ingrain, Tapestry, Velvet and Wil- A 1 ~r i . —. . inor Out Price 266 vd Price, $10.98. ' ton carpets at greatly lowered About White Goods In Leather Goods , Duckling Fleece; cut from full **»' Door Mats Women need only a word to tell them of savins i„ ™,r An assortment of belts in plain ; piece; Clearing Out Price, 10* yd. 8.3x10.6 Tapestry Brussels Rugs; Wool borderd cocoa door mats, White Goods Section? now on semml flnnr\ "i, g ■ . and fancy styles; black and white Flannelette; cut from full pieces; Clearing Out Price, $8.98. ; extra large sizes; Clearing Out •stimr T»,-f. Invr.nl v secon d flooi ), and here are inter- kid and plain suede with fur trim- 27 inches wide; Clearing Out Price, 8.3x10.6 Bodv Brussels Rugs; ! Price, $1.98. -istnig JTie-inventoiy ttems. ming. Clearing out price, 25£. vrJ Clearing Out Price SKIO 98 • ! Mercerized tahlp dam,-!. 77 n* 1 • T-> • ._ _ o-n C• 11 • I • ~ , , , yo. wut rrn.e, I BOWMAN s—Fourth Floor , ~, . iaole damask, /l Clearing Out Price. $1.75. Silk Girdles in plain and black and ... • r, , r.- , —— —— ncies; Clearing Out Price, :»!<• Near linen, 81 inches; Clearing white stripes, and Persian ribbons. Hesisn ■ Clearing Ou" Price 4 'At Trimmings In An Inter- tT . _ d j , , , , Out Price, 45e yd. Clearing out price design, Clearing out Price, . Clearing Out • io'rtche" n a ino a i,," 11 ,, Pancy weave ikirting, 40 inches; V" >d ' estmg Variety Of Savings Trimmed Velvet Hats Jeariug oS, Prtea 44*. CVnen, -i.- Fancy braids; Clearing Out Price, ™ ''"'j^tclfMil '''[ap^newdoweling 10 - yard The BaSCmetlt China and trimmings; Clearing Out r T • inches, Departments Enter lpavintr On, iw.» it nu ' Quilts, hemmed; Clearing f r ri . n > , , Lace and trimming remnants; mcu 111 «i \anciy 01 siyicb, Tab/e sit - • and in many cases the "learinf Out l v;* i-o In, ~ les: Satin Quilts, hemmed; Clearing T1 ~ , r ~ , . . . , mer values. trimming alone cost more Mercerized cloth' !md lmlf /pn and WS.BO. Pinlf, Here are articles for the home; always handy and con- White embroidered skirt flannel; than a dollar. Winter ■apkitis; Cloth °4s7 inch?, . b,™"?'! •" at and *1.39. venient; always wanted. And in this Clearmg Out Sale, prices clearing Out Price, 'ir.c yd. models. Jlearing Out Price, $1.35. SanCI l ® a " l,g o U t t at Js l sP* Per " are marked exceptionally low. 142 pieces Val. Insertions; Clear- One lot of Untrimmed Mercerized cloth, 55x57 inches; ' ea "" f, i Uat " 'Kitchenwares terns at half regular prices. ing out price, 1 2/i$ piece, of 12 yds. Shapes and Trimmed Chil t_ xj • <-p, MAN FIOOI Mirrors; French plate; bevel Plates; Clearing out at 50f, 65 yards embroidery edges; drens Hats. Clearing out n IMOtlOns. lncsc r edge; white enamel frame; 14x20 ®sf, 95<* and sl.lO dozen. Clearing Out Price, yd. price, ,ws£. Handies: Savings' Large variety of ribbons for inches. Clearing out price, Bone dishes; Clearing at SI.OO ROWMAN'S— Main Floor f» w] (59 dozen. —— — 1 « ™e, v"/, y T out > K « W ~ : »•««' •.'••• 25« e 4ofand«o«' earing out " There's A Big Saving On Boys' Clothing Hard rubber dressing comba; Clearing ' y minuill; 3-qt. capacity. Clearing -rff, WC aiKlOUf. > ..a j 25c BOWMAN'S— Main Floor outnrice 73«. Covered dishes; Clearing out Pully a third less, are the prices at which these fine garments lifts ™' n :. Steamer Sauce Pots; ah,mi- at 7S* and 8."»*. have been fnarked. PrtS Pre-Inventorv Shop num ' Clearing out price. ati.OS*. Butter dishes; Clearing out at Overcoats—chinchillas and fancy Fancy Wash Suits; Clearing Out 8( . lit iiivciiiuiy OIIOC Aluminum Casseroles; with t>Uf. _ _ mixtures; some have hat and leg- Price, i 5 i>resa shields; clearing Out Price, pair Clearance" Savings polished aluminum frame. Clear- Clean-up in China gings; Clearing Out Prices, $1.98, Corduroy Knickerbockers; Clear narrettes: ciearintr out Price r,e ' ® ing out price, English Porcelain Plates; blue $3.45, $3. <5, $3.35 and up to ing Out Price, or 3 prs. $1.00; Hair Pins; Clearing Out Price; card, 7c In Abundance Punch Polish Mop; triangular willow decoration; 5, 6 and 7- $5.50. and 69tf. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor , shape; with anvangle handle; one inch. Clearing out price, 60$ Norfolk Suits—plain and fancy Juvenile Suits in corduroys, vel ________Women s Dress Shoes; fine cloth quart can punch oil included. dozen. mixtures; Clearing Out Prices, vets and serges; Clearing Out Price, Men's IJnHrrwear ' top button and lace shoes; smart Clearing out price 79<;. White Porcelain Plates; 5-inch $1.95, $3.95 and up to $5.35. $1.98. i styles; niostly all sizes; Clearing Scott's Tissue Towels; house- size. Clearing out price, 34£ Blouse Wash Suits, in blue and Knickerbockers, in fancy mix- SavingS Price, $1..>0 pr. hold size. Clearing out price, dozen. white stripes; with plain and strip- tures; Clearing Out Price, 650. k Women's Goodyear Welt Shoes; package. American Porcelain; 9-inch ed sailor collars; Clearing Out Hats and Caps Reduced; Clearing Why not look forward to j gun metal and patent colt; aU sizes Knives and Forks; white metal; shallow bowls, assorted decor- Price, 950. BOWMAN'S— second Floor Out Prices, 370, 050 and SI.OO. next winter and realize a sav- to start; Clearing Out Price, SI.OO. six knives and six forks. Clear- ation; luster finish. Clearing out ___ ir;g on winter grades. Women's Russet Shoes; button ing out price, 590. price, 330. CIftVPS Mfn'i anrf Row' Natural Wool Shirts and aiul 'ace Goodyear welt shoes sizes Spoons; Vintage tea and table Glass Stand Lamps; complete IC«U KJVJIUVCft men 3 Aim ouji Drawers; heavy weight; ?to 4 not exchangeable; Clear- spoons silveroid plate on white with chimney, burner and wick. ... , , «.... » KlirnilllintfS small and large sizes; mostly ing Out Price, TSO pr. metal. Teaspoons, clearing out Clearing out price, 430. Women s and Childrens 6 shirts. Clearing out price, Men's and Women's Rubbers and at 130 dozen. Tablespoons, Colonial Glass Table Tumblers. Women's 2-clasn Kid Gloves- Men's Flannelette Pajamas; 890. wool lined overshoes and arctics; clearing out at 340 dozen. Clearing-out price, 650 dozen. , , ~ • ,• , , ' good qualities. Clearing out Heavy Fleece Lined Shirts Clearing Out Price, 490 pr. Aluminum Colander; Viko Electric Portable Lamps; with a sm . s:zes I some slightly prices, 790 and $1.19. and Drawers: silk finish; pearl Men's and Boys' Shoes; black and brand; large size. Clearing out fancy silk shade. Clearing out soiled; Clearing Out Price, 690 pr. Men's Black Cotton Hose; buttons; shirts, in all sizes; tan > a clean-up of worthv shoes; price, 790. price, $13.50. Clearing out price, 3 pairs, drawers, in medium and large Clearing Out Price, $1.49 pr. Nesco Perfect Double Roaster; Decorated German China sal- Women's 16-button Chamoisette '>54.. sizes. Clearing out price, 590. Women's and Children's Leg- seamless; oval; selfbasting. Clear- a( j s cake plates celerv travs nut Gloves; white and natural; Clearing Boys' Gloves; wool knit Natural and Oxford Wool Jersey; Clearing Out ing out price, 980. bo wl S) spoon tr ' su " ar baskets Out Price, 750 pr. gloves. Clearing out price, Mixed Shirts; heavy weight. '''niVsVal', f r r Open Stock Dinnerware handled olives and marmalade 190 and 390 pr.; lined leath- Cleanng out price, «90. shr,?- ( n„ pi g Choice of three English and one jars. Clearing out price, 690. Children's Golf Gloves; not all er gloves. Clearing out prices, BOWMANS-Main Floor ' LL,< L3n - domestic porcelain decorated pat- BOWMANS-Ba.em.nt ' sizes; Clearing Out Price, 100 pr. BOWMAN S—Main Floor BOWMAN. ,-M.ln Floor TUESDAY EVENING, HARRIBBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 25, 1916 3
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