j[_ A Telegraph fait MII Qalddy Rent 'flat Vacant Room j CARD OF THANKS t \l«IJ OK THAXKS WE, the undersigned. taUo this means to thank our many friends anil neigh bors for their kindness in past favors ■luring the illness and death of Wjilli ington Bierbower. MI:S WASHINGTON BIERBOWER AND FAMILY. IN" MKMORIAM IX loving remembrance or Mrs. Kniina Etter. who passed away one year aito, January 3!', 191... Sadlv missed but not forgotten. Alone in liie silent grave. 'Neath the sod and the dew. Never one moment forgotten. In sorrow we think of you. HI SBAXD AND DAUGHTERS RUTH, EL.UAHF.TII AM? S. S. ETTEK. LOST LUST Right hand kid glove. Silk iined. Kinder please leave at Harry s Cigar Store. Third and Walnut streets. LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN—SmaII, White, male Foodie Dog. with light brown ears, on Tuesday afternoon in the vicinity of Fourteenth and v Uerry Htreeti#. Reward if returned to 1418 Derry street. LOST Pass ease, containing;- A. C. Swope's annual pass, money, an»l Pipe Bending Co. chocks, between Second and Harris and Pipe Bending; Works. Howard if returned to 10-9 Ctrcen street. LOST A small, black, covered ac count book on the curb at 1910 Deny street. Keward if returned to lulo J>errj.- street. FUI'M) FOUND A way to end your clean ing and dyeing worries by calling either plume lor Kggert's Steam .Dyeing end French Cleaning Works, li lo Mar ket street. We call and deliver. .ii I.l* \\ v\ H,l>—.Male WANTED Waiters for work in j Dining Hall. Must nave some experi ence ill Otnce work. -Neat, clean anil active Americans. White. Apply si once in person at ilersney jc-niploy nient Here hey. Pa., WANTED A driver for large ac liverv wagon; must have experience | and able to attend horses. Address, giving rtierences. also age, 8., 349U, care of Telegraph. | WANTED Blacksmith for general j work; man between 50 and liu years "t age preferred. Apply Jackson Mfg. Co., 1' ourth and Boyd streets. —: i GOVEKN.U.— i POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet. B. Y. 34 2, tell* how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins, Washington, D. C. . AIUIY UK TIIE UNITED STATE* MEN WANTED - Ablcbodieu. unmar ried men between ages of 18 and Uu; citizens of United States, oi good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, lead and write the English \ language. Eur information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, \ id & Market Sis.. Harris burg Pa- WANTED A boy. IT or IS years of age, to deliver goods and make himself useful in general; bring ref-I erence. Applv at once, liarrisburg ( Pretzel Company, Third and Seneca streets WANTED Boy to learh trade 1 1»> years;. Eor a boy meaning business, we have good inducement with shorter hours and union wa es. Job requires; ordinary Intelligence and a neat-ap pearing /boy who is willing to learn, ; will nnd steady em ploy nient, r ersonal; interview necessary. \\ iison Printing t '<'o.. 1T"8 Fifth street. WANTED Male stenographer ft ho is wiilme to stari at $36."" per mouth j with large corporation: good chance lot 1 advancement; references required. Ad dress I'., .1506. care ot Telegraph Office, j ARCADE BARBER SHOP. 86 N. Court ; street. Newly remodeled and refitted, j ("lean and sanitary. Complete system Red Cross Sterilisers used. Massage, 1 2;,. . shave, l«c. P. D. Richwine, Pro- | prietor. j WANTED Experienced consoli dated hand method, lasting machine op erator: also sandpaperer lor bottoming room. Apply Harrlsburg Shoe Mfg. Co., 1 Vernon street, liarrisburg. Pa. WANTED A boy of 16 to 18 years, to work on farm. A good home. Apply j 601 Walnut street. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring mill or latlic hands, who can work j from blue prints; also tool makers. Ad dress, or apply. Employment Depart- | nient, Wcstinghouse Electric ii Mfg. j Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. HELP WANTED—FemaIe $150.00 SALARY for 60 da - s work 1 paid lady in each town to distribute , I'REE circulars, and take orders for | White Ribbon Concentrated Flavoring. .1. S. Zeigler Co., Chicago. WANTED An experienced lady bookkeeper. Address B. W. J., care of I liarrisburg Telegraph. ■ : WANTED Experienced chamber- j maid. Apply to Superintendent liar- > risburg Club, Kronl and .Market streets. 1 WANTED Two covering-machine j girls: also several learners. Steady ! employment to right parties. Harris burst Hag and Box Company, 1550-52 | Vernon street. WANi'ED—We have openings for 12 more bright girls. Apply, j Silk Mill, Cor. North and Second streets. FOR SALE A Fine Residence Bclletue Park l'\»i'iit.v-second and Client nut st*. The Davidson" property at the northwest corner of Twenty-second anl Chestnut streets. A most substantially built ijirae- i story brick residence. „ <st floor vea*ibule drawing ' room—parlor, finished in riahog- 1 any diningroom kitchen—but- j lei's pantry front ur.J back ' stairways. -d tloor —four rooms—tiled bath room-—-:Bdar Mid linen closets. .".d floor—two "ooms and bath. Cemented cellar with laundry and cold storage room steam heat. Combination lights—front, side i and back porches. "lot 87V6X125 ft. (paved on I Chestnut St.) Inspection by ao po'ntrnent only. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. IIE AI. ESTATE Insurance Surety lloiuls I.oeuxt anil Court Streeta * WEDNESDAY E VENIN G. HELP WANTED—FemaIe | ' WANTED Two maids of all work, 1 1 30 to 10 years old, for small boarding school located In the country. Salary, Slj.uo per month and fare from Harris ! burg. Apply immediately by letter, staling experience anil all particulars, to Carson Dong Institute. New Bloom field. Pa. WANTED Solicitors, at once, on a high-grade proposition. Call at 8 : o'clock this evening, Doughton Studio, 210 North Third street. | WANTED One of llarrisburg's | , leading manufacturing companies re quires the services of a capable typist to write and fill in letters. Stenography unnecessary. Salary moderate to start, but position otters opportunity for pro motion. Address E„ 3503, care of Tele , graph. W A NTED Experienced sewing machine operators to work 011 women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State street, rear entrance. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har- j risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, I Harrlsburg, Pa. I WANTED White girl experienced | in general housework: reference re quired. Apply to 1034 North Third street. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced I Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, ( Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel > fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply liarrisburg Cigar Com-1 ; pany, 500 Race street. WANTED Girl to Assist in general I housework. Apply to 2222 Penn. WANTED Several elderly women ! for temporary work. Apply this even- | , ing at Majestic Theater. ! WANTED Experienced white wo- ! man for general housework: no wash- j 1 ing; So per week. Apply before 7 P. M. at 2115 North Third street. —. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED to solicit Orders ' f->r Men's Clothes from factory direct to i I wearer at wholesale prices. References ; required. P. O. Box 522. Philadelphia . ; l Pa. SITUATIONS WAX 1 ED— Male ' WANTED Young, married man de- i sires position driving delivery car, or ] I private work experienced In both; can | furnish best of reference; good charac ter. C. E. N'.. P. O. Box 326. Harrisburg, | j WANTED Young man desires po sition as stenographer, where there is I .chance of advancement; references. Ad-j (dress W. K. G.. 1415 Liberty street. j WANTED An experienced eleva- j i tornuui and janitor combined desires a i situation where his work will be ap prociated; reference given. Janitur, caro of Telegraph. WANTED General office n»rk, sales department preferred: exprienced sales manager: can furnish best of ref erences. Address D., 34U4, care of Tele graph. ~~ SITUATIONS WANTED—EewuIe WANTED By an experienced seamstress, plain sewing or children's i sewing to do at home or by day. Ad- j | dress E., 3507. care of Telegraph. WANTED By colored girl, day's I work, or offices to clean. 1308 North j | Seventh street. City. 1 WANTED —"Day s work or hotel I | work. Apply 1320 North Front street. | S WANTED Colored girl desires a ! position as child's nurse, or assist with ; I general housework. Applv 7H5 South! | street. WANTED Woman would like to have work by the day. Apply 669 ! Briggs street. • ANTED Middle-aged white wo- J man wants office cleaning. Apply 1734! a | North Fifth street. City. | WANTED Washing and ironing to do at home. Call, or write, 1625 Fulton j street. • i j H ANTED Dressmaker desires en | gagenient by the day—|l.2s a day. Ad ■ dress W., 3175, eare of Telegraph. HEAL ESTATE I'OB SALE FOR SALE— t 22'j Harris St., 3-story brick, i 231 Kelker St., 3-story brick. ; -.'s Woodbine St., 3-story brick. Ui i am- St., 3-story frame. i-2» Bailey St., 3-story frame. 2Jij N. Fitteemh St., ;i-story brick. ! BR INTON-PACKER CU., Second and Walnut sts. I FOR SALE— j one of the most pleasant homes on : South Thirteenth street ran be bought | at a bargain it sold wltliln 30 days. ; A corner brick house, with porches, ! on Hummel street, will ue sold at a sac- I ritice price. A. W. SWENGEU 210 South Thirteenth street. i —. j FOR . ALE New brick dwelling, I never occupied; near ci,i line; every! 'modern convenience; combination gas and coal range: electric light; splemliu ' view; large ;ot; owner must sell at. once; 53,5011. No agents. Address .Bo>: ! ! A. 3504, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Choice building lots, j 20x100, growing community. Right on I • car line, .deal place lor smail Homes. ■ Owner must sell at once. SIOO each. No I brokers. Address Box A, 3505, care of i i Telegraph. i FOR SALE— -185 A., 2 mi. N. of Hiimmelstown. m; A„ 3 mi. E. of Linglestown. 12 A., 1 mi. E. of Linglestown. BRINTON-PACKER CO., j Second and Walnut sts. j I'OR SALE l9ll Park street. Real i Bargain. New nine-room brick house; j all conveniences; every room cheerful; I chestnut finish first tloor; deep lot; rear! j drive alley; excellent neighborhood. j ANY reasonable offer will be care- I fiilly'oonsidered for 630 and 632 Peffer | street; corner plot, 30.3x125; paved street on three sides. Bell Really Co., i Bergner Building. NO. 5 S. SIXTEENTH ST. (near Mar- i ket St.) is nTercd for sale at a reduced . rrice; brick house with all Improve ments; ponh; side entrance. Bell | Realty Cc., Bergner Bouildlns. i SMALL restaurant for sale; located j ion ousiness street In liarrisburg. All) i details open for inspection; doing ai I prosperous business; only |450 required. I Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. | I SIXTH STREET dwelling fcr sale at • $::,:;00: ail improvements; four rooms on first lloor; suitable business location, easily altered; buy It while the price is right. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ' Ing. LOT* LoTi Brandt Est., Elk wood, j •ew Cumberland 5O ft. front up to I I aiie-half acre plots sewer gas electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. | |sc trolley. Keeney & Simmons, Agents, j HEAL ESTATE FOll RENT FOR RENT 1303 North Third j | street; S-room house; hot and cold I i water and gas; sls per month. Call ] : lI2S North Sixth. • FOR RENT Roomy dwelling 5141 j North street; central location; facing: I Capital Park Extension: moderate rent; water in kitchen: references required.' > Apply 922 North Third street. I | REAL ESTATE FOR RENT j FOR RENT Building located at 1526 Fulton street; suitable for repair shop. garage or storage; will rent cheap. Apply Troy Laundry, 1520 Ful- j ton street. FOR RENT Store room, uptown, i well located. J. S. Sible. 256 Herr street. | I Nine-room house, all improvements. | 1607 Maclay street," $20.00. i 1924 North Seventh street, S rooms. | •all improvements, front porch, $15.00. j Apply J. S. Sible. 256 Herr street. FOR RENT I No. 1302 State St $25.00 1547 State St 20.00! Private fireproof garage 4.00 I 11S Sylvan Terrace 22.50 j 2008 Forster St 11.00 2101 Greenood St 9.00 J. E. GIPPLE. 1251 Market St. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Three rooms and kitchenette, completely furnished for light housekeeping; hot water heat; corner house; gas range; refrigerator: separate bell and rear entrance. 1238 ' Klttatinnv street. ' FOR RENT Apartment, complete, I steam heat, gas and electricity, modern land sanitary, at 1419 Vernon street. Apply 1417 Vernon, or Baptisti, Third jana Chestnut. 1 MbpDAMIEI.'S FAMILY APARTMENTS Light housekeeping. Two cheerful front rooms, bath, furnished complete. Heated. Gas range, private meter, bell and mail box. Cooking utensils, linen and dishes. Phone !?97J, 1417 Market ' 3treet. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Attractive rooms for rent; centrally located; terms reason able. Apply 209 State street. I FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms from $1.50 up. Also board If desired, i Apply 328 North street. ' FOR RENT Two unfurnished I rooms on third floor, with heat, elec tric lights and bath; suitable for a i young woman or two girls. Call even lings at 1216 Berryhlll street. I FOR RENT Two communicating {rooms, second fioofl* front; desirable lo cation. Applv-222 Pine street. FURNISHED ROOMS Two fur ! nished rooniß. sink, hot and cold water; electric light and gas: privilege bath; ; $4.00 per week. 22 North Eighteenth ; I street. FOR RENT Large, well-furnlshed front room: all conveniences and use | of phone: for gentlemen only. Apply , I 813 North Second. ! FOR RENT Suite of rooms on i second floor front; for one or two gen ! t'emen, with use of bath,, phone and | city heat; reference required. Apply j 272 Briggs street. I IN* IKNIbIIKD ROOMS FOR REN I' j ' BUILT exclusively for light houso- j keeping, strictly private, all outside, j .with or without kitchenettes. Stoves ! furnished free. Laundry, phone and ; ! bathroom privileges. Weekly pay- ; Iments. .Tanitress service. Inquire 429; ; Broad street. Daily inspection invited, i ROOMS WANTED WANTED Young lady desires room I in private family. In city, with or with- I out boarding. "Hill" preferred. Write i D. M. C, care of Telegraph. WANTED, AT ONCE Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeep ing, by couple with two-year-old child, in respectable household, centrally lo cated. Address Y„ 3500, care of Tele graphy WANTED Unfurnished, two or i ! three rooms and bath, with heat; mod l ern. Address H., 3498, caro of Tele- | 1 tfraph. i ! WANTED For man, wife and small child, furnished livlngroom and bed- ■ room and board, with relined, private 1 1 familv, or centrallj located furnished | apartments with all conveniences. Ad j (i ess R„ 3493. care of Telegraph. WANTED ' WANTED To rent a house, up town district, for about S2O per month, i Address Box P, 3502, care of Telegraph. ; WANTED Young woman would ; Mike small flat or couple unfurnished! ! looms for light housekeeping, centrally i located. Address F„ 3492. care of Tele- ! j graph. j | WANTED —To buy old Brussels or j ingrain carpets or fillers. Call 2064 | Bell phone or 140W United^^^^^^^^ FOR SALE FOR SALE One Mossier Safe, large size. 4x5 ft.; suitable for lawyer, insur ance or any business office; value, $1 x(i.ou: for quick buyer, $35.00. New- York Loan Office, 225 Market street, I second floor. FOR SALE Household goods I Diningroont suit, several bedroom suits, 'matting, tables, piano, etc. Call any afternoon but Saturday, at 1504 Green. FOR SALE Ten thousand clean, second-hand brick and five perch of building stone. Can be seen at 34 North ' Second street. Apply to A. C. Young, j 26 North Third street. FOR SALE A few heavy, wr.rm | overcoats at $6 each. Less than whole- | sale price. Apply M. Hoffman, 506 Mar- | ket street. j FOR SALE—Edison Standard Phono- ; I graph; can be bought for $17.50; com-! | plete outfit includes 60 four-minute! [records. Call 1317 Perry street. j ■ FOR RENT Typewriters bought, 1 I sold or rented, liarrisburg Typewriter , and Supply Cc., 40 North Court street. FOR SALE Array shoes, slightly j ! used. Best shoes for railroad men. Also ?3 army hats for 25c. Your money | I bae'e if not Satisfied. Open evenings. S. 1 Meltzer, 513 Walnut street. ' FOR SALE Two stcond-iiand pool ! tables, about one year old. Apply to 1922 Walnut street. FOR SALE Steam boiler, 1 second , hand square sectional castiron boiler, 2,340 s'l. ft. capacity. Fisher Bros., 1001 j (Capital street. i ROOMS' FOR RENT CARDS can be I secured at the Telegraph Business 1 Office. , _ j ' OVERCOATS AND SUITS (drum- j ; mem' samples) positively at the lowest' i prices in the city. Call and be con- i vinced. A tew soldiers' blue overcoats j !on hand. Cohen and Son, Reliable . Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at sub- ■ j way. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the | Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new ' supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap- , i ply Job Printing Department The Tele- ! ! graph Printing Company. j BUY Traveling Bags, Suitcases and ! I Trunks from Wholesale and Retail | ■ Leather Merchants, Second and Chesi- | nut Repairing neatly and promptly at- I tended to. Specialties made to order, j Harrisburg Harness and Supply Co. CAI.KS—CALKS—CALKS FOR SALE At Gable's. 111-117 S. | I Second St., Neverslip and Rowe Screw j land Drive Calk*, Green Bay and Giant | Grip Drive Calks. Can't Slip and Always Sharp Calks. j FOR RENT i FOR RENT Garage on Orange j street, below Maclay. Room for two automobiles. Inquire 317 Maclay j street. j FOR light manufacturing, storage or i shop purposes, a very desirable entire second floor, with private front en i trance, city steam heal, electric lights j ind water, in a new building located ! Just south of Chestnut Street on River Street. Apply to Brlntou-Packer Co., 'aecuud aud Walnut Sts. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH SPECIALTIES ARE AGAIN PROMINENT j American Coal Products Sets; Now High Record; Bethle- | hem Steel Advances IBy Associated Press New York, Jan. 19. Tile same spiel- j alties that contributed to yesterday's j , activity wore again prominent at to day's opening-. United States Industrial ■ Alcohol nnd American coal products I made new high records with gains oi I 3% and 2 " 4 . respectively, in the early ] dealings. Bethlehem Steel, after open- | ins down a-polnt at 479, soon advanced I to 1112% Changes elsewhere compris- I ed various nominal gains and losses, leading stocks showing' no definite trend, except New York Central, which rose three-quarters. War shares were lower at the outset, hut recovered later. I and United States Steel denoted further ! pressure. The market's failure to respond to | various favorable trade developments. , Including higher prices and further! large orders for steel and iron pro- ! ducts, caused a fresh selling movement : before midday. United States Steel 1 was offered in many large individual [ lots down to 84:». its low price for the current movement, and Bethlehem Steel fell to 478. Mercantile Marine. Pfd., one of the recent sustaining features, declined three to 80'4. and Coppers and oils were consistently heavy in connec tion with adverse Mexican rumors. | Speculation in stocks like Alcohol, Coal 1 Products and a few others selling at I prohibitive prices faile<l to enlist pub lic interest. Bonds were irregular. X'EW YOKK STOCKS ! Chandler Bros. & Co.. members New I York nnd Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1 338 Chestnut street. Phila | delphia: 34 Pine street, New York, furnish the following quotations: Xew Y'ork. Jan. 19. Open, Clos. Alaska Gold Mines ..... 25 25 AUis-Chalmors 27% 27 | American Beet Sugar ... 68 66 % American Can 63 62%. I American c& f 69 % 68 % I American Locomotive .. 65% 64% [American Smelting .... 105 % 104% American Sugar 115% 114% [ American T& T 128 127 ( Anaconda SS% SS% 1 Atchison 107 106% Baldwin Locomotive ... 110% 109 I j Baltimore & Ohio 94% 94 ',4, 1 Bethlehem Steel 479 476 | Brooklyn Rapid Transit 87 86 % ! • California Petroleum ... 32% 32% j Canadian Pacific 178% 178 Central Leather 55% 54% j Chesapeake and Ohio .. 64'* 64 Chicago, Mil and St Paul 100% 100% I Chicago, n 1 and Pacific 17% 17* jChino Consolidated Cop. 53 % 531,2 ! Colorado Fuel and Iron 4S 47 (Consolidated Gas 14294 142% |Crucible Steel 66 65% ICorn Products 21% 22% I Distilling Securities .... 48 4C% Erie 40*4 40 V 4 Erie Ist pfd 56% 56 % General Electric Co .... 175% 174 General Motors 485 487 Goodrich B F 73 72% Great Northern pfd .... 124% 124 Great Northern Ore, a.. 48% 47 % Guggenheim Exploration 23 22% . Inspiration Copper 46% 4 5%.' | Interboro-Metropolitan.. 19% 18% I Tnt erboro-Met. pfd 76% 74% Kansas City South 30 29 Lackawanna Steel S2 81% 'Lehigh Valley 80 79% I Maxwell Mot 66% 65 % jllex. Petroleum 114% 112% Miami Copper 37% 37% Missouri Pacific 5% 5% FOR RENT I FOR RKNT A large office In the : Telegraph Building. Inquire of Super , intendent In Business Office of Tele- I graph. ; 111 SIN ESS Oi'POKTLNITIES 1 TIIB National Iron & Metal Co., cor- I ner Twelfth and P. & R. Lebanon, Pa., j aro doing a large business and needy : a partner to help him. Apply with ref- j erence*. ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURING j BUSINESS, $7,000 equipment, doing a I $7,000 business without solicitation, j liiK opportunity for development. Can j be purchased at bargain. Must sell in! oriin in uuvute entire time to other j business. i'or full particulars address j tiox M„ 345 9, care of Telegraph. ANY Intelligent person can earn good j Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par- I ticulars. Press Syndicate, 788, Lock- | port. N. Y. I JIADK $50,000 In five years In the j mall order business, began with $5. 1 I Send for free booklet. Tells bow. Hea- j j cock. 355 Loekport. N. Y. j BI" SflX ESS PERSON ALS FOR fplllng- hair try Uross Quinine Kair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the I Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market I street. Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone ! oruti'S giv.u pro\[pt attention. Bell ' ,960 ' /Vfc HAXI.IN'G K. HAllTl«*KjMraiiii: Stable 1 ,nml .\ 111 tonal I'niinltrTW Movers of] pianos, safes, boilers and general haul- I irig. 11. W. Lather, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine street. Bell phone No. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. , f.ox 171. Harrisburg. Pa- STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private | rooms for household goods, $2 par! | month and up. Wo, invite inspection. LOW insurance. 457-445 South Second 1 street. Harrisburg' Storage Company.! STORAGE! IV 3-« tory brick building, rear 40S Market mi reel j Ilounrholil goods In clean, prt\ate rooms. Ileimniinble rales. \pi>l.v to | l». 11. IHrner. Jeweler, 40H Market St. STORAGE 4i3 Broad street, for i household goods end merchandise. Pri j vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents 1 per month Apply D. Cooper & Co 411 LEGAL NOTICE I NOTICE Letters of Administration , I 011 the Estate of Wm. 1. Snyder, late of Middle Paxton Township, Dauphin j County, Pa., deceased, having been! I granted to the undersigned residing in i 1 said township. P. 0., Dauphin R. D. i t I tail persons Indebted to said Estate are I requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. GEO. R. SNYDER, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Rachel S. Zarker, late of Har rlsburg. Pa., deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters cf Administration on the estate o' said decedent have been granted to the un dersigned residing at 223 Walnut Street in said city. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make pay ment. and those having claims or de mands against the same will make them known without delay, to WILLIAM A. MdLHE.VNY, AOininiiiUftiof, i .National Lead 71% " 2 H N. Y. Central 114% 110% | N. Y„ N. 11., 11 7 4' 4 74% 1 N. Y. O. and W 28% 28% I Norfolk and West 119% U? ! Northern Pacific 115% 115%, Pacific Mail 12 12 Pa. Rail 58% 58 ( Pittsburgh Coul 84% 35 | Pilts. Coal, pfd 107% 107% Press S. C 59 58^ Ray Con. Cop 24 % 24 % I Reading 82 81 % j Rep. I. S 51% 51% I Southern Pacific 102 101% Southern Ry 23% 22% ' Studebaker 154' i 154 j Tennessee Copper 60 59%: j Third Ave 61% Union Pacific 137% 136% I.' S Rubber 55% 55% ! TJ S Steel 85% 85 I ! I' S Steel pd 117% 117%| Utah Copper 78%. 78%] Virginia-Carolina Chem. 49% 48% j Western U Telegraph... 91 91% 1 } Westinghouse 67% 67% PHILADELPHIA PRODICB By Associated Press 1 Philadelphia. .lan. 19. Wheat | Firm; No. 2. red. spoi, and January, ! $1.31 ® 1.33; No. 2. Southern, red, $1.29® 1.31. I Corn Firm: No. 2, yellow, local, I S4®Bsc; new steamer. No. 2, yellow, I local. 82' i iff S"'ac. ' -„9 ats Higher; No. 2. white, 56® j oß'.-jc; No. 3. white. 53 ' si 51c. I Bran Market steady: city j mills. winter, per ton. $26.u0, western, winter, per ton. none here; Spring, per ton. $23.00®23.50. Refined Sugars Market firmer; powdered, o.Soc; line" granulated, 5.76 c, confectioners' A, 5.1!5c. I Butler Market steady: western, j creamery, extras, 34c; nearby prints, fancy. 37c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and oihcr nearby Ilrsi* i free cases. $10.50 per case; do., current I receipts, free cases, $10.20 per case, western, extras, firsts, free cases, $10.50 per ease; do., firsts, free cases, $10.20 per case. , Live Poultry Market steady; fowls, lb®18o; roosters, Spring chickens, 16® 18c; duck.-, 15®17c; geese, low>l7c; turkeys, 20®22c. Dressed Poultry Market firm; fresh killed fowls, fancy. 19®19%c; do., average, lfi%®l7%c; do., unattrac tive, 14® 16c; ice packed fowls, 13 !©l6c; old roosters. 13% c; broiling chickens, nearby, 2226 c; do., western, 20® 24c; roasting chickens, western, choice to fancy, 19®21c; do., fair to good, 14® 18c; Spring ducks, nearby. 18 @2oc; do., western, 12@18c; geese, nearby, 16®18e; do., western, 14 ml Sc. turkeys, Delaware and Maryland, fancy. 28®80c: do.. Virginia. 26fft'27c; do., r.ear -1 by, choice to fancy, 27® 28c; do., nearby | choice, 23® 26c: do., fail- to good. 23(if 26c; western, choice to fancy, 25®26c; do., fair to good. 22®23c; do., old toms, 21c; do., culls. 16® 20c. Potatoes Market steady; Penn sylvania. white, per bushel, sl.lo® 1.25; do., fair to good, 95c® 1.00 per bushel; Jersey, No. 1, per basket, 60@70c; do., | No. 2, per basket, 30@40c. i Flour Market firm; winter, j straights. $5.90® 6.15: do., patent. $6.25 ; <S>6.SO: Kansas straights. 54.85®5.86; Spring firsts, clear, 55.75®6.00; ilo„ straights, $6.00®6.25; do., patents, $8.25 | ®6.60; do., favorite brands. $6.7507.15. j Hay The market is ' steady ) with a fair demand; No. 1, large j bales, $21.00©21.50; No. 1, medium bales, $20.50®21.00: No. 2, $19.00® 19.50; No. 3, do.. $15.50017.50. Clover mixed, light mixed. slß.so®' 19.00: No. 1. do., slß.oo® 18.50; No. t do., $15.00® 16.00. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Jan. 19. Hogs Re ceipts. 51,000; slow. Bulk of sales. $7.25 ®7.60: light, $7.05®7.65; mixed, $7.15® I 7.70: heavy. s7.lsffi 7.70; rough, $7.15® i 7,"0: piars. $5.75®6.75. | Cattle Receipts. 18.000: firm. Na tive beef steers. 06.00®9.85; cows and heifers, $3.30(fi)8.40; calves. $7,50® 10.75. Sheep Receipts, 23,000; steady. Wethers, $7.25®7.80; lambs, $8.25® 10.75. CHICAGO BOVRIJ OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., Jan. 19.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat —May. 1.30-»: July. 1.23%. Corn —May, 79' R ; July. 79':. Oats—s!ay, 53' a; July. 50' /A . Pork —January, 19.70; May. 20.22. Lard—May. 10.95; Julv, 11.12. Ribs—May 11.12; July. 11.30. Claims World's Record on 36 Consecutive Strikes I Aberdeen. S. D., Jan. 19. Roy | Flagg, of this city, lays claim to the i world's record in bowling, making | thirty-six consecutive strikes in a flve i game match with Jake Strotli, on the I Metropolitan alleys yesterday. Klagg finished his game with nine I strikes, and made three strikes at the ! beginning of the fourth game for a j total for the three games of 870. Three-game average 290. Five-game average 261. The previous record was 1869 made by William E. Roach, of Wilmington, Del. Kaiser Reported to Be in Nish With King Ferdinand By Associated Press London. Jan. 19. —A dispatch re ceived by Keuter's Telegram Company says Emperor William was in Nish, Serbia, yesterday. According to this information, which was forwarded from Nish by way of Berlin, the Ger man emperor met King Ferdinand of Bulgaria at Nish. | "The monarchs greeted each other | cordially," the dispatch says, "and then reviewed from the citadel a pro cession of Bulgarian, Macedonian and German troops." CONTRACTOR SUKS STATK Francis J. Boas, a contractor, to day liled suit in the local court against the State for $12,995.23 which lie con lends is due him for building the State Tubercuosis Sanatorium at Ham burg. This amount is the difference between the State's estimates and i that of the contractor. Deaths and Funerals MRS. .IOIIN l». DW YKK OK \D By Associated Press Philadelphia, Jan. 19. —Mrs. Marj i i Gertrude lJw.ver, wife of John P. j ! Dwyer, managing editor of the Phila- I | delphia Record, died at her home here | to-day from pneumonia. Mrs. Dwyer i was born in ltenovo. Pa., fifty years ago and was married in 1889. In ad- I fillion to her husband she is survived j by four sons and one daughter. HENRY IIARPKR HKIDICI. | Henry Harper Seidel, forge opera-i lor for many years at the Marysville, I j Ellwood and Lucknow charcoal iron 1 | forges, died thin morning at his home. ! | 1936 North Second street, lie was |in his seventy-second year. Mr. ! Seidel is survived by his wife, five i children. Mrs. James C. Thompson, j Miss Mary E„ Edward R., and H. | Harper Seidel, Mrs. Jane Finnean. I and one grandchild. George Reel Sei- j del, of Baltimore. Funeral services; will be held at 11 o'clock Saturday ; morning. Burial will be made at ; Lebanon. MRS. ELIZABETH SHEA HAN Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth ! Sheahan. widow of Malachl Sheahan. , 703 North Second street, were held ' this morning at 9 o'clock at the St. j Patrick's Cathedral, Monsignor M. M.! ; llassett olliclating. Burial was made lat lbs Alt, Calvary, cemetery. JANUARY 19, 1916. Did He or Didn't He Know About the Hoirse? The question of whether an alleged untruth, told in a horse-trade, was baseil on an opinion expressed in good faith, or whether the statement was made with desire to deliberately misrep resent the facts, was the legal question that the January Common Pleas jury wrestled with this morning, when the appeal of A. M. Kaufman ami A. N. Martin against Harvie R. Tyson's claim for S6O was tried. Kaufman bought a horse from Tyson and gave Tyson his note for S6O. Mar tin was the endorser. The horse was declared by Tyson to be in prime con dition. Later developments showed that the horse hadn't been up to speci fications at all. And the purchaser re fused to make good the note when it fell due. The trespass action brought by C. K. Jacobs against William M. Henderson for injuries Jacobs received when he was struck by a motorcycle ridden by Henderson, was settled amicably. The assumpsit suit brought by W. S. Russel against ex-Congressman A. R. Rupley was scheduled for this morn ing, but was not taken up until late this afternoon. Medical Academy's Annual Meeting Jan. 28 The annual meeting of the Harris burg Academy of Medicine will he lteld Friday evening, January 28. Officers will be elected for the year itnd reports for 19K. will bs submitted. Dr. Har vey F. Smith, retiring president, will given an address on "Clinical Sig nificance of Acute Abdominal Pain." Officers to be balloted for follow: President, Dr. Charles S. Rebuck; lirst vice-president. Dr. Henry R. Douglas; second vice-president. Dr. Park A. Deckard; secretary-treasurer. Dr. J. M. J. Raunick: truslee. Dr. L. K. Garber; librarian, Dr. Carson Coover; social and scientific committee. Dr. Jesse E. Lenker. and committee on admission, Dr. W. Tyler Douglas. The report of the finances of the organization shows n. balance of $82.35 in the treasury. Schools and Churches at Wiconisco Ordered Closed Lykens, Pa,, Jan. 19. Bettio BlacUway, the three-year-old daugh ter of Mrs. David BlacUway of Wicon-j isco. died last evening of measles. The malady is so bad in Wteonisco that the Board of Health has ordered the schools and churches closed until it can get the epidemic under control. At the present time few families have escaped, but the Blackway girl was the first victim of the disease. ANOTHER PNEUMONIA VICTIM j Ezra Howard, colored, of Steelton.l died at 7 o'clock last evening in the! Harrisburg hospital from pneumonia, j RANK STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE STEKLTON TRUST COMPANY, of Steelton, No. 1 North Front Street, of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business. January 12, 1916; RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes, $11,558 0# Due from ap- I proved reserve I agents 37,225 22 Legal securities at par 10,000 00 ! Nickels and cents 98 19 Checks and cash items 529 64 ; Due from Banks and Trust Cos, not reserve 1,674 70 I Assets held free, viz: I Commercial paper purchas- J ed:. Upon two or more I names," 33,549 75 | • Loans upon call with col -1 lateral 156.672 94 . I Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 2,777 50 | Loans without collateral. .. 7,537 63 I ! Bonds, stocks, etc 148,194 59 i I Mortgages and judgments of record 99,688 00 j I Other real estate 27,500 00 I Furniture and fixtures 1,400 00 I Overdrafts 1 19 Total $544,407 65 LIABILITIES ; Capital stock paid In, ... $125,000 00! i Surplus fund 76,000 00 Undivided profits, loss ex penses and taxes paid. ... 24,990 74 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of I Trust Funds «nd Savings), 107,394 91 ! I Time certificates of deposit, ! (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings) 123,848 36 ! Deposits, saving fund, (Ex clusive of Trust Funds),.. 87,327 81 I Dividends unpaid 235 50 Treasurers and certified checks outstanding 360 33 Book value of reserve securi ties below par 250 00 Total. •••••• ......... . . .$544,407 65 Amount of Trust Funds in vested $144,117 50 Amount of Trust Funds un | invested 6,045 74 j Total Trust funds $1*50,163 24 State of Pennsylvania. County of Dau- I phin, ss: I, Geo. S. Bolton. Treasurer of the I above named Company do solemniy affirm that the abov« statement is true ! to the best of my knowledge and bolief. 1 (Signed) GEO. S. BOLTON. Treasurer. ! Subscribed and sworn to before m« this 18th day of January, 1916. (Signed) WM. F. HOUSMAN, [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. Commission expires March 25. 1917. Correct—Attest (Signed) 11. L. DRESS, (Signed) JOS. J. BAUGHMAN. (Signed) M. A. CUMBLER, I Directors. ! ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ For Rent or For Sale 3-story trick building. 11,000 sq. ft. floor space. Elevator 6xß. Along P. R. R. with siding. I j Inquire Dauphin Deposit Trust Co. ■■ Conservative Accounts Accepted in Wheat, Corn, Oats, Provisions BIDS and OFFERS Careful attention to out-of-town accounts. Write For Our Daily and Weekly Market Letters • lid for full explanations regarding markets. HUGHES & DIER MKMMKIIS CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADES 1435 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA* PA. Slightly Warmer Is Weather Prediction Slightly warmer weather to-night and to-morrow is forecasted by the weatherman. The temperature how ever, will stay below the freezing point. It is predicted, for another 3t> hours. The mercury last night drop ped to 16 degrees but mounted slow ly to-day. The lair weather will con tineu according to the forecast for the city. Although almost completely choked up with floating ice, the river re mained open at this point, to-day after almost a week of weather with the temperature far below freezing. The cold wave affecting the eastern sec tion of the country is slowly passing oft the Middle Atlantic coast, and is being followed by warmer weather in the western section of ttie country. Rises in temperature from 2 to 20 degrees are reported from points east of the Rocl<y mountains. WOMAN BROUGHT TO HOS PIITAL; HOME NOT KNOWN' j Police and Harrisburg hospital au jthorities are trying to identify a wo man lnouglit. to the hospital yester ! day afternoon suffering from symp toms o,f pneumonia. Late in the aft ernoon the ambulance was sent to SOU I South Alley to remove the woman to '.the hospital, but her identity conlrt | not be learned. The hospital physi cians said to-day that should pneu monia develop, the woman has little chance for recovery. GOES TO CONVENTION* George A. lloverter. alderman of the Ninth Ward, will leave the city this evening for Scranton, where th* State Magistrates' Association will meet to-morrow for th<=- annual ses sion. Alderman lloverter will return to-morrow evening. I Prospect Hill Cemetery ■ ! ? MARKKT AND MTH STIIEETS ! ! | This cemetery is soon to be en-? Ilarged and beautified under plans? I by Warren H. Wanning. t | i Lots will be sold with the per-t I ipetual care provision, f | Prospect Hill Cemetery Co.j Illeriiinn P, Miller, President : LOCI'ST AND COURT STBEISTS ! RKI.I, PHONE 1 .Ml,' i For Sale 5x7 Camera, cycle type, with j carrying case, one plate holder, but I no lens. (i y s x 8 % View Camera, 5 plate I holders, carrying case and RR lens | in Ilex shutter. j 4 x 6 CM, Miniature, Camera ! (imported) 5 single plate holders, RR lens. 2'Ax3 J ,4 lea Cupido (imported) Camera, using film pack or plate— Carl Zeiss F-4.5 lens, compound shutter. 4x5 No. 6 Premo Camera, film | pack adapter and RR lens. 6 'ixß Portrait lens, P-5. (i'/i-inch Plrltut Outfit. ox 7 Gra?<r:c. j Doughten Studio 210 N. 3rd St. Harrisburg', Pa. * I Auction Sale at my stable, 1420 Ful ton St., Harrisburg, Pa., at 1 o'clock Saturday, January 22 We liave 75 licad of ITorscs and Marcs, weighing from 1.200 to t.4o<> and some good driving Horses. These horses must be sound and right. We have some Kentucky Horses. Wc also sell 011 commission, horses, wagons nnd harness. The hor»es must be sold for llie high dollar. They must be like I say. or bring them back and receive your money. We also sell in private sale every day. M. Blatt PROPRIETOR 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers