i A Telegraph fait Id Will Quickly lent fiat Vacant Room l| IDeatbs _ Ki.BKHTt On Saturday, January 8, i 1916, Philip Cline Elberti. a«. his | home. 319 Burchtield street. <4. years. . ' Funeral services Tuesday mor Mig ai , iiis home, at 10 o'clock. Burial m Mld dietown Cemetery Relatives ana v friends invited to attend. - Kk!l On Januarv 9. 1416. Catherine ! C.. wtfte of John Keil. aged 73 > Funeral on Wednesday afternoon, at j 2 o'clock, from her late >' t:OS North Second street. The rela- i tives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery. H KIBIiK Died on January S 1916. at Pittsburgh. Edward L* Welble. Funeral services will be held at lite establishment of Harry M. Hoffman. :!U> North Second street, ruesda>. - P. M. Funeral j KIHVT On Sunday evening. January *», t916. Mrs. Sadie M . rife of J-ainuei First, aged 53 years. Funeral services Thui Hay afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her late home. No. 61- Peffer street. Burial at East liar- | risburg Cemetery. Relattves and friends are invited to attend without j further notice. Please omit flowers. ,j M\NLEY Edwin Manley. on Friday. January 7. 1916, aged 44 years. The relatives and friends and all oi-| sanitations of which he was a mem- j ber art invited to attend the services I on Monday evening, at ij:3o. 1 'TV I ', I,? 1 late residence, 1634 North 1* ourth t street. Burial Tuesday in ureen mont Cemetery, West Chester, la. McCON'XELL On January 7, 1916. at . the home of her mother. Mrs. ueorge Hain, 421 South Thirteenth street. . Grace Hain McConnell. wife of the late F J. McConnell, of Philadelphia. I Funeral on Tuesday afternoon, at - j o'clock, from her mother s residence. 421 South Thirteenth street. The rela tives and friends are invited to at- | tend without further notice. Burial | private at Shoop's Church Cemetery, j Philadelphia papers, please copy. LOST LOST Pocketbook. on Derry be- j twecn Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. Reward given if returned to , office United Evangelical Publishing ; House, Second and Locust streets. | IjOgT—A little white French Poodle, about a month ago. Answers to name of "Trixie." Liberal reward if returned i to 115 North street. LOST—Persian lamb muff and neck piece, in Market street or at Edwards sale. Saturday morning. Kindly return to this office and receive reward. FOUND ~ FOUND A way to end your clean ing and dyeing worries by calling either phone for Eggert's feteam Dyeing end French Cleaning Works, 1-45 Mar-I ket street. We call and deliver. J Utl-1' WANTED—.MaIe J WANTED Young man. IS years of j age or more, one wno can ride a bi- ; cycle. Apply West End Cate, lt>l3 North j Third street. WANTED Boy 16 years ot age. for grocery store, to deliver groceries and help about the store. Apply Weis Pure Food Store. 1313 Market street. WANTED Collector, with bicycle. Only experienced man need apply. Coi- j lins Co., 29 North Second street. I WANTED Young man, about 18, j to make himself generally useful. Gen- j eral Film Exchange. 322 Chestnut j street. I WANTED Young man, between 16 j and 20 years of age, who is willing to I learn office work and business. Ad- j dress K.. 3396, care of Telegraph. 1 WANTED A drug clerk, qualified . assistant of two or three years' experi- , ence, good habits, -Address 1-*, 3395, f care ot Telegraph. • ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES I MEN WANTED Ablebodled, unmar- j ried men between ages of is and 35; ; citizens of United States, of good char- I acter and temperate habits, who can j speak, read and write the English ! language. For Information apply to Recruiiing Officer, Bergner Building, i 3d & Market Sts., Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED A drug clerk, a qualified j assistant, or a clerk with two or three | \ears' experience, for suburban store,; near Philadelphia. Best of referenc re- j quired. Write Wyncote Pharmacy, j NVyncote. Ps. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring null or lathe hands, who can work, from blue prints; also tool makers. Ad- I dress, or apply. Employment Depart-j meiit. Westingliouse Electric &_Mfg. j Co.. East Pittsburgh, Pa. HELP WANTED —I t-male W..NTED Girl tor general house- ! work. Two in family. Apartment, j Hanson, 1814 State street. ■ WANTED Five neat-appearing j young ladies for pleasant cltv work. < Good wages Call between 6 and BP. ! M. J. E. Dick, 419 Walnut street. WANTED A middle-aged lady ! for general housework; must be experi enced. Apply 303 Patriot Building. , WANTED Operators having ex- ' perlence on shoes, shirts or shirtwaists. Apply Devine and Yungel Shoe Co., Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED Girls wanted for flat ; work ironer. Apply Eureka Laundry, j 2S North Cameron street. WANTED Girl for general house- j work: good wages and place to right; party. Inquire Office, 429 Broad street. I WANTED Girls experienced on; power sewing machines. Apply Har- • risburg Shoe Mfg. Co.. Vernon street,: Harrisburg, Pa. \ FOR SALE OBERLIN Real Estate SIX HOUSES ON THE MAIN STREET ' Second house west of Hotel, on north side of street —the "Page" residence —plot about 40x150 ft., ! Improved with a 2 %-story frame j house and a 2-stor.v frame stable. | AT THE END OF SHORT ' STREET—A double, 2-story frame dwelling—lot about 40x100 ft., and an adjoining vacant plot of about 60x100 ft. AT THE SPRING—Just as vou enter Oberlin—a plot of about lOOx 150 ft., improved with two frame houses—one rented at $4; the other at $3. These are not in good re- I pair, but at the price—Bsoo. vou're in for a bargain. SECOND DOOR SOUTH of the above houses, a two-storv frame house, with plot about 30x150 ft Rented at *6 per month Really a bargain at SSOO. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. ! (IKAI. ESTATE Insurance Surely Honda l.oruat nnd Court Streets ♦ MONDAY EVENING, | HELP WANTED— FemaIe W ANTED Experienced i sewing machine operators to work on women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-410 State ; street, rear entrance. : ~ ' WANTED—GirIs to work In laundry; i good wages to right party. Apply Sani jtary Family Washing Co., Sixteenth and ] Eltn streets. WANTED Stenographer who can transcribe her notes accurately; give age and stale experience; salary. $9 per week. Address Box K.. 5467. care of Telegraph WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked alter by trained nurse, j Apply Harrisburg Cigar Cora | pany, 500 Race street. ; HELP WANTED— MaIe and Female WANTED Men or women to sell a live-wire proposition: salary guaran teed. Apply, or white. C. O. Houston, | No. 2. Weiss Building, over Boas' Jew i elry Store. 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. I WANTED, AT ONCE Experienced operators on power sewing machines. Good wages. Also boys over Id years old from Steelton. Apply Steelton Glove (Co.. 709-11 South Second street. Steel ton, Pa. SALESMEN" WANTED j ' SALESMEN WANTED Experienced linen earn from *IBO to *3OO per month j selling our Groceries-Teas-Coffees and 1 specialties direct from Factory to Con i suiner. \ou can do it too. Goods wide ilv known. An established business in ! your home county. Fruit Tree Sales j men. Insurance Agents, Grocery Clerks, 1 Farmers. Carpenters and Painters • among our best men to-day. Vi rite 1 quick for full particulars. Address the | E. C. Harley Co.. 1012 East Third street, ; Dayton, Ohio. SITUATIONS WANTED— Male WANTED Elderly ' gentleman of highest churacter ami best habits, who lias traveled extensively and had years of business relations with leading busi ness and professional men. would ap preciate position as collector or other work where steady and trustworthy i service Is more essential than activity, i Address F.. 3424. care of Harrisburg ! Telegraph. i WANTED Colored man wants po sition as chauffeur. Apply 120 Ridge j street. Steelton, Pa. WANTED Young, married man ' wants position as teamster: three years' experience; references. 1T27 Wood ave ! nue. SITUATIONS WANTED— FemaIe WANTED Colored woman wants j place to do general housework. Apply j 1012 North Seventh street. ' WANTED Colored woman desires ] work by the day or week, or scrubbing of any kind; can furnish good refer ence. Inquire 1324% James street. j WANTED Experienced sewer would like position with dressmaker. I Address, or call, B. C. 8., 426 Crescent street. j WANTED Position as cook or ! housekeeper. Address 2014 Kenslng ! ton street. WANTED Colored woman wants I cooking in private family or hotel. Ad j dress D., 3415, care of Telegraph. i WANTED Washing and ironing I for small family for Mondays or Tues- I days. Call, or write, 1425 North Sixth j street. I WANTED A white woman desires l position as housekeeper for widower, or I in a small lamilcan give good ref erences. Address P., 3465, care of j Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Farm. 107 acres, locat | ed one mile northeast of Harrisburg; ' good laud for trucking. Apply to H. U. ; Walmer. Penbrook. or M. H. Nisaley, 1846 State street. Harrisburg. LOTS Levi Brandt Est.. Elkwood, j New Cumberland 5O ft. front up to ; one-half acre plets sewer gas 'electricity. *2OO up. Easy payments. 5c trolley. Keeney & Simmons, Agents. ! SIXTH STREET DWELLING FOR {SALE at *3,300: all Improvements; four I rooms on tlrst floor—suitable business : location, easily altered buy it while I the price is right. Bell Realty Co., ' Bergner Building. i NEW HOUSES, with steam heat 'gas and electric light all other mod i em improvements brick construction | —location Riverside, uptown, and on j Allison Hill. Prices only |3,10u to *3,300. i Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. i ANY reasonable offer will be carefully | considered for 6,'!0 and 632 Peffer street , —corner plot 36.3x125—paved street on I' three sides. Bell Really Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE— -13 Acres: 2 miles southwest of Golds- I boro; 8-room frame dwelling; frame ] barn, variety of apple, peach, plum and cherry. Price. $1,600.00. I 143 Acres; 5 miles south of New .Cumberland: orick dwelling; frame I barn; running water. Price. *5.500.00. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE Four two-story frame houses for *1.600.00; located on Russell avenue. Rent income. *20.00 per month; ! good tenants. Lot, 100x100. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and AValnut streets. FOH IMMEDIATE SALE A valuable North Second street resi dence. Most desirable residential lo cality in city. A bargain. Price and ' terms for the asking. Address "Homa." I care of Hal . i.-bu**g Telegrsph. ! REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 WANT TO BUY several smail houses, good renters, prices not to exceed *:;,000 apiece. Must be good investments. Private parties preferred. Address In vestment, 3416. care of Telegraph. WANT to exchange block of Building l.ots on Improved City Property. What .do you have to offer? Address Kx j change, 3417, care of Telegraph. I HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT ] FOR RENT 607 Maclay street, 9 rooms, improvements. *2O per month; 11921 Moultke. 6 rooms ana bath, *l2 per month. Apply J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street. FOR RENT Eight-room house, with summer kitchen. Rent, *ll.uO. In j quire 909 Soutli Front street. FOR RENT No. 78 Disbrow street; 'ten rooms and bath; all conveniences; i front and back porches; immediate possession, inquire 29 North Sixteenth . street. FOR RENT No. 1302 State St *25.00 No. 1628 Regina St 25.00 Private fireproof garage 4.00 No *O7 N. Eighteenth St 25.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market St. Af.VRTME.vrs FOR KENT FOR RENT Apartment, first floor, steam heat, C«s. electric equipment j complete, at 1419 Vernon street Applv 11417 Vernon street, or Baptisti, Third and Chestnut streets. BOOMS FOR BENT j FOR RKNT Room adjoining batli, southern exposure, heated. nicely fur nished and alt conveniences in private family, *2 per week. Call at -09 Harris street. FOR RKNT i-arge. weil-furnished front room: all conveniences and use of phone; for gentlemen only. Apply: SIS North Second. FOR RKNT Two large, third tloor I rooms; light and pleasant; newly papered: steam heat; electric and gas light; use of phone; will rent singly or ensuite. furnished or unfurnished, i Meals can be obtained next door in private family. Apply 1721 North Third street. Bell phone 1824. COR RENT Two furnished rooms; all improvements: gentlemen preferred. Apply to 107 Kvergreen street. FOR RENT Two rooms on third j floor, furnished or partly furnished for : light housekeeping; also one nicely fur nished second floor front room; all con veniences; good location. Apply 1109 North Second. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms on second floor, for light housekeep ing; use of bath and steam heat. Call i 24 North Fifth street, or 1014 Market. I FOR RENT Suite of rooms on second floor front, for one or two gen- j tlemen, with use of bath, phone and city heat: reference required. Apply 272 Briggs street. BOOMS WANTED WANTED '— Young man desires ! room, with or without board, in private | fainil '. Reply, giving location and rate*. Address J., 3120, care of Tele graph. WANTED Young couple desire three furnished rooms for light house keeping. with conveniences; can furnish : city references. Ad'dress W.. 3463, care of Telegraph. WANTED WANTED. TO BUY A 5-H.-P. ino- ! tor and an Iron turning lathe, suitable | for auto work. Address H. M. Menden- | hall, P. O. Box S6S, Steelton. Pa. .. WANTED A Ford or Maxwell tour- j ing car; must be in good condition and ] price reasonable. Address C. E. Bren- ! ner, Carlisle. Pa., R. D. 5. WANTED To buy old Brussels or ' ingrain carpets or' fillers. Call 2064 Bell phone or MOW Fnited. FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE My Weatherstrips are I Guaranteed to keep out Rain. Snow.! Dust. Cold, and last as long as house stands. Cheapest in c ity. Put'on righj. S. R. Horst, Jr.. Penbrook, Pa. KOR SALE Edison Standard . Phonograph in good condition, with 15 I records: will sell for *6.50 jf taken at once. This is a bargain. Call 1217 Derry street. FOR SALE Kplight piano, good as new; cabinet Victroia. 20 pieces of latest music: parlor suite: double heater; cheap. Will arrange part cash, rest in , small payments. Address E., 3419. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Typewriters bought, sold or rented. Harrisburg Typewriter and Supply Co., 40 North Court street. FOR SALE Jenny Linds, runabouts 1 and spring wagons, new and second hand. will be sold cheap oil'account of going out of business. Sefton Carriage : Works. 1203 Capital street. FOR SALE Army shoes, slightly used. Best shoei for railroad men. i Also 13 army hats for 25c. Your money back if not satisfied. Open evenings. S. Mellzer, 513 Walnut street. FOR SALE lnvalid chair, with j rubber tires; good as new. Appl<- 2111 ,<loore street. FOR SALE Ford Touring Car. 1914 j model: oversized tires: demountable rims; shock absorbers; master vibra tor; has new motor; very cheap. Can be seen at Mr. Dinger's Garage, Sus quehanna and Basin avenue. FOR SALE « Pool room, which for- ! merly did from 12,200 to $2,500 business per year, at No. 1307 North Third street. For sale on account of ill health. In quire 279 Calder street. FOR SALE 5O fullrbred fawn In dian Runner Ducks, mated for breeding, now laying. Must bp sold to make room for other stock. 1.00 each. Auply Elk view Poultry Supply House. 17*2 North Third street. Bell phone 3510 J. FOR SALE Grocery Store, good ! location on Allison Hill. Modern fix tures and clean stock. Cheap rent. Other business, reason for selling. Ad dress H„ .1462, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE At a bargain soda fountain, with show cases and wall case. This will be offered for a few days at a big bargain. Call 1307 Derry street. t FOR SALE A Dodge Brothers' roadster: run 1,400 miles; has been in use two months. Will be sold cheap. Apply 38 North Thirteenth street. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department The Tele graph Printing Company. BUY Traveling Bags, Suitcases and i Trunks from Wholesale and Retail Leather Merchants, Second and Chest nut Repairing neatly and promptly at tended to. Specialties made to order. ; Harrisburg Harness and Supply Co. FOR SALE Grocery store, near city. Will sell property, stock and fix tures at sacrifice. Must sell or. account of other business. Address Store, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. CALKS—CALKS—CALKS FOR SALE At Gable s. 111-117 S. : Second St., Neverslip and Rowe Screw and Drive Calks, Green Bay and Giant Grip Drive Calks. Can't Slip and Always Sharp Calks. OVERCOATS AND SUITS (drum- \ tners' samples) positively at the lowest ! prices In the city. Call and be con- | vinced. A few soldiers' blue overcoats I on hand. Cohen and Son, Reliable Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at sub- 1 way. FOR SALE My Weatherstrips are i Guaranteed to keep out Rain, Snow, j Dust. Cold, and la*i as long as house 1 stands. Cheapest in-city. Put on right. S. R. Horst. Penbrook, Pa. FOR SALE Small Roadster. 1915 model. New transmission and differen tial installed. Tin s in condition. Demonstration given. First $125.00 • ash takes it. Can be seen at llarrls liurg Auto Co. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS van be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOB BENT FOR light manufacturing, storage or shop purposes, a very desirable entire second llooi, witli/ private front en trance, city steam heat, electric lights and water. In a new building located just south of Chestnut Street on River Street. Apply to Brlnton-Paeker Co.. Second ana Walnut Sts. FOR RENT A largo office In the Telegraph Building. Inquire of Super intendent in Business Office of Tele graph. • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE: SEFTON CARRIAGE WORKS must be sold on account of failure of health of owner. One of the best lo cated and successful carriage and auto repair shops in Central Pennsylvania. Reputed for its fine top-building, high class painting and excellence of work manship. For Inspection, call at 1203 Capital street, or address H. Chester Frank. 1003 Green street, llarrlsburg. Pa. KARRISBURG TELEGRAPH COX GR KG ATIOX ELECTS Special to the Telrtrnfli Enola, Pa., Jan. 10. —The congre- I nation of the St. Matthew's Reformed | Church of Enola elected the following ] members to serve on the consistory: Elders l'. 1.. Dice, J. F. /.ellers, W. Wolfe and Deacons J. W. Keller and j ,T. Staley. , " " BUSINESS (N'l'OlM N ITU.S WILL give Fifty Dollars to any one j securing lucrative position. Capitol Hill or elsewhere in city, for married man with office and managerial experience. | Box 7... care of Telegraph Office, i AETO TIRE REPAIR business for I sale at an attractive price: oldest estab- i lishment of its kind In tlie city. Get particulars soon if interested. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; : experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars Press Syndicate, 798. Lock port, N. T. I MADE $50,000 in five years in the mail order business, began with 15. I Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 555 Lockport. N. Y. BI SON FSS PERSONALS FOR falling hair try Gross Qutnlne j Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the j Druggist nnd Apothecnry. 119 Market \ ' street. HarrUburg, Pa. Telephone j orders giv:n prompt attention. Bell ; 1960. lIAI'I.ING n. A. IIARTM AN, Hoarding Stable nnd National Trannfer Co. Movers of: pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. Tl. \V. Lather, Manager, Fifth and 1 Woodbine street Bell phone No. ! 2503R^^^^' MONEY TO LOAN ! MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate ' security in any amounts and upon any i terms 10 suit borrower. Address P. o. j Box 174. Harrlsburg. Pa. STORAGE I "FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private j rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. HarrisburE Storage Company. STORAGE 1V 3-story brick building, rear 4AS Market street j Household Roods In clean, prlvnte rooms. Hranonnhlr rates. Vpply to I*. G. Dlener. Jeweler, 408 Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for I household goods and merchandise. Prt vats rooms. (1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cants per month. Apply D. Oooper & Co 411 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the An ' nual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Devine and Vungel Shoe Manufacturing ; Co., for the election of Directors, will be held at the office of the Company. Sixteenth and State streets, Harrlsburg. i Pa., on Tuesday, January 11, 1916, at 4:30 P. M. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on ! the Estate of Michael K. Smith, late of i Harrlsburg-, Dauphin county. Pa., de l-eased, having been granted to the un i dersigned residing in Harrlsburg. Pa„ all persons indebted to said Estate arc requested to rake immediate payment, i and those having claims will present ' them for settlement LOEIS W. SMITH. 1222 North Front Street, Harrlsburg. Pa., ! Or to Executor. FRED C. MILLER. Attorney-at-Law, 213 Walnut Street. Harrlsburg. Pa. ' FARMERS* MARKET COMPANY A MEETING of the Stockholders of the Farmers' Market Company, for the I purpose of electing Five Directors and transaction of such other business as may be presented, will be held at the | office of the Company. Room No. 9. 28 North Third street. Tuesday. January 11. 1916. between 10 and 11 o'clock A. M DANIEL M. DC Ll* Secretary. NOTICE THE annual meeting of the stock holders of the Metropolitan Hatel Com pany, of Harrlsburg, Pa., for the elec tion of directors and for general busi ness. will be held at the Metropolitan Hotel, said city, on Tuesday, January 25. 1916. at 2 o'clock P. M. L. W. KAY. President. - The Millers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of llarrisburg. Pa.. Room JO4. Kunkel Building, Harrlsburg. Pa., December 20. 1915. NOTICE is hereby given that the an i nual meeting of the members of this company will be held at its office, on I Thursday, January 20. 1916, A Board of Directors for the ensuing year will be elected between the hours of 2 and I 3 o'clock P. M. on said day. B. K. HUNTZINGER. Secretary. THE Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of the Harrlsburg National Bank for the election of Directors and i other business will be held at its bank ing house on Tuesday. January 11, 1916, , between the hours of 10 and 12 A. M. WM. L. GORGAS. Cashier. WMAI. MEETING NOTICE is hereby given the Stock holders of the Citizens Passenger Rail way Company, that the Annual Meeting ' and Election of Directors of the Com pany, will be held at the office of the Company, in the City of Harrisburg, Pa., on Monday, January 10, 1916. at ! 11:00 A. M. J. O'CONN ELL, Secretary. ANNUAL. MEETING NOTICE is hereby given the Stock -1 j holders of the East Harrlsburg Pas senger Railway Company, that the An nual Meeting and Election of Directors ! of the Company, will be held at the : office of the Company. In the City of Harrlsburg, Pa., on Monday, January , 10. 1916. at 10:30 A. M. J. O'CONNELL Secretary. I l\ HE OPENING ANI» GRADING OF SEVENTEENTH STREET, FROM II Kit It STREET TO \ POINT il2o FEET NORTH OF THE NORTH SIDE OF YKRHEKE STREET, II MtltlS lll RG. PEN*N ! NOTICE is hereby given that the i Viewers iippointed by the Court of Com mon Pleas of Dauphin County to view i and ascertain the damages and bene i tits arising from the above mentioned proceeding, and to assess the same a'e i cording to law. have filed their report In the said Court to No. 23! Januarv Term. 1916. on the 10th day of January, j 1916. The schedule of assessments con : Utined therein is as follows: St IIKOI I,E OPENING £ &_• * , 3 £ 3 I 5a *> i, -z ■ 03 * - v. y, OWNER W. H. Harris 32,284 None None Burton Van Dyke. . 3,850 None None George A. Shreiner 2.520 None None GRADING EAST SIDE Feel (George A. Shreiner 100 |sg Burton Van Dyke.. 100 58 62 A. S. Zimmerman.. 11» 64 4S Burton Van Dyke.. 95 55 69 Burton Van Dyke.. lull 58 62 I George A. Shreiner 105 61 55 WEST SIDE George A. Shreiner 450 251 40 Burton Van Dyke. .35 12 06 | Burton Van Dyke.. 220 128 96 $750 0U Total cost of Improvement. $750. I'nloss exceptions thereto be filed within thirty 'lays after Januarv 10, 1 1916. said report will be confirmed ab solutely. HARRY FAHNESTOCK. E. CLARKE COW DEN. PA EL G. SMITH, Viewers. JURY RECORD IS ALMOST SMASHED Failure Alone of John Scibert l<» Answer Roll Call Prevents | If John Seibert. n South Hanover I township farmer, had only turned up 1 for roll call this morning at the opening of January quarter sessions lull records for Jurors' attendance | would have been smashed to smither 'eens. However John didn't answer. He was the only one of a panel of seventy ' two petit and twenty-four grand jurors iwho didn't. Harry £?. Etter, a clerk, Second [ward, Middletown, was chosen fore i man. of the grand jury, and John Ma il hias, a Royalton moulder, was ex j cused. Daniel F. Fishel. a pattern maker, aged 78, ot Middletown, was j excused from petit jury duty because of poor hearing. Iloss lv. Shull, man lager of the dairy lunch. Third ward. | city, was excused subject to call. ! The court organized in record time (to-day although the session was ad journed at 12.30 o'clock in order that j court, attorneys and attaches might 'attend the memorial services for At torney C. 11. Backenstoe. I An innovation was the method by which the city's policemen made their | quarterly returns. For the tlrst time in four years the patrolmen did not ! I ramp into the courtroom two and ! two. and wheel with military preci sion at a sharp command. With the I change of administration. Mayor Meals 'abolished the military method of lll iing reports and the patrolmen simply 'trooped over and turned their papers I over to the prothonotary. Nearly a dozen constables who were elected in I November and had not yet filed their bonds were sworn in by the prothono i tary. Bet fore the first cases were started the trial list or January Common Pleas court which begins next week was called over. Only four of the thirty cases were continued. One of these was the trespass action brought by Anast Belehas asainst the Charles McCall company. The death of an important witness and the absence ot another who is outside the State, made continuance necessary. The John B. Ridgr suit in trespass against the York Haven Water and Power company is tlrst on the list and it will require sev eral days for the hearing. In No. 1 courtroom l-arry Sipe and Ethan lvreider, Royalton. were tried for robbing the candy store of Burgess Henry Granger. They got about *3O in small change. In No. 2 courtroom a jury tried Charles Crensey alias Craig. The pris oner is a negro who was charged with having enticed several sntxll boys. Three or Ihe youngsters were among the witnesses. Additional I.aw Judge S. J. M. Mc- Carre'l permitted "tie trial of Martin Horning, charged with larceny to he continued. Deaths and Funerals MRS. IvATHKRINK C. KEII. Mrs. Katherlne C. Keil, wife of John Keil, Sr., died yesterday morning at her home. 3 205 North Second street, after a short illness suffering from pneumonia. Born in Wurtemburg, Germany. March 21, 1543, she came to this city with her family in 183 a and was widely known in South Har risburg where she resided more than sixtv year?. In 1864 she was married to John Keil. Sr.. for many years a meat dealer in Race street. Mrs. Keil was a member of St. Michael's Ger man l.utheran Church for many years. She is survived by her husband and the following children: William H„ Tampa. Flo.: Mary C.. Katharine E.. John J., and Harry A. Keil, all of this city. I.KO BOI.DOSSFR I.eo Boldosser. aged 25. of Sum merdale, died yesterday afternon at the Harrisburg Hospital from pneu monia and typhoid fever. Funeral ar rangements have not been completed. CONTRACTOR DIES Levan Stephenson, widely known contractor of this city, and a resident here all his life, died yesterday morn ing at his home. 319 Maclay street. Mr. Stephenson was an employe of the school board to complete the un expired term of Harry G. Crane, lie has done contracting work on many residences, public schools and other buildings in the city. He is surviv ed by his widow and the following sons and daughters: Thomas K., John D., Gomer IJ.. Paul B. Stephenson, tills city: .Tenkln E„ of Portland, Ore,: and Mrs. George Mclntyre of this city: two brothers. Frank 8.. of Mechanics burg., and Joseph Stephenson; and three sisters. Mrs. J. M. Sweeney, Mrs. Ida Peiffer, this city, and Mrs. Emma Small, New York city. Funeral ser vices will be held at the home to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Kev. Henry W. A. Hanson, pastor of Messiah l.utheran Church officiating. Burial will be made at the Harrisburg Cemetery. FORMER RESIDENT DEAD Kdward 1,. Weible. a former resident of this city, died Saturday in Pitts burgh from heart trouble. Fntil re cently he was employed by the Illinois Steel Company. He is survived by his mother and one sister. Mrs. W, 11. Allen, of Toledo. Private funeral serv ices will be held to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the funeral parlors of 11. M. Hoffman, undertaker. 310 North Second streel. Burial will he made in the family plot in the Paxtang Ceme tery. FUN ERA I, OF .1. C. GRAY The funeral of James C. Gray, aged 7a', 649 Boyd street, was held at the home this afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. E. E. Curtis, of Westminster Presbyterian Church, and the Rev. Harry N. Basaler, of the Second Re formed Church, officiating. Burial was made in the East Harrisburg Ceme tery. Mr. Gray was employed for more than fifty years by the Pennsylvania Railrad Company as a Boilermaker. He was retired In 1911. He was a Civil War veteran, having served in the Two Hundred and First Pennsyl vania Volunteers and the Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. Surviving are' Ills wife and the following children: Mrs. P. C. Dalmus, Baltimore: Airs. J. T. Rockwell, Ihis city: G. V... J. W., Kath erine and Dol'.le Gray, at home. Greek Cruisers Sent to Quell an Insurrection Athens. Jan. JO. The Greek cruiser Hel'l and the destroyer Beon with a strong contingen' of troops have been s°nt to Sanios to cope with an Insurrection on that island said to be due to a lack of foodstuffs. JANUARY 10. 1916. NEW YORK STOCKS . Chandler Bros. .M- Co., members New i > ork and l'hiladelphis Stock Ex changes. 3 North Market Square, liar- 1 rlshiMg; 1338 Chestnut street. Phila-I delphiu; 34 Pine street. New York.) furnish the following quotations: New York. Jan. 10. (>pen. Clos. j Alaska Gold Mines 25% 25 ' Allls-Chalniers 29'j 27 r, s American Beet Sugar ... (17 05'j | American Can t>2 ' a iio'._. ] American C Jfr F 71 t!K'« j American Cotton Oil ... 55 55 American Locomotive .. Ht> fiSt* J American Smelting .... 110*; 107%' American Sugar I 15 1 * 115 U i American Tit T 127",, 127 > 2 > Anaconda 90 a, 89 Atchison 107 107 Baldwin Locomotive ... 114 111 i Baltimore it Ohio 94 "» 94-''„ Bethlehem Steel 440 426 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 87 86 California Petroleum .. 37 1 s 35 Canadian Pacific 180'« 17914 Central Leather 5353 Chesapeake and Ohio .. 64 64ttl Chicago. Mil and St Paul 101 7 , 100' 4 ! Chicago. R 1 and Pacific 1818 r gl Chino Consolidated Cop. 55 U 64% Colorado Fuel and Iron 50 \ 49 Consolidated Gas 143 Vi 143 Crucible Steel 6 4 61 >2 Distilling Securities .... 4«"i 45 1 i Erie 42 V, 411* Erie, Ist pfd 57'.4 557 General Electric Co .... 173 173 General Motors 4K3 463 Goodrich B F 74 li 72 i Great Northern pfd ... 125 : 'k 124'*! Great Northern ore. subs 4 9's i Guggenheim Exploration 23'2 23 Inspiration Copper 46"* 4fi-% lnterboro-Metropolitan . . 20 % 20 Kansas City South. ... 31 30•% Lehigli Valley 81 80 Vi Maxwell Mot 71V* US?; Mex. Petroleum 122 llß't Miami Copper 38 Vi 37% Missouri Pacific s»s 5 % National Lead 70 a i 68 V- New York Central .... 110109% N. Y„ N. H., 11 76 75' i N. Y. O. and W 30'« 30Vi Norfolk and Western .. 120% 120V# Northern Pacific llß'a 115% Pennsylvania Railroad . 58 % 58?* Pittsburgh Coal 35 34 V 4 Pi-ess Steel Car 63'.. t«2% Railway Steel Spg 41 * 40Vi Ray Con. Copper 25 s * 25 Reading 82 Vi 81% Republic Iron and Steel 53'» 51% Southern Pacific 103 Vi 102% Southern Railway 23 Vi 28 V 4 Southern Railway pfd.. 63% 63 % Stltdebaker 159% 155% Tennessee Copper 61' 4 60 Third Ave 61% 61 Vi Fnion Pacific 138% 138 IT S Rubber .-,5 " 55 1* I* S Steel 87% 86 l T S Steel pfd 117% 117 % Utah Copper 80% 79% Va Caro Chem 4SV» 47% Western t'nion Tel ... SB% 88% Westingliouse Mfg .... 68% 66% I'llll.ADEM'lllA riIOIHTB Philadelphia, Jan. 10. Wheat Steady ;\o. 2, red. spot, and January. *l.2t>(?! 1.28: \o. 2 ( Southern, red, *1.24(m 1.2b. t-.SL'y' l Firm: No. 2, yellow, local, »l((!/i>2c; new steamer. No. 2, yellow. 80'.. 081 c. Oats Higher; No. 2, white. 51(6 »l%e; No. 3, white, 4S®49c. Bran The niaret Is quiet; city mills. winter. per ton. *25.00; western, winter, net- ion. none here; Spring, per ton, *23.OOifi 23.50. Refined Sugars .Maret lower; powdered, 5.95(66.05c; title granulated, 0.5.1 !?i 5.95 c; confectioners' A, 5.755.85 c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extras. 34c; nearby prints, fancy, 37c. Eggs The market is steady, Pennsylvania and other nearby first's, free cases, $10.50 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, *9.90 per case' western, extras, firsts, free cases. *10.50 per case; do., firsts, free cases, *9.90 per case. Live Poultry Market firm; fowls. 15«(lic; roosters, 12@i2Vic; spring chickens, l.i@l7c; ducks, 15®>17c: geese Id# 17c: turkeys. 20<g22c. Dressed Poultry Market firm; fresh killed fowls, fancy, IS Vic; do., average. I7@18c; do., unattrac tive. 14<fi16c: lee packed fowls, 13 ®.l6c; old roosters. I3c: broiling chickens, nearby, 22C 26c; do., western, 20 @ 22c; roasting chickens, western, choice to fancy, IS@l9c; do., fair to good. 14® 17c; spring ducks, nearbv. IS ®2oc; do., western, 12<f?lSc; geese, nearby, 16®18c; do., western, 14write turkeys. Delaware and Marvland. fancv 'JB@3oc: do.. Virginia. 26W27c: do., near by, choi 0 to fancy, 27ift28c; do., nearbv choice, 23@26c; do., fair to good, 23fii ; 26c; western, choice to fancy, 25@26c; do., fair to good, 22@23c; culis, 16ffii20c; old toms. 21c.. Potatoes Market firm; Penn sylvania white, per bushel. $1.10®1.25- do., fair to good. 95. WI.OO per bushel; Jersey. No. 1, per basket, 60@70c; .10.. No. 2, per basket. ao<fc 40c. Klour Quiet, but steady; winter, straights. $5.90® 6.13: do., patent. $6.25 ® 6.50: Kansas straights, $1.85®5.55; Spring straights, $6.00®6.25: do., pat ent. $6.25®6.60; do., favorite brands, $6.75® 7.15. Hay The market is firm, with a fair demand; No. 1, large bales, $2 i .00® 21.50: No. 1. medium bates. $20.50®21.00: No. 2. $19.00® 19.50- No. 3, do., $15.50^17.50. Clover mixed, light mixed, $18.50® 19.00: No. 1. do., $18.00©) 18.50; No i •Jo., $15.00©'16.00. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., Jan. 10. Hogs Re ceipts. 8,500: dull. Hulk of sales, $6.65® 6 85; light. s6.:i,j® 6.50; mixed, $6.50® 6.93; heavy. $6.60®>7.00; rough, $6.60® 6.70; pigs. $5.. '®5.50. Cattle Receipts. 22,000: steady. Na tive beef steers, $6.:50®9.50: cows and heifers, $3.10®8.40: calves. $7.00®10.75. Sheep Receipts. 25,000: weak. Wethers, $6.75®7.35; lambs, $7.75® 10.25. Kaiser Is Hoping For Final Victory in Year Amsterdam, Jan. 10. - A telegram received here from Berlin gives the following reply of Emperor William lo congratulations tendered by the president of the Reichstag: "Heartfelt tlmnks for the loyal con gratulations of the German Reichstag. I and the entire German people hope lo God that the new year will bring linal victory to our just cause and a new guaranteed basis for the benefi cial development in peaceful competi tion with other nations of our father laud." A dispatch from Budapest says that Count Tlsta, the Hungarian Premier, in replying to the New Year wishes of the National Labor parly said that vic tory was no 'onger doubtful and was only a question of time. Delegates Decide Greece Should Join the Allies Paris, Jan. 10.—The Congress of Greek colonists abroad, attended, by delegates from the United States. Canada. England, France, Russia. Switzerland, and Rumania met here to-day with Gregory Triantaphyllides presiding. After several discussions of the war situation the congress re solved: First, That the urgent, question was that of securing respect for the con stitutional liberties of Greece: Second, That it was to the interest of Greece to abandon neutrality and join the allies: Third, That, the congress should not break up until this lask was com pleted and that meanwhile power would be delegated to an executive committee charged wllh carrying out these decisions. Americans Deny Reports That 11 Helpless Germans Were Shot in Cold Blood By Associated I'rtss l.ondon, Jan. 10.-—The Dally News to-day prints stories of two American | members of the crew of the steamer Nicoflan at the tim>' when a Qartnan I submarine was shelling the Nicosian jar.ti the British patrol boat Haralong j These men who since the incident have | Joined the Hritisli army are T. Carson and AV. E. Dempsey, both of Nash- Iville, Tenn. «'arson and Dempsey both deny ah jsolutely that the Germans of the sub- | marine were shot either in the water ;or on board the Nicosian. They are uncertain as to w hat Hag the Baralong flew on arriving- on the scene, but are agreed that she flew the British flag when site attacked the submarine. Carson is quoted as being absolutely sure that the Baralong's captain when Ihe ordered a search of the Nicosian ! said nothing- about not taking prison ers or about shooting Germans found aboard.' Tit supposed the report of such shooting arose from the fact that shots were heard which were fired by the muleteers on board the Nicosian to put wounded mules out of their mis ery. Dempsey is quoted as saying that [two of the Americans on board the !Nicosian who testified that they wit nessed the killing: of 11 helpless Ger • mans by British submarine —Charles | Tightower and R. H. Crosby, both of j('rystal City. Texas —had a grudge : against the English members of the I Nicosian's crew. Nurse Says Hundreds of Wounded Die From Cold New York, Jan. 10. —The hardships land sufferings endured by wounded Serbians and Austrian prisoners of the I Serbs in their recent retreat before the (Teutonic armies invading Serbia are (graphically related by Miss Cissy Ben ijamin an Knglisli nurse who has ar irived here. Hiss Benjamin says that I hundreds of Serbian wounded perished of the cold in crossing the mountains 'after the flight, from Prisrend and that | the plight of thousands of Austrian (prisoners was pitiable. I "The Serbians have not sufficient bread for their own soldiers and ab solutely none to give to their prison j ers," said Miss Benjamin. "1 saw one ' Austrian officer break a small loaf of bread into five rations to last him five j days. i THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open daily, except Sunday, at :i P. M.. at its new location. Front i and Harris streets, for the fre- treat j merit of the worthy poor. FRANK R. LEIB & SON 1 Real Estate and Insurance Of fice, No. 18 North Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT 3-story brick dwelling on 1 sth St., New Cumberland, Pa. All improvements. Rent. $25.00. Possession at once. 10,000 sq. ft. floor space in building northwest corner Court and Cranberry streets. Use of elevator. Possession at once. 1816 State St., 3-story brick dwelling, 9 rooms and bath. All improvements, side en trance. Possession at once. Rent, $25.00. 1531 N. 4th St., 3-story frame dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, i All imp. Possession at once. Rent, $16.00. v WITH an organization tuned up to the highest pitch of efficiency we are in a position to otter the . investor an unexcelled brokerage serv | ice. Our Statistical Department has for distribution special circulars cov- I ering the OILS, MOTORS and SILVER ISSUES Send for the ones you are interested in. Our special circular No. 118 cover ing the general market situation and various issues sent on request. OSCAR ALEXANDER &CO. 41 Broad Street New York Auction Sale At My Stables, 1420 Ful ton St., Harrisburg, Pa., at 1 O'clock, Saturday, January 15, 1916 We have 125 head of horses and mules. We have them weighing from 1,400 to 1,600, and some good driving horses. The HOHSKS must be sound, and right In this lot w» have some Kentucky brood mares with foal. These horses must be like I say they are or bring them back and get your money. We also sell horses at private sale every day. M. BLATT, Proprietor 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers