t A N extra large salesforce will be on hand to I I I m I m ■ 'pHE Big Clock on the outside of our building «erve you and extend every courtesy. ■ 1 IB M S V Vim ■ A will daily record the progress of the sale. n ' > • % . . Harrisburg's Big Clothing Event —Our 2nd Semi- Annual One Thousand Suit and Overcoat Campaign — A Profit-Sharing Sale and Half-Yearly Cleat away Jfl&i The great success of this novel sale of last summer wherein 1,225 purchasers of suits shared in distribution of 5 per cent. prompted us to make this a semi-annual merchandising event---a sale you v^Ja will always look forward to. A CO-OPERATIVE PROFIT-SHARING SALE IN WHICH WE WANT YOU ALL TO BENEFIT 0»' THE CONDITIONS OF THE SALE ARE THESE— In addition to the great January Reductions which prevail in every . nrm'\ department throughout the store—if we sell ONE THOUSAND I MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS BY FEBRUARY Iff# IffWIaSM 26th, WE WILL REFUND 5 PER CENT. OF THE PURCHASE W .IKgMMg^i PRICE to every buyer of a suit or overcoat. j Every purchaser will receive a certificate showing the amount of their purchase. f The name of every purchaser will also be registered, so that in the "BONUS I nW' DISTRIBUTION" no person will be overlooked. IJ We confidently expect x to sell double the number of garments sold in our previ- t ft /\\\ 4$ ous sale—so again we say - El j ■ l\\ gStv "KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE CLOCK" sq;7s For s^'*;3 d o;er" g o«r' 8 $1 ijo For^^o^s^ n ' s v Worth to $15.00 11 Worth to SIB.OO SfMtSL $1 A SO For Men's and Young Men's (4/1 Rft For Men's and Young Men's I l'tss 'JjlefMSmk I /ISuits and Overcoats <P I frl Suits and Overcoats If i| t IT Worth to $20.00 IV Worth to $22.50 If M T UUBk s|> 1 fli 75 For Men's and Young Men's SAA RA For Men's and Young Men's I Ml - Suits and Ove coats / / * Suits and Overcoats That Soldat $25.00 LaLa That Sold at $30.00 150 Pairs of Men's Men's All Wool Cassi- Men's High-grade Wors- Men's Mackinaw Coats, Men's Corduroy Trou- Trouseis, worth $2.50, are mere and Heavy Worsted ted Trousers, worth $5.00, sers, lined and unlined, ' Wi jr\ ■ tUpM f; II « Trousers, worth $4.00, are are now worth $6.50, are now worth $3.50, are now \\ % J f.' $1.95 ° W $2.95 $3.95 $5.00 $2.95 '' f A A|A|ft,.,*,.^y VVV > <VWVVV^vv^/VV(Wwv^^^ |^^ { YOUR BOY-ITSFILBRAITISSSASLSS A Sale of Manhatta^Shirtsl <1 \ satisfying collection of Boys' Suits and Overcoats that will please the Boys 4* anl,attan Shirts reduced to —I $2.00 Manhattan Shirts reduced to $1.55 <\ S . J v : $2.50 Manhattan Shirts reduced to ....$1.95 $4.00 Manhattan Shirts reduced to ... .$2.85 > <> \ yj^* n an « vvill interest economy-wise parents. *; $3.00 Manhattan Shirts reduced to ... .$1.95 | $5.00 Manhattan Silk Shirts now $3.85 i ; \ Boys' SUITS and OVERCOATS, Worth $3.95. Now $2 85 ji ONE THOUSAND shirts of known makes and qualities—woven madras, per- I I $ ' T . I; Scale and pongees—considered unusual values at SI.OO, eo on sale at j: ft JSi^lipi y Boys SUITS and OVERCOATS, Worth $5.00. Now :> j: •: I' WJMmF Boys' SUITS and OVERCOATS. Worth $6.50. Now $4851 , „ ; j: \ \\i *f ■ »U*/ <; <► boft and laundered cuffs in every conceivable style—all sizes. <► <► OVERCOATS, Worth $8.50» Now '[ Undcrwcsir— Sweaters President suspenders, < 1 | JBHH- Boys' SUITS and OVERCOATS, Worth SIO.OO, Now pK ij I ! H'SZESS ! I 4* now BU* Men's all-wool Sweaters that 50c Neckwear 39« *[ I < Rnv«' ' Bovs* MaCkinawCoatS D °y s ivaincoats s Fleece-lined Union Suits Men's Pure Worsted Sweat- Men's Cape Gloves in tan and < I <1 Heavy Wool Cassimeres hj..i wj . , y . i J» worth $1.25 are 89? ers with Byron collars, worth oal< s,lades values to sl--0, j: cheviots. At td. ft* With Hat to Match :• c,,. .«d**«.« 9*m ™ *»♦ : \ \ V Soc Pants are 39# $3 95 (Dualities are MS 19 » JI ton Union Suits are ... $1.09 Men s extra heavy Rope $2.00 Auto Gauntlets ofjl \ G \* W« V <ti nn p ! iol Fxtra hwvv all wno! yuahties are . ; S : \\ eave Sweaters with shawl Black Capeskin—lined—now, J; < VJr ' $l5O Pants are #139 " $5.00 Qualities are ..$4.25 jt Natural Wool and Camel's collars, worth $6.50. are < ZcA Mackinaw Coats in various " Hair Shirts and Drawers, regu- $,>.99 _ . —— S ? are $t.69 $6.50 Qualities are ..$5.39 larly SI.OO, are now 79? .. . Boys' 50c Gloves ,S9? >\ «m' i models —well worth $6.50. S <f " —— HmtPrv™— ————— <' : : „ ,rr \ > Boys' Peerless Union Suits, " , M AM '.I7 Mv r. M . > ,► \> Boy Sj SI.OO Cloth Hats are 69? Boys' SI.OO Blouse Waists now . . 79? Boys' $1.50 Sweaters now ... $1.99 i < , : T . embroidered clox are now 38? $2.50 Fur Caps are ... .$2.99 «I < ( Boys Stockings are ...19? Bovs' 25c Neckwear now 19? Boys' $2.00 Sweaters now .. $1.09 > Boys' 50c Ribbed Union Men's 15c black and fancy $3.50 Fur Caps arc $2.69 > .7??! *77. Ur ps are $1.29 Children's 50c Mittens now 25? $2."50 Snow Boy Suits now ... $1.89 5 I; Sllits are now Hose are now K><" $5.00 Fur Caps arc $3.95 3; A l*, A 1 THURSDAY EVENING, HAKMSBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 6, 1916. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers