I A Telegraph Want M fill Quickly Rat That Yacani Room | IDeatbs IItASI I* _ On January 2, 1016, Miss Lillfe Cramp. Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at - o'clock, from her late residence, 223 North Fifteenth street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend further notice. CIiAIIIIK on January 3, 1916, Louise M. Crabbe. at her late residence, 1601 Green street. . .... Relatives and friends are invited to attend the services on Wednesday afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock, at the resi dence of W. F Uandall, 101 West State street. Private burial at the 1 larrisburg Cemetery. KXUI.I, On January 3, 1916, Eliza beth Ettele Knull. at Middletown, la. Funeral on Thursday, at 2 P. M., from her late residence, 12 West Main street, Middletown, Pa. WEAVER Anna Jane Weaver, on Monday, at 2 P. M., January 3, 1916, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bdw. L. Weaver, of 319 Woodbine street, aged three months. , , , „ Private services will be held from the home of the parents at 10 A. M. Wednesday. Burial will be private in East Harrisburg Cemetery. —On January 1. 1916. John 11. Clemmelis, aged 76 years, 11 months and IS days. Funeral services on Tuesday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, at his lato residence, 103 North Thirteenth street. The rela tives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. Further service and burial at Sunbury, Pa., on Wednesday, train leaving P. R. K. Station 11:35 A. M. IN MEMORIAM IN sad but loving remembrance of out dear father. William H. Miller, who l'eil asleep in Jesus one year ago to-day. Dearest father, we still miss thee, We still long thy voice to hear; In the silent hours of midnight Bet us f a silent tear. Once our hom<) was bright und happy, But grim death broke every cord; But we have that full assurance Thou hast won thy great reward. WIFE AND FAMILY. LOS'I BOST On Sunday evening, between Fourteenth and Seventeenth streets, on Market, a black marabou iur, trimmed in ostrich. Kinder please return to 1124 Market street. BOST Pocketbook, containing be tween $lO and SSO, between Thirteenth and llunter to Thirteenth and Market streets. Liberal reward it returned to Telegraph. i BOST ln Stcelton, black and white pup. Blue collar. Prince on plate. Re turn or notify F. E. Bailey, 7 South Front street. Steelton. BOST January 3, in Steelton or this city or euroute, gold charm, locket anil knife. Initials "R. Q. M." on knife. Reward. Return to Mark Muminu. County Treasurer, Courthouse. BOST Black moire handbag, con taining change anu two keys; also coin purse to match bag; valued as a gift. Kindly return to this ofliee. BOST Money box. 3 A. M. Satur day morning, between Chestnut and Hill Markethouse, containing $50.00 silver and pennies. Biberal reward if returned to Police Station or Telegraph Business Ofliee. FOUND FOUND A way to end your clean ing and dyeing worries by calling either phone for Eggcrt's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1215 Mar ket street. We call and deliver. 111,1.1* WANTED—MaIe WANTED Man for labor work; also a single white man to lire boilers ami do general work aijound house. Apply lioO North Second street. WANTED Energetic boy, over 16 years, to mukc himself useful in ship ping room. Chance ot advancement to right boy. Give name and address of iormer employer. Address A., 3147, care ot Telegraph. WANTED Sheet Metal Workers who can make or install Blow Piping. State age and experience. Sterling Blower Company, Hartford, Conn, WANTED Boy 16 years old. Ap ply to Air. Wiltsc after 8 o'clock Tues day morning at Underwood Typewriter Co.. 25 North Third street. ATTENTION MECHANICS! W auiiea—iFirst-CaiS «ea In the following trades: Tool and die makers. diesin leers, tool designers; general all-around machinists, bench, floor, lathe, boring bill, planer, shaper, milling machine; hand and automatic screw machine operators and setters; internal, external and tool grinders; bearing scrapers; brass finishers. Fox, speed and monitor hands; wood and metal patternmakers; automobile trim mers. backhangers; top and body tit ters; wood and metal body makers; pauelers, bumpers, itnishers; light and Heavy sheet metal workers. Addresn, with reference. Box 322, Detroit. Mich. TOOLMAKERS, diemukers diesink ers .and lirst-ciass tool room machine hands. Steady employment at good wages for qualified men. Give full par ticulars in first letter. Box 174. De troit. Mich. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring mill or lathe hands, who can work from blue prints; also tool makers. Ad dress, or apply, Employment Depart ment, Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.. East Pittsburgh, Pa. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Girl or young woman, white preferred, to assist in house work and care of child; pleasant home; ••an attend High School, if desired. Ad dress T„ 3445, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman for gen eral housework; small family; refer ences required. Call 1859 Market street between 11 and 12 o'clock, op phone 2047 W. WANTED Good, strong, reliable white woman, with good references; no other need apply. Call at 1504 State street morning or in evening after 5 P. M. 1 , WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to work in laundry; good wages to right parties. Sanitary Family gash ing Co., Sixteenth and Elm streets. WANTED Girl to do office ;\yvk. Must be able to do type- i writing. Royal Bedding Com pany, 22 North Eleventh street. | American Surety Co. OP NEW YORK |! Capita! Stock $5,000,000 i| Resources $9,145,416 | PUBLIC OFFICIAL BONDS j| Also Contractor, Court ami other Surety Bonds. ij Miller Brothers & Co. >i AGENTS ~ IxK iist and Court Sts. Bell Plionc 1595 TUESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Reliable, Protestant white woman four to six hours daily or three days weekly, for general house work. Address P. O. Box 754, Harris burg. Pa. . WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to work In candy factory. Apply at TTie D. Bacon Co., 435 South Cameron street. WANTED Reliable colored gill; no cooking; must be good ironer and cleaner and sleep home at night. Ap ply 2201 North Second street. GIRBS WANTED Steady work on power machines. Apply Twelfth and Bridge streets. New Cumberland Pa., Jackson Underwear Co. WANTED l,ady for office work in dyeing and cleaning establishment; middle-aged preferred; knowledge of bookkeeping not required; state ref erence. Address 0., 3393, care of Tele graphy ■ WANTED Girl to work in office; experience not necessary; give refer ence. Address J., 345, care of Tele graph. WANTED Young lady to answer telephone calls and do general office work. We want a person who will work conscientiously for our interests and make themselves valuable to us. State age, salary expected and place where formerly employed. Apply by letter only. Address Employment Bureau, care of United Ice & Coal Co. WANTED Girl for general house work; must be able to cook; reference required. Apply 1701 North Second street. WANTED Students to enroll at our school. A lady started work in 16 weeks. Better and more teaching brings results. Enroll now. Bell 704 R. Harrisburg Shorthand School, Second street. WANTED Girl to do general housework. 213 Kelker. WANTED White woman, with good references, to do general housework in small family: good wages to suitable applicant. Apply 12 South Nineteenth street. WANTED —Woman to attend Invalid man; must be strong; one with experi ence preferred. Apply Hartman. Third and Valley street. Summerdale. WANTED Reliable housekeeper for widower with family. Out of city. For information inquire 1610 Chestnut street. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harrisburg. Pa. % WANTED Experienced sewing machine operators to work on women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State street, rear entrance. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Eiller and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED By young girl, position as nurse girl; can give reference. Ap ply 109 Manada street, City. WANTED Position as bookkeeper or general office work; can turnish good reference. Address C., 3449, care of Telegruph. WANTED First-class tin and siiei tiron workman, used to all kinds of copper, tin and sheetiron work, stoves heaters and ranges, desires position. Address M. Armington, 748 Dunkle street. Harrisburg. WANTED Man wants position as chauffeur, or work in garage washing carts, etc.; references. 123 Liberty street. WANTED Middle-aged, married man mants position driving team, or any kind of work; handy with tools; can give good reference. Apply or address, 1324 Cowden street. WANTED Registered manager wishes relief work for any days In week, or will accept a regular position. Address Drugs, care of 'xelegraph. WANTED Young man, 1J years of age, would like work of any kind, or out-of-town traveling. Address. M„ 3444, care of Telegraph. WANTED Stenographic, clerical or billing position desired by young man with six years' experience; references; moderate salary. Addres K., 3443, care of Telegrapn. WANTED ln private family, gen eral housework by colored man. Ad dress 304 Cherry street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED—Experienced clerk wishes position. Either stationery or art shop preferred. Address C., 132 Hoerner street. WANTED Washing and ironing wanted. 718 Pennsylvania avenue. WANTED Washing, ironing and day's woik by two Virginia girls. Ad dress 1605 Elm street WANTED General housework by colored woman just from Virginia. Call Bell phone 666 R. WANTED Regular wash places, rooms or offices to take care of by col ored woman. Call Bell phone 666 R. WANTED Reliable white woman wants washing and ironing to do av home. Call, or address, Mrs. C. Werner, 1233 Bailey street REAL ESTATE FOR SALE JUST COMPLETED, a three-story brick house chestnut finish steam heat side entrance. It is a beauty and offered for $3,200. 11. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. WHAT will you give for 1223 Bailey street? Rental, sl4. 310 Crescent street Is offered at $3,250, H. G. Pedlow. 110 South Thirteenth street. TWO DAUPHIN PROPERTIES—Pow- Icy property on the main street six room house in good condition lot. 40x150 feet. Price S7OO. Talley prop erty—on the main street—lo-room house bath steam heat electric lights. Price, $1,400. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. 2306 JEFFERSON ST.; 3-story brick; 8 room, bath and furnace: front and rear porch; side entrance. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut Sts. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEW HOUSES, with steam heat if as and electric light all other mod ern impro wments brick construction —location Riverside, uptown, and on Allison Hill. Prices only $3,100 to $3,300. llell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Two new brick houses, all modern Improvements, six rooms and bath, gas, electric lights, etc. Barge porches and yards, near street car line. Special prices and easy payments for quick sale, only $2,300 and $2,500, corner Briggs and ' Poplar streets, near Twenty-first street. Apply B. Minter, Bell phone 590W, United 563 W. $3,000 WILL BUY a corner property on South Front street. All improve ments. This property is becoming more valuable and should command your at tention. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SOUTH STREET D WEBBING FOR SABE at $3,300; all improvements; four rooms on first (loor—suitable business location, easily altered buy it while the price is right. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SABE l9lO and 1912 North Seventh street, in good condition; all improvements; will be sold cheap If sale Is made before March 1. Inquire 1910 North Seventh street. Bell phone 733 J. FOR SAUK lOB Acres; 1% miles south of Progress: 10-room frame dwelling; frame bank barn; running water; 3 acres of apple orchard. Brin ton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut Sts. FUR IMMEDIATE SALE A valuable North Second street resi dence. Most desirable residential lo cality in city. A bargain. Price and terms for the asking. Address "Homft" • arc of Harrisburg Telegraph. KKAII ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENf 723 N. Nineteenth St $ll.OO 1813 Briggs St., improvements. 15.50 1547 Vernon St., new 19.00 H. G. PEDBOW, 110 S. Thirteenth St. FOR RENT Two new brick houses on Briggs street near Twenty-first street, just finished, all modern im provements, six rooms und bath, elec tric lights, gas, largo porches and yards, etc., $ 1 ti.oo and $17.00 per month. Apply L. Minter, Bell phone 590W, Unit ed 563 W. ' FOR RENT Seven-room brick houses, side entrance, steam heat, all improvements. 2028 Swatara street, SIB.OO and 2031, $19.00 per month. 2855 and 2357 Prospect street, new six-room houses, all improvements, rent $14.00. Inquire Irvin Johnston, 2052 Swatara street. Bell phone 2986 M. FOR RENT Three-story brick house, 2319 Fourth street; porch from and back: all modern Improvements. Rent, $22.50 per month. Inquire of John | J. Hargest, 2204 North Third street. FOH KENT No. 1302 State St $25.00 No. 132 Hoerner St 16.00 Private fireproof garage 4.00 No. 807 N. Eighteenth St 25.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market St. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Apartments, third floor, with improvements, $lO. Apply to 1745 North Sixth street. FOR RENT New unfurnished cor ner apartment; three rooms; close to roundhouse and market; running water; kitchen cabinet; range and gas; cozy and comfortable; must he seen to be appreciated. Rent, semimonthly. In quire office, 429 Broad street. , FOR RENT—IO7 South Front street, third floor front furnished apartment: two large rooms, kitchenette and bath; city stenm heat Included. Apply to Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Wal nut streets. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT l9 North Thl.d street, storeroom and office rooms; fl/e-room apartment 20 North Fourth street; three-story, eight-room brick house, with bath. Inquire second floor 20 North Fourth street. FOR 11. .1' Two furnished rooms, with running water, in private family. 26G Herr street. 1 FOR RENT Two rooms for light housekeeping .corner house; also one large front room, furnished. Address 501 Cumberland. FOR RENT One nicely furnished room, second floor, facing front and side .suitable for one or two gentlemen; close to home boarding. Call 104 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Two light, furnished rooms; running water, heat, light, gas range and kitchen cabinet; corner house; reference exchanged. Address 342 South Sixteenth. FOR RENT Large, well-furnished second floor front rooms; all conveni ences and use of phone. Inquire 813 North Second street. FOR RENT Suite of rooms on second floor front, for one or two gen tlemen. with use of bath, phone and city heat; reference required. Apply 272 Briggs street. FOR RENT Very nicely furnished rooms, with or without board; city steam; use of phone; all conveniences. Three furnished rooms, first floor, for li" > housekeeping. Apply at 9 North Front street, or at 222 North Third street, between' 7 and 10 P. M. FOR RENT Small apartment, neat and comfortable; three largo, attractive rooms; running water; cabinet and range; economical to maintain and in expensive; basement lockers; phone privileges. Apply 1323 Wallace street. FOR RENT Large, well-lighted furnished rooms, single or ensulte; city steam heat; Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth street. ROOMS W ANTED WANTED To rent, furnished apart ment house, or three furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, by young, married couple; no children. Ad dress S., 3448, care of Telegraph. AVANTED A iady wishes room and boarding; will furnish own room. Call, or write. Miss Mary Stahl, 211 Boas street. WANTED WANTED By young man, room, with or without board, in private fam ily. Requirements, comfortable room, good location, must he close to bath, among congenial folks. Quote rates. Box It.. 3301. care of Telegraph. CASH PRICES paid for Ladles' and Men's cast-oft Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and Carpets. Give descrip tion of goods you want to ioll. Send postal to 636 Herr street FOR SALE FOR SABE Baby carriage and bicycle, cheat). Call evenings at 461 Crescent street. FOR SALE One large fireproof safe: make offer. Apply 15 South Third street. Bell C72W. FOR SALE TO' MERCHANTS CALENDARS SAMPLES AT HALF-PRICE MYERS MANUFACTURING CO THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STS.. OVER MILLER'S SHOE STORE BELL 1577 R. FOR SALE—I9I6 Ford Touring Car. Bought in October. 1915. Good as new. Inquire of 116 West Main street. Pal myra. Pa. FOR SALE Corner grocery store, stock and fixtures. Sell at Inventory. Addrebs L, 3446. care of Telegraph. i HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FOR SALE FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and tools. Address 8., 3451, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE Two sprlngless com puting scales, one meat slicing ma chine, one electric coffee mill, one auto matic cheese knife. A 1 condition. In quire J. M. Shatzer, 529 South Sixteenth street. Bell 240SR. FOR SALE Reed baby carriage; In excellent condition; used about three months. Inquire 1642 Market street. FOR SALE A Vim truck, brand new; will be sold cheap to a quick buyer. Reason for selling, have no use for it. Addres C., 3392, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE CARD'S on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. OUR now line of Leather Hand Bags, Suit Cases, Gloves and Leather Special ties re far superior to anything we have ever offered. Buy your Leather Goods from the Leather Merchants. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Company. CAI .K S—CAI.K S—C AIiKS FOR SALE At Gable's. 111-117 S. Second St.. Neverslip and Rowe Screw and Drive Calks, Green Bay and Giant Grip Drive Calks. Can't Slip and Always Sharp Calks. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Buick Truck. Will take cash or exchange for a Ford. Ad dress Howry & Son, Shiremanstown, Pa. FOR SALE l9ll Buick Runabout; recently overhauled; very cheap; good tires. Apply to E. Hawthorne, Mt. Pleasant Garage. 1336 Thompson ave nue. Bell phone 401. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department Tho Tele graph Printing Company. FOR SALE One sewing machine wagon and a rubber-tire runabout, fine condition, cheap. Selling on account of using auto cars. Apply at Singer Sewing Machine Store, 13 South Market Square. FOR SALE Pony outfit. Handsome black pony, age 5 years; weight, 800; gentle and fearless. Also good buggy and harness. Will sacrifice to quick buyer. Apply Oscar R. Sultzbaugh, P. O. Box 392, Millersburg, Pa. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Airedale puppies for sale. Prices reasonable. In quire M. R. Rutherford, Box 58 B—R. D, No. 1. Harrisburg. Bell phone 341J-3 FOR SALE Two automobiles, four and live passenger; good condition; will sell one out of two or will exchange on small car. Address 327 South Front street. FOR SALE New cash register. Ap ply 1407 North Sixth street. FOR SALE Bicycle, double bat (Wolfeliound); newly painted; good tires, etc. Big bargain, $lO. 814 North Third street. FOR RENT FOR light manufacturing, storage or shop purposes, a very desirable entire second iloor. with private front en trance, city steam heat, electric lights and water, in a new building located just south of Chestnut Street on River Street. Apply to Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR RENT Garage rear of 1600 Market street, facing on Sixteenth street. Capacity, two cars. Rent, $5.00 per month for each car. Inquire Dauphin Deposit Trust Co. FOR RENT A large office in the Telegraph Building. Inquire of Super intendent in Business Office of Tele graph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY intelligent person can earn good ! Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ! ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock j port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 in five years fn the mail order business, began with $5. Send for freo booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport. N. Y. RLSIXESS PERSONALS i WANTED Men to have their Suits and Overcoats sterilized and pressed. Tickets. sl. good for three pressings. Guy's, 26 South Third street. Just | phone 3318 J. BUY Traveling Bags, Suitcases and Trunks from Wholesale and Retail Leather Merchants, Second and Chest nut Repairing neatly and promptly at tended to. Specialties made to order. Harrisburg Harness and Supply Co. MY Weatherstrips Guaranteed to Keep Out Rain, Cold, etc., 30c to SI.OO. Doors and Windows. Beats storm doors. Last alwavs. S. R. Horst, General De livery, Harricburg, Pa. FOR falling hatr try Gross -Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders giv:u prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAULING It. A. IIAIt'nUX, Hoarding Stable nnil Natlminl Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers apd general haul ing. H. W. Lather, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine street. Bell phone No. 2503 R. MONEY TO LOAN SI,OOO to loan on first mortgage. Ad dress P. O Box No. 775, Harrisburg, Pa. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We invite inspection. Bow insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper &Co 411 Broad strct • Both phones. l.t> NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE The annual meeting of the East Harrisburg Cemetery Company, for the election of Six Directors, will be held at the offlce of the company at the Cemetery, on Tuesday, the 11th day of January, 1916, between the hours of 1 and 2 P. M. J. A. MILLER, Secretary. NOTICE LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the estate of George H. Martz, Jr., late of the Borough of Steelton, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment at once, and those having claims will present them for settlement to BERTHA M MARTZ. No. 555 North Third Street. Or Steelton. Pa ! STROUP & FOX, Attorneys, Russ Building, Harrisburg. NOTICE Letters of Administration on the Estate of Matilda M. Fisher, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing In Hifrrisburg P« all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them for settlement. CURTIS W. FISHER, 2515 North Front street. Executor. NOTICE THE Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of the Merchants Ice Company of Harrisbu 1 — for the election or Di rectors und for general business, shall be held at the office of the company, In the City of Harrisburg. Pa., on the Third Wednesday in January, at 8 P M R. W. WOOD, Secret arv. GEN. DODGE, HERO OF WAR, IS DEAD Was Distinguished Soldier and Railroad Builder; Widely Known Here Council Bluffs, la., Jan. 4. —General Grenville M. Dodge, distinguished sol dier and railroad builder, died at his home here late yesterday. Two notable services to liis country assure General Dodge a place among tlie history makers of the Civil War and reconstruction periods. As a soldier his valor is attested by the fact that four horses were shot from under him in the battle of Pea Ridge. As as pioneer in western rail road building he has the Union Pacific railroad, whose line he located and whose construction he superintended, as his monument. When the Civil War broke out he raised and equipped a regiment him self. His gallantry at the battle of Pea Ridge won almost instant promo tion to the rank of brigadier general. He lost one-fourth of his entire com mand, but he saved the day for the Federal army. He again distinguished himself in the decisive battle of the Atlanta campaign, July 22, 1864, when he defeated General Hood's desperate movement to the rear of the army of the Tennessee and later won more honors. General Dodge remained up to late in life an active and influential man. [lie was elected to Congress the first year after the war, and it was said that a promising political life was be fore him, hilt, he declined renomina tlon, in favor of the railway project. He was later a delegate to tho Repub lican national conventions of 1868 and 1876. In 1898 he was chairman of the President's commission to inquire into the management of the war with Spain. He was for a time commander in-chief of the military order of the Loyal Legion. General 1 )odge hud a wide acquaint ance in tliis city, lie was a close friend of Adjutant General Thomas J. Stewart and some years ugo wrote a biography of the late John C. Jamison, of this city, who fought under him throughout the Civil war. C. H. BACKENSTOE'S CONDITION REPORTED IX) Hi: UNCHAXGEI) The condition of Clayton If. Back enstoe, 1528 North Second street, a lawyer, late this afternoon, was re ported unchanged. His condition was said to l>e critical. He lias been un conscious since yesterday afternoon. Mr. Backenstoe is suffering from an acute attack of ptomaine poison. I>. 1.. KEISTER WORSE Daniel L. Keister, 316 Crescent street, superintendent of the State Printery, was still in a critical con dition this afternoon. Mr. Keister, who is suffering with an attack of pleuro-pneumonia, was reported as slightly improved this morning. Later in the day his condition became worse. Deaths and Funerals CARRIE MARGARET SMITH Carrie Margaret Smith, eighteen month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Smith, of Camp Hill, died yes terday after a two weeks' illness. The funeral will take place to-morrow aft ernoon. Services will be conducted at the home by the Rev. Mr. Shope, pas tor of Camp Hill Church of God. Burial will be made in Camp Hill Cemetery. HENRY SHEFFER The funeral of Henry Sheffer, aged 75 years, will take place to-morrow at Dillsburg. The body will be shipped to that place to-morrow afternoon by Hoover and Sons, undertakers. Fu neral services will be held at Dills burg. Mr. Sheffer died Sunday at his home, 1402 Penn street. SOLOMON I,FREW The funeral of Solomon Lerew, of 1245 Swatara street, will take place to-morrow morning. Services will be conducted at 10:30 by the llev. Ellis N. Kremer, pastor of Reformed Salem Church. The body will be taken to Dillsburg for burial. GEORGE CAMERON George Cameron, father of Mrs. Ly j man D. Gilbert, of this city, died sud denly last Saturday at his residence In Petersburg, Va. He was 76 years of age and a prominent citizen of Peters burg. j LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Appeals For 1916 THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS will hold appeals from the triennial assess ment for the several boroughs, wards and townships, in the County of Dau phin nnd State of Pennsylvania, at the following places anil dates: Januarv 25, Penbrook Borough and .Susquehanna Township at Commission ers' Office, Harrisburg; 26, Swatara Township and Paxtang Borough at Commissioners' Offlce, Harrisburg- 27 Millersburg and U«oer Paxton Town ship, Hotel Charles Millersburg; "8 Harrisburg, First Ward, Commission ers' Offlce; 31, Harrisburg. Second and Third Wards, Commissioners' Offlce. February 1, Hummeistown Borough Derry and South Hanover Townships, at Central Hotel, Hummeistown; 2 Harrisburg, Fourth and Fifth Wards' Commissioners' Offlce; 3, Middletown and Royal ton Boroughs. Londonderry West Londonderry, Conewago and Lower Swatara Townships, at Farmers' Hotel, Middletown; 4, Harrisburg, Sixth and Seventh Wards, Commissioners' Office; 7, Harrisburg, Eighth Ward, Commissioners' Offlce; 8 Williamstown Borough, Rush and Williams Town ships, at Central Hotel, Williamstown 9. Harrisburg, Ninth Ward, Commis sioners' Offlce; 10, Steelton and Righ spire Boroughs, at Hotel Jerome, Steel ton; 11, Harrisburg. Tenth Ward, Com missioners' Offlce; 14, Harrisburg, Elev enth Ward, Commissioners' Offlce- 15 Halifax Borough, Halifax. Wayne, Jef ferson and Jackson Townships, at Key stone House, Halifax Borough; 16. Har risburg, Twelfth and Thirteenth Wards, Commissioners' Office: 17, Ellzalieth ville Borough and Washington Town ship, at Snyder Hotel. Ellzabethville Borough: 1!», Berrysburg. IJnlontown and Gratz Boroughs. Lykens and Mifflin Townships, at Hotel Berrysburg; 24, Lower Paxton, East and West Hanover Townships, at Eagle House, Lingles town; 26. Lykens Borough and Wlco nisco Township, at Commercial Hotel, Lykens; 29, Dauphin Borough, Middle Paxton and Reed Townships at Sellers Hotel. Dauphin. APPEALS will be held between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. C. C. CUMBLER, H. M. STINE, H. C. WELLS. Commissioners. Attest: K. H. FISHER. Clerk. JANUARY 4, 1916. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co.. members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har- I risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 3 4 Pine street, New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, Jan. 4. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines 25 24% Allis-Chalmers 31% 30% American Beet Sugar ... 69 68% American Can 61% 60% American C& F 76% 75% ' American Cotton Oil ... 55% 55% i American Ice Securities 26 26% American Locomotive .. 68% 66% American Smelting 111% 111% American Sugar 114% 115 American T dc T 127% 127% Anaconda 90% 89% Atchison 107% 107% Baldwin Locomotive ... 11 7 % 11 5 % Baltimore & Ohio 95% 95% California Petroleum ... 41 39% Canadian Pacitic 182% 181% Central Beat her 53% 53% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 64 65 % Chicago, Mil and St Paul 102% 101 Chicago, R 1 and Pacitic. 17% 17% Chino Consolidated Cop. 55% 55 Colorado Fuel and Iron. 51% 51% Consolidated Gas 143% 143% Crucible Steel 72% 70 Distilling Securities .... 48% 47% Erie 43% 42% Erie Ist pfd 58% 58% General Electric Co ... 174 174 General Motors 482 482 Goodrich B. F. 75% 74% Gt. North, pfd 126% 125% Gt. North Ore, ss 50% 49% Ins. Copper 45% 45% lnterboro-Alet 20% 20% Interboro-Met. pfd 77% 77% Kas. City South 32% 31% Lehigh Valley 81% 82 Maxwell Mot 75% 74% Mex. Petroleum 127% 122% Miami Copper 38\A 38% Missouri Pacific 4% 5% National Dead 69% 68% New York Central 110 109% N Y N H H 77 76% New York Ont and West 30 30% Norfolk and Western... 121 121% Northern Pacific 118% 117% Pennsylvania Railroad.. 59% 59% Pittsburgh Coal 35% 35 Pittsburgh Coal pd 110% 110% Press Steel Car 64% 64% Ray Con Copper 25% 25% Reading 83% 82% Republic Iron and Steel. 55% 54 Southern Pacific 103% 103 Southern Railway 24 23% Southern Railway pfd .. 64% 63% Studebaker 165 163% Tennessee Copper 62% 63% Third Avenue 61 60% ITnion Pacific 138% 139 U S Rubber 38 r.6% IT S Steel 88% 87% IT S Steel 117% 117% Utah Copper <Bl% 80% Va Caro Cheni 49% 4 8 West Union Tel 88% 88% Westinghouse Mfg .... 69% 68 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, Jan. 4. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, spot and January, $1.23©1.25; No. 2, red. Southern, $1.21© 1.23. Corn Quiet: No. 2, yellow, local. 81%®82%c; steamer, No. 2, yellow, lo cal, 80 % St 81 %c. Oats—Steady; No. 2, white, 50@50%c; No. 3, white, 47%@48c. Bran The market Is steady; city mills, winter, per ton, $25.00; western, winter, per ton. none here; Soring, per ton, $23.50@24.00 Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered. 6.05e; line granulated, 5.95 c; confectioners' A. 5.85 c. Butter Market lower; western, creamery, extras, 34c; nearby prints, fancy, 37c. Eggs The market is unchanged; Pennsylvania and other nearbj tiists free eases, $10.50 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, s'j.9o per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $10.50 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $9.90 pel case. Live Poultry—Market higher; fowls, 15 (ft 17c; roosters, 12@12%c; spring chickens, 15(&' 17c; ducks, 15# 17c; geese, 15©17 c; turkeys, 20®22c. Dressed Poultry Market steady; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18c; do., average, 16%®17%c; do., unattrac tive, 13© 16c; ice packed fowls, 13 ©l6c; old roosters, 13c: broiling chickens, nearby, 22©26 c; do., western. 20@22c; roasting chickens, western, choice to fancy, 18®19c; do., fair to good. 14©17 c; spring ducks, nearby, 18 ©2oc; do., western, l£@18c; geese, nearby, 16©18 c; do., western. 14W16c; turkeys, Delaware and Maryland, fancy, 28#30c; do.. Virginia. 26(ff)27c; do., near by, choice to fancy. 25©26 c; do., west ern, choice to fancy, 24@25c; do., fair to good, 22©23 c; old toms, 21c; do., culls, 16© 17c. Potatoes Market firm; Penn sylvania, fancy, per bushel, $ 1.00 1.10; do., fair to good, 90@95c; Jersey, No. 1, per basket, 55©60 c; do., No. 2, per basket, 30© 40c. Flour—Steady, but uiet; winter, straights, $5.6551)6.00; do., patent, $6.00 ©6.30; Kansas straights, $4.85@5.85; Spring straights, $5.75@5.90; do., pat ent. $6.00®6.40; do., favorite brands, $6.50© 6.80. Hay The market is steady, | with a fair demand; No. 1, large bales, $21.00<fi>21.50; No. 1. medium I bates, $20.50©21.00: No. 2, $19.00@ 19.50; | No. 3, do.. $15.50 © 17.50. Clover mixed, light mixed. $18.50© 19.00: No. 1. do., slß.oo® 18.50; No. I. do., sls.oo©> 16.00. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, Jan. 4. Stocks closed irregular. Cambria Steel 74. General Asphalt 34 General Asphalt, Pfd 71 % Lake Superior Corporation 9% Lehigh Navigation 78% Lehigh Valley 81% Pennsylvania Railroad 59% Philadelphia Electric 28% Philadelphia Company 43 Philadelphia Company, Pfd 36 Philadelphia Rapid Transit .... 20% l Reading 82% I General Mortgae 94% I Storage Battery 65 ITnion Traction 44% I United Gas Improvement 88 % I United States Steel 87% CHICAGO CATTLE | _ By Associated Press I Chicago, 111., Jan. 4. Hogs Re- I celpts, 51,000: steady. Bulk of sales, $6.65®6.90; light, $6.45 ©6.85; mixed, i $6.50®6.95; heavy, $6.55©6.95; rough, 1 $G.50©6.65; pigs, $5.50©6.50. Cattle Receipts, 5,000; steady. Native beef steers. $6.25®9.80; cows ! and heifers, $3.00©8.15; calves, $7.00© , 10.25. I Sheep Receipts, 20,000; weak. Wethers. $6.65@7.15; lambs. $7.50©9.80. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press | Chicago, 111., Jan. 4.—Board of Trade [ closing: Wheat—May, 1.25%: July, 1.18%. Corn —May, 75%; July, 76%, Oats—May, 47%: July, 46%. Pork—January, 18.65- May. 18.85. Lard —January, 9.85: May, 10.10. Ribs—January, 10.12; May, 10.47. LEVI WOLFERSBERGER DIES Levi Wolfersborger, of Campbells town, who was visiting relatives In the clt yover the holidays, while at the home of George Fessler, became critically ill and died of pneumonia. He was aged 68. Ho is survived by the following children: David, Har vey, Christian, Frank, and Mrs. Susan Allen, and Mrs. John Rettlnger and one sister, Mrs. Levlna Walters. The body will be taken to Campbells towns where funeral services will be held at the home of his sister, Mrs. Levlna Walters Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock by the Rev. Frantz, of Palmyra. Burial In the Reformed cemetery in Campbellstown. 1 RA/LROADNEWS DAVID DIESATALTOONA One of First Engineers lo Go on Honor Roll; Han Famous French Engine David Johnson, one of tlie first pas senger engineers to be retired by tbe Pennsylvania railroad, died yesterday at his home In Altoona, aged 87 years. Death was due to pneumonia. The survivors are, two brothers, Morris Johnson, a retired Pennsylvania rail road employe residing at 1319 Berry hill street, and AVilliam Johnson of Philadelphia. The funeral will take plaee to-morrow afternoon at Altoona. "Dave" Johnson, as he was known ail over the Pennsylvania railroad sys tem, for more than a quarter century ran fast express trains between Al toona and Harrisburg. He started ser vice on the Middle division as a lire man. September, 1861, and was pro moted to Engineer November 1, 1803 Six months later he was given a pas senger run, and continued service for 4 5 years. He retired because of an in jury received in a wreck. Engineer Johnson was a native of i Chester county, lie served under every Middle division superintendent front General Augustus L. Koumfort. Harrisburg's first mayor, to N. A. Smith the present incumbent. During the war he hauled supplies for Slier man's Army, running on Southern lines. On one trip his train was ditched near Atlanta, Ga. During the St. Louis Exposition when the big French locomotive was sent to United States for exhibition, Johnson ran the engine. Later when the Pennsylvania railroad purchased the big engine, he was given full charge of it. lie had the distinction of being the first engineer to wear a uniform on an engine. Standing of the Crews IIARHIMHIfRt; SI 1)1'] ritiladelpliht Division—l 34 crew first to go after I p. in.: 118. llti, 131, lUB, 11S, 107. 114. 13:', 102. Engineer for 134, 108, 114, 102. Firemen for 131, 108. 111, 132, 102. <'' inductors for llti. 107. 114. Flagmen for I 18, 118, 114. Urakemen for I 111. 118. llti. I OS. Engineers up: 1 .elever, YVeiirick, Stut ler, Grass, Anderson, Kttcli, Ford, I (enseal, Maxwell. Schwartz. Firemen up: Recdcr, Walker, Herman, Hiner, Everhart, Shandler, Showers, Hupp, Groff, Swarr, Cover, Deitrich, Eefcman, Morris, Coble. Ilamm. Conductor up: Sadler. Flagmen up: llartman, Wenrlck, Notihsker. Brakemen up: Dengler, Welsh, Lloyd, Frank liivner, Houdeshel, Beale, Col lins. Wilainl. Middle Division—32 crew tirst to go after 2:35 p. m.: 19, 25. Preference: 5. Firemen for 32, 19, 5. Flagman for lit. Brakemen for 32, 25. Engineers up: Blizzard, Tettemer. Grove, Bennett. Firemen up: Rumberger, Burger. Brakemen up: Leedy, Hummer, Mus ser, Messimer, Daniels, Henery, Mc- Naiglit. Eichel. Varil ('»«« Engineers for second S. 14. second 22, third 22, tirst 24, third 21, 62, 64. Two extras. Firemen for 6. second 8, fourth 8, 111, 12. 20, tirst 22, first 24, 26. Two extras. Engineers up: Landis, Hoyler, week, Harter, Biever, Blosser, Malaby, Rodg erti. J. H. Snyder, Boy, Lei by, Fulton, Fells, McMorrts. Firemen up: Blehter, Keiser, Fergu son, Six, Cain. Williams, Cumliler, Wer ner. Steele, Miller. Riffert, McDermott, McCartney, Pensvl, Waltz, Brady, R. J. Snyder, Desch, Hitz. knoi.a side l'lillndelplilii nivlHion—222 crew first to go after 3:45 p. in.: 251, 225, 217, 260, 213. 232, 250, 219, 223. Engineers for 217, 250, 249. Firemen for 222, 251, 213, 250, 249, 223. Conductors for 12, 51, 60. Flagman for 50. Brakemen for 2, 12, 13 (two), 17, 23, 25, 49. 50. 51. 60. Urakemen up: Smith, Funk, Malseed, Qucntzler. Middle nivlHion —loß crew first to go after 3 p. m.: 22, 110, 102, 114, 109. Engineers for 22. 114, 109. Fireman for 108. Conductors for 114. 109. Fla'.men for 108, 102. Bi'ikemen for 22, 109. Ytrd Crews—To go after 4 p. m.t Er gl eers for second 124, 128, third 126 104. Firemen for first 108, 112, 130, first 10?. Engineers un: Rider, Hill, Boyer, Kltnsr. Smith. Miller. Firemen up: Clark. Sellers. Brown, Liddick. Shearer, Eichelberger, Smith, Wingard. THIS READING Ifnrrixhwrg Division—lß crew first to go after 11:15 a. m.: 17, 1, 7, 20, 9, 4, 11, 16 East-bound—s9. 70, 52. 51. 54, 71, 62. Engineers for 52. 54. 62. 70. 4. Firemen for 52, 70, 71, 4, 7, 11, 17, 18. £O. Conductors for 51. 9. Brakemen for 62, 11, 16. 17. Engineers up: Barnhart, Sweeley, Kittner, Bowers, Engle, Jacoby, Bow man. Firemen up: Hustler, Strieker. Mc- Mullan, Sheaffer, Grumbine, Keley, Hoffman, Coyle, Carl. Boyer. Dowhowt r. Conductors up: Wolfe, Landis, Sipes, Fleagie. Brakemen up: Smith, Hershey, Beach, Mummert. Bolsen. Scott. Taylor, Ware. Miller. Holbert, Hess. Creager. Smith. Shader. Herkert. Fleming. Sullivan, Jones, Cocklin, Wickenlieiser. Arney. rtIIBBER STAMnn 2JBI SEALS & STENCILS k#V MFG.BYHBG.STENCIL WORKS ■ |1 \ I |3O LOCUST ST. HBG, PA. V Statistical Bureaus j When nearly every Important financial institution In the country avails itself of our statistical serv ice, does it not appeal to you as be | ing worthy of your inquiry? ! We may modestly state that our i Statistical Department is equipped with every facility to furnish the Investor and speculator with com i plete data respecting any active se- I curity. Banking houses and trust com [ panles generally fortify themselves with our exclusive Information for I the benefit of their customers. Why not you? No charge for this serv ice. L. L. WINKELMAN & CO. 139 S. Broad St., Phila. Phonedi Walnut 0)1.171 Knee 2.183. New York Wilmington, l>el. Parkerahurg, W. V«. Direct Wires to the Varloim Markets 14
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers