A Telegraph Wart M fill Quickly Rent That Vacant Roam Deaths 1 >II.IKKRT On December 27, Eliza beth Heckert, aged 78 years. Funeral services on Thursday, at 1:30 P. M.. from the residence of her brother, Amos Crum, Lower Paxton. Relatives and friends are requested y to attend without further notice. WITHROW On December 26, 1915, Mrs. Matilda, wife of James B. Wltli row, at her home, 1625 North Fourth street, aged 68 years. Funeral on AVednesday afternoon, at 2 P. M., from her late residence. Burial East Harrisburg Cemetery. The relatives and friends are invited tn attend without further notice. LOST LOST White Poodle Dog. Reward If returned to 609 Schuylkill street. LOST A string of beads on Alli son Hill. Return to Telegraph Office, j LOST On Friday. December 24. a memorandum book, containing informa tion of value to owner only. Reward if i returned to B. F. Pannebaker, 160 Flor ence street, I'enbrook, Pa, LOST OR STOLEN A black, white and brown Angora cat, answer- j ing to the name of "Buddy." Reward i offered if returned to 1711 Fulton street. . LOST ln Union Station, Christmas morning, gold watch, with "IC" en graved on tront. Leather fob with « il iiani Zaller ad attached. Reward if returned to Telegraph office. FOUND FOl'ND—Black muff left at S. S. Pomeroy'ss Grocery Store, Market Square, within the past week. Owner call and identify same. FOUND A bull dog. License No. 4266, Cumberland county. Owner can have dug by proving property and pay ing for this ad. Apply 329 Hamilton etreet. !• .jUN'D iScw's the time lo have your clothes put .in shape for the winter. Kggeri's Steam Uyeing anu French Cleaning Works. 1246 Market •street. Both phones. We call and de llver. lUiU' VViUMIiO —.uulc WANTED ln private family, young coiunu man with experience ut wait ing on taoie anu nousework; state age, i < i. rence anu whether siugie or mar rieu. Audreta P. O. Box SI, warrisburg, I'tt. WANTED An experienced butcher; liiwsi come well recommended. Apply 226 Chestnut street. WANTED —Two young men to travel bourn wnn manager as salesmen; $4 to »<j per uay; expenses auvaiiceu. Appiy Lowers, utter 3 P. M., Metropolitan Hotel. WANTED Young man of 16 or 17 years oi age. with olcyce; must fur nish good reference. ..pply Albert | Bern, J2u North sixtn street. j WANTED Young man, 16 to IS ; years ot age, to run errands and make | himself generally useful. Apply to t>ince Manager Brelstord Packing and storage Co., Seventh and North streets. WANTED Four messengers for night service, between 8 and 11, paid by the hour; ulso two tor all nlgnt, paid b\ me day; must be over 21 years old. \v estern Union Telegraph Co. WANTED An ambitious, active man lo establish permanent business. Health and Accident insurance. liiiine uiate cash returns anu future. Address .-vciuimi Casualty Company. Detroit, id irli. WANTED Man with experience on steel heating furnaces, to take position nl Assistant Heater or Heater in roil ing mill. Alust have reference. Apply jmul .\u. 1, Central Iron & Steel Co. SKILLED machinists, tool-makers, foige department men; beginners also, iiign wages to beginners. Address P. u. Box 2g4, Lancaster, or call on J. £. Cressweil, Hotel Plaza. Thursdays, 12 lidou till 9 P. M. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring mill or lathe hands, who can work lrom blue prints; also tool makers. Ao ui-ess, or apply, Employment Depart ment, Westinghouse Electric Mfg. Co.. ttast Pittsburgh, Pa. HELP WANTED —Female WANTED Reliable girl; three in family. 2017 North Second street. LADIES -vc an hour doing plain ►sewing for us; all or spare time; any «iislance; stamped envelope for particu lars. Gardner Mtg. Co., 79 Seymour, providence, it. 1. \Y ANT ED Experienced sewing machine operators to work on women's and children's wear. J larrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State street, rear entrance. SALESLADY WANTED Age 20 to 311 years. Experience In notion and lancv goods. Good wages and steady work. Apply at Hershey Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. WANTED White girl for general housework. Apply at 1912 Market street and bring references. WANTED Girl for general house work; good wages and home to right party. Inquire office 429 Broad atri ®t. WANTED Laundress wanted white woman. Apply Bolton House. WANTED Experienced white girl for chambermaid; references required. Apply to Box M, 3423, care of Tele graph. WANTED— A girl for general house work, three in family, in an apartment. Mrs. Belsinger, Third Floor, 108 North Second street. WANTED Girl to work in office; steady work; small wages; give refer ence. E., 3125, care of Telegraph. WANTED White girl for general housework in family of four. No washing. Apply J. W. Milliouse, second door east of Lutheran Church, Market street, Camp Hill. Bell phone 3020 J. WANTED l2 bright girls. Apply Silk Mill, Corner Second and North streets. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co.. Vernon street, Pa. i" ■> FOR SALE N. Second St. House One of a Pair In the 2200 Block Terms: SSOO cash; balance on lirst ii nil second mortgages. This proposition is for prompt acceptance only. MILL ER BROI HERS & CO. REAL, ESTATE Insurance Surety Honda l.neuat and Court Streets TUESDAY EVENING, HARmSBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 28, 1915 HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Elderly gentleman of highest character and best habits, who has traveled extensively and had years of business relations with leading; busi ness and professional men, would ap preciate position as collector or other I work where steady and trustworthy service is more essential than activity. Address F., 3424. care of Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED Young man, experienced salesman for grocery and produce Arm, would like position with local or out-of-town house representing them here; best reference furnished, also bond. Address F., 3428, care of Tele graph. POSITION WANTED ln grocery store, in or out of city; five years; ex perience; good references. Bu6 North Sixth street. VOtr Farm owners have your farm managed by a lifelong, experienced farmer, who will clear it in three years what it cost above operating expenses, free of charge; best reference; strictly temperance, Christian and will tell no wilful lie. J. B. L., Middletown, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED— Young girl wishes light housework or light cooking. Apply at 620 Forster street. WANTED Colored woman wants day's work; good worker. Apply 806 Cowden street. WANTED General housework by colored girl. Address 8., 3426, care of Telegraph. WANTED Housework or general day's work. Apply 1943 Rudy street. WANTED White woman desires I position of general housework; can give ' good reference. Apply 412 Boas street. Bell phone 1524 W. WANTED Respectable, refined, middle-aged. Christian woman desires position as housekeeper; !.as many years' experience; can furnish refer ence. For information write Miss Ellen Jones, Dickenson P. 0., Cumberland County, Pa. KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Rooming house paying a profit of Eighty-five Dollars a month; owner leaving city and wishes to invest purchase price in stock of CHARLES E. BARD and COMPANY. To inspect this house, or for full particulars, address 8., 3431, care of Telegraph. STEAM HEATED HOUSE FOR SALE 9 rooms, bath, gas, electric light, lot 16x95; 13-foot alley on rear. Inspect it. 548 Woodbine street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. TWO PENBROOK PROPERTIES that should interest you frame houses practically new; plot 60x150. Price only $3,300. Other suburban properties at reasonable prices. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. DO YOU WANT a new house in Pen brook with all improvements? Price, $2,100. Small amount of cash needed and monthly payments. Bell Realty- Co., Bergner Building. NEW HOUSES with steam heat; gas I and electric light; all other modern , improvements; brick construction; lo- ! cation Riverside, uptown, and on Alii- j son Hill. Prices only $3,100 to $3,300. | ■Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SI.OOO WILL BUY No. 1223% Bailey j Street rents for sl4. Inspect 310 Crescent Street —Is offered at the right price. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir- j teenth street. FOR SALE—3-story brick apartment house, well located on one of the prin cipal streets of Harrisburg; this prop erty is rented for an income amount ing to more than 15 per cent, upon the price asked; reason for selling: Owner wishes to buy stock In CHARLES E. BARD and COMPANY. For detailed de scription of this valuable real estate, address A., -3432, care of Telegraph. 17-ACRE Cumberland Co. farm —all buildings SBOO.OO 97-acre farm—Dauphin Co. buildings . .v 1,000.00 30-aere farm—Cumberland Co— all buildings—soo fruit trees. .1,800.00 137-acre farm Perry co all buildings 3,500.00 107-acre farm—Adams Co. —all buildings—l,soo fruit trees. .6,<000.00 97-acre farm—Dauphin Co.—all buildings 7,000.00 Several of these farms can be ex changed for city property. H. G. PEDLOW. 110 S. Thirteenth St. FOR IMMEDIATE SAI-E A valuable North Second street resi dence. Most desirable residential lo cality in city. A bargain. Price and terms for the asking. Address "Home." care of Harrisburs Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FqR RENT 1824 North Sevtnth street, 8 rooms, heater and bath $15.00 603 Maclay street, 9 rooms, heater and bath $20.00 1208 Cowden street, water In ! kitchen $13.00 J. S. SIBLE, 256 Herr Street. FOR RENT Eight-room house on State street. Inquire at 1250 State street. FOR KENT No. 1302 State St $25.00 No. 132 Hoerner St 16.00 Private fireproof garage 4.00 No. 807 N. Eighteenth St 25.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market St. FOR RENT Large ground floor room, suitable for small business or of fices, located at 109 North Second street. Immediate possession. Apply on prera | ises. | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT PIECE of land, bound by Reading R. It.. Berryhill, Sliaeffer and Paxton streets, centrally located, awaiting your proposition. J. B. Reist & Sons, 327 South Front street. APAHTMI.M'S FOK REXT FOR RENT Second floor furnished suite, three rooms and bath, kitchen complete for cooking; hot water fur nished. Apply at Real Estate Office, 132 Locust street. FOR RENT —■ Apartment, four rooms and bath, second lloor; no children; $20.00 in advance. 27 North Thirteenth street. i FOR RENT—IO7 South Front sireet, third floor front furnished apartment; two large rooms, kitchenette and bath; city steam heat included. Apply to Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. • APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED An unfurnished two , room apartment, with bath, near center lof city. Address H., 3422, care of Tele graph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two furnished rooms on second floor for light housekeep ing; use of bath and phone; no children; reference exchanged. 1604 Derry street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, second floor front; bath; gas. 1522 Walnut street. FOR RENT Desirable rooms, fur nished. Apply 222 Pine street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Large, well-furnlshed second floor front rooms; all conveni ences and use of plione. Inquire 813 North Second street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, third floor, suitable for li«rht house keeping; one room, recond floor front, nicely furnished; mu.?t be reliable par ties; all conveniences; good location. Apply 1109 North Second street. FOR RENT Second floor front room, lacing Capitol Park: stationary washstand {hot and cold running water); electric light; city steam; use of Bell phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street. FOR RENT Two light housekeep ing rooms, completely furnished, with all conveniences and use of phone. Ap ply 1814 Green street. City. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS FOR RENT— Centrally located. Terms reasonable. Apply 209 State street. FOR RENT Large, well-lighted furnished rooms, single or ensulte; city steam heat; Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Suite of rooms on second floor front, for one or two gen tlemen. with use of bath, phone and city heat; reference required. Apply 272 Brlggs street- ROOMS WANTED WANTED Two or three unfur nished rooms, uptown; family of three: no cooking. Address E., 3429, care of Telegraph. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT BUILT exclusively for light house keeping, strictly private, all outside, with or without Kttchenettes. Stoves furnished free. Laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Weekly pay ments. Janltress service. Inquire 429 Broad street. Daily Inspection invited. WANTED WANTED Young girl wishes room, with boarding, in a private family; su burbs preferred. Address C„ 3383, care of Telegraph. WANTED Room, with board, in a private family. Call 918 North Six teenth street. WANTED Reliable young man with five hundred dollars ($500) to in vest. Situation as assistant manager goes with Investment. Salary, $25 per week. Address M„ 3427, care of Tele graph. WANTED Desk room in office cen trally located. Address, stating loca tion, terms and conveniences, P. O. Box 626, City. WANTED To buy a good size safe In good condition. Must be cheap for cash. Answer, giving all particu lars, to "Safe," in care of Telegraph. CASH PRICES paid for Ladies' and Men's cast-off Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and Carpets. Give descrip tion of goods you want to sell. Send postal to 636 Herr etreet. FOR SALE FOR SALE One double heater and one double-barrel shotgun. First sl2 takes both. Will sell singly. Owner leaving city Thursday. Call 2132 Moore street. FOR SALE All of our Mondaines, Carneaux and Homer Pigeons must be closed out at once because of other business. About 100 birds of tine stock and In excellent condition. Will sell by the pair or specially priced for entire lot. Apply 221 Twenty-ninth stfeet, PenbrooK, Pa. Bell phone 4038 J. FOR SALE SI,OOO Dauphin County Funding Bond. Interest, 3 per cent. Due 1932. Free of tax. Brinton- Packer Co., Cor. Second and Walnut streets, Harrisburg. FOR SALE One Crawford touring car in good condition. Must be sold, and will be sold cheap. Inquire Clous er's Livery. Shtremanstown, Pa. FOR — A pair of Virginia Hounds, full broke to 'coons and 'pos sums and skunks, groundhogs, rabbit and fox proof. Can see hunt before 1 buying. W. F. McDaniel, 1418 Herr street, City. FOR SALE Two sprlngless com puting scales, one meat slicing ma chine, one electric coffee mill, one auto matic cheese knife. A 1 condition. In quire J. M. Shatzer, 529 South Sixteenth street. Bell 2408 R. FOR SALE Edison Blue Four minute records. Will sell cheap. Good i songs, bands, etc. Call 1317 Derry i street. City. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be i secured at the Telegraph Business | Office. i OUR now line of Leether Hand Bags, (Suit Cases, Gloves and Leather Speeial -1 ties ".re tar superior to anything we f have ever offered. Buy your Leather I Goods from the Leather Merchants. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Company. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at tbe Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE TO MERCHANTS CALENDARS SAMPLES AT HALF-PRICE MYERS MANUFACTURING CO., THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STS., OVER MILLER'S SHOE STORE. BELL 1577 R. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—6o for 2ou while they last. Ap ply Job Priming Department. The Tele graph Printing Company. FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up. | Lo-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large Gold Fish and Globes of all sizes; Bird Seeds, natural Fish Food and supplies. I Gebhardt. the "Bird Man." 1004 North I Third, between Boas and Herr. | CALKS—CALKS—CALKS ! FOR SALE —At Gable's, 111-117 S. I Second St., Neversllp and Rowe Screw I and Drive Calks, Green Bay and Giant Grip Drive Calks, Can't Slip and Always | Sharp Calks. | FOR SALE A one-ton Brunswick Ice Machine with Refrigerator, all in good condition, suitable for Grocery or Meal Market. Will sell cheap. Penna. Milk Products Co., 2112 Atlas. FOR RENT FOR RENT Store room and office rooms, 19 North Third street: apartment 5 rooms and bath, city steam heat, gas, electric light. Call 20 North Fourth street, second floor. FOR RENT A large office in the Telegraph Building. Inquire of Super intendent in Business Office of Tele graphy BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WE will paint any old. leaky Roof and guarantee a water-tight job. Pos tal brings us. References from hun dreds of satisfied patrons. Hlte & Hite, 135 Brady street. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary, fiend for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. 1 MADE $50,000 In five years In thi mall order business, began with $6. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport. N. T. BUSINESS PERSONALS ARCADE BARBER SHOP. 36 N. Court Street. Newly remodeled and refitted. Clean and sanitary. Complete system Red Cross Sterilizers used. Massage, 25c. Shave. 10c. P. D. Kicliwlne, Pro prietor. FIRE ESCAPES, when needed, are of great Importance. They are soon worthless If not well painted. We paint them and paint iheni well. Hlte St Ulte, No. 135 Brady street. SMALL ADVANCES RULE TRADING Steel Is Again Center of Inter est; Railroads Make Better Gains By Associated Press New York, Dec. 28.—Moderate ad vances ruled on the resumption of trading to-day, all classes of stocks sharing in the rise. United States Steel was again the center of interest, open ing with 3,000 shares at 89, unchanged from yesterday's close, but soon ap proximating the recent high record. Reading and New Haven lost substan tial fractional advances, with lesser gains for Union Pacific, Northern Pa cific, Baltimore and Ohio and Chesa peake and Ohio. Coppers manifested underlying strength and Mexican Pe troleum advanced 1% to 109%, a new record. Texas and Pacific fell 4% points to 9 at the opening on a receiv ership proceeding. Anglo-French bonds duplicated their minimum at 94. The market was more susceptible to realizing sales and irregular tones developed before the end of the first hour. Steel, Coppers and most rails yielded much or all of their initial gains. Anglo-French bonds were less active, but failed to rally. Bonds were irregular. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., mAnbers New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1 338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street, New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, Dee. 28. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines 25 24 % Aliis-Chalmers 32 % 32 American Beet Sugar .. 70 tiß% American Can UO% 59% American C & F 79 77% American Cotton Oil ... 55% 54% American Ice Securities . 26 % 26^ American Locomotive .. 70 69% American Smelting .... 106 104 American Sugar 115% 115% American T & T 129 129 Anaconda 91 89% Atchison 108 107 Baldwin Locomotive ... 121 117% Baltimore & Ohio ....... 95% 94% California Petroleum ... 33 32% Canadian Pacific 181 179% Central Leather 54% 53% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 63% 62% Chicago, Mil and St Paul 95% 95% Chicago, R I and Pacific 17 16% Chino Consolidated Cop. 55% 54% Colorado Fuel and Iron. 53% 52 Consolidated Gas 145% 144 Crucible Steel 74% 73% Crucible Steel pfd 110% 110% Distilling Securities ... 49 47% Erie 42% 42% Erie Ist pfd 57% 56% General Electric Co .... 174% 173% General Motors 494 494 Goodrich B. F 75% 75% Gt. North, pfd 127 125% Gt. North Ore, ss 51% 50 Gug. Exploration 81% 81% Ins. Copper 46% 45% Interboro-Met 21% 21% Interboro-Met. pfd 77% 77% Kas. City South 32% 31% Lehigh Valley 82 81 % Maxwell Mot 76% 75 Mex. Petroleum 108 107 Miami Copper 35 34% Missouri Pacific 3 % 3 % National Lead 65% 65 New York Central 110% 109 NY N H H 77% 7G% New York Out and West 30% 30% Norfolk and Western ... 122% 121% Northern Pacific 118 117% Pennsylvania Railroad.. 59% 59 Pittsburgh Coal 35% 35% Pittsburgh Coal pd .... 110% 110% Press Steel Car 65% 64% Railway Steel Spg 45* 44 Ray Con Copper 25% 25% Reading 83% 81% Republic Iron and Steel. 56% 54 Southern Pacific 103% 102% Southern Railway 23% 23% Southern Ry pfd 63 62% Studebaker 167% 166% Tennessee Copper 60% 60% Third Avenue 60% 60% Union Pacific 139% 138% U S Rubber 55% 54% U S Steel 89 87% BUSINGS PERSONALS MY WEATHER STRIPS are guaran teed to keep out Rain, Dust and Cold and last as long as your house stands. Manufactured and put on by S. R. Horst, Penbrook, Pa. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders glv:n prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAULING B. A. HART MAN, Hoarding Stable mid NaOonnl Trunnfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, bollerr and general haul ing. 11. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co 411 Broad stref Both phones. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the estate of George H. Martz, Jr., late of the Borough of Steelton, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested | to make payment at once, and those i having claims will present them for I settlement to BERTHA M. MARTZ, No. 555 North Third Street, Or Steelton, Pa. STROUP & FOX, Attorneys, Russ Building, Harrisburg. NOTICES NOTICE The annual meeting of the East Harrisburg Cemetery Company, for the election of Six Directors, will be held at the office of the company, at the Cemetery, on Tuesday, the 11th day of January, 1916, between the hours of 1 and 2 P. M. J. A. MILLER. Secretary. NOTICE THF Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of the Merchants Ice Company of Harrisbur- for the election or Di rectors and for general business, shall be held at the office of the company, in the City of Harrisburg, Pa., on the Third Wednesday In January, at 8 P. M. R. W. WOOD, Secretary. NOTICE Letters of Administration on the Estate of Matilda M. Fisher, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in Harrisburg, Pa., all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. CURTIS VV. FISHER, 2515 North Front street, Executor. U 8 S pfd 116% 116% Utah Copper 81% 80% Va Caro Chorn 49>4 48% Western Union Tele .. 88% 88% Westinghouse Mfg .... 69% 69% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE 11 v Associated Press Philadelphia. Dec. 28. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, spot, and December, No. 2, Southern, red, $1.23@ Corn - Steady; No. 2, yellow, local, 81%@82%e; steamer. No. 2, yellow, lo cal. 80%©81% c. Oats Firmer; No. 2, white, 49%® 50c; No. !r, white, 47®47%c. Bran The market Is steady; city mills. winter, per ton, $25.00; western, winter, per ion. none here; Soring, per ton, $23.50@24.00. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered. 6.05 c; fine granulated, 5.96 c; confectioners' A, 5.85 c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extras, 36c; nearby prints, fancy, 39c. Egs The market Is steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, SIO.BO per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $10.20 per ease; western, extras, firsts, free cases, SIO.BO per case; do., firsts, free cases, $10.20 per case. Dive Poultry Market steady; fowls, 13@16c; old roosters. ll@12c; broil ing chickens. »6SiilTc Sprinu en'' k n 13@15c; ducks, 14@16c; geese, 14@16c; turkeys, 18(&>20c. Dressed Poultry Market steady; fresh killed • fowls, fancy, 18c; do., average, 16%@>17%c; do., unattrac tive, 13® 16c; Ice packed fowls, 13 @i 16c; old roosters, 13c; broiling chickens, nearby, 22@26c; do., western. 20@)22c; roasting chickens, western, choice to fancy, 18® 19c; do., fair to good, 14@17c; spring ducks, nearby, 18 @2oe; do., western, 12@18c; geese, nearby, 164818 c; do., western. 14W16c; turkeys, Delaware and Maryland, fancy, 28@30c; do., Virginia, 26®27c; do., near by, choice to fancy, 26#26c; do., west ern, choice to fancy, 24@>25c; do., fair i to good, 22(R>23c; lod toms, 21c; do., cu'ls, 16®)20c. lotatoes Market firmer; Penn sylvania, fancy, per bushel, 90c@$1.00; do., fair to good. 85@88c; Jersey, No. 1, per basket, 50ff®55c; do., No. 2, 1.55J30C. Flour Market steady; winter, straights, $5.50@5.75; do., patent, $5.80 ®6.10; Kansas straights, $4.85@5.85; Spring straights, $5.75{t5.90; do., pat ent, $6.00<§)6.35; do., favorite brands, $6.50® 6.80. Hay Market steady; No. 1, large bales, $21.00021.50; No. 1, medium bales, $20.50@21.00; No. 2, $19.00©19.50; No. 3. do.. $15.50® 17.50. Clover mixed, light mixed, $18.50® 19.00; No. 1. do., $18.00@18.50; No. 2. do., $15.00@16.00. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, Dec. 28. Stocks clos ed lower, Cambria Steel 74% General Asphalt 34 General Asphalt, Pfd 71J4 Lake Superior Corporation 9% L>eliigh Navigation 78 T<ehigh Valley 80% Pennsylvania Railroad 59 Pennsylvania Steel. Pfd 83% Philadelphia Electric 28's Philadelphia Company 44 "i Philadelphia Company, Pfd 65% Philadelphia Rapid Transit 25 Reading 81% Reading, Gen. Mtg 93 Union Traction 45 United Gas Improvement 88% United States Steel 87% CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, 111., Dec. 28. Hogs Re celts, 20,000; strong, to 6c to 15c above yesterday's average. Bulk of sales, $6.20®6.65; light, $6.00@6.55; mixed, $6.15@6.70; heavy. $6.15©6.70; rough, $6.15@6.30; pigs, $4.75®6.00. Cattle Receipts, 3,000; steady. Na tive beef steers, $0.00©9.75; western steers, $«.20®8.10; cows and heifers, $2.80@8.40; calves. $6.50®9.50. Sheep Receipts, 12,000; strong. Wethers, $6.4i@i.00; lambs, $7.25@9.75. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, 111., Dec. 28.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat—May, 1.24%; July, 1.16 ' i. Corn—December. 71%; May, lii%. Oats—December, 42 : \; ; May, 47. Pork—January, 18.50; May, 18.75. Card—January, 9.70; May, 9.97. Ribs —January, 9.92; May, 10.27. Federal Government After Bomb Plotters in 'Frisco LO VIS Louis J. Smith, alias Walter Brown, who broke down under cross-exami nation of the federal agents at San Francisco and made a full confession of his part in the sensational bomb plots directed against munition ships for the allies sailing from Pacific coast ports. He was the chief lieutenant, according to the confession, of Charles G. Crowley, former private detective and supposed to be the ringleader of the plotters. THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open daily, except Sunday, at 3 P. M., at Its new location, Front and Harris streets, for the treat ment of the worthy poor. niIEBF.F? STAMOP SEALS 4 STENCILS ■i g W MFG.B^HBG.STENCIL WORKS = | g M 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. U READY MONEY (or Individuals pressed by lack of funds to meet Immediate necessities, at legal rates, pay able In weekly or monthly in stalments. No publicity. CO-OPERATIVE Loan & Investment Co. 201 CHESTNUT ST. Under supervision State Banking Department. Open Every Evening Until Christina* GAME COMMISSION BUYING ANIMALS Will Stock the State With Deer and Elk Under the Plans as Now Outlined Quail, turkeys, rabbits, deer and elk will be turned loose in the game preserves and closed counties of Pennsylvania this winter by the State Game Commission under the recently approved State game propagation plans and the first of a big consign ment of Mexican quail is expected at New York this week. These quail, which come from Mexican highlands with an altitude of 1,000 feet, will be distributed first in the southern tier counties and places favorable for observation will be selected after which they will be sent out generally, the western counties faring the same as those in the east. These quail were secured near Tampico and are said to be of a hardy breed. The rabbits are from Tennessee and Kentucky and are relatives of those liberated in Allegheny and other counties where "cottontails" have been a rarity for years. A number of Virginia bronze wild turkey gobblers are now at large in the woods haviiiß been liberated this year and ship ments of Virginia wild turkey hens are expected after the first of the year. These birds will be supplied with food in the woods during the snowy season. The Virginia birds are said to be as wary and as full of tricks as the Pennsylvania birds, of which such numbers were shot this Fall. Plans have been made to get 75 ad ditional elk from the Yellowstone region during the winter. The State lost fourteen of the last lot shipped because of climate, but the others TREASURY DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF HARIUSBTJRO, FA. NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS Notice is hereby given to the holders of the following Improvement Sondß Issued by the City of Harrisburg, that the same will be redeemed at the Office of the City Treasurer on January 4, 1916, at which time interest on all said bonds will cease. Street Paving Hondu Street Paving Honda No. Ami No. Amt. C 127 |IOO Sarah Alley. C 1113 100 Briggs Street. C 175 100 Cameron Street. C 1147 100 Summit Street C 176 100 Cameron Street. C 1165 100 Park Street. C 215 100 Crescent Street. C 1160 100 Sixteenth Street. C 239 100 Green Street. C 1161 100 Sixteenth Street. C 240 100 Green Street. C 1182 100 Forster Street. C 270 100 Elm Street. C 1184 100 Forster Street. C 271 100 Elm Street. C 1.185 100 Forster Street. C 315 100 Zarker Street. C 1215 100 Howard Street. C 316 100 Zar'tet Street. C 1216 100 Howard Stret. C 337 100 Fron* 'Street. C 1219 100 Penn Street. C 338 100 Front Street. C 1235 100 Prospect Street. C 339 100 Front Street. C 1236 100 Prospect Street. C 340 100 Front Street. C 1259 100 . 10-foot Alley. C 361 100 Nectarine Street. C 1260 100 10-foot Alley. C 370 100 Swatura Street. C 1267 100 Maclay Street. C 371 100 Swatara Street. C 1281 100 Helen Street. O 37k' 100 Swatara Street. C 1282 100 Helen Street. C 373 100 Swatara Street. C 1290 100 Turner Street. C 374 100 Swatara Street. C 1291 100 Primrose Alley. C 375 100 Swatara Street. C 1292 100 Primrose Alley. C 382 100 Regina Street. C 1293 100 Primrose Alley. C 383 100 Regina Street. C 1294 100 Primrose Alley. C 884 100 Regina Street. C 1195 100 Primrose Alley. C 385 100 Regina Street C 1301 100 Wengert Alley. C 386 100 Regina Street CC 231 200 Bailey Street. C 445 100 Fifth Street. CC 414 200 Second Street. C 4f13 100 Muench Street. CC 420 200 Klttatinny Street. C 4ti4 100 Muench Sttreet. CC 435 200 Hamilton Street. C 465 100 MuenchVStreet. CC 436 200 Hamilton .Street. G 466 100 Muench Street. CC 513 200 Fifteenth Street. C 4U 100 Muench Ctreet. CC 533 200 Wallace Street. C 490 100 Penn Street. CC 582 200 Forster Street. C 491 100 Penn Street. CC 605 200 Fifth Street. C 492 100 Penn Street. CC 666 200 Fifth Street. C 506 100 Clinton Street. CC 670 200 Verbeke Street. C 614 100 Reily Street. CC 673 200 Fifth Street. C 520 100 Eighteenth Street. CC 676 200 Maclay Street. C 621 100 Eighteenth Street. CC 683 200 Second Street. C 683 100 Apricot Street. CC 707 'OO Wood Street. C 588 100 Bailey Street. CC 766 200 Gelger Alley. C 589 100 Bailey Street. CC 797 200 Shrub Alley. C 597 100 Fifteenth Street. CC 806 200 Summit Street. C 598 100 Fifteenth Street. CC 809 500 Boas Street. C 699 100 Fifteenth Street. CC 812 200 Fifteenth Street. C 645 100 L.ogan Street. CC 826 200 Forster Street. C 683 100 Summit Street. *CC 827 200 Forster Street. C 693 100 Wallace Street. CC 828 200 Forster Street. C 706 100 Herr Street. # CC 829 200 Green Street. C 719 100 Regina Street. CC 885 200 Orange Street. C 747 100 I.,ogan Street. D 352 600 Seventeenth Street, C 762 100 Forster Street. D 494 500 Regina Street. C 753 100 Forster Street. D 610 500 Berryhlll Street. C 805 100 Seventeenth Street. D 611 500 Berryhlll Street. C 806 100 Seventeenth Street. D 610 600 Maclay Street. C 807 100 Seventeenth Street. I) 623 600 Gerryhili Street. C 823 100 Dauphin Street. D 634 600 Seventeenth Street C 890 100 Herr Street. D 647 600 Seneca Street. C 930 100 Forrest Street. D 648 500 Seneca Street. C 931 100 Forrest Street. D 661 600 Second Street. C 932 1 •■<) Forrest Street. D 664 600 Boas Street. C 94t> 0 Wood Street. D 669 500 Balm Street. C 973 Woodbine Street. tD 675 500 Green Street. C 99H 100 North Street. . tD 676 600 Green Street. C 99» 100 North Street. D 677 600 Green Street. C 1023 100 Briggs Street. D 731 500 Derry Street. C 1024 100 Briggs Street. D 731 600 Derry Street. C 1025 100 Briggs Street. D 732 600 Derry Street. C 1027 100 Daisy Street. D 733 500 Derry Street. C 1038 300 Juniper Street. D 744 600 I,ogan Street. C 1068 100 Yousling Alley. D 749 500 Derry Street. C 1069 100 Yousling Alley. JD 752 600 Fourth Street. C 1070 100 Yousling Alley. D 753 600 Fourth Street. C 1099 100 Front Street. D 754 600 Fourth Street. C 1111 100 Myers Street. •Called July 1, 1915. at which time Interest ceased. tCalled January 1, 1915. at which time Interest ceasc< tCalled July 1, 1914, at which time interest ceased. OWEN M. COPELIN, City Treasurer. Harrisburg, Pa., Dec. 20, 1916. The State of Pennsylvania has granted the Manufacturers' Casualty Insurance Co. A Charter Deal with a home institution and get perfect protection. Place your Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability Insurance with us. This is a Penna. Co., organized You will get. a standard form and operated by Penna. manufac- of policy approved' by the State turers and employers of labor In Insurance Department, their own Interest and offers you a You will receive through our real opportunity to co-operate engineering department expert ad with other Pennsylvania employers vice, thereby obtaining the great to obtain unlimited coverage under g ß t permissible rate reduction, the Workmen's Compensation Act Your policy will carry a rider at. approximate cost. guaranteeing the holder parUcipa tion In the accrued surplus. finlv a FPW Dnv« I pft fo You wiu be Insured In a home uniy ar ew uuys l*ei lIU company, managed by home people. Homro Prntertinn You wlll not be Paying premiums rtUfc I it/icitiwii to foreign companies to make dlvl under the new Compensation I.,aw dends for foreign stockholders, which becomes effective midnight, Your money will stay in Pennsyl- December 31st, 1915. vanta where It belongs. Authorize lis by letter, 'plione or Notify us to-day to protect you telegraph to protect you. with the understanding that you You will get the lowest rates will procure the lowest rate, perfect approved by the State Insurance protection and a share In the Department. t profits. Manufacturers 9 Casualty Ins . Co. OF I'HII.ADKI.PHIA 907 FRANKLIN BANK BUILDING A Pcnnaylvaala Company to Insure Pctinaylvnnln Rmployera of l.abor Both Phones. Pittsburgh Office, People's Building weathered the winter well and have begun to Increase. The deer have been ordered and will be distributed as last year and close watch' will be kept on those in the closed counties. The kill of deer this year will run in the neighborhood of 2,000 possibly beyond in opinion of State game offi cials. Note Sixteen Years at Sea Is Picked Up Hoquiam, Wash., Dec. 28.—What is believed to be the oldest note ever cast up by the sea was picked up on the ocean beach near Mocilps. It was thrown overboard in a bottle from the schooner Transit enroute from Hono lulu to San Francisco, August 10, 1899. MANY ATTEND INSTITUTES Special to the Telegraph Blain, Pa., Dec. 28.—Three farmers' institutes were held in this county at Green Park, Roseburg and Ickesburg and are reported to have been the most successful ever held in point of attendance and interest. The State speakers were Sheldon W. Frank, of Boyertown, Pa.; E. h. Phillips, of New Bethlehem, Pa., and Charles I. Rig ley, of Eddington, Pa. Clark M. Bow er, of Blain, president of the County Agriculture Association, presided at the institute. WED AT NEW BLOOMFIELD Special to The Telegraph Blain, Pa., Deo. 28.—Miss Rose Collins and Newton Stumbaugh, both of Jackson, township, were married at New Bloomfleld, by the Rev. John Wesley Weeter, Lutheran minister. J. B. FISHEIJ IS ELDER Special to The Telegraph Dlllsburg, Pa.. Dec. 28.—At the an nual congregational meeting of St. Paul's Lutheran Church held on Sun day, Grove C. Fishel was elected elder, C. K. Bushey, deacon, and J. K. Ev ans, trustee. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers