6 Money Saving | J k Grocery Specials l I T TERE'S an opportunity to stock up for that IB 11 Christmas Dinner. There's none but the fresh- Hp est goods on our shelves; our lower prices insures a I I quick turn-over of stock. Fact is, our customers ■ I won't let goods on our shelves long enough to be- » I come stale as the following items will show. Don't hesitate about phoning your order you get the same prompt and courteous service as though you Jffl came in person. And our deliverv passes your door. FLORIDA ORANGES—The well-known "Scald sweet" brand; great golden globes of deliciousness. l H Others get from 25c to 30c for the same 1 A grade of fruit. Per dozen X 2/ ■ PEACHES—The famous Lemon Clings, grown in mild valleys of California, carefully picked and canned \yliile dead ripe. "Positively de- 1 Q licious" 6ur customers tell us. Can X C W ASPARAGUS—California grown and packed ■ while delightfully young and tender. More like the fresh gathered tips than like canned. Two 1 £| % cans for 1 t/C CLUSTER RAISINS—For the Christmas Din- SHvj ner. After the feast proper, you'll need something ■ to blend delightfully with whatever the "| Qk dessert may be. Cluster Raisins will do it, X t/C EGGS—just out of storage. Carefully selected. $| a Gathered from nearby farms. One of this OA jfej jjfc week's best bargains. Per dozen mi /C BUTTER—Made of creant from clover-fed Jersey cows. Fresh and sweet. Regular 35c grade. Last MR week our customers took all we could get. O <T\ J For the next two davs only, per pound ... vK !>«j GRANULATED SUGAR (2 lbs.) and "OUR I FAMOUS" BANQUET BLEND COFFEE (1 lb.), « H really a 50c value, for Thursday and Fri- OA Hi day only. Both for J nm Lffif STORisj 19 N. 4th St. 13th and Oerry Sts. " iO9 N Front St., Steelton, Pa. GEORGIA WOMEN WEAR OVERALLS Jiut Only Housekeeping Pur poses; Skirts Are Such a Bother Savannah, Ga., Dec. 20.—A1l the nhops In Georgia are buying now boys' slzo overalls for nousewlves. Georgia housekeepers have learned the discomfort and danger of sweep ing and cleaning windows with flappy skirts at their ankles. Dresses gather dust and the germs "get in the way." Overalls are the ideal of comfort in housekeeping. And if they are soiled, what matter? They Iftlirui CJvuAt "Kvcu- In Every Box of King Oscar 5c Cigars Let him find a box of these fragrant joy-bringers among his gifts Christmas and he will think gratefully of the giver with every pleasing puff. Regularly Good For 24 Years of 25, $1.15 Box of 50, $2.25 Box of 100, THE COLUM^ SI.OO Christmas Dinner SI.OO 12 M. to 8 P. M. Music by Columbus Orchestra 12.30 to 1.30 and 6 to 8 MENU Blue Point Cocktail Little Neck Cocktail Hearts of Celery Stuffed Mangoes Chilled Olives Tomato Imperial Consomme King Fish Outlets, Hollandalse Sauce Cucumbers Potatoes Partsienne Lobster Newburg, 1011 Casse Egg-Nog Roast Stuffed Vermont Turkey, Cranberry Jelly Stuffed Young Island Duckling, Apple Sauce Venison, Ponte Cunet Sauce Currant Jelly Mashed Potatoes Imperial Sweet Potatoes Bermuda Potatoes in Cream Stewed Tomatoes Creamed Corn French Endive, Russian Dressing English Plum Pudding, Hard or Brandy t-'auce Neapolitan Ices Homemade Fruit Cake • Pumpkin »-ic Mince Pie French Pastry Columbus Cheese-Paste Roquefort Cheese Whole Wheat Crackers Bents Crackers Toasted Tc.t , Coffee Milk Salted Nuts After-Dinner Mints Seven Course, Table De Hote Luncheon Dally Ladies' Cafe, 40c arc easy to wash or replaced at small cost. Many women are taking' to the in novation. which made its first appear ance in Chicago. Young women par ticularly are no longer willing to risk their gowns and their lives by wash ing windows and hanging pictures in unwieldy skirts. And Georgia women have not out grown the fashion of doing their own work. There are young wives in Sa vannah and other Georgia cities who even scrub their own floors. But many of them are now openly wearing over alls Instead of dresses for their house work. "I have been keeping house for five years," said Mrs. E. W. Davidson, "so you see I am not at all a beginner. I'm a practical housewife, and I find that undoubtedly the proper dress for sweeping floors and cleaning win dows and the like are overalls. They can be neat and white instead of a | stiff blue and they don't need to be 'unlovely'." im Vll IOU !£.!> 100 i Itonttniitu x iuui ium llave heard so many descriptions [ of myseii triat 1 am ueginuuig not to | iuiow just wnai J. uu ioua nne. boluu ,oi them would make you tnuiK 1 was a cross between a nutmeg anu an aiiigaior pear. i jiuu auotiier talk with Mr. Ktker, principal oi tne fscnool of Commerce < yesieiuay. liu was 100 ousy to give me inucn time out sum mere was never a Detter time lor tne siuuent to I enter tins uusiness College us uie He- i maud lor giauuaies 01 me bcnool 01 Commerce was lar greater uian the suppiy. .business is Dooming an over ' in« country anu tney were receiwng calls for tiieir siuuems us iius senoui is wiueiy Known lor me euieieucy o l ) ineir graduates. It you can i uncial , tiiis eoiiege m the day they oiler you | a mgnt course. 'iuey were at the fountain yester day atternoon in Forney s Unit, More at 31 «sorin bccona street, uotn brunettes and In a Hurry as 1 hearu one ot them suy to tne noy at uie fountain: "f am In a hurry." One aroppea her purse and 1 picited it up ; lor tier. Unless all signs fall 1 am going to maKe a noise at the Majestic Theater to-ingni aiiout »:3U ttiat will maHc a sugni resounding reverberation that wul listen goou. 1 will appear on tne stage and iuukc a snort iaiK and let you ail see me witnout disguises. To morrow t will uppear in uie street just as 1 appeareu at tne Majestic Theater. Someoouy must get tnai $Zu ana it you want to be in tne running for tile money come aown and taKe a good look at me and tind out how 1 win give away the *zo. 1 am toiu a lauy nere has dreamed a complete description ot me ana that sne will annex mat $25 tnis att ernoon. Just to snow the lauy ttiat my neart is on the rignt siue i am go ing to maKe her a present ot an extra prize of >-6 wften dreams come true. from the way they are taking orders at The Llouquet Shop for cut flowers, pldnts and Christmas wreaths you would thiiiK tne entire popula tion had decided to make their homes a bower ot dowers and evergreen for the Yuletide season. 1 don't care what you want in cut. ilowers this shop can supply you. Get your order in now and the delivery will be made wnen you desire. To-day will be the last day you will have to get a line on the duplicate o£ the scarf pin 1 am wearing. Tho duplicate is now on display in utener's jewelry store window. It you want to know what 1 think would please a>ny man, give him a handsome Heart' pin for Xmas. Uiener's rings for men is another line 1 would suggest you look over before you make a selec tion. Anybody that knows cheese from chalk knows that when a thing comes from Diener's it is of the high est quality. • A fellow sold mo a rotten cigar yes terday and tiicn told mo how to cap ture Sherlock. f didn't thank him then, but X do now. X throw the cigar away and went around to Xfor ney's Drug Store and bought a good one. You know this store only sells good cigars. Oh, yes, another line that Forney handles that I am going to put you next to is Bryn iuuwr candies. This line is made for the class that wants the best that money can buy. If you are going to buy candy for Christmas you should see the stacks of it in attractive Christ mas packages at this store. I don't believe there is anything you could want in toilet requisites that Forney could not show you. Two ladies stopped me yesterday afternoon at the corner of Walnut and Fourth streets and asked mo if I had seen a little boy with a wagon. About that time they spied the little fellow on the Capitol grounds. I trust Santa Claus will be liberal this Christmas with bank books for the children's stocking. It is a splen did object lesson and will do more to encourage thrift and promote hap piness than anything they could re ceive. Let tho child become dis ciplined in the true uses ot money and the habit will grow. The Me chanics Trust Company offers splen did inducements to those who wish to save by paying 3 per cent, interest compounded every four months on all savings accounts. The fellow who was held up by two girls yesterday afternoon In front of the Commonwealth Hotel had a hard time convincing the would-be captors of Sherlock, that he was not the man. X saw the fun. I am not making any promises, but I expect to take a ride around the business section to-morrow in my favorite automobile, the Cadillac. I will see Mr. Crispen of the Crispen Motor Car Company and try to ar range to get a new Eight Cylinder Cadillac. You know this is the car that is sold to those people who want an automobile that will give years of service and comfort. The Cadillac is built up to the price and not down to the price like the average car. AVhen you put your money in this car you get dependable service and superb luxury. "W. K. K." —No, I am not a local man and when you see me to-night at the Majestic you will see 1 am a total stranger in Harrisburg." X never played with Solomon's little dog and consequently I do not claim to be the wisest man on earth but when I run into a plant like the City Star Laundry X know why they get the business of those wlio want good work. If there is anything in up-to date laundry machinery they don't have T want to see it. Their collar and shirt machines are the very latest. These machines prolong the life of the linens as they do not cause wear as by the old friction process— a shirt is pressed r.nd not ironed. A collar comes back without rough edges. They have a new machine for underwear and bath towels that makes the garment or towel soft and lluffy when finished. I simply must tell you about It. It was too cute for words. I was com ing out of Forney's when I ran into two big husky men behind a baby carriage containing a little baby. I remarked to my companion that the baby was certainly pretty and I hoped they would not stop some place and leave it as I have known men to do when intrusted with a valuable pack age like that. Talking about babies reminds me that healthy babies make healthy grownups. There is nothing so im portant to the health of a baby as the kind and quality of milk they get. The Pennsylvania Milk Products Company is doing its share to keep the babies of Harrisburg healthy by furnishing a pure product. It don't pay to take chances with your health and when you drink milk that has harmful germs by the millions you certainly take a big chance. Here is one for some of you old stingy husbands, that poor little wifey Is trying so hard to make home it heaven for. Be fair and drop In at the Harrisburg Light & Power Com pany and take her one or more of the many electrical devices they are showing that save labor In the home. You will never miss the money and she will remember this Christmas as never before. Remember the hours to-day, for! my capture will be from 4 to 6 p. m. only. Be sure to read my story to- ' morrow as I will then give you full • details as to the way I will wind up 1 this feature. Wanted—Everybody 1o come to the 1 Majestic Theater to-night and get a, line on the man who is trying hard \ to give somebody a handsome Christ-1 mas present offered by this paper.— j Advertisement. i HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER ,1915 Solid Colonial Ivory For Her Dressing Table 1 THE weight, the grain and the delicate tint of pure tusk ivory at a nominal cost. Ever so many beautiful novelties this season; all in good taste and most exclusive to this store which specializes on selected merchandise. Toilet Sets, Jewel Cases, Hair Receivers, Powder Puffs, Mirrors, Clocks, Buffers, Picture Frames, Manicuring Scissors, Files, etc. Trays, Brushes, Combs, and literally hundreds of other dainty articles which will be acceptable to women. Special prices 106 to #4.98. See the Extra Special values, ."iOC and <>B. GREAT SPECIAL—IVORY HAND MIRRORS. Hit cj' 5 _ _ Rueijicf GIVE HER white wash Giove» : 7 m KusieSt k*y a Hand 50c Children's Lined C«p«> f Xmas frf Ba* _ , ' r WOMEN'S TWO-CLASP FRENCH KID GLOVES i <p| _ Fine Quasi Seal, leather or silk (every pair guaranteed perfect). Black, white, tan, ' lined, various shaped frames with " ' ® white with black stitehed Darks. QC r »li ill Plain or jeweled Hasp; Vanity Mir- S,74>H 5 * to *• to-morrow, pair OOt MIVI V ror and Coin Purse; Sale Prices, to- ELEGANT WASHABLE CAPE GLOVES, (i en morrow— * sand with Irfnck stitching; pair 1 »OU ————— $1.50 kind, QQ r HNESX GRAY MOCHA VELVET FINISH 41 OC Sh eaeli GLOVES, one-clasp, pair wl«40 11 " ' " 93.00 kind, * «1 OQ SILK i/INED TAN CAPE GLOVES; tf» i oC P Of eaeli very mannish; pair <PI,6U Bp J 93.50 kind, d»-| O*7 Tlie FAMOUS MARGARETTA I'RKXfH KID SiWf K ~ .. eaeli x .o « GLOVISS, two-clasp, black, allover white stitched; very jJ&k te&tea, Umbrellas t o.Ss^ Baßß: 50c 9L75. Special, "pair 7 .*:.. Value $1.35 'CI 7' <TZ 77 - SPECIAL SALE OF WHITE KID okaimg sets —Caps and ocarrs wrj GLOVES FOR GIFTS to Match—Plenty Here °T£L I/f* P» • so* sl.lO, «i .25. $1.35, $1.50 Gray mixed, plaids or checks, Cap and Scarf; set •••••■•• • »8f 3 Pairs, .".Of -ElbOW LeiUth-S^-. sef"r p . "I , BURSON White Cloves Many other Beautiful Sets; STOCKINGS wiiito Duplex, wagitaMe, in-i>mmn length paii sl.so, SI.BB, $2.25 Set 50c, 75c, SI.OO r wrist. Special, pair wltvO SILK STOCKINGS THE IDEAL GIFT Black, white and every I 10-button French Kid; two-clasp at <«»o qo desirable orj P* rv »-y r* OP" d* 1 i~\f\ I wrtst - Special, pair 3>A.UO color, pair DUC) /DC) OOC) *J> 1 .UU | s P- 69 C v V/N / N *T i ** ~ . OSTRICH FEATHER -y* Tr > 1 Umbrella Sale EX TRA .TVi'To" For Him— _ _ 4 A „ _ _ Lace Bed Spreads, 84x06 ii'i 'i!d iL'li I o JfMft Sj §sfl $2.18 inches; extra large, value «pl.«lo, Shaving Sets 9c to $1.98 - $ i Q C #2 1)S &.'{ 08 ea Leather Sets in Boxes 25c to 98c Worth .Sl.oO Worth 93 Worth 53.98 r „„ ~ a< .i, 3>l.ot> *•''& "a. lT m l)rell-i« mirtl, «•» «« <ti Tt row, eacn Riack, white and all colors i mnreuas, worth 52.08 $1.75 EXTRA 3OO Men's or Wo- ' ""V"" Sc<s 50c to #Bc . Silk Stocking, Tie and ll'tlk'c'f Sets, «9c men's Silk Umbrellas, natural and TROLLS sl.OO Cutie Dolls, 30<*. Unbreakable Combination Sets so c to 98c hand carved, also mounted LJ Dolls, GOo. Extra Large Baby Dolls, $1 .<H). nandkerchlers, each to 35c handles. tf»-j >J (- 24-inch Teddy Bears, $2.00 kind *1.2.!. Woolly h ...nidor S X L »o «hc To-morrow A* • Dogs, Jlf I *. Large Stuffed Cats, Large Silver or Ivory Toilet Sets. .91.39 to $4,98 English Stuffed Cats, $3.50 kind, $1.39. I Combs, Brushes, Mirrors .... 25c to $2.50 I v *■ v SCARFS —give her a fine corset ' I).LOL, Neckwear Pl„ITy Hufl. K„l, SIK.UI.I.T si.U.vl, - "-'52 *SrVS "l- „„ Nainsook Underwear Boudoir Caps Batteniierg' Table Covers Corsets. SI.OO. 51.50. 52.00 Knit Underwear Flannelette Gowns Isut ten Iters Centerpieces ... __ T _ Boxed Handkerchiefs Wiiite Underskirts Fine Brassieres W. B. Or Warner Corsets, sl, $1.50. $2 Silk Undershirts OUR PRICES ARE POSITIVELY LOWEST IK THE CITY ' ' ' v Ground A. | I Q. Fourth and, F.oor I I O Market Sls."*^" _ fl Factory Outlet Shoe Co., 16 North Fourth Street Children's Rubber WALTER L, STERN, - -■ Manflgßf Booto^ Boots—Knee length; Three-fourth length; .*1 -10 nnnli+x'. lit, ZZ — $2.00 quality; to size isize io%, Xmas Gift Suggestions 1(% $J 4g Slippers-Shoes-Rubb^rs Men's House Slip- pers —Romeo style; „ , ni 0 Red Plaid Slippers tan or black, Children's Cham- Trimmed with heavy 9fir Slippers si .50 qual- pagne Kid Button g^-. y6c Shoes— Shoes— To r 4 79d Women's Suede Coltskin Button Shoes )x Boud oi r Slippers— i kid or cloth , „ ~ ~, , i , itons W \ Children's Scuffer Blue, tan, lavender, 1 " 1 Shoes Hand sewed, green, black, , QSc Ladies' Felt Slip- natent coltskin, gun Men s /oc ±iouse p ers —j? ur trimmed or metal, tan calfskin, 59c Slippers, I ' ribbon trimmed; SI.OO tl AQ ' AO. Children's Patent qUaHty at ' ilAy Colt Button Shoes— 85c Children's Fur Trim- . 98C on 010 " St ° rm m6d T SUPPerS " tO Inf - ts ' Eed Kld Men's and Boy,' s ' Buckle es, size 11, Button Shoes, $3.00 Rubber Boots, Arctlcs 49c 79c 49c $1.98 iiuckie! si!lt
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