2 XMAS SERVICES IN ALL CHURCHES Special Programs Arc Being Planned by Mechanics burg Cboirs Special la The Telegrafh Mechanicsburg. Pa., Dec. 21. Christmas services will be held In the various churches here as follows/ Presbyterian, Sunday evening, Decem ber 26; St. Paul's Reformed, Christ mas morning, early service at 6 o'clock, entitled. "The Gift," under the direction of W. A. Sigler: Sunday school exercises wilj be held In the evening; St. Mark's Lutheran, 6 o'clock service on Christmas morning, and Sunday school exercises in the evening; Trinity Lutheran, Sunday evening. December 26, a cantata will be given; Grace United Evangelical, Sunday evening. December 26; Metho dist Episcopal, "The King's Quest," a service, Sunday evening, December 26; Church of God, Sunday evening, De cember 26. About one thousand people enjoyed the rendition of "The Christmas King," a cantata by the choir In the First United Brethren Church Sunday evening under the direction of the chorister, M. E. Anderson. The solo ists were Miss Ida Weber, Mrs. J. Wil bur Dietz, Frank Holllnger, and Harry Beitzel. Preceding the cantata a male quartet was sung by Frank Hollinger, George Dletz. Harry Beitzel and Ber nard Stansfield. GABRIEL DEITRICH DIES Sfecial to The Telegrafh Lykens, Pa., Dec. 21. Gabriel Doitricli died at the Ashland Hos pital of bloodpoisoning and diabetes. Mr. Deltrich had his hand injured some time ago in the mines and did not pay much attention to it until it became very sore. He called a physi cian who pronounced it bloodpoison ing. He was taken at once to the Ashland Hospital but on account of bis broken-down condition resulting from diabetes, he coudl not stand the operation. IgjniiHiiiiiitjiiiiiiiiiintJiiiiiiHiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiCEpiiiHiiimtniiWHiimniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiHiHiciipiiiniiinMnMiiiiiMiiiciiiMiiii'iiuiHHuiimci^ I The most widespread | disease in the world j | 7Tie most widespread disease in form of Senreco Tooth Paste. | the world today is that dread af- Senreco contains the best cor- | fection of the teeth called pyor- rective and preventive for pyor- | | rhea. Nine out of every ten grown r h ea known to dental science. | | persons have it to some extent. Used daily it will successfully pro- 5 I may have it and be unaware tect your teeth from this disease, i 1 of it. W Because scientzsts Senreco also contains the best I @ have proved that the cause of th.s harmless f k ; the g a disease is a germ which inhabits . . , 6 , ... ? 1 I tury human mouth, and that teeth clean and white. It ha. a 1 i thousands have this disease and freshing flavor and leaves a § 3 do not realize it until it reaches wholesomely clean, cool and pleas- | a the advanced stages of bleeding ant taste in the mouth. s g gums and loose teeth. Start the Senreco treatment § I Accept the advice dentists tonight—full details in the folder | ■ everywhere are giving and wrapped around every tube. | take special precautions in Symptoms described. A I ; § your daily toilet against this 1 tWO oz -. t " be 13 1 ! 1 disease. To meet the need \\ 1 for six or eight weeks of the 8 ; it . j•] . \fi JiFM pyorrhea treatment. (_.et 1 i B jT a u aily treatoe ? W/k Senreco at your druggists | | and to enable everyone to to d ay> or sen d 4c in stamps 1 E take the necessary precau- or coin for sample tube and § | tions against this disease, a 1 folder. Address The Sen- I | prominent dentist has put V tanel Remedies Co., 507 1 | his own prescription before Union Central Bldg., Cin- | | the public in the convenient Sampu «is« cinnati, Ohio. Bimn»wi3)nmiiiiuoHiiiiiiiii,a)iiiiiiiiiii[amHiwwwniinii«HimiiiiiiiauiaiiiiinHiii[a«iimiiiiiiniiuiiuiiiuiniimiiiiiniiiiiumii[fi as II iIM HIM I | Any Man Who Smokes will enjoy all Havana MO J A 10c Cigars That idea of all Havana tobacco being too strong and too heavy is all wrong, and Moja quality proves it. Why forego the pleasure of a real treat simply because some all Havana smokes go on a rampage. There's good cheer in every Moja—a most acceptable gift to any smoker. Made by John C. Herman & Co. | Fountain Pens | \ Are Welcome Gifts; | i Practical and Useful 3 | f Conklin's Self-filling Fountain Pen, the original and .« recognized leader of all self fillers, fills and cleans-in jour W j f seconds, and is absolutely non-leakablc. « W Fully guaranteed—if not satisfied return and ; s * get another. " 'M j $2.50 TO SB.OO 1 V Waterman Ideal, known as the standard among fountain J I pens, handsomely designed and finish, and made to last for J" Z: years. In regular or self filling types—s2.so and upwards. M I David W. Cotterel I * !) N. MARKET SQUARE TUESDAY EVENING, Chas. Heber Dickerman I n ' ■ - jg*# w*m Former Member of Congress Who Died at Milton Saturday; He Was President of the First Na tional Bank of Milton. CAPT. RIGHTER IS DEAD Marietta, Pa.. Dec. 21.—Word was received here to-day of the death of Captain Joseph C. Righter, son of Joseph P. Righter, a native of Colum bia, who died from a complication of diseases at the United States Bar racks, Columbus, O. lie was a mem ber of the Ninth U. S. Cavalry, and was about 40 years of age. The body will be brought to Columbia ' for burial. HAPPENINGS IN KNOLA Enola, Pa„ Dec. 31. Malcolm Jones has returned to his home in Wind Gap. The Methodist Episcopal Church will hold their Christmas entertain ment In the church Thursday evening December 23. Mrs. Clarence R. Rockey and fam ily have returned home from a visit to Starrer's Station. Mrs. Joseph H. Eicliel and family have returned home from Nanticoke where they spent the week-end. sntiauiK our lou GUESSING ? [Continued From first I'ugv.] ; saw people try harder to keep their products up to a higher standaru. i'hey don't stand bacK on expense to give their patrons a pure lood pro duct. • it limousine number 380*5 prom-' lses not to run over me more tnun onvo 1 shall not murmur. The lauy driving tins car hau to siow uown in Third street yesterday morning to keep from running me down. My ia.ua, though. 1 was trying to get. the number. A lauy opened Box 525 at the post othcc tuts morning at t»: 15. She paid no attention to me is the reason 11 am tbiiing ner 1 sa\y her. It is a notable tact that men of big anairs always select a trust com- ! puny When they are in neea of the services ot an executor or trustee. The personal executor is a thing o£ tne past with these men. The mod ern trust company s work is organ ized and done systematically, it one j ot its othciais dies, tne oiners con- : tinue his work wituout an nour's In- j terruption. There can bo no loosely-1 Kept accounts. They do not aepend i upon memory. 1 nnd the Mecnanics I Trust Compuny here otters exeep- j ttonal service along tills line. 1 saiu in my story yesteruay this Dank paid three per cent, on savings compound ed quarterly. I should have saiu every tour months. i was in a restaurant yesterday when two young ladies came In and tuoK a seat near me. They were dis cussing wnat 1 had said about the School of Commerce, one of them remarked: "Sherlock Holmes, Jr., had better look out or we will get him." They had no Idea 1 was in earshot of tneir remarks. I can't say ttiat 1 will be captured In this school, but 1 will say tnat this school is one ot the busiest places 1 nave vtslted since coming here. This scnool is no place tor the idler but the boy or girl who wants a caurse of study in book keeping and correlative subjects, pen maiiqiup, shorthand, stenoiype, type writing and omce training will not find a better equipped scnool In the entire country tor an education along these lines. * 1 wus in Forney's drug store, 31 North Second street, yesterday aft ernoon and a gentleman walked up and looked me over suspiciously for a minute. Oh, no, I do not mind tell-' ing you about It, for I have my eyes on you Mr. Insurance Man, and you will not see me again. Mot If 1 see you llrst. I see this drug store is not satisfied with simply giving their patrons splendid service ahd tne best in every line of drugs and drug sundries but they have a writing desK and telephone tor the free use of the public. 1 call this progresslveness. Their special truss tlttingroom shows that Forney's Drug Store is run along modern lines. Did you ever figure the place that light holds in the great- scheme of civilization. In the brignt sunny days of summer, the peach takes on tts blush and ripens Into luscious fruit; the birds sing and all the world Is happy. And why not man emulate nature? Brighten your nomes and your friends \will nidre gladly call upon you. Cheerfulness will take the place of depression and healta will follow In the wake of disease. Fill your homes with it, your business houses with it, and in a thousand ways it will pay you. Electricity! That's the whole story. The llarris burg Light and Power Company nave many electrical devices too, that will make the housewife's work a pleasure instead of drudgery. A letter received from Lewisburg signed: "A Reader and Admirer." ■\\ ants to know If I can be captured by mall. No, I can only be captured by some person walking up to me and saying the phrase, or while I am en joying the show at the Majestic." Sorry I won't have time to run up to Lewisburg and give the many read ers of the Telegraph a run for the $25. 1 am not a bouquet tosser by habit, but give praise where praise is due, | -says I. That's just why I am going I to say the City Star Laundry deserves 'the splendid patronage they enjoy. > They not only have a modern equip ! ment but their system for taking care of every bundle of laundry strikes me as perfect. Every package has a number and letter, where the letter is duplicated sometimes the number is never duplicated. The assorting department is where the bundles are made up and a bundle cannot be wrapped until the original list checks with the bundle. Two ladies standing at the corner of Market and Fourth streets yester day afternoon had a good chance to land the $25. One of them said: "I iam going to do some shopping for j Robert now." Robert is certainly a lucky boy. I believe I told you the other day that if you were in the market for diamonds you would find what you wanted at the P. G. Dlener jewelry store, provided you wanted something in a lirst-class store. Well, now lam going to tell you to go to the same place if you want something good In a watch. I don't know of anything a man would appreciate more for a Christmas present than a Gruen Verl thln Watch. X simply mention the watch as it is a dandy but If there is something else in jewelry you want then take this tip and beat it to Diener's —thirty clerks to take care SUDDEN DEATH Caused by Disease of the Kidneys. The close connection which exists between the ieart and the kidneys is well known nowadays. As soon as kidneys are diseased, arterial tension is increased and the heart functions are attacked. When the kidneys no longer pour forth waste, uremic poisoning occurs and the person dies, and the cause is often given as heart disease, or disease of brain or lungs. It is a good insurance against such a risk to -send 10 cents tor & sample package of "Anuric"— the latest dis covery of Dr. Pierce. Also send a sample of your water. This will be examined without charge by expert chemists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. When you suffer from backache, frequent or scanty urine, rheumatic pains here or there, or that constant tired, worn-out feeling, it's time to write Dr. Pierce, describe your symptoms and get his medical opinion without Charge—absolutely fre£. This " Anuric" of Doctor Pierce's is found to be 37 times more active than lithia, for it dissolves uric acid ia the system as hot water does sugar. Simply ask for Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. There can be no imitation. E%ery package of " Anuric" is sure to be Dr. Pierced. You will find the signa ture on the package just as you do on Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for blood and stomach. WORRY, iOESPOXDENCT. Kidney Disease is suspected by medical men when patients complain of backache or suffer with irregular urination, dis turbed, too frequent, scanty or painful passage. Thogeneral symptoms arerneu tuatlc pains or neuralgia, headaches, dizzy spells, irritability, despondency, weakness and general misery. Worry Is a frequent cause and sometimes a symptom of kidney disease. Thousands have testified to immediate relief from these symptoms after using Dr. Plerca's I Anuric Tablets. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH '. -'• r •■'■ >5 \ .?. ' SCHLEISNER'S SCHLEISNER'S SCHLEISNER'S . x Stores Every O'clock That Which Will Go Down In Store History As The Greatest Bargain Event Is This Sale of Coats {VSZt'I " Women's Coats^—Misses' Coats^~Juniors' Coats—Girls' Coats Stylish Coats for evening wear, afternoon wear and some for combination use- Practical Coats for dress and business, Automobile Coats, Skating Coats— t Fur Trimmed Coats—Fur Lined Coats—Leather Coats The Lowest to the highest priced Coats, are made of correct new coat materials and cut along the correct smart styles— Sale Starts 9 A. M., Wednesday-—(to-morrow) A special purchase black zebeline 25 wool jersey cloth skating coats; Six white chinchilla coats, misses' coats, velvet chin-chin collar, wide vel- fur collars; all new desirable shades; and junior sizes; three-quarter length; vet cuffs, lined throughout; misses' values $18.50 and $22.50. flaring and belted models; clean stock; models; draped from shoulders. Special Price, 12.50 $18.50 value. Special Price, 10.90 Special Price, 0.00 ] a( jj es > and ni j sse g' coats, made of 6 corduroy coats, misses and junior 3 corduroy coats, two navy, one winter wool velour, solid brown, navy, ' models, smart full flaring styles; trim brown. silk lined all throughout, for- green and black; belted, draped and nie( l w' l ' l niarribou; value $19.75. mer value $29.75. _ flaring models; values to $39.75. Special iO.OO Special Price, 5.95 Special Price, 21.50 Two handsome black silk velour Women's and Misses' models cordu- Qne , d sjlk vclyet , ined wUh coats, tut in full drape style with gold roy coats, 3 styles appropriately trim- wi(k strj Roman silk . a „ , he ma _ linings; squirrel collar; value $59.50 ni€ d with fur; all new shades; values terjals in thii wrap as wel , as thc modcl Special, 45.00 to $32.M). Special Price, lb. <,» j s j ni p or ted; value $95.00. 25 girls' coats, very dressy materials, One handsome evening wrap, made Special Price, 35.00 in exceptional models; ages 2 to 6 of elegant purple velour and brocaded XT , , , r . years; value $8.50. gold cloth velour; exact import model; , New mo ? els - ,nade of w^ g1 Special Price, 3.f> 6 , .. , ii „ i ..a . t cloth; new brown, green and na\'v; fur T white trimmed. " Special, 39.50 3 genuine caracul fur coats, thrde \alue SKO.OO. Special Price, 47.00 quarter length; sizes 36, 38 and 40; 5 evening wraps, can be used also Ri r^s coats, ages 6to 14 years; former value $95.00. for afternoon wear; silk lining, fur splendid materials; values to $9.50. _ Special Price, 39.T5 s trimmings; former values to $35.00. Special, 3.90 ni j xture and tweed coats for girls, Special Price, <.OO Special showing of misses' coats; misses and juniors; values to $25.00. 12 black mourning coats, silk lined made of wool plush; full draped and • Special Price, 0.90 and warmly interlined; collar and cuffs flaring styles; all colors; fur trim- 50 girls' coats, ages 6 to 14 years; trimmed with mourning silk; former med; lined all through; value $22.50. high class models and materials; values value $35.00. Special Price, 15.00 Special Price, 15.00 to $18.50. Special Price, 6.50 Extraordinary Values In * Blouses, Hosiery and Underwear Boxed For Presentation , * Georgette crepe and crepe de chine Silk hose, double heel and toe. Envelope chemise in crepe dc chine; and lace blouses; values to $5.00. Special, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 lace trimmed. Special, 1.05 Special 1 1 j H ' * Many Georgette crepe blouses; all Italian silk hose in black and white; Black silk fish net blouses; Puritan sizes; value $5.95. Special, 2.30 value $1.50. Special, 1.00 stvle, value $.">.95. Special, 3.05 * Blouses made of radium lace; won- Night gowns of crepe de chine, lace Keyser silk hose, 1.00 and 1.50 derful values. Special, 5.00 trimmed. Special 3.05 On 3rd St. / of the Christmas shoppers. I was standing on the Square yes terday when a man drove up in a Cadillac. A gentleman standing near me remarked to his friend. That tar Is a ' bear cat." I wanted to go up to this fellow and shake hands on it If you want a real automobile you get it when you buy the Eight Cylinder Cadillac. Show me the man who has owned a Cadillac and I will show you an automobile enthusiast. I don't know of anything I would, rather do than to write the Crispen. Motor Car Company a check for one of the late models. Hush' For 1 am about to throw a happy At. She was dressed in a brown suit, trimmed in black fur and black hat. X called her attention to a big truck that was bearing down on her as she crossed Third street near Pine street. She thanked me with a smile. This happened about 3:30 yesterday afternoon. Ladies, have you seen em. Well, I have, at The Bouquet Shop. Sachets made up from roses, violets, etc., for perfuming personal and household j linens. A bride can have her llowers j made Into a sachet that will keep fori all time. This seems to me the proper j thing for every bride to do. This! has been a custom in England and j Krance for hundreds of years and i every bride has her flowers made into j a sachet to keep sweet the memory j of the happy day. John Giaser of the A. & N. Shoe) Store, George Hay of the Harrlsburg j Light & Power Company and W. L>.' Starry of the New Ideal Hosiery Mills I seemed to enjoy the show last night j and all had a good chance to pick up $25 if they had only made the ef fort. Tou know T reserve the right] to enter this play house anyway I can j without being detected. If I am captured to-night at the Majestic Theater Mr. Hopkins, the' manager, will give the party who \ Notice to Telegraph Correspondents Christmas Day falling on Satur day this year necessitates the print ing of Central Pennsylvania news i In the Telegraph on Friday even ing, December 24, and to Insure publication all letters from corre spondents must be In the Telegraph editorial rooms one day earlier. They should be mailed so aa to reach the office not later than noon on Wednesday. turns the trick a season pass. Tf I am not captured* by to-morrow night I will make my appearance on the stage of the Majestir- and let you all see me without disguises. T will then tell you just how I will wind up this I feature. Those of you who have failed to see the Fashion Shop should see this highly entertaining and clever act. I saw it and expect to see it again. No "A. H. C." I was not the man I 1 Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as tliey ear.not the ] dlseaned portion of the ear. Thfre la only one way to cire deafness, and that Is by constltutloii- I •1 remedies. Deafness is < r.iscd by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Tube. When this lube Is l»iCamed you have a rumbling Pound cr Imperfect hearing, and wbeu It is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and fhia tube restored to Its normal condition, bear- i lug TVIII be destroyed forever; nine cases out of j ten nre caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but I an inflamM condition of the mucous surfaces. i We will glv« one Hundied Dollara for any casa ] of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot ba i cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circa- j ars, ree. CITEXEY & CO., Toledo, G. ] Sold by Druggists, 7Cc. j Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation* " For Headaches ' Jonestown, l'a., 1-21-18 | I have tried ■» ninny remedies for { ! headaches and none proved at satis factory aa tli«? C'af-n-so Antl-Paln j Tablets. I Mould advise all who suf- I fer with headaches and neuralgia to i try them. I think they have no ] i equal. MRS. W. H. ZBHItINO. mJ I Try Telegraph Want Ads IA CHRISTMAS TREES ~T Beautiful Vermont Spruce SCHELL'S SEED STORE. Two Thousand Trees 1307-1309 MARKET STREET. Wo DcUvcr Them. 4 DECEMBER 21, 1915. who called at your home and tried to sell you a cook book. A small "ad"| like t+iis would possibly bring a reply from someone \yho could give you the I I TTUruj Ckilai/hvcu In Every Box of King Oscar 5c Cigars Let him find a box of these fragrant joy-bringers among his gifts Christmas and he will think gratefully of the giver with every pleasing puff. % Regularly Good For 24 Years of 25, $1.15 Box of 50, $2.25 Box of 100, sA.sQ^^^^^ diversion you seek: | Wanted—To correspond with a young man who will not ;isk for an I interview for twelve months.—Adv.
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