j A Telegraph Want Ad fl Quickly kit. That Vacant Room_ J Deaths SIMON Died, Luther M. Simon Sun day morning, December 19, 1915, at his home, lnglesiiie Farm, aged 80 Services at the family vault, in the •'.Harrisburg Cemetery, Thursday, at 1 1 P. M. ' HAVNES Died, at Ills late residence, 1316 Derry street, I Warren Haynes. Sunday evening, December 19, 1915. SHAEFFER Mrs. Anna R. Shaeffer, widow of Jeremiah Shaeffer , died Sunday, December 19, 1915, at 10:10 P. M. „ Funeral services (private) Tuesday afternoon, at 3 P. M- from T. M. Mauk anil Sons chapel, 1521 North Third street. Burial at Prospect Hill Ceme tery (private). I.AMEY On December 20, 1915, Jen nie Duncan, wife of E. C. Lamey, at her lute residence, 1929 North sixth street, aged 39 years. Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at - o'clock, from St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Second and Emerald streets. Private burial, Harrisburg Cemetery. CROFT On December 18, 1915, David Croft, husband of Elizabeth Croft. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral services on Wednes day morning, December 22, at 11:30 A. M- at the Old Lutheran Church, Middletown, Pa. Burial at Middle town Cemetery. LOS'i Lost Gold military brooch. Royal "anadian Dragoon inscribed on same, Friday evening in Orpheum Theater, be tween Second ana Third on Locust street. Return to Telegraph Office. FOUND "found —A package on running-board of jitney on Saturday. Person can have same bv proving property and paying lor this ad. Apply 2125 Jefferson street. FOUND The very best for remodeling out-of-date clothing. Esti mates tree. ..omen's fur coats, furs and aiul'fs remodeled into latest styles. 11. L. Powell. 925 North Third street luU.ND a*cw's the time to have your clothes put in shape for the winter. Lggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1246 Alarkot Street. Both phones. We call and de liver liiai* WANTED — Mule WANTED MECHANICS and HANDY MEN. APPLY AT LEBANON BOILER WORKS, LEBANON. PA. WANTED. AT ONCE Boy to deliver wall paper. Apply Atonarcn Wall Paper Co.. rear 420 Market street . WANTED A porter —man who can open oysters. Harrisburg Club, corner Market and Front streets . TRAVELING SALESMAN WANTED fur automobile accessories line. Must be experienced, ambitious and able to furnish good references. Give com plete details in llrst letter. Lansing Hardware Company, 142 Washington •aVenue, Scranton, Pa. WANTED Manufacturing plant wants a sales manager; good chance for bright man. Address Box J., 3403, < are of Telegraph. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES— MEN WANTED Ablebodiea. unmar ried men between ages of 18 and 85; citizens of United States,-of good char acter and temperate habits, wno can .speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. Bergner Bu.lding, ad & Market Sts- Harrisburg. Pa. SKILLED machinists, tool-makers, forge department men; beginners also. High wages to beginners. Address P. O. Box 2tH, I>ancaster, or call on J. F. Cress we 11. Hotel Plaza, Thursdays, 12 noon till 9 P. M. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring mill or lathe hands, who can work lrom blue prints; also tool makers. Ad dress, or apply. Employment Depart ment, Westinghouse Electric Mfg. Co.. East Pittsburgh. Pa. JU-.i.P to AA'i JJD—Female WANTED Competent stenographer and bookkeeper. Apply I. W. Dill, East End Mulberry Street Bridge. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework in small family. No washing. Good wages to right party. Apply at once 2317 North Third street. Bell phone SllM. WANTED Woman for general housework; must know how to cook; reference required. Call at 1701 North Second street. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Killer and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED l2 bright"girls! Apply Silk Mill, Corner Second and North streets. WANTED Girls experienced oo power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street Harrisburg. Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Colored woman wants work washing dishes in hotel or res taurant. or cooking. Call, or address, 1424 Marlon street. WANTED Woman wishes position as chambermaid or dishwasher or to assist in kitchen; can bring reference. ■132 Muench street. WANTED Colored woman wants day's work of any kind. Call, or ad drewg. 132 Cranberry avenue. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Fine new two-and-a lalf-story brick residence, beautiful iocation. 1001 North Seventeenth street. Corns? :->t 60x120. Eight rooms; hall through center; finished upper story. All Improvement (lev. J. A. Singmaster, Get^sburg^pfc^^ FOR SALE Palmyra Bakery Bake house, stable wiuron shed and 2ti-story frame dwelling house with salesroom bath .ind hot water heat. Plot of ground la 60x200 ft. Stock, wagons, machinery, borses, etc., will be sold at inventory: price of real estate Sio.ooo I/oration—43 W. Main St.. »»al myra. MILLER BROI HERS & CO. HEAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bonda l.pcuat aad Court Streets * t MONDAY EVENING, REAL ESTATE POR SALE $3,200 WILL PURCHASE a new brick house, with steam heat, electric light and all other improvements. Let us show this house to you. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOH IMMEDIATE SALE A valuable North Second street resi dence. Most desirable residential lo cality in city. A bargain. Price and terms for the asking. Address •'Homo,' care of Harrisburg Telegraph. ANY reasonable offer will be care fully considered for 630 and 632 Pefter street corner plot 36.3x126 —paved street on three sides. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE N. Rlverton; 3 squares north of Lemoyne Trust Company on trolley line; 2V4-story frame dwelling; 6 rooms, bath and furnace; lot, 17*,4 x 125; can be bought for the low price of J1.600.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. NO. 5 S. SIXTEENTH STREET (near Market street) is offered for sale at a reduced price brick house with alt improvements porch side entrance. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—2O Acres; 3H miles west of Marysville; frame dwelling; 7 rooms; new bank barn; spring water piped to house. Price, $2,000.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. INSPECT No. 44 K. Seventeenth Street brick 9 rooms bath gas electric light steam heat porch front ideal location, and price is very reasonable. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. SI,BOO WILL BUY a house on Swatara Street in 1400 block 8 rooms—bath — gas furnace porch. Also other properties at moderate prices. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. REAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT A small brick house, No. 3013 North Fourth street; rent rea sonable. Apply to M. R. Metzger, 410 Bergner Building, Harrisburg. Pa. FOR RENT From January 1. 1709 Carnation street; 2-story brick house; all conveniences; rent, $17.00. S. L Bowers, 1709 Carnation, or care of Astrich's, Fourth and Market. FOR RENT No. 1302 State St $25.00 No. 132 Hoerner St. 16.00 Private fireproof garage 4.00 No. STO7 N. Eighteenth St 25.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market St. CORNER HOUSE FOR RENT 2115 Greenwood street; 6 rooms and attic; all newly papered and painted; gas in kitchen; large yard; one square to street car; rent, SIO.OO. Inquire 1419 Market street. City. « FOR RENT Large ground floor room, suitable for small business or of fices, located at 109 North Second street Immediate possession. Apply on prem ises. APARTMENTS FOR KENT FOR RENT One housekeeping apartment four rooms private bath and kitchen city steam heat locker In basement rent, $30.00 in building No. 128 Locust street. Ap ply at 132 Locust street. MODERN APARTMENTS. 1409 N Front; river view; 7 large sunny rooms; pantry; bath; 2 open fireplaces; oak floors—sound proof; vacuum cleaning, hot water; vapor heat; electric outlets, call bells each room. Inquire 1822 State St. FOR RENT—IO7 South Front Btreet, third floor front furnished apartment; two large rooms, kitchenette and bath; city steam heat included. Apply to Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. ROOMS FOK RENT FOR RENT Can accommodate gentleman with board and room in private family; home comfort; select neighborhood; one block to street car line. Address A- 379, care of Tele graph. FOR RENT Large, well-furnished front room, second floor, with bath, electric light, use of phone; rent rea sonable. Call 1510 Green street. FOR RENT Newly furnished sec ond floor front room to single person or married couple; one unfurnished room on third floor; heat; light; use of bath. No. 223 Briggs street FOR RENT Second-story front room; newly furnished; city steam heat; electric light and phone service. Apply 125 Pine street. FOR RENT Second floor front room, lacing Capitol Park; stationary wash-stand (hot and cold running water); electric light; city steam; use of Bell phono and large bath. Apply 410 North street. FOR RENT Large room, suitable for two or more persons, with electric light, city steam heat and use of phone, with or without board. Apply 9 North Front street. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS FOR RENT— Also 3 furnished rooms for light house keeping; centrally located. Terms rea sonable. Apply, 209 State street. FOR RENT Large, well-furnished seebnd floor front rooms; all conveni ences and use of phone. Inquire 813 North Second street. FOR RENT Large, well-lighted furnished rooms, single or ensulte; city steam heat; Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Suite of rooms on second floor front, for one or two gen tlemen, with use of bath, phone and city heat; reference required. Apply 272 Briggs street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; must be heated. Apply R- 3410, care of Telegraph. WANTED WANTED To rent for cash with the privilege of buying, a farm of about 50 acres within ten miles of Harrisburg. Reply, giv ing full particulars, to R. H. S., care of Telegraph. CASH PRICES paid for Ladies' and Men's cast-off Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and Carpets. Give descrip tion of goods you want to coll. Send postal to 636 Herr street. RENT FREE Communicating bed room and kitchen, with improvements and phone. In return for light services on premises, about one hour's work each day. Snap for right party. Mid dle-aged or elderly man and wife pre ferred. Inquire 209 Kelker street. I 1 WANTED Old gold, silver, plati num. broken Jewelry, teeth plates, etc. Send by registered mail. Highest mar ket prlcp paid, and I hold the goods five days. If price Is not satisfactory, will return goods. E. Walters. 1540' North Fifty-eighth street, Philadelphia. Pa. FOR SALE | FOR SALE Army shoes, slightly > used. Best shoes for railroad men. Also $3 army hats for 25c. Your money back If not satisfied. Open evenings. 8. Meltzer, 618 Walnut street. DIAMONDS Gent's tooth ring, cost ing $165.00; lady's Tiffany ring, costing 185 00. Compelled to raise cash. Will sacrifice for J120.00 and $65.00. Address C- 3408, care of Telegraph. — * WEATHERSTRIPS, 30c per window. See M. A. Slgler, 617 North Sixteenth street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 1111. These are perfect Strips aud guaran teed not to bind. FOK SALE FOR SALE One horse, four years old. Will sell cheap. Apply 1428 Re glna street FOR SALE A 1912 Touring Car, in good condition. New top. Must be sold. Inquire Clouser Livery, Shiremanstown, Pa- FOR SALE Good pony, harness and carriage. Call at 925 Norwood street, near Twenty-first and Derry streets. FOR SALE Wildcat Civet set of furs; very large muff; cost $24.00; will sell for $13.50. Call 103 North Second street. Woolen Store. x I FOR SALE, CHEAP—For quick, cash sale, two horses, one good single line leader. Apply at 209 Main street, Steel ton. FOR SALE Hudson 54, 1915 model oar, like new. • A bargain for sone one. inquire Harrisburg Taxicab and Bag gage Co., Aberdeen and Strawberry streets. OUR now line of Leather Hand Bags, Suit Cases, Gloves and Leather Special ties are tar superioi to anything we have ever offered. Euy your Leather Goods from the Leather Merchants. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Company. VIOLIN COMPLETE OUTFIT, sweet toned Instrument. A Bargain. Ideal gift for boy or girt: Call, or address. No. 1324 North Second street. Bell phone 3275 M. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can b« seemed at the Telograph Business Office. FOR SALE Cards on sale at tba Telegraph Business Office. FOR RENT Typewriters bought, sold or rented. Harrisburg Typewriter and Supply Co., 40 North Court street. FOR SALE Upright piano; first class condition; little used; will sell cheap. Call evenings after 7 o'clock, 1507 North Second street. FOR SALE At Shatter's. 80-88 South Cameron street. A full stock of Anti-Freezing Solution. Positively guaranteed to keep your automobile radiator from freezing. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—6o for 26c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department, The Tele graph Printing Company. OVERCOATS AND SUlTS—Drummer's samples (latest styles) at positively lowest prices in the city. Call—be con vinced. Cohen & Son, Reliable Pawn brokers. 431 Market, at Subway. FOR SALE At a bargain, if sold ■ before January 1. 1916, IT Theater, Waynesboro, Pa.; Gem Theater. Green castle. Pa.; cottage at Pen-Mar, Pa. Apply to S. A. Buhrman, Waynesboro, Pa FOR SALE TO MERCHANTS CALENDARS SAMPLES AT HALF-PRICE MYERS MANUFACTURING CO THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STS., OVER MILLER'S SHOE STORE. BELL 1677 R. FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up to-dato Bird and Parrot Cages, large Gold Fish and Globes of all sizes; Bird Seeds, natural Fish Food and supplies. Gebhardt. the "Bird Man," 1004 North Third, between Boas and Herr. FOR SALE, CHEAP Fully.equipped Job and Newspaper plant, doing good business. Reason for selling—other wise engaged. Address S., 3286, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT LARGE STORE ROOM FOR RENT— Built for furniture store room, but suit able for any other business. Rent rea sonable. Apply to Louis Begelfer, Flshman Apartments, Sixth and Herr streets. FOR RENT A large office in the Telegraph Building. Inquire of Super intendent in Business Office of Tele graph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED To locate an Industry employing girls and boys. Wish to hear from Board of Trade. R., 154, care of Telegraph Office. WE will paint any old, leaky Roof and guarantee a water-tight Job. Pos tal brings us. References from hun dreds of satisfied patrons. lilte & Hite. 135 Brady street. ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port.N;Y I MADE $50,000 in Ave year* In ths mall order business, began with $6 Send for tree booklet Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS WE buy, sell or exchange used disc Talking Machine Records. See us for bargain in two and four-minute machines. 315 Broad street. SKATES hollow ground, 15c per pair. 1118 James street. City. ARCADE BARBER SHOP, 36 N. Court Street. Newly remodeled and refitted. Clean and sanitary. Complete system Red Cross Sterilizers used. Massage, 25c. fchave, 10c. P. D. Rich wine. Pro prietor. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, ttie Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders glvjn prompt attention. Bell 1960. FIRE ESCAPES, when needed, are of great importance. They are soon worthless if not well painted. We paint them and paint them well. Hlte & Hite, No. 135 Brady street. HAULING H. A. HAHTMAK. Hoarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, eafes, bollerr and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE IN 3-story brlclt building, rear 40.9 Market street. Household goods In elean. private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply l« P. G. Uiener. Jeweler. 408 Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co 411 Broad stre» • Both phones. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa. TO LOAN 51,000.00 on first mort gage. Address P. O. Box 776. Harris burg. Pa. LEGAL NOTICE The Millers Mutual Fire Insuranc* Company, of Harrisburg. Pa., Room 404. Kunkel Building, Harrisburg, Pa- December 20. 1915. NOTICE Is herebv given that the an nual meeting of the members of this company will be held at Its office, on Thursday, January 20. 191«. A Board of Directors for the ensuing year will be elected between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock P. M. on said day. B. K. HUNTZINGER, Secretary, HARRISBtJRG TELEGRAPH NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3" North Market Square, Har risburg; 13S8 Chestnut street. Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, Dec. 20. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines 27Vs 26% American Beet Sugar ... 70 70 American Can 59% 59% American C & F 79 77% American Cotton Oil .. . 55 55% American Locomotive .. 68% 68% American Smelting 100% 102 American Sugar 116 116 American T & T 128% 128% Anaconda 86 86% Atchison 106% 105% Baldwin Locomotive ... 118% 116% Baltimore & Ohio 92% 92% Bethlehem Steel 474 474 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 88% 88" California Petroleum .. 31 31% Canadian Pacific 180% 180% Central Leather 53% 52% Chesapeake and Ohio.. 62 61% Chicago, Mil and St Paul 93% 93% Chicago, R 1 and Pacific. 16% 16% Chino Consolidated Cop. 53% 53% Colorado Fuel and Iron. . 51% 51 Consolidated Gas 146 144% Crucible Steel 74 73% Distilling Securities ... 48% 48 Erie •. 41% 42% Erie Ist pfd 56% 56% General Electric Co .... 17 5 174 % General Motors 490 494 Goodrich B. F 72% 73 Gt. Northern, pfd 125% 125% Gt. North. Ore, ss 4 8 48% Gug. Exploration 77% 77% Ins. Copper 44% 44% Interboro-Met 21% 22 Interboro-Met. pfd. ... 78 77% Kansas City South 30% 31% Lehigh Valley 82 81% Maxwell Mot 75% 75% Mex. Petroleum 97% 98% Miami Copper 33% 33% Missouri Pacific 4 4 % New York Central 105% 105% NYN H H 74% 74% New York Ont and West 30% 30% Norfolk and Western ... 121% 120% Northern Pacific 116% 116% Pennsylvania Railroad.. 58% 58% Pittsburgh Coal 3635% Pittsburgh Coal pd .... 111% 111 Ray Con Copper 24% 24% Reading 81% 81% Republic Iron and Steel. 54% 54% Southern Pacific 100% 101 Southern Railway 23 23 Studebnker 169 168% Tennessee Copper 57% 57% Third Avenue 60% 60% Union Pacific ..' 137 137 U S Rubber 54% 54% U S Steel 85% 85% U S Steel pfd 116% 116% Utah Copper 78% 78% Va Caro Chem 45% 46 % Western Union Tele ... 87% 87% Westinghouse Mfg .... 69 68% »*Hii <nrci.i-m \ PRnmirK Philadelphia, Dec. 20. Wheat Higher; No. 2, red, spot and December, $ 1.2 @ 1.24; No. 2, Southern, red, 11.205 v 1.22. Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, local, 80',4@81c; steamer, No. 2, yellow, local. <9 % 80c. Oats Steady: No. 2, white, 48%® 49c; No. 3. white. 4liig)46%c. Bran The market is quiet; city mills, winter. per ton, $25.00; western, winter, per ton, none here; Soring, per ton, $23.50@24.00. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered. 6.05 c; fine granulated, 5.95 c; confectioners' A, 5.85 c. Butter Market higher; western, creamery, extras, 37c; nearby prints, fancy, 40c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts free cases ># $11.20 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $10.50 per ease; western, extras, firsts, free cases, sll.lO per case; do- firsts, free cases. (10.50 |er ease Live Poultry Market dull; fowls, 1253>14C; old roosters, 10® 11c; broil ing chickens. .6fo>l7c. Spring ehl' K«-m 12@14c; ducks, 13® 16c; geese. 14@16c; turaeys. 18® 20c. Dressed Poultry Market firm; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18c; do average, 16H@17%C; do- unattrac tive, 14@>16c; ice acked fowls, 13 @l7c; old roosters, 13c; broiling chickens, nearby, 22®26c: do., western. 20® 22c; roasting chickens, western, choice to fancy. IS® 19c; do- fair to good, 14@17c; Spring ducks, nearby. 18 @2oc; do- western, 12® 18c; geese, nearby, 16®18c; do., western. 14016 c; turkeys, nearby, choice to fancy, 24® 26c; do., western, 23® 25c; do., fair to good, 20®21c; old toms, 21c; do culls, 16@20c. Potatoes Market is firm; Penn sylvania, fancy per bushel, 95cffl$1.00; do., fair to good; per bushel, 85®90c; Jedsey, No. 1, per basket, 50®55c;Jer sey, No. 2, per basket. 25 94 30c. Flour—The market is quiet; winter, straights, J5.50@5.76; do., patent, $5.80 %6.10; Kansas straights, $4.85®6.85, Spring straights, $5.50®5.75: do., pat ent, $5.7506.10; do., favorite brands. $6.20® 6.40. Hay Market steady; No. 1, large bales, $21.00® 21.50; No. 1, medium bales, $20.50®21.00; No. 2, $19.00® 19.50; No. 3, do- $15.50® 17.50. Light mixed, $18.50® 19.00; No. 1, do ilfc.UU® 15.50. No. I do. sls 00® 16.00. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago. 11l- Dec. "0. Hogs Re ceipts, 65,000; fairly active, unchanged to 5c under Saturday's average. Bulk of sales, $8.20@6.60, light, $5.95@6.50; mixed, $6.10; heavy, $6.20®6.75; rough, $6.20®6.35; pigs, $4.75@5.90. Cattle Receipts, weak. Na tive beef steers. $5.90®10.90; western steers, $6.20®8.20; cows and heifers, S2.SO (a 8.30; cal\es, $6.75®10.00. Sheep Receipts . 17,000; weak. Wethers, $6.10(8f6.90; lambs, $6.85@9.45. HELP WANTED—MALE ctttcAGO no Ann OF TRADE Chicago, 111., Dec. 20.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat—December. 1.21; May. 1.22%. Corn—December, 69%« ; May. 12%. Oats—December, 41%; May, 4B»V. Pork—January, 18.72; May. 18.77. Lard—January, 9.67; May, 10.00. Ribs—January, 9.85; May, 10.25. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, Dec. 20.—Stocks closed Irregular. Cambria Steel 75% General Asphalt t 34 General Asphalt. Pfd 72 Lake Superior Corporation 9 y i Lehigh Navigation .. . 77 Lehigh Valley 81% Pennsylvania Railroad 58% Philadelphia Electric 2Sl£ Philadelphia Company 43% Philadelphia Company. Pfd 35 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 19% Reading 81 % Storage Battery 66 U Union Traction 4ij( I'nited Gas Improvement 88% United States Steel 85% t.E(U. NOTICES CHARTER NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby gl.ven that an ap plication will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, the 11th day of January, 1916, under the Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certnln corporations." approved April 29. 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intendod corpora tion to be called IDEAL CHANGER COMPANY, the character and object of which Is the manufacture and sale of money changers and other similar ar ticles and novelties, machinery and sup plies from metal, wood and other ma terials, and In connection therewith the carrying on of a general plating busi ness, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, bene fits and privileges of said Act of As sembly and the supplements thereto GEORGE L REED. Solicitor. THE Anntlal Meeting of the Stock holders of the Harrisburg National Bank for the election of Directors and other business will be held at Its bank ing house on Tuesday, January 11, 1916, between the hours of 10 and 12 A. M. WM. I* GORGAS, Cashier. SUPERIOR COURT | UPHOLDS NEW ACT Appeals From Public Service Commission Will Go Direct • to the Appellate Court By Associated Press Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 20. The State Superior Court to-day held that j It could hear appeals from decisions; of the Public Service Commission! without the cases lirst being heard by ; the Common Pleas Court. Such ap- i peals have been heard In the Dauphin j county court. The decision was hand-j ed down in the cases of the West Vlr-; ginia Pulp and Paper Company, the' New York and Pennsylvania Com- i York Haven Company, appellants, vs.' York Haven Company, appelants, vs. j the Public Service Commission, ap-; pellee, and the Huntingdon and Broad I Top Railroad and the Pennsylvania j Company, Philadelphia, Baltimore j and Washington Railroad Company, anil the West Jersey and Sea Shore Railroad Company as intervenors. j The case involved an increase in freight rates. The railroad com panies contended that the act amend ing the Public Service law which per mits appeals direct to the Superior Court instead of to the county court was unconstitutional. The Superior Court will hear the cases on appeal next Spring. When the court adjourns its present sitting it will not meet again for the hearing of cases until February 29 at Wil liamsport. The effect of the decision is to up hold the act of 1915 which was pass ed for the purpose of getting appeals direct into the superior court with out ilie Dauphin county court having anything to do with them. Over a dozen appeals have been pending until the West Virginia company case could be decided. Albert C. Leonard, Civil War Veteran, Is Dead ALBERT C. LEONARD Albert C. Leonard, 70 years old. a veteran of the Civil War and active in Pennsylvania G. A. li. circles died Saturday in Philadelphia of heart disease, at the home of his daughter. Mrs. R. C. James, 2023 Wayne ave nue. Funeral services will be held from his home, 126 South Duke street Lancaster, to-morrow afternoon, and burial will be made in the Lancaster cem tery. . Comrade Leonard was publisher for many years of the Grand Army News and some time ago issued for his friends a little book on his reminis cences of the Civil War. He was clerk of quarter sessions for Lan caster county for one session, the moral instructor at the Lancaster County Prison and Almshouse for a long term and more recently In charge of the Capitol Police in this city. Mr. Leonard is survived by a son in Washington, D. C., one daughter and a niece- I THE I | Christmas Savings Society 1 % of the | I East End Bank j 1 13th and Howard Sts. \ I IS NOW I f For the New Year 1916 * k A ; ft l| It was intended to open December 28th, but the depositors will not wait, \ : •ff so we are now opening new accounts. J ; « ** ** ** i %' IJ Last year close to 3,000 accounts were opened. From the way the new *r {accounts are being taken out, it bids fair to run way ahead of last year. M €| Explanation of system and schedules can be obtained by calling at the jl Bank. : S : DECEMBER 20, 1915. OFF FOR CITY'S TREE TOMORROW Municipal Celebration Plans Being Whipped Into Shape; Music Big Feature Active preparation for the annual j municipal Christmas tree celebration j will start to-morrow. The committee ' named to secure the tree, of which Carl' M. Kaltwaser, general manager of the Harrisburg Light and Power Com pany, is chairman, will go to the mountains and superintend the cut ting of the tree. It will be brought to Harrisburg on Wednesday. Accompanying the tree committee will be a number of city officials, news papermen, an official photographer and members of the municipal tree committee. The tree party will leave the Mayor's office about 9 o'clock. The tree will be selected from one of three growing on the John Relly estate, near | Fort Hunter. The complete mr.sical program and ' other features will be • announced Thursday afternoon, when a meeting of the committee will be held. The music for the large chorus will be dis tributed in time and a brief rehearsal will be held on Friday evening at 7 o'clock at Zion Lutheran Church, South Fourth street. The Christmas tree exercises will start at 7.30 o'clock at Front and Market strets with a selection by the Commonwealth band, followed with singing by the chorua. Appropriate pictures will be shown on a screen at the Board of Trade build [ ing and a brief address will be made | by .Mayor John K. Royal at the tree. Funeral of Mrs. Haldeman at Front St. Home The funeral of Mrs. Margaretta |C. Haldeman. daughter of the late I General Simon Cameron, took place i this afternoon. Services conducted at the family residence, 219 South Front street, by the Rev. Lewis S. Mudge, pastor of Pine Street Presbyterian Church, were attended by out-of-town relatives and friends. Burial was made in Harrisburg Cemetery. The honorary pallbearers were James M Cameron, J. D. C. Bradley, J. W. Clark. Colonel Alexander Rogers, H. B. McCormick, Vance C. McCormick, E. Z. Gross, Henry McCormick, Jr., W. O. Hickok, 3d, and W. M. Ogelsby. Among the floral tributes was a large ivy wreath, with orchids and lilies of the valley, tied with the colors and insignia of the Daughters of the American Revolution, of which Mrs. Haldeman was a former regent. NOTICE! TO THE BONDHOLDERS OF HIGHSIMRE WATER COMPAHVi Notice is hereby given that Highsplre Water Company being in default in the payment of interest due May 1 and November 1. 1915, on bonds issued under its mortgage or deed of trust to Commonwealth Trust Company of Harrisburg, Pa., Trustee, dated May 2, 1910, the un dersigned have organized a Protective Committee of Bondholders of Htghtplre Water Company for the purpose of taking such action us shall be deemed proper for the protection of depositing bondholders. All persons holding bonds of said Company are requested to de posit same before January 1, 1916, with tho Pennsylvania Trust Com pany, Depository, under the terms of the agreement tiled with said Depository. Protective Committee of Bondholders of Highsplre \Vater Company: Dr. F. H. Urobst, Reading, Pa., chairman; Edward J. Bowman, Heading. Pa., treasurer; H. O. Koller, 126 North Fifth street, Reading, Pa., sec retary; Ceo. M. Miller, Reading, Pa.; F. S. Wertz, Reading, Pa. The Pennsylvania Trust Co., 536 Penn St., Heading, Pa. Deponltory, '> - ■ RareßealEstateOpportunitg We have to offer for quick sale, the largest money making proposition on the New Jersey Coast—One Mile of Ocean Front and Two Miles of Bay Front, compris ing approximately 2500 large building lots; Pennsyl vania Railroad; Philadelphia & Reading Railroad; trolley road; and a State Boulevard running directly through center of the property; electric lights; telephone service; and first-class artesian water supply. Small amount of cash required. For further information, address J. M. CHESTER & CO., Ocean City, N. J. FRANK R. LEIB & SON Real Estate and Insurance Of fice, No. 18 North Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT 3-story brick dwelling on sth St., New Cumberland, Pa. All improvements. Rent, $25.00. Possession at once. 10,000 sq. ft. floor space in building northwest corner Court and Cranberry streets. Use of elevator. Possession at once. 1816 State St., 3-story brick dwelling, 9 rooms and bath. All improvements, side en trance. Possession at once. Rent, $25.00. 1531 N. 4th St., 3-story frame dwelling, 8 rooms and bath. All imp. Possession at once. Rent, $16.00. *■ READY MONEY for Individuals pressed by lack of funds to meet Immediate necessities, at legal rates, pay able In weekly or monthly In stalments. No publicity. CO-OPERATIVE Loan & Investment Co. 204 CHESTNUT ST. Under supervision State Rankinsr Department. Open Every Evening Until Christmas. —LOANS— ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT LEGAL RATES. Small Monthly Payments. Profit Slmrlnu Loan Society 9 No. Market Square (Spooner Bldg.) Conducted Under State Banking Dept. License No. 24. 13
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