PSelectlfour L Corsage Bouquet* Women's and Mlsees' Marabou and Ostrich and Misses' ff Tour orders for these things may be en- V|fl BVTH ROBES; SETS; Value »18.00 WAISTS and 81-OUSES; SILK PETTICOATS; IVIV 1 , 1U- •L - W H trusted to us In perfect confidence of the ex- M WM Value $3.08 AQ rjm Value $1.50 Values up to $2.98 MIS W V I |hp tlverlailU"liarriSDUf 0F V 0« H acting care they will receive. W tOyfO $7.75 on *1 QQ 1 I lIIC » | ' K SL OUP Tele f a Ph Delivery Service Christmas f «bZ.4o ««*» of finffv «m-a« OOC 3) 1 .OO 1 I ... mt .1 C IP. ■ UiH Mj) SSST In » •.£ri hon » 10 an " Made of flna washable ?®"~* ®'. f ' U " y B Jap silk, lingerie, voile Rllk Mesaallne and Silk 212 Noifth SeCOnd Street iff 'MI I Ewf? «nd even In foreign materials. In pretty de- natural and white; new- and orKand | eß; BeV eral Taffeta Petticoats; every ** l£e I ' u,lu Wtwviiw C>J ll I 0.»2n wr_«. r>*. ■ i signs and colors; cut full, est shape muffs and pretty styles to select new shade. Fitted toj/s. __ f 11 C ° Christmas. All sizes. scarfs. from. Sizes up to 50 bust. Have pretty dust ruffles. >, I ft J State Capita! R J BIG REDUCTIONS ON SUITS, COATS AND DRESSES. V. C< JL s>s 00 1 - Diamonds F ! 'HiC\st "f 1 'OIN CREDIT >W ' ' PiuV X<k # lOur Credit System Above A'.l In Buying $ /).^ - < e6 . At°l®Visit Our Second Floor Store-Low Rent-Low Prices ■— • T/Y/f'Jk \ C> 6 s " X> aVlw A Useful Gift |/y e Positively Guarantee Every SestPricelnCity e / r 0 0/K For father and mother is a -.. , ... —ON ' /yl) 1 * P air of Spectacles or Eye ArtlC I e We DC/I \ Glasses, properly fitted and _, _ , , , ... jMLaZua. lilll . . made to order. National T /IP\ IJ\ Y Latest 50 Cent Fiction w e ai so h ave a complete line Watch and Sfamond Credit Want -Lamps /tf \ Give Him or Her a V Sweet*~Api)ie S Cove°— P Georfre Von Field Glasses, Hand KHS UiamondCo. „ m H""- 81 , Your ' fl \ I C_OroNA Onc°e to°Every Man —liarry Kvans. Glasses, Magnifiers, etc Our Est. 1908 Entrance 4 N 3rd It. ACCOUM A. HiaS / OMM \ PERSONAL TYPEV/RITER I Captivatinj? Mary Cairstairs —Henry reputation for the past fifteen i-J»» '/vu C/nirance, t IN. oxa 01. I IM jU 1 1 I A Billy Goat Hill-Alice years is a guarantee in itself. 1 TCC ( Th<iy Bobbie, General Manager—Ollvs H. D 1 1 T\ i*" Are l Daddy" Long Legs—Jean Webster. Kalpfl Ds iFfttt Diamonds for Gifts SlllpS Sure n and and nr 9 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST There is no Gift so lasting as a Diamond E Blumenstinc Like U H TU~ L\ Ihe Central DOOR HARRISBCRG (SBwv wear or tear; its brilliancy and beauty makes it a 14 South Court st. »Mm «-n|, Ci gift so rare, and appreciated by its recipient. "™WBL HARRISBURG, PA. Store »L . T -.I ■ yy|jr (} ur complete line of beautiful, jparkling gems can be ~_ —* , s f romnanv |V\' 'TLTFM »=• »»BKET STREET HIS V.lliere. from $3.50 up SIK Z'L,?ZI ] till llsirlttarc. P«. ICV'OIjTTTIBr OUR SPECIAL $5.00 DIAMONDS ARE WORTH R. Diamond Scarf Pirs from $2.50 Ciamond Bracelets from s(>.; 't Diamond La Valliers from $2.50 up >SrNd- HIA »k3F/\ X W¥V I~>'amnnr' 1 ~ > ' amnnr ' misrcnresentcd. Rverv one sold on its 2J m- Ei%f ■|Pl Blacks Art btore zk'""" ™" J °u taogn iwJr o v ~ %% «A P/pe Iff 117 Market Street F j ' t» > I 1 PL. VujRV * OUrSelf Hmm For PICTURES t£Z£L J ,CtaSI! 9W » Gift I Picture Frame and Artist 1 IN. Ord Ot. In order to discontinue he F e a Xs TsooZ appre i Materials, China for Decor- NlHniA .. /->i • ¥?„• „ QD . . /TV * a n *"*'*■ OKlfMi footwear, we are now closing cellent assortment of pipes, cigars or ating, China rringes. : : ' J/) lUW tlU! > ln g cigaret holders, humidors, j?rs of to- AT) i(J — UPnr)O ■• ~ JxL U ,1" OUt at an avera § e Of one- bacco or imported cigars • L RR „ \ (uu tboe n ,arns ur A a useful gift. What can be more L dies' Misses', Men's and Boys' I XX. OJ"t Z lllclll S Beautiful Christmas Pre ents and Ever welcome with other gifts serviceable than clothes. We carry a com- 0 Hlßh nH Bowling, Billiards and Cigars A IDC n# M " ' and appropriate at all times where plete line of - $ 3 - 50 dj-i qc 323 MARKET STREET X v* I of a more intimate nature values «i>l.ys l may not seem advisable. T J' ' J IZT """ $2.95 JA' s- 213 Walnut ladies ana uents /yUJM, St Apparel Williams hae .Shop S\lQj3f, W < , i i r. SS. 4th Street XCTTI//' /, fo *es and you can select the finest present you eA JnfftW3r want to donate and pay for it in small <A >S^^l iLV C> week 'y payments. V 6 \fj' Vt^ # LIVINGSTON'S 1 Ice Cream 1 WHERE IS T? E PL ACE? J I ft .-Jt-w ~ . "cJ" „ J-JT ft I Uu zoth Century Shoe Company «s-wi mi Electric Cleaner F ( the holiday season. Ice Cream and Water LWffIJU South Market Square IS«J MA A SUITABLE GIFT tor ANY HousEWik || il t CCS ,n *t 1 v ® net y ° and in special fo T TWA HT ¥¥7 r~» 4 Tho t,fr,elenc y and convenience of this sturdy 1 j 1 ' forms if preferred. I •• V I—l f|L V I I—l A I IA/t7 /I 13" (TiPri I nine-pound dirt devourer Is proven because if 1/ J*S<CgjP Oli L/JDO Jil/I 1 rr C/l iv 10W ' 0W0 Anu,lcl>B wo,n « ami \/ N| PQn 1? "lA/o llrnr' You must not miss seein g our stock of slippers. Men's Slippers 50 cents to gnUarJuy*iis!^^u to lrtw. k^. b ci£iKGE jL /' W - NLJS ' * 409 No^^ e Street YOUR CHRISTMAS PROFITABLE INVESTMENT BrailCh Office ■will. .111. I JIM II HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH
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