Hp" _—====== . | I I _ Christmas 1915 jj ! \ Mahogany Bud Vases Brass Candlesticks »iu... u>< >.• • ... _ £ J suspair Basketcraft Jardimers Mahogany , flffl I 50 pairs of these Bud „ I and Scrap Baskets $1.50 and $1.98 Pair \ &rsr M » 5 Vases on sale tomorrow and **' oW |1 Q0 to $3.00 Two "Specials" for to- : t UJJL §§ : Saturday. Regular Selling Price $3.50. rfCD! - morrow and Saturday 9 rf? l t as use- Artistic in design; strongly and 12 inches high solid «l Jil& jfl ' : ff. water container. ful. Stand 14 inches'high. made of W 'H° W in Verd mahogany— (regular value n * *"7* I YlHn «: The seasons most attrac- This will be an appreciated 11 alEll Green finish. All sizes and $2.50 and $3.00). 20 other HtH I gift " ShapeS - styles, up to $lO pair. | ' I Smokers' Stands This Extra Fine English $63.50 I of Rare I•» fTOI ! l rl; A ferent styles. " Lamps awaits | r - "! 1 'M: practical gift-giver. All O > y u B fk Ash Trays, SI.OO „ . „„. „ . have silk shades your L 5 5 iT T 1 " Regular Selling Price $75.00 choice of color. J(L J? LMd 'Wa \ luxurious overtuffed sofa of English design. Denim covered. Im- Mahogany i,amp *8.75 l Wf —W V a A Jj[ $2.00 posing, comfortable and will last a lifetime. ( Re«u^- t Vis Value' j j? J jjE "Push the Button—and Rest" Solid Mahogany Serving Tray $3.50 Tea Wagons fr™'"' p ill Easy These are one of jl| HI » sl2 16x25 Inches—-with |J| : | OK EVERY I l PRACTK Al ' G,FTS J ||l jW I I W WHICH PROMPTS ITS GIVING. TOR GOOD FURNITURE 4» I CATTVE OK CONSTANT WEI. I- I IF « I ' ' • I "VV&lnut to Locust obovte .Second. wishing. | —mm— * West Fairview Firemen to Hold Bazar in New Home Special to The Telegraph West Fairview, Pa., Dec. 16. —At a joint hieeting of the Good Will Fire Company and the Ladies Auxiliary at the hosehousa last evening, arrange ments for the coming fair and bazar ■were completed. The fair will be held Bringing Dp Father(H) # # # # $ r7" s 1 • ——:: ■ ■ \ — t ■ ■ , s 77 7 >-■ TROW UP YOUR r <,OLL>r-l MOVED ' OH! HOW DO TOO Do 1 JOST MFT YOU MUST bt , s, BX COLLY - MITTS AN' COME I CEI*TMNL>n ON THE FIRST FLOOR HELLO'. IVTHE NATTER? A crock M\STAKEN"* DON'T HE'5 INNOCENT = , ACROSS WD J, ~ ) Cf MEHOUW BECWbE "TOO LOOK WORRIED! * <-ROOK . THINK THERE *ts A "= ENOUGH TO BE 8 some loose pTT AFR '" D OFOOR,tH " dishonest - m ACOP! Ls V CHANGE* ;ic= ' NOV/ I <j\T 5pS »■ t ' 1 DFf>«*r\w —— o J tLDUP : | I o —y 1 f, N ! ' ' * THURSDAY EVENING, I in the new flrehouse in Third street beginning Monday evening, December j2O and continue until January 1, 1916. A number of special events have been planned, one of which will bo a Santa Claus post office on Christmas morning starting at 9 o'clock when children of town will receive gifts from Santa Claus through his post office. Another event which is creating a large amount of interest is the Mum mer's parada to be held some evening between Christmas and New Year's the definite date not having beep de cided upon. Principal interest cen ters in the prizes which are being of fered by a citizen of town. The first prize of $lO is offered for the prettiest costume; a gold watch for the best imitation, and a two-and-a-half dol lar gold piece for the most comic cos tume. Three out-of-town judges will be selected so that a square deal will IIJII.UH-I n i« llL|pn I- - VI; PR|PIJIII.II l .11 wi 1(.1 "f'V'-f HARRISBURG ?*S§& TELEGRAPH be assured to all contestants. Invita tions have been sent to the Are com panies of surrounding towns and al ready a number of them have signi fied their intention of attending. LYCEUM ENTERTAINMENT Dillsburg, Pa., Dec. 16.—0n Tues day evening the third entertainment of the Lyceum course was held In the Dilisburg Opera , House. The enter tainers were Miss Edith Hockerson, violinist and pianist. Miss Fay Ingram soprano, reader, and pianist, and Miss Ethel Garten, contralto, reader ana pianist. Curiosity Over Wedding Is Consuming Washington Washington, D. C., Dec. 16. With the wedding of President Wilson only DECEMBER 16, 1915. two days away, about tha only thing Washington feels certain of is that the bridegroom will wear the "con ventional black." Nobody knows: The hour of the wedding, The name of the minister, The exact list of guests, Where the honeymoon will be passed. Never In the history of the White ■ House has there been so much mystery and never has Washington society indulged in so much futile speculation. That the wedding gown fits was .ascertained a few days ago by the smile on the face of (he litter, . and that is about as official as any news obtainable on any subject con nected with the ceremony. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers