| Jsxwmaf£ A c ;"pC« | JSxxvmaaZ \ dZI'L. | fijotmarii \ *sr | JSjotmanti An Eight Day Christmas Clock ■u. His is the last winding it will get. II TI • <4 T T * J* Steadily its "tick-tock" will beat time for iSST J W M £11" lO the marching moments, and each parting day A-ldL* VJI. V I 11X11 j| * ts gong sound slower and more ce- -aMr aßgil: : ||° j rn^^f te ' .• uii • u «4.:„u nL 'H| Everybody seems to think a man's present is a difficult problem If [3' If ufaS Then one time we shall miSS both ltS tlck " Mr and nerhan* it i« fii I ! IwWf&k&f'M tock" and gong. It will have stopped and S\ / T T ' R U N » I i§L&E»mBP&3 „ T . , Christmas will e upon us. jft» just what a man's taste would be in selecting any particular article. 9 T°° late then to r f m^ be j th°se who have done a kindness in the past year, or the friend who is far away. €[[ Up! Up! Keep time with the Christmas Clock while it * fjjffflffl) A G 1: <.,1 J-wciry Who Would Think Auto Robes 'Ba§Cm£flt NCW AbOilt Pretty New Kimonos Surely no, he doesn't want to Ot Sporting Goods ? Among numerous gifts to the per- Wasted Articles include Albatross SikeTbm««ainS;he A gift for the outdoor and so "iM™o«'™ b e S , $4.98 .o First in the Line of Wool Skirt Patterns; 2". yards For a gift that would carry the needs at all times and wants. athletic man that he himself **Auto*'clocks kev and rim wind Gift Giving These ide a » d vards in blue, memory of the giver for some time 'And now, Miss Doubtful, would never think ot. $1.50 to $5.98. Fine FlimishintfS u Di i' to come, dainty kimonos suggest here's a whole list for your A special set of golf clubs for Thief-proof tire chains, 1)80; a © < h "» Klv «- . , . . , especial benefit ' SIO.OO. including.four clnbs te"lock to A department chock full of SI.OO to SB.OO. Albatross ill a large variety of col- Tie clasps; solid gold and gold and a good, substantial golf chain spare tires on'tire rack the little fixings in everyday Kimono and Dressing Sacque Ma- ors '- hand embroidered designs. filled: in plain and fancy patterns; bag. "Traffic Cop" radiator cap figures use; all givable and appreciable, terials - duckling fleeces and flan- Pnced at *' i M) and ia ' some are enameled, 350 to $3.50. For indoor exerc i se we are show- $1.35. ' N^kWM r f mm 9ru tn ** nft nelettes; good patterns, 10*, Crepe and flannelette kimonos, at Military sets Sterling silver ing a complete line of dumbells, In- BOWMAN'S-Second Floor rw«=w and yard *»M Pto ».«L and plated, eacl. in a si'k-lined diL dni. pnnchin, bags and Crib Comforts filled with white And a rich collection of beauti- box, to s7.*>U. Whitely exercises. N#*w Rathrnh H 500 to $5 00 sanitary cotton, and covered with ful floral designs as well as conven- Shaving sets with adjustable mir- The "Ilomc Gymnasium" for $6. » DainrODCS nave Colored ' initial handkerchiefs silkohne and mercerized satine; tional figures, from a pretty Seco rors and cups and a place for a Footballs, ranging in price from JUSt Said "Hello!' plain embroidered initial' some have borders, others are alike silk at $2.50 to the exquisite satins brush, 500 to $5.00. 98<> to $5.00. rr. *+• A- i . • i j- tn 21 ' ° n bot 'BOWM\N^ifn'ome* l " B9, i" bri 11 iam Cigarette cases Sterling silver Athletic sweaters, at $5, $7.50 blanket, mat class" 0 style? Silk scarfs new assortment just - received, in crochet and plain knit, engraved and plain patterns; some BOWMAN-S— second Floor orings. including English regimental and Pure Candies are a feature of our Holiday Readiness. You'll hold ten andjither twenty cigarettes, Some have slippers to match. broad stripes in silk, 500 to $7. find appetizing chocolates and bonbons, as well as fruit and nuts to Prices $3.98, $3.35, $3.95, Hosiery, boxed, 13>40 to $1.50. in the basement Scarf pins, gold filled; many pat- . $4.95 to $lO. Suspender and garter sets, 350 terns and styles, 350 to St.OO. f or Comfort *, Put Down B °y s ' at $3.75 to $4.95; 6to 16 to SI.OO. " Scarf pins, solid gold, set with 0 j i i years. Shirts, from a well-made percale npi i ** UT O real stones, in handsome settings, A O Welter and LOOK BOWMAN'S— Second Floor to a fine crepe, 500 to $6.50. I IICRC S MUCH LO I3C $1.50 to $7.50. T 1 n Pajamas and night shirts; muslin, _ _ , _ Gold plated cuff buttons in plain Noveltv Suitt of— flannejette pongees, soisette and From in rroni in I7CCOraiCa Gold filled cuff buttons, guaran- oxford coat sweaters, V-neck. Velvet, corduroy cassimeres, vel- BOWMAN s-Ma.„ Floor . j . 1 • j t j j f « fl,t> ia,«» !-« ours and serges, in the new Tommy Including an extensive line of fancy German china. teed to weai; plain and beaded edge Mens Sweaters, So many and so varied is the assortment that we make p°e Ce pearl buttons,'s<4°and maroon. navy ' ac '• ox or a "' blue, brown and black; Give Him • mention of prices only for your convenience- »£* JS 4 , a "? "'"**"■ •»•«» »P to #3. Smoking Jacket li'Xj', t (j' and grama 81.50 to $7.5« niaroon ;\ -necks, s<>.oo; shawl col- Mackinaw Coats for boys to , . . Fobs in ribbon and new metal braid lars, $0.50. g years, in the new plaid colorings They're here in sizes up to 48 Chocolate sets, six cups, Dresser sets aUachments 01 . 8; . moßt °.[ ! he si.so'tVl.voo Boys' Sweaters, SI.OO, $1.39 featuring novel pleats and pockets! stout - Handsome plaid back six saucers and chocolate pot $1.98. $2.90 and $3.90 Large assortment of Waidmar chains to $3.50 —in navy, gray and ma- at $3.95, $3.50, $4.95 up to terials in various color combinations. $3.50 to SfMi.9o \iit sets !•> ~, roon. $7.50. Prices. «5, #6.50 and #B.BO. I Ice cream sets ' * * BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Second Floor BOWMAN'S—Second Floor $3.50 and $3.00 Mayonnaise sets Berry sets 75 v* and 980 Everyday— Vacuum Cleaners And Ce¥ery >( sets"'sr.Oof s'/.*75 and $1.25 More Neckwear Goes Down The Gift Rice! Then Hand decorated Japa- f " t nese Nippon China in a - ■L'lat TOI 11CI Bisseirs Universal, $3.50.N0w then, if you've ever large showing. w And everv shipment that arrives, the styles are prettier, it Bissell's 'with tasted Miss Searight's rice Tea sets, 17 pieces, at seems. ' nickeled frameJ which is especially de sl.9B to $7.50 Collars and collar and cuff sets of organdie. .. .250 to $3.50 Tomngton t drQp around Silk, crepe dp chine and taffeta scarfs OUf to Jtll.yo Krantz Vacuum Cleaners. $l.»8 and , . . .. t i $598 BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor to-morrow and see how it String ties, made of Roman stripe, plaid and " • j ci i * Artful Folk Will N rin^— 7 P't "bbon, 25 f and 50, .s -e. w She cooks ,t n to Give A Picture IN ew Vjingnams . Taffeta, satin, Roman stripe, plaids and Pel- Girls' Coat. - corduroys, chin- or'burning. il value in i)ictnre« 16x20 yards 32-inch Renfrew sian n > )Ons, o 1 e \w e, yar< chillas, plushes, velvets i»d mk- She'll also demonstrate vi'.r&cisiL w P ainr - * ; I'o 6 years. Pr.ces to two vegetables at one time square or oval, 98#. checks, stripes, and plaids. The Cluny laces for underbodices, centerpieces, etc., Girls' Coats—plushes, chinchillas, S P. e " 16x36 pictures with Circassian gingham that is sun and tub- to 750 yard. velvets, corduroys and mixtures; cia ' Wear Ever kettle, walnut or gilt frames; square or proof. Yard, Val. laces, to 1 yard. .' !■ new models; fur and button trim- using the Steamer section, oval. $1,98. BOWMAN'S-Main Floor White and cream Oriental laces, 350 to $i yard. ™ med; 6 to 14 years. Prices, $4.50 BOWMAN's-Baaement BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. " to SIB.OO. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor « LITER \HY SOCIETY OFFICERS J Special to The Telegraph Annville, Pa., Dec. 16.—TheClionian ! l.iterary Society of Lebanon Valley I College, a woman's organization, in stalled the following officers for the coming term: President, E. Viola Oru lier; vice-president, Ruth Whiskey man; critic, Mary Bergdoli; chaplain, Ruth Heffleman; recording secretary, Katherine Dasher; corresponding sec retary, Clara Suckling; editor, Ruth Hughes; pianist, Elizabeth Jenkins. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Newport, Pa., Dec. 16. —Secretary J. C. F. Stephens has issued notice of the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Perry County Agricultural Society here on Thurs day, January 6, 1916, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing term, and for transacting such other business as may pertain to the annual meeting. Cured His RUPTURE I was badly ruptured while lifting a I trunk several years ago. Doctors said ' my only hope of cure was an opera- ' tion. Trusses did me no good. Finally ! J got hold of something that qulcklv and completely cured me. Years have I Parsed anil the rupture has never re- ! <*»ned. although I am doing hard work ' ns a carpenter. There was no opera- I lion, no lost time, no trouble. I have I nothing to sell, but will give full in lormation about how you may find a ' complete cure without operation, if you ! write to me, Eugene M. Pullen. Carpen ter, 2548, Marcellus Avenue, Manas quan, N. J. Better cut out this notice and show it to any others who are rup tured—you may save a life or at least stop the misery of rupture and the worry and danger of an operation.—Ad vertisement. / —* beadquartkic* for SHIRTS SIDW & MDfci * r Try Telegraph Want Ads THURSDAY EVENING* ' Central Girls to Serve Luncheon at School Beginning to-day the girls of Cen- j tral High will serve luncheons in the I High school building to all those who wish to indulge in the dainties, which will be prepared under the auspices of the Domestic Science department. The proceeds will go into the treasury of I the Girls' Athletic Association. Ar- j rangements have been made wtih the I Pennsylvania Milk Products Company I to supply the needs of the school at wholesale prices. Also pretzels will be bought at wholesale and sold at the school. Committees have been appointed and preparations are on foot at Central to give a bigger and better Christmas to poor little children who shared last year in the Christmas entertainment at the same school. Seventy-Jive dol lars and ninety-three cents have al ready been raised toward meeting the expenses of this movement. Expect Hundred to Attend 0. P. S. Banquet | Plans are being made for the second I reunion and banquet of the members jof Delta Chapter, Omicron Pi Sigma Fraternity, to be held Tuesday even | ing, December 28, at 8 o'clock at the j Engineers' Society headquarters, Front I and Chestnut street. One hundred I members are expected to be present at the affair. The committee of arrangements in "iviSf 8, Rob ® rt ft- Free, Richard Mc- Allister, Ralph E. Parthemore, Paul Esmer, Roy Egolf, Harper Spang James Handshaw, Thomas Fairlamb and Ralph Hesser. BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists. MOVIE OF MAN TRYING TO QUIT SMOKING - By BRIGGS . j- rHßootn TAr W'THOVJ- TuRWS DOWIM PASSes Br / tf/ C«3AR MAKER JMOKIW& li fERMITTe®"""^ I -j passes HUGE OFFERED A f v lOßacco SI6W FIFTV CENT6R VWHIFFJ IT vJHAKeMS LIGHT A / S HA.PPV A6AIIO HARRISBURG 0&6S& TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 16, 1915. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers