yATATATATATATA\ I , -=,g THE GLOBE OPE 3 V EVENINGS TILL XMAS THE GLOBE | GIFTS'FQR HIM I ■ I . Jhe Kind Thi it Are Sure to Win Approval jjj Bath Re )bes House Coats ► WaM Special V alues at . Extraordinary S str)Sk ck \ <t«; Values at.. S You'll find jjt difficult to match jf Heavyweight Beacon Blanket at $7.50. The cloth is all wool || robes in han dscvo te but refined ancl s^own m r ' ch genteel pat- I*• ■ designs—made «j ith silk rope terns. Made with two silk frogs J hi I girdle and edged with silk cord and cleverly trimmed with silk % I I I —shawl and rotf collar styles— C , U ' \7/ 9 J with and without t buttons. S&o'toVlO.OO*® C ° atS * , / U| Other higher ;ade Bath Robes Luxurious Velvet House Coats -* 5 at 96.50 and $1 .50. up to $20.00. £» \ ( _____ | | Gift /appreciated Xmas Savings Christmas £ Gloves on Suits and Overcoats Neckwear ' ' le res P° nse accorded our sale of fine Suits J ; Ji 'T nd « Overcoats previous to Christmas justifies the con- $ jj -e we had in the keen business acumen of the men § " Uat lTe ?* °f mc n have this rare jjppP S* £ . Gr< at assortments of Suits and Overcoats | Glove weather and gift jr • en an( l Oltng Men the products of brilliant ! qailP 4 time come "hand in hand" niaster tailors ' and conscientious weavers, on *3 —our stock is remarkably v ' complete, featuring gloves "I 1 For Suits and e aie exac ting in the for every occasion from X. % a KJ OvCTCOatS Worth sls matter ol neckwear pat- U the world's leading male- <tl /| For Suits and terns -we go the limit to t* ? ers - - M> 14. OU Overcoats Worth $lB Auto Gloves, $2.00 to r» c • r» e..ects. on 11 see thons- JW $3.50. 00 Overcoats ands of rich and beautiful j> Fur Gloves, $5.00 to Values tO S3O styles here that are "dif ► * <>,, °- m fereht" the most re- Buckskin Gloves, $2 GIFTS OF LUGGAGE markable diversity of 4 to $2.50. „ . _ " . W», >• .. . * Never go amiss. Every man has good neckwear ever as- jg 0 Cape Gloves, SI.OO to use for a good Traveling Bag or c „„,m A ■ TI FE g KSJW. S« t Case - b„t not every man has d m * Hams " d ht 1 u., •We have the kinds well worthy || I burg store at &'| MoCha Gl ° VeS ' expressing your friendship. ' | L e n M „ S to $2.50. j Traveling Bags, $3.50 to S2O. KfaiL: aSfi®!®?* jpU to *p«7. UO I Suit Cases, $2 to $lB. 1^ A GOOD, warm I! HTHE "Dubbel-Hed {S> Chinchilla Over- | ' I ¥_T T f\ T% er ' ~ pant l " ts coat as a gift will ma'fce (y j jfg K f 1 M for I)0 y s are in a class your boy happy, ss.<>o ll mJMm.by themselves as a gift, 'I "The Big Friendly Store" ».».00. 0 .WMT M -, M rATmTATmv tumors of Uprisings in India Disturb Chin ese Peking, Nov. 19.—(Correspond nee | f The Associated Press)- —is I luch disturbed by the rinnoi 's of' 3rious uprisings In India. All tele rams concerning the Indian t« mbles itimate that the disturbance ) s the of German activities ma<ft i pos ble through the smuggling ojT arms •om China. English newspapers the hinese officials with n eglig? >nce in ot preventing Germans fr< >m ex erting arms and amtutinKJ on and itimate that the Chinfise are en rely too friendly writh German Sents. ' • u.jiimi— —u— n —i—-ai - , ; 1 m iiniiinr minwiniwi ii—wim __ Ihe greatest enemy of your When scientists :ntly dis- the public in the convenient form I covered the cause oF that dread of Senreco Tooth Paste, disease, pyorrhea, t] -cry discovered Senreco contains the best cor- o the greatest enemy of ; your teeth, rective and preventive for pyor- I Why yours ? Bee- lU5e the germ rhea known to dental science. = that causes this • Jiseaa e inhabits Used daily it will successfully pro- 1 every human mo- nh! tect your teeth from this disease. 1 , ,j ou r dentist will , -jTell you that Senreco also contains the best g halt or all the pei tt lanent teeth harmless agent for keeping the a Jost are lost fi;om , this disease, teeth clean and white. It has a 1 ,! 18 , because pe op Ie have not refreshing flavor and leaves a 1 realized before tfiijt Mc, -yoneshould wholesomely clean, cool and pleas- a take precautions, aj ainst this ant taste in the mouth. o ' 1 enemy. You r Aa s4j rt now to Start the Senreco treatment I ward off its a attack and tonight—full details in the folder | c ? ca Pe jpe te rrible •. results wrapped around every tube. | of this disease by u sing the Symptoms described. A i proper correc Live aid pre- trn| 25c two oz. tube is sufficient I ventive treatment i n your V* h for six or eight weeks of the I daily toilet. , I pyorrhea treatment. Get | To meet, the need* ar this WJ\ Senreco at your druggists a treatment aad t , , ena bl e \< \ today, or send 4c in stamps rvwvnnp . l \w j or com for sample tube and " Vra folder. Addrett The Sen- I tions against th; b disease, a Y"~iV tanel Remedies Co., 502 I prominent dent «t has put & Union Central Bldg.. Cin- I his own prtscnp ti Jn before S ampu.u, cinnati, Ohio. iKMtMKimwjiiuinHiKHHin] win imiuQiinniinmu THURSDAY fi'VENING, Mothers' Pension Urged by East End Republicans Members or the East End Republi can Club, last night, endorsed the | Mothers' Assistance Fund, provided for by the last Legislature. Resolu tions were adopted urging the of Dauphin county to take early action in putting the provisions of the new j law in force and calling upon the citizens of the county to lend their cf | forts in providing for needy mothers. | East End members were informed that DaupMn county's share of this fund wouij amount to $9,3«0, to be distributed to widowed mothers in monthly payments. A committee will be named to wait upon Dauphin coun-; ty officials in the interest of this fund. COAL OFFICIALS TO MEET HERE • Invited to Discuss State Insur ance Fund With Members of Board ...J' 11 ® State Insurance Fund Board, wnicn has invited representatives of i , c° m Pany operating in Ponnsylynnta to meet its members ut the State Capitol on next Tuesday, °! c Zt er f i wUI P robabl - v complete ta rates for insurance of coal miners in the State fund within the next I£ rC ? £° ur daya Tho officials of o^ii Un < vc been securing data 011 Sfw a?, ♦ COa i mines in this and other States and a number of spe cial investigations have been mado with a view to meeting certain phases n"ines 1,1 some of the larger i, Q T he u St . ate Co « l Pensation authorities! meetings with representa-I tives of the railroads and the big steel I and manufacturing companies of the I Slate and efforts will be made to se cure the hearty co-operation of the I °'m r f ?"* ,„ Tho stato insurance fund officials will make efforts to in duce some of the coal operators to insure in the State fund instead of carrying their own insurance as the railroads and big steel companies in tend, to do. Next Tuesday's meeting will bring together men whose operations mean over $100,00°,000 in wages and a big elfort wiil be made to win them to the Stale fund. James W. Leech, of the Compensation board, and Albert L. AlleYi, assistant manager of the State fund, will be the speakers, while the counsel for the board will be present. The rates for insurance in the State fund, which may be made ten per cent, lower than those of any other insuring agency, are to be issued gen erally as fast as they can be printed and bound. KING PETER MAY TAKE REFUGE IN (ITALY Paris, Dec. 16.—1t is reported from Rome that King Peter of Serbia driven from his country by the Teutonic invasion, will take refuge in Italy. A Rome dispatch to tho Matin says the king has accepted Italy's offer of the palace at Caserta, near Naples, which is now being prepared lor his use. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH | Crew of Foundered U. S„ Steamer Is. Brought In By Associated Press New York, Dec. 16.--Captain Lough rane and the crew of eighteen of the American steamer Lucy Neff. which foundered yesterday off the Delaware coast, arrived here to-day on the Brit ish steamer Chasehili. Captain Lough, rane said he sailed from Falmouth, Jamaica. December 6 with a cargo of logwood intended for American dye makers. After encountering high seas and terrific gales for several days the Lucy Neff sprung several leaks on the night of December 14, and although the freighter was in constant danger of sinking, the crew remained on board until the Chasehili came to their as sistance. Ten minutes after the last man liad left the Lucy Neff she sank. J A MRS A. CAMPDRLI, SAII> TO UK PICKED POR MERGER HE\l> Sflfj/at te The Telegraph New York, Dec lfi _ |s probab]e that tho merger of the Cambria Steel Company, tho Youugstown Sheet and Tube Company and the Lackawanna Steel Company will be effected on a cash basis. The Lackawanna Steel Company is understood to have beert of fered at SBO a share for its stock, but has not reached a decision whether to accept that figure. The holders of Youngstown Sheet and Tube will re ceive SSO and SHOO a share for their stock, it Is said, and th« Cambria will be the dominating flg.ure in the new company. James A. Campbell, presi dent of the Youngstown companv. is said to have been picked to head the new organization If the. merger Is ef fected. FALSE ALARM Firemen were called out this morn ing at 2:40 o'clock by an alarm from Box 134 Cameron and Market streets. Some one noticed a blaze in the Shaffer Wagon Works, at No. 88 South Cameron street, and notified Patrolman Hippie. A member of the firm was burning logs to keep warm, the steam pipes having been de tached. FAR BEST FOR COLDS Contains no Injurious Onus or licohiii PAINTINGS START FROM THE COAST Pan-American Art Works Will Be Disposed of About the State Capitol The Pennsylvania \\\ t y/j State building at A\\\ the Pan Francisco 7 exposition has been S!H decorations, paint vJflSSSstf inKH and fl| rniture,' 1 as we " as a num jiilSOSOiSJ!!*. hor of art ob ~ a S Jects, have been started across the continent to the State Capitol, according to a report made to-day to Governor Brumbaugh by Chester P. Ray, executive officer of the State commission. Mr. Ray has returned from the exposition, where lie had charge of closing up matters pertaining to the State commissfon. 1 he paintings and other objects will be placed- in the Capitol and the furni ture used as far as nracticable to fur nish some of the offices for new State bureaus. The commission will have a meet n?«?,lori'-v *-° c ' os e up its business. \\ ill Meet Here.—The Public Service Commission, which is holding hearings in several cities this week, will meet in Harrisburg next week, Monday hav ing been llxed for acting on appli cations for approvals of contracts, agreements and similar matters Among the cases to be taken up will be the Easton Transit Company cross ing, Scranton and Wllkes-Barre grade crossings and argument in the New Castle grade crossing controversy. The hearings in the full crew com plaint oases will be given Tuesday. ( elisors Are Husy. Arrests have been made in a dozen Pennsylvania cities for violation of the moving pic ture censorship law In the last eight weeks, according to men connected with the State Censors Board. The bulk of the prosecutions were for vio lations of the act forbidding display of pictures without State authority. The board has received considerable co operation from people connected with the departments of the State govern ment. Demonstrations Knd. Demon strations for Instruction of farmers and fruit growers of the state in meth ods of controlling fruit tree pests closed in Pennsylvania for this season to-duy and will be resumed in May of next year. There were over 500 dem onstrations held, every county having at least two and some more, accord ing to the number of farms and or chards. The attendance is reported as being the largest since the Depart ment of Agriculture began the work and in the last six years it is stated that the number of fruit trees, es pecially in industrial counties, like Allegheny and Delaware, has ma terially increased. New Liability Men. —Organization of a number of insurance companies with authority to write employers - liability insurance is contemplated, according to inquiries being made at the State Insurance Department. The depart ment has had numerous callers who ara interested in the formation of com panies and half a dozen applications for charters for such companies are pending. In addition a. number of out side insurance companies have applied for Pennsylvania rights. Awards Made. The awards of the contracts for the new State bridges at Sunbury and Camptown were made by the Board of Public (Jrounds and Buildings last night to M. H. Stobbins, Wellsboro. G. W. En sign, of this city, received the award for the Capitol sewer which Is to pre vent Hooding of the basement. Bridges Approved. The Water Supply Commission last night ap proved plans for a dozen or more bridges for the Baltimore nad Ohio Railway In Somerset county. Many Cases. Reports to the State Department of Health to-day were that there were 100 cases of measles in Orwigsburg. Legislators Here. Senator John W. "Hoke, of Chambersburg, and Rep resentative C. J. Hollingsworth, of Chester county, were callers at the Governor's office. Appointments in Compensation. Major M. A. Gherst, former State bank examiner, prominent in Na tional Guard and G. A R. affairs was to-day appointed to a posiUon in the compensation bureau and assigned to headquarters in this city. J. F. H. Houeweii, of Scranton, was appointed clerk to Referee G. W. Beamer. Laundrymen Organize. The State Laundry Owners" Mutuai Liabil ity Co., of Pittsburgh, was chartered to-day. William Frew Long, Pitts burgh, is president. Laundrymen all over the State are interested, W. E. Orth, of this city being one. Governor's Brother Here. Frank I I I ;l Men Want \ i| Sensible Things £ i! In buying a-Christmas gift for S \ a man, remember that he likes > 'i sensible, practical things—the ? [i sort of things this store sells. £ \ Our Christmas stocks of Men's 3j J Hats, Furnishing and Leather £ f Novelties has never been so S l ' complete as this Season. 5 [' Study this list of timely sug- 4 ■ ' gestions. 5 J Shirts SI.OO to s#.so £ / Neckwear 50c to $3.50 % f Bath Kobes . $-1 to 815 j % Sweater Coats $3.50 to $lO ? { Fur Caps $3.50 to $5 ij j Hats $2 to $5 ' ;■ Gloves SI.OO to $0.50 < i 1 I.eatuer Novelties, ,50c to $12.50 V if Mufflers 50c to *12.50 !• Pajamas SI.OO to $5.00 f % Silk Hosiery 50c io $3.00 / Ji Silk and Mnen Handkerchiefs— { ,■ plain or with initial, 25c to 50c t Beautiful assortments of Scarf f •J Pins, Tie Clasps, Cuff Buttons, £ % etc., also Canes anil Umbrellas ? |! EACH PACKED IN A BEAUTI- <| '! FUL HOLIDAY BOX !| '! OPEN EVENINGS !| I UcFALL'S ? Hatters, Men's Furnishers J' I" and Shirt Makers J Third and Market ;! DECEMBER 16, 191?. I I V7"OU are doing yourself an injustice if you neglect I ■ 1 to take advantage of the following money- ■ J I saving Week-End Grocery Specials. Understand \ I us correctly—these goods are in no way "off color" M —they're absolutely what we claim them to be. fl They must be right or our earnest wish is that you I LI • return them at once. Hr I.ant week we were unable <o Rupply the demand on W Home of our Speolols— HO our ndvtee la phone your J order early. Our delivery aervlce paaaea your door. FLORIDA ORANGES—Sealdsweet brand, large ■ and sweet. Consignment just arrived from the Sunny Southland. Fruit of this grade usually sells \ at 25c to 30c per dozen —but for the Week- 1 A TmL ■ End Sale they're priced at Al7 C GRAPE FRUIT Extra fancy; large and juicy, and also a product of Semitropical Florida. It's I seldom you've an opportunity to buy sucltf high Hp. grade fruit at such a price. 1 I Three for I *7 C ASPARAGUS Grown and packed in the mild I climate of California and delivered to you as tender- J est young tips of deliciousness; the regular price of nH which is 15c the can. For the Week-End Q Sale only, two cans for X %J C H "Everyday" Brand Peas and Hemingway Crush ed Corn—both the product of leading canneries. Regular price 15c or two for 25c, but for 1 to-morrow and Saturday, both for 1 i/C EGGS—Just out of storage, but all from farms nearby and carefully selected. Last week our cus- H _ toniers cleaned us out completely, so we'd QA W'm suggest buying early in the day. Per doz., Zi7 C B GOOD EATING BUTTER—Sweet and fresh. This grade of butter ordinarily would cost you 35c the pound. Last week we were also cleaned out on W this special, so we advise getting your order QQ |N |« in as early as possible. Per pound C GRANULATED SUGAR (two pounds) and one pound *f our "FAMOUS BLEND" COFFEE; a delicious and invigorating cup—the kind you'll stick \ ■tf to year after year and for which you'd or- Q Q W r ■ dinarily pay 33c to 35c per pound ; both for O C /GROCERY ST STORES F P|l 19 N. 4th St. 13th and Derry Sts. BL 109 N. Front St., Steelton, Pa. Brumbaugh, of Huntingdon, brother of the Governor, is a guest at the executive mansion. Going to Wollstioro. At the con clusion of the conference of tho Board of Grounds with the Harris burs: citv planners to-day Governor Brumbaugh will so to Wellsboro to attend the organization of the bis | farm bureau for Tioga county. State j Treasurer R. K. Young will entertain ! the Governor and his party, which j will Include Col. Ivolb. Ex-Senator U. j W. Williams will preside. WOMEN'S PAPER SEIZED > By Associated Press London, "Dec.* 16—(12:29 P. M.)—-I .The police last night raided the offices I of Brittania, the ollicial organ of the I Women's Social and Political Union Pale, Sallow Cheeks show that the blood Is impoverished and that the stomach is not prop erly jissimilating its food. In fact a woman's physical condition always shows in her face. Paleness, blotches, pimple 3, sallowness or dull eyes all Tell the Need Of Beecham's Pills. Women who are subject to these conditions should not fail to avail themselves of their prompt and beneficial effect. Beecham's Pills are prepared to furnish the necessary relief. They clear the system of impurities, gently stimulate the liver, regulate the bowels and tone the system. Their mild and thorough action quickly rid the skin of blemishes, improve the circulation and help the digestion. Every woman should know the comfort, and experience the help of Beecham's Pills Sold by druggist! throughout the world. In boxet, 10c., 15c. Direction* of Special value to Women with Every Bos. iHARRISBV/RG LIGHT tl &powER,Qa 1 Let Your Little Girl Learn to Cook 11 The Junior Electric Range is a pleasing and jjr practical gift. .* 0 Food can be cooked on the glowing heaters. w W : Pies can be baked in the oven. . W The cooking utensils are sturdy. w |f: Attach to any lamp socket. M and seized its outfit of types and other equipment. The journal was formerly known as The Suffragette. SELECT JUDGE TO HEAR DU PONT CASE Wilmington, Del., Dec. 16. By j reason of the disqualification of Judge | Bradford, because, of his relationship j with parties on both sides to sit on j the trial of the Du Pont Powder Com- I pany case recently brought In the I United States court in this district, Joseph BuiYington, ot Pittsburg, I senior judge in the third cir j cuit, notified the court, officials to j day, that Victory B. Wooley, of i Wilmington, ono or the circuit judges, j has been assigned to hear this case in the district court. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers