2 (^mfc»pciinyj r LVAnigf]^e^l INJUNCTION STOPS FIREHOUSE SALE Waynesboro Taxpayers Take Matter Before Franklin County Court Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Dec. 13.—Sale of Ihe Firemen's Hall here did not take place, as scheduled, on Saturday, on account of an injunction taken out by a number of firemen and taxpayers of the city, passed upon by Judge W. Rush Gillan, of Chambersburg, Just a few minutes before the property was to have been offered. For several months there has been ill-feeling between some members of tiie volunteer fire department here and two or three members of town council, and when council decided to sell the Firemen's Hall, thero was much criti cism on the part of residents of town. A petition to prevent the sale of the r \ Do You Feel Headachy? Look to Your Stomach > i It Is an unusual thing for a druggist to sell medicine under a guarantee to refund the money if it does not cure. Yet this Is the way that nearly every druggist in Harrisbur" is selling Mi-o na, the standard dyspepsia remedy. Druggists say that never before have they had so large a number of custo mers tell them that a medicine has been successful as with Mi-o-na. Peo ple who a few months ago suffered con timially with their stomachs to-day are ruddy and vigorous with perfect diges tion and good health. Tliey say Mi-o na did it. There no longer seems any need for anvone suffering or making their friends suffer on account of dyspepsia. Mt-o-na can always be relied upon. The percentage of success is so great that there is little risk In guarantee ing to return the money if the medl • hie does not relieve. And all the best druggists stand ready to do so without any questions. Headaches, all forms of indigestion* sp. ( ks before the eyes, dizzy feelings poor sleep, ringing in the ears and all forms of liver trouble are helped by Mi-o-na. A few days' treatment should show considerable gain in health, while n complete cure often follows rapidly. These days are the best In the whole year for the enjoyment of good health, and Mi-o-na will put you 111 such per fect condition that you can enjoy every minute of them. Sold and recommend ed by H. C. Kennedy and other leading druggists.—Advertisement. A Gift of Coal to Some Needy Family Will Cheer Nowadays the real spirit of Christinas seems to be more in evidence than ever before. Persons who can afford it think of the less fortunate ones first on their gift lists. If you would make some needy family happy and COMFORTABLE, as well, send them a gift of coal. Tell Kelley where to send it and the coal will be deliv ered. H. M.KELLEY CO. 1 North Third Street Tfulh and State Street* King Oscar 5 c Cigars have put the kibosh on that antique joke about the "cigars that wifey gave hubby at Christmas." The reputation of this brand for regular quality for 24 years is certainly all the assurance anybody could want that they are safe in getting King Oscar for any smoker. The brand that has been Santa's preferred gift smoke for 24 Christmases is surely on the job this Christmas. 9 Box of 25, $1.15 Box of 50, $2.25 Box of 100, $4.50 Regular Quality For 24 Years CLIP THIS COUPON FOR J The American Government ~ f I Ano *, * The Panama Canal , i BY nUEDKRIO J. HASKIK N , < ■* The Books That Show Uncle Sam at Work. 1 ' The Harrisburg Telegraph SHOW TO QET THESE TWO BOOKS FOR IS CENTS—Chit (rat a ► tb!s coupon. present it at our office with 91 cent*, to cover the * cost of production and distribution, and the set Is yours. Fif teen cents extra by mail. SOME FACTS ABOUT THESE BOOKS —Both are the same size and bound exactly alike in heavy cloth. Each has about t <OO pages printed on fine book paper. Both are profusely illus- I : trated with official etchings, drawings and maps. < ' ■ OUR GUARANTEE—This is not a money-making propo | sltlon. We are distributing these patriotic books at cost solely 1 because of their educational merit. 111 I I MONDAY EVENING, property was circulated and grot hun dreds of signers. This petition was ignored and the committee of firemen bearing the petition to the meeting of town council, was not permitted an audience in the matter or allowed in the meeting room. This brought about more trouble, and aa the taxpayers of Waynesboro were of the opinion that the town hall was the property of the citizens of Waynesboro, and their sympathies were with the men who have been protecting the town from fire for years they took an appeal to the Court. Judge Gillan granted a writ of injunc tion directed against the Burgess and Town Council of Waynesboro, enjoin ing them from proceeding with the sale of Firemen's Hall. The injunction is preliminary, to be made perpetual on iinal hearing Wed nesday, December 22, should the court be of the opinion that the complaint set forth in the bill justifies. SIT. JOY MASONS CELEBRATE Special to The Telegraph Mount Joy, Pa., Dec. 13.—Casiphta Lodge, No. 651, Free and Accepted Masons, of Mount Joy, Friday cele brated its thirty-fifth anniversary. An excellent menu was served. The of ficers will be elected later in the month. The following program was rendered: Music. March, orchestra; prayer, P. M., Henry Hershey Myers, Chaplain Caslphia Lodge; words of welcome, Henry Jacob Engle; wor shipful master; address, Thaddeus G. Helm, district deputy grand master; address, Joseph A. Lyter, Perseverance Chapter, No. 21, llarrisburg; address, John M. Moore, of a mem ber of Lucius Scott Lodge, No. 352, Chester Pa.; address, "Our Masonic Tome," Franklin Heckler, Lodge of 682, Elizabethtown; address, J. W. Gaugler, Cariphia Lodge, No. 631; music, orchestra. CONCERT AT IRVING COLLEGE Special to The Telegraph Mechanlcsburg, Pa., Dec. 13.—This evening the Irving College Gle® Club will give a concert in Columbian Hall and a silver collection will be taken for the poor of the town. On Wed nesday under the direction of Profes sor H. C. Harper, the Irving Choral Society will sing Nevin's Christmas Cantata, "The Adoration." • There will be a processional and a short organ re cital, consisting of favorite Christmas hymns, will precede the cantata. fhe Y. W. C. A. of the College is prepar ing a Christmas box for the Loysville Orphans' School. One hundred gilts will be provided for the youngest chil dren and the trimmings on the Chris mas trees used on Wednesday evening will be Included in the Christmas box. I'ARTY FOR WESTERN GUESTS Special to The Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa., Dec. 13.—Miss Irene Heck entertained at her home at Sh i reman.stown on Friday evening, in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bit ner, of Helena, Mont., who are guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Bitner, near Shiremanstown. BAZAR AT LEMOYNE Lemoyne, Pa., Dec. 13.—0n Thurs day, Friday and Saturday evenings a bazar will be held at the Lemoyne fire house under the auspices of the C. O. V. E. Sunday school class and the Ladies' Aid Society of the Church of Christ. Liver Sluggish? You are warned by a sallow skin, dull eyes, biliousness, and that grouchy feeling. Act promptly. Stimulate your liver remove the clogging wastes —make sure your digestive organs are working right and—when needed—take BEECHAIH'S PILLS UifMt Sal© of Any Medicine in the WorlJL Sold everywhere, la bexet, 10c., 250» WEST SHORE NEWS Social and Personal News of Towns Along West Shore Thomas Klinefelter, of Waynesboro, spent a day at Marysville. G. E. Stausbaugh, of York, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Lelby at Marysville. C. A. Williamson, of Marysville, Is at Pittsburgh. Mrs. W. K. Hopple, of Philadelphia, is visiting J. W. Beers at Marysville. Mrs. J. C. Hughes, of Paoli, Is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Sheaffer at Marysville. Mrs. Anna Curtis, of Lemoyne, has returned home after visiting at Marys ville. M»-s. Katherine Hall, of Sunbury, is visiting John Martin at Marysville. Mrs. Charles Eikcnberg and daugh ter Genevieve, of Pittsburgh, Is visit ing Mrs. Elkenberg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Colyer, at Marysville. Mrs. William Bender and daughters, Violet and Mary, of Heading, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 J. Shuler at New Cumberland. George Motter, of York, was at New Cumberland on business Saturday. Miss Baum, of near Newville, Is vis itin; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Baum, at New Cumberland. Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Swartz, H. S. Lenhart, and Mary Strine, of Emigs ville; were guests of D. Y. Lenhart's family in Geary Avenue, New Cumber land yesterday. Y. 1». M. S. BANQUET Marysville, Pa., Dec. 13. —The Y. P. M. S. of the Evangelical Church held Its first annual banquet in White's Hall. Several selections of music were rendered by the glee club and refresh ments were served. Those In the party were Misses Romalne Benfer, Edna Sellers, Marie Ilarrold, Edna Benfer, Frances Fortenbaugh, Ellen Gault, Anna Whltmeyer, Alda Gault, Estella Whltmeyer, Frances Lucken baugh, Mary Kocher, Mary Messinger and Anna Ilammaker, Casslus Ken nedy, Gordon Sklvington, Liawrence Kocher, Owen Kennedy, Walter Straw, Roy Meichley and Robert Brown, Mr. and Mrs. E. li. Kocher and son and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mutch and son. CIRCLE TO MEET New Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 13. Queen Esther Circle of the Methodist cljurch, will meet at the home of Mrs. T. nT. Heempt, in Reno street this evening. OFFICE FOR MILL COMPANY New Cumberland, Dec. 13. The Susquehanna Woolen Mill Company is having a large building opposite the mill remodeled to be used for an of fice for the company and will also be occupied by J. H. Reiff, attorney. CLASS EXAMINATION New Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 13. This evening the first official examina tion of the Union Teachers Training class will be held in the Sunday School room of Baughman Memorial church. AGEI> FARMER INJURED Special to The Telegraph Unicorn. Pa., Dec. 13.—James Lin ton, who is nearlw 80 years old, fell down a hay hole at Ills farm on Sat urday, breaking several ribs and being Injured Internally. DRUGGIST COMMITE SUICIDE Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Dec. 13. Tills community was greatly shocked early Sunday morning when It was learned that Wylie Paul Cashman,. a young drug clerk of town, a member of the Lutheran Church of the Royal Arcanum, had committed suicide Sat urday night by taking laudanum. Mr. ('ashman was one of the best known and most popular young men of Waynesboro and had ben employed in D. L. Miller's drug store here for the past ten years. He had been in ill health for several months. He is sur vived by his .wile and live children. KILLED BY BICYCLE Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Dec. 13.—Dr. Cal vin Shrader, of. Ringgold, Md.. died yesterday as the result of Injuries re ceived when run over by a bicycle ridden by James Oreager along the Ringgold road on Thursday morning. Death was due to a fractured skull and internal Injuries. TEXAS WOMEN* RAP WILSON Unseemly to Marry So Noon, Con federate Daughters Deelde Special to The Telegraph Austin, Tex., Dec. 13. —Just before the annual convention of the Texas di vision of the Daughters of the Con federacy came to a close here to-day a warm discussion was provoked over a resolution introduced by Mrs. A. H. Howard of Palestine, contratulating President Wilson on his approaching marriage and indorsing his prepared ness policy. The resolution was amended by striking out that part which referred to the coming matrimonial event on the ground that it was unbecoming and undignified for the President to marry so soon after his first wife's death. Offer to One Person in Each Family Enclose 10c In stamps or coin, to pay cost of packing and mailing, and we will send yon a regular 25c bottle of I.inonlne to try. Write name and street number distinctly and address, lierr Chemical Co., Daubury, Conn. Hacking Coughs Bronchitis And all forms of throat and lung complaints yield to Lino nine, which is MUCH more than a mere cure for colds—it goes deep audi does great good to the entire system, building up the body in strength and restoring vitality. Linonine takes effect at once, removing the cause, bring ing health to replace disease. 1 All druggists or tij wail— 2sc, 50c, 91. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Ny here »of qtonc brcmof* prlcea pre lower, b«t because qualities arc b«tt«rtM<*%»i>Wi|»ll%t|>MnmHi»»llMiWiWW» 0 Teeming With Gift Articles of Sterling Quality jj at Prices That Are a Boon to the Overtaxed jj Christmas Purse This Store Is Daily the jj] Mecca For Thousands of Gift-Seekers jj- I Stylish New Neckwear MANY JEWELRY NOVELTIES HERE He Will Appreciate— i|* ! K °.h-r«v: ■" h *" d - ,,uh - ru p!a" k " .::; *::;;:; it M x. Dr "- »:"••.«» »**«■»•. •» i I I' Holiday Neekneur In all the new- 'Mr eie«n« atone settings, special 25c Men-* <- ji. ' , .! ! i eat and lateat styles, a beautiful ' , - 0c Coin Purses 25c 1? r. l-lt. -i". S ." k " # nd *» ltted i ' assortment for gift purposes 25c Bracelets 25c Party Boxes at apednl prices. , variety of patternai , i i ! Holiday Seekwear In eollar and cult Lavallleren 35c Beaded Ha*. 25c 'J. " "J_ " ! ' sets at special prices. Brooches 2 5c £*71 I n..H. 1, *«snenders In holly boxes. 25e '! ~0,,, 1 l " > ' I Nov r Uy u, ; w * « ,nd Frills In Lace Plna 25c. «old and Silver Frames',l! 25c * M "." «.?£*«" '"."j 0 ' 1 / 3B< ' j! ; colored velvet, Milk and roae com- Lingerie riaini Ash Truvn 2Kc * 2 Ilk Hoie » black, n«vy, brown, , ! blaatlona 25 c CI "" M J? Cl.ar and Tobacco Jam at .pedal " d -PWUI 25c !; ; ; Crcpc dc Thine and Roman Stripe „ , " prlcea. Men»s Male Hose, all colora* apeclal I > , i Silk Tie* 115 c Beauty Plna 35c Cigarette Holder* at apeclal prlcea. 12V&C i' j[ w '-—r Tie., plain color, and plaids .I!!I! !! ! i 111 [ll K? Dwffi*!?. . *Se Glovea .. 25c j, ]; ■* &< complete stock of boya' wear at , i i i Doudolr Caps In plain net. shadow ~ equally attractive prlcea. <| J | and printed effects" at apeclai HANDKERCHIEFS FOR ALL Anrons A p .. , i ]! i, _ NEVER HAVE WIS SHOWN SUCH A PREITV LOT AT SUCH LOW PRICES !' ,> Mlk Moussellne Scarfs, all colors, 25c . rill. i> i feather Boas at apeclal prices. Ladles' Handkerchiefs, plain and em. Children's Handkerchiefs, plain and VJIIIS ! r'.lfT..., IIn.I I nee >,< i„i . ■""•'''red, each Bet 0 for 23c embroidered, each, 3c, 2 for .. 5c , „ . . ; nH.es Special Ladles' Handkerchlefa. apeclal as- children's Box Handkerchiefs ,tV « n °«»"l « nd Square Aprons, . !' I» rlw "- sortment. each 10c; 3 fSr ... 35c • B »* Haadkerchiirfs, „r «, le , rlmni( .,, wlth em _ ~ |! || Ladles' Fine Handkerchiefs, with „ , , broidery anil lace, large assort- Hosiprv AlwaVt embroidered cornera |a%c Men»a White and Colored Border meat 2ffc < » , IlUSiery Always Arrontonlfl novelties, hnad-embroldered cor- Men's White and Colored Border and mutds, piuin. trlnrmed and i» I I rtCCCJJIaUIC ners, beautiful showlnfc 2Bc Handkerchiefs, each 10c< 3 for 2Bc tucks a 5„ i| Ladles' Black Lisle Hose AU-llnen Handkerchiefs, Men's All-Ilnen Handkerchiefs, Glußrliam Aprons, large variety of <' ! Ladles' Mlk Boot Hose, black, white Ladles' Crepe l d?VhUe S *> f rh V' , "-. V lK ' 10c ! and tnn 25c chiefs, white and calora 2Bc Men'a Initial Handkerchlefa, all In- Chlldrea'a Apron* 25c 1 | i Ladles' Silk Lisle Hose, all colors Ladles Initial Handkerchiefs, two Itlals 12% c and 25c Bungalow Aprons at special prices. !> ' ! . ..... 25c special qualities, all letters. All Silk Handkerchiefs In plain, - . _ __ ... '! ! I Ladles' Wool and Fleece Lined Hose 13>/4c and 35c bordered and Initial styles .. 230 Little Needfuls For Babv ' I | Children's Black and Tan Hose ..10c _ __ _ _ jT# >ann H . u . .. i 1 i i , T -. *■' toys—dolls—games Si i I i ."St More Than Ever This Year, And No Advance in Price. |: |i , "' nn< " 10c to 25c (3nd flQO ' p fro „ t)| Flannelette Skirt «! ! ' ri nva . T«« M„l.. C' , TOYS and GAMES—There's hardly a Pianos, Picture Puzzles and hun- Shoes and Moccasins 3Bc I ! Uioves, 100. maKe fine game, old or new, that's not to be dreds of others too numerous to Battles -an . „ ' I r-U '" ,, nd «» ««""• show ing of toys. mention, at prices ranging from " ''' ' 10c and 25c ~ ]i (jlfre From the checker board to the 10c to 25c leetblng Blngs Be and 10c croklnole board, the range Is com- DOLLS—Our line of dolls ia eape- Comb and Bruah Seta ... 25c c 1 ! Suede Lined Gloves, In leading col- S '"finding Rope Toss, Lotto, daily worthy of mention. There Special lot of Noveltles fo» n-h- is- l! ; i ors for Ladle, and Misses * 2Be Soldier Nine Pins, Palnta. Horns. are Dreaaed Dolla, Kid Body Dolla, n . fc w n.-«i w I « i ! Chaniolsette Glove. 250 Boinlnoa, Blocka, Mechanical Toya, Bag Dolls and Celluloid Dolla In Baby Blrtli Books 25c c I ] I Ladles' and Misses' Wool Gloves and Stovea, Dlshea, Caah llegiatera, wide variety ait 25c or leaa. Baby White Dreaaea and Sllpa .. 25c J! i | Mlttena, white and colors, Baby Plates 25c '' i! wool Giove. and Mitten.'V" PURE CHRISTMAS CANDIES HERE B " by Spoon " |! i| Children and Baby, all color., 1 Unb VlllVttf 1 XTIrtJ VrtHUlCa ntl\L Baby Knife and Fork Set / < 10c aad 250 Mixtare, Clear Toya and Hari< Candlea, Sweet Kia.ea, Dainty r>*t. e . J ms n . , —,, Ribbon Candles, lb |oc Chip., Glace Chip., Smlck-Smack., (j|ff SuffffEStlOnS in Rpailv. '! Manv Suggestions in Toilet l " TKt Naaortment «f piam .nd etc., ib 2 oc in iveaay- , , "icmy UUggCMIOIIS in I OIICI Fancy Candlea. lb 10c Jordan Almond., apeclal, half pound tO<Wear * Articles Aa.orted Chocolates, 20 flavor., npe- 20c teat j ( jI 1 cial, lb 20c Maraschino Chocolate Dipped Cher- Ladles' Flannelette Sacques .... 25c ]! I > Colgate's and Brown's Perfumes and Box Choeolatrs, box ... 10c and 35c rles, special, half pound .... 35c Ladles' Percale Waists '' II !■. f ?"£°ini h S c W"- Ff, " d c " dy S . tr " w ". , ."ss; ch pouiT.. . A : m . ond ":.."!??■!..'2o' L ".^:;.^:^ir d Pr icV."* skiria ,u j| Talcum Ponderi Isc anil 25c Ladles' Flannelette Sklrta —.. 25c '[ !| SK Miscellaneous Gift Articles Box Stationery, Xmas i 1 ] | Soap Boxes 10c and 25c r> 1 I 1 i n. Knitted Scarfs - ii O "' ,T "- -"i rST* £ Cards, Labels, Etc. £ i !; nad Cuticie. ::::::: Combs . ,oe. 15c; l»c and 25c B « St. sp^,.^ value Child 's Dresses 25c «! 1 Ivory Finish Shoe Buttoncrs .. 25c 1 ndlcn' llnml 11..r. 2-t,. i>i_i_ ' Chlldren'a Hompers .......... 2B«. <! ! Ivory Finish shoe Horns 25c . B " BS 2 PI " lB wh, «* »<>* Stationery Bov)> , Woo , «» i> Ivory Finish Soap Boxes 2Bc Pockethooks 25c 10c and 35c ,l I I Ivory Finish Powder Box and Hair Music Rolls 23c Celebrated Pineapple Linen Box Sta- waists 25c 1] ! •. «. HS C Novelties in shell Goods, such as I '"" ,n white. Hue, lavender DIP AII A I L» f? ?.» i i " i.' J 5 * Braid Pins. Back and Side Combs, T.I«"!!„?'!" I ," * *";" 2!ir DOOKS For All Aires ! III Ivory finish of all de- Bnrrettes »#<• in,, and 2r.0 Pineapple I.lnen Correspondence «aa njsa ! scrlptlons at special prices. ,"f . " 10c and 35c Cllrd , t box . 2 5c There's good rcadln E nmvlded for ' II Manicure Scissors 25c Fancy Garters 25c Fancy White Holly Boxes reading provided for ], ; Pink and blue lland Mlrrora ... 25c • lothea Brushes 25c 3c. sc, H<-, 10c and 15c y"" 11 * » nd old - Ot courae, c! ,i Pink and blue Combs 25c Shoe Trees, ribbon trimmed ... 25c Calendars, joe *he widest provision ia made for !' j; Pink anil blue Trays 35c Ladies' and Chlldren'a Belts Christmas Booklets, Labels, Tngs, the young f o l*s. For boys, girla !! | Ivory Bottle Holders 35c I°° " nd 2fi «* etc le, 3c, sc. 8c and 10c .... . ooys, giria ], Shirred Blbbon Elastic Webbing, all Post Card Alboms »Bc children we have provided all «' Useful Xmas Gifts ::::::::::::::: m "77- - £.££ SSTLTSZ ii Art Needle Work Den't *" " l "" i: J1 r mind. Hundreds of works, includ- 1 ! a J. stamped Tie, Towel aad Pipe Rartta i»« the many favorite a.ria. for !| " Pin Cuahlon Formi, matin and mua- p | T r I boya and girla are to be found Ila 10c and 25c J J J| a w here at prlcea thai range from J; Satren Cushions, all colors .... 25c 10c to 350 ' 1 ( > Crochet Bedroom Slippers, special _ «| Felt Cushloas aad Felt Library Ig% g% I I M- M. WM \ !' Crochet liand lings mid Embroidery it wi lo c uepu oiore i FRAMED ii i Samples; one-third off. £ i 1 ,1 Drawn Work Scurfs, Pillow Shama IM7L f f n _ P|PriJRpQ i and Stui.d Covers. 50c value 25c VVH.CTB aLVGTV L)(IV IS tSciranm lin\} UllJ i j! Hand C'ochet and Battenberg doll- ~C,C **UrgUin LJUy A complete line of framed pie- !' (! ies 10c and 25c ns mm a n. y", v tures, all new subjects, apeclal, |! jj 'TSf 215 Market St., Opp. Courthouse 10 to 25 ct«. |i iiiiiiniiwmnmtmimiumiiiunni Ten Boys Sentenced to > Attend Sunday School Special to The Telegraph North Yakima, Wash., Dec. 13. — Ten boys, ranging from 12 to 14 years of age, charged with stealing a cask of communion wine from the basement of the German Lutheran Church, were ordered by Probation Officer Lanlngham, to whom they were turned oyer by the chief of police, to attend Sunday school at some church for ten Sundays and pay the church the value of the wine. Laningham will give the boys time to earn the money to pay the church and will require certificates from some Sunday school superintendent and the pastor of the church as proof of at tendance, failing they will be taken into the delinquent court. CASHIER'S 75T11 BIRTHDAY Special to The Telegraph Annvllle, Pa., Dec. 13.—George W. Stein, cashier of the Annvllle National Bank, celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday anniversary on Saturday. REV. DR. YATES AT DEDICATION Special to The Telegraph Marietta, Pa., Dec. 13.—Yesterday the new building of the Church of the Brethren at Progress was dedicated with special services. The Rev. Dr. VV. N. Yates, of Harrisburg, delivered the morning sermon and the Rev. J. C. Forncrook, of Penbrook, that of the afternoon. SERMON BY REV. DR. I/OWERY Special to The Telegraph Paradise, Pa., Dec. 13. —St. John's United Brethren Church was dedicated yesterday. The Sunday school opened with services, addressed by the Rev. Dr. D. D. I/Owery, of Harrisburg, and Superintendent A. E. Longenecker. RTFIjE BARRELS FOR RUSSIA Special to The Telegraph Marietta, Pa., Dec. 13. The Na tional-Ore Separator Company has sold all Its machinery used In the con struction of separators and will Install new machinery, the purpose being the manufacture of rifle barrels for the Russian army. FURNISHED HOUSE WITH 3,000,000 TOBACCO TAGS Special to The Telegraph Alton, 111., Dec. 13.—John Hader lein, 38 years old. Standard Oil boiler maker at Wood River, in five years has saved over 3,000,000 tobacco cou pon tags. He has furnished his four room house with the premiums from tags. He gave 750,000 coupons for the piano which adorns his home, and is now on the last lap of saving enough for a flve-passenger automobile. THROUGH SI.EEPING-CAR TO JACK SOIVVIM.K ON C. V. R. R. Sleeping car on C. V. R. R. train leav ing HarrtKburg at 11.00 p. m. now runs through to Jacksonville, Fla., via N. & W. and A. C. I*—Advertisement. Truly goodness, purity and durabil ity is characteristic in the Becker & Sons" piano. Spangler, Sixth, above Maclay.—Advertisement. I Real Primitive Man Is Needed in This Play By Associated Press New York, Dec. 13.—The bazar for ) the benefit of St. Mark's hospital will . open at the Grand Central Palace, II to-morrow, and will continue through 11 the week. i Yesterday the publicity agent in charge of the bazar, and he was cor roborated by Mrs. Gouverneur Morris, chairman of the committee, an nounced that they were looking for a primitive man to play opposite a ! primitive maiden in John Murray An derson's "Pageant of the Dance." The i publicity agent's announcement put i their search in these words: "A most artistic rough-stuff interpreter of the wooing of a primitive lady by a still more primitive Stone Age Man." They hope to get "a desirable neolithic male." They already have In Misj Ina Hammer a young woman who is always ready to play the girl's part. Among those who will be present during the bazar will be Deo Ditrich stein, Gouverneur Morris, Charlotte of the Hippodrome, the Misses Florence and Mary Nash, Ethel Barrymore, Lydia Lopoukowa, Julia Arthur, Elsie Janis, Mary Pickford, Rita Jollivet, Anne Meredith, Margaret Crawford and Chauncey Olcott. BANK OFFICERS CHOSEN Special to The Telegraph Duncannon. Pa., Dec. 13. —At a meeting of the board of directors of the People's National Bank on Fri day evening Mervln Dightner, of Lan dlsburg, was elected cashier to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Charles W. Bothwell, who has ac cepted a similar position In a bank at Pennsgrove, N. J., and Rex Zelgler, of this place, was elected teller. HAS 81/OODPOISONING Special to The Telegraph DHlsburg, Pa., Dec. 13. Charles Bowman, of Franklin township, Is suf fering with bloodpoisonlng in his right hand. ABOUT 300,000 BABIES DIE BEFORE ONE YEAR The Census Bureau estimates that 300,000 babies died in this country last year before the age of one year, and it 1 is stated that one-half of these deaths were needless if all mothers were strong and infants were breast-fed. Expectant mothers should strivetoin crease their strength with the strength building fats in Scott's Emulsion which improves the blood, suppresses ner vousness, aids the quality of milk, and feeds the very life cells. Physicians prescribe Scott's Emulr sion; it is doubly important during nursing. No alcohol. Everydruggist has it. Insist on Scott's—the white food medicine. No advanced prices. I Scott & Bowuc. Bloomfield. N J. 15-27 DECEMBER 13, 1915. Becomes Too Large For His Clothes in Week Special to .The Telegraph Moultrie, Ga„ Dec. 13. —The par ents of Harry Connelly, a Colquitt county youth at the age of 13, are up against It. In fact they are up against Harry, who shows a strange and even phenomenal persistence In the matter of growth. Harry's longitude on this date is 6 feet and 5 inches, and local specula tors are making a book on what he will register at the next measure ment, to be taken Saturday night. Harry's parents are distressed about Harry's clothing, which appears to draw up on him almost as soon as he gets into it. They buy Harry a suit on Monday, say, and by the end of the week he looks as if he was in knee pants again. In the last two years Harry, who was a perfectly nor mal infant and young boy, has been giving a startling illustration of the performance of the beanstalk set out by the well-known Jack of the story books. BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists. jg Be Independ I A Bank account will make you so—Start one today |L rpHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Invites your account for any amount over one dollar. You can deposit $27 large or small amountn, anU get a regular pass book, SXij which enables you to draw or deposit your monpy at will. 7SH On this modern plan you can draw a part of your money rtgi without disturbing Interest on the balance, and if your Q3 money has been here three months, you will get 3 per gfj cent, compounded semiannually. vy On* of tha strongest and oldest banks In Central Penn- jza sylvanla. z§f Capital Stock $100,000.00 ' QS Surplus $500,000.00 § First National Bank 224 Market St. g HARRISBt'RG, PENN A. V§? Aviator Brings Suit For Injuries at Juniata Fair Special to The Telegraph Lewistown, Pa., Dec. 13.—Suit has been brought in the United States Dis trict Court by Harvey Kays and Halde man von Figyelmessy against the Juniata Agricultural Society. The suit arises from an accident that occurred on the Port Royal fair grounds in 1914, when the aeroplane that Figycl messy was flying in was wrecked and the aviator had a leg broken and re ceived other injuries. The aviator al leges that the fair authorities were negligent in not keeping the people from the place where he was supposed to alight. - ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap substitutes coat YOU aama price. fCHAS.miI THE UNDERTAKES Mztk and lOallnr Striata v UrM aubOiliaaLßM fcdlMaa. Ntmtd CU ••roorphMMu Wul to av*btn at root call, otor terries. No ftmerml too mill. Nou tna npcocire. ChwaW mat, vault. No. awd Mafcatfa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers