I JSjoamaiti ™Z. 1 JSxximaaX 1 J.™™. | fijowmarit F ZT 6 j | A Spacious, Cheerful Storehouse of Christmas Wonderment M *" very visi ble part of this new and modernly constructed 25rjES5£S (ma,n >' i JA# kStorc . pictures Christmas readiness and holds forth tcmpt- I SfeST""" Toy Town Is Santa's Own Joy Shop To-morrow at a Saving For Boys and Girls \ '' %! 4* * \ FOR WOMEN Wv xt" I - x-i • tr \kt~ 5c Quality, 3 for lOf. Ilcrc Santa Has sent everything that he could think of for the nleasure of little foll- Choice Hosiery For Wo- Plain hemstitched, embroidered Tnv ic , n.rWt„ La. ft. x- , , piedSUl eot "»le tolU. mrn Alwavs Arcentahle I corners, in white and colors. perfecth wonderlul town. \ou need only to glance over the accompanying Always /%cccpi«uic | Samp , cs list to note the important features. / * ! For that little remembrance 15c Handkerchiefs, 3 for 35e. iKlflLyjrWiMm y° u contemplate giving, noth- In linen and Shamrock, plain, and Dolls, Teddy Bears, Stuffed Animals, Games, Trains, Mechanical Toys \jL=^\m)ms> ing could be more givable. some have white and colored em- Friction Toys, Sand Toys, Model Builders, Electrical Toys 6 f W iT'fib"" silk';' pat 25™ ■ll 50c. All linen; neatly embroidered to Toys, Books, Wheel Goods, Sporting Toys, and llfl e!s' ' Women's plain black silk lisle, imitate madeira work. ever so many more. 11l double soles, high spliced heels, wide man s Main Floor t • J(I garter tops; three pairs in box; J 't is well to remember that Bowman Toy Prices are the same moderately low prices that llk pair. II5e; box, #I.OO. have made this a center of toy buying in previous seasons J Vii Burson seamless hose, regular and S Im extra sizes, medium and heavy / ' . fty\ ' u- • j « t T . weight; pair. 'i.3f. / <g> f)s \ J <u\ \ Have you visited Santa in His Has the little tot received a A P alr ot Slinners Makes SUmF* b ~ e * pair ' ' Castle-fourth floor? Tell letter from The Santa Claus All V , „ P f! r f < £S\* liose, plain I him soon what you want. Post Office-fourth floor? A Useful Holiday Girt black, Rouble soles; white also; If l n Doubt; Gloves For ; ~~ Leather, iclt. satin, >tra\\ and Women's thread silk hose, plain 1 " Her" Should Decide Choice Blankets Include [ A ]V/f„ I? I erry slippers (or men and wornen black-and eolors; pair, *I.OO, *1.30 y ; , • . Bathrobe Patterns A IVldn S OCnSC OI LCOnOIKIV in bewildering abundance, l air, and $3. . . j J 3.1 fto *4.00. Kayser's Italian silk hose, black making selection here, trom Beacon Blankets, in a large as- Cannot fail to see thr o-onrl in mirchncinn- , Mon' 1 m hi-u'L- i-i 1 L-in -iin and colors: pair, #1.50. the country's most widely sortment of patterns; $3.75 to .7 annot 131 ' to see the g<Dod in purchasing a garment; a thor* per- both'hi"h ind lmv cut* Pair Complete lines of silk hose in extra known producers. Styles are $4.25. & 1 y good gai ment in every way when the price is several dol- Li jc| o "i' u i°" cuts. iair, sizes; pair. SI.OO, #1.50 and $3. decidedlv smartest Beacon Teddy Bear Blankets in larsless. ' * . . , . , . . bowman's— Main Floor - " „ . . . various colors and designs; some . . , . \\ omen s hue kidskin boudoir 16-button length French kid an im a ls and checks; 50<s to $1.75. This is how it happens: dippers with low heels, in all the $2.98 Will Buy glovs with three pearl buttons, self Indian Blankets in an excellent Suits bought to sell at <5lB tn W wanted colors. Pair, $1.19. A VaCUUHI Sweeper embroidery; pair, assortinent of Indian desig ns, Bought to sell at $lB to $25. Mack Leggings wo- A machine that sweeps and cleans ti«> i>°„' r. $1.69. oame grade of suits purchased now (three months later) to men s, '•>('; misses, t»0f: chil- by vacuum at the same time. "Em- t ' . , x u Bathrobe Blankets with cord and sell at dren's, 50f. pire" by name. Regular price is ".th two pearll clasps and heavy | , assds; vario us colors; bo«d sepa o7(*t " contrasting embroidery; pr., W4.SO. r BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor Tlip To<rn<;ta a Qnft nlinhlp WiH- lately, . Ihe Jogosta a soft pliable kid Cotton Blankets, white and gray <t 1A 7C nn/j (£ 1A 7C glove, two-clasp; P K. stitching wit h colored borders; 74x80 inches; $14./3 UfiU J>LO./o a | /<-|-vi T T J 1 with narrow embroidery; in black. - r gg About 1 hree rLundred STiiS. African and ydlow; fin c r f r*-!r deof ji |k o f ,ine ,, i, " d «,« 1 T %, , . , . , filled with excellent grade of cotton; c„: fe The Peerless a two-clasp lamb- r. , buits for men and young V nftirT MSESStok. New Taffeta Blouses at contrasting embroidery, pair, $1.75. , and double bed sizes; various pat- Fabrics are typical of the JJ-fIT ETA ] C> OAA frownes two-clasp overseam terns and materials. ootl P co P le who made L 3) 1 ,OU and s "l : P& - r : *! .. Pillow Cases - embroidered seal- them. TT ,e i sta an exceptionally loped pillow cases, made of Pequot Worsteds in blue, navy,ft 1,„ • t • i . i m. j t . . good go\e. m >a< .. \\ lite and tan; tubine; 45x36 inches: neatlv boxed. gray, brown and mixtures. have just arrived and will goon sale to-moiiow. Some with Pans point embroidery; pair. at 85<! pair Bolster to Inatch at stripes, checks, and over- are duplicates of those now on sale, and others are alto- . , ~ ... , *, «s<'. Embroidered sheet, 81x00 in- plaids in soft materials. WArTv^MiV&r , t . . kayser's double silk gloves lor ni . uti «« • U vfiiK I^o'v/l'ilSvjk get her new styles. elderlv women* in blacl- white and ches > to match, at Hfl.W. These in addition to the tremendous quantities now being .^y;" pa ir, and SI.OO. i.m man Ifa's Is No Time to offered in the " What's New In "Put I . wrist strap; pair. 75 fand SI.OO. i 5-- O Overcoat lm Christmas Sale Millinery. Many a man can tell you fj < I^Sl of Rlnil<iP<i Comb, Brush and Mirror must not interfere with our le^ng^overcoat^ere. 50 hUh^l^l Sets showing the newest millinery pj c ' ma a Slllar t Iffij 1 1 —will find the several tables (on rFnnPf\ Guaranteed Silver ucation*., and lurt ait- form-fitter or a conserva- tfiiji'l r ! lwm OT main floor) as well as Waist De- AHH!\\ at *2.49 live Chesterfield in one of Pj!l»f //W||B : Sll |l partment (on third floor) active A special offering of $3.50 to $5 j s«ta Ftaral wrbaSs! ! a °' cc . ~ al). r ics' 11 . r ir* i • c & I \i \ trades. Lnch set is DBckcd in q tidv i ' <ind feel sure tlicit his dress j AlrW * j Jijl 1 II centers ot gitt buying. /Ti| c g Jj\\ silk box for gift giving. ' -\ lostl - v quaint; close-fitting |is correct. ||r' . i| \ New taffetas, come in white, Vm, M VAf ) Another lot of those quaint little turbans; small and novel. Also ; Prices are $9.90 to $35. "I «« I flesh, pink, Aile, maize, lavendar, iiW / cut glass mustard pots with silver " c i v basin shapes. navy and black. tops, are here to be bought at 'i9c. Sp " ial ? alc of Plumcs > | bowman's— Second Floor. For the benefit of those who can- / bowman's— Main Floor and sl.«<ss 18 inches 'ong; 8 , ; , j. A \ inches wide; newest shades; not shop during the week, a goodly A ( \ > Put ThpCP On remarkable value. Paradise I 6t J-J 99 TkJ'H T* C\ £ portion will be reserved and placed 1 \V ) lUI 1 liese feathers at various prices. 116T KJltt VVtll LJe \JtIQ Of On Sale at 1 P. M. ' « C ,f+ 1 Jcf BOWMAN'S-Third Floor " > ' fllS L.ISC EM , * IT TL 100 Lingerie Waists at 39c New Neckwear Gitt Silks In Hjl&gQflCG, KstlOS&tl x TOTYI 1 1I6S& Oil sale when store opens, (9 A. M.). Good styles and clean, which • V M , °? r,ng a new lot of four- Christmas BoXCS O cannot last long. in-hands that are exceptionally rich 0 ,"," c ., Sll&&eSttOnS m color and color combinations. 30-inch Plaid latleta Silks, in u oC C-./r• •_x f. _ Referring to small floral designs. bright color combinations, for surricient Quantities to Lnoose trom j} ut those are only a small part of waists, skirts and suits. Yard, Throughout the ready-to-wear department are many In the Other Lots * Striped Taffetas - green practical gifts that the recipient would greatly appreciate. Neatly boxed for gift giving, if desired. 50e. and blue two-tone Stripes; navy, _ An ex quisite Plush Coat —Evening Dress or Street At 50? and 75£—Lingerie blouses. Gloves green, brown. Yard, sl.oo. either plain or smartly trimmed Frock, and there are strikine At .sl.so—Crepe de chine and tub silk. Wholly appropriate are these cape 36-mch Waist and Shirting Silks, witk fur _^ upward. models anlentv a - AA tA" 4 i j i • and mocha cloves at SHI.OO, are e\- striped wash silk crepe de . . .. , c u oucis apicnty. a. a ?. nd Cr ? e J- ch,ne ; cellcnt wearers. chines. Yard, A 1 J-J and chine and Georgette. 40-inch Silk Crepe dc Chines, in from the very large variety of sortment; sl<9B to sr> . At JM* and s6 Lace waists. Hosiery. Surely. street and evening shades. Yard, skins slij upward. Daintv creoe or silk Kimono • , . , Well-known makes of silk hose; $1.09, $1.35 and $1.50. -Warm Cloth Coat, one of ' Ihe remainder or our high class ana exclusive boxed, 50* to $1.50. Waist and skirt length crepe de man v styles s9.,>o upward. *1.7.i to mill. imported French Waists will enUr the sale to- : vario„ s s l,.cle s; s i,K -d -wltt morrow; each marked at $8 —a wonderful saving. Fme quality cotton hose; 4 pair down silks; marked at tempting $35. BOWMANS-Third Floor hi box, at 500. prices. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor . BOWMAN'S—Main Floor ' - 1 FRIDAY EVENING, HARJRISBURG $&&& TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 10. 1915 3
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