Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 10, 1915, Page 24, Image 24

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Healthy Old Age
Brings Happiness
Simple Remedy Promotes Health
By Overcoming Tendency
to Constipation.
Advancing years impair the action
of the vital organs. Old age should
bo the period of greatest happiness,
but good health is necessary. Consti
pation should not be tolerated —it Is
often the direct cause of 111 health.
Headache, belching, biliousness,
bloat, drowsiness after eating and
other symptoms of constipation can
be readily relieved by the use of a
simple laxative compound sold in drug
stores under the name of Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin. Mr. J. 11. Bristol,
1412 Geddes Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich..
who Is 83 years old, says "Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin is the best remedy
I ever used for constipation and I al
ways have a bottle of It in the house
to use when I feel the need of it; It
never disappoints."
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a
mild laxative preparation, positive In
Its effect, acting easily and naturally
without griping or other pain or dis
comfort. For over a quarter of a
century It has been the standard
household remedy in thousands of
homes. Druggists everywhere sell It
More Plans Issued to Manufac
turing Plants to Stop Taint
of Streams
The State Department of Fisheries
to-day sent out three sets of prints of
the system of filtration which is being
recommended by the department to
the Highland Milk Condensing Com
pany, Elkland, Tioga county: the Hel
vetia Milk Condensing Company,
Westficld, Tioga county and the Wood- '
lawn Farm and Dairy Company, Lake j
Winola, Wyoming county. These are >
Rub pain away with a small J
trial bottle of old
"St. Jacob's Oil."
What's Rheumatism? Pain only. |
Stop drugging! Not one case in |
fifty requires internal treatment. Rub i
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs OH" j
directly upon the "tender spot" and ;
relief comes instantly. "St. Jacobs
Oil" Is a harmless rheumatism and
sciatica liniment, which never disap
points and can not burn the skin.
Limber up! Quit complaining! Get
a small trial bottle from your drug
gist, and in just a moment you'll be
free from rheumatic and sciatic pain,
soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't t
suffer! Relief awaits you. Old, hon
est "St. Jacobs Oil" has cured mil- >
iions of rheumatism sufferers in the
last half century, and is just as good
lor sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, back
ache, sprains and swellings.—Adver
i isement.
1 #*>.*** f~ *"**
I ****> ****<#*?? \
e 1
1 >«kU* I ({^JC^O \AA***** j0 I
If —--^*1
1 ,<*uA/ V 7
9 North Market Square
Jt • -"t
' -- ■ ; ■;
i. m &
for fifty cents a bottle. A trial bottle
of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin can be
obtained, free of charge, by witlng
to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 454 Washing
ton St.. Monticello, Illinois.
the first prints which have been sent
out under the campaign recently start
ed by Commissioner Buller to clean
up the streams of the State and there
are tinder course of preparation about
twenty prints and data which has been
j reported to the department by the
; wardens now on the streams and these
will be sent out just as soon as they
can be prepared. The prints are ac-j
companied by a letter which are sent
by registered mail and a receipt must
I be returned to the department so that
. there will be no excuse due to not re
ceiving same.
This work is being pushed vigorous
ly by Commissioner Buller and will
be kept up until the enUre State is
covered. As the department onlv has
nine men to do this work it will natur
ally go slower than if It had the thir
ty allowed by law.
Commissioner Buller is on an in
spection tour of the Bellefonte, Corrv,
Erie and Union City hatcheries. The
new hatching building at Bellefonte
is practically completed and will be
ready for use in about two weeks. The
cold weather the last few days in the
Northeastern part of the State has
hampered the work on the Wayne
county hatchery.
By Asioci'Utd Press
I Amsterdam, via London, Dec. 10. —
j A German official statement received
' here from Berlin declares unfounded,
| reports appearing in newspapers in
' the entente countries of the sinking
j of the armored cruiser Dertflinger, the
.small cruiser Frauenlob, a :;,000 ton
cruiser off Windnu, and two sub
, marines in the straits of Gibraltar.
! The statement also denies reports of
i the destruction of the submarine by a
British aeroplane and the capture by
j the British of a new submarine, re
| oently commissioned at Stettin.
Salvation Army Prepares
For Care of Homeless Men
Rooms are being fitted xip at the
Salvation Army, 522 Race street, for
JlPi'ielesij tuejT.diiripg' the Cap
tain M. Neilsen, who has charge of
the work, has moved from 522 Race
street to 2218 Atlas street.
Persons having donations of bed
clothes, linens, outer garments and
shoes are asked to send them in or
notify the Salvation Army at head-
I quarters. The rooms being remodeled
j for the men were occupied by Captain
Neilsen and his family.
SO.N V11.1.E ON C. V. H. 11.
Sleeping car on C. V. R. R. train
leaving llarrisburg at 11:00 P. M. now
runs through to Jacksonville, Fla., via
X. & W. and A. C. L—Advertisement.
■ ■
i V
v • •
■ I
. -'
- JB B
The attraction at the Orpheum to
morrow, afternoon and evening; will be
Andrew Mack in his new play with
Kont's, "The Irish Dragoon."—Adver
To-night—Wrestling Matches.
To-morrow, matinee and night—An
drew Mack in "The Irish Dragoon."
Wednesday night, December 15—Ruth
St. Denis, assisted by Ted Shawn and
a notable company of American and
Hindu Dancers.
Thursday, matinee and night, Decem
ber 16—"Beauty, Youth and Folly."
Friday night, December 17 "A Pair
of Silk Stockings."
Saturday, matinee and night, December
IS—"Her Price."
Oriental dances, particularly the
dances of India, have found a very skill
ed translator in a dancer of American
origin—Miss Ruth St. Denis. Although
this world-famous artist has never vis
ited India, she has made a life study of
the dances of the Far East and has for
many years mingled freely with the
native Hindoos, studying their art, their
religion and character; she has pene
trated into the spirit of the people as
far as it is possible for a Westerner to
do so, and has, in fact, caught the ges
ture of the East. Ruth St. Denis and
her company of dancers comes to the
Orpheum Theater, Wednesday night,
December 15.—Advertisement.
"A Pair of Silk Stockings," which
Winthrop Ames presents at the Or
pheum for an engagement of one night,
Friday. December 17, is one of those
charmingly done and refreshingly light
comedies which Mr. Ames knows so
well how to do. "A Pair of Silk Stock
ings" is the work of Cyril Harcourt.
the English playwright, novelist and
actor, and it will be performed here by
a notable company, including Sam
Sothern. the distinguished comedian,
and brother of E. H. Sothern.
The action of the play revolves in
the home of English gentlefolk—that
of .Sir John Gower. and furnishes much
material for amusing smart scenes and
witty dialogue.—Advertisement.
If "music hath charms," the the Ma
jestic's bill for the last half of the week
has those things, too." It's supplied
chiefly by the Crossman Entertainers,
J%r Factory-Outlet Shoe Co.,
16 North Fourth Stroot
WALTER L. STERN, . . . Manager kmfr
Ladies'Felt Juliets 11 i« 11-JIJ—«. Boys' Tan Storm Spl
l l\ nc; Novelty Holiday J J
»,*? n,B v7 an « and That MaVp Practical children's scuffer
Black Kid Romeo 1 llcll IfldXG rldbllUdl Shoea _ IJatent ( . olt /V
amhpi suppers, and Inexoensive Gifts skin ' tan calf ° r L
1 95c meta1 ' <•
I Ladies' Velvet Gypsy sl*49 V
j Women's SI.OO Felt Boots \
Juliets t -1 in* trimmed Black <»• midnight blue; i«oe and Men's $1.25 Everett
—popular colors, button, Slippers Black and
/ \ 85 C sl*9o tan,
f \ \ ————— Ladies' English Bals— 98C
\ Men's Tan Faust Blaek cloth or kid tO P s ' , ♦*
\ Slippers 52.50 val- $1.98 Women's $1.50 Plaid J
ues, ______________ Felt Slippers,
* i cq Men's G-un Metal Lace qq ZLaeir 2S
, I <Pi»oy English Shoes, yoc
L Men's Black and $1 »98 Children's Patent
Ev"-ett I stv?e iPPerS_ Little Boys' $1.25 Gun Colt Burton Shoes- MM
<tt style, Metal Shoes - Button or Black cloth tops, A* Itllfr
V \ 75c I bluclier,
98c !
Women's 75c Bou- Men's Black Felt
doir Slippers of suede Button or 31ippers _$1.50 value
jiir. kid; all colors, Blucher Shoes—s2.so val- .
59c SL9B 9£
eight vocal and instrumental artists,
who, with their blended harmony in
some of the latest songs, fairly make
things hum. But some music of the
popular type is offered also by Harris
burg's favorite singer, Ed Morton. As
soon as the singer, whose name appears
on so many covers of popular songs,
made his appearance, he was given a
big reception, mostly, however, because
of the many people in the audience who
recalled him as having been a fast fa
vorite at the Orpheum in seasons past.
Jlr. .Morton is here with some brand
new songs and each of them was warm
ly received. Levin and Inman are a
clever young couple who appear in a
bright variety act; Florence and Lovett
untangle a matrimonial comedy called
"The Master Move," and Hartley and
Pecan are a comedy, singing and talk
inc duo of talent. Interesting motion
picture features are included in the
Kddie Foy and the seven little Foys
are starring in the comedy feature of
the Colonial's new riangle program and
it was the consensus of opinion of those
who witnessed the picture yesterday
that Mr. Foy was never funnier on the
stage than he is on the screen, especial
ly in this particular Mack Sennett com
edy. Of course, the splendid drama en
titled "The Coward," with Frank Keen
an in the leading role, is one of the
finest seen in any of the Triangle pro
ductions which preceded it. The scenes
jof "The Coward" are laid in the Valley
of Virginia in 1861. The story is that
of a prideiul father, a type like Coriola
lius or Spartacus, and a weak, timid
son of the Hamlet-like type. Needless
to say. Mr. Keenan appears in the roll
of the arrogant and domineering
father, the wonderfully sincere young
actor, Charles Ray, as the son; Gertrude
Claire as the mother, and Margaret
Gibson as the boy's sweetheart.—Ad
To-day and to-morrow's presentation
at this popular home of only the
highest class photodramas, is one
that will he of great interest because
of the distinguished pair of stars
that is featured, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
| Castle. Since they became famous
bids have gone high to bring them
into motion pictures and the Cort
(Film Coi poratlon have paid them
their price. Mr. and Mrs. Castle
havo torn the veil from their private
life and have given to you, through
the movies, what newspaper and
magazine publishers have been beg
ging them to tell for years without
success. "The Whirl of I.,ife" abounds
in surprises, villainy, pathos, humor,
excitement, such as would rouse the
envy of a Jules Verne. Although the
outstanding memory of "The Whirl of
I_,ife" is in those wonderful dancing
scenes in ballroom, on the stage and
In richly lighted cabarets, it Is Just as
powerful a drama as one would care
to see.—Advertisement.
Wonderful Mac Marsh starred with
Robert Harron in the supreme picture,
"Her Shattered Idol," at the Regent to-
Mae Carter, the wealthy ward of
Colonel Aitken, has engaged herself to
her guardian's nephew Robert, and.
after a lot of pretty teasing, she allows
the young man to slip an engagement
ring orf her finger. Then, unluckily for
Robert, they go out riding and in the
course of their gallop one of the shoes
on Mae's horse becomes loosened. To
save the unimal pain. Mae suggests that
Robert remove the shoe. Robert tries.
After several attempts he gives it up.
and they lead the limping mount back
t'j 11 blacksmith.
This wide-shouldered, tliick-chested
young man barehanded rips off the
shle without any apparent effort while
Mae stands watching him in vlde-opon
wonder. That night she dreams and
the virilization of this drama affords
some of the most interesting and pic
turesque comedy recently brought to
liirht on the screen, for in her dream
Mao sees herself back In the caveman
dtays as the wife of caveman Robert,
who. In his tiger skin wrap seems suf
ficiently punv to disillusionize any girl.
Cap this with the fact that an energot.io.
and Herculean caveman comes along
and proceeds to steal Mne from Robert
nnd you have a scene calculated to
make anv girl wake up with a start.—•
Let us prove to you tliat we can
| furnish the best player for the least
money. Hpangler, 2112 Sixth St. —
i Advertisement.
"Amsterdam, via London, Dec. 10,
8:10 A. M.—Emperor Wiliarn will
visit Brussels from December 19 to
22, according to the Belgian corre
spondents of Dutch newspapers. He
will also visit the neighboring parts
of Belgium, including the field of
Waterloo, it is said. Special police
already have arrived at Brussels to ,
act as a guard for the emperor.
Special Saturday Only, Berlin Cook Pot Same as
Km Cut and One Pound Baking Powder, 3"t
Child Story Book and a pound of Coffee for Uvv
► 43 Every pound of coffee guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Quality-First Store
Free demonstration of one of our noted blends of coffee.
208 North Second Street. Bell Phone 136 R. '
| Publish My Cure Any
Time or Place You Wish I
* Joyfully Said This Grateful Lady at Keller's Drug 5
£ Store Yesterday
* Mrs. Lena Unkraut Relates Her Sufferings and Then J
* Tells Results From Quaker *
* She Surely Had a Horrible Case of Stomach, Liver 5
and Kidney Troubles and Nervousness «
One of the moat remarkable incidents of her ca
? reer was yesterday cited to the health teacher at
q. Keller's drug store. No. 406 Market street. It is so
* remarkable, startling and wonderful that it will not
* only surprise her friends and acquaintances but also
* every person who learns of it.
Mrs. Lena Unkraut is 47 years of are. Her hus-
J band was accidentally killed In an accident at Sha
-4 mokin In June 1908. From the time of this ter
* rible advent she herself became almost a physical
+ nervous wreck. The slightest noise would startle
* her ,at night she could not rest and during the
J day she was always despondent and melancholy. To
+ make matters worse, about five years ago she also
* became afflicted with stomach troubles. Her br«v
--* els became constipated; after eating her stomi &h
* would bloat terribly; gas would form and would
I cause agony because It seems nothing would re
4. move it; her color wan ghastly, her tongue heavily
* coated and her breath most offensive. She could
¥ not retain her urine and when she did succeed in
warding it, off, burning, scalding sensations &1-
I ways accompanied. In addition to all these miseries
4. she also had rheumatism In her back and lower
4. limbs. No wonder she was discouraged and tired
* of life. It took much persuasion to get her to
* call on the health teacher about 7 weeks ago.
* When she finally did call and was asked what, ailed
her, she said curtlv. Everything! And this was
indeed about right. Her daughter insisted that she
* try a treatment of Quaker. She did so, reluctantly
* but said at the time: I know It will not help me,
* It cannot help me and it is only more money thrown
J away. Even the health teacher told the daughter
4 that her mother suffered from so many compllca
* lions that he really had doubts of Qualor helping
* her and prooilsed, however, that It should not be
* money thrown away, because !n case of fAilure the
J money wouUl bo cheerfully refunded. The treat
4. ment was obtained during the last weak in October.
Petrograd, Dec. ?, via London, Dec.
10.—The folowing official communi
cation has been received here from
"Russian troops have occupied Sul
tan Bulak Pass, where insurgent
gendarmes and German mercenaries
had been fortifying themselves for the
past two weeks under the command
After a week the daughter Inquired of her mother
how she was then feeling a.nd was told "a little
better." A few days later Mrs. Unkraut said her
stomach was much improved, she did not have so
much gas and she was sleeping: better at night.
Then each succeeding day began to show Improved
conditions. Thlß caused her to become more bright,
cheerful and hopeful. Every trace of rheumatism
had disappeared, her kidneys and bowels became
regular and her dreadful nervous condition van
ished . About 10 days ago she reported that she felt
fine, but she was afraid her cure was too quick to
bo complete, but yesterday she again called and
said: Publish my cure any time or place you wish, I
am now completely well again. T cannot find words
to express my thanks, I only took a few bottles of
Quaker Herb Extract and an occasional dose of
Quaker Kidney Pills and laxative tablets.
Now all you sufferers of rheumatism, catarrh and
stomach troubles what have you to say? Does this
single result alone not convince you that you are
making a mistake if you do not try these wonderful
QusJctr remedies? Remember the health teacher can
be s«en at Croll Keller's drug store, No. 405 Market
street from 9 o'clock in the morning until 9 o'clock
at n.ght. Come and have a talk with him and he will
gladly tell you all about the remedies. To specially
accommodate the crowds on Saturday he will remain
at the store all day from 8 a. m. to 11 p. m., but
please call aa soon as you can. If you cannot call,
order by mail. Quaker Extract, 3 bottles for $2.50.
received direct from the laboratory; made from se
lect fresh herbs and full strength. Kidney Pills 50c,
l<axative 26c. Sold now only at Croll Keller's drug
store. No. 405 Market street.
Remember these remedies expel tapeworms In a
few hours and they are also the safest but surest and
purest to give children for worms, nervousness or
bed wetting. Call at once and ask for the health
road to Hamadan Is now open. Tin
enemy fled in complete disorder pur.
sued by our troops."
CIIAFFI/ESS ColTcc, stcol cut or
pulverized, from 19c a itounil
up; saves jou from 5c to Bc.
Plioue 2109-.T 256 Hamilton St.