24 Healthy Old Age Brings Happiness Simple Remedy Promotes Health By Overcoming Tendency to Constipation. Advancing years impair the action of the vital organs. Old age should bo the period of greatest happiness, but good health is necessary. Consti pation should not be tolerated —it Is often the direct cause of 111 health. Headache, belching, biliousness, bloat, drowsiness after eating and other symptoms of constipation can be readily relieved by the use of a simple laxative compound sold in drug stores under the name of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. Mr. J. 11. Bristol, 1412 Geddes Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.. who Is 83 years old, says "Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin is the best remedy I ever used for constipation and I al ways have a bottle of It in the house to use when I feel the need of it; It never disappoints." Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a mild laxative preparation, positive In Its effect, acting easily and naturally without griping or other pain or dis comfort. For over a quarter of a century It has been the standard household remedy in thousands of homes. Druggists everywhere sell It POLLUTION WORK IS BEING PUSHED More Plans Issued to Manufac turing Plants to Stop Taint of Streams The State Department of Fisheries to-day sent out three sets of prints of the system of filtration which is being recommended by the department to the Highland Milk Condensing Com pany, Elkland, Tioga county: the Hel vetia Milk Condensing Company, Westficld, Tioga county and the Wood- ' lawn Farm and Dairy Company, Lake j Winola, Wyoming county. These are > RUB RHEUMATISM PAIN FROM SORE, ACHING JOINTS Rub pain away with a small J trial bottle of old "St. Jacob's Oil." What's Rheumatism? Pain only. | Stop drugging! Not one case in | fifty requires internal treatment. Rub i soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs OH" j directly upon the "tender spot" and ; relief comes instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" Is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica liniment, which never disap points and can not burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle from your drug gist, and in just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic and sciatic pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't t suffer! Relief awaits you. Old, hon est "St. Jacobs Oil" has cured mil- > iions of rheumatism sufferers in the last half century, and is just as good lor sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, back ache, sprains and swellings.—Adver i isement. 1 #*>.*** f~ *"** I ****> ****<#*?? \ e 1 1 >«kU* I ({^JC^O \AA***** j0 I If —--^*1 1 ,<*uA/ V 7 DAVID W. COTTEREL 9 North Market Square FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 10,1915. ll Jt • -"t r ' -- ■ ; ■; i. m & MR. J. H. BRISTOL for fifty cents a bottle. A trial bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin can be obtained, free of charge, by witlng to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 454 Washing ton St.. Monticello, Illinois. the first prints which have been sent out under the campaign recently start ed by Commissioner Buller to clean up the streams of the State and there are tinder course of preparation about twenty prints and data which has been j reported to the department by the ; wardens now on the streams and these will be sent out just as soon as they can be prepared. The prints are ac-j companied by a letter which are sent by registered mail and a receipt must I be returned to the department so that . there will be no excuse due to not re ceiving same. This work is being pushed vigorous ly by Commissioner Buller and will be kept up until the enUre State is covered. As the department onlv has nine men to do this work it will natur ally go slower than if It had the thir ty allowed by law. Commissioner Buller is on an in spection tour of the Bellefonte, Corrv, Erie and Union City hatcheries. The new hatching building at Bellefonte is practically completed and will be ready for use in about two weeks. The cold weather the last few days in the Northeastern part of the State has hampered the work on the Wayne county hatchery. DENIES SINKING OF VESSEL By Asioci'Utd Press I Amsterdam, via London, Dec. 10. — j A German official statement received ' here from Berlin declares unfounded, | reports appearing in newspapers in ' the entente countries of the sinking j of the armored cruiser Dertflinger, the .small cruiser Frauenlob, a :;,000 ton cruiser off Windnu, and two sub , marines in the straits of Gibraltar. ! The statement also denies reports of i the destruction of the submarine by a British aeroplane and the capture by j the British of a new submarine, re | oently commissioned at Stettin. Salvation Army Prepares For Care of Homeless Men Rooms are being fitted xip at the Salvation Army, 522 Race street, for JlPi'ielesij tuejT.diiripg' the Cap tain M. Neilsen, who has charge of the work, has moved from 522 Race street to 2218 Atlas street. Persons having donations of bed clothes, linens, outer garments and shoes are asked to send them in or notify the Salvation Army at head- I quarters. The rooms being remodeled j for the men were occupied by Captain Neilsen and his family. TIIROI'Gtf SI.KKHIXU ( All TO JAt'K SO.N V11.1.E ON C. V. H. 11. Sleeping car on C. V. R. R. train leaving llarrisburg at 11:00 P. M. now runs through to Jacksonville, Fla., via X. & W. and A. C. L—Advertisement. lAoouseMemsi ' ■ ■ Mb i V v • • ■ I ■I BBMHaj . -' - JB B JP ANDREW MACK The attraction at the Orpheum to morrow, afternoon and evening; will be Andrew Mack in his new play with Kont's, "The Irish Dragoon."—Adver tisement. ORPHEUM To-night—Wrestling Matches. To-morrow, matinee and night—An drew Mack in "The Irish Dragoon." Wednesday night, December 15—Ruth St. Denis, assisted by Ted Shawn and a notable company of American and Hindu Dancers. Thursday, matinee and night, Decem ber 16—"Beauty, Youth and Folly." Friday night, December 17 "A Pair of Silk Stockings." Saturday, matinee and night, December IS—"Her Price." RUTH ST. DEJiIS V PANTOMIME ARTIST Oriental dances, particularly the dances of India, have found a very skill ed translator in a dancer of American origin—Miss Ruth St. Denis. Although this world-famous artist has never vis ited India, she has made a life study of the dances of the Far East and has for many years mingled freely with the native Hindoos, studying their art, their religion and character; she has pene trated into the spirit of the people as far as it is possible for a Westerner to do so, and has, in fact, caught the ges ture of the East. Ruth St. Denis and her company of dancers comes to the Orpheum Theater, Wednesday night, December 15.—Advertisement. "A PAIR OF SILK STOCKINGS'* "A Pair of Silk Stockings," which Winthrop Ames presents at the Or pheum for an engagement of one night, Friday. December 17, is one of those charmingly done and refreshingly light comedies which Mr. Ames knows so well how to do. "A Pair of Silk Stock ings" is the work of Cyril Harcourt. the English playwright, novelist and actor, and it will be performed here by a notable company, including Sam Sothern. the distinguished comedian, and brother of E. H. Sothern. The action of the play revolves in the home of English gentlefolk—that of .Sir John Gower. and furnishes much material for amusing smart scenes and witty dialogue.—Advertisement. AT THE MAJESTIC If "music hath charms," the the Ma jestic's bill for the last half of the week has those things, too." It's supplied chiefly by the Crossman Entertainers, J%r Factory-Outlet Shoe Co., 16 North Fourth Stroot WALTER L. STERN, . . . Manager kmfr Ladies'Felt Juliets 11 i« 11-JIJ—«. Boys' Tan Storm Spl l l\ nc; Novelty Holiday J J Footwear »,*? n,B v7 an « and That MaVp Practical children's scuffer Black Kid Romeo 1 llcll IfldXG rldbllUdl Shoea _ IJatent ( . olt /V amhpi suppers, and Inexoensive Gifts skin ' tan calf ° r L 1 95c meta1 ' <• I Ladies' Velvet Gypsy sl*49 V j Women's SI.OO Felt Boots \ Juliets t -1 in* trimmed Black <»• midnight blue; i«oe and Men's $1.25 Everett —popular colors, button, Slippers Black and / \ 85 C sl*9o tan, f \ \ ————— Ladies' English Bals— 98C \ Men's Tan Faust Blaek cloth or kid tO P s ' , ♦* \ Slippers 52.50 val- $1.98 Women's $1.50 Plaid J ues, ______________ Felt Slippers, * i cq Men's G-un Metal Lace qq ZLaeir 2S , I