PSelect Your Gift NowiC* flm Gifts Tfi Vißi np ' fF 1 FAl il ß , s ri!H lv^ Make 11 An ]/ rpHERE I. nothing I J Prstty «lrl- I/t IIJ 1L I Made of rub- [ >1 (Ktt PZzsyt-' l 4jk SSCs? I that, harmonizes ish styles, la WA ■UI IJ L 1 IM A mAAZIIUAiAJ berized guar- //>#yVlAj>fl l 9 >n -*■ mora with the guaranteed .■■■■llk ■lk an teed — &' M Mf§ 9k. I ' / V* Christmas spirit than ™lor£ llz.!!"# ill JIJ I k PA*.! Ll* 5 ||l ftl| Colors navy MT V I>\ the sending- for Gifts MgJPffl * I 1 f tyd GSfSg «K zu rIORTH FOURTH St EaSy American Beauties—Roses, or '" matclv flnimv I t Exquisite torsade Bouqnets V Mllll Women's and Misses' Marabon and Ostrich Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' IfflSl 4 f fill BATHROBES; SETS; Value SIB.OO WAISTS and BLOUSES; SUM PETTICOATS; IVII ] nn, A, rAl .l a- J H O yrUhlll"* f« 1 I H Tour orders for these things may be en- 1 V VfMI Value JS.9S CQ Aalue $1,50 \ allies up to 52.#K B\V Y I 1116 VyVvlld«vlj Jlttl I loUUI j V*w« D J| trusted to us in perfect confidence of the ex- I W \ <fO AQ 9»f»» O QQ _ OD ' I I 9& By our Telejrraph Delivery Service Christmas I I Alade of fine washable Mad ? ° f , f ' U "f Jap silk> lingerie, voile Silk Messaline and Silk 212 N©lftll ScCOlld StrCCt Sj# WJflr Flowers can he sent within a few hours to any I' I materials. In pretty de-» natural and white; new- and organdies; several Taffeta Petticoats: every ltrU| If l>ersoii in tliis—and even in foreign i signs and'colors; cut full, est shape muffs and pretty styles to select new shade. Fitted tops. ■ if IV countries. I An stzeS- scarfs. from. Sizes up to 50 bust. Have pretty dust ruffles. r » H | State Capital "? l l l{ . J BIG REDUCTIONS ON SUITS, COATS AND DRESSES. a 0 t/) ||jw| I I ! Watehes - Diamonds W |VV Our Credit System Above A 1 In Buying V X&* \ Visit Our Second Floor Store-Low Rent-Low Prices v h Useful Gift We Positively Guarantee Every Best Price In City °o^ Za For father and mother is a I ax' l ii/. II 1 --ON | •* M\ JfifcWlh'Cl I 17ili\ pair of s P ectacles or E ye Article We Den i Glasses, properly fitted and „,. ~ . U1 JVlazd.3. \ made to order. National T r! e , We T JW\ r~ . J IV Latest 50 Cent Fiction a , so „a„ a » n,. Watch and Want Lamps Give Him or Her a Sjb'. 1 '!!'" a'm» S S,T- P sr s e Von Field Glasses! Hand Readin : Diamond Co. R 2 MBU™r m t our X'" /nh \ Glasses. Magnifiers, etc. Our Est . | 9O B EnTanee ACCOUnt / | \ PERSONAL TYPEWRITER Captivating Mary Cairstatrs—Henry reputation for the past fitteen l ""' 7 E-nirdntc, -t in. j u i i|* \ _ ( 1 tlarrison. HUI A](( , e years is a guarantee in itself. A ITCC ( JJ ) 1 hey Ralph D. Pratt J&WDi am ona. for Gift, Lam ? s JBl 9 and beaunrui and kvesight SPKCIAUST /jjWK"' There is no Gift so lasting as a Diamond Blumenstine Like I \ ry>| ry , i o 1 "07 North ndrd Street CjLjgrA > This magnificent product of nature never shows Mcctric wiring and Supplies It 4 #\v Ine Central DOOk habrisri'rg p \ mfmr wear or tear; its brilliancy and beauty makes it a Sla/ir Sv 22S q. gift so rare, and appreciated by its recipient. Harrisbure T>*pewriter and Ifc^. //jSm O tore — jOTWirrrCML' ur con, pl ete l' ne nt beautiful, sparkling gems can be ———————l Supply Company I2^S\ MARKET STREKTJ IS s 4s3kl Xl Vallieres from $2.50 up %SSI 40 North Court 55 <■ b(|lf \ IlarrisbuTß, Ta. fcrWg^j)U J/WQCf |#> OUR SPECIAL $5.00 DIAMONDS ARE WORTH Harrisburir. P» V 1 p*r*y?"*} Diamond Scarf Pins from $2..">0 up Diamond Bracelets from^ Diamond La Valliers from up MSST' r ■»!<% O WOf/i No Diamond misrepresented. Every one sold uii its O Ctlbi BP^ i[\9 Arf NIAfA merits, and at prices far lower than you can get g U y YoUMelf I If/C if Fo'"p"cTURES tmTslmL ' Hl» h, " ,, ' S . ,Gi " T Picture Frame and Artist 1 rd u" d ! r t0 J dis J : . ontinue TIT 1, : Materials, China for Decor- £g£iCTootweaf 'Xing H-Oltzman S ating, China rringes. . . m % _ them out at an average of one- Bowling, Billiards and Cigars /|o//^Tjy nothing more appreciated than h ai f actual values. 323 MARKET STREET T T 7 1 a u,eful gift - What can be more h «»rSU!!W! Beautiful Clrist™.. Prei.nt. aad V3W«««» serviceable than clothes. We carry a com- aSU'i'-SfmSW*^ m e£S.« y. Fine Christmas Cards r* t. D V - \XT l l- C «■>•<> clßuret holders, humidors, Jara of to- L /\ Get a Box on Your Way plete line or wiii',c S $1.95 ba(l ° or lu,portct ' clgars /\ I to the Play ¥l*l 1 1 I i ot» to sii.oo (n qc I [I (j]i» J I \yj /A. , )5 , , Ladies and Gents ft 2 -95 vI L t A nr . arp i Williams Shoe Shop -^gV^ru.^ o^ St Apparel SS. 4th Street 4f 0 % an d you can select the finest present you s o- want to donate and pay for it in small C)^ X .4 VI V \>«> ( "*«?,© weekly payments. Ojjl® \/ | .y LIVINGSTON'S W 'lk ">t K,, 7 QSo Market Sa \ P >' i f w IK 1 I Walkers < WHERE IS THE PLACE? f Select a f| | I Ice Cream at the J<\ Frantz-Premier i| • n JZ?zz p ';:: :!:: 20th Century Shoe Company ru-tfir fl^anpr , | and for the many social events throughout L Ull nVfr I J LilvCil IV- V^ICCI.IICI I the holiday season. Ice Creain and Water JUULII ludi ACt a SUITABLE GUT FOR ANY HOCSEWTFIO I ■M «-=' —"""" , D3H ''SHOES THAT WEAR*' £59 iHMMIS ?l NU | A \ You must not miss seeing our stock of slippers. Men's Slippers 50 cents to i.Hrt'nn^ruiiy 11 tnswnteo it. Price, 925. charge Vi// k WaiKer $2.00 per pair. Ladies' Slippers, 98 cents to $1.50 per pair. account, ir d^.red. fjjgl ""izsi*'-' FRIDAY EVENING, HJCRMSBURG SSWSte TELEGRXPH DECEMBER 10, 101 ?. 19
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers