14 The Store of a Million Gifts Gloves for Women j ■ r^ maS Christmas showing. I leatherette! il j.' ' ' lianh Chrisim;i> plants may washable, kid, Mocha and real kid 0 (J *P* M bc brought into admirable use during i .i „ „,„„ t ;„, r" ' Christmas festivities in the home gloves aie among !> and when Springtime comes they may p^an^. f i^%^ ,^. B KiVs.ri Shop Early To-morrow and Enjoy Leisurely Selection of Your Gifts , Elch^3ri»r with P. K. stitching and fancy embroidery, a. v j in black with white sewing and embroidery ——. . or white with black sewing and embroidery; _ P. K. and overseam stitchlnf?; pair. . .$2.25 Slippers--A Thoughtful Gift to Finest Qualities of Table Linen, Fancy Sans Pareil, two-clasp, real Kid Gloves, JT"^ P. K. or overseam stitching; pair $2.00 _ _ T * IHP 1 * T" i T I 1 * 1 1 Man or Woman Linens and To welsinT his Holiday Showing l 'womeav! r Cane' ilid Mocha.' Prix sewll ■ 1 • , c As worthy a display of Linens as can be found anywhere has been assembled in our Linen Gloves; pair .Si.oo to $1.75 Ihe idle hours .£t home will be enjoyed iniiliedsu Hu \it\ ou hci\ e<i pail ol Section for the season of gift-giving. A host of new patterns imported direct from Kurope offer pair h " dren 8 ,eatherette and kn 2sc K to V 6 e oc comfortable slippers to step into. This gift stock is as complete as it has been at a feast of rich damask patterns. P<^hiWren; B o'ne-ciasp cape aioyes, any time since the beginning of the Christmas season, and the prices on all BELGIAN IINEN . Hemstitched luncheon sets. 45-inch doth and one pachildren;s on'e'-ciasp washable Kid Gloves, grades are Uniformly laid. Pattern cloths and napkins: j half dozen 15-inch napkins, set 85.00 and $6.00 in ivory; pair $1.25 72x72 inch cloth and napkins, set SB.OO j 54-inch hemstitched all-linen damask luncheon Women's suede lined Silk Gloves: pr.. 75c MEN'S SUPPERS WOMEN'S SLIPPERS 72x90 inch cloth and napkins, set $9.00 cloth Dlv„. Pomeroy 4 »t.w.r«-St™« Floor. To „ C .v„.,.r .Upp.r. , KM mS" .f. ""'ilii »«. NAPKINS " ; ; - . 12f„Tbucr,"' m ,..':::::::::::::::::::£2 frr.rrr*.."" or "\"VS *" "° en '»««««_ the C hrist- Tan and black Romeos SI.OO to $2.00 Felt Juliets with fur or ribbon trimming, in ftve 22-inch napkins; dozen $2.75 to SI.OO Guest towels, all linen huck, plain, each ......25c and black kid skin opera slippers. slipper with 'felt 'padded 'iolVsVsix 24 "' nCh nupkln " ; d ° Zen $3 S ° 4 ° $W 0 ° " UC ' { towelß - borders j*" q ,i $1.25 to $2.00 colors SI.OO to $1.50 SCARFS Damask guest towels 29c and 50c mas spectacle, Tan and black kid skin Everett slippers, j Hand-knitted slippers with best grade lambs wool Ail n nen embroidered scarfs 36 In 45 in and i Huck towels, new satin damask borders. SI.OO to $2.00 soles, six colors '. $1.25 54 , n »i.3», $1.69 and'*l.»B _ . 4 «■! Will be shown to-morrow becin- Alottled brown felt "E Z" slippers $1.50 BOYS' SLIPPERS All linen laco edge scarf*, all sizes, Damask towels, 22x41 inches 6jc \\lll Desnown to morrow, Mottled r " . ' l m , " I, no Tan kid Romeos $1.25 and $1.50 89c, $1.09 and $1.25 Turkish towels and bath mats in fancy colors and nine at 2.30 O clock. Every child Oxford grey felt slippers with cushion soles, SI.OO Tan kid Everet t slippers SI.OO Clung lace scarfs, 36, 45 and 54 inches, each. new designs at special prices. j , mi Black felt Romeos with leather soles 91.25 Tan leather Everett slippers J7sc $3.00, SI.OO and $5.00 Imported satin quilts, scalloped and hemmed, all and every man ana woman Will Black felt Everett slippers, leather soles ...SI.OO Tan leather and black velvet Everett slippers, 50c Madeira scarfs, 36 in., 45 in., and 54 in., each, sizes. l.„ in Ipr r>4t f>rl in this wnrwWflll Tan elk skin Indian moccasins »2.50 Indian moccasins: $3.00, $3.50 and SI.OO Scalloped $5.50, $6.00 to $7.50 DC Ulici emeu in wviiuciiui Brown ooze leather Indian moccasins $2.00 Sizes Bto 11 SI.OO Luncheon sets, 13 pieces, scalloped, SI.OB to $2.05 Hemmed \55.00, $5.50 to $7.00 Creation Tan leather Everett slippers 75c Sizes 12 to 2 ; ...$1.25 Madeira luncheon sets, 13 pieces. Imported nursery and jungle crib spreads, in pink Tan and black velvet Everett slippers oOc Sizes 3to 6 $1.50 $3.50, SI.OO, $5.00, SU.OO, $22.50 and $25.00 and blue $2.00 The Store's Chorus of Women's Voices fl'Sl ''JLrfe" Gives Its First Christmas Concert A vllL^r ' _[]_ -i-.llK Under the direction of Mrs. Phoebe Turner, one of Harrisbufg's leading soprano soloists. | "j Mrs. Kathryn Ray Mond, accompanist. 'i| Why Books Are Found on Many . &i 4 ® Gift Lists Y t \ j I Without the love of books the richest man is poor; and endowed with a love for books the poorest I J y MJ> No more acceptable gift can be given to a man or woman who enjoys an evening's reading than i Women's Coats in Excellent k \ \ T 1 1 1 f r-p\ a book or two. A Wonder land Ot 1 OVS Forto.morrowwep res enta s dec«dli s toflate«ctio„: . StvlpS ReaSOliablv PnCed . , . .u D . 1 Michael O'Halloran, by Gene Stratton-Porter, $1.35 I The Story of Julia Page, by Kathleen Norris , .$1.35 lWUUViiuwij m. x ivvva Easy stairways and elevators to tne Basement. The Money Master, by Gilbert Parker *1.35 The Fortune of Garin. bv Mary Johnston $t 10 Writincr < Hi! 49 I Friction oovver hill climbinir The ol<len Slipper, by Anna Katherine Green, $1.35 Heart's Content, by Ralph Henry Barbour .'si.'so There are coats for every type of figure and in many dis puting desk*, .rnt, •**»• I 1 llttion povvei mil ciuiidiii & A Par Country, by Winston Churchill $1.50 j The Research Magnificent, by H. G. Wells $l5O . ... , . . , , „ , $1.98 to #0.98. toys, to 98<*. Pollyanna Grows Up, by Eleanor 11. Porter ...$1.25 ; Thankfuls Inheritance, by Joseph C. Lincoln ~SL3S tillCtive kinds of cloths, and there are carefully Chosen groups Pianos in upright Baby Grand Mirror scopes for gas or elec- | ?he !'.'.'lis B BU ueTano by , B ? a ? h .Jlso of seal and plush garments at prices that cannot be matched style, &><*, •'>()<', tricity—the magic, modern lail- The Code of the Mountains, by Chas. Neville Buck,_ | Then I'll Come Back to You. by Larry Evans ..$1.35 for moderateness ill Harrisblirg. «i;() «»s tern it throws on the screen or $1.25 A Man's Hearth, by Eleanor H. Ingram $1.25 ~' , . ( Jaffery, by J. Lot-he $1.35 j The Keeper of the Door, by Edith M. Dell $1.40 c,. rlf . r i, t WP< .,I coats with Sealette nlllsh coats in belt- Sterllllg sleds, made of oak wall enlarged images from post The Lost Prince, by Frances H. Burnett $1.35 I Eve Dorre. by Emily Vielc Strother $135 scotch tweed COatS Wlin . xaictic piusil eoais, 111 ucii and erminnerl with cold rolled cards, pictures or newspaper Steve Teager, by Wm. MacLeod Raine $1.35 The Rainbow Trail, by Jane Grey '51.35 black velvet collar ed and flaring styles with imi ana equippea V ltn LOIQ roueu carus, pitiuic. u. I 1 . The stirrup Latch, by Sidney McCall $1.35 ! Dear Enemy, by Jean Webster . .$1.30 ( hcvint roits in navv irreeil t .• • 1 steel runners, 83<!, clippings, JIW.oO to SH7..W. | * ' Llieviot coats in greeu tatlon erm j ne or opossum c 0151.25. $1.25. #1.48 to 93.59. Automatic sand toys, one of j ' and black, with broad belt; col- and $27.50 •mSTSSST 1 " M<l Gift Handkerchiefs For Men; In the Men's Store " nroacdc, d„ve, y „e and Blackboards on easels, $1.25 to $1.48. All-linen initial hemstitched handkerchiefs, box of Linen plaid hemstitched handkerchiefs each, styles; navy, brown and giecu, C) lindei cloth coats in mulbei to $1.98. American model builder, cov- six ■ A 7sc iiy 2 c to 50c bned with Skinner s satin to the r y, brown navy and black, lined Shoofly on rocking horses, ering steel building outfits, a 2jC ,lllcn handkerchiefs, line neat initial, box men's SILK HANDKERCHIEFS waist $20.00 tj irol igh o ut with peau de cygn .■»9<', - I9c all-linen hemstitched handkerchiefs, pack of 3 50c fancy border and figured center silk handker- Zibeline coats ill brown, i, fi n j s l lC( l w ; t h beaver mi 98 $4 98 to $8 98. ies each set, SI.OO, $2.00, f ° l- >oc chiefs, special. 35c; 3 for SI.OO green and navy, in a shirred ' o/k , tcir-nii .. i UI Ui|»» -,n Mercerized colored cord border edge, box of 3 for, 50c Colored border silk handkerchiefs 50c ctvlp with broad belt and ODOS- !|S>tt.UU to !|WO.UU Airnfles' and toy cannons, to W'hite cambric initial handkerchiefs, box of 3 for, 25c Plain hemstitched and tape border silk handkerchiefs, - »u.»- Oik Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second 50f, to $1.25. Dives,Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement japanette silk initial handkerchiefs, 3 for 25c 25c to SI.OO sum collar !(>4O.UU Floor. See This Wonderful Display of "p Silk Blouses of Crepe de Chine, Georgette Artificial Flowers J mh j Crepe and Radium Silk Lace in Decorative flowers, exquisite corsages and dainty boutonnieres whose beauty rivals na- V" Prpo ture's s wee'est i looms. It's the fad now to decorate the home with artificial flowers. v DECORATIVE FLOWERS, 10c American Beauty open roses BOUTONNIERES k A vn in 1 PKvtctmaC QhAtAMnri Long stem roses, In pink, jack 98c Dainty groupings of flowers , ■ xVlvi i.N|\JW 111 d an iuu llow V 'j*; J2 U Dainty Asters in assorted col- for Boutonnieres ! White and yellow daisies, 10c \ ~ ~ m Rambler rose sprays .... 10c orings 'l»c. «9c, 7.» c, 98c to sl._s . V, , © \Ts\i*ai \ (A Nasturtiums 10c Japanese Snap Dragons. .25c VASES AND FRENCH \\'»* V PVV r\LLr3.CLIVO JL lICcS Holly sprays 10c Large sprays of Japanese ap- BASKETS J ami r,.„ HifK Frw Mpn S«yl« that cannot be dnplicated by any other Harrisburg store are offered, without spe trHRYS.WTHEMVMS ' Iorln K«. » n y ell ow. pink Dainty enameled French bas- lO X U1 , c j a i exploitation, throughout.the blouse-buying season, at prices that make an instant ap l.arge bushy Chrysanthemums a %irVerns, spray ........ Isr kets with all handles and equip- i peal to every woman of discriminating taste who sees them. 1 here are hundreds of fresh, with long stems—perfect imita- Asparagus Ferns, large branch pect with Water cups,2sc to $2.50 V OUr gift purchases for tlietl and 1)0VS : clean, new blouses HOW on view for the benefit of gift-giving. pink, °™se he yenow re, wh!te om aU CORSAGES 10 ° „ Japanese baskets m nests of cost u ]ess jn our Men , s Fifteen new styles in crepe de chfne and lace go on sale for the first time to-day. nrancrp oup five for flowers, canoy or nuts •* _ . T^. AMERICAN BEAVTV ROSES and'ZweC, «c, v ' 25c an d the quality of each selection will he i Dive8 ' Pomcroy & htewart_Sccond American Beauty buds, long 98c. $1.25 and $1.50. ' ' ' Fancy Boutonnlere and Cor- ~i VPr ,r ctanrlni-fl stems 49c Sweet Peas ... 98c and $1.50 sage Boxes 10c and 15c U1 lllt - * CI }' nignest Sianaai a. _ I • 1_ T> , GIFT NECKWEAR s I Ifllld Painted Jspsnese C~^hinfl"*" , DeSirflblo 1110 newest ombre, satin and rainbow stripes in White, black and combinations of white and Vestees in Organdie and net, in high and low mogadore, liarathea and fancy weave silks black, white and blue, white and brown, and designs; trimmed with lace and buttons; others 1 c f \f e=l r\r T) ' _ 50c, 75c, SI.OO white and purble $1.19 to $12.50 embroidered in beautiful effects ...50c to $2.50 V_/11l llclllb dI V Oiy OUCOIdI I lICcS I Plain rich colorings in reversible and broad end M\R\BOU MUFFS AND NECK PIECES Organdie collar and cuff sets, in trimmed and four-in-hand ties • 500 SI 00 embroidered designs . . 25<? to $1.50 The basement china section is a mecca for shoppers who keep to the giving of useful Six thousand new'silk'four-i'n-hand ties in plain Muff „ In . b | a< ; k and . brown ;ss. so to $8.95 flaring® l^hapl? d in o ''white' and B c ?eam?2s2 tosl.So things at Christmas tune. And there are hundreds of suggestions to be gained by a visit to colorings, fancy figured and striped silks, reversible this interesting section. / and broad end shapes ;. . 25c and 860 _ _ . Taken at .1 glance from a month's group we gleaned these: HOUSE COATS ; Groceries of the Better Kind at Very Moderate r rices Olive Trays, Tea Strainers, Bon Bans, Oat Meals, Mustard Pots , coZtlVeTa P IZZ ££a TILZ ,, with each purchase of groceries amounting to SI.OO, excluding soap, 10 pounds of sugar Paff Rnrps Hmr TL. Bath robes . " lth r °P° 92.9s to $12.00 will be offered to-morrow for O.JO rutt Boxes, Hair Receivers, bugar and Cream Pieces, Ice Tubs, Norfolk belted style Mackinaw coats, in plaid com- Florlda or- Extra mild cured Long Macaroni, 3 Maple syrup In bot- Fern Dishes, Vases, Syrup Jags, Chocolate Sets, Berry Sets, wnauon Coring.; »4. 60 coats, ts.so; t*.oo S Cake uCISt Men's Mackinaw coats $5.00 to $7.50 ° I N l ew S ' ''t'hln 1 - skinned ham, lb SOo starch, pkg-. smaller size, lb ... 10c Prices Range from 25c to $7.50 MENS AND BOYS' DRESS GLOVES vi?y <l Julcy? r i Pe for F 2 Bmokd shoulders. ; 2 6 for 25c; 7 for .... 25c "Plantation" bacon; 39° \t rM 1 1 fk >r • c s~\ 0 Fownes, Adler's and Dent's, grey, tan and black Fancy mixed nuts. 2-lb. strips, lb. ..... ITc Fresh sausage, lb., 18c /®\ New Floral and Mitre Cut "tt,;■••••; ;••••, -,n2**522 "gswr »??sßsrß.^rr. ! A / iv/ 1 M,x lvt All,l v w Northrup a fine grey mocha gloves. $1.50 and $2.00 Special, lb 18c "Sunshine" biscuits. Ox tongue, wafer Bggsgy B-lifH / jMBfIkLL \ Cape' kid gloves ...] SI.OO and $1.50 Finest citron, orange fresh baked; regular 36c sliced, lb .... 080 iy§§i» I I 1 _ Til. , and lemon peel, lb., 200 and 40c varieties. Spe- Extra cured ham. Vjlig V^vlal I ' I T Lined dress gloves, in grey and tan neßt seeded raisins. cial. lb 23c sliced for frying, lb., 28c Vfi v -- s \ li ) VJ ICtOO J. IvVvO SI.OO $1 50. $2.00 pkg. 12e Pecan kernels, lb.. 75c Dates and tigs, stuffed SHUT \ _ »r.,- J „ . New cleaned cur- Sliellbark kernels. <lb., with nuts and cherries. I£Sr \ Bon-bon dishes .....98c to $1.98 Bowls $2.98 to $0.50 V, 1,, , , , driving gloves. $1..>0 to $.>.50 rants, pkg 14c 75c large round boxes, 33ci 1| 11 f*7 lrnvs SI 08 to *l5O Pitchers «•> -.» «u ® oys , "ned kid gloves, sizes oto 8; special, .>oc Imported string flgs. Shelled Almonds lb.. Jars ... 25c, BOc mid OOc V® 11 11 r / . lr ®y« .' ii ao . ;:r-H 1 k? 'i to Boys' tan and grey lined and unllneil kid and 1b... .. 20c 55c Red cherries for can- . WWs Handled nappies '-•;!! Tumblers, dosen ...$2..»0 to $15.00 mocha gloves SI.OO Best Fard dates, lb„ California lima beans. dies, botttlr. Dives, Pomeroy A —\ uses , »8c to SI.OO Sugar and cream Pieces, $2.98 to $5 15c 4 lbs Ssc IVc. 15c and 25c Stewart. Basement. FRIDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 10, 1915.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers