12 CATARRH CAUSED BY A GERM Itust Be Destroyed Before tllirrh It self Can He i'orcd. Wonderful i RcKultn from llrrathiuK Medicated Air ' Medicine that a< ts on the blood alone fwill never cure catarrh. And neither Ell 1 thr sprat's, douches, lotions, creams id other temporary reliefs that no any catarrh victims make a habit »f using. To cure catarrh so it won't come back you must first drive from your body the millions of germs that are flourishing in the inner recesses of your post and throat and are causing the disease. There is a preparation used to do this called Hyomct (pronounced High-o --mo). Hyomei is a germ killing vapor ized air formed frot.i the purest oil of Eucalyptus combined with other heal ing and antiseptic ingredients. You breathe Hyomei tliroiiKh the mouth and tioso by means of a little hard rubber Inhaler which druggists furnish with it. This medicated germicidal air pene trates Into every fold and crevlco of the mucous membrane of your nose p.nd throat, kills the catarrh germs that lodge there, soothes, reduces and heals the swollen inflamed membranes. Mtops thu discharge and opens up the clogged nose and air passages in a truly ■wonderful way. It gives blessed relief in Ave minutes from catarrhal distress of every kind and If you make a prac tice of ..breathing ilyomei for a few mln wtes each day for Just a few weeks not only will all the symptoms'of catarrh vanish but the disease Itself will be a thing of the past. No one need try or buy Hyomei on pure faitli. H. C. Kennedy and many other leading drug gists in Harrisburg and vicinity sell It with the positive guarantee that it must i;urr : catarrh or that the money paid for St will be refunded. Hyomei is very In expensive and with this protecting guar antee behind your purchase there is ab solutely no reason why any sufferer JErom CJatnrrh should not give it a fair trial.—^Advertisement. A CLEAR COMPLEXION Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eyes i —Most Women Can Have (Says Dr. Hdtrnrda. a Wrll-linoTvn Ohio Physician t Dr. F. M. Edwards for 1 7 years treat led scores of women for liver and bowel ailments. During these years he gave to his patients a prescription,made of n few well-known vegetable ingredi ents mixed with olive oil, naming them JDr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, you will know them by their olive color. These tablets are wonder-workers on the liver and bowels, which cause a jnormal action, carrying off tha waste and poisonous matter that one's system collects. If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, head aches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, inactive bowels, you take one of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for a time and note the pleas ing results. Thousands of women as well as men, take Or. Edwards' Olive Tablets now und then Just to keep in the pink of tonditlon. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the suc cessful substitute for calomel—loc and i!6c per box. All druggists. The Olive Tablet Company, Colum bus. O. HEALS OLD SORES New Remedy That Cures Most Stubborn Cases in Short Time Even if you have tried all other remedies l'or eczema, from the old- J'ashioned salves to the new drugs, without benefit, do not lose hope. Try the latest discovery, antiseptic Ucanol, Hold in drug stores generally, on the offer 'from the laboratory that if It does not cure your money will be re funded. Eczema, pimples, salt rheum, scalds anil igiros, readily yield to the healing, antiseptic qualities of Ucanol, while even old sores soon begin to heal when Ucanol is applied. A liberal supply of Ucanol never costs over 50 cents at H. C. Kennedy's, and if it does not do your skin more good than any other remedy you have used your money will bo cheerfully refunded. Use it for any skin trou ble and see how soon the Itching and soreness disappear and the skin be comes clear, soft and free from blem ish.—Advertisement. EDUCATIONAL, School of Commerce Troup Building 15 So. Market Sq. Day and Night School 2id Year Commercial and Stenosraphic Course* Bell Phone 1946-J Harrisburg Business College Day and Night School Sept. 7, 1915 Business Shortliand and Civil Sett Ice, 30th year. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL Kaufman Bldg. 4 S. Market Sq. Training That Secures Salary Increasing Positions In the Office Call or send to-day for Interesting booklet. Bell phone 6!M-R. * SAFETY] M FIRST 1 The object of "Safety I First" ta prevenUon. You can prevent your advertising from meet ing the fate of the waste basket if you will rnaki It attractive with proper Illustration. Bring your next copy to ua for illustrative treatment One treat ment wilt convince yon •hat our methods are a rucceae. The Telegraph Art &Engraviiig Departments 216 Locust Street Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect June 27, 1915. xRAINS leave Harrlsbursr— For Winchester and Martlnsbure at S:O3. *7:52 a. m„ *3:40 >p. m. For Hagerstown, Chambersburg, Car lisle. Meehanicsburg and Intermediate Stations at *6:03, *7:52. *11:63 a. m •3:40, 5:37, *7:45, *11:00 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Meehanicsburg st 9:48 a. m„ 2:16, 8:28 6:30, 9:35 a. m. For Dillaburg at 6:03, *7.52 and •11:63 a. m., 2:16, *3:40, 5:57 and 6:30 Ip. m. i *Daily. All other trains dally excent IBunday. H. A. ItIDDI.K. ! J. H. TONGE. O. P. A Try Telefcrtigh Want Ads FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 10, 1915. HOSEA GREATEST ANCIENT LAYMAN Only Prophet Who Game From Northern Kingdom of Israel By William T. Kills L.ast night at a banquet I watch ed nearly three hundred strong men listening spellbound to one layman's story of lils personal religious ex perience. Jnnocent of a theological training, and 1 suspect also of a col lege course, lie used none of the tricks of the professional speaker, yet lie thrilled his hearers as few skilled orators could do. That com pany of alert and discriminating men listened intently, as out of a full life the layman related the spiritual sig nificance of bis persona! experience. It was reality speaking to reality, life to life. Something akin to that was the I power of the a,Mcient layman who became an Immortal voice: Hosea, the only prophet who was a native of the Northern Kingdom of Israel; and whose words are to-day's Sunday school lesson. •We have no trace of Hosea's having ever attended a school of the prophets. He was merely a -sensltive-souled layman who lived tremendously, and did not miss the spiritual significance of experiences that would have blighted a lesser man. His very name ■ links Hosea with the Greatest of. i'rophets; for at its root the word "Hosea" Is the same as "Joshua"' and "Jesus" and it means a savious. Both Hosea and Jesus are described by Isaiah in the picture of the suffering servant, "By the knowledge of himself shall my righteous servant justify many." J«reboam sat on the tottering throne of Israel at this time, and Ussiah ruled in Juda.li, and doubt less neither of them reckoned seri ously with the personal tragedy of this one man. Yet Hosea's life story is a deathless message to each new generation of humanity. . The Storm That Drives Home The highest use of any life is as an inteprctatipn of the mind of God. Find out what God means by \vhat lie is doing with you. Hosea exem plifies the value of discovering the spiritual significance of a personal experience. What says Browning?—<- "I count life just a stuff To try the soul's strength on." Personal providences mean some thing as they enter every life. Let us not miss the message. "X am in the mills of God." said a man, who was passing through dark days; "X don't know what He is trying to make out of my life, but I want to iind out. I should be sorry to have to undergo these experiences without catching their meaning and message." Every providence has a purpose. Hosea's domestic disaster made him a prophet. The story is told of a shepherd in the northweEt whom a traveler saw driving his flock out into the teeth of a heavy wind; they faced the storm all the way to the pasture. "Why don't you find a more shel tered feeding ground?" asked tlte traveler. "Don't you see." said the shep herd, "if a blizzard comes the storm will drive the sheep home?" So it is with the storms of per sonal experience. They are meant to drive the ,spii'|t home to God. 1-low else Cap we interpret the world woe of to-day? Is not the! growth of the sacrificial spirit, which , the whole world is learning in the I red schoolhouse of war, but an edu cation in the university of God? Hu manity to-day is entering into a knowledge of Christ by a Gethsemane experience. The storm of war is driv ing the suffering sheep home to the Shepherd and His fold. We are un able to think of the world as under going the present, crucial experience How to Get Rid of Pimptes Quick! Science Now Gives Beautiful, Clear Complexions in Few Days, Through Stuart's Calcium Wafers TIHAIi PACKAGE MAILED I'REE A woman may have but ordinary features or even a coarse, heavy con tour of face, but if she is the posses sor of a fine, colorful skin, showing vigorous health and a pure blood, she will be attractive to every eye. The great trouble with the major ity of women is that they try to re- It'» Itrnil? FooIIhH to Have I'iniplrn. Stunrt'a 4'alrlum Wafer* ItemoveH Tlirui In a Fen Day*. move pimples by outside treatment, such as greases, massage, cosmetics, electricity, etc. These methods will not cure nor even temporarily remove pimples and facial disorders. The. difficulty is generally impure blood. Its color is black or blue or brownish cast, instead of ruby red, as it should be. All the cosmetics in the world will not bring back the color if your blood Is filled with impurities which it can not remove or throw off. Stuart's Cal cium Wafers operate directly on all blood impurities. One of its many quick-acting and harmless ingredients is Calcium Sulphide, admitted by scientists to be pno of the most re markable blood tjurlfiers in existence. Go to your druggist, whoever he may be, and he will give you a box of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, price 50c. Mail coupon below to-day for free trial package. Free Trial Coupon I F. Stuart Co., SIS Stuart Bid*., ! Marnhall, Mich. Send me at once, by return mall, a free trial package j of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. i Name I , • I (-treet f j City 3tate ♦♦ HRISTMAS shopping may iche the mi my required to get yourself the clothes you |« H need. As Christmas comes but cnce a year, you uiti naiura ly get your presents H If now and put off ge ting your clothes until ycu heve the r€cdy n oney. Our charge g || account plan perm ts you to get both. You can get your clothes when ycu should have S t| them—for the holidays and buy you gifts as well. H H We have quite a few suggestions for holiday remembrances which ycu can get on the H S same basis. 3 H t* H Get your clothes now and pay for them after the holidays. H ♦♦ _ ii H figffL, Men's Suits Ladies' Coats | XX WgjjrZr J- There are three things that go to make A final touch to our selection of popular ♦♦ XX ''^mr: A // up a good suit—cloth, style and workman- models. All the cloth designs of the season tt { ({ ship. We have embodied these essentials as well as Plushes and Corduroys. Some "X tt .Si in our clothes and our stocks contain all the elaborately trimmed in fur. Chin Chin \ £i/ \ XX j English as well as conservative models. collar effects and flare botto.TV. J*- \ tt I /wra ( $12.00 to $30.00 $5.85 to $40.00 ) I I Mens Overcoats 1 it BSdLL . In Ba J™ aro ° n ' form-fitting and conserva- Xo enumerate our differ ent creations S tt SHIKriMI tlVe models - Good as^or tnicnt of youths would onl be repeating what wc have al _ JSg tt m co t ts J 1 * T , rate pnces ;, 1 \ lT \f ln -, gu T read y s p° ken of - We «um up in brief JlllvHß S tt mmaLr // anteed satln hnm § s > and carefully tailored. that we have every design and fa^ric WQrn «|E W|l ;♦ » mgm inHi # J on x (T7A A A l his season. Styles—the last from New nwHlfluflVil ** %t gg|9B Pl/.OJ t0 J>JV.UU York's fashion center. 1H ' fl| Bo , Sujfs $13.50 to S3SJO «|B| | |j||| I In all materials, weights and sizes. Trous- I HfOCCDC ** tt ers lined. Some corduroys to close out at JLCfClfwj' U IK. g Hb $2.85 to SIO.OO X I if « ! 1 ♦♦ HR In chinchillas and mixtures; double- I_ J• _ f r m w %x t% breasted belt effects and loose-fitting backs. Lull 105 llltS XX It A . nr , n In Fox. Raccoon, Lynx, Coney, etc.; in Ml tt !: $4.85 to $10.00 s;:^sS k c h " , :„s AUo some striped * s I-s IL! VIN GSTON'S "ST | XX Petticoats and Girls Coats ♦£ U Sweaters 9 South Market Square and Dresses ♦♦ v » without the prospect of learning from it the supreme lesson of God as a j "efuge and a Father. The Faithless Wife No bitterer experience can come j to a man than that which befell I Hosea. His wife was faithless; yet j he remained faithful. The earlier j chapters of the Book of Hosea tell the tremendous story. We should read in Its tragic light the flippant tales of marital infidelity which are 1 daily aired in our divorce courts. In 1 some circles all sense of the hein-1 ousness of adultery has been lost, t The Book of Hosea reveals it as it is., Dean Stanley has, with great deli-, cacy, recounted the life tragedy of' Hosea: "In his own personal history, he shared in the misery brought on his country by the profligancy of the age. In early youth he had been united in marriage with a woman who had fallen into the vices whicli surrounded her. He had loved her with a tender love. She had borne to him two sons and a daughter; she had then'de serted him, wandered from her home, fallen again into wild li centiousness, and had been car-' ried off as a slave. From this wretched state, with all the ten derness of his nature, he bought her and gave her one more chance of recovery by living with him. though apart. In his own grief for his own great calamity —the greatest that- can befall a tender human soul he was taught to feel for the Divine grief over the lost opportunities of the nation, once so full of hope." Why Boys I .cave Homo The folly of Hosea's wife seems equal to her sin. Nobody has ever succeeded in proving that wicked ness is wise. Every neighborhood wonders afresh over each new ex perience of the boy who plays the prodigal. It is the mystery of folly, why a young man should desert the full table of his father's house for the husks of a fur country. Pru dence, sagacity, self-interest, all must be flung to the winds before boys and girls can turn their backs on inno cency and peace and pure love, and seek the painted imitations of life's good things beyond the pale of right eousness and law. ! There is never a sinner who has sinned greatly who would not say with his dying breath that he had been a fool. There is never a man who has gone wrong himself who would advise his son to do the same. The pleasures of sin are "apples of Sodom" turning to .tshes In the mouth. With all this misery, Hosea's life was happier than that of the faithless wife who had broken his heart. Would that there were words of sagacity to make clear to youth that, at their best, the pleasures of. sin are "for a season." 'There is a: way which seemeth right unto a man; I but the end thereof are the ways of ' death." A Nation as a Prodigal "Out of all the bitterness of his own woe Hosea extracted comfort for his nation. He had learned in his own great and furnace-purified soul the possibility of forgiveness, and of the love that never falleth. In that crucible he saw mirrored the supreme truth of the love of 3od. So he prophesied to Israel in the figure of his wn sorrow; for Israel had been faithless to Jehovuh, .vho had loved her with an everlasting love. Again and again the nation had committed the folly of going after strange gods. The drear monotony of her backslid ing had nevertheless not shaken the steadfast devotion of the Friend who "loveth at all times." This was Hosea's message to his time, and to ours. Of God, in His Son, it is written "Having loved His own, He loved them to the end." The record is written beyond obliteration that "His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting." As the good shepherd seeks the wandering sheep, so God yearns over His erring people. Often Israel forsook Jehovah, but Jehovah never forsook Israel. Hear the heart break in the cry, "I drew them with the cords of a man, with bands of, love. How shall I give thee up, Eph-. raim? How shall 1 cast thee off. Is rael ? The cry of Hosea went forth when the nation was facing exile; yet beyond the desert wastes, beyond ' the period of punishment, the Prophett Perfect—Every Time No fussing over ingredients, no fear that the cakes may W turn out a trifle sour Aunt Jemima's Buckwheat jx Cakes are just time, because all the i things that made old-fashioned cakes so good are carefully chosen and rV ' \ mixed ready for you '' The milk, in powdered form ready mixed with the flour, is what gives that rich, full flavor, and makes the cakes brown so nicely. Before breakfast, just add cold water, beat up the batter to make the cakes light and fluffy, bake, and they're ready. The tenderness of Aunt Jemima's Buckwheat Cakes, their delicious taste, will amaze you—and they are so quick and easy to make t Surprise your family with Aunt Jemima's Buckwheat Cakes for breakfast tomorrow. AuntJemimasß^ BUCKWHEAT CAKE FLOURS| "Made in a minute—the milk's mixed in it" foresaw the better day for the Chosen People:— "For the love of God is broader Than the measure of man's mind; And the heart of the Eternal Is most wonderfully kind." SPEAKING OF BIG FISH The largest fish ever caught was a whale shark taken last year off the coast of Florida. It occupied an im portant place among the fish exhibits at the San Francisco Exposition. This giant weighed over 30,000 pounds when caught. It is forty-five feet long and a full grown man could stand upright in its stomach. The mouth of this whale shark is over three feet wide and forty-five inches deep. It has several thousand teeth. The skin is three inches thick and has no scales. I The monster was captured after a 'fight lasting forty hours. A hun dred and fifty bullets and five whale harpoons were required to kill the big II sh. SUDDEN DEATH Caused by Disease of the Kidneys The close connection which exists between the heart and the kidneys is well known nowadays. As soon as kidneys are diseased, arterial tension is increased and the heart functions are attacked. When the kidneys no longer pour forth waste, uremic poisoning occurs, and the person dies and the cause is often given as heart disease,or disease of brain or lungs. It is a good insurance against such a risk to send 10 cents for a large trial package of "Anuric"—the latest dis covery of Dr. Pierce. Also send a sample of your water. This will be examined without charge by expert chemists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. When you suffer from backache, frequent or scanty urine, rheumatic pains here or there, or that constant tired, worn-out feeling, it's time to write Dr. Pierce, describe your symptoms and get his medical opinion —without charge and absolutely free. This "Anuric" of Dr. Pierce's" is 37 times more active than lithia, for it We have just received a large line of Spring patterns of Axminster Rugs which wc will sell away below regular prices. Come and see them. They make useful Christmas presents. Harrisburg Carpet Co. 32 North Second St. Your Christmas Stocking __i can contain no better gift than an account opened with a good Savings I Bank. Put a nest egg in a Savings j 1 Bank for your children for an Xtnas 7/jr gift or for your wife and it will en- I mi/ rStu fig/ courage habits of thrift and may be 1 <| : .fSfl jr t^lc foundation of their fortune. A \\M small amount will give you a bank book on the First National Savings First National Bank 224 MARKET STREET • dissolves uric acid in the system, as hot water does sugar. Simply ask for Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. There can be no imitation. Every package of '•Anuric" is sure to be Dr. Pierce's. Ycu will find the sig nature on the package just as you do on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the ever-famous friend to ailing wo men. Worry, Despondency Kidney Disease is suspected by med ical men when patients complain of backache or suffer with irregular urination, disturbed, too frequent, scanty or painful passage. The gener al symptoms are rheumatic pains or neuralgia, headaches, dizzy spells, ir ritability, despondency, weakness and general misery. Worry is a frequent cause and sometimes a symptom of kidney disease. Thousands have testi fied to immediate relief from these symptoms after using Dr. Pierce's Anuric Kidney Tablets.—Advertise ment.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers