A Telegraph Waal Ad Wilt Qnidfly lent flat Vacant fcwm^| Deaths HITCHGIiL Mrs. Isabella C. Mitchell, on December 6. 1915. at the residence of her nieces, the Misses Mitchell. 2320 I Jerry street, aged 92 years. . Funeral on Wednesday. December 8, at 10 A. M., from 2352 Derry street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial at CoatesvlUe, Pa. LOST jjOPT A small, brown purse, con taining about *2.50 cash and a check for S3 50, between Sixteenth an< \. Hunter and Third and Market via Mulberry street bridge. Reward If returned to 3 533 Hunter street. LOST. STRAYED OH STOLEN" Fe male biack and tan Rabbit I fount Answers to name Nellie. liewaril ir returned to William A. Oapp. 80S Brojwl street, or Riverside. Hurrisburg, Fa. BeH phone 597J-1. I/3ST From Pennsylvania Station to 228 North Third street, friendship bracelet. Reward it returned to -.8 North Third street. I_OST Lady's openface gold watch on Market street, or Chestnut Street Markethouse, Saturday evening. Re ward if returned to Koom 404 KunKel Building. 1 <OST STRAYED OR STOLEN a week ago. two grown cats, Maltese, answers to name Tlmmit; black cat, with white cross on face and white collar on net k, nam© Sister. Reward if returned 1426 Regina street. DOST Saturday afternoon, OP® l }* faced gold Waltham watch, with J. H. L Reward if returned to fcO North Seventeenth street. DOST A little dog with long, white hair. Return to 1823 Hill street. Re ward. D. W. Cook. POUND FOI'ND The very best system for remodeling out-of-date clothing. esti mates free. »omen s fur coats, fuis unci muffs remodeled into latest styles. H. L Powell, 925 Nortii Third street. FuUND Now's the time to have your clothes put In shape for the winter. EggerCs Steam ' n S. Jt.t French Cleaning V. orks, 1-45 Market Street. Both phones. We call and de liver. HEM* WANTED —Male W An experienced !001 " _ fix- r tor box and plain loom. Steaa> position for good, reliable man. • r.xperience and salary expected. , wtgatchie Mfg. Co.. Butfalo, N. W vn'TED Young man who has some knowedge of "hoe business, uood chince for auvancement. Apply r® l -" to. " outlet Shoe Co., 16 North Fourth street. W WTKD Boy for barber shop. Apply to U. A. Lentz, 1642 North Sixth street. WANTED An ambitious, active man to establish permanent business. Health and Accident Insurance, lmme tiatc cash returns and future. Address National Casualty Company, Detroit. Mich. . \V Ai'TED Boy to work in grocery <tore; give reference and experience. _\<jdress B„ 3348, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man for special advertising work. Call H. H. Martin dale. Harrisburg Telegraph. DISTRICT MANAGER Young man to handle salesofflce f °r manufacturing * j-mpany. Monthly salary 1100 and Exclusive terrßoo. Ap uticant must have push and abinty to handle salesmen. Investment of inquired Write L Deonard. Box L, 3297, care of Telegraphy w VNTED A good, all around lathe hand for die work. Keply by to The D. Wilcox Mfg. Co., Mechanlcsburg. Pa. _______—— _— MACHINISTS WANTED Boring mill or lathe hands, who can work ironi blue prints; also tool makers. AQ- | dress, or apply. Employment Depart ment. Westinghouse Electric &. Alls- Co., East Pittsburgh. Pa. WANTED Flrst-clase toolmakera. proMers, millers, drillers, rlflers, bgrrel lurtiers. millwrights, and steam ham iiier men to matte drop *«rKes. JUao men for barrel rolling. Addieas P. O. Box 261. i.ancaster. Pa. WANTED Men to become practl rjil chauffeurs and mechanics. We Kuarantee our students 20c per hour while repairing private cars; S4O in . ash required. Several cars to over haul now. Make application at once. No. 5 North Cameron street. Auto Transportation School. HEM* WANTED —Female GIRL WANTED Eight housework in apartment. Apply third floor 108 North Second street, or 205 Eocust street. WANTED Girls for bindery work. Applj at State Printing Ofllce, South Tenth street. WANTED Chambermaid. Apply to Housekeeper, Bolton Hotel. WANTED Colored or white girl for general housework. Apply 3003 Riverside Drive. WANTED l2 bright girls. Apply Silk Mill. Corner Second and North streets. WANTED Experienced sewing girls. Call evenings, 113 Chestnut street. WANTED Girl for general house work. Address Box K. 3343. care of Telegraph, or call Bell 1061 W. WANTED White girl for general housework; must sleep home and have reference. Address 0.. 3337, care of Telegraph. WANTED White woman, 28 years »f age. desires housework in family of two or three; none other need answer. Address X. M„ care of Telegraph. WANTED Widower desires white American woman, 30 to 40 years old. neat appearance, to assist In small quick lunch in country town; good home; no woman boss; state full par ticulars. Address E. 3335. care of Telegraph. WANTED White girl for general housework. Inquire 124 Walnut street. -i Little Farms! 5c Fare From Harrisburg 54 Mile to Trolley An ideal location for development inio "little farms."' 130 acres in Lower Allen Town ship—3 miles from Harrisburg— -125 acres cultivated. 5 acres in chestnut timber—rolling limestone and idate soil —improved with the regular farm buildings. The nearness of this farm to Warricburg would make an ideal situation for the city businessman who prefers to live in the country. Particulars upon inquiry. MILLER BROTHERS&CO. REAL ESTATE lasumnce Surety Honda I,«eutt and Court Streets TUESDAY EVENING, | HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Housekeeper for mid- I die-aged man: good home for right ! party. Address 0., 3352, care of Tele graph. WANTED Experienced saleslady ! for holiday trade. Apply at Regal ! Umbrella Co., Second and Walnut , streets. WORKS DRESSMAKING SCIIOOI. | Teaches all pattern cutting by meas i ure. Day and Evening classes. You j can save $5 on your tuition fee by reg istering now. Works Dressmaking I Course is not taught in the Y. W. C. A.. | as is re--»sented by them, or any part !of it. Works Dressmaking School. 22 | North Fourth street. I WANTED Girls over 16 to i strip tobacco. Also experienced , Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, I Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com- I pany, 500 Race street. WILL give good home and clothing, for the winter, to a respectable, middle aged lady who is willing to do house work for two. Apply in person, 117 Royal Terrace. WANTED A middle-aged white woman for general housework in small family. Call Bell phone 555 J. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street. Harrisburg, Pa. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female Competent Stenographers and Bookkeepers desiring positions to register with the Employment Department of this school. This service is offer ed young men and women seek ing office employment, and busi nessmen wishing expert office help, without charge or obliga tion. Address: W. H. Keller, Business Manager. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCIIOOL Kaufman Bldg. 4 S. Market Square SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe CORPORATION ACCOUNTANT, tem porarily idle, will take charge of or as sist with closing of fiscal year work. Mining, manufacturing, wholesale and retail experience. Have own typewriter and comptometer. References furnish ed. Address Lock Box 4. Hill Station, Harrisburg. Pa. AUTOMOBILE MAN—-Sober, reliable, married man with 12 years" experience, wants position demonstrating, driving or charge of repair shop. Can furnish all kinds of references required. Ad dress W„ 3351, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored man would like hotel work or janitor work. 1408 Marlon street, third floor. WANTED A German wishes posi tion of any kind; can draw and make good sketches. Address J., 3341, care of Telegraph. WANTED Reliable, married man desires position driving automobile/ commercial or private; eight years' ex perience. Address S., 3339, care of Tele graph. SITUATIONS WANTED—Feuialc WANTED A white girl, age 19, desires place at general housework or diningroom work. Apply 403 Walnut street, or call 767J Bell phone. MIDDLE-AGED white woman wants place doing general housework, or as cook at hotel. Address 1915 Susque hanna street, or call 337R Bell phone. WANTED Work by day or week by two women; can give reference. Apply 348 South Eleventh street. WANTED Colored woman would like day's work or apartment to clean. 1408 Marion street, third floor. WANTED Bookkeeper and steno grapher, with nine years' experience in all lines of office work; can furnish best of references. Address P. O. Box 68. Harrisburg. WANTED—By experienced cook, col ored, position, or day's work. Address 1211 Wallace street. WANTED By colored woman, day's work. Call at "921 Sarah avenue. WANTED A young, white, single woman wants cooking and downstairs work, in a good family; can also do laundry work. Apply 0., 3340, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young girl. 19 years of age. desires diningroom work or gen eral housework. Inquire 2248 Jefferson street. WANTED Two women want work one wants work to do at home, the other day' 3 work; prefer restaurant or hotel. Address H. B. R., 1613 Fulton street. WANTED By a colored girl, a po- i sltion as waitress and upstairs work i in a good family. Apply 620 Forster i street. Bell phone 304 M. j WANTED Middle-aged white wo man. from country, wants position In private family as >ook. Call 44 Elnden i street, Harrisburg, Pa. I lIEAIi ESTATE FOR NAI/E FOB IMMEDIATE SAI.E A valuable North .Second street resi- ' dence. Most desirable residential lo- , • alit.v in city. A bargain. Price and ' terms for the asking. Address "Home," J care of Harrisburg Telegraph. . lIEAI. ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 1202 Bartlne street, a 2 1 ,5-story brick house, containing six rooms, water and gas in kitchen, to a small family of two or three only; rent, I sll. Inquire at 110 Cumberland street. FOR RENT Five-room house at 810 James street, water and gas. also gas range, SIO.OO per month; possession at once. Apply J. Novello, 809 North Third. FOR RENT —Two-story brick house-; seven rooms and bath; all Improve ments; steam heat; electric and gas; window shades; Derry street, Paxtang. Call 100 Paxtang avenue. FOR RENT Earge ground floor room, suitable for small business or ot hers, located at 109 North Second street Immediate possession. Apply on prem ises. FOR RENT Two houses In High spire, on Market street, just remodeled; i electric and gas lighting; ground ; enough to raise all vegetables, with i fruit trees. Inquire 1610 Market I street. Harrisburg, Pa. ' FOR RENT—Brick garage, cemented land sewered, water and light, $5.50 per I month; rear 1112 North Second street. A S. Koser, 214 North Second street, ! or 1111 North Second street, from 5 to i 6:30 P. M. FOR RENT Three-story brick I lious" at 412 Hummel street: all im j provements: tront and back porches; 'large yard; lawn front; rent. sl9. ('all ! at IG. Dfniin. 346 Muench street, Har ■ visburg. i FOR RENT Two single fireproof j ga rases. situated in tear of 1435 and 1437 Shoop street. Rent, $5.00 each. Irn i mediate possession. J. u. Gipple, 1251 I' Market street. FOR KENT 3-story brick dwelling, steam beat, front and rear porches, $lB i per month. l„oeated 2558 Eexlngton 'street, Harrisburg, Pa. Inquire .1. 1* I Grove. Iloom 7. Trust Co.. Building. I Steelton. Bell phone 1»». APAHTMKXTB FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished apartments, four rooms and bath, all conveniences; also large storeroom. Apply Douls Begelfer. Flshman Apartments, Sixth and Herr. or call 1624 J. FOR RENT Apartments, first and second lioor flats, with elty steam and a!', conveniences. Apply at 1008 North Third street. Bell phone 180KR FOR RENT—IO7 South Front street, third floor front furnished apartment: two large rooms, kitchenette and bath; city steam heat included. Apply to Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. ROOMS EOR RENT FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, on second Hoof; use of bath and phone; no children; ref erences exchanged. Apply 1604 Derry street. FOR RENT Desirable rooms. Ap ! ply 222 Pine street. FOR RENT Comfortably furnished I room on second floor, leading on porch, near bath; a pleasant, warm home for gentleman; use of phone; hot water system. 117 Pine street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished bed room, third floor front, light, heat and bath, or two unfurnished rooms, third floor. Call after 5 P. M., at 1216 Berry hill street. FOR RENT Hiceiy furnished sec ond floor front room; city steam heat and electric lights: rent very reason able. Apply 710 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Second-story front room, newly furnished;! also large room with balcony, same floor; suitable for two or three gentlemen; steam heat, electric light and phone service. Apply 125 Pine street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, second floor front; bay window, steam heat, electric and gas, single or ensulte; light housekeeping privilege considered. Bell phone 1149, 7 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, in private family, with or without board. 1325 Derry street. Phone 3600 M. FOR RENT Second floor front room, suitable for two gentlemen or young girls; centrally located. Call Bell phone 555 J. FOR RENT Three nice, pleasant, furnished or unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping, in private family; present location corner residence with conveniences. Apply 1529 Reg*na street. FOR RENT—Second floor, four rooms and bath, hot water heat, $20.00 in ad vance. 27 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Large, well-furnished second floor front rooms; all conveni ences and use of phone. Inquire 813 North Second street. ! FOR RENT Nicely furnished front i room in apartment for rent, at 10S I North Second street; all conveniences, i Including use of phone and bath; de ;sirable home for gentleman. Apply 205 I Locust street. FOR RENT Suite of rooms on j second floor front, for one or two gen tlemen, with use of bath, phone and city heat; reference required. Apply 272 Brlggs street. FOR RENT Room for rent for single person or married couple. Ap ply 209 State street. WANTED WANTED TO RENT 7-room house in desirable location, away from trol ley line, not over 15 minutes from Mar ket Square. Gas. electricity, furnace, front porch. Desirous of occupying on or before February 1. Address Box Z, | 3298, care of Telegraph. WANTED Second-hand Victrola or Graphophone (disc type) of good ap pearance and condition. State model number and lowest cash price. M., 3350, care of Telegraph. . CASH PRICES paid for Ladies' and Men's cast-off Clothing and Shoes; also I Furniture and Carpets. Give descrlp- I Hon of goods you want to sell. Send | postal to 636 Herr street. | WANTED TO BUY Second-hand i baby carriage in good condition. White ior reed Pullman preferred. Address N., | 222, care of Telegraph. {INVESTMENT PROPERTY WANTED Dwelling, storeroom or other build-\ ! ing. If bringing extra good rental, re j ply giving low cash price, ful particu -1 lars. Address S., 3346, care of Tele j graph. FOll SALE ( FOR SALE Handsome quartered |oak Cutler roll-top desk, typewriter ■ desk, swivel chair, straight chairs, York I iron safe, wilton rug. etc. Everything I practically new and at very reasonable I prices. H. E. van Haagen. 406 Kunkcl j Building. ' FOR SALE One horse for sale | cheap, coming four years old. Apply I Mrs. S. E. Shrlver, 1428 Regina street. FOR SALE A Bennet &■ Bretz ! piano, good condition. Moving into | apartment. AVill sacrifice to quick I buyer. Apply to C.. 3349, care of Tele graphy ' FOR SALE Complete Sanitary Barber Shop, three chairs, in best of condition. Good tobaco trade. Situat ed on the main street. Good reasons 1 for selling. Box 247. Marietta, Pa. | FOR SALE One Sorrel Mare, weighing 1,100 lbs.; city broke; free driver; also a rubber-tire runabout. In | fine condition. Apply at Singer Sewing Machine Store. No. 13 South Market | Square. ! FOR SALE At Shaffer's, 80-88 'South Cameron street. A full stock !of Anti-Freezing Solution. Positively ! guaranteed to keep your automobile | radiator from freezing. ! FOR SALE Stanley Steamer car, in good condition; owner will demon ' strate the car. Call Bell phone 3153J2. FOR SALE Lester upright piano, nearly new; mahogany finish; also one Circassion walnut bedroom suit, com | plete, latest design. Must be sold this month. Address M., 3344, care of Te!e --j graph. FOR SALE—I9I3 Mitchell Roadster, in A 1 condition; extra tfre; repainted; cheap to quick buyer. Apply 15 South Third street, or J. S. McCormick, Enola, Pa. FOR SALE 2l White Wyandotte pullets. These are choice birds. About half are laying and balance will soon begin to lay. A. O. Zerfing, Duncan non. Pa. FOR SALE Blacksmith Shop doing a good cash business, located along public road. Will sell at a bargain. Good reasons for selling. Address L„ i 3347. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Bargain If taken at I once, Edison phonograph and records, }ln fine condition. Apply 1317 Derry , street. i-'OR SAUK 1915 Maxwell; run very short time, and in absolutely A 1 condition, l«et us demonstrate. Hex Garage. 191" North Third street. FOR SAl>£. Pool tables; one 4VjjX9, one Ixß. in good condition; lunch counter 12 ft. bock Drawer P, Dun cannon, Pa. ~ OVERCOATS AND SUlTS—Drummer's samples (latest styles) at positively lowest prices In the city. Call—be con vinced. Cohen & Son, Reliable Pawn brokers. 431 Market, at Subway. GI..ASS window signs Furnished Hoon>s. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c eui:li. On< of tliese slßns will be sriven with eacii six-time order for a classified ad I? paid in advancw. Mi'iuir* at Office of I T«legrapU. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FOR SALE FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up to-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large Gold I" ish and Globes of all sizes; Bird Seeds, natural Fish Food and supplies. Gebhardt, the "Bird Man." 1004 North Third, between Boas and Herr. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—Jo for ?5c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department, " he Tele graph Prlntiug Company. FOR SALE CAKDS on sale at the Telegraph business Office. FOR SALE. CHEAP Fully equipped Joh and Newspaper plant, doing good business. Reason for selling—other wise engaged. Address S., 3286, care «f Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Businass Office. FOR SALE Because we must va cate our present store in the next 60 days, we've decided to sacrifice our stock of now and second-hand furni ture. No reasonable ofTer refused—en tire stock must go. Tables, sideboards chiffoniers, bedroom furniture, stoves! Including o new Middletown ranges and other odds and ends of furniture too numerous to mention. All stock In good, clean condition. Also a few pieces of antique furniture as well as antique dishes. Will sell to dealers, but trlflers need not apply. Give us a visit. Frank Cohen. 607 East State street. CIGARS Our Xmas Offer, 50-Cre- Malta. 76c postpaid, or 12 Llttle- Havanas, 12 Old-Rye and 25 Cre-Maltas, sl, or 150 Cre-Maltas, $2. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa. HI'SI N ESS OPPORTUNITIES WE will paint any old, leaky Roof and guarantee a water-tight job. Pos tal brings us. References from hun dreds of satisfied patrons. Hite & Hite, 135 Brady street. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, lock port. N. Y. I MADE )60,000 In five years In the mail order business, began with $6 Send for tree booklet. Tolls how. Hea cock. 355 Lock port. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS FURS REMODEL—D, repaired and made like new; best style; moderate charge. Tailoring in all'branches. 1619 Penn street. ARCADE BARBER SHOP. 36 N. Court Street. Newly remodeled and refitted. Clean and sanitary. Complete system Red Cross Sterilizers used. Massage, 25c. Shave, 10c. P. D. Rlchwitie, Pro prietor. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair, Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. FIRE ESCAPES, when needed, are of great importance. They are soon worthless if not well painted. We paint them and paint them well. Hite & Hite, No. 135 Brady street. HAUCK'S Automobile Repair Shop. Work guaran teed. Ford cars a specialty. Cars for hire. Bell phone 1616 J. Rear 1418 Swatara street. HAULING R. A. HAHTMAN. Boarding; Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boiler? and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We invite inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co 411 Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE The annual meeting of the East Harrisburg Cemetery Company, for the election of Six Directors, will he held at the office of the company, at the Cemetery, on Tuesday, the 11th day of January, 1916, between the hours of 1 and 2 P. M. J. A. MILLER. Secretary. PROPOSALS FOn BRIDGE OVER SHAMOKIN CREEK, AT TENTH STREET, SC.MI IKY, NORTHUM BERLAND COUNTY, PENNA. THE Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania will re ceive sealed proposals until 2 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday, the 14th day of De cember, 1915, in strict accordance with the plans and specifications, as prepar ed by G. A. Fllnk, the Board's Engi neer. for replacing bridge over Shamo kin Creek at Tenth Street, in Sunbury, Northumberland County, Penna.. de stroyed by flood January 9, 1915. As a gurantee of good faith and to secure the Commonwealth from any loss bv failure to comply with the terms of the bid, all bidders shall deposit a certified check, payable to the State Treasurer, for the sum of One Thou sand Dollars on some responsible Penn sylvania Bank or Trust Company, at least twenty-four hours before the time set for the receipt of the bids. They shall take the State Treasurer's re ceipt therefor, which receipt must be deposited with their bid. Checks will be returned to the makers, unless forfeit ed, after the successful bidder's bond has been approved and accepted. Proposals shall be in sealed enve lopes marked "Proposals for rebuilding bridge at Tenth Street Sunbury, Northumberland County, Penna.," ad dressed "Samuel B. Rambo, Superinten dent of Public Grounds and Buildings." SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. C. P. ROGERS, JR., Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR A BRIDGE OVER I WVAI.USING CREEK AT CAMP. TOWS, WYALUSING TOWNSHIP. BRADFORD COUNTY. PA. THE Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will receive sealed proposals until 2 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday, the 14th day of De cember. 1915. 'n strict accordance with the plans and specifications, as prepared by David A. Keefe, the Board's Engi neer, for replacing bridge over Wya lusing Creek at Camptown, Wyalusing Township. In Bradford County. Penna., destroyed by flood July 8, 1915. As a guarantee of good faith and to secure the Commonwealth from any loss by failure to comply with the terms of the bid, all bidders will de posit a certified check, payable to the State Treasurer, for the sum of Four Thousand Dollars on some responsible Pennsylvania Bank or Trust Company, at least, twenty-four hours before the time set for the receipt of the bids. They shall take the State Treasurer's receipt therefor, which receipt must be deposited with their bid. Checks will be returned to the makers, unless forfeited, after the suc cessful btdder's bond has been approv ed and accepted. Proposals shall be In sealed en velopes, marked "Proposals tor re building bridge at Camptown. Brad ford County. Penna.," addressed to "Samuel B. Rambo, Superintendent of I Public Grounds and Buildings, Harris burg, Pa." SAMUEL. B. ItAMBO, Superintendent. C. P. ROOEBS, JR.. Secretary. In the Estate of Luther R. Kelker. late of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County. Pa., deceased. i NOTICE Letters Testamentary In I the above Estate having been granted : to the undersigned, all persons Indebt ; rd to said Bistate are requested to make ' immediate payment, and those having I claims will present them for settlement to A jNES K KKLKBR, I Executrix, I 4larri*burs, Pa. BUYING MOVE BOOSTS PRICES [New York Central Touches Best Price of Year; Specials Gain New, York. Dec. 7. The buying movement which lifted prices In yes terday's late trading was resumed in more moderate degree at to-day's opening, although rails were less prominent. New York Central was offered In 1,000 share lots at 104%, an ad\*ance of % antl its best price of the year, and Canadian Pacific also rose. In the special class gains of 1 to S points were recorded by In dustrial Alcohol, Baldwin Locomotive, Willys Overland. Pressed Steel Car and Mexican Petroleum pfd. Anglo French notes for future delivery made the new low quotation of 96%. Dealings in the first hour were on the same moderate scale as yesterday with some quickening of movement and greater breadth later. Specialties held their early prominence. Distillers' Securities ranking second to U. S. Steel in activity. Steel rose % to 87',& with advances of varying degrees in kindred issues. Sloss-Shefflelcl Steel on its rise of 2% to 66% was at its best quotation in five years. Hails we'e again disposed to sag on light offerings but responded to fresh buy ing. Studebaker and other motor shares were higher. Bonds were ir regular. NEW YORK STOCKS 'Chandler Bros. & Co.. members :: York and Philadelphia Stock 1 changes, 3 North Market Square. !' risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Flu delphia: 34 Pine street,- New Yuri:, furnish the following quotations: New York, Dec 7. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines 24 23% Allis-Chalmers 33% 32% American Beet Sugar .. 72 % 71% American Can 61 % 61% American C& F 82% 82% American Cotton Oil. .. . 58% 58% American Ice Securities. 26% 26% Aniei'can Locomotive .. 71% 70% American Smelting .... 100 Bit American Sugar 117% 117% American T & T 128% 123 Anaconda 88% 87% Atchison 107% 107 Baldwin Locomotive ... 117 116% Baltimore & Ohio 94% 94% Bethlehem Steel 470 469 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 90% 90% California Petroleum .. 28% 27% Canadian Pacific 183% 183% Central eLather 60% 60% Chesapeake and Ohio.. 64% 63% Chicago, Mil and St Paul 96 94 Chiacgo, E I and Pacific. 19% 19% Chino Consolidated Cop. 55% 54% Colorado Fuel and Iron. 51% 51% Consolidated Gas I 144% 144% Crucible Steel 76- 74 Distilling Securities .... 47% 47% Erie 44 Vi 44 Erie Ist pfd 58% 58% General Electric Co .... 177% 177 Interboro-Met pd 80 78% Kas. City South 32% 32% Lehigh Valley 83 82% Maxwell Mot 76% 77% Mex. Petroleum ....... 94% 93 Miami Copper 34%' 3 1 4% Missouri Pacific 5% 5% National Lead 65% 65% General Motors 521 521 Goodrich B. F 76 73% Gt. North pd 127 126% Gt. North. Ore ss 50 49% Gug. Exploration 78% 78 Ins. Copper 46 45 Interboro-Met 22% 22 New York Central 104% 103% N Y" N H H 77 75% New York Ont and West 31 31 Norfolk and Western,.. 121 120% Northern Pacific 117% 116% Pennsylvania Railroad.. 59% 59% Pittsburgh Coal 36% 35% Pittsburgh Coal pd 108% 108% Press Steel Car 66 66% Railway Steel Spg 46 46 Ray Con Copper 25 Vi 25% Reading 83 82 Republic Iron and Steel 53% 53% Southern Pacific 102% 101 Southern Railway 24% 24 South Rwy pfd 62% 62% Studebaker 155% 159% Tennessee Copper 59 58 Third Avenue 61% 61% Union Pacific 139% 138% U S Rubber 56% 55% U S Steel 86% 86% U S Steel pfd 116% 116 i Utah Copper 80 % 80 | Va Caro Chem 47 47 Western Union Tele ... 88% 88 Westinghouse Mfg .... 69% 69 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia. Dec. 7. Wheat Higher; No. 2, red, spot and December, 11.20if51.22; No. 2, Southern, red, 11.18 ® 1.20. Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local, 79 @SOc; steamer. No. 2, yellow, local, 78® 79c. Oats Higher; No. 2, white, 49® 49%<3>c; No. 3. white. 46%®47c. Bran—Steady, fair demand; city mills, winter, per ton. *24.00(8)24.50; western, winter, per ton, none here; Spring, per ton, $23.00®2.3.50. |{efined Sugars—Firm, but quiet; powdered, 6.25 c; line granulated, 6.15 c; confectioners' A, 6.05 c. Butter Market firm; western, creamery, extras, 34% c; nearby prints, I fancy. 38c. Eggs The market is steady; I Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $10.50 per case: do., current receipts, free cases. 19.90 per case: western, extras, firsts, iree cases, $10.50 per case; do., firsts, free cases. $9.90 per case. Live Poultry—Market lower; fowls, 14016 c; old roosters, ll@12c; broll i Ing chickens. i 6 4i>lic. Spring en''*- •< 1 145»15c; ducks, 13@16c; geese, 14® 16c; ' turkeys. 18® 20c. i Dressed Poultry The mar j ket Is quiet; turkeys lower; LEGAL NOTICES ORPHANS' COI'KT SALE OK VALU ABLE PITY REAL ESTATE PURSUANT to an order of the Or phans' Court of Dauphin County, Pa., dated November 29, 1915, the under signed, Executor of the Will and Testament of MARY E. WINTERS, late of the City of Harrisburg, deceased, will sell at public sale, discharged of all liens, the following described real All that certain lot or piece of land, situate in the City of Harrisburg, Dau phin County, Pa., fronting twenty-five feet on the eastern side of S. Second (Street, south of Chestnut Street, and extending in depth, the same width, ninety-five feet to a public alley ten ' feet wide: thereon erected a three-and- I a-half-story brick dwelling house, now ] known as No. 109 S. Second Street. This property has a large store room, used as a wholesale liquor store for many years. License was granted for 1915. but not lifted. If has steam heat fixtures and is wired for elertric light; two bathrooms and hot and cold water. Sale fo take place In front of the Court House. Harrisburg. on Thursday, December 30th, 1915, at 2 P. M. Terms—Fifteen per centum of the purchase money to be paid in cash when the property is struck off, and I tiie balance upon the confirmation of the sale bv file Orphans' Court". FREDERICK M. ■')TT, I Executor. DECEMBER 7, 1915. fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18c; do., | average, 16'/6®17%c; do., unattrac tive, lIiRMDc; ice packed fowls, 13 i!? . c I roosters, 13>4c; broiling SaU • nettr by, 22®26c; do., western, .o(n>22e; roasting chickens, western, choice to fancy, 18©19 c; do. fair to §£?.od, 14® 17c; Spring ducks, nearby, 18 i&i-Oc; do., western, 12®U8c; geese, nearby, 16®18e; do., western. 14®16c; turkeys, nearby, choice to fancv, 23® 24c; do., western, do., 22<jj!23c; do., fair to good. IS®2oc; do., inferior, 15® 16c. Potatoes Market steady; Penn sy Ivan la, fancy, per bushel, 85®90c; do., fair to good, per bushel. 75®78c; Jersey, No. 1, per basket. 40®>55c; Jer sey, No. 2, per basket. 20®26c. ized at $30,000,000. it is said. Whether or not there is any connection be tween thi sand the newly incorporated Donner Steel Company, the formation of which set Wall Street agog yester day, is not known. Maryland Steel Co. to Merge With Cambria Company, Is Report Baltimore, Md„ Dec. 7.—lt is re ported that the Maryland Steel Com pany is about to be merged with the Cabria Steel Company and the Youngs town Sheet and Tube Company. It is said that the Midvale Steel Company, with large ore deposits in Cuba, is back of the deal. The Maryland Steel Company is a subsidiary of the Penn sylvania Steel Company and is capital- I'HII.ADKI.IMIIV STOCKS Philadelphia, Dec. 7.—Stocks closed irregular. American Railways 30 Cambria Steel 76 General Asphalt 35' General Asphalt, Pfd 72% I>ake Superior Corporation Lehigh Navigation 78 Lehigh Valley 82 Pennsylvania Railroiul 59% Pennsylvania Steel, l'fd 81% Philadelphia Electric 27% Philadelphia Company 44 ,J !illadelphia Co.. Pfd 36 ' iladelphia Rapid Transit .... 19U ' bidelphia Traction 1S 1 A •Hug 78 " rage Battery 68% >ll Traction 16 V •il Gas Improvement 88 ;i i uited States Steel 86 CHICAGO CATTIIES Chicago, 111., Dec. 7. Hogs Re ceipts, 45,000; dull, liulk of sales $6.00 <il 6.D0: light. $5.50(0)6.45; mixed, .i.Bs® 6.70;- heavy, s6.ls<?i 6.70; rough, >■" 15®> 6.30; pigs. $4.00®5.33. Cattle Receipts. 6,000; weak. Na tive beef steers, $5.50® 10.50,'* western steers, $6.10®5.10; cows and heifers, ' s2.«M*> R'.IO; calves, $6.50® 10.25. She .) Receipts. 13.000; steady to 10c lower. Wethers, $5.90®6.50; lambs, $6.90® 9.5.. CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE Chicago. 111., Dec. 7.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat December. 1.163; ; May. 1.17%. Corn—December, 68>i; May, 72' i. Oats—December. 43 U ; May, 15 ~i. Pork—January, 18.57; May. 18.60. Lard—January, 9.82; May, 10.15. Ribs—January, 10.02; May. 10.25. Letter List LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN j the Post Office, at Harrisburg, Pa., for I the week ending December, 4, 1915; Ladles' List Mrs. C. S. Baldwin, Mrs. Halen Barnes, Mrs. Christiana | Boden, Sade Brehm, Eva A. Brinser, Miss Sanrathay Brown, Airs. B. D. Clark. Miss Dorothy Dougherty, Miss Florence ' Eggleston, Mrs. Anna Eolenan, Mrs. i Laura Kvans, Miss Katie Fidler, Miss Leah Flood, Mrs. Katie Hilmer, Miss Lou Hubley, Miss Mary Jones, Mabel Keys (D. L,). Mrs. Florence KnotT, Miss E. A. Knowles, Miss Mary Long. Ml»s Helen May. Mrs. Robert Mc- Cann, Miss McFadden. Mte. E. Martin Michalls, Miss L. Geneva Mener, Miss Catharfine Miller, Miss Sadie A. Min j ich. Mrs. Susia Morrison. Mary C. Pal.ston, Miss I,acj Patterson, Miss Mary Hoyer, Mrs. Mary Schotleld, Mrs. E. Slichter, Mrs. Lillie Stouff, Miss Louise Troehner, Mrs. Elmer Wallace, Miss Cora E. Wise, Mrs. Henry Wolf. Miss Edna Wolfe (3), Miss Clara Wright. Miss Elsie Wrudhausen. Miss Annie Young, Mrs. Emma Youst. Gentlemen s List W. R. Bell, Forest Fred Brawner, Wm. Buckley, P. A. Crowley. L. P. Davis. E. N. Det. D. L. Dougherty, Homer Dressier, H. M. ! Fro«t, Rev. John Fuqua, Chas. Graff, j Thomas Harbeson, Norman Humphry, J. W. Irvin, J. Jackson, Harry Keifer, I Benj. M. Kunkel. Maudy Lee, N. E. | Libhart, A. B. Martin, Jim Mayo (D. It), Mr. Miller, W. E. Mooney, .1. D. Moore, Wlyod Moton, E. C. Myers. Reuben Nicholas. Jiuseppe Pasceri, E. J. Rice, IJ. U. Robinson. Joe Schers, John A. I Sliepley, A. Singer. John Swope, Tom I K. Taylor. W. O. Vickers, William H. I Walker, M. Warner, T. E. Watt, John A. Wiest. C. P. Williams, Elmer Wise, ! Mr. Zimmerman. Firms Casino Theater, The Grand ' Leader, Holloway & Arnold Co. Foreign Jacob Rosu. Mick Vo'.na Ton. Persons should invariably have their mail matter addressed to their street and number, thereby insuring prompt delivery by the carriers. FRANK C. SITES, Postmaster. He's Oldest Recruit in Great Britain's Army m!L. JWVATE London, Dec. 7, Lord Derby's recruiting campaign has not only in duced the backward to come forward and enlist, but has also given hope to many patriotic but supposedly in eligible Englishmen that after all they may lie allowed to light for their country. When a man is 78 years old, for instance, lie would scarcely ron : aider himself tit for a soldier's duties, I yet one man that age has enlisted. 110 Is Charles Farmer, a hero of the Crimean war. who has been out of the array for 44 years. He listened to one of Lord's Derby's emissaries making a speech and fired with en thusiasm. enlisted and was accepfed. i He Is now a member of the Klng'3 ; Shropshire Light Infantry. He is a native of Shrewsbury, a Joiner by trade. The doctors who examined him declared him "physically sound." THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary —lll be open daily, except Sunday, at 3 P. M.. at its new location, Front [and Harris streets, for the free treat- I inent of the worthy poor. Refusal to Give Location of Drifting Vessel Is Mystifying to Shippers By Associated Press San Francisco, Cal„ Dec. 7.—Ship ping meh are mystified to-day by the refusal of Captain Garlick of the dis abled Great Northern Steamship Minnesota to reveal the exact position of the drifting vessel. It is expected however, that definite information will be received from the tug, Dauntless, and the salvage steam er I aqua, which left here Friday to go to the assistance of the crippled treighter, and which are expected to reach her early to-day. The opinion was expressed here by W. Wiley, marine superintendent of the Great Northern Steamship OMnpany, that chemicals placed in tne water might have caused tho breakdown of the Minnesota. MESTACH, CITY'S FIRST BIRDMAN, PRISONER The first aviator that ever encircled the Capitol dome and one of the first birdmen Harrisburg ever saw. is whil ing weary hours away the best he can in a German military prison in Mainz. That George Mestacli, the airman, who, with Paul Peck, thrilled thou-, sands at Paxtang in 1911, is a prisoner of war beyond the Rhine was eon firmed by friends in this country through a letter which Mestach wrote from his cell. Mestach enlisted with the French aviation corps early in the war and was assigned to the army in Belgium. From time to time repeated tales of the death of the American fly ing man "somewhere in France" were denied. The first definite report of the whereabouts of the birdman were re ceived a lew days ago by friends in New York, who got Mestach's letter via Paris. The letter was not lengthy —and it bore the earmarks of a very, very careful inspection of German military censors. niIBBER STAMnn .If El SEALS & STENCILS MV Jj I MFG.BY HBG.STENCIL WORKS ■ .1 II 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. V i "N FOR SALE j Slightly used overcoats from $1.50 up; all good condition. Bought 2,000 army shoes from the Government, will sell for $1.50 a pair. Money i back if not satisfied. Seeing is be lieving. Come and convince your | self. Open evenings. S. Meltzer, 513 I Walnut street. r \ FOlt SALE High grade marabous, bought from 11. C. I>odgc. the hatter, luuffs and scarfs. We will sell at a sacrl- I fice. Also bought Huckel's velour I $7 hats will sell for $1.50. Come and see how much you can save. Dodge handles but the best. Open evenings. S. Meltzer, 513 Walnut street. . LOANS—> i ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT LEGAL RATES. Small Monthly Payments. I'roflt Sharing; I.oan Society 9 No. Market Square (Spooner Bldff.) I Conducted Under State Banking Dept. License No. 24. V. J READY MONEY for Individuals pressed by lack of funds to meet immediate necessities, at legal rates, pay able in weekly or monthly ln i stalments. No publicity. CO-OPERATIVE Loan & Investment Co. 204 CHESTNUT ST. Under supervision State Banking Department. \ 100 Head of Horses and Mules For Sale at Public Auction Our horses are what we repre sent them to be. They must be l right. If things are not as stated, I we refund your money. We have 1 the best broken horses in Harrls i burg, from 5 to 6 years old. Every horse is going to be sold for the I highest dollar. Please do not for | get the sale on Wednesday Afternoon, j Dec. 8, at 1 O'clock Sharp You bring your horses, wagons I and harness, and we will sell them for you. Sale every Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock sharp. We sell all kinds of horses privately. : We are open from 8 A. M. to 9 I M. BLATT, Proprietor 1420 FULTON STREET ! Phone United 586-F ' ' < Standard Oil Stocks A decided renewal of activity and interest in the Standard Oil | subsidiary stocks was evident dur ! lug: the week's trailing. Conaplcu ous In crude oil prices with enor mously Increasing earning* for these companies have stimulated 1 the market in all .Standard Oil is sues. There is ample reason to be lieve this price appreciation will continue until much higher levels arc attained. Our filet; contain ■ complete, exclusive and up-to-date | information on all Standard Oils. 1 Communicate with us. 1 j WE AIjHO SOLICIT INQUIR IES OX THE TO.VOPAHS, THE j COHANTS, LAKE TORPEDO, SI B MARINE BOAT, IST. MERC AN TI L E PFR. AND COM.; INT. PETROLEUM, BETHLEHEM STEED, BALD WIN LOCOMOTIVE, CAMBRIA •STEEL. DU PONT POWDER, Ml OV ALE STEEL. AMERICAN BRITISH MlXi., CAR LIGHT ING AND POWER, STANDARD MOTORS. U. S. LIGHT AND HEAT. AETNA EXPLOSIVES, CHALMERS MOTORS, CHEV ROLET MOTORS. KENNECOTT COPPER, BRADEN. CANADA COPPER. AND ALL OTHER ACTIVE SECURITIES. Write, wire or telephone us. L. L. Winkelman & Co. 139 S. Broad St., Philadelphia I'honr*: Wain tit 6«3T HUM 268.1 New York WllmluiMoii, Del. rarkernburg, W. V». DIRECT WIRES to the VARIOUS MARKETS \—- I . 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers