Any Phone fijOti VfMG(4Z>49 M j jSjOWftl&ttZ | Mr". S. Claus Has Emptied His Knapsack ' 'Wm °fGood Things Into ' Christmas Shopping Is gj Jj Three days ago the alert ear of an attentive salesgirl congestion bespeaks greater efficiency. Deliveries have been caught a part of a kindly gentleman's remark to his friend as "speeded up," and the whole organization is in apple-pie order i y he passed her counter: " to be so pretty in here, and it's * or the busiest Christmas season ever. Enough to let us know that he like hundreds more i n ™ tv/t . j« u • - n [ W as pleased with the appearance of the store Only 17 Days More to read Christmas Gift announce- / \ ew complaints; fewer merchandise returns; less elevator Complete your shopping by December 15th. ~ Women's Gloves of For His Gift: These 1 r» r ia t Toy Town Is Full to Overflow- Excellent character Stylish Fjxings man Style Coats for Women ing With All That Old Santa's K liisE;™ i «l avy S ' Li,tle need bL ; said about re Built or Sol *d Comfort T D ■ r* IJ/- • "tESJS-. r ,fa 1 ,l " w acceptable th e y are—asK , Style first. But style without comfort, the wearer might just Ingenious Brain Could Conceive g ,„ T ve? ; any man. _ aswel,have »ocoa.. narrow hand embroidery; in white, Silk Hosiery, in gift boxes, ' ll erc y ou m c h oo se f roni n thnrnno-blv And everything here is a picture itself of funny, jolly, fat JKJtf* with'contrasting to #*.oo. array of stylish coats that were designed to give comforts Santa Claus. The funny clowns, the clever mechanical toys, Fow,ies' kid gloves in black Hose ' 4 pairs s ° C ' W noticed in the warm inter-linings the quaint wooden animals and ever so many others. white and various colors in"self and Wide silk Mufflers, black and A S p| en( ij t | variety of • contrasting stitching, $1.25, «1.,10 white, black and gray, #2.00. " } Bring the Children to Toy Town ' Baano Mocha skin gloves in initial'kerchiefs, three colors, half Woolen Fabric Coats, $9.50 to $25 And to Santa Claus'Castle black, gray and tan; $1.35 and dozen in box, box. Corduroy Coats , $16.50 to $28.50 sl.oO. Initial belts, separately boxed, Pinch Cnntm (9 O Cn s. *ac rin Watch their eyes dance with delight at the many things kld gloves, sl.<M>. > v - O $45.00 tp see —trains, fire engines, sand toys, model builders, drums, Children's fleeced kid gloves and Fl,r ,inefl driving gloves, brown I ~'' Vf > . olcn . .[ a, ] ri , cs W j ll bc dashing plaids and guns, and toys for the wee, tiny tots are here aplenty. ' mitl c"s with fur tops, .»oe, .190 and gray Mocha, #3.50 to $3.50. .. . ''' ■ ' mixtuies, and a variety of those smart man x, . \.. . Complete line of Men's Fashion- " " thal s «m to be so greatly favored by many There are dolls, dolls and dolls everywhere. So many that Golf gloves, various colors, ,, x - . . aw women. . , , , . aiH l able Neckwear —.>OO to SfW.UO. a census had to be taken. j BQWMAN-S— Main Floor BQWMAX-S— Main Floor Good plushes are somewhat scarce, and rather "stock up" Santa has a little something to give each boy and girl 7~ ~ ~ " I . „ T! vvU ' l ra^es that are not dependable, we are showing the bet who will visit him in his castle to-morrow. ? VV C Q Like tO ljnQCrCiOtllC All 03.rriS- * el unes m moderate numbers. BOWMAN'S-—Third Floor. And the very little children should inquire at the Santa DUrg To-mOITOW I - Claus Post Office for a letter from Santa. _, . , fl , ——r— _ The Bowman Underwear Section is a place of larger than usual f OsffL'. j If C $ I X Underwear. ' If the Gift Is To Men's heavy cotton, ribbed Boys' heavy cotton fleece lined "" \Lf \ omn\ /% ImV Be One of Ribbon flcccc lined shirts and drawers, drawers, 25?; union 1 If \ These tor daintiness and j su it P> $| 00. " Children's heavy cotton, fleece ' ««| X m, sliirts and drawers heavy weight, . "ttlldSlv natural and white Moire Ribbons. 5 'inches wide, , 001 nbb . Cil un,on sults ' —fll2 /' K'S v \ / KIS \ Kl4 \ many shades, 19? yard. mm Men's natural wool shirts and Women's heavy cotton fleece Satin Ribbons from the baby |/ drawers, SI.OO, $1.50 and lined vests and p'aftits. 25?. Vnil Can Havp MnrA A n/1 T.,r,4. A widths up to 7 inches, match sets. 7>J[ $1.75. Women's heavy cotton fleece I ° U naV C MOre WaiStS And JUSt AS 3? to J59? yard , Men's natural wool mixed union lined vests and pants, silk finish, PrettV If Yoil RllV * < Wir^hmn^ ;, Ribbons for children s hair bows, w1... .. • . pearl buttons, union suits, • l - J - * "** VV irCXIITIOr . . ... , ( f .. -<u ff T suits, ribbed; special at $ 1.80. i., plain, plaids and fancy. I;>r* to .)U<" f / \JJEr WT JD _ r ' , ... SI.OO. Al«ro»rc -> „i „ „ x ~r (] 11 H> H mm Mens natural wool union suits, ~ . Always a dollar —always Wirthmor. Holly Ribbons, 5 yards*, lOr*. fi m? !l fl ribbed, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. pants° fleece Hncd. ' s cas >' to understand when it's known that the nianufac 15:yard spools red, green and fL || Glen's black wool union suits, Women's natural and white turers make a specialty of these waists at SI.OO. holly shades ribbon for tying Christ- • , H heavy weight, $2.98. wool vests and pants, silk finish, Four new styles on sale to-lliorrow. mas gifts. 10<\ II - J BOWMAN-S— Main Floor pearl buttons, SI.OO. On the main floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor © Models illustrated. Of the Heppelwhitc The Need of Warm Furs Is Keenly Felt bowman *_Main f.oo, Smart Handbags For Period These December Days A Qitjf U a j am t o Vtu I Children —A beautiful chair in true lines ; it is hard to believe that the most discriminating buyer could I j n'- ' fieSC LOW An excellent collection full of sug- of this quaint Period. Design shows not find, among this superb collection, the particular style which PriCCS IS Genuine Economy c . . f . b exceptional skill bolid mahogany, bprr>mp« bpi- J gestions toi gjfts. finished in a soft Adam brown. Up- T1 • ' f ii • • , to the sale which is now in progress, in which the \ arious colors: titled with purse bolstered in fine verdure tapestrv. 1 here is every favored skin including: seasons most prominent styles in a very large number of models arc a,l Arm chair or. rocker. Red Fox Sets, from to SIOO. | Hudson Seals sets, *BS. actually reduced. . special lot tinkll purges box and Skunk in barrel and I Fitch sets, S4O. Present nrices are in several colors—l2'2?. Price, sl7.*>o. , K-iHinUvv at «*JO rcsenr puces art— POWMAX S— Main Floor square muffs, a number with chm JNauinsKj iabie at JpoU, with bar- - chin scarfs. Far 15 „:i'"' C lic,;c " 0 " s, ' ls a " Eastern Mink Sets at remarkably Former prices were S2O to 549.50. If AU IV* S, ' C " low pnees. bowm»™ P ,„, It um Man Weather . The Line of Children's Small Glr ,,. |, r „ S |, owi „ g of - Suddenly Shouts "Colder" Furs Is Most Complete P uf nJ,' Angora, white fox, leopard, chinchilla, Brook mink, gray and white squir- ' IVft Harr PanariVe —Will Yen Be Prepared With rc ' ;nu J ern, ' nc - $1.48 to $7.50. The Girls' Embroidering Class will '~. Blankets and Comfortables Misses' Sets from $4.,»0 to sl."> —leopard, red fox and natural'lynx. be discontinued for the present; birds) A complete line of white muffs and neckpieces. starting again the first Saturdav tP QR C? *?/) tf? QA Indian Blankets. $1.01) each Sheet Blankets. 69? regula- UOWMANS— Third Floor. a f tcr Christmas •p*'*ra po.OU —assorted patterns of blue, yel- lv $1.00: white, gray or tan. with now MAX s—Tim-d FIQOI- low and red: green, yellow and colored borders 74x80 inches. This Short Message j 1 rc ß^,::""^ ,g r: for ,»e ri y . About shoes This Good Word to Men -52.75; extra large and heavy; gray of patterns and materials. ~ for the . entire tamil y- W* '• ▼▼ UIU IU ITlV^ll or white with blue or pink bord- Children's Crib Comforts ~~ for service - P rx AL O • ei Q. , D , , SI.OO to $1.98-made of white —for style supreme. AhOllf k>llllS Single Blankets, 80c reg- cotton covered with silkoline and Men ' s Shoes ~ tan, brown and y(\ A U U W - / UA ularly $1.00: 60x76 inches; tan mercerized madras black Russia calfskin. All the style on '- v- bowman's—Ba»ement )*°" , can or - '' a ' r . $4 & s.l. 1 i x&l Iyn. VW have just purchased some wonderfully fine l. styles in various, leathers and col- Ix 7 s * trom one or the country s best known makers, Combination Offer Of Boy News About . \ Y/'^[\&\ to at Toilet Water and Sachet N-w Overcoats we^m\dTgo?r\iiocr%Mi'na r biy ' 1/ fi /// $14.75 <Uld $16.75 p j tl 90 A new receivement of smart priced. Pair sl, $1.25, $1.50, $2 \ ®/ \<C / i OWfICI Junior overcoats of chinchilla s«..>o—according to size and / - f ,|\v/ —and depend upon it, men, they are genuine $lB to $25 r> . . ~ and fancy overcoatings: double ( l ual,t - v - _ BOWMANS-MHH rioor / o suits \egulat pnceol toilet watei breasted patch pockets anrl Ladies' Home Journal J fJ J T1 , . ...... is $1.00; powder 50c. convertible collars. Prices Patterns Free | | Ihe garments are ot tested woolen fabrics—tine cassimeres On nfprl 1--1 nrb rrl *3.95 to #7.95. ' To have you become better ac- ! 1 and velours; in grays, greens, browns and mixtures. Also soft CO Dccn piaccu Nobby Norfolk Suits in quainted with Ladies' Home Jour- worsteds in blues, browns, stripes, tartan plaids, and black and in a neat box for gift giving. fancy tweeds, single and double nal P atterns we will give a free pat- white mixtures. | irnncto ,i ,„'i * 6 •, . tern to every visitor at the Pattern ill Choice of Garden of Allah h ,-,7 S P ' Department to-morrow. II [ Suits for the thin man; short man, stout man, and extra and Siren Lilac toilet water. ,_> • *.><,- u»il?r^ earß ' Choose one of three patterns— Ifl sizes as well as for normal fio-nres Prices .%}.9,> to #10.95. two women's frocks and one for > If* 1 sizes, as wen as ior nonmingures. COWMAN'S Alain Floor BOWMAN'S-SeconU Floor -iris. * BOWMA.s S—Second Moo,. FRIDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 3, 1915. 3
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