TATATATATAT* THE GLOBE OPEN SATURDAYS TILL 10 P. M. THE GLOBE g| I 1 Unrivalled Showing 5| "f of Desirable Overcoats V*/ £ | sls S2O $25 I Our Overcoat stock is JNHp\ fej brimful of everything that's new 4w \ fe! —the kind of overcoats that are hard to T / fIV \ get now at most stores. / f I \ M, % You'll find here just the /JjT )*- /f| W sort of Overcoat you want—dis- *fn ill al® tinctive style combined with economy a*; I - £ of ° oSt ' nS® •P j If To give you what you Ijl 1I I want, when vou want it, is part ( i U of THE GLOBE SERVICE. Here U your word is law —our organization is fWH Iflfi H 0 continually working to please yoij. jjn|n I jj!| II We keep the spirit of |H IN / our makegood-guarantee to the A H lij f very letter —your money is only on de- fpra SjJf I posit here until you are perfectly satis- J Tied. S % A Matchless Assortment of Suits—sls to S3O No matter what you pay you may be well assured your money buys the highest quality in fabric, stvle, fit and workmanship when S you buy a GLOBE SUIT. % g % Buy a Man's or a Boy's Gift From The Store For Men and Boys fe The superiority of our assortments of serviceable, sensible and prac- -j tical gifts demonstrates how well we have learned their desires from our j many years of experience in cattring to men and boys. fe 3 FOR MEN— FOR BOYS— !? Bath Robes Shirts, Traveling Accessories Mackinaws Hats JS House Coats Gloves Leather Novelties Sweaters Caps Mackinaws Sleeping Garments Umbrellas Scout Suits Gloves Ig Sweaters Holeproof Hosiery Hats Play Suits Stockings J Neckwear Mufflers Fur Caps Bath Robes Waists um g gf Boys' "Dubbel-Hedder" Boys' Smart Two Pant Suits at O Stylish Overcoats at O Buy your boy the best suit made for New single and double breast mod %l a "Five Spot" and make him a member els with convertible and military col £?► of "THE GLOBE DUBBEL-HED- lars. Popular Scotch fabrics and warm, gf DER BIRTHDAY CLUB." Smart comfortable chinchilla, sizes to fit boys K styles in all-wool fabrics and cordu- up to 10 years. |sj roys. Overcoats for older boys, $5 to sl2. — £ THE GLOBE "The Big Friendly Store" Mr. Alexander Grabhorn Jr. Artistic Jewelry Manufacturer 32 West 31st Street, New York City, will personally exhibit at Claster's Jewelry Store Tomorrow, Saturday, December 4 An extensive line of FINE PLATINUM JEWELRY including LaVallieres, Brooches. Scarf Pins, Rings, Bracelets and numerous other articles that are new and exclusive, representing the advanced designs for fashion able wear. Air. Grabhorn has a high reputation in the trade as a specialist in the production of superior goods and hi« dis play will include many articles that are not shown except in the large metropolitan stores that cater to a fashionable clientele. Mr. Grabhorn also makes a specialty of manufacturing jewelry to order and in Converting Old Jewelry Into New You may have jewelry of value, obsolete in style, which can be reconstructed into stylish articles of exquisite beauty at a small cost. The public is cordially invited to call and see this mag nificent display of beautiful goods. Mr. Grabhorn will be pleased to offer suggestions and to give you any infor mation you may desire concerning his line. H. C. CLASTER GEMS JEWELS SILVERWARE 302 Market Street Open Evenings FKIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 3, 1915. HEARINGS FIXED IN THREE CITIES Public Service Commission Will Have Busy Week Ahead After Monday ■""W"! The Public Ser- V\\ t /y vice Commission (My ings fit three cities > next week, three m ost im portant cases on (l W < j aleilt,ar hpin K '"fhl" tlie Phl|a - Pg* case will be con tinued in Philadel phia, and at Pittsburgh the inquiry into complaints against telephone rates In the Pittsburgh district, brought by the city of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Chambre of Commerce, will begin. In this city argument will be heard in the indus trial raH ways case, involving switching charges in a number of the big steel plants. In addition the commission has over fofty municipal contracts and similar applications to hear at the Capitol on Wednesday and Thurs day. It is likely that a date will be fixed in the near future for hearing The Easiest Way To End Dandruff • The.re is one sure way that never tails to remove dandruff completely and that Is to dissolve it. This destroys It entirely. To do this. Just get about four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will complete ly dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have.' | You will find, too, that all Itching and digging of the scalp will stop in stantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, gloesy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It Is inexpensive, and four ounces Is all you will need. This sim ple remedy has neves been known to fwii.—-Advertisement. , iDo utrichs "THE LIVE STORE" What's Under A Your Over oat? Are you as well dress ed with it on as off? We've talked Overcoats so 1 lately that a word about suits may not be amiss, especially since our Suit l|i§||\ Department offers fully as wide a Variety as it did three months ago. No man is Since our or- |! penalized for com- ders were placed, ing: here late, for woo 1 ens have gone we keep our stocks right ]ike war , toc|cß and the HMS up to high-water marks . , . . . mmm tflM I through the entire season abr.cs .n our suits cannot U| \ U —something but few stores " e duplicated at anything W do. like the price we paid. |gjP/ W|jH i| And besides But as we I||| 1 B variety, we oifer bought them, so fc|l| you values that we sell them, and §§Bf BB | . I are beeoming increasingly he indeed , W ; H M| MM Wt\ hard tor other stores to ap- mml Mill 11 proximate for the follow- w l*° Set* a new suit of mm! l&ll y ing reason: clothes here now. mSil Kuppenheimer Suits Jj§ lL I There—are—none—better COPYRIGHT —anywhere Here are styles and sizes for all ages, builds and I tastes. Especially attractive are the Ine business Su ts of ser^e and worsted. They mark the high tide in value-giving. Nothing better in styles, fit, I fabric or tailoring is to be had at these or any s.milar prices. $20.00 $25.00 Other Suits $15.00 and SIB.OO E I Boys' Suits I $3.50 to SIO.OO Coats $3.50 and $5.00 The Best Shirts, Underwear, Night Shirts, Pajamas, Sweaters and Hosiery can be found here in large assortments at the right prices. WOOL SHIRTs""" ' > i Fleece Lined si.'oo t. $2.50 | 3 0 4 Market St. Harrisburg Pa. ALL SIZES I tho additional full crew complaints. I'lrst Conference —The first of the conferences of the field forces of the State Department of Agriculture was held to-day by Secretary Charles E. Patton with the nineteen agents and six chemists of the State Dairy and Food division. The conference was for discussion of cold storage and other conditions in the State and the agents were directed by Secretary Patton and Commissioner Foust to enforce the provisions of the law re garding time limit on cold storage food, especially ei;gs. The situation in regard to various activities of the division was discussed and work out lined for the new year. Grundy Incorporates.—The Grundy interests at Bristol, which Include the big fabric plant, have been incorpo rated as the W. H. Grundy Co., with $1,500,000 capital. Joseph R. Grundy, president of the Pennsylvania Manu facturers' Association, is the president and chief stockholder. Nineteen Companies. The Gov ernor yesterday approved charters for nineteen electric companies to operate in Butler county with offices In Pitts burgh. They have capital of $5,000 each. Time Has Expired.— The time for . filing expense accounts for the recent s election has expired, according to otfl ■ cials at the State Department. * Two Justices. James M. Rossert j was last night appointed justice for I Forward township, Allegheny county, s and Howard E. McCleary for Yer ' i sallies borough. Appointed Stenographer.—Miss Anna Cubbison, lately connected with the city park commission, has been ap poitned to a stenographic position In the Department of Labor and Indus try. She was formerly connected with the State government. liocal Charter. The Charles E. Bard Company was chartered to make ' player-pianos at Paxtang. The capi tal is so,ooo and Charles E. Hard is president. After Deer.—Auditor General Pow ell, spent a couple of days this week hunting deer on *he South Mountain. Hearing likely. —lt. Is probable that there will be a hearing held by the Public Service Commission on the complaint from Royersford regarding the 100-trlp tickets to Philadelphia. It is an old matter and will be threshed out finally. Attending Convention —Major F. D, Bcary, deputy adjutant general, is at . tending the National Guard conven ■ tlon at. Allentown. Governor Brum baugh and Adjutant General Stewart, . who have been ill. will be unablo to attend. Governor Has Cold. —Governor Mar , tin G. Brumbaugh is suffering frotn a . severe cold and has decided to remain in doors for a few days, cancelling all of his engagements until next weel<. L He will not attend the ceremonies inci s dent to the dedication of the new ■ armory at Allentown. i Plans Authorized. —The State Armory ■ Board has authorized the making of i plans for the new State armory at "West Chester. The plan is to ask bids . early in the new year, i State Holds Itself Up. —The State • Water Supply Commission has held up i the State of Pennsylvania. The State owns lands in the Cumberland Valley ■ on which it has some ice, dams. Re : cently some changes were discussed and the commission held the matter : over just as It. holds over other appli ) cations. The proposed Heading Rail s way bridge at Sunbury will be studied r before a permit is issued. Smallpox Controlled. —According to ! reports received at the State Depart ment of Health, the outbreak of small . pox in three counties of the State ' appears to have bean checked. Strlii ■ gent regulations for control have been ■ adopted. West Fnlrvicw Quarantined.—Wan ' derlngs of a mad dog have caused the . State Livestock Sanitary Hoard to place a portion of Cumberland county , along the Susquehanna under aurveil- I lance. In West Falrvlew and part, of Knola dog 3 have been ordered ; penned up. A Smooth, Hairless ' Skin For Every Woman < (The Modern Beauty.) With the aid of a plain delatona paste it Is an easy matter to rid the | skin of unsightly hairy growtha. The paste is made by mixing soma water with powdered dclatone. Tbia Is ap -1 plied to the hairs not wanted And after ( 2 or 3 minutes rubbed oft and the akin washed, when every trace of hair will have vanished. When you go to your i drugffUt for dclatone. ba sura you vat tha genuine article.—Advertisement 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers