ii | You Pay Less For Better Quality at MILLER and KADES | fJ| Our First Announcement For Christmas TT IS impossible for printed words to convey any idea of the wonderful economies which the values in this great furniture department store make possible. It is an old saying that "Economy in itself is a revenue," and when you see all that has been prepared for this great event when you stop to consider the quality of the furniture we offer and the low prices we quote —you will realize the truth of this saying as never before. If you need what we can supply, come in and get it. 1 here sno variations-no substitution. \ ou'll find this store first in value giving, just as it is first in newness and variety. Best of all, your credit is as good here as cash elsewhere. Caslrcannot buy a better bargain than your promise to pay. That's the foundation of this store's sen ice to you. Our record has proved its worth to thousands of patrons. || If You Want Something ll || Practica[Gifts g i 111 jKitchen Cabinets For'*. . . '^ ake >' ourse ! ect ' on * now and I 111 I ; P This !! Special j iThis Great Big English! 11 J | ;1 1 FIRESIDE ROCKER j This makes the third car load this season for this won-j i i | j j : M • | strict accordance with our specifications, and is first class in I j Iderful kitchen cabinet. Only a limited number will be j j . m IHUS- i I ( {every way. j i'i Isold at this price. Read the specifications over carefully, i j \£=rSr ' . 1 ' j ' I ill l* , , h . . . !« !' 8 trated j! HH f I They're Actual $14,00 Value « ! jmm*\ i C 1 JI mmmzy-x Uasvirs 11 interior compartments are generously roomy. It is the' ; \| /Hlj A A 9X12 Mirror with 2-inch white j |L eaual these Rockers for less than sl4 00 Our nrice fori most cupboardy cabinet in the world. i I Daoit+ifn! (Wnntorf l«mn ' ' J) I iTwj ! enaniel frame. ready for hanging. ] | Q i i rnvcTDiTTinv I I DCSUtIIUi U6Cor2t6O L3IHP , [ lirrjp l T" ,w j Can be used in any room. Neatly j I Saturday, as you see, is almost half their actual value—an J I iLUINoIKLL>IIUIN | ! I | | packed in separate boxes; very j f opportunity that should make an instant appeal to almost i , You will find that this Cabinet is as solid and impreg-! ! " OKTH » 7 00 TOMORROW jj We have only 100 of these j j handy to take with you. none I j every home in this ci our price f $8.85 jnable as a battleship. The construction is of the lock-joint, j f /[>«. I j' tands ' * ry one packed in a» j accepte a * j j framed-in type which makes the cabinet stand kitchen i i <L QQ \ fcn* weTnTo Jamenta! *"'! \ i !$1 Cash & 50c a Week Will Deliver This Rocker to Your Home J (steam and kitchen heat without giving a hundredth of an i | i j stands 26 inche. high, worth! I XLJn i ! . ! finch. The backs and bottoms are of three-ply, built-up! j j jsa.so. I J f v ' " v j I |stock, grooved and glued in on all four sides. ! | 25 CENTS A week. I | | I ! ■>»-»<*-► ■«—" i (FINISH— I p """" ——■ •» v^- ~ —» | j I I I » "«*«f«r Bifun XRiaslerniiig j T - jL AA ! satin finish hi light natural oak. interior ohhe j j j ||p| y|| I | sbe,,erou, "J l9<Bs 11 JBil i™tl 9q i ! Week I ! The lowest price we make on the Cabinet is possible only K* j Special, i j » j stores are able to quote an equally low price on a Cabinet I ( I I Well constructed, made i ! will put tlds plank top, genuine qnartcr-sawed oak bufTct in jour j II of this character. This offer affords an excellent idea of ( { j j of hard wood. Saddle seat, ] I home at the unmatcliably low price of only t the savings this store presents its customers and provides» | | ! panel back and extra J j an excellent opportunity for you to make a money-saving! j J f braced. You must see it to | j 4 ES? .acquaintanceship here. f | Tomorrow, 1 CJI f realize its big value. Only | i i j , , , I | Solid steel wheels. * _ I I one to a customer. | | V —' \fF\MILLER and KADES\^\ Ppcf I To Out Of 1 j Furniture Department Store i Jq^jj ! Sorv ' ce ■ 7 North Market Square I customers 11|| [The Only Store in Harrisburg that Guarantees to Sell on Credit at Cash Prices|
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers