Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has hecn made under his personal supervision lor over HO years. Allow no one to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and •*«Tust-as-good" are but experiments, and endanger the health of Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It de stroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Trou bles and Diarrhoea. It rcgnlates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of . _ In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. QUITS "BROJiC" TOR MOTORCAR Future appearance of dainty Kdythe Sterling; on horseback will be solely of the professional character. When not before the "movie" camera, Miss Sterling gets about at the wheel «f her new Maxwell, bought at the recent Los Angeles show. WTO FOR THREE CENTS All bargain prices for automobiles were set at naught in Lawrence, Mass., the other flay when W. J. uiiiiiiuiuHMmiciiiiimiinmiiMnniHiQMiniiiMiaiHiwiiiinimiiiiinininHituiiKtgniimiimiaiiiHiiiiHianMiNiHiuimiiiu Nine out of ten persons have this dread disease Pyorrhea—the most general disease in the world—is the dis ease you should be guarding your teeth against. It is caused by a germ which is found in eocry human mouth. Thousands have already lost some or all of their teeth from this disease; in thousands it has reached the stage of bleeding gums and loose teeth; in thou sands of others the germ, unsus pected, is just starting its work of destruction. Start today to guard your teeth from the dread results of this disease by using a corrective and pre ventive treatment in your daily toilet. To meet the need for such a treatment and to enable everyone to take the neces sary precautions against this disease, a prominent dentist has put his own pre scription before the public What's Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Well That's the idea of everybody who gives Cigars at Christmas. King Oscar 5c Cigars best express this sentiment because they have been Regularly Good For 24 Years Box of 25, $1.15 Box of 50, $2.25 Box of 100, $4.50 The New Labor Law The new Workmen's Compensation Act goes into effect January Ist, next. If you are an employer of labor you should be familiar with every phase of this most im portant piece of legislation. Wc are prepared to supply this act in pamphlet form with side headings for easy reference. Single copies 25c with very special prices on larger quantities. The Telegraph Printing Co. PRINTING—BINDING—DESIGNING PHOTO-ENGRAVING HARRISBURG, PENNA. TUESDAY EV EN ING, Brown, of Salem Depot, N. H.. won a new, IS 16 Maxwell touring car, just like $655 cash, for a three-cent ticket at the Knights of Pythias bazar. Rll\lj MOKKY 1\" "JITNKYIXG" That "Jitneying" can be made to pay in favorable conditions is the al legation of a Seattle, Wash., man who operated a Maxwell ten months on an expenditure averaging 1.56 cents a mile and doing business over virtually every mile traveled. in the convenient form of Senreco Tooth Paste. Senreco contains the best cor rective and preventive for pyor rhea known to dental science. Used daily it will successfully pro tect your teeth from this disease. Senreco also contains the best harmless agent for keeping the teeth clean and whit?. It has a refreshing flavor and leaves a wholesomely clean, cool and pleas ant taste in the mouth. Start the Senreco treatment tonight—full details in the folder 1 1 .1 wrapped around every tube. Symptoms described. A 25c two oz. tube is sufficient for six or eight weeks of the pyorrhea treatment. Get Senreco at your druggists today, or send 4c in stamps or coin for sample tube and folder. Address The Sen tanel Remedies Co., 503 Union Central Bldg., Cin cinnati. Ohio. Sample lis* AMuseMerrc COLONIAL GIVES A NEW SERVICE Triangle Motion Picture Ser vice Now at Colonial; Also Orchestra Under H. Yeafer To those who have followed the event* In the moving picture world, the name Triangle Is not new. But thie city, lying- at a distance from the motion picture field, knew little of (his new company until recently when it was announced that beginning yes terday. Triangle service would be shown on the screen of the Colonial theater. Triangle is more than a name. It's a fact. Three of the great est motion-picture producers con tribute their efforts to its successes; Thomas Ince. David Griffith and Mack Bennett. Names not new to any one acquainted with motion pictures, names that mean good productions. More than that Triangle supplies a complete service, both in the big fea tures as well as the comedies. And then one step farther, Triangle sup plies the incidental music for the films. The management of the Colonial, however, did not stop with taking on this new service. Now a full orches tra, one that is much better than usu ally heard in Harrlsburg's theaters, is under the directorship of Herman Yeager. Alternating with the orches tra, Mr. Yeager plays the organ; as he did before the change was made. The opening bill of Triangle produc tion was Douglass Fairbanks and Seena Owen in 'The I.amb" produced by David Griffith. "The Lamb" Is a clever story, mighty cleverly done by this star of the legitimate stajre. And wonderfully produced by the man who staged "The Birth of a Nation." Most realisticly done are the battle scenes and most interesting is the plot. As a comedy feature Raymond Hitchcock, Mack Sennett and Mabel Xormund ap pear in "My Valet." This comedy for clean, rollicking fun is of the best and has not only the merit of being an ex ceptional fun producer, but as well provides a vehicle for three stars whose capabilities are well known to the average motion picture and thea tergoer. The Colonial management is to be congratulated in securing the Triangle service, for if it liven up to the stand ard set in the first showing, this city will enjoy one more motion picture service which is calculated to serve the best interests in which motion pictures have acquired such a great plate. MAX ROBERTSON. THE STAOK New York is not going to have the opportunity of seeing "His Majesty, Bunker Bean." until next August, when ! Taylor Holmes Will be seen in the I show that Chicago has kept away from New York since its opening. Alice Fleming will make her East ern debut on Thursday night In "The Heart of a Boy." Leah Winslow will soon have her own theater in Brooklyn. She an nounced that a massive production of "Antony and Cleopatra" will be the initial performance. MOTION PICTURES More than 200 visitors at Universal City last week helped in making a scene in the third episode of the Uni versal's new serial feature, "Graft." FLORENCE ROCKWELL Soon to be seen ' In a Moroseo-Para mount picture adapted from the book "He Fell In Love With His Wife." \ ORPHKIM To-night—Edith Thayer in "The Peas ant Girl." To-morrow, matinee and night . "Adele." Thursday, inatinee anil night, Decern !' her 2—"The Oal>aret liirls " I Friday night only, December .1 A ! French farce. "The Unexpected." I Saturday, matinee and night, December I l—Guy Bates in "Omar, the Tem j maker." TONIGHT—"THE PEASANT GIRL" Frank Deshoti, who plays the prin cipal comedy part with Edith Thayer In "The Peasant Girl" at the Orpheum to-night, is doubtless the best known light opera comedian in the world, as he has a repertoire of over 200 operas. Mr. Deshon's repertoire also Included the Gilbert and Sullivan opera and he I was especially agile as "Koko" in "The I Mikado," and dignified as "Sir Joseph" ] in "Pinafore," and the "Major General" lin "Pirates of Penzance." His great est part, however, was "Gaspard, the Mif-er," in "Chimes cf Normandy." Advertisement. "ADELE" Felix Haney, one of the comedians in Joseph J'. Bickert's production of that sparkling, witty and melodious comic operetta. "Adele," created the role of "Hi Holler" In '"Way Down East," about twenty years. "Adele" is being sent to the Orpheum to-morrow, matinee and night. Joseph P. Bicker ton, Jr.. is sending the same produc tion and many of the members of the original cast to present this most tune ful and laughable of comic operettas, as it was given for a year in New York and London.—Advertisement. ••THE UNEXPECTED" Amusing fight eomedy situations and an appropriate sprinkling of musical and dancing numbers are promised In the new theatrical production, "Th» Unexpected." which will be narformed by a -ompany of well known New York olayers at the Orpheum. Friday even ing. Advance information from' a reli able source, credits this attraction with unusual merit of a high-class standard In short. "The Unexpected" Is an adap tation from the French of a farce which, und< r the title of Sur prises de Divorce." ran for more than two years In Paris. Us story deals with humorous matrimonial Intrigues that produce many funny situations and witty speeches.—Advertisement. ••THE INCORRIGIBLE Dl K WE " FEATURING JOHN R\RRYMORG. TODAY AT THE REGENT Today Daniel Froliman presents the HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ■ii ■^^ WI| H'" I ""J I '. m n irmuwuX rm i in i mi—imhiu—h i •, The "Big Three" "BUY A MAXWELL—PAY AS YOU RIDE" According to the Shank plan you can buy one of these famous sturdy, powerful family cars on payment of a special sum and pay the balance as you ride—on easy monthly payments. Hundreds of good Harrisburgers have already taken advantage of this convenient method of car owning. There's no reason why you should not. The Maxwell is not only easy to buy—according to the Allen plan, but it is economical to operate the up-keep cost being fully 50 per cent, less than on any other car selling at this price. Price $655 Electric Starter and Lighted "Shank" E. W. SHANK Distributor Cumberland 19S-X 120 Market Street 2Si£2£" \ Dralrr*—B. S. W riitlo, »w Cumherlnnd; 1-ykPD* Motor Car Co,, l.ykoiin; S. P. Dlllcr, Bolltnic Sprlnß*; Win. >l. Rnnrhorc, ShipiiinuMburK. prominent comedy star, John Barry more. as "The Incorrigible Dukane." on the Paramount program at the Regent. "The Incorrigible Dukane" is a unique combination of drama, comedy, and romance. In which John Harrvmore finds one of the greatest roles he has vet assumed since his first appearance on the screen. The comedy of the sub ject is derived from a series of ludic rous misfortunes of which John Barry more. as the young and Incorrigible Dukane. is the constant victor; the, drama from the thrilling manner in which the ne'er-do-well redeems him self. saving the fortune and honor of his father, and the romance develops— in the usual manner of youth. There are quite a few spectacular effects also contained in the. unusual production, consisting principally of the explosion of a huge dam in the course of con struction bv the senior Dukane. which is saved from total destruction only by [the quick-wittedness and resourceful ness of Dukane, Jr. To-morrow and Thursday—Daniel Frohman presents Hazel Dawn as "Clarissa." adapted from Gambler s Advocate by Ronald Mac Donald, on the Paramount program. The story Itself is an intensely interesting expo sition of the lengths to which a deter mined woman will go to save the life and honor of the man she loves. Come regularly, so as not to miss any of the excellent Paramount pro ductions.—Advertisement. MAJESTIC Just ask anyone who attended the opening performances of "The Fashion Shop," that heads the list of Keith hits at the Majestic tor the first half of the week, and see if they don t say that it's the cream of the seasftn. Not only the "Fashion Shop," either, hut the whole show. Of course, "The Fash ion Shop" is easily in the lead. This is the same delightful act that caused so much comment at the Orpheum last season. The scream of the season, however, the "Fresh Freshles," namely Kenny and Hollis, and to-d?.y these funmakers are the talk of the town. If you enjoy good comedians, you can't posslblv afford to overlook the brief engagement of these two. i.eonard and Dempsey are a clever couple who give advanced ideas on the suffragettes of the future; Selbini and Grovini serve up a. happy variety skit, and the Wo zumt Japs offer something new in the way of ail Oriental performance.—Ad vertisement. f Are You 4 Handicapped\ I By Feeling \l Poorly ? Help Y I Back to Hn and keep I at your J Best y Pretender to Spanish Throne Again Arrested Py Associated Press I Paris, Nov. 30.—The Journal says I Don Jfiime of Bourbon, pretender to i I the Spanish throne, has again been j 1 arrested in Austria. According to this : ! account. Don Jaime, who has been liv- I ing in Italy, requested permission of j Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria to < visit his estate at Frohsdorf, Austria. 'lt is said he was informed he might ] travel freely anywhere in Austria, but j that the day after his arrival at Frohs ' dorf he was placed under arrest, to he I held in restraint until the end of the I war. He has ben informed, the Jour ! nal adds, that any officer who visits htm will be dismissed immediately j from the army. Don Jaime was arrested at Frohs ; dorf last year for addressing to his i partisans an appeal to side with France in the war. He was released on condition that he leave the country. FIRST STKKI. PI-ANT IN MINNESOTA IS STARTED j By Associated Press j Duluth, Minn., Nov. SO.—The first j steelmaking operations in Minnesota j I got under way to-day at the plant of 'the Minnesota Steel Company. Fires I in the great blast furnace from which | the first run of pig iron will be drawn i were started last ninht by officials of | the company. Within a week after the first pig iron is drawn actilul steel ) manufacturing is expected to start. ON TO WASHINGTON By Associated Press I New York, Nov. oO.—Miss Frances i i Jolift'e and Mrs. Sara Hard Field, the; : California envoys who crossed the I | continent bearinK a woman suffrage j petition to President Wilson, to-day j resumed their jotirney toward Wash- j ington. All but two of the governors! of the seventeen states through which j they passed have signed the petition. ' BEEOIAB'S PILLS•• NOVEMBER 30, 1915. Smokers on a Hunt For Strong What you want is MORE QUALITY and LESS HEAVY TOBACCO. Briefly, what you NEED is MOJA QUALITY Mo J A AYX IOc CIGARS-^*- All Havana quality that will not harm any con stitution. Made by John C. Herman & Co. $10,000,000 War Supplies Guarded in Pennsy Yards Special to The Telegraph Altoona, Pa., Nov. 30. Railroad po licemen yesterday were patrolling the Pennsylvania Railroad "ard* at Holli daysburg to protect upwards of $lO,- f Your business prospects, your pleasure and happi ness -your chances of getting on in life, depend a great deal on your physical condition. You cannot do your best work when you feel poorly. Watch your health, and take good care of it. Don't let ill health defeat your earnest efforts to succeed. When you suffer from indigestion, biliousness, poor appetite, constipa tion, nervousness, loss of sleep and low spirits, it is hard to look on the bright side of things, or to make the most of your opportunities. If you are despondent and run-down, see what will do for you. A few doses will make a wonderful change in your feelings, your looks and your actions. These pills are fine for the digestion. They strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. They purify the blood, clear the complexion, tone the nerves and make you feel ambitious and capable. Beecham's Pills have helped ailing men and women for over sixty years. Gentle, safe and thorough, for the com mon ills of life they are a dependable remedy that will quickly and surely help you back to health and keep you at your best. L 'The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World" A V At AU Druggists, 10c., 25c. Direction* of special value to women with every box 1 000,000 worth of war supplies for tlio I allies, stored in 3,000 freight cars there. Much of the material consists of parts of steel cars, wheels, etc., for Russia, which is to go through the Panama Canal. Other shipments include bridge Iron. Owing to the congestion of freight] at tidewater, the cars are being held here. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers