A Telegraph Want Ad Will Qmiddy Rent.That Vacant loom _ LOST I/OST On Sunday, gold pin, with pearl in center, on Hill or Progress neighborhood. Reward if returned to 1935 Park street. EOLNIi FOUND 3Phe very beat system for AJinodeling out-of-date clothing. Esti mates free. w omen's fur coats, furs and muffs remodeled into latest styles. H. L Powell, 925 North Third street. FuUIsD Now's the time to have your clothes put In shape for the winter. Kggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Markot Street. Both phoneß. We call and de liver. lLf.i.f \\ AN 'A ED—iiaio WANTED Painters wanted at onie. Apply Eignteenth and Stato streets. WANTED, AT ONCE Men to re pair automobiles and assist while build ing new garage and manufacturing place. A chance to make money whilo learning a good trade. 30c per hour guaranteed. A $25.00 deposit required. Auto Transportation Scnool, 5 North Cameron street. WANTED Reliable, single men, house-to-house solicitors and collec tors, to leave town. Permanent posi tion, paying $lO and commissions. Quick advancements. Address J., 3325, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man on Dairy Farm. Must he a good nulker, sooer and Industrious, and understand the care of livestock. Apply W. W. Wei man's Sanitary Dairy Farm, R. D. No. 2, Palmyra, Pu. WANTED Experienced blacksmith and horseshoer. Will puy good wages to right party. Work all year around. ; Address 0., 3309, care of Telegraph. WANTED Boy about 15. to help with chores and work on small farm. Board anil clothing furnished right party. Address H., 3307, care of Tolo graph. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring mill or lathe hands, who can work from blue prints; also tool makers. Ad dress, or apply, Employment Depart ment, Westinghousc Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. WANTED First-class toolrnakers, profilers, millers, drillers, ritlers, barrel turners, blacksmitns and steam ham mer men to make drop forges. Also men for barrel rolling. Address P. O. Box 264, ><ancaster. Pa. WANTED. AT ONCE First-class millwrights. Immediate employment. Address J. F. Creswell, P. O. Box 264, Lancaster, Pa., or call at Hotel Plaza, Thursday afternoons or evenings. WANTED Men to become practi cal chauffeurs and mechanics. We guarantee our students 30c per hour while repairing private cars; S4O in cash required. Several cars to over haul now. Make application at once. No. 5 North Cameron street, Auto Transportation School. WANTED Man with experience. In credit department methods; must be i « thorough correspondent along the lines of collection. Hershey Employ ment Bureau, Hershey. Pa. WANTED House painter who will exchange labor for Suburban Building Ixits at a bargain price In a growing section. For particulars address P. O. Box 68, Harrisburg, Pa. HELP WANTED— FemaIe WE will employ trust-worthy per son In this locality to distribute free Voods. S6O per month, with good <"»ance for advancement. All or spare time. No experience. Silver Sales Co., Dept. GlO, Dubuque, lowa. WANTED Extra salesladies. Ap ply Smith's, 412 Market street. WANTED A reliable colored wo man lo be nurse and housekeeper for u lady in Atlantic City. Good wages. Apply 517 North Second street. WANTED Bookkeeper and steno grapher; give experience, if any, and salary expected. Apply to M„ 3326, care of Telegraph. WANTED Girl or woman for gen nil housework, family of three, suburbs; good home. Call 3046J-5. WANTED Cook, or second maid, white. Apply 112 Harrisburg street, Steelton. WANTED Girl for general house work: must be able to cook; reference required. Apply 1701 North Second street. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder Strippers, Wei-: fare looked after by trained nurse. J Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL Teaches all pattern cutting by meas- I tire. Day and Evening classes. You can save $5 on your tuition fee by reg istering now. Works Dressmaking Course is not taught In the Y. W. C. A., us is re--esented by them, or any part of It. Works Dressmaking School, 22 North Fourth street. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har i isburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harrlsburg. Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED —MaIe WANTED Bright, ambitious young man wishes clerical position where chance for advancement Is promising; real estate and insurance work pre ferred. Address Clarence A. Toomey, 2032 Kensington street. WANTED Young, married man j wants position as chauffeur, private or , '■onimercial; sober and reliable; four i gears' driving experience; can mnke •uvn repairs. Address Box F, 3293, care 1 of Telegraph. WANTED Colored man wants po- I sition as chauffeur or butler; good ref erences. Apply 622 Foriter streot. WANTED—— Young, married white , man desires position firing boiler; has had experience as engineer. Address ' Harry A. Snell, Lemoyne, Pa. FOR RENT 1802 Boas St., 2 s. b„ 6 r *lO ! Cove Station. 2 s. f„ 8 r $lO 1539 N. sth St.. 2>,i s. f„ 6 r„ .. *lO I 1010 N. 19th St *lO , Camp Hill, Chestnut St Mil | 1919 Herr St., 2 s. b., 8 r Sl- Knola, Adams St i«l~ ! , •Uiioln. Howard St SIS 2156 N. 7tli St., 3 s. 1»„ 8 r fl3 i 1503 S. Cameron St., 3 s. b 913 ' 1510 Allison St., 2 H s. b Sl4 t Bella Vista, Ross Ave «14..1<l ! 1316 N. Front St.. S s. f., 7 r IMS | 1720 Elm St., 2 s. f„ 6 r fin ; 1531 S. I.3th St., 3 s. 1>„ 8 r fit) I 660 Emerald St., 3 s. b„ 9 r fl7 ! 16S1 llegina St., 3 s. b., 8 r »-(> ! 326 Strawberry Ave fao 611 Walnut St.. 3 s. b.. 8 r fS:i | 133 N. 13th St.. 3 s. Ii„ 8 r fUS I 1207 N. 14th St.. new, 2Vi s. b.. far. j 2220 N. 3rd St., 3 s. b.. 10 r., f3U.no Camp Hill furnished or tinfur- ] nished. 1933 N. 3rd St., 3 s. b fin 1 C 027 N. 2nd St., 3 s. I>„ 10 r. .. f.nn Hainlyn (Aldlngcr Cottage! .... fun ! "Mill Crest." Bella Vista *«n 209 S. Front St.. 3 s. b., 10 r. $7.~ York Springs. Main Si f75 312 Chestnut St. (furnished) .. $125 ' MILLER BROTHERS&CO. REAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bonds ! Locust and Court Streets TUESDAY EVENING, SITUATIONS WANTED —Male WANTED Position as collector by young, married man with experience, or work of any kind, with chance for advancement; best of reference. Ad dress J., 3322, care of Telegraph. ! SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe i WANTED A young, white woman desires housework or upstairs work; references given. Address M., 3308, caro of Telegraph. I WANTED —■ By half-grown girl, | light work In private family. Address j\V., 331 ft, care of Telegraph. 1 WANTED Washing and Ironing |to do at home. Call after 6 P. M. at 1206 Cowden street. WANTED Young girl desires po sition in private branch exchange and assist with office work; experienced. Address H., 3304, care of Telegraph. WANTED Reliable colored woman desires place as dishwasher or to help In kitchen. Write, or apply, 1424 Marion street. WANTED An experienced colored girl wants place to assist in general housework. Apply, or write, 1424 Marion street. HEAL ESTATE EOll SALE TWO new houses in Penbrook, with all improvements. Price for each, $2,100. Inspect them soon. Not much cash needed. Monthly payments reason able. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. FOR SALE Plot 73x289 on Derry | street at Paxtang. Got particulars. We also offer lots In other suburbs at mod- i crate prices. Bell Realty Co., B»rgner Building. | ONLY one remaining unsold of eight new nouses built of brick steam heat gas and electric light well finished. This one might suit you. Bell j Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR HALE The Country . Club grounds, fronting 460 feet on Riverside Drive. Apply 204 State street. FOR SALE Choice building lot on southwest corner of State and Fif teenth street; 10x45x90 feet; paved streets. Desirable site for one or two houses. BARGAIN. For price, etc., call on Rohrer & Son, Bergner Build ing. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE A valuable North Second street resi dence. Most desirable residential lo cality !n city. A bargain. Price and terms for the asking. Address "Home, care of Harrlsburg Telegraph. 022 N. EIGHTEENTH ST.; corner property; 3-story frame; 8 rooms, bath and furnace. Lot, 20xstu. Offered at a nominal price for a corner property. ! Brln'on-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. 6-ACRE truck farm; 2 dwellings; frame bank barn; all necessary out buildings; largo apple orchard; located 2 miles from New Cumberland trolley line. Price to a quick buyer, $2,200.00. ! Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. 11EAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT All improvements, 533-535 Hetrick street, $13.00; 2311 Derry street, $25.00; storeroom, 1128 Market street. $12.00. J. B. Mac Do nald. Real Estate and Insurance, 1319 Market. FOR RENT Three-story house No. 136 Linden street; water and gas; pos session at once. Apply C. F. Oohl, 1003 North Second street. Bell phone 899 M. FOR RENT—2OIB-2028-2031 Swatara; brick, 7-room houses; all improve ments; steam heat; side entrance; over looking Bellevue and Reservoir Parks. Inquire Irvin Johnson, 2052 Swatara street. Phone 2986 M. FOR RENT 1242 State street, a 3- story brick house, all improvements. Rent, $20.00. Key may be had at 1248 State Btreet. Apply at 12 South Seven teenth street. FOR RENT 1724 Carnation street; 6 rooms and bath; modern conveni ences; porch front; nice yard; rent, $ 16.00. Apply on premises or 1417 North Second street. FOR RENT Desirable corner house. No. 650 Emerald street; 8 rooms and bath: all conveniences; front and rear porches. Apply at Seventh and Woodbine streets, or 229S Sixth street, B. F, Hoffman. FOR RENT—Brick garage, cemented and sewered, water and light, $5.50 per month; rear 1112 North Second street. A. S. Koser, 214 North Second street, or 1114 North Second street, from 5 to 6:30 P. M. FOR RENT lsland in Susque hanna, 1 mile below Duncannon, 6 above Marysvllle; 50 acres under high state of cultivation. Cash or shares. Apply S„ 3321, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two single fireproof garages, situated In rea»- of 1435 and 1437 Shoop street. Rent, £5.00 each. Im mediate possession. J. K. Gipple, 1251 Market street. ROOMS FOB KENT FOR RENT Large front room, sec ond floor, or communicate with smaller room: pleasant for man and wife; also desirable room for one person; hot water system; use of phone. 117 Pine street. FOR RENT Four large rooms for light housekeeping. Kitchen and bed room newly furnished,other two rooms unfurnished. Corner house; steam ] heat; use of phone. Fine location. Ad dress 8., 3323, care of Telegraph, FOR RICNT A suite of unfurnished room* for light housekeeping; water i In room used for kitchen; use of bath and heat; no children. Apply 620 Camp j street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, I second tloor, suitable for light house- j keeping; no children. Inquire 521 j £!orth Fifteenth street. FOR RENT Large room, suitable for one or two persons, with or with out board; use of telephone and city heat. Apply 9 North Front street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, second lloor front, adjoining bath; steam heat; electric light and gas. Apply 7 North Thirteenth street, or call 1149 Bell phone. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room in apartment for rent, at 108 North Second street: all conveniences, including use of phone and bath; de sirable home for gentleman. Apply 205 Locust streot. FOR RENT Suito of rooms on second floor front, for one or two gen tlemen. with use of bath, phone and city heat; reference required. Apply 272 Briggs street. FOR RENT Suite' of rooms, first floor, central location: suitable for doc tor. attorney, or milliner; rent reason able; also very desirable second and third lloor rooms. Address S., 3305, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Second-story, front room; newly furnished; steam hoat; electric lights and phone service. Ap ply 125 Pine street. FOR RENT Room for rent for single person or married couple. Ap j ply 209 State street. FOR RENT Second floor front room, facing Capitol Park: stationary waiihstand (hot and cold running w:il?r); electric light: city Btearn; use !of Bell phone and large both. A-iply 410 North street. | I. UMT KMSIIEI) ROOMS FOR KENT ! TOR RENT Attractive 3-room i housekeeping apartment; running water in kitchen; range and gas; strict ly private; direct entrance; basement I locker; daily inspection invited. In |quir« on premises, 1323 Wallace street. ItOOMB WANTED WANTED Refined, young couple, without children, want room and board at once. Private residence preferred. Phone lir. McElroy. 860. WANTED WANTED To rent a farm of not lens than 40 acros, within 12 mile* of Harrlsburg. State location and terms. Address P. O. Box 496, Steelton. WANTED 3OO men to purchase out- Special Suit Pressing Ticket for SI.OO. Keep pressed, and look well dressed, at a cost of 33 1-3 cents a suit, txuy's, 26 South Third street. Phone. WANTED To Uuy, second-hand typewriter; must be in good condi tion. Address H„ 426, care of Tele graph. WANTED Mother, unable to sup port child, wishes to find permanent liome for him. Four years old. Physic ally perfect, intelligent and lovable. Address 8., 3306, care of Telegraph. POSITIVELY highest cash prices paid for Ladios' and Men's cast-off good Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and Carpets. Send postal to 635 Herr street. City. FOR SALE FOR SALE A handsome solid ma hogany dinlngroom and bedroom suit at a sacrifice; must be seen to be ap preciated. Address E. A. Z„ care of Telegraph, City. FOR SALE 5-PASSEN GER, MODEL 19, CHALMERS TOURING CAR. 36 HORSE POWER, FULLY EQUIPPED, MELLOY AIR PUMP, AT A BARGAIN. CALL BELL PHONE 363 R FOR FULL PARTICULARS. FOR SALE Seven Setter pups, ten weeks old. Your chance to get a good English Setter cheap. Sire, Kentucky Whltestone; dam, Nellie Mayfly. 321 Lewis street, Riverside, Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR SALE Five-passenger auto mobile; newly overhauled and painted; in excellent condition; S2OO to quick buyer. 623 South Front street. FOR SALE Stock of groceries in good location. Stock nt invoice and fixtures at a stated price. Address 8., No. 211, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Player piano, 88-note, mahogany case, Colonial style. 36 rolls of music. Will sell to reliable party part cash, rest In small payments. Ap ply 1828 Logan avenue. FOR SALE One second-hand rub ber-tire trap, (12.00; wagon, suitable to deliver milk, $18.00; one top buggy, $31.00; one extra large market wagon, S4O. H. M. Mendenhall. Paxtang. Pa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Three quarter to one ton truck, with express body,in A 1 condition. Will sacrifice or trade for roadster or touring car. A good opportunity for one wishing to go in the delivery or express business, or will sell part cash, balance in month ly payments. Call 2003 North Sixth. FOR SALE 1914 Ford touring car, in good condition; demonstration. Call 124 Hummel avenue, Lcmoyne. ' FOR SALE Public sale Thursday, December 2, 1915. of Cigar Store and Pool Room on account or ill health. Lo cated on business street. 20 South Hanover street. Carlisle, Pa. FOR SALE At Shaffer's, SO-S8 South Cameron street. A full stock of Anti-Freezing Solution. Positively guaranteed to keep your automobile radiator from freezing. FOR SALE One horse, coming 4 years old; fearless of steam and motor cars. Cheap to quick buyer. Mrs. S. C. Schrlver, 1428 Reglna street. FOR SALE Good gas range, heater, hall rack, miscellaneous articles; must be sold before December 5 on account of moving. 1502 Green street. FOR SALE Ten-week-old Boston Terrier Puppies from prize-winning stock. 1639 Naudaln street. City. FOR SALE—Grocery store and prop- I erty 40x112V4, H£-story building 18x32; good location; near cits': a bargain. Address W. I. S.. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE, CHEAP To a quick ! buyer, a dumb waiter. Apply to Amerl- | can Dairy Lunch, 4 Court street. FOR SALE, STEAM BOILERS—Two | slightly used cast iron square sectional I boilers; one 925 sq. ft. and one 2,340 I sq. ft. capacity. Flshor Brothers. 1001 I Capital street. FOR SALE 3OO Single-comb White I Leghorn pullets for sale, first-class i stock, 50c apiece; must be sold quick. | Apply Elkvlew Poultry and Oupply j House, 1702 North Third street. FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up to'-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large ; Gold Fish and Globes of all sizes; Bird ; Seeds, natural Fish Food and supplies. Gebhardt. the "Bird Man," 1004 North 1 Third, between Boas and Herr. OVERCOATS AND SUlTS—drummer's Banvples (latest styles) at positively lowest prices In the city. Call—bo con vinced. Cohen & Son, Reliable Pawn brokers, 431 Market, at Subway. FOR SALE Chesterfield Overstuff ed Davenport, 7 ft. Empire Green Panne. Never used. Box M, 3282, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—sC for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department, The Tele graph Printing Company. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph business Office. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. j FOR SALE A high-grade Player ] Piano; used less than thirty days in ' private home; moving; sell at sacrifice; reasonable. Address Box K, 3284, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE, CHEAP Fully equipped Job and Newspaper plant, doing good businfss. Reason for selling—other wise engaged. Address S., 3286, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIEB WANT "live wire" in boiler business or similar line to make several vacant factory buildings productive. Have railroad, cheap power, cranes. Need energetic man, with some money and business ability, to dig up orders, place machinery, start manufacturing. Write Manufacturer, Box 759, Harrlsburg, Pa. DRUG BUSINESS, combined witn confectionery and soda fountain busi ness. for sale. Corner location on prominent street. Rent. S2O per month. Price reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Berg lier Building. WE will paint any old. leaky Roof and guarantee a water-tight job. Poa tnl brings us. References from hun dreds of satisfied patrons. Hlte & Bite. 135 Brady street. ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspaper*; experience unnecessary. Send for par- i tlculars. Press Syndicate, 7»S. Lock- I port. N. T. I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with $6. Send for tree booklet. Tells how. Uea- I cock, 356 Lockport. N. Y. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH BUSINESS PERSONALS ARCADE BARBER SHOP. 36 N. Court Street. Newly remodeled and refitted. Clean and sanitary. Complete system Red Cross Sterilizers used. Massage, 25c. Shave, 10c. P. D. Richwiue, Pro prietor. FOR falling hair try Qrosa qutnta* Hair Tonic, prepared by Qrosa, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market meet, Htrriaburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bali 1960. FIRE ESCAPES, when needed, are of great importance. They are soon worthless if not well painted. We paint them and paint them well. Hite A j Hlte, No. 135 Brady street. HAIICK'S Automobile Repair Shop. Work guaran teed. Ford cars a specialty. Cara for hire. Bell phone ISI6J. Rear 1418 Swatara street. HAULING It- A. HARTMAN. Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of filanoa. safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and t Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. [ 2503 R. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $S per month and up. We invite Inspection. Low inaurance. 4X7-446 South Second itreet. Harrlsburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise, pri vate rooms, $1 to SB. Wagons. 76 cents per month. Apply D. Coopor & Co.. 411 Hroad street Roth phones. LEGAL NOTICEB PROPOSALS FOR BRIDGE OVER SII.VMOKIN CItKHK, AT TENTH STREET, SI'NBURY, NORTHUM HKRI.A .J COUNTY, PENNA. THE Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania will re ceive 9ealed proposals until 2 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday, the 14th day of De cember, 1915, in strict accordance with the plans and specifications, as prepar ed by G. A. Fllnia, the Board's Engi neer, for replacing bridge over Shamo kin Creek at Tenth Street, in Sunbury, Northumberland County, Penna., de stroyed by flood January 9, 1915. As a gurantee of good faith and to secure the Commonwealth from any loss by failure to comp'v with tho terms of the bid, all bidders shall deposit a certified check, payable to the State Treasurer, for the sum of One Thou sand Dollars on some responsible Penn sylvania Bank or Trust Company, at least twenty-four hours before tho time set for the receipt of the bids. They shall take the State Treasurer's re ceipt therefor, which receipt must be deposited with their bid. Checks will be returned to the makers, unless forfeit ed, after the successful bidder's bond has been approved and accepted. Proposals shall be In sealed enve lopes marked "Proposals for rebuilding bridge at Tenth Street, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Penna.." ad dressed "Samuel B. Rambo, Superinten dent of Public Grounds and Buildings." SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. C. P. ROGERS. JR., Secretary. ORPHANS' COL"RT SALE OF VALU ABLE CITY REAL ESTATE PURSUANT to an order of the Or phans' Court of Dauphin County, Pa., dated November 29, 1915, the under signed, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of MARY E. WINTERS, late of the City of Harrisburg, deceased, will sell at public sale, discharged of all liens, the following described real estate: All that certain lot or piece of land, situate In the City of Harrlsburg, Dau phin County, Pa., fronting twenty-five feet on the eastern side of 8. Second Street, south of Chestnut Street, and extending in depth, the same width, ninety-five feet to a public alley ten feet wide; thereon erected a three-and a-half-story brick dwelling house, now known as No. 109 S. Second Street. This property has a large store room, used as a wholesale liquor store for many years. License was granted for 1915, but not lifted. It lias steam heat fixtures and Is wired for electric light; two bathrooms and hot and cold water. Sale to take place In front of the Court House, Harrlsburg, on Thursday, December 30th, 1915, at 2 P. M. Terms—Fifteen per centum of the purchase money to be paid in cash when the property is struck off. and the balance upon the confirmation of the sale by the Orphans' Court. FREDERICK M. OTT, Executor. NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Governor ol' Pennsylvania on December 8, 1915, under the provisions of an Act of As sembly, entitled. "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29, 1874, and its supplements, for a charter of an intended corporation to be called the EXCELLENT DAILY MARKET COMPANY, the character and object of which is the purchase and sale of groceries and food stuffs of every description, and for these pur poses to have, possess and enjoy all tjle rights, benefits and privileges by said Act and its supplements con ferred. CHARLES C. STROH, Solicitor. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Court of Suarter Sessions of Dauphin County on onday, December 6, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. SI., nt the Court House, at Harrls burg, Pennsylvania, or as soon there after as said Court shall be in Session, for the transfer of the Retail Liquor License now held by William H. Delb ler at "Shell's Tavern," situate in East Hanover Township. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, to Otto S. Mumma. JAMES W. HATZ, Attorney for Transferree. November 26, 1915. In the Estate of Luther R. Kelker, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., NOTICE*— Letters Testamentary In the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebt ed to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims vlll present them for settlement to AGNES K. KELICER, Executrix. Har. Isburg. Pa. PROPOSALS FOR A BRIDGE OVER WVALU SING CREEK AT CAMP TOWN. WYALCSING TOWNSHIP, BBADFOBD COUNTY. PA. THE Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania w.ill receive sealed proposals until 2 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday, the 14th day of De cember, 1915, strict accordance with the plans and specifications, as prepared by Davfd A. Keefe, the Board's Engi neer, for replacing bridge over Wya luslng Creek at Camptown, Wyaluslng Township, In Bradford County. Penna., destroyed by flood July 8. 1915. As a guarantee of good faith and to secure the Commonwealth from any loss by failure to comply with the terms of the bid, all bidders will de posit a certified check, payable to the State Treasurer, for the sum of Four Thousand Dollars on some responsible Pennsylvania Bank or Trust Company, at least, twenty-four hours before the time set for the receipt of the bids. They shall take the State Treasurer's receipt therefor, which receipt must be deposited with their bid. Checks will be returned to the makers, unless forfeited, after the suc cessful bidder's bond has been approv ed and accepted. Proposals shall be In sealed en velopes, marked "Proposals for re building bridge at Camotown, Brad ford County, Penna.." addressed to "Samuel B. Rambo, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harris burg, Pa." SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. C. P. ROGERS, JR., Secretary. niIBBER STAMQf 31 El SEALS & STENCILS 14% JTI V MFG.BY HBG.STENCIL WORKS « |' II 130 LOCUST ST. HBG, PA, fc IRREGULAR TREND MARKS OPENING Early Losses Cancelled Before 1 First Hour; Covering Move ment Under Way By Associated Press New York, Nov. SO.—The Irregular trend which marked yesterday's deal ings was again observed at the open ing of to-day's market, leading issues showing no material changes. Excep tions to this rule were furnished by Cuban-American Sugar, which nade the new record of 174% on its six point advance. National Biscuit pre ferred up 4 to 125 and associated .Oil 2 to 58. Diamond Match, one of the very Inactive specialties, sold ex-divi dend of 1 Mi at an equivalent of 118V6. against its previous quotation of 100. American Tobacco fell 5 to 216. Rails were variable within narrow limits and the entire list soon reacted on mod erate pressure. Early losses were generally can celled before the end of the first hour, some of the standard railways and a few high-priced specialties leading the recovery. Texas Company rose 10 Vi to Harvester Corporation pfd 6 to 106 and Diamond Match ex tended its advance to 122. Pressure upon United States Steel contributed to another setback, however, which received additional impetus from the ruling of the Interstate Commerce 1 Commission against railroad owner ship of vessels on the Great Lakes. By midday another covering move ment was under way. Bonds were lower, parUcularly International issues. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 84 Pine street, New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, Nov. 30. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines 24% 25V4 American Beet Sugar ... 119% 70% American Can 61% 63 American C& F 81% 81% American Ice Securities . 27% 27% American Locomotive .. 72% 71% American Smelting .... !18% 98% American Sugar 118 118% American T&T 12 8 % 129 Anaconda 88% 88% Atchison 106% 106% Baldwin Locomotive ... 114% 114 Baltimore & Ohio 94 94% Brooklyn Rapid Transit . 89% 89% California Petroleum .. 26 26% Canadian Pacific 183% 183% Central Leather 59% 59% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 63% 63% Chicago, Mil and St. Paul 94% 94% Chicago, R. 1. and Pac. 19% 19% Chlno Con Copper 54% 54% Colorado Fuel and Iron 51% 51% Consolidated Copper .. 143% 144 Crucible Steel 73% 74% Distilling Securities .... 46% 48 Erie 44% 43% Erie Ist pfd 58% 58% General Electric Co ... 175 176 General Motors 462 462 Gt North, pd 125% 12G Gt. North. Ore, subs ... 50% 50 Guggenheim Exploration 78 78% Inspiration Copper 46% 45% Interboro-Met 21% 21% Interboro-Met, pd 79 79 Kansas City Southern .. 3 2 .31% Lehigh Valley 81% 82 Maxwell Mot , 73% 74% Mex. Petroleum 92 % 94 % Miami Copper 34% 34% Missouri Pacific 6 % 6 % New York Central 102% 102% NYNHH 73% 75% New York Ont and West 30% 30% Nor & West, ex-div, 1% Northern Pacific 116% 116% Pacific Mail 33 33 Pennsylvania. Railroad.. 59% 60 Pittsburgh Coal 35% 35% Pittsburgh Coal pd 108% 108% Press Steel Car 65% 65% Ray Con Copper 25% 25% Reading 81% 82 Republic Iron and Steel. 51% 41 Southern Pacific 101% 101% Southern Railway 23% 23% Southern Ry pfd 63 63 Studebaker 151% 153% Tennessee Copper 57% 58 Third Ave 61% 61% Union Pacific 140% 14 0% U S Rubber 54 54% U S Steel 86% 86% U S Steel pfd 115% 115% Utah Copper 79% 79% Va Caro Chem 46% 46% Western Union Tele .... 69% 69% Westinghouse Mfg .... 87% 88 PHIIjADELI'II! A PRODI'riC Philadelphia, Nov. SO. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, spot and December, $1.13% ©1.15%; No. 2, Southern, red. f1.11% @1.13%. , Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local, i 7 steamer, No. 2, yellow, local, 76 Oats Higher; No, 2. 46% c; No. 3 white, 43%#440. Bran The market Is firm; city mills, winter, per <on, $24.50; western, winter, per ton, none here; Spring, per ton, $23.00 tt 23.50. Refined Sugars Market firmer; powdered, 6.10 c; fine granulated, 6.00 c; confectioners' A, 5.90 c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extras, 33% c; nearby prints, fancy, 37c. Eggs The market is lower; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases. SIO.BO per case; do., current receipts, rree cases, $10.20 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, SIO.BO per case; do., firsts, free cases, 510.20 per case. Live Poultry Market steady; fowls. 14 1 flc; old roosters, 11012 c; broil ing chickens. 16®17c: Spring chickens 14 4016 c; ducks. 13@l«c; geese, 14@16c; turkeys, 18®20c. Dressed Poultry Market steady; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18%o; do., average, 17® 18c; do., unattraotl ve, 14frl8c; ice packed fowls, 13@17%c; old roosters not quoted; broiling chick ens, nearby, 225?26c; do., western, 14 @ 19c; Spring ducks, nearby, 22@26c; do., western, 12@18c: geese, nearby, 16«u 18c: do., western, 14j/16c; turkeys, nearby, choice to fancy, 25<926c; do,, western, do., 24@2ac; do., fair to good, do., Inferior. I5(®18c. Potatoes Market higher; Penn sylvania, fancy, per bushel, 80®83c; do., fair to good, per bushhel, 68@73c; Jersey, No. 1, per basket, 40®55c; Jer- I sev. No. 2, per basket, 20® 25c. I Flour Market nominal; winter, straights, $5.15®5.80; do., patent, $5.40 fP5.70; Spring straights, $5.25@5.40; 0., patent, $5,40@5.60; do., favorite, j brands, $5.75#6.00. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, 111., Nov. 30. Hogs Re ceipts, 18.000; dull, 5c to 10c under yes terday's average. Built of sales, $6.15 ®6.75; light. $5.70®6.70; mixed, $6.10® 6.95; heavy. $6.35®6.95; rough, $6.35® 6.50: pigs. $J.00@6.75. Cattle Receipts, 6,000; weak. Na tive beef steers, $5.65®10.50; western steers $6.20®>8.30; cows and heifers. $2.70®8.00; calves, $«.2F®10.25. Sheep Receipts. 12,000: strong. Wethers, lambs, $7.00®9.10. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, 111,, Nov. 30.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat December, 1.05; May, 1.07%. Corn—Deceniber, 64; May, 68 %. oats —December, 41%; May, 43%. Pork—January, 17.60; May, 17.62. Irfird—January. 9.27: May, 9.52. Ribs—January. 9.12; May. 9.60. NOVEMBER 30, 1915 RED CROSS SEALS TO BE SOLD DEC. 6 Chairman Phillips Announces Opening Dates For 1915 Crusade Harrisburg's sale of Red Cross Christmas seals for 1915 will be form ally opened Monday, December 6. The campaign in the county outside the city will begin the following Mon day, December 13. These dates were definitely announo ed to-day by Dr. C. R. Phillips, the chairman of the general committee; details for formally launching the cru sade were threshed out last evening l at a meeting of the committee at the home of Mrs. William Henderson, 25 North Front street. The session was brief inasmuch as many of the mem bers attended the meeting of the So cial Workers' Club of Dauphin county at tho almshouse. At least 200,000 of the Christmas "stickers" flave been received. Before the sale Is well under way another 100,000 will be ordered. It is expected, as the general committee expects to top the 300,000 mark this year. Monday will mark the opening of the seal sale In the city schools, in the factories, stores, etc., the "meachants' end" of the campaign will begin at the same time through the agency of the Boy Scouts. The youngsters to the number of nearly a hundred have been thocoughly oi-Ranized for the purpose. At the same time the sale will be open ed in the schools of New Cumberland, Enq'la, Wormleysburg, Lemoyne, Camp Hill and other cross-river points under the direction of Shirley B. Watts, chairman of the Cumberland county district. Master Gurney Mattox Is Marvel Boy Violinist m .. MASTER GURNEY MATTOX The committee in charge of the pro gram for tho Elks' memorial services Sunday, to-day announced an addition to the musical features, Master Gur ney Mattox, a boy violinist, has begn engaged. He is prominent in Phila delphia where he plays at all concerts of the Philadelphia orchestra. Ford Refuses to Let Movies Film the Oscar Special lo The Telegraph New York, Nov. 30.—About forty persons had by last evening accepted Henry Ford's invitation to sail for Europe on the steamship Oscar II next Saturday and help the Dotroit motor car manufacturer to end the war in Europe, and, if possible, "get the boys out of the trenches by Christ mas Day." While th® latest list still fails to contain the name of anyone of great office-holding prominence in the United States, like governors or sen ators, say, there are upon it several persons who may quite properly be described as well known. For instance, from Detroit last night came a dispatch saying that Mrs. Inez Mllholland Boissevain, who is one of the most beautiful suffragists in Amer ica, would go. "Will come with faith, with hope and with conviction," is the way Mrs. Boissevain's wire to Mr. Ford read. The same Detroit dispatch to tho World mentioned the fact that Henry Ford has been offered $50,000 —$1,000 more than he is paying for tho charter of his ship—-to allow a moving picture concern to film the entire proceedings of the Oscar II and its peace party. He declined. VASSAK PRESIDENT DECLINES Poughkaopsie, N. Y., Nov. 30. President MacCracken, of Vussar Col lege, declined to-day to appoint oflloial representatives of Vassar to take part in the European peoco journey planned by Henry Ford. In declining the invitation Dr. MacCracken said; "We hove no right to use corporate life for this propaganda. We cannot afford to neglect academic work." Two members of tlie senior class at Vassar received personal Invitations to join the peace party, I® TH # 1 C ' 1 1 icker Dervice CHANDLER BROS. & CO. S NORTH MARKET SQTTARE HARRISBtJKG, PA fj | Offer unsurpassed facilities for trading in all markets. S|| ijji||j All New York Stock Exchange official quotations |jS| reported by exclusive ticker service in this office. jgpS MM NEW TOKK STOCK EXCHANGE AT? f'SBK PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE MFMBERS" NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE JAGGL CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE §§§>? ;U.>; CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE •*s> S CHANDLER BROS CO. $t ;.ffi OFFICES— PHONES— {Hfcj 1838 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. Cumberland 23T. 'TH?* 34 Pine Street, New Yolk. Bell T((0. SAYS DEMOCRATS JUGGLE FIGURES t Ex-Senalor Bourne Declares Redfield and McAdoo "Hood winkle the People" Special to The Telegraph Washington, D. C., Nov. 80.—As serting that Secretary Redfleld is at tempting to "hoodwink the people," as to the effect of the Democratic tariff laws, ex-Senator Jonathan Bourne, Jr., otiairman of the Republican Publicity: Association, yesterday Issued a slato ment which seeks to show the activ- I itles of the Secretary of Commerce iu that direction. "The practice of 'window dressing' statistical statements for the purpose of inducing an unjustified credence in the results of Democratic policies is not confined to the Treasury Depart ment," says the statement in pari. "This association recently called at tention to the way in which Secretary McAfloo had changed a long-standinff form of the dally Treasury statement in order to conceal the vanishing available funds. Secretary Redfield seems to havo embarked upon a some what similar course in an endeavor to hoodwink the people regarding the relative effects of Democratic and Re -1 publican tariff laws. "Until Mr. Redfield changed it it was customary in Government publi cations touching foreign and domestio commerce to give the flgtires for three years, to afford a basis for intelligent comparison. The September trade analysis gives the figures for only two years of comparison; 1913 Is ignored. "Comment on the exports for tho nine months ended September, 1915. Is superfluous. Tlie increase In all products that are used for food or for military accoutrement are astounding. Behind these figures Democracy takes refuge and that the country is too drunk with 'war order' prosperity to study the shortcomings of the Demo cratic tariff policy is the hope, of those who forced the ITnderwood tariff law onto the country." JTNTOR GYM GIRLS TO HOXJD "PARENT'S DAY" The Junior gym class. Girls' Division TTassett Club, have inaugurated a Parents' Day to be observed every I first Wednesday of the month- The I regular gymnastic drill, held tri- I weekly, is to be given together with special features demonstrative of the ! progress of the work in gymnastic cul ture. Wednesday. December 1 will I be First Parents' Day and a large I number are expected to be present. Miss Virginia Zurns. Miss Eileen I Maloney, Miss Alice Sullivan and Miss Mary Wall will captain teams of twelve girls each for the occasion. e i THE Hnrrlshurg Polyclinic Dispen sary —lll be open dally, except Sunday, at 3 P. M.. at its new location. Front ) and Harris streets, for the free treat [ ment of the worthy poor. , —LOANS , ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , AT LEGAL RATES. Small Monthly Payments. Profit Sharing l.onn Society 9 No. Market Square (Spooner Bldg.) Conducted Under State Banking ] Dept. License No. 24. ( FOR SALE ' 1825-1829 Herr St. New 3-story brick houses, never occupied, all improvements, 8 rooms and bath, chestnut finish; electric and gas lights, open stair ways, side entrance, cement cellar, concrete walks and steps, grass plots, slate roof, front and back porches, steam heat: houses open for inspection. Sold on easy terms. Inquire of CHAS. HARXHAKT. owner, 1821 Whitehall St. If SALE STARTS AT 1 O'CLOCK SHARP Public sale every week. The un dersigned will sell at public sale at the Lynch Stable 1420 Fulton Street l ()\ Saturday, Dec. 4, 1915 I 6 5 head of horses and mules oon | sisting of an extra fine lot of Ken tucky horses and mules. All heavy chunks and all sound, 0 and 6 years old. I have in this lot some fine mated teams, a lot of harness and wagons. Anyone having horses "or wagons to sell should bring them around. M. BLATT I 1420 Fulton Street, Tlarrisburg 13
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