I NEAL of j the NAVY | •: By William Hamilton ]• Osborne ip i 1 (Copyright, 1915, by J WlUinni Hamilton Osborne.) j ' He stopped the car before a 6MM. It was an ordinary dwelling. There was no sign of life about it. The grass in the dooryard was a foot high. Everything appeared unkempt. But in the parlor window was a sign: To let, furnished. Hernandet stepped in |to the dooryard and peered into the ■windows. "We'll let it furnished —free —for a short time." he said. He forced the door and entered. "All the comforts of home," he said, smiling, "fetch in the girl." Back In the city, Neal. off duty once Again, sought Annette at her hotel. ''She's gone again—alone," said Mrs. Hardin, "she would go. She's so rest less she couldn't sit still." Neal smiled. He was not worried. He got a saddle horse and started Mff In the direction taken by Annette. Back In the deserted furnished {house Hernandez still looked about him. "We can hide here till doomsday," lie laughed, "running water, too. Look 4iere. Everything but food —every- thing. Look —yonder on the mantel— •even pen and ink. This place was meant for us." He bowed low. "Ah, my charming friend Senorita Iling jton," he said to Annette who had re covered consciousness and wa3 star ting about her in astonishment, "you have had a long sleep—and pleasant idreams I hope." He drew down the shades and (switched on the light. "See," he added, "you have slept 'till evening—pretty sluggard. And how is your good health. No bones broken. That Is well." Annette did not answer. Suddenly :she leaped to her feet. "Joe," she cried, "Joe Welcher—you here?" 'Tee," returned Hernandet, again "bowing. "Joe is here —he has always been here —with us. Joe Is our good praena. we owe mm much —much." He turned a sneering smile on Wel cher. Annette uttered an exclamation. "Joe —Joe," she cried, "is it —true?" Joe turned away—hi# chest heaving, i !his eye* upon the floor. "Aw, I'm no i jgood," he muttered. "Never mind, Joe, fair one." said ! 'Hernandez. taking from his pocket a 'legal document already carefully pre pared, "we have business at hand. 1 Ibis document —you should really know what It contains. It Is in proper shape. I assure you. A bit soiled per haps. from long disuse In my breast pocket—but well worded. Look —It is complete. It Is even acknowledged before a United States consul In Cen tral America—acknowledged by you, fair one." "It is not," snapped Annette. "Fair Inez here," went on Hernan dez, "signed It Annette Illngton—the consul was quite satisfied that she was you. But —I have erased her sig nature she lackß the cleverness called forgery. And your signature roay be on record somewhere —who "knows. Comparisons are odious. Let us therefore be complete. Take In ihand a pen. my pretty. Sign your name, over this erasure—opposite this seal." "I'll never sign," returned Annette. "You will sign," said Hernandes •evenly, "and you will hand over to us all the evidence you have upon your ■person. Sign." "No," said Annette. "Well and good," went on Hernan dez In honeyed accents. "Beast—* thold her firm. Disobey and the lash for yours." Hernandez took from his coat pocket a piece of cord. He tied ,the ends together. Despite her struggles he fitted this (noose-like cord over Annette's head and thrust Into it a piece of wood. Then he began to twist. "Tell me when you've had enough," lie said. Like a stone from a catapult Joe "Welcher hurled himself across the room and was upon Hernandez In a fash. Under the assault Hernandez retreated violently to the wall, strik ing his head against the mantel. "Are you crazy, you—worm?" cried Hernandez with a snarl. "I've—turned," snarled Joe In re turn. Without waiting for breath he flung himself once more at Hernandez. "Help!" cried Hernandez. "Inez — tackle this mosquito." Inez was a valuable ally. She at tacked Joe from the rear, and her as sault was effectual. Her onslaught was so severe that it caused Joe to re treat. He did retreat until he faced them both. "Now," said Hernandez. And both descended upon him. Joe was ready for them. He seized a chair and •whirled It about his head —frenzy lend ing him violence and strength. Jk "Come on!" he cried, "all three of at once!" With one wild final swing he brought the chair crashing down on Hernandez' head. No, not on Hernandez' head. It fell short of that, but crashed on 'Something else —the chandelier above , Hernandez' head. There was a ripping, tearing, crack ring sound—and then a crash. Down icame the chandelier in a tangled heap (upon the floor. For one instant ther» was a cessa tion of hostilities. The shades were (down—the lights extinguished—the troom plunged Into semi-darkness. Annette watched in affright. Sud denly a strange, familiar odor assailed •her nostrils. i "Stop—stop!" she cried. But none heeded her. The Brute I*UU held her fast. And Joe, In his new [and ungovernable frenzy, was once itnore at It with the chair, clearing a WEDNESDAY EVENING, i Friday (Next) the Last Friday Bargain S/IL£ t I otore Closed All Day A big Treat in Store For You TO-MORROW Am WKWTI TOYLAND Opens Sa.ur<t., , J r-|-» - I - . pw . ~ The biggest and most complete display shown in 1 | I 1 ntnksgiving uay Ehd Hamburg at before-the-war prices. | # | This Entire List of Exceptional Bargains on Sale Friday s 7Z:7.3o s p.V'\ M * N V —-——— f N 1 FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRII>AY ONLY I S NEW"NE?G W EAK 0 ' "ifti' MMRAM «, Ml* BW {STOCKING I-~.11.-- n.,,-1 UN.ON 1 / ml lUC SII.K K MSTS. to. ® OC ' ' 52.45 151 ** y Worth Hi. n-W. Jl c SUITS, xorih li.oo 49 c | ] Involvlnic valnee up to 500 Handsome platd effects, in a or ' V •••••••• •• Good. heavy honeycomb for each, for ( f Scores of the daintiest pret- , ot of v attractive new color ° a n * QualUy 81,k ' ln Sweaters, with stylish roll collar „ „ , _ „ . . Perfect titling Itibbed Union t I U . Mt CUff *?'"• n «t Ind combinations this HU >on'> new- * bUr varletjr of ,ar * e floral de " and pockets: gray, brown, blue Medium and heavy ribbed g regular and extra sizes; ' . I lac; 1 varied styles. and cut K«nerously full; all sises. value . heels and toes; all sizes. drawing string. I 1 'ON SALK. FIRST FI/OOR. KAUFMAN'S. FIRST FLOOR. KAUFMAN'S. 2ND FI.OOR. KAUFMAN'S—First Floor KAUFMAN'S—First Floor. KAUFMAN'S—First Floor. I I V II / * 1 1 f s ' •%vy%vws%% # v^-.\%vwvwvuv.v%v.%ww%%ViW.%vwsr.%%wvw%w%w.%v."-w.n.w-%s ß -v , .w.« m M FRIDAY OVLIY J J M w rluual FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY ''< l? IT" t 9 9 17" C J I 17" f >•' I ii A « olher Lot of 50 I Its Kaufmans! Kaufmans! Kaufman s! S £2} For ii crepe de chine snk Women's fc Children's !i J ~ For Best Values in Women's & Misses' \ | JflHh Blouses, Worth up BATH ROBES j j jffwCOATS AND SUITS j: , QSc ii tos3o ° w0r.h52.50 lil f Awl / « lall.v on Friday. Make a sU>re-to- This $7.50 •! 1 I <A" Hlustrated) % | /LJ !!< T'Wffll A \ store comparison and convince your- Marshou Scarf and Muff ' I Save Doctor Bills | W J-• ✓ yfl I / S Wjf o{ U self. Here's another collection of un- IViaraDOU OCart ailG IViUtt \ ' l/ljfllHnß by buvinff II I °1 ] paralleled haivalns tiiat will crowd ri I C, />' /jfcJjßtftTpll _ one °t t ' lese |! They are decidedly new. lit W k o our irarinent department to-morrow. F 01" Sr C m Sa&&MJxmUK* Capes for your ~ handsome, and the greatest (Jut penerouslv full, nicely made i' / 7 M 1 0 Jfih.g w JLa, | Klrl. n ,y ate lP, r . oo ' '! value ever offered Harrlsburs and finiahea ln a vast variety of ![ i / ff-L o SMM ™S, ' % and fitted \%itn a shoppers. A lot of pretty ! S M o FOH FRIDAI ONLY A J ' m large plaid lined striped effects; also flesh and color, and patterns. Madt of <, ? I /y~>- K V£am w r T . Pr>milar New (P O C i ' 'I hood: made of «; white. All sizes and all new the famous Beacon Bath ltobe '! ? 11/7 BaHr More OI 1 nose Popular New Ul* S , J -JHiM*' sood j, models. Cloth; all sizes. |; «, j jfl 0 W * CORDUROY SUITS For tD %J m%J %J $$ ■! I 1 *■ '! I \i Women and tf* *7 Q C <| KJ L. m Misses, at v/• %J D Better be quick, 'mm WW % A V m Made to sell up to 911.95 they are exce l ) " '• J I Hfl II ' js I.|_ H_ _. / 1_ 1 1 l £gth~l - Xothliiß more serviceable or more tional barßains S 1 , Men, Here s AnotherDifftlotning onap < f fff" ivtr n? t Friday Bargain Day Brings Unparalleled Values ■: Ml \ 1U11.,-" ' j In Men's and Boys' iuits and Overcoats Anothe " I 'Ama K Z ine V CMt' v speciai „ , '' = >K \ IY , tJ !■ W \ Another Amazing Coat special Velvet Suits, Tastefully Trim- FOR FRIDAY ONL\ FOR FRIDA\ ONL\ >WI / \ For Women and fin med with Furor <M O f\f\ >' Men's Suits and Overcoats; Usually Men's Odd Coats; (tO OC I; II I ! Misses, at Braid )' Sold at $7.50; From SIO.OO Suits ... J« \ for 4 W Here's your chance, you need one. Made t "d, V Absolutely correct in every detail No suit value ever offered you enn !• I Oxford OMV and Rliok nv.RON.T, 0 Deat mlxtures - All sizes - 34 to 42 - S i LA »>f lit, fabric and finish. Conspicuous be compared to these unmatchable ? , Black and Oxford Grav Suits on?v i FOH ruin * V nvtv among: this new lot are smart Sport bargains. Just . omc and «lve us a ■, 1 i ui. it ana . , iiraj .suns, only a . '« I KID.W ONL\ S 41. Coats of wool, plush and corduroy; chance to prove it. All this season's < ' * p " ; 1, B Tro r rs; QQ r :• * fUSi SK X I ticuiar stjie. , Worth $1.50 a Pair, for ... «7t7t •, all sizes. quickly realise their woith:all sizes. <1 tOR I RID.W ON LA Well tailored, of Rood worsteds and !) / | Men s and Young Men's Balmacaan eassimeres. Strongr and durable; alis__ A .. , . __ ■ . . '• I $7.49 ™T™ u n K .,v \ These Suit and Coat Offerings Are Unmatchable tailored of excellent hea^fsibrlc. 6 Tour for Toques; Worth in I j $30.00 Women's & Misses' Suits, $19.501 $5 &$6 Sport Coat an Misses $2.95 ijj number, so" be quick. In a variety of different colors and I < $25.00 Women's & Misses' Suits, SIB.OO J SIO.OO Women's & Misses' Coats, $6.75 C FOR FRIDAY ONLY closely knl te( * I-I $22.50 Women's & Misses' Suits, $14.501 $14.00 Women & Misses' Coats, $9.50 J I Wo"',h Sr Pant,: 89c i; slß.»«Women's&Mme,' Suits, $12.00 SIB.OO Women's & Misses' Coats $12.00 i Doubi. MiichM, m.d, good ,„J ..ron. Worth $3.00; for .... Ip 1,79 > $15.00 Women's & Misses' Suits, $9.00 $20.00 Women's & Misses' Coats $14.50 J. one a p h a e irt y o r a b custo C me d r Uro> ' Llm "' ° nl '" proo^mateAaTrslzes to ycar S Water " ' I FOR FRIDAY OXLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY | % Men's Raincoats; <T» "L Q C M EN'S Corduroy IQH BOYS' OVERCOATS- % J w r, TIZ. !r,iz Ree ta c^s Sr.? to $l .95 FR, P A I. <h tk'Borodin %uement f \ English waterproof cloth, in tan These have the g ,orm collar and Extraordinarv values, made Rus- RABT. AIN Ii H Htt 11H111 f> < }, M or dark gray. Very new, disttnc- extra heavy lining. Only twenty sian stvle, belted back, button to S m tlve and servlceabla. some, all told. Be prompt. the neck, of good, strong, warm FOR FRIDAY OXLY I FOR FRIDAY ONLY . FOR FRIDAY OXtY \ i R ca i s c. s^™.™.". A .39c 5 f worthsl.2s,at79c Worth sis °. a « 39c,« uses '. 19c vtsiSawSSSiK MSyyrwsSriflS?' 4 *# M , . Si«es 6to 16 years, made of good. Of good washable material* nnH EiSMSgaS'fi? A\ C | s and Wu r e. n6 r uSuld lot*™"' I for b wear with link collar and open FOR FRIDAY ONLY | / cuff NKW CURTAIN SCRIM. Ig c lli FOR FRIDAY ONLY t Worth :<oc yd.; yd _ jJt . . ... .... ... J 1 _________________ . | TZ> a nri 11 ot" IK tc 11 .\!\ I S() m'j 1 I i.l II) HI/ ;\ N K I'. IS, W f Can be had in ecru, cream and KegUiar T 1 nIS Worth Si.oo a pair. CO fiC 4 rn A , white, different sizes, most excel- 1 r; T f f %!>£• DD # 1} FOR FRIDAY ONLY : SI.OO 1 , 1 • For the Last Time. 3 Tremendous Mil inery Specials. The Latest, • wooi™ bT.lnkkts M JJ 53 St y' e t & :i9f ' EjnjwJSjK'*o2* 4 W3tto'i«. , f • Prettiest, Trimmed and (Jntrimmed Hats, Far Below Maker's Cost '• I Plain white and gray, an extrs j * I K % J « rnn . v .....,. { good weight, grade and size, with j >uLjM | T'OTt FRTTIAY ovi.Y 1 €♦ „" lAY ONI i FOR FRIDAY OXLY * pink and blue borders. ! IOR *IIII)AY OMLx 1 ♦ WOMAN'S AND MISSKg' *1 QC WOMEN'S AND MISSES' QC. ! j SHOPPING BASKETS, Actually 1 f ♦ TRIMMED HATS for TNTRIMMED HATS VDC J for PRID4V nvir I , I Worth 3»c cacli. lOIA- 1 % J /Ze&hi Values up to $4.00. Values up to $3 00 ♦ H>K » Kll».\\ u>lj » | No hosp or pipe required; will | for /2C i I /'~MF~)9 New turbans and sailors, trimmed with Smart new turban and sailors ♦ SraviCEABLE WOOLNAP fit any gas Jet and heat a pretty Oood wanted sizes and made c\- 1 1 % ♦ XlVTZm#' pretty wings and ostrich and Included and a very new mannish model; ♦ BLANKETS. Worth $1.98 c • tra strong and serviceable / * are a lot of ch »dren's hats. also a lot of outing hats, chiefly t * 3 ' oo ~r' : fop ' pr j SMonK Jna serv,t«'ao'e % I , i'bit-k. , These are extra large sir.e, in F()R FRIDAY OXLY I 7 ' ■ . FX)R FRIDAY OXLY ' \ ♦ pretty tan shades with plain color _ * FOR Illll)\Y ONLY ' J ' TRIMMKD HATS .............. 95c wV.u . 39c J FOR FRIDAY OXLY for \ « $1.29 , serviceable for I: r^°J 2 . ol > „ , rut generously full and full 1 sßc MUSLIN BED are brushing clothes, hat or Sutomo^ % ♦ Becoming: little tin bans and sailors of lensrth. in a varietv of nrettv ! SHEKTS for OS7C hemmed readj for uso and come biles eto ■J C! (' ilaeK .eivei and hatters plush. Stylishly new pink and blue stripes. ♦ These have 3-Inch hem of good a wide range of new color com- I f ; trimmed. > , , muslin; full double bed size. ■pace about h--*- .-i\ driving Inoz and Hernandez before him Into one corner after another. HIB chair whirling, touched a live wire—from which the Insulation had been torn. The wire, recoiling from the blow, struck a piece of disjointed gas pipe atill clinging to the celling. Then —flzz—a spark—a multitude of sparks. A pause—a second's pause. And then the whole room, with a mighty roar, burst Itself out into the open air. A horseman, speeding down the straight road, heard the boom. He saw the explosion. He spurred his horse. He reached the wayside lane. Joe Welcher, his head cut and bleeding, was the first to revive. His remorseful frenzy still lent him Strength and energy. He sprang to bis feet—looked for 'Annette. He no ticed nothing else —save that the room was wrecked. He found Annette, picked her up and carried her without. She was ■tunned, but practically unhurt. But Joe didn't know all this. He had killed her—he must bring her to life again. Postage Stamps Are Given For Change Now in Paris I (Correspondence of Associated Press.) I Paris, Nov. 24.—Notices have been j posted in many of the Parisian cafes i that patrons who do not have the ' right change to pay for refreshments [will Imve to accept postage stamps or ! checks for change for any sum less Ithnn ten cents. This is another in dication of the scarcity of coppers, I which numerous collections for chari | table purposes have withdrawn tem : porarilv from circulation, and the fact ,that since small money became scarce , there has been a tendency on the part of the people to cling to what j they have. Some people are said to ; behoarding coppers tecause they are j afraid they will get entirely out of , them and others, it Is charged, are CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years HARRISBURG tfSjjftj TELEGRAPH collecting them with the less worthy motive of making five francs premium on every hundred francs in copper coins delivered at certain confidential points. It is the old story of the Ger mans trying to drain France of its copper. The real reason is thought in official circles to be simply that Ru hi's Bre_ad""^ Coat* no more tk»n othor brc ad - \ NEAL OF THE NAVY KSS "| | S.VY'TFFR- COLONIAL I the absence of gold overworks all the minor denominations, copped and nickel, as well as silver. The mint is handicapped by the mobilizing of some of its machines for other urgent work for the national defense and the copper collage fell last month to 100,000 francs. NOVEMBER 24, 1015. | OPEN THANKSGIVING f | For Portrait Sittings | Have your Christmas Photos taken now to avoid the eleventh-hour rush. | THE MUSSER STUDIO f 16 NORTH THIRD STREET ♦ ★ UB RIIQINFQC* MAN! BOOST YOUR BUSINESS ■¥■■*• DUJIILTA»J ""*•*. IL Y Advertising With CALENDARS We Caa Supply You. Call at Our Office or Phone Bell 1577R MYERS MANUFACTURING CO. 1125 North Third Street r > ■■ i ■ < 5
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