JS/wmaia \JsDcma*a\ J" M . Gjewmat# ~ J JStoma*# Jack Frosty Mornings And Thanksgiving Are Loudly Calling "Hurry!" i Children's Embroid- / ] p ®' ous^ s Just a Short Time cring Class |NoV Vadium and than- to Choose That broidering that little gift for ffj rtC* *"1 Exquisite models for evening Women are reminded of the mother, big sister or "granny." || til wear sheer and delicately patterh- very large and varied stock of tflNBP Saturday News in Ctlina enliven the schemes here. All the popular touches 36 Japanese China Vases, 12 in- j. of exquisite daintiness running the sl6 50 to $65 hand decorated, gold trimmed stripes^ to fall directly across NcW Models 111 American Cut Glass Vases, 12 in- Jr feet is carried out on sleeves. A Women's Smart j JP|f| j&y/ft Wear-Ever Aluminum Windsor White Chantilly Lace ; with un- Arriving 1 capacity. Special at 980. lar with lacer tabs. This model also You may choose from a stock \ \ f 7-inch Fireproof Casserole uv. . . Tr™*'Wll conies in black Chantilly over that is entirely new—featuring l\ fl V\ y~ nickel plated copper receptacle; new jf white—#s.oo. models that enjoy acceptance as v/ /» \\ % (J design. Special at 98f. VJU x MJ w i-J X Persian Blouses in a pleasing va- the season's most favored a // J i A - BOWMANS— Basement. riety of daring designs 56.50 to most wonderful collection at *\\ *f fr^' A Scarcity of Toys? Well, you should see them rushing BOWMAN'S Third Floor. Women's fine patent colt, Uf 11 j f. j t » • . i full <if French bronze, cun metal, , m day after day, and we re going to have a half-floor full af vid k;d bluc kid> Havana our holiday opening—soon. Bracelet Watches brown kid. gray kid and pur- \A/hprp lln \A/ nprp I c I n^r#» — 59.98 Instead of sls id^. boots - Br °° k,yn A ™ llCrC ' WXI VY ncre » " Special Value In ' Mr. Jack Frost Is Biting 20-year guaranteed 14-K gold till- I Women's fine black kid Another Collection of Winter \/ 1 *■ DRF i A-«I .it i KI <*d bracelet watch with a seven- Gypsy button boots; white velvet Kugs the Children s lNoseS jeweled American movement. Plain stitched or black. Special, $3. P AO f c I TTK-io*? Slightly mismatched by the manufac- __ | and fancy cases. Adjustable links. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor turer, will not hurt the wear; 9x12 ft.. Here are suggestions BOWMAN'S—Main Floor ~~ at ßruMeiiquette Rugs with' aiioVer' f or their comfort ~ Where, am that assembly be that features such a pleasing tied centers; stenciled borders; 9x12 fi. l?<aorlxr Brussellquettp, Hugs, 6x9 ft., patterns I White Sweaters, with- a touch of j IV.CclCIj' VV 11/11 XHI & vJI sign and detail, and colors to match. 9x12 sire color 6-month to 3-vear sizes $1.35 __ _ __ i TAT 1 r> ..... ... BfSW& «o*>.»B. Suoerb Beautv and Warmth ■ kowman coa|s.arc distinctive because they are possessed or BOWMAN s-Fourth Floor Sweaters in red. blue. rose, brown »-* v»f v 4 wu J f just the dash and cleverness that the dressy woman invariably and green; made of worsted yams, \ most complete line of dependable furs awaits your inspec- looks for, and because none are number "four," "seven," "eight" at $1.85 to $4.50. tion. * one particular style. Newest Gloves an f 3 aps A° "^nd 1 white- This coming season will find a greater diversity of styles to To-morrow this section should be the center of activity. FnrWnmcn #I.OO set. select from, including the lately popular barrel muffs and the small, Kr . . . Knit Toques in white and colors, i throw scarfs. Smart Cloth CoitS v -K B stitohing and' heavy contraatCnk 250 to $1.25. Sets are particularly dashing and beautiful, and while we here mention —which a great number of women take 111 preference to pile fabrics, embroidery; new shades .. $1.50 to $2.50 Infants' Short White Coats; onlv the better grades, it's to be remembered that you may also secure in- Rich, mannish overcoatings, tweeds, lustrous zibelincs, plaids aplenty and a ln^nledJhadST lambswool, serge, chinchilla and ' expensive furs for'as low as $7.50. host of others "too numerous to mention." Ranging in price from a smart Kacmo washable kid Gloves (every cashmere 6 months to 3 years' _ jru -_. Separate scarfs and muffs in abund- little inexpensive model at #9.50 — #n<i with the wrist strap.... soc to SI.OO Coats of corduroy, plush, zibeline Jr Cross I'ox Sets, SIOO. tiauntiots"' 8 fleeced K,d Gloves 500 and mixtures; with wide belts, patch /\ Black Lynx Sets, #55. Corduroys— Golf Otoves forVomen pockets, Strand fancy buttons; 6to [A Genuine far Eastern Mink Sets, Here is a line that is unique with its many, many shades, including Coats of broadcloth, corduroy, vel- I Natural Lynx Sets, #«. mings of skunk and plush. Convertible collars backed with fur. ■ vet, plush, chinchilla and zibeline; I * (jenuine Beaver Sets, S4O. n en *n? cr% trimmed with fur, contrasting ma- \ Fitch (polecat) Sets, #35. $10.50 to $27.50 terials, banding and buttons p2 to 6 \ Hudson Seal (sheared muskrat) Plush Coat c / **** years, #2.50 to #l2 Third Floor I \ <s^and Fitch Sets, #32. I / \JCivet Cat Sets, #3O. A recognized scarcity ot plushes; but we have a pleasing collection here / C\ f/'Z / Raccoon Sets #25. niost ly everyone is a style of its own. Deep cuffs—deep bands of fur; } /fit \\ o_\U rm 1 \W/ V/l/i fi in »n i Grav Wolf Sets #25. collars of skunk-opossum, beaver, imitation ermine, and other skins. Rich 'ss*2 t*M\ \K l ys i, ft Pointed Wolf Sets, #22. . and dependable linings. I'. T iJ TI I _• • . I a JP If We are also displaying a fine line K ' / M Thanksgiving of furs for children; moderately BOWMAXS-Thir.i i-ioor. \ )f- As pretty cloths as we have priced. BOWMAN'S- Third Floor „ T j • . l ** 1 ever had and models are fully EVCr IntrOUUCing tilC (X" '■ mF Fresh, Crisp The Ribbon Gift Newest in Millinery with self and velvet collars; Neckwear And now the time comes for mak- ' ... others button to neck; in chin- . those very acceptable little gifts How often has a very unfamiliar hat appeared on the street—and II 11 __ chillas, Kerseys, and cassi- Women folk are reminded of a fresh G f ribbon. its charming lines no doubt indicate that it was purchased out of town, nana Dags meres; heavy wool linings; ing 8 0 U C w a on ,n sLw^o'ra B rT g courr d a fl nd" We're suggesting a number of To follow closely these little millinery announcements, is to learn of blue, gray, brown, tans and cuff seis and vestees—high and low dainties which can be skillfully those same models being introduced here. To-morrow— Very Special at E a' show '° " M - """ *'' o " l -orked out and also call your at- h ats of blackest black. $1.93—52.95 ,nr of o?Tovs 2to B. ■»« ttnw n»w aat tent,on to the huge stock and the -Pasted feather turbans. ■ A special purchase and a very Boys' Mackinaw Coats prices ana varieties to be found. -High-built lace hats. gmSi fnrtnn atp nnp Verv newpst bacs macKinaw in six Satin Ribbons match sets from . /-*i .... -f J and the exauisite styles are reallv P ' ' at the baby widths to 6 inches wide; General ClearaWay Ol and the exquisite styles are really to #6.95. Sizes 3to 19 years. KT T „ yard 3« to 30A. Trimmed Velvet HltS Mac^ n and y elvet Cor Note# In Fur Persian Ribbons for fancy work Chic velvet hats in the season's most fav- Rich silks, velours, velvets, and • duroy Outfits lor boys 3to 8 Trimmintf* bags, 4i; to 7 inches wide; yard, ored shapes and effects. A goodly number, very finest of leathers; tortoise shell years, consisting of coat, hat 1 nmmmgS and each a goodly style. Present marking , tops .quaintest of linings and many anf i 'eRK 111 ? 8 . #*."•>. white fur neck pieces, specially priced Moire Ribbons, in leading shades; prices / \ i other new fancies. "wkn. m.,cW,S5* inches wide; nuke good, stiff " $2.95 $4.95 ' { V \\ twice—twuce—an^tnore 1 than'twl" 1^10.9S. '° " YI.'SFS VM 7s? \ > these prices, sowMAN's-second Floor Skunk-opossum; yard $1.75 to *5.75 inches wide, yard 2of. 98 BOW MAN* J#—Main Floor BOWMAN'S-Main Floor ribbon 10 c spool P Rree " _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ green combined, 100 spool. You ve Got to Hurry Men! x m Women When Purchasing Underwear f •*. t X i BOWMAN'S—Main Floor 111-k 1 tal »» If You'll Have a New ( Nov. Should Purchase Athena Overcoat For the I OEtf l-» 1 You'll Find Comfort Athena undergarments are not stretched to fit, but tailored to TL i v • V £otn / Ti**3l a! Under These fj t . not pulled into shape bv the wearer, but tailored into shape Thanksgiving llf . Sturdy Blankets bythe^ker. Men, the time is growing short; but to-morrow you'll m '3ll , , « r . ' Athena underwear brings corn have amnle time from 9AMto9 PM to make a rhnire A i t xx v COmMOMCS p!ete comfort .' because n ° '» a »cr have ample time trom A. M. to Yr.M. to make a choice And Men! HaVC You \FCS- 1 \ how close-fitting the gown, the lines from our large stocks at Baby Crib Comforts, made of silk- -^ tbena Underwear are the lines - °f tb e woman's own figure deli- OU «> A O and t0*1.89. / ™| I cately, exquisitely modeled as truly % and a goodly collection at $9.90. r lirniSningS. Single Bed Comforts made in / I as S own ' tse 'f- Box back overcoats, semi-fitted overcoats, form-fitting Our new Furnishings Department assorted patterns; covered with j ft "k®. \ We are showing a complete line overcoats. Single and double breasted. (inside front door) is stocked brim- silkoline; filled with white sanitary 1 ffIHH n for women and children. Also the "novel" overcoat —the back and sleeve in one f "' of srrfart shirts, hose ties, col- cotton; $1.59 and upward. 1 fVl.mi Veßts an,] pants - cotton, in medium cut; no seams; beautifully draped backs. lats, hats and everything a man d«,n, M«ht or dark \ WF Oxford kerseys and vicunas, black and white boucles ne r M A -I tops: plain bottom wlth"wld? borders, \ lIVIF /Vfrbh: medium wid heavy weights, Sl.OO; extra , • i• , uuuciua, 1 hey rc fashionable and mannish. $1.19 to liM and uoward / V AMIJM&I ' 1,a6 - heather mixtures, diagonals, velours, meltons and fancy Ami price* arc moderate. a„v, aJS'^ffiSr WOV^^ y e C o o, Sl' breast measure. ®iIUT £?™ To-norrow we-1, offer, special-narrow ribbed corduroy ÜBi , ' trousers; heavy drill lining—at $1.98. —wool, part wool and cotton. mcif^ 0 Bl ffiVd 4 .™: W • < children's white woo. mixed union BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. „ . „ heavy nap; pair. $1.69. • a BOWMAN S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Basement BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Join the Fldredge A wonderful plan by which responsible people may purchase a Sewing Machine and by paying a membership fee of SI.OO, the machine is delivered to the home. You enjoy I Qo-cati rt rf IV4 OA>K-if-k*i grad " al Payments. Machines sold on the Club Plan are never sold for piore than the regular prices. OCWIIIg lYld-UllllC Demonstration of the famous Eldredge Two-Spool Sewing Machines continue to-morrow. A useful souvenir to every woman. - BOWMAN'S Fifth Floor FRIDAY EVENING, *LARRISBURG TELEGRAPK NOVEMBER 19, 1915. 3
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