14 SsLl "You Pay Less For Better Quality at Miller and Kades" ) !' ~^ X ~ K j \WSm E BeairiifuTfour Home for the Holidayt t <rSia'S j||\ • What Have You To Be Thankful For? JOB QUEEN ou can name so maa y things for which you are and "*• MACHINES should be truly thankful. Would it not be fitting to serve We Have Been PlirSltaded is y° m t hanksgiving dinner on a new table? Refurnish vour »■ - ™"»«•»«..«-*.«.» gf mjm i > 11 J add Sewing Machines to our line. We are Jl a df'S Mi M dining room or add one or more new pieces at this Thanks- ful success. We don't hesitate to say" that II m HI M ° r X i-lO,IllVC» we have the best Sewing Machine on the * *-«•< 4--I market. Stop in a minute and see the fea d., ~ - A , . l/ l \ 111 time i • £ ure , s a " d advantages of the new Dav(p «pl CaSIl —oO cents ft WG6k. » Sewini? Machine. For Saturday only we make special price on this machine. This machine will do your wash- TV ■ • T> -r* 1 ~ _ ing in twenty minutes—and do it Uur Room furniture was never better. Complete suites in the C'| *7 OC right; we are exclusive distributors period and modern styles. Whether you want a complete set or iust a tahlp V-i ■ •Oe# tor this citv. » • . • ... J . J tc * IL J] ctl airs, china, server, dishes or a new ru?, we believe that we can please von home cash ~ 6oc a woek ■"««" 01,6 to your Vfr —JJ " :33SHIgss " 1 ""■■'"■l HBMIIIII Hi ■I—^—I—BSMHBB—B——HM—1 ———— M. iJL Special Cabinet HieQuaiityof Middletown RangeslsNeverQaestioned inP Ta k nf Harrkhiinr ElPi l()GSCl the oven StwSw? 1 THE PRICE... l. .. $19.85 Set Up Complete I EQUIPMENT— I The low price we make on the Cabinet, is possible only I I Jti nHT W Wnii m „.„i ... through quantity buying. For this reason, few if any 1t 4 f-m J(w nil Burnished nfokpi n , , wire _shel\es and racks. good stores are able to quote an equally low price on a fh 1 fII B C Cfc CM fySS improved gravity o f , an Cabinet of this character. This offer affords an excellent WdSIl fll W* rpcMit»i.ii.' an'fl ti o « t .Ilk 1 ."'u, r! s } a J ia idea of the savings this store presents its customers and _____ OB Sanitarv niptai hwafl E 1 air-tight metal lids. provides an excellent opportunity for you to make a BEL \ jSfl ig^ssgssi !l sr' i " iCT '- ooc a Week Your Last Chancs This Season For DnnnH DoHoctol :: «,TO«v^aM This Wonderful Bed Outfit rf nUUIIU rGOcSldl ||Hm| •! iM We have received word from the factory that the price of this V\ \.' , r j _ _ bed has advanced 20 percent. Come early as we have only fifty V\ f/jljj L-—-, TohlO Lftf W' W I l>\ \WW " ImiEw \ o Th^ £ivin!: Jp! |j : b^HUlillllllllllr," : Wc;! I constructed, made of Solid Oak tflO fIU " h ' \■ :J |ij r : ! SHStSrt China Closet J12.95 i '"v \\ \\ 1/ \ ,'1 ; big value. Only one to a cus- 64 inches high, 36 inches 3. \ /It JV l ■ i■ • """"■ ' wide, extra heavy frame ;j f tflSll iUI Today gjves you the Qppor> work, double strength <> \\ |||||| For Saturday Only, 98c tunity to possess this handsome glass, four shelves and o s a °® A K ~~ AND LOOK |% "JC o Handsome Metal Bed, Spring & Mattress I ['l I Observe the large pedestaf the j carefully finished. j I THANKSGIVING E PRKJE kI |J | I This bed is all steel tubing, made plain and substantial—enameled • wff modern box rim, and the beauti- o FOR THIS BUFFET o white. ) ful, y shaped legs. You must o V II The spring which we offer with this bed is all steel and a good ;ft l examine this table, however in ——————________ , > it's GENUINE QUARTER SAWED OAK. Colonial ° ne " order to appreciate the beauti- tOO RAG RUGS " des,sn - the moßt popular style of dining room fumi- o $1 CASH—so CENTS ,\ WEEK ''' ful grain and superb finish of ciTrroniv ninv o | ure at ere '*• , 11 has doubl ° chlna cupboard> o 1 ' ;i * iftt* n "Tj ill 1 . J J7»l ■ Jilt i the wood Satur <hA an SATURDAY ONLY <> larßO l' nen drawer, two upper drawers, one lined for o The mattress is as Rood as any person could wish—soft top 4 , V " uuu - U J- ♦ silverware, heavy plate mirror back and shelf. , n?k?n* aBSUreS a ° m comfort and 18 covered with a Rood grade of h Jhiß « Positively your last day only <J> 17.0 O W 1 COME AND SEE IT. YOU'IaL ALWAYS FINED «► at this rtce ' An beauUful de w f vl Z EVERYTHING AT MILDER & KADES EXACTLY <► \ ; a , l lms P rlce - tieautirul de- »I.o© Cnah. 800 a Week M W ■ - ♦ AS ADVERTISED i * \> J) signs and handsome colors. 4 < > |||||| fi MILLER and KADES j Best FURNITURE DEPARTMENT STORE 'Vown"' . Service . 7 North Market Square BayereJ | The Only Store ID Barrislmrg lhal Gnaranlees to Sell on Credit al Cash Prices ] 1 , - FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 19, 1915.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers