A Telegraph Want MWill Quickly lent That Vacant Room S)eatbs Pt'RH— On November 15. 1915, Grier Pugh. wife of J. A. Judson Pugh, at her late resilience. 318 Boas street. ' Funeral eti Thursday afternoon, at 2-30 B» rial privste. Body can be viewcrt after 8:30 Thursday morning. The relatives and friends are Invit ed to attend without ftirther notice. 9HRINER On November 13. 1915, Frank M., husband of F. May Shriner <nee Stornifelt*. Harrlsburg, Pa.,), aged 38 years. Funeral services Thursday after noon. at 1 o'clock, at his late resi dence, 5842 Lansdowne avenue, Phila delphia. FOUND FUUND Now'! the time to have your, clothes put in shape for tho winter Kggert's Steam Dyeing and Fremh Cleaning Works. 1 245 Market Street. Both phones. e call and de liver. FOUND Two automobile tires on Saturday.. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this ad. Inquire 24 Somerset street, Ruth erford Heights. FOUND That Eggerfa Steam Dye ing & French Cleaning Wo ks. 124S Market St.. do the very best work in the city. Call either phor.e for <roo£ We call and deliver. HELP WANTED —Male WANTED An experienced barber. Apply 1018 North Seventh street. WANTED An all-around butcheij one who can drive a wagon; good wages to right party. Address It., 3.61, care of Telegraphy YOl It PAY ENOUGH? LET liie help you secure a position with U. S. Government. My past suc cess—your guarantee. Mail card at once. Salary Booster, P. O. Box 431, Harrisburg. WANTED A first-class steamftttor, one experienced In low pressure hou-e heating work. Apply Bassler & Forier, 705 North Third street. Bricklayers, non-union, for work near Altoona. i ransporta tion free. Sec Mr. Sweiker be fore b.45 p. m. Hotel Lenox, Market street. YOUNG MAN Can you show a certificate of graduation from school ? Do you want a technical education with pay? Our graduate Electrical festers, Draftsmen, Machinists, Toolmakers, Patternmakers, and Molders, are never out of work because we educate them to do HEAD WORK. For further in formation, call at the Welfare Ex hibition, now being held in Har risburg, Pa., Dept. of Labor and Industry, Booth No. 59. WANTED. MESSENGERS Men or bovs, with bicycles, can earn good wages. School boys employed even ings. Western Union Telegraph Co. SALESMEN We need three ag gressive. industrious salesmen to com plete force and to qualify for executive positions. A real opportunity for real men, with the largest home electric appliance concern. Experience in this line not essential. Loads furnished. If you are a sticker, answer by mall only to Frants Premier Dist. Co., 32 North Court street. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES— MEN WANTED Ablebodled. unmar ried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, wno can speak, road and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 2d & Market Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. WANTEt). - LABORERS, AT ONCE Apply Catholic Cemetery, Thirteenth unit Berryhlll streets, or phone Berry hill Nursery Co. WANTED Boys who want to learn automobile painting. Good oppor tunity. Apply Crispen Motor Car Co., .113 South Cameron street. City. WANTED - Tahor ana presser. Ap ply 11. Goodman, 1306% North Sixth street. BOY WANTED to learn the barber trade. Apply Fourth and Kelker streets. WE need capable, direct to the con sumer salesmen, who, after a short training can develop into wagon sales men. route foremen and branch man .-iM'ers. A 1 reference required. Salary and commission. Apply Jewell Tea Co., 269 Broad street. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring Mill and Lathe hands who can work from blue prints. Must be first class, experienced machinists. Apply Employment Department, Westing house Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pitts burgh, Pa. WANTED First-class toolmakers. profilers, millers, drillers, rlflers, barrel turners, blacksmiths and steam ham mer men to make drop forges. Also men for barrel rolling. Address P. O. Box 264, Lancaster. Pa. TWO BUTCHERS WANTED Steel ton Store Co., Steelton, Pa. WANTED, AT ONCE First-class millwrights. Immediate employment. Address J. F. Creswell, P. O. Box 264, Lancaster, Pa., or call at Hotel Plaza, Thursday afternoons or evenings. WANTED Men to become practi cal chauffeurs and mechanics. We guarantee our students 30c per hour while repairing private cars; S4O In '•ash required. Several cars to over haul now. Make application at once. No. 6 North Cameron Auto Transportation School. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Refined woman, 25 to 83 years of age, to solicit on an attrac tive proposition in Harrisburg and vicinity. Those willing to work five to six hours can easily make five to seven dollars per day. S„ 3265, care of Telegraph. EXPERT training by my n.«thod. and every student employed Is my record last year; no failures; attend here and be successful. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second street. * WANTED—Experienced sew ing machine Operators on ladies' and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laun dry State street, rear entrance. 1641 Fulton St. Make an Offer A three-story frame house with eight rooms. Lot 14x110 Ft. The owner having made his per manent home in another city is anxious to dispose of the property. What is your proposition? MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Roads l.orml and Court Streets WEDNESDAY EVENING. HELP WANTED — Female WANTED Experienced waitress. 110 North Second street. Monger's Res taurant. WANTED A girl for general housework; no washing. Call 2316 Bell phone. WANTED, AT ONCE Pressers. In quire Blough Mfg. Co., Reily and Ful ton streets. FOR RENT i— Two or three unfur nished rooms; steam heat, light and I bath. In private family (no children). 623 South Front street. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced | Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers,. Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harrlsburg, Pa. HELP W ANTED— MaIe and Female ' MEN, WOMEN, common schooling, desiring Government positions. S7O monthly, wrlto for list 15 immediately. ; Philadelphia Civil Service School, Phtla. SITUATIONS WANTED— MaIe WANTED Position by experienced hotel porter, colored. Aduress 409 *llDert street, Clarence Mauhiey. WANTED Position in hotel by first-class cook; can furnish good city reference. Aodress \V„ 3264, care of 1 eiegraph. WANTED A young man, 21. would like to have a Job of any kind, driving a car or housework. Apply at 123 Lib erty street. WANTED—MiddIe-aged man would like to have a place tc do all kinds of repair work in tactory or brickyard; experience ana references. Address P. O. Box 64, Middletown, Pa. WANTED Man, with ten years' experience In meat and grocery busi ness and five years of general store ex perience, wants position, In or out of city; references. Address G. K., 1422 Susquehanna street. SALESMAN Wants position at home, inside or outside, desiring to quit the road after many years' travel ing experience; married man, sober and good character; resilient Harris burg many years; high-grade refer ences. Address M., 3260, care of Tele graph. vv AiNTED Young colored man de sires position as bellman, or work around private residence; reference If required. Apply 329 Cherry street. SITUATIONS W ANTEl)—Female WAN'IEIi An experienced woman desires cooking by tne nay or week. Audress 1415 t ulton street. WANTED By white woman, house work by day or half day; can furnish good reference. Address 315 South Sec ond street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED Young, white woman wants position at general housework or waitress. Address 0., 3262, care of Telegraph. WANTED By colored woman, day's work for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Call, or write, 1412 North Fourth street. WANTED Woman wants place as housokeeper for wldoWer. Call. or write to S. E. M., care of William Al bright, R. F. D. No. 1, Dauphin, Pa. WANTED Competent stenographer and bookkeeper, with valuable experi ence and good reference, desires ofrtce work of any Kind. Address I, R., care of Telegraph. WANTED By young woman be ginner, position as typist and steno grapher; willing to work for small sal ary. Gertruue Kahn, 348 South Second street. Steelton, Pa. WANTED By colored woman, work of any kind by the day; Wednes day, Thursday or Friday preferred. Call, or address, Rear 1425 New Fourth street. WANTED Colored girl wants place at general housework; can furnish ref erence. 1406 Marion street, first floor. WANTED—White woman, 25, desires housework in small family of adults or restaurant; can furnish reference. Ad dress 123, caro of Telegraph. HEAL ESTATE FOK SALE $1,500 WILL BUY a brick and frani> house on Jefferson street. 7 rooms bath furnace porch. Rents at sl3 per month. Other cheap property. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NEW HOUSES with steam heat—gas and electric light all other modern Improvements brick construction location. Riverside, uptown, and on Al lison Hill. Prices only $3,100 to $3,300. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BUNGALOW at a sacrifice price well built electric lights, furnace heat, large porches. You can buy this property now S3OO cheaper than next spring. Bell Realty Co., Berger Build i2s: A FEW desirable Houses we want ! to turn quickly at Bargain prices. j 600 block, Woodbine St.. *1,300. 300 block, S. Fourteenth St., $2,400. ! 1309 block, Vernon St., $2,100. 1800 block, Penn St., $2,600. Seventeen Hulldlng Lots one square from car line In the city, $12.00 per front ft. Lots, 20x115. RETTEW & BIJSHNELL 100 North Third St., Real Estate and Insurance. (EDGE GROVE) Edge (of) City Borough by the Sus quehanna. (12) Iron and Steel Mills (20) Factories (3) railroads. Fine Loca tion for Poultry and Early Vegetables. Spring water, loam soil, choice fruit, painted home, barn, out buildings. Joins (800) acres State property where large sums of money invested in Fine Buildings. Only (Quarter) mile to trol ley and State Road. Quick Sale (10) acres low price ($1,200) half cash. Young horse (cow) five hogs (50) chickens only ($1,400). (MOONSHOONE) (2) Horses age (6) weigh (2.600) valued ($550) and (3) cows (10) nogs (95) poultry (10) ton hay (12) ton straw (120) bushel oats (210) bushel corn ($800). Fine hardwood finished Mansion (12) rooms painted white and green, water on porches (75) feet long, new wagon house red and white, and large Bank Barn. All kinds choice Fruit. (100) acres giveaway T52,000) and (36) acres fine woodland joining ($1,000). Only (2) mile to market (2) railroads (100) trains dallv. (OBBONWOOD) (Mile) to (trolley) and (Half) to school, church and stone throw to neighbors. Adapted for Poultry, truck ing and cozyhomc only small sum of money invested. Facing (2) Public : Roads and Rural Route. Apples, I plums, quinces, peaches, cherries, pears | and grapes. Fine Crystal Spring Water j passing by (6) room good roof plaster ed home and Bank Barn. (34) acres @ | ($973) spot cash or ($100) more part ion time. For ($200) more, good (cow), | fine horse and (4) hogs. Bargain. GEORtiE B. OSTRANDER. Danville Phohehours Sunbury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings. FOR SALE 1 farm, 95 acres, 60 acres clear; 1% miles to church; schoolhouse adjoins farm: 2% miles to Marysvllle; spring and running water, and all necessary outbuildings. T. B. Bitting, Marysvllle, Pa. R. D. No. 1. REAL ESTATE TOR SAIA; FOR SALE 23 acres, 1 miie south of Mecnanicsburg, level sand loam soli; 7-room brick dwelling, iratne bank barn. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and tt alnut streets. FOR SALE 216 Pine street. Lot ! ob lit '.'4 (t. fTont, back to South street j Kvoiii on South street for garage. | Three-»tory brick house, two baths, ! rlty s<eara heat. 14 rooms. Call 559J j Bell nitoua or at house for terms. FOR ISIHKDIATE SALE A vtluable North Second street resi dence. Most desirable residential lo cality In city. A bargain. Price and terms for the unking. Address "Homo, care of Harrlsburg Telegraph. FOR SALE 6B-acre farm, five miles from New Cumberland; 2 houses, one 7 rooms, other 2 rooms; large bank barn, other necessary buildings, fruit and water; horse, wagon and other farm machinery; handy to school, church, neighbors, and Bell phone. If you want a good home that will give you a good living, here is one. No better farm .and In York county. A bargain for you, $2,300. Apply Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets, Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR SALE 3 012 Hemlock Streot, 3-story brick, 8 rooms, bath and. fur nace, front porch, cemented cellar. Price right, terms to suit. Brtnton- Pac-ker Co., Second and Walnut streets. VAUGHN Acre Farms and Building Lots Along and close to Linglestown trolley, fare 7%c. All at acreage prices. $lO down, s•> per month. This Is one of the most productive farms. Make inquiry. Known as the Frank Seibert Farm. Must be seen to be appreciated. Free ticket if desired. Farm 3t l / 2 Acres Good 7-room house, good bank barn, hog pen, large modern chicken house, duck house, other buildings. Good fences, fruit, 7 miles east of Linglestown, school on farm, tele phone In house, mail delivered, healthy location. Squire Hampton lived here 101 years. Easy terms if desired. Possession December 1. Price, 91680. Farm 116 J / 2 Acres Desirable for stock raising or gen eral farming. If interested in pur chasing a good, all round farm, even fields, for *3S per acre, have me show you this. Easy terms if desired. Co B. CARE AND SON Care's Grocery, Linglestown, Pa. 409 Market St., Harrlsburg REAL ESTATE FOR RENT TOR RENT A brick house; steam heat; electric light and gas. Inquire 622 Emerald street. FOR RENT ll6 South Fourteenth street; six rooms and bath. Apply to 122 South Fourteenth street. SOUTHEASTERN PA. FARMS FOR SALE Choice Farms at Bar gain Prices, ouered only office. 86 acres, nice buildings, good water. $5,000; 100 acres, 1% miles to Main Line, town, $6,750; 160 acres, 2 sets new buildings, $12,000; 70 acres, at station. $5,500; 260 acres, S6O per acre; 51 acres. $3,000; 26 acres, at station, $2,250; 12 acres. $1,300. 'Write for Special Classi fied Lists. J. B. Thompson, 113 North High street. West Chester, Pa. FOR RENT 2215 Atlas street; all modern Improvements; rent reasonable. Interested persons may examine house, uev next door. Inquire Geo. W. Mac- Williams. 2150 North Fifth street, or Frank B. Wickersham, Bergner Build ing. City. FOR RENT Brick dwelling, 109 Evergreen S rooms and batli all Improvements. Including electric; lights; possession Immediately; rent, S2O. D. F. Light, Room 14 Union Sta tion, or 26 Evergreen street. FOR RENT 2 %-story brick house, Paxtang, Pa.; 7 rooms, bath and pantry; electric light, steam heat and gas; rent, SIB.OO per month. W. R. Bealor. Bell phone 2022J3. FOR RENT 2216 Atlas street; brick house: 8 rooms and bath; sani tary plumbing: cemented cellar. Kent, $14.00 per month. Key at Charles & Co., Atlas and Woodbine streets. C. S. Weakley. 1815 North Second street. FOR RENT—Two-story brick house; seven rooms and bath; all improve ments; steam heat; electric and gas; window shades; Derry street, Paxtang. Call 100 Paxtang- avenue. FOR RENT Stone house with six rooms, in Coxestown; large yard; prop erty In good repair; possession Imme diately. Apply 1100 North Front street, Pa. FOR RENT Two single fireproof ] fara<res, situated in rear of 1435 and 437 Shoop street. Rent, $5.00 each. Im- j mediate possession. J. E. Gipple, 1251 MarUet street. FOR RENT No. 1431 Berryhlll St StfO.OO No. 1827 Zarker St 18.00 No. 1923 Brip-gs St 12.00 •T. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. REAL ESTATE WANTED SUBURBAN A moderate size house is wanted for refined couple. Must be a good house in good settlement; with modern improvements. Address M. D., care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT TOJI RENT —Apartment, foui rooms and bath, city steam heat, 706 North Third street; communicating offices 34 South Third street. Apply Waller Montgomery, Third and Chestnut. MncOANIEL'ft FIRNIMHED APART MENTS HOUSEKEEPING two large rooms, furnished complete, comfortably heat ed, bath, gas range, private meters and floor front. Bell phone 897J—1417 Mar ket street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Very desirable seconu floor room, for gentleman, use of bath, in best residential section. Call be twen fi and 7:30 IJ.1 J . M„ 1823 North Sec ond street. FOR RENT Very large front room, second floor; splendid for man and wife; also smaller rooms. If vou appreciate a warm, quiet home for "the winter, apply 117 Pine street. LADY WANTED Room for rent to a lady. Beautiful residential section Just outside city limits. Family con sists of man, wife and child. Address Box N., 3263. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Second floor front room, furnished; steam heat; elec'ric light: private family; one square from Reservoir Park. Address 0., 3261, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two or three unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping; all conveniences: water In room useo for kitchen; use of hath; no children. 620 Camp street. FOR 1,1 NT A desiragble second floor on River Street, .just south of Chestnut Street. Private front en trance. City steam heat, electric light and water. 26x65 clear floor space. Suitable for shop or light manufactur ing purposes. For further particulars apply to Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Sts. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms. 222 Pine street. FOR RENT Nice furnished room, for lady or gentleman. Inquire 4 South Fourth street. next to Metropolitan ■ Hotel. Rent reasonable. FOR RENT Furnished front suite of llvingroom, bedroom and private bath; city steam heat, electric lighting and hardwood floors; reference requir ed. Inquire 218 Pine street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, sec ond floor front, with heat and electric | lights, with or without board; privato ; family: rent reasonable. Apply 1251 Walnut street, near Thirteenth street. FOR RENT, CHEAP One or two rooms in rear of the offices of 210 Nortli Second street, for storage or light manufacturing. For further particulars apply to above address. FOR RENT Second floor front room, facing Capitol Park: stationary washstand (hot and cold running water); electric light; city steam; use of Bell phone and large bath. Aoply *lO North street. FOR RENT Room for rent for single person or married couple. Ap ply 209 Btate street. FOR RENT A suite of rooms on second floor front; also one single room; use of bath, phone and cTty heat; reference required. Apply 272 Briggs. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, second floor side front. Call 104 South Thlr teenth street. WANTED A 1916 CITY DIRECTORY, for which you have no further use. will And a buyer, providing a reasonable' dis count is allowed. Call Bell phone 4^jSJ. WANTED —" Victor or Vtctrola, cheap for cash. Address C., 3266, care oi Telegrapn. WANTED TO RENT WE have a client for a 3 or 4-room housekeeping apartment (unfurnished) till April first. Miller Brothers & Co., Locust and Court Sts. POSITIVELY highest cash prices paid for Ladles' and Men's cast-off good Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and Carpets. Send postal to 636 Herr street. City. FOB SALE FOR SALE Five-passenger auto mobile, in good running order, for sale right. Part cash and terms. Call 214 Crescent street. FOR SALE A lot of furniture in go<>d condition. AVill not sell to sec ond-hand dealer. Apply 1502 Green street. FOR SALE Handsome biack pony; age. 5 years; gentle and fearless; weight, 800 pounds; sound. Also good buggy and harness. Sacrifice to quick buyer. Apply Oscar R. Sultzbuugh, Millersburg, Pa. FOR SALE A high-grade Player Piano; used less than thirty days in private home; moving; sell at sacrifice; reasonable terms. Address P. O. Box 251, Harrisburg. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE, CHEAP— In good running condition, and will demonstrate. Apply Guy E. Booda, Room 6, 204 Market street. OVERCOATS AND SUlTS—drummer's samples (latest styles) at positively lowest prices in the city. Call—be con vinced. Cohen & Son, Reliable Pawn brokers. 431 Market, at Subway. FOR SALE Five Black French Poodles, five weeks old. Inquire 2159 North Fifth street. Phone 25038. BOOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE 1915 Maxwell Touring Car—practically new. Cheap, if sold at once. Inquire J. J. Hargest, Jr., Rex Garage, 1917 North Third street. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department, The Tele graph Printing Company. FOR SALE. STEAM BOILERS—Two slightly used cast iron square sectional boilers; one 925 sq. ft. and one 2,340 sq. ft. capacity. Fisher Brothers, 1001 Capital street. FOR SALE 26 pairs fine Homer and Carneau pigeons; or will exchange for good Black Minorca or R. C. JJrown Leghorn pullets. Bell phone 3064, or address H. T. Stewart, Twenty-seventh and Derry streets. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE Pool Room and Bowl ing Alleys; good location; doing a profitable business. Apply W.. 3258, I care of Telegraph, Harrisburg, Pa. , FOR SALE 54,280 Equity in 6 new houses which have been sold on Instal ment plan. Payments amounting to 1 s7nß yearly above mortgage Interest, j $256 being Interest on Equity, balance applying on principal. Immediate pur i chaser can secure this attractive buy j for $3,150. No insurance, no taxes, making an 8% per cent, investment. Address H„ 3257, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. BARGAINS IN T i'PEWRITERS—S. C. Smiths, Underwoods. Densmore, etc., SIO.OO up. Typewriter Office, 211 Lo cußt street. Opposite Orpheuro Thea ter. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I BUSINESS FOR SALE Automobile | tire repair business, well located on | prominent street and equipped with all modern machinery, is offered at reason | able price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner ; Building. I FOR SALE Rare business oppor i tunity. General Merchandise Store In suburbs, close to Harrisburg. Good | reasons for selling. Cash , only consld jered for stock. Property for lease or | sale. L, 3143, care of Telegraph. I $450 BUYS 100 Chewing Gum Vend ing Machines, filled and placed; profits ' SIOO monthly; collections made 4 days I monthly. Address Chicklet, 3259, care of Telegraph. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspaper*, experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Loclr» port. N. Y. I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with $5. Send for tree booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS REMODELING FURS AND MUFFS a specialty. 1541 North Fourth street, Harrisburg. HAUI'K'S Automobile Repair Shop. Work guaran teed. Ford cars a specialty. Cars for hire. Bell phone 1616 J. Rear 1418 Swatara street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the i Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market I ttreet. Harrisburg. Pa Telephone Meters given prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAULING H. A. HARTMAN, Board In a Stable nnil National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Latho, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine street* Bell phone No 2603 R. WAR SHARES GO ! UP POINT EACH; Coppers and New Speculative Favorites Are Engrossing Features of Market By Associated Press New Tork, Nov. 17. Copper* and such new speculative favorites as sugar shares, the petroleums, United Fruit and Mercantile Marine were again the engrossing features to-day Anaconda, Utah and Chino each on an active opening, ascended from fractions to over a point, incidentally Bcorlng new records. Cuban sugar also had a now maximum opening four points higher at 138, to which another five points was soon added and South Porto Rico sugar rose 10% to ISO. Fruit gained 5% at 160, California Petro leum. Pfd.. five at 57 and Mexican Pe troleum, Pl'd., four at 30. Bethlehem Steel 4',4 higher at 464 and other war shares averaged one point advances. Marine, Pfd., declined 2% to 72%. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1838 Chestnut street. Phila delphia; 34 Pine street, Now York, furnish the following quotations; New York, Nov. 17. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 29 29 27 27 % Am Bt Sug 68 % 70 % 68% 09 Am Can .. 61% 62% 60% 60% Am C& F. 82% 84% 82% 83% Am Cot Oil 58 59 ,58 58% Am Ice Sec 26 % 27% 26 Ms 27% Am Loco . 71% 73 70% 70% Am Smelt . 99% 100 97% 98 Am Sugar . 117% 119% 11794 117% Am T & T. 128% 129% 128 128% Anaconda . 91% 91% 89% 89% Atchison .. 108% 108% 107% 107% Baldwin .. 128% 129% 128 128% B& O 94 94% 94 94% Beth St . . 461 494 461 480 BR T 90 90 89% 89% Cal Petro.. 25 27 25 25% Can Pac .. 186% 187% 185% 186% Cent Leatli 59% 59% 58% 58% Ches&O.. 62% 63% 62% 62% C, M&St P 95 95 94% 94% C, RI & P 21 % 21% 19% 19% u Con Cop. 57% 57% 55% 56 Col F& I. . 55 56% 54% 54% Con Gas .. 143% 146% 143% 144% Cruc St .. 76% 78% 76 76% Dist Sec .. 46% 47 45% 45% Erie 44 44% 43% 44% Erie Ist pfd 58% 58% 57% 58 Gen ECo.. 177% 178% 177% 177% Gen Mot... 395 405 *95 402 Good B F. 72% 73% 72% 72% GtNpd... 126% 126% 126 126 at N O SS. 50% 51% 50% 50% Gug Ex ... 78% 79% 77% 77% Ins Cop... 17 47% 45% 46% Int-Met ... 22% 22% 21% 21% Int-Met pd. 78% 78% 78% 78% Kas C 5... 33 33% 33 38% Leh Val. . . 82% 82% 81% 81% Max Mot.. 77 80% 77 77% Mex Pet... 94% 95% 91% 92% Ml Cop .. 35% .35% 35% 35% Mo Pac .. 7 % 7 % 7 % 7 % Natl Lead . 66% 66% 66% 66% N Y C 103% 103% 103 103% NYN H H 80% 80% 79% 79% NYOW.. 31% 31% 31 31 N and W.. 119 119% 118% 118% North Pac. 116% 117 116 116 Pa Rail .. . 60 60 59% 59% Pitts Coal. 36% 36% 36% 36% Press SC.. 69 69% 68% 69 Rail SS. . . 46% 47% 46% 46% Ray CC. . . 27 % 27 % 26 % 26 % Reading .. 82 % 83% 82% 82% Rep I 8... 52% 52% 51% 52 So Pacific. 102% 103 102 102 So Railway 24% 24% 24% 24 So Ry pfd 66% 65% Studebaker. 165 108 163% 164% Tenn Cop., 60 60% 59% 59% Third Ave. 62% 62% 62% 62% Union Pac. 139% 139% 138 138% U S Rub. 55% 55% 54% 54% U S Steel. 86% 88 86% 87% U S S pfd. 116 116% 116 116 Utah Cop. 79% 81% 79% 79% Va C C .. 47% 48% 47 47% West U Tel 88% 88% 88% 88% West Mfg.. 69% 71 69% 69% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia. Nov. 17. Wheat Steady; No. 2. red, spot and November, $1.14® 1.16; No. 2, Southern, $1.12® 1.14. j Corn Lower; No. 2, yellow, 74% @75%c; steamer. No. 2, yellow, local,. 73%®>74%c. Oats Steady; No. 2. white, 45® 46>-; No. 3, white. 41ffj)42c. Bran The market is steady; city mills, winter, per ton, $23.50©24.00; western, winter, per ton, none here; Spring, per ton, $22.00®22.50. Refined Sugars Market firm; powdered, 6.10 c; fine granulated, 6.00 c; confectioners' A, 5.90 c. Butter Market higher; western, creamery, extras, 30% c; nearby prints, fancy, 34c. Eggs The market is steady; Pennsylvania and other nearbv free cases. $11.70 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, sll.lO per case; Western, extras, firsts, free cases, $11.70 I per case; do., firsts, free cases, sll.lO per case. Live Poultry Market steady: fowls, 14@lflc; o'd roosters, ll@12c; broil ing chickens, 16<S)17c; Spring chickens MONET TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. STORAGE FTREPROOF STORAGE! Private rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. We invite inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second ttreet. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE Iff 8-story brick building, rear 40S Market street. Household goods In dean, private moms. Reasonable rntes. Apply to P. G. Dlener. Jevreler, 408 Market St. ! STORAGE 419 Broad street, for I household goods and merchandise, pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSAL Office of the Superintendent of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Building, Harrisburg. Pa., November Ist, 1910. Sealed proposals will bo received by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings for furnishing all labor and materials necessary to Install a now sewer outlet from the Pennsylva nia State Capitol and Library Build ings to connect with the present brick sewer at Third and State streets, as shown on drawings and called for in the specifications, as prepared undei the direction of the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings. For plans and specifications apply to Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. Proposals will be received until 2 [ o'clock p. m., Tuesday, November 23rd, I 1915, addressed to Samuel B. Rambo, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Building, Harris burg, Pa. The Board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids if deemed best for the interests of the Commonwealth. SAMUEL B. RAMBO. Supt. Public Grounds and Buildings. NOVEMBER 17, 1915. ll@16c; ducks, 13®18o; turkeys, 18® 20c. Dressed Poultry Market firm; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18%®19c; do., average. 17® 18c; do., unattractive, 14® 18c; ice packed fowls, 18® 18c; old roosters, 13c; broiling chickens, nearby. 22®)26c; do., western, 14@22c; Spring ducks, nearby, 20®21c; do., western, 12@19c; turkeys, cilice, 25c; do., fair to good. 20(g) 23c. v Potatoes Quiet, but steady; Penn sylvania, fancy, per bushel. 73®75c; Pennsylvania, fair to good, |ier bustiei 6[><g)7oc; Jersey, No. 1, per bushel, 40® 55c; Jersey. No. 2. per basket, 20®25c. Flour—The market Is steady; winter, strnights, $5.15@6.30; do., patent, $5.40 @5.70; Spring straights, $5.25®5.40; do., patent, $5.40@5.60; do., favorite, brands, $5.85@6.10. Hay Market Arm; No. 1, largo bales. $21.00(ii)21.50; medium bales. $20.50@21.00; No. 2, do., $19.50020.00; No. 3. do., $16.00® 18.00. Light mixed. $19.00@19.50; No. 1, do.. 118.00018.50: No. 2. do., $15.00® 16.00. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia. Nov. 17.—Stocks closed Irregular. American Railways 33 Cambria Steel 68 General Asphalt 35% General Asphalt, Pfd 73 Lako Superior Corporation 9% Lehigh Navigation 78U Lehigh Valley 81 iz Pennsylvania Railroad 59% Pennsylvania Steel, Pfd 85 Philadelphia Electric 58-% Philadelphia Company 44% Philadelphia Co., Pfd 36 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 107% Philadelphia Traction 79 Reading 82% Storage Battory 66'4 Union Traction 44% United Gas Improvement 88*4 United States Steel 87% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Nov. 17. Hogs Re ceipts, 48,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $6.00 @6.45; light, 55.60@6.45; mixed, 15.80® 6.70; heavy, $5.9G@6.70; rough,ss.9o® 6.10; pigs, $3.75 <?»> 5.65. Cattle Receipts, 17,000; firm. Na tive beef steers, $5.90®10.30: western steers. »fi,35<?88.45; cows and heifers, $2.75@8.26; calves. $6.25@10.25. Sheep Receipts, 14,000; slow. Wethers. $5.6006.15; lambs, $6.50® 8.75. CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Nov. 17.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat December. 1.03%; May, 1.05%. Corn—December, BOM; May, 63%. Oats—December. 38%; May, 39%. Pork—January, 16.07; May, 16.67. Lard—January, 9.10; May, 9.27. Ribs—January. 9.12; May, 9.27. Oh Mercy! Plaintiff Shows Jury a Bare Ankle in Courtroom The Dauphin county jury saw Charles Frederlco's bare ankle in court this morning. Frederico pulled up his trouser and turned down his sock and hoisted his foot on the railing of the witness chair so the November Com mon Pleas talesmen could see prop erly. Frederico's expose occurred during the trial of his trespass action against J. H. Kellberg, a well-known photog rapher, for damages received in an auto-motorcycle collision. Frederico, who rode the motorcycle, said that Kellberg had crashed into him with an automobile. In the collision Frederico says his machine was battered and his ankle was broken. A jury to-day awarded Edward C. Enders. a verdict of ? 125 damages in his suit against the Board of Pool- Directors. Enders fell from an ele vator at the almshouse several years ago, and was injured. The eoupt re served decision on the legal point as to whether the poor board, which Is a public charity, is responsible for the damages. The trespass action brought by Elias F. and Emma C. Meas against the Lalance-Grosjean Tin Plato mills for damages incident tothe death of their son was settled. The boy was killed In an accident at the mills. It is understood that the parents will re ceive about SI,OOO. Gun Cotton Intended For Allies Is Burned By Associated Press Providence, R. 1., Nov. 17.—One thousand bales of cotton in the East Providence warehouse of the River Spinning Company, were destroyed by fire early to-day. Tho company it wns stated, had contracted to supply the allies with a specially prepared product, to be used in the preparation of gun cotton. The origin of the fire is unknown. HUIIiD GARAGES WITH HOUSES New Big-City Idea Planned For Six Dwellings In Upper End Another metropolitan idea In dwell inghouse construction will be inaugu rated in the upper end of the city by Hantzman and Morrett, in the erec tion of a row of six 8-story mansard brick houses with single story auto mobile garages in the rear of tho lots. The new houses will be constructed in Sixth street, near Reel, and will cost' $15,000. UNCLE SAM COULD OBTAIN RIG FOLLOWING IN DAUPHIN Figuring on a regular army peace footing standard Uncle Sam at a pinch could muster a little ovor twenty-five regiments of men from Dauphin coun ty, according to the completed military roll for 1918, as announced by the County Commissioners to-day. The peace footing standard in a thousand men. Dauphin county has a total of 25,214 men between the ages of 21 to 15, who are eligible for military ser vice. In the city alono there are 13,916 eliglbles. Snr* i c • 91 1 lcker Dervice CHANDLER BROS. & CO. 3 NORTH MARKET SQUARE IIARRISBURG, PA pfj| || Offer unsurpassed facilities for trading in all markets. ppi l&sft All New York Stock Exchange official quotations reported by exclusive ticker service in this office. gppj f NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE P.'SR 1 , „ PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE) gSt# wflNi MIiMBERSI NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE gg®3 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE sl*o I CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE 'll CHANDLER BROS CO. If Ul FICKS— PHONB*— 133S Cl'estjiut St., Philadelphia, Pa- rum hrrlanri "JIT. & Suit Filed in New Jersey Against Wife of Local Alderman Sptrciol to i tic Telegraph Toms River. N. J., Nov. 17.—Suit was begun in the Ocean county courts yesterday, against Mrs. Daisy B. .Tones Kramme, 443 Verbeke street, Harris burg, Pa., wife of Alderman Fritz Kramme, of the Fifth ward, by George D. Greenly, of Philadelphia, to re cover $250, said to be due him for services. Greenly declares this amount is due him for gathering evidence in Mrs. Kramme's suit to upset the will of her first husband, Benjamin M. Jones, of Point Pleasant, N. J., who died in ISI3, leaving the bulk of his estate to Miss Leona Taylor, of Point Pleasant, daughter of his boardinghouse pro prietor. Mrs. Kramme won the first, suit. The alderman's wife left Harrisburg Sunday to be present at the hearing and will return to the city this even ing. DAUPHIN COUNTY BONDS The undersigned solicits proposals for the sale to It. at not exceeding pnr and interest, of Dauphin County bonds, of the respective issues named below, in sufficient amount to permit the In vestment. for the benefit of the sink ing funds established for said issues, of the sum named In eacli case: ISSUE OK JANUARY 1. 1001: Amount for lnvrntmrot, $<t ISSUE OF DUrKMBKR I. 11l 01': Amount for Investment, SI,M.<I^ ISSUE OF AlMtlti 1, UIOH: Amount (or in vent ment, <7,513.22 Proposals, pursuant to this notice, should be sealed and plainly marked "Proposals for the Sale of Dauphin County Bonds," with the date of issue of the bonds offered, and should be re ceived by the undersigned not later than four o'clock P. M., November 26. 1915. The right is reserved to reject any and. all bids in whole or in part. Commonwealth Trust Co. Harrlaburg, l'a. Truntee. | BARGAIN \ i Pair three-story houses. •! |: 2615-2617 5 > Boas Street > \ Penbrook I r 5 •I Look them over and make "J ;! offer. £ ■! Owner will he in Harris- «! ;! burg, November 16, 17, 18. % JI These houses are within a ;! block of Square, and a de- \ |i sirable investment. j! Address E-3256 ;j ;! Care of Harrisburg Tele- •! I;! graph, and owner will call £ I;! while here. £ FOK RENT Store room and dwelling combined established grocery stand: location Pyne's Cor ner, West Fairvlew. Splendid open- I ing for the right party. Apply to owner, A. C. Young. "6 North Third street, Harrisburg. FOR SALE or exchange Sixteen Edgemont building lots; snap price and easy terms. FOR SALE Two choice Perditf lots near station facing Pllte. FOR SALE Manufacturing or | warehouse site; plot 60x125; South Cameron St., between Market and I Mulberry will build you a build ing to suit your business. I FOR SALE Gurnsey Hot Water I Heater with Radiators, capacity one i thousand feet radiation, must be sold I as' we will Install city heat. This almost new plant can be seen at 34 North Second street. I REAL ESTATE WANTED Will purchase outright or manage sale of tract for owner in acreage, suit able for subdivision. I want an able energetic assistant who can make good in the real estate business. A. C. YOUNG The Young House and Home Co., 26 jr. Tbtrd St., HiirrlNf.org. BEM, PHONE TI3J. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers