18 Where There's a Friday Special There's a Rare Bargain: To-morrow's List of Savings j r 1 A \ / t '' No Friday Sne- labourets Women's Hosiery Grocery Specials O'Cedar Mop Special Toilet Goods Women's Handkerchiefs] An° ther lot 01 20 dozen 25c Burson split fast hose, 60 2 O c%nd tr VJlS et for'Vvin-' 75c O'cedar mop and 50c Large cake of rose or hut- White cotton liandker- Clflls Sprit O golden oak tabourets, not regular and extra sizes. Spe- Friday only, ib .u* bottle O'cedar oil polish; termilk soap. Special Fridav chiefs with colored taue bor CialS bent C. O. D„ or Mail or F ri d, y „„, y 'ssxw: • ay °"^ 'Phone Orders \ Tl 'rd Floor. l I * day" lbs".''. ..'37e I ' —————— i I I Silk handkerchiefs with j m > n • E«"f y Juno" 1 eas" "" I sp«ti«i 50c white manicure sets, colored hemstitched borders M— MW / y S " osier y ' Oreen atJ-inu'b*ans'!! I Friday c;ii _i;__ file, orange stick and cuticle in blue, pink, lavender, nilc r lllea « X Jewelry and Silverware Black and fiber silk hose, F?^ en kidnS 1 y P bean. - :: I b°°««. fancy ilikoline knife Special Friday only, and maise; 15c value. Spe v / seconds of 25c quality. Spe- Campbell s soups ) s»c I-72C fancy silkoline in cial rriday only l(ty , $ l5O guaranteed nickel cial Friday only .... light and da# shades, 36 25c bottle Birt's head Children's liemsti tli r P d . « nv 1 alarm clocks, intermittent n «. t> . t , onl y 7 (ans tor 25c inches, sliglJtly damaged wash Sneriil I .« llLmsillL '• c a Children S Shoes alarm Special Friday only ' onV". .. B . P ' c, i! ed P e. Special Friday only, ' * cotton handkerchiefs. Spe sl.2s gun metal calf but- '#ll9 ' only. JTO*"* l ' Bpec i& yard - a lfebuo . y , soap - s P ecia l cial P riday only, 4 for . .o0 ton shoes, broad toe lasts * ' ' mmm 9 ,d Du , tch cleanser. Special Frl- Dives Pomernv A "day only, 40, or 3 for 100 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, with IIMVV stitrherl soles- 25c and 50c silver plated 77- TTT"! day only. can. Oc, do«en .... 08c Dives. A Stewart, Street Floor. • o// t, c ■lr •' I f • . . Misses Hosiery ivory Soap <.<••«• too —White pine tar cough PK . 98*' , WHH. M. rVd } SST , SpecU. Friday 10c beauty pins, bar pins, SSTiSL" ™4 Cartel* Dlv „. ' Sj* and Mo.re R,bb.» I hat pins, etc. Special Friday day on,• „ Ifjg-J. *£.3 jWjKT Si / Trrr. ° nl> ' D,VMI *or Btewart ' .iai Friday „ni>- a* inches wide. Special Friday v range colors; values to 20c. Girls Lace Shoes 25c German silver coin % * SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY only, yard 170 Lining Specials may only, >Jird, $2.00 black kidskin lace purses. Special Friday only, / wnh" CTpSEh.STO " 'oE Dive., Pomeroy a Stewart. 25c black sntine, 36 inches Satin taffeta ribbon !to shoes With heavy stitched lit« r>L:iJ C•• pound coffee or half pound . Thlrd P'oor. wide Special Friday only, yard , t/ . , . A to snles and low heels: sizes .. , Children S Union Suits ,«<• 1 ; X: inches; values to 7c. Spe 2y'i to 4. Special Friday only, »1.2? German silver mesh SI.OO white wool union special coitee. P .«ruiar 29 c bu nd. / wide" Special FridlV oniy. n yard 8 cial Friday only, yard . .3^ SI.OO bags, gate top. Special Fri- suits, sizes 8 to 16 years. social Friday only. lb., Black Dress f.nnd* , 2R,> Divea, Pomeroy & Stewart, day onlv ««)<* Special Friday onlv .. 50<S Banquet' coffee/' SpeclaV' Fr*d~ DiaCK Lfress VjOOUS II 00 black farmer.' satin 54 Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, - * ' only, lb., aoc; 3 lbs. 85c fl 00 black broadcloth &0 inches wide. Special Frida> <* 25c gold and silver plated SSSW"" 1 ' 'Si SH.rt""' t — / 1 \ hat pins. Special Pridav ' Secial Friday only, lb 3!>C $2.00 silk and wool crepe. 40 Street Floor. I an J FmU.;,!,-. ... . \ " I tu , b ®, t , h J e be»t Pure lard. Spe- inches wide. Special Friday LaCeS and tmbrOldery Women's Shoes only, pair 10? r - ^ 0 only, yard «9o Swiss embroidery edires $3.50 patent colt shoes, Pomeroy & Stewart. WOHien S DraWCrS Friday on.y, U, '~T\ 77 and insertions, 4to 12 indl blucher lace stvle Goodvear btreet >loor - 75c white wool drawers, sunshine fresh crisp baked Friday only, yard si.s» UreSS UOOOS es wide; values to 20c. Spe welted soles wit!, IJi-incH oX ,&S JSSf2st.it SSK cial Friday only, yard .. lOf SpcciaT Friday Waist Soeciall ' *> •••«»♦ Jiu... h.if Hydro, ,0 ,n.S£ , SP "'* 1 ..I"!"* 1 :. .°S . Embroidered voile Hoi,ne . pccia riday onlj, WI..M 01 , P ® Dh ™ * ' s w ol.l Friday .nly, y„<i u.oo u,d $1.60 .ultlna.; «to tng. 2/niclies; values to 59c. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. pI.VD aild 52.95 white M Sunshine new baked fig bars. t1 9 e h i on . inches wide, odd pieces, lim- opCCial rriday OlllV, yard, waists in voile and Swiss, K""|.r.'. 1 ?*.". °°! y '.'"U U s£«£* r SSi SSftJl £S* ."""..'t ' '*** lace and embroidery trim- n , 1 Fl AteM^ e <^guTar r, 3Sc S vaiu«. cr s*"- Dtve. Pom.roy & a K" nnl fprgp. 3d inches alenciennes lace edyes r \ ruing. Special Friday only, DOyS tiIOVCS < iai Friday only, ib aoo ' stP ® t irinnr wide, best shades. Special Fri- and insertions, y 2 and IVi U/ AmAtt L /ft . . Sweitzer cheese, the finest to be . oireei r !Oor - day only, yard 37c • i -i e to Women sJshoes $1,49 50c leather gauntlet "ad. special Friday only, J *I.OO and $1.25 serge, BO and inches wide; 5c value. Spe sl.so black kidskin shoes. SI.OO voile and organdie gloves with plain and fring- Dinner brand soaked peas, rogu- 54 lnches wide, in shades of cial Friday only, l_-yard flannel lined, stitched soles, waists, odd sizes. Special ed cuffs. Special Friday only, ia-rSc can. Special Friday ~ ~— only yard ßl " 66 " - Spe ° lal Fri #sr bolt for low heels. Special Fridav Friday only li H ;«>, Uress boods »: 6 o navy so All-over shadow lace, 36 ° - V Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, "La" SupeVba'"' Vure'oii'v'e oil' rm / ma^'as shirting, col- only,'Ard^. »8c inches, white ; values to 75c. Divea, Pomeroy & Stewak-t, j v '""" " i pint cans. Special Friday'only. ° rCt Stripes Oil white $2.00 silk and wool failee. 40 Special Friday only, yard. Street Floor. 4h«ni„toi v n,,™ i i 3,10 ground, oU inches. Special inches wide, best shades. Spe- V ' , , - Ah Z l r bottte. Special Friday Friday only, yard ..... 10<- clal only, yard »8o r> . q «i n . c . only t»c $2.00 all wool coatings, 54 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, e Corset Specials Loat Sweaters Po „ rto . R , ic 'i, oranges, very juicy. 8c crepe neat fieures on inches wide, plain colors. Spe- Street Floor. W nmAn 'c TTninn Q..U,. /- .1 ~ Special Friday only. 3 for Bei , . » JC - " cdl „ "b. r f®_ • cial Friday only, yard 81.69 > Women S Union suits Coutil corsets, medium Men's and Women's $1.50 nuts.' special Wav white ground Special I< n- $2.00 navy serge, men's wear $1.25 white cotton ribbed bust ' lon S hI P» supporters roll collar coat sweaters, tan, v onl5 fl i, Ib v •w•• v v v; -.v- ■ ■ ,Te day only, yard '.if 2""' ity - Speclal I,,ridii y » nl / —— \ union suits, medium weight, attached. Special Friday maroon and navy. Special ib e ......^ 8 .'... p . eca ... ,r .. a f.. on j!fe 15c voile. 36 inches white " Basement Specials sleeveless and ankle length. 011 > I-riday only $1.29 ' pe ei. special Friday n oniy? n i«c ground. Special Friday only, Dives, p °J^®£° y F * or ste " art $1.75 solar inverted babv \ ... .><! Dive8 ' s°™nd°Fitor tewart ' Men's and women's $3.50 nives> B°a2»n,° P nt & stewart ' }3rd gas lamp. Special Friday Diveß ' stMtt o^itor Stewart ' 9 nav >'> cardinal, maroon and V 8c Lancaster gingham. N only ° 9^ N ta " coat sweaters with roll Special Friday only, yard. Kimonos and Aprons * $2.75 electric desk lamp , Women's Neckwear COHar bpecial ''A Supplies 10 . . I I Long crepe kimonos in I I with Japa lese shade and I Art Needlework k k „ cord f in Women's SI.OO shawlst'yl'e 4c Japanese floss in all styles and colors; values to wool vests for house wear. incll es- Special Friday vard CV'V shades. Special Friday only, 25c. Special Friday only, Special Friday only only, yard " ••••/♦ Bungalow aprons of per- Four large rolls 10c toilet 3 dozen for Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. 59c bleached sheets, 81x90 ,J[?° neat fig- cale in striped and fancy paper. Special Friday only 10c to 25c stamped aprons Sleeveless guihipes in lace inches. Special Friday only, * & Sr" 5 ' P ,R ? - n , • J ? in plain and tinted designs. and organdie m white and 5 }afd ° nly 2 - 50 aluminum triple Special Friday only, to ecru; values to SI.OO. Spe- ~—"— \ 65c bleached sheets, 81x90 50c poplin, 36 inches, half Long white aprons with cial Friday only 48<- Men's Shirts inches. Special Friday inly, silk. Special Friday only, deep hem, cluster of tucks. handle. Special Friday only, 25c to 75c blue tinted de- Venise lace collar and cuff Men's SI.OO and $1.19 590 yard 39? Special Friday only ... 150 „ „ .... ... ~ an g d nS siarfs ent Speda °FridK tn% m'? rZ' sh . irt " ; . , sizes \ 4 to ,- 2 \ c , b . leached P illow cases, 2 9c novelty silk, half silk. Long aprons in blue check es high with sewed' wig and only ... 100, 150 and Special Friday only 17. Special Friday ctfly 45x36 .^1^ ies . Special Fn- Special Friday only, yard, gingham. Special Friday closing eyes. Special Friday r 1 iJ< f um " AO ™ 150 only 150 only 980 DlVeS ' P TinrT^lo & or SteWart ' DlveB ' o t ™et o> Floor SteWart ' Dlve8 ' StCWart D ' Veß, St6Wart ' Dives. Pomeroy 4 Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, *- l . ' loor. Mens More. Street Floor. Street Floor. Second Floor. Rasement. ' V ' V * V— 1 J BISPHAM SUCCESS AS "BEETHOVEN" Little Drama Will Secure For Universal Approval as Dramatic Actor David Bispham appeared at the Orpheum Theater last night in Hugo Muller's one-act drama "Adelaide." The play itself is charming and of considerable emotional content. It quickens the heart beat, secures your sympathy and always holds your at tention. It would be difficult to Imagine a better "Bethoven" than Mr. Bispham. He looks the part, and his acting virtually makes you feel the presence of the great composer. His melan choly, partly influenced by his early home life —his increasing deafness; his endeavor to conceal It, and his irritation at interruptions while com posing, were all vividly portraved. The heartrendering lov'e scene with Adel aide was well sustained and carried to a climax of gripping power. The cap able supporting company included Marie Narelle as Adelaide: Graham Harris as Herr Rudolph (the land lord): Idelle Patterson as Clara, (the landlord's daughter); Henri Barron as Franta, (Clara's sweetheart), and Kathleen Coman as Fran Sepherl, (a laundress)! Each acted their respec tive parts commendably, and were refreshingly free from the overdone professional touch which would en tirely destroy the value and charm of a play of this kind. Some of Beeth oven's best-known music was played I - Frali oltre oil makes a very derided taproTtmepl in any I aalad drc* s«vl for KHMIPEt* I *. M| W THURSDAY EVENING, and sung during the play. The set ting for the drama (Beethoven's lodging in Vienna) was delightful and as near historically correct as it was possible to make It. This alone was worth going to see. It is eminently fitting that David Bispham in his maturer years, should give to America his ability and power as an actor. He has long been dis tinguished as a singer of high rank, and an operatic actor of ability, and now this beautiful little drama will secure for him universal approval as a dramatic actor. "Adelaide" was preceded by a musical comedy called "The Rehearsal," which proved an ingenuous vehicle for introducing and hearing the entire company in an at tractive musical program which in cluded: Piano—Caprice Espagnole Mos kowski. Miss Kathleen Coman; so prano, Spring song, Weil; and O, Native Music—Old Irish—Miss Marie Narelle; violin—prelude and allegro— Pugnani; Moment Musicale, Schubert, Mr. Graham Harris; tenor—Aria from La Boheme, Puccini, and I Know a Lovely Garden, D'Hardelot, Henri Barron; soprano—Caro Nome (Rigol leto) Verdi; An Open Secret, Wood man; Life and Death—Coleridge- Taylor; Miss Idelle Patterson; recita tion to music, In Days Gone By, Turgenlev, Avensky, David Bispham. Miss Narelle has an excellent mezzo soprano voice which pleased the audi ence mightily. Miss Coman is a pianist of ability although she would not greatly impress in heavier num bers. Mr. Henri Barron has a very even, suave tenor voice, which he handles with considerable skill and artistry. He needs a little more au thority in his delivery. Mr. Graham Harris is a business like fiddler who enjoys his own play ing, as did the audience. He has good technique, a good bowing arm and firm resonant tone. Miss Patterson has a very agreeable soprano voice, very even and true. She sings easily, has a very pleasing stage presence and possesses qualities as an actress, with some added ex perience this young lady ought to be heard from. It must be added that Mr. Btgpham rendered in thrilling fashion the famous Danny Deever— words by Kipling and the music by the man who will lead the New York Symphony Orchestra to-night. The Bispham concert was a fine pre lude to the orchestra concert, and the whole evening was one of keen en joyment. Those who were not there owe themselves an apology. JOHN W. PHILLIPS. SOME MEN HAVE TAKEN TO THE CLUB By BRIGGS JOG HAVE YOU SEEM" 1 ( LOOK JOE- LINN SHG > THE 'PICTURES OF / I peRFecTLr .srvMNiiMGt? l I JX MUST ef A j MRS. SALT TH£ WOMAK) J 1 | J-HIM* «SHE HAS I WOWTJER RO<- PEEVI** I VUHO »■& <3O»N)Q TO ( J SUCH A REFIMCD FACE J- Q B ,C ENGAGED 7& J " **% M/VRRV THT , —' ) ] CON-T YOU ? LOOK! / THE HOW IUM - I DOM*W T*™vM ? r l -—y lr°^r J WHAT WOMAW ~]f=l : I 1; OH U6AB • SOMFTIMfS IKJ A MAW 1 S - rV^f^ WISH \A"E HAD HAD A IS WOBII-ITV AMO STRENGTH/ = *" /X 6 ,LTR% GHOWCH WEODIMi _ OURS i ° F CHARACTeR.^^, — j HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 11, 1915.
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