RECEPTIONS, PARTIES. WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES SCHOOL TEACHER RESIGNS HER POST *Viss Anna Bollinger, of Millers town, Becomes Principal at Newton Hamilton PARTY FOB M. B. C. CLUB Professor L. E. McGinnes, Principal of Steelton Schools, Delivers Address Hy Special Correspondence Millers town. Pa.. Nov. 6. —Mr. and Mrs. George Lent and baby. Jack, of j Parke rsburg, W. Va., are visiting Mrs. ( Lent's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. <'rane. Mrs. Wm. Bollinger left on Tuesday for a two weeks' visit with her sister, Sirs. Charles Pike at Wash ington, D. C. Mrs. Hoyt Johnson, i of Washington. D. <spent a day with j her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Win- j gert. Misses Anna Slabaugh and 1 Esther Gingrich of Palmyra spent the week-end with Miss Florence Shenk. Mrs. Fannie Bernheisel of Green Park, who had been visiting her brother, Martin Noll, left on Tuesday for Harrisburg. A masquerade Hal- j lowe'en party was held at the home i of Mr. and Mr?:. Edward Manges in ■Main street on Friday evening by the' M. B. C. club. Miss Anna Bollinger, j teacher in a MiMerstown school, re- j signed on Friday and has accepted the . princlpalslilp of eighth grade work at Newton Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Hall Slattcrhack of Lewlstown and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nabors of Phila delphia, are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Rowe. Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Everhart and Irvin Zim merman of Lemoyne, were guests of James E. Rounsle.v on Sunday. Mrs. Charles Spangler is at Phila delphia. Rimer Reisinger and (laughter, Carolyn, spent Sunday at I ekes burg. Miss Margaret Hinies of Tliompsontown was the guest of Miss Marion Taylor on Sunday. Mrs. Charles Hoar of Altoona, was the' guest of D. M. Rickabaugh and fam- 1 ily on Wednesday. She was accom- j panied home by Mr. Riekabaugh's j sister. Mrs. Sarah Longenccker, who has visited him for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kipp and daugh ter, Mrs. John Brinton, are at Harris burg. William Bollinger spent the j week-end in Ithaca, N. Y„ with his j son. Foster, who is a student at Cor-! nell. Mrs. Mary Allen who bad ! been visiting her children in Lan-j • •aster for seevral weeks returned | ltome Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles] Allen and daughter, Miriam of Mid-| dlohurg visited at her liotiie Sunday, j An address on "The Purpose of j Education" was delivered on Wed-' nesday evening, in the Presbyterian ! church, by Prof. 1,. E. McGinnes. i principal of the Steelton public liools. $l5O Contributed at Service »j For New Church Heater; By Special Correspondence I'liomspontown. Pa.. Nov. 6.—-Miss Pec.rl Haldeman attended the funeral of Mrs. Clinton Keister at New Cum berland on Monday. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Schlegel • •ii Tuesday. .November 2. The Rev. J. C. Collins. 1). D., of Newport preach ed in the Methodisl Church on Sun day morning. An offering of $l5O was taken for the new heater recently in-1 stalled. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Dimm. Miss Margaritha Dimm anil Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Kastress motored to llar rlslmrg on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. and Mrs. J. T. Haldeman and daughter spent Sunday at Beaver Springs and Mlddleburg. Guy Gra ham, of Milton, visited his brother, I. X. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. H. Z. Sowers spent part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Nyhart at North umberland. Mr. and Mrs. Syferd Dunn are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunn. J. Banks Kurtz and Charles Kurtz of Altoona spent several days i with their mother, Mrs. A. H. Kurtz.- -I Air. and Mrs. Ibra T,. Dimm of Rala j and Miss Myrtle Dimm of Swarthmore,! E. 13. Dimm and family of Granville,! were here attending their father's fu neral on Thursday. John Leonard and son Lewis Leonard, of Washing ton, D. C., are visiting D. Samuel Leon ard. Miss Jane Kane spent the week end at Albright College, Myerstown. CLASS MEETS WITH TEACHER Woinilejfilnirg, Pa., Nov. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Sparrow visited Charles Sparrow at Newburg on Sunday. The I Rev. Renshaw spent several days at | 1 •ykens. Mrs. Thomas Gleaner, of i West Fairview, has been the guest of 'her mother, Mrs. Kieffer this week. Mrs. William Tate, of Mechanics!)urg, and Miss Emma Curfman.of Williams port, Md., were callers at Winton (tak er's home on Tuesday. Mr. and Airs. Frank Evans of Harrisburg were visi tors to Mr. Evan's mother, Mrs. PJck ert. on Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Renshaw is spending several days at her home at Daretown, N. J. The men of W'ormleysburg have organized a brass band. Miss Elizabeth Eckert will spend Sunday at Shlremanstown. The King's Daughters organized Sun day school class of the United Breth ren Church held a meeting at the home of the teacher, Raymond Bow ers, at Lemoyne. Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition San Francisco, 1915 San Diego, 1915 tFor Flavor and Quality BAKER'S COCOA is just right Jt the delicious taste and natural color of high-grade cocoa beans: ' it is skilfully prepared by a perfect mechanical process; without ' the use of chemicals, flavoring or artificial coloring matter. It is pure j and wholesome, conforming to all the National and State Pure Food Laws. MO. u. ■. PAT. OFF. CAUTION: Get the genuine with our trade-mark on the package. j Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. ' Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. j " ' iii i ivrniin .) iifivi'iiiniii IIIIIT I • nim •<, R iii-> N n T - --'"w T^Tl' l'-'ivfiinniii'miiiHiiiir^' iT'WiWiwrmTi SATURDAY EVENING, FIRST LUTHERAN CH Halifax Hunters Shoot Wild Turkey and Red Fox Halifax, Pa., Nov. 6.—George Fet terhol'f and Airs. Jane Enders of near Flshervllle, spent Sunday at Harris burg and Steelton. Mrs. Harry Stroup and two sons, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fetterhoff near Alat.i nioras. Charles Sweigard, of Har risburg, spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Sweigard in Halifax township. John Alberts and Alvin Parmer had good luck while hunting in Perry county. The former shot a large wild turkey and the lal ter a red fox. Miss Esther Bru bakcr is spending llic week as the guest of Miss Kathryn Pike and Mrs. W. A. Millard at Plymouth. Theo dore Strickler who for years has been engineer at the Halifax Shoe Factory, has resigned to accept a position as engineer of an ice plant at Harrisburg. - John Loudermilk and family of Tower City visited friends in town on Sunday. Mrs. Richard Miller of Brooklyn, N. Y., Is visiting al the home of her brother, W. P. Bitterman. Elmer Bierer, who lias been tliird-trlck operator at the local railroad tower for many years, has been promoted to first trick at the Watsontown tower. Mrs. Bruce Vanatta and son, Dalton, of Harris burg, were guests of her sister, Mrs. Luther Lehr on Sunday. Miss Bessie Killlnger of Altoona who was the guest of Mrs. Albert Loom is for two weeks has returned to her home. Airs. Alary Vanterkucher of Cam den, N. J., is visiting her uncle, ,T. P. Hoffenhaver. Miss Rose Lauder milk spent the week-end at Tower city as the guest of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Felton. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Richter are spending the week at Atlantic. City and New York City. Mrs. Homer WMiorn and baby of MHlersburK, spenl several days with her sister, Mrs. N. A. '— Mrs. Chester Deho has returned home from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Harry Sheets at Enola. The Itev. J. r. Statlcy spent several ilays at York. — William Romberger and son, of Ohio, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Harper. Elmer K. Daugherty spent Monday at the home of Joseph I'mbcrger and his daughter, Miss Ellen I'mberger at Mlllersburg. Davirl Witmer, of Dal mat ia, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Seagrist, Miss Maggie Still! spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Lentz at Millershurg. Mrs. William Millard antt two sons, Daniel and Abner, of Plymouth, are spending some time with ner mother, Mrs. Sarah Pike. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fasnaeht and daughter, Mil dred. of Mtllersburg, were guests of her brother, C. C. PolTenberger. Charles Dandis, of Harrisburg, came home to vote on Tuesday. Berrysburg Teacher Gives Hallowe'en Party For Pupils Herryshurjf, Pa., Nov. fi. - A Sun day school convention was held in the United Brethren Church on Wednes day evening. Harry Dubler is ill.— Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Daniel of Eliza bethville, and Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Lebo of Harrisburg autoed here among friends. M. S. Daniel transacted business at Hummelstovvn on Monday. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Andress and daughter Anna left for Philadelphia where they will make their future home. Miss Catharine Miller gave a Hallowe'en party to hor pupils in tlie gymnasium on Monday evening. Jr. * THE REV. DR. AUGUSTUS R. STEOK Penbrook Church Societies and Classes Hold Meetings By Special Correspondence Penbrook. Pa.. Nov. C.—On Monday evening the Penbrook chapter of the Foreign Missionary Society of the United Brethren church held a meet ing in the lcclure room of the church. Those present were: Mrs. S. A. Fish burn, Mrs. 11. M. Miller, Mrs. William Ream, Mrs. George Aungst, Mrs. Nis ley, Mrs. Ed. Hoofnagle and Mrs. Fiank Heinly. Lester Zeigler lias returned to his home at St. Augustine, Florida, after spending several weeks with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. I. B. Zeigler. l,eroy Lighter, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lighter, ol' Curtin street, is ill with typhoid fever. His condition is serious. The Kev. H. M. Miller made a trip to Lebanon on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Duey TTnger have returned to their home at Pittsburgh, after visiting relatives here for two weeks. The Christian En deavor Society of Zion Lutheran church held a meeting on Thursday evening at the home of Miss Vera Speas. The Normal class of the Bethel church held its regular meet ing on Thursday evening. Jonestown Bank Declares Dividend of 3 Per Cent. By Special Correspondence •lonestown. Pa., Nov. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Weirek spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Caroline Fitzgerald. Mr. and Mrs. William Wengert of McGillistown spent Sunday with John A. Koons. on Sunday Miles G. Edris took William S. Cope and family to Deodate, Dauphin county, where they attended the funeral of Mr. Cope's father, William Cope, Sr. Mark Z. McGlll of Washington, D. C., is spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McGlll. David Smith of Pottsville, is visiting his brother-in-law, Moses F. Arndt. Kred, John and Henry Enis are visit ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert [G. Enis. On Friday and Saturday evenings local talent under the direc tion of Prof. Bahn will render "The .New Minister" for the benefit of the High school. The Reformation ser vices held in Zion Evangelical Luth eran church by the pastor, the Rev. Georpre R. Deisber were well attended. The Jonestown Bank on Monday at the semiannual meeting of the board of directors declared the usual annual dividend of 3 per cent, and added a substantial amount to the surplus. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 150 TH YEAR OF CHURCH IN TOWN Two Weeks' Celebration of Founding of Denomination to Start Tomorrow j 20 PASTORS IN 150 YEARS i I Organized in 1765 and First! Housed With Reformed Congregation <*arllnl«». Pa., Nov. 6.—With two spe- j clal services to-morrow presided over J by the only two living; former pastors j of the church, the members of the con- j gregation of the First Lutheran Church here begin a celebration of a week's; duration that will mark the 150 th an niversary of the formal organization of! the denomination in Carlisle. Various unique features will be in troduced during: the anniversary week of this, one of the oldest churches of the town, as well as the earliest of the denomination west of the Susquehanna river, and pastors from other churches, i both in Carlisle and in surrounding: towns, will assist. The morning' service to-morrow will be presided over and addressed bv the Rev. Jacob Fry, D. D.. of the Theo logical Seminary, of Mount Airy. The Kev. 1- ry, now 82 years of age, was pastor here from 1853 to 1865, coming here as a young pastor on his first charge. m T ?', l ll orrow ® v «n*ngr, the He v. Georgo M - D lffenderfer, another former pastor will be in charge. Dr. Dtffenderfer re signed about eighteen months ago with h' s appointment as Secretary of the 1 Ministerial Relief Association of the denomination in the country. Monday evening a union service is to be held when a number of local pas tors of other churches will make ad dresses. Tuesday is to be Sunday School evening-. On Wednesday the r.°i' n Pe°P ,e ' s . Women's Missionary and Christian Endeavor Societies will Ef-i i r, ?f- Th ">-sday a special his- J wi " be held. when the history will be detailed. Friday will be marked by social features and the be ati^, b t ■clearing campaign to "'- V- last $15,000 of the debt incur ? l'L" l9 building Of the new win hi 7 e ev " H - Weber, of York, f VriL ?. " Cha V B ® and he wi " also ad aE?, n concluding service next Sun rhoir <P.?£ al "l us,c w,th an auKmented services orchestra will feature all I ".n h Jlil'r t0 i ry of , th 2 church during the y® ars sl nce its foundation is an in th.rlJl on ?' < Adam Stmnp, a Lu- Vh,.£ £ ol . o * lttn and historian says liia,,?. ls , considerably older,- but period The ? re , aCh " nly ovpr this ?7fii i church was organized in , and ? vas first housed In a building used by both Lutheran and Reformed hers w2i S ; h T, V> Initial »u«'"er of mem bers was about two score. Now the en '"••nient is over 500, with a Sunday School attendance about equal. The I L i '-"."theran is also the parent or- Iganization of the St. Paul's Lutheran | Church, founded in 1801 , lo Y ar ' ol| s temporary buildings were the n, oarlier years. About liU e last century a large street ill iI s , was ol "ccted In Bedford street which housed the growing Church until in 1900 it became too th n , n nrTi\° a , n , e ,Ti Hile waß se cured and th. present building erected at a cost °' slightly over $150,000. ' ha.l"elHS-» hfi I 1 r>o years - twenty pastor* had charge, two of whom are living mSS nf r ik» U ?" ) . < 'u red among the leading lient In Lutheran Church develop ment in this country. The R ev . Jacob ' Goering was the flrst settled pastor mo When P h e 1765 an<l served until liMi when he went to York. Mis suc nw?, r . Was J °hn George Butler, of Rev to >7Sfi"' V | T' r M""J p ' l >ast or from 1 7SO to 1786. John Herbst, one of the uro meters of the Gettysburg Seminary was here from 1793 to 1802. He wai | succeeded by Frederick Sannon, ISO^to 2i »hL° h » n P ' H,ohi 1,8,1 change dur ing the two succeeding vears The nSV B * njami " Kvller took charge in I inL J l continued until 182:5. found- The lief T r C H.°' during that time. lin i boo * Heyei became pastor vears liter" as^r e . Cl ,, Unt " hp left two ilonarv tn tnJ?. General Synod Mis jionary to India. Dr. Diaries v continued until 18|;J. The 6 Re*" ,n } 8t K MolT'nan can.e from ChambersWg hi Fry i„ H f BB T 8 p^ C „ eedeU , b >' Dr - Jacob mi w : '& l F »■ fenderfer, 1900 to 1 'Jl"i M " l>if " pastor, who came here earlv n 6 "?," 1 ear. Is the Kev. Ur A R / the York.°f th " U " 10 " kutheran f'hurch!t Tower City High School Seniors Entertain at Party Tower City, Pa,, Nov. 6-_ f rt Jenkyns, of Harrislmrc oUt . j visit to relatives here. -1 wig and Eli Wagner and daughter 'r Reading visited J. P. Ludwig _ Mi" Mary Dando of Harrlsburg en Wed Sunday with her parents. Haroer llressler of Philadelphia, spent sev days here. Mrs Humhort tertalned the Misses Ople and Miner from Uonaidson. _ Dr. and Mrs. Peg- I- Miss mJS' Jones' 1 H r penV Ve sevor-?l I heir schoolmates and teachers in the wHh° r ? oni ' T ," e room Wils decorated autumn leaves, pumpkins and corn shocks. Music and games were enjoyed and refreshments served Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaufman enter tained a number of guests at their home on Monday night. Miss Mnv Lewis Is seriously ill with diphtheria tonsHitls r ° Kehler ' S Bufferin * witli 75 Children to Give "Tom Thumb Wedding" Duncannon, Pa., Nov. 6.—Mrs. Jos ' « ree n of Shippensbun? has return- Mr. lo w® £ « vls,t to her dauKhter. Airs. Y\. A. MoOuno. Mr. and Mrs Charles Mutzabaujrh of Harriabur*' spent Sunday as quests of the form ers brother, Thomas J. Mutzabaueh "•Kills of Philadelphia, visited his mother, Mrs. Margaret Ellis this week. Mrs. Neal Trout is spending several days at Middletown as the Kiiest of Miss. T,illian Camp hell. Karl Thompson has returned from n visit to his parents In New York State. The Methodist Episco pal church will hold an entertainment, in the church on Friday evening, No vember 12, in which nearly seventy five children from three to ten years of ace will Rive a complete Imitation of a societv wedding termed a "Tom Thumb Wt 'dlntr." Mrs. William Jennings and Mrs. William Wills at tended the aniiual meetin* of the Wo men's Home Missionary Society at Mercerghure; on Thursday. Mrs. Tolbert Fritz has returned to her home in Harrisburf? after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Shelley. Mrs. Frank Smith and little dauehter of Harrlsbur*. sp<>nt Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs W, i, Uflrnaw. | Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania Herxliey. Mrs. I>. C. Giles and son, Lclghton, arc spending a month with friends at New York City and Phila delphia. The Rev. O. G. Romig, of Tower City, spent several days with his family here, this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hershey spent several days at New York City. P. N. Kasson and Ewing Cain have gone to Clinton county on a hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Deamley, of German town. were the guests of the latter's father, .lames B. Leithiser. S. S. Brown spent several days at New York City nd Philadelphia. Mrs. J. B. Sneath and daughter Florence, visited friends at Duncannon. Mr. and Mrs. I'aul D. Ulrich are receiving' con gratulations on the birth of a daugh ter. Mrs. Walter Leibfried and daughter spent two days with the former's aunt, at Newville. John C. Moyer visited at him home at Elliotts burg. John Meyers visited at his home at New Oxford. Mrs. Eliza beth Miller is spending a month with her niece, Mrs. Samuel Alexander, at Harrisburg. The Rev. J. P. Miller, P. I)., pastor of the Pilgrim Church. Minneapolis, Minn., was the guest of his cousin, Mrs. Allison Garman. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Maulfalr visited friends at Reading. . Park Bryson visited friends at Parkerford and Spring City. —James McSherry Is spending a week at York on a hunting trip. Urnntvlllc. Mrs. M. Elizabeth Urich made a trip to Lebanon. John I,ingle suffered a stroke on Saturday while at Halifax and Is in a serious condi tion. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ulrich and son, George, and Air. and Mrs. David Ensminger and daughter, Ruth, visited the Rev. Mr. Blttner and familv, on Sunday. The Rev. and Mrs. "o. R. Blttner and daughter, Dorothv Evelyn, are spending several days in Lehigh county visiting relatives. Mrs. Klll- Inger, who suffered a stroke two weeks ago Is still in a serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hauer, of Har risburg, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Airs. Levi Hauer. Mr. and Airs. William Boltz spent the week-end at ILebanon, visiting the latter's moth er, who Is 111. I 'Hon Deposit. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Miller, of Palmyra, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Landis, on .Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. John M. Baker spent Sunday at Jonestown with the niot her. Mrs. Lucetta Snavely. —W 1111 am M. Long spent Saturday at Harrlsburg. Frank P. Schaffer. of Lebanon, visited Mr. and Mrs. John L. 6hoop on Sunday. Mrs. Henry Mil lei and two sons, Harry and Paul, and Miss Mabel Light spent Sundav ut k?i i .v — Preaching services will be held in the United Brethren Church on Sunday evening by the pastor, the Rev. George W. Hallman. Mrs. Frank Spotts spent a day at Harrisburg. | Mrs. \\. Habecker and three children, or Hershey, were guests of Mrs. Lizzie Letterman, on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Llmer Straw and daughter, spent Sun r, a> l. a L'nglestown with the latter's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown. Mrs. Jlaepli Albright, accompanied by four (laughters, of Hummelstown. visited her sister, Mrs. Maftgrie Hartinan. Airs. Nicholas and spent Sunday at IS rat* and m! Mrl rf m"k Mrs. Benjamin Spotts ? T " ,1 ' A s r -, Nicholas Hoover an toed to huJS i S st Sunday. Daniel Ditty and family called at the home or S. A. Holtzman, on Sunday. lra Hoover of Millersburg, was in this se<- tion on Monday hunting. J. w. Lebo anu family called on friends at Kil linK-er on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Val. Ho> were at Millersburg: on Tuesday, n« y Shaffer came home from the Harrisburpr Hospital much improve ed. David Shriber and family/of Mil and MrT a'o shZr!"' •»»"»■. A,r ' Swab Wagon Co. Takes Auto Agency at Elizabethville «.v Special ( orrespona'ence Elizahctlivlllc, Pa., Nov. 6.—Joseph R. Sline, a student at Franklin and j Marshall college spent several days I with his parents here. A. A. Gohn and family spent several days at York. Mrs. Sarah Holtzman lias re moved to Lykens where she will make her home with her daughter. Airs. Stepp.v. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Swab and Miss Hannah Swab spent Sunday at Hickory Corners. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Rohner spent the week with their daughter at Pillow. The Rev. E. W. Fiscklnger who is stationed as an Evangelical preacher in Kansas, is visiting his parents here. The Swab Wagon Company closed down for several days on account of taking ar. Inventory of stock. They have taken the agency for the Studebaker automobile in this section. Dr. J. Clinton Royer of Philadelphia spent several days with his parents, Mr. land Mrs. Josiah Royer. The Chris- I tian Endeavor Society of the Rerorni jed church held a social in the Lykens 1 Valley Rank building on Wednesday ; evening A number of hunters froiii jthe coal fields were tried before Squire | Daniel for trespassing on Thursday.— Mrs. Carrie Collier is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Kottka at Philadelphia. Fred Gaupp has beirun operations on a new dwelling in East Rroad street. Lewis C. Ruffinnton and sister spent Tuesday afternoon at the Cap lital City. Mr. and Mrs. William I Drisscl are visiting relatives at Pipers ville. | Invitations For Wedding of York Springs Girl By Special Correspondence York Springs, Pa., Nov. 6.—Mr. and (Mrs. (j. W. Emmert have issued invi tations for the marriage of their daughter, Rebecca Elizabeth, to Paul Munde Marshall. of Minneapolis. Minn. The ceremony will take place at the home of the bride here on Wednesday, November 10. An nouncemenl has been made of the ap proaching marriage of Miss Margaret. Elliott, formerly of York Springs, a fid Edward Franqulst of New York City. Yesterday ."150 people visited at Iho home of A. L. Cleavy to see a 400- pound black bear that he had killed last week up in Lycoming county. The i animal measured 7 feet 6 Inches in length and was one of the largest specimens ever shot in Lycoming coun ty. Col. W. W. Stewart, chief en gineer on the Cumberland Valley R. R., and a former resident of York Springs, is seriously ill at his home In Chambersburg. . NEW ROAD GRANTED Bindnaiiglcs Ctiurcli, Pa., Nov. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Hinkle visited friends at Palmyra. Mr. and Mrs. Henry jSattafcahn, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tobias were in East | Hanover Sunday. Levi Hetricl: and I his son-in-law, of Shellsville, made a trip to Palmyra. —M. R. Farling made a business trip to Annville. M. S. Hershey was in town on Friday. Robert Coen of Kansas, is enjoy ine Pennsylvania's pure air. A few farmers are fighting for the Keys, as [each one Is trying not to be the last : to sow grain. Milton Allen and fam |lly of Hanoverdale visited friends In i town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kauffman of Harrlsburg are visiting Mr. Kauffman's parents. Adam A. Snoke, of Rellegrovo, was here on Tuesday. The new road In East Hanover was granted by the viewers, being almost a mile long. Amos Ro<?k, <»f Grantvllle, Is busy huskinß corn for Messrs. Bowman and Romberget-. Edward Gingrich and friends of Palmyra visited his farm NOVEMBER 6, 1915. Old Bricklayer Works on Eightieth Birthday It .^. w K JflF v jjp I F W . THOMAS KENNEDY, SR. By Special Correspondence l.cwisunvn, Ca., Nov. 6. Thomas Kennedy, veteran bricklayer of Lew isiown, recently celebrated his Buth uirtnuay by laying oricx on tnat day. Mr. Kennedy is tne father of thirteen children, ten ol whom are living. For many years Mr. Kennedy was in the empi.oy ot the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, doing all tile brickwork on the line between Harrisburg ana Al toona. Son of Mount Joy Editor buys Colorado Newspaper by Special Correspondence Mount Joy, Pa., Nov. (i. Uartleld VV. .ulaauifie., a son ol J. R. Mlssemtir, editor and publisher of the M.uuiu JO.V filar anu i\ews, WHO ine past nvo years v»,ia ioi email ol lilt auvel-tising de partment oi the Lus Angeles, Califor nia, xannner, resigned Ills position iinu gone on an extended autoinooue tour. - John J. Missemer lias purcnas eti the Liineoln County Democrat, at Hugo, Colorado, tie is also trie owner oi tne Ijamtin Uaily and WeeKly Ex press, at Coloiauo, as well as tne receiver oi tne land olllu« at Hugo, Colorado. Mr. iVnssemer is another son o£ J. it. Misgcmer. Miss K. Puuri t. mtnuier, or vv est Chester, will spend two wi'tK.s with tier pui tints, ur. »i.u .iirs. W. O. Chandler. After spending tuiee wci'Ks ui West Chester, Avonoaia, i\ennett otiuuie and \viimiiiK»ui. mia. W. 1). Chandler returned lioiue on ssun ! uay. Tne uev. James Henry Darling ton, biaii 'i- oi narriaourg, will viaii oi. Luke's Church here, to-uior»uw tnorn nin tor uie purpose or confirmation, and will preacn ilie sermon. .vnsaemer, of thia place, has been awarded a scholarship at tlie American scnooi ot Corrutipouuence, ui Chicago. —J. it. ivlisseinc.. Kufar It. Aiisaetin r, Mr. and Mrs. Harry uyer, Can uyer, Joseph Brandt, Harry l«etz, Charles and Bertha warrel accompanied tlie excursion 10 New torK last ounaay. Tlie district Sunday octiool convention will be ndd in tne Mount Joy Church ot Uou on i liuraday attemoon ana evening', uecemuer 2. Mrs. hiita liaiie.v, of Harrisourg, was tlie guest of iiirs. ICllzaoetn Hoiwagei. Series of Sermons at Lewisoerry m. t. Church liy Special Correspondence . . I.ewlnberry, I'll., Nov. 6. —■ On Sun ilay morning In the M. E. Church, tlie pastor, tile itev. i',dwaril Jackson, will uenver a aermon on "The Challenge ui Hie Hour." in ftie evening file llev. it. S. Mail', a uutneran minister, liv ing: at ivieaaowbrooK f arm, will deliver Hie sermon.. Sunday, November 14, me t.BV, vv. Vv. lteese, of Camp ilili, will deliver a aermon in the morning and administer Commission in tlie even ing. me Km. ivtr. Reese anj the pan toi win lloiu »»i'vices in tne ttl. K. Cliuicil when tne special nieet lllKS wul lie opened ill tlittt cllurcn.— i tne Hov. ivir. JacKson will maac an } atiureas Sunoay evening: at the itaily | Uay aervicea to he lieni in St. Jainea' ) Cnitea angelical cnurcn, at uald ' Hill. Mi'. Aiornjht, of ilanover, an aasistant superintendent, visited the ••MHIIII foint ami ixiwisherry schools on Wednesday. - All autooiooile party toiiiposeu oi Mi s. W. S. .Nortetiueim, and daughter Caroline, of Pnuadeipnia; .nr. and Mrs. r.awul'il Hammond and Dennett Hamnioiio, ot Vvasiuiigton, i>. C., came nere from tile lauer city and are guests of .ur. and Mrs. VV. S. Hammond. Miss, J.'mile (Sailor, of New Cumoerianu, spent riuntiay with lier sister, MIS. D. iS. Hoin. —Mrs. hdward Jacason and son, Cnaries, re turned home on W euneatiay alter spenuing two weeks at Stewanstowii.— Vv. s. Nortonheim arrived to-day from I'hlladeipnia and joineu Ills wite and daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hammond. Mrs. Charlotte Nebmger, oi l.einoyno, spent the week here. Bennett Hammond returned .Sunday to his home in Washington. I). C„ after several days' visit witn his | parents. tr-otessor James W. Gos nell and Mrs. Brandt, of lork, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Israel I). Zlnn. Bruce tl. fSeninger, teacher of the Kedland school. Newoerry town ship, who was 111 with typhoid fever, is able to be out doors again. Tile Rev. W. E. VVatkins, of lork, was a Monday guest of the ltev. Kilward Jackson, at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage. A child was born Satur day to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quigley. Shippensburg Pastor Moves to Mount Joy Hy Special Correspondence Sliipponsburg, Pa., Nov. 6. The Kev. G. W .Sherrick and family spent several days at. Pittsburg.—Miss njlla Lupp has gone to Harrisburg, where she will be operated upon for an car growth.—A new press will be installed at the News office.—Employes of the Domestic Engine and Pump company are working overtime. —The Rev. Mr. Brendle, of .Lehniaster's, delivered two | addresses on Sunday, one in the Pres byterian Church and the other in the Reformed Church. —Miss Helen Sher rick is taking a six weeks' course at the Byron King school.—Edward Avis, "the bird man," will lecture here on Thursday, November 11. The new library of the Messiah United Breth ren CI urch will be opened on Wednes day e/ening.—Dr. 1. A. MacDannaid move'i to his new charge at Mount Joy thin v eek. • , AUTUMN MARKET AND FOOD SALE Unique Method of Raising Money For Mechanicsburg Aid Society I. S. H. CLUB ENTERTAINED Miss Margaret Ryan (lives En joyable Party For Fellow Members By Special Correspondence Mechanicsburg. Pa., Nov. 6. —On Monday evening. Miss Margaret Ryan entertained the members of the I. S. H. Club at her home in East Coover street with a Hallowe'en party. Games, contests and music were en joyed by the guests and refreshments were served. The Ladies' Aid So ciety of St. Mark's Lutheran Church i held a meeting on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Rebecca Heffle linger, in West Coover street.—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Z. Ployer are spending a week at Philadelphia.—Mrs. R. Wil son Hurst was at Carlisle on Wednes day attending the tea given by Mrs. Charles A. Goodyear, in honor of Mrs. Lawrence W. Baxter, of Philadelphia. Miss Julia He file linger is visitin Miss Elizabeth Akers at Bellwood. —The Rev. F. E. Rupley, of York, a former pastor of St. Paul's Reformed Church, was a visitor among friends on Monday.—An autumn market and food sale was held by the members of the Presbyterian Aid Society to-day. Homemade goodies found a ready sale. —Mrs. S. F. Houston has returned from a visit to New York.—At a meet ing of the Mite Society of the Church of God on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Smith, the an nual election of officers was held with i the following result: President, Mrs. • B. Reilly Shope: vice-president, Miss i Sue Swart®; secretary, Miss Viola Will: . treasurer, Mrs. Esther Miller: relief i committee, Mrs. Anderson. Miss Edith • Shapley and Mrs. Railing; collectors, ; Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Trego, Mrs. Keller, i Mrs. Baum, Mrs. Railing and Mrs. i Biddle. An enjoyable program and - social time followed the business ses sion. The Miss Elsie and Viola Bit tinger were hostesses for a number of friends at a Hallowe'en party at their home in East Keller street. Corn - ( shocks, autumn leaves and pumpkins decorated the house. Games and mu sic entertained the young people and ! retreshments were served to guests L I who were present from Harrisburg, , I Carlisle and Mechanicsburg. Captain S. S. Robison to j Command U. S. Battleship _ By Special Correspondence Mlffllntuivn. Pa., Nov. 6. Mrs ■ Kurtz Bosserman and daughter, of ' Cape May. N. J., are guests of Miss . Fannie hspenahade. Mrs.. Ueorgo i Cramer, of Altnona, and Mrs. Jame:i i S y ,\°£ G *i>irchiU, spent Tuesday win, I Mrs. D. 1,. Berry. Miss Rebecca Dot.V ' spent several days at f«ewistown. -« > I'.dred Pennell, a student at the ITni . versity of Pennsylvania, is spending • several days with lits parents, Mr. and Mrs. I'. M. M. Pennell. i'alph Kspen sehade, of Newville, spent .-•uiidav with • his father. Frederiek lOspenschade. • Mrs. Mae Goodfellow left on Tuesdav • to spend, the winter witli relatives at Cleveland, Ohio. B. F. Junkln was at 1 Harrisburg on Saturday. Thomas > Jenkins, of Pittsburgh, is home tins • week. Blair Spoonebarger, of Hunt . ingdon, spent Saturday with bis grand . mother, Mrs. Blair Cramer. Miss ! Grace Mclaughlin spent Sunday with ' I her sister. Mrs. Charles Flnnefroek. —. [Harvey Mann and his bride, of Pltts -1 burgh, and Mr. and Mrs. William 1 llurehfield, of Harrisburg, spent Sundav 1 I with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. 1 | BurehHeld. The Hallowe'en social • given by the Westminster Guild in the |dlningroom of the Presbyterian Church, • on Saturday evening, was a success. Miss Mary Weiser spent Sunday as the I guest of Miss Kthel Ulmm, at Van i Wert. On Tuesday evening. Noveni l her 16, Mifflintown is promised a lec ; ture by M. J. Fanning. By army anil | navy orders of October 27, Captain S. S. | Koblson is detached as assistant «<• • j the Bureau of Steam Engineering in > the Navy Department and placed in l command of the battleship South Caro ; lina. Dr. and Mrs. Shelly, of Port . Koyal. were Lewistown visitors on . Tuesday. Miss Sara Parker , ut' . Mexico, is engaged as a trained nui>e lln New York City. Mr. and Mrs. ' William Mayer, of Philadelphia, spent : Sunday with Mr. Mayer's parents, Mr. ' j and Mrs. Charles W. Mayer. Miss Lucille Shenk Gives Party at Orchard Heights fly Special Correspondence I Anvllle, Pa., Nov. 6. Mr. and Mrs. . | Joseph H. Krelder spent several wo«k;< . ) at New Haven, Conn., where they were 1 the guests of their son. Dr. I>. Albert Kreider, professor of physics at Yala University. Old Folks' Day was ob served In St. Paul's Evangelical Church last Sunday. A sermon was preached by the pastor and the hymns of long ] ago were SUIIK. Washington Camp, No. 81, Patriotic Order Sons of America, Initiated four candidates during the week. On Thursday evening Miss Lu cille Shenk, daughter of Professor H. 11. Shenk, of the faculty of Val ley College, entertained witli a Hsi lowe'en party at her summer cottage. Orchard Heights, near the water works. About tifteen guests made the trip by automobile. Miss Hinnle Bolt*, a nurse in the Hahneman Hospital hi | Philadelphia, is 111 with typhoid fever. She contracted the disease by nursing I Mrs. Harry Fllckinger, who recently re covered from the disease. Both pen pie are residents of town. —Mrs. Davi l Wengert. of South Annville, is ill wit'i typhoid fever. Blain Hunters Camp Out For Game in Horse Valley By Special Correspondence Blain. Pa., Nov. 6.—Joseph Shref* Her, George Boyer, Paul Shreffler, Kaymond Shreftler and George Shref fler camped for two days in Kansas, over in Horse Valley and bagged seven rabbits and one squirrel. The best success here was made by W. J. Gren oble, Harry Orth and Orth Neidigh,- who shot 18 rabbits the first day of the season. William Bitting and James Yohn, killed a thlrtoen-pound raccoon. Clarence Iv. Burgderfer gave an entertainment in the town hall on Saturday night as the opening number of the Lyceum course. Mrs, Charles Rhodes, of Harrisburg, visit ed friends here this week. Mrs. Wil liam Owings, sold her property to W. F. Smith for S6OO. Mrs. Harriet Tice, of Pittman, N. J., is visiting the Boyer family. Mr. and Mrs. William Stoudt and John Reber t of Reading, visited Danlei Reber. - Mrs. G. M. Troup and Mrs. Annie Woods have re turned from a visit to Meridan, Conn. TO CVRK A COI.D IN ONE DAV Take LAXATIVE BROMO QJJININra Tablets. Druggists refund money If it falls to cure.. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture la on «ach box. 26c.—Advertise-, 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers