[To-morrow the Last Day of Kaufmans 10th Anniversary Sale it ; At the stroke of nine o'clock to-morrow evening the great doors October gave us by far the largest business of our entire exper- ' • t Hundreds of New I 'V new Kaufman Stores will close upon the biggest and best ience in merchandising. We celebrated by greater underselling. !; » !; j \ Anniversary Sale of our career. You benefited by unusual savings. t• Tr mmed Hsts ' e gtgan ** c mon ih-longcelebration of our Tenth Birthday was The economies of the month were unheard of before. Thanks !; hasn't lost me my close per- i r ; I a gratification to us and a solid saving event for you. The sale chall- for your generous patronage. V/e will show our appreciation to- ■! sonal gri P in the new grcat f : Ready For Saturday. 2 enged oar ability and we exceeded expectations. \ morrow by winding up the sale with even greater bargains for you, jj U here as ? [j Every Hat Trimmed j Our Women's and Misses' Coat and Suit Section Will Redouble Efforts To-morrow to \ yU^ a vice ftcen years 5 ! f All °Z! Close the Montll ' s Salcs With Ev * n Greater Savings For You ~VK \ I ) i workrooms. All are i __ © J ful attention as ever. * I! exclusive models. \ tiundrsds or lyew Suits, Just \\ Hundreds of Entirely New Costs j! Sincerely yours, ! j Arrived For Saturday's Selling ML \\ Here For Your Selection Saturday I f), \ !i * . N . e , w - w °'?l"'- 8 and M "" s ' Suit,: y.lu«. jRQ 7R \| N» Wom«.' s and M«' C 0...: Vilu, (10. «C 7C T j M liaSK j $12.50 and sls. 10th Anniversary Sale Price, $ ; 10th Anniversary Sale Price JbO./DJ ;I \ ' \ ? Pure wool poplins or men's wear serges, in black, navv. dark I V P ( . , ... , ~ , •w^wrtwuwvivvvvbw.wbi f A T green, dark brown and mixtures. All new models: choice of f MIKW M 1 'JZ T f*7", a ' d8 ' .": ixtu,es ' 'hecks, plain \ t f fur trimmed or braid and button trimmed. L J ftA Xa L\ | Pure in stylish mixtures and w-ooi plushes, ' Q *IC 1£ ' * lifciQ\ j XQv fi. / ' pre,t * chei ' ks and novelty cloths, in a great variety. upCClftl . jSIC OI I • Z& L I New Women's and Misses' Suits; Values <fc 1 O 7C fi/ ! Women's Kid GloVeS 1 ' /' /K As\ I $16.50 and $lB. 10th Anniversary Sale Price, *P IA. /D 3.'! I Ncw Women's and Misses* Coats; Values tQ 7C Worth Si 25 r» P f| / *tT\ I These latest models have the new he,ted an, halt belted PTOY T : sl2s ° and slS ' 10th Anniversary Sale Price, ZTprll 85c i ' t fects - They are to be placed on sale for the first time to-piorrow. / - 300 pairs of Women's two-button If v /' » i There are suits with fur collars and cuffs or velvet and a full <'? U\\\\\v 3Kt\ \ morrow. They comprise the newest models with all the latest Clasp Kid Gloves, in black and white, * range of sizes. \ i iiftV \\ \ \ - color combinations. Zibelines, wool velours, cheviots and cor- w hite and black stitching; every pair 1 ! MEN*/ UATC T I O ' ■ \ | . durovs guaranteed to wear; all .sizes. NEW HAtS • h :Wm \ \ \ k/ duio > s - KAUFMAN-S—FIRST FLOOR. 1 I Worth $4.00, An nn | New Women's and Misses' Suits; Values "7C Un^. v J i f or i $18.50 and S2O. 10th Anniversary Sale Price, At./ %j \ ew Women's and Misses' Coats; Values lO7C ' -\ I j These hats equal the best showing f Suits modeled from the smartest higher priced garments. '' "W $16.50 to $lB. 10th Anniversary Sale Price, ytj S '} I '"i-!' I jfls in velvet, trimmed with silver f lan > <' f the '» "U' appear at our store for the first time tomorrow. jfßoB Introducing the latest arrivals of imported zlbe'ines soft wool WOIII6II S vOi S6IS , buckloV' Wi,,K? ' ° ,,r " h " iln,,S !1/ h p V , e fUr Co l ,ar p rr Cl K?' b; a, d designs and button trim- lifllPl velours, fine corduroys, pure woof kerseys, bouc.es and Worth $1.50. A|- ! NEW HATS I and black " aV> ' R "' m ' Russlan « reen - Afr l (> an brown ||||||||||/ lfl A " the wanted co,ors c °P led from the m of,t expen- Sale Price 95 C ' Worth to $5.00, d* *3 ** T . J **• _ . . /m est '"'a' l aha pe Corsets, with hose sup l f or T New Women s and Misses Suits; Values $1 Q7C WMtilr iwrnSSk \mm N , ~, _ . .. . . porters; ail sizes is to so. I A ,T,!SL*,, r r ! $25.00. MM), Anniversary Sale Price 3>19.75 —WfUMHI N«. W-e,is and Ihx Coats: Values *J4 75 •"**»>■ . 1 J aa-TU'dt S r ,Sih I S.:s';;'M W il!; I *>■>• »■»> '«»»r ««, .o„ Buy , rom NEW EXTRA SIZE SUITS: Value S2O. 518 to s2o ' ,oth Anniversary Sale Price .. *» I itation paradise or wings. ? did assortment of suits. There are chiffon broadcloths, imported Tenth Anniversary Sale dj 1/I 7 C A ri ° h varlety of the late st coats, in all the popular styles and SPECIAL NEW HATS ? poplins, imported gabardines and whipcords, all trimmed with Price 1 T. / colors. Some belted, others with fur trimmed cuffs and with fiflc* lft/acli Hrcccoc : Wnrth <Cfi t;n a a-w ! fur - All « he pi eferred shades and aII sizes. Especially designed suits of pure poplin in navv, fur trimmed collars. The very desirable and new shade of taupe UIHS ff 3511 UTCSSeS i wortn to a>O.DU, Q» A • African brown, dark green and brown. Coats and Ch ecks and plaids and mixtures; all sizes. Worth to $1.50. Q a ! fnr tD'"r-. ? lined with guaranteed satin. Skirts cut full— o_i. r>_:„- 1 rtHT I Scores Of new mod-iTand only one I New Women s and Misses Suits: Values <tO/1 7C with or without plaits. All sizes from 35 to 53. ■ S>ale frice KJ 1 i feathei' 1 bands V< arid t ' ieT" ornaments: j $32 - 50 and s3s ' 10th Anniversary Sale Price. ° $25.00 Extra Size SUITS 1Q 7 NEW SEAL PLUSH COATS. Anniversary Sale Prices, made • buckles or braid. Hats with no su- j These models are made of beautiful broadcloths, handsome ' or 1 i/. 11/ $17,50, $19.75, $34.75 and $30.50 stripes, nicely made and trimmed; all .i ' A Splendid" Assortment of ! and Tun? ZUCIr" trtmmiSlwJS of' The CTr 7 t J[Tn"TT °T Tf h" BCa ' P,U " h ° ffered * " N " " ' T UNTRIMMED HATS 1 • oats. Furs include beaver, skunk, opossum, racoon and fitch A teratlOllS Free of CharffP ! , h tJ' / f! , P u * d ' fU " ' enKth ' ° r | An endless variety of shapes that I furs. All the wanted colors and all sizes. I** "ee OI j flared three-quarter length, or chin chin models. Lined through- ~~ f are new and much desired. Dozens ? ol, f with Sol Satin or guaianteed yarn-dyed satin. t of styles, but only one model of ? —mm——— _ » 1. y ¥T_ * __ j f ach - The , prices are particularly | /\ --A if m. r . __ . LftUICS UlllOll »;UltS in f^^^E n n's' l \ e e,it n aE iaS | Over 750 Newest Winter Coats For Girls, 2to 14 Years at Anniversary Sale Prices worth $1.25. 70 • I 0 - >( . 4<) j ' ,XT % ' VT,' W.XTKR COATS: «,rto' X«v 57.50 XVIXTKII.COATS: Girls' Xe*v SIO W!XTER COATS; Sale price 4VC i $i »o:$loo' : #i.S ' $2 * 75 53.75 irur v .r ry 34.95 ,v — ,y $5.95 $8.95 R rr; l r c :« n r B, r? I j »!• 1 an I All the popular stvles in chin- \ Ribbed Lnion huits, low neck, % • and , i hillas. corduroys, mixtures zibe- ® i ° ri selection of coats in | complete selection of coats, in I hese beautiful models may be Very fine coats, in blues, browns sleeves; silk chambray string; sizes • • lines and other materials-' manv P |akls ' mixtures, checks, corduroys np , la^ e ®t styles: mixtures, colors chosen from an assortment of col- and greens. Some with fur collars o. tri < K VI/ _ T„;_ U.i. C f have quilted linings. Sizes 3to 16 and zibelines. Sizes from 3to lfi I an i. plain . : ° „ th e lT > ith ors - Many have belted effects and and velvet collars and cuffs to I ff 6 1 rim Mats Tree I years. vpflrc I -;.,o an be ' l ed effects. Sizes others with yokes. Sizes from match. Zibelines and broadcloth. KAUFMAN'S—FIRST FLOOR. lo years. 2 to 16 years. Also handsome mixtures, 6 to 14. —mmmmmmmmm^^ | . rrrann I in?w g Styles in o I f i ™ onos at I S P ecial Values in Natty, New Men'* Wear For Fall and Winter A Dig Sale or i lutn Anniversary Sale Prices. MEN-S DRESS SHIRTS-, worth /?q_ jr~m me n's HOSE ; WO rth is c . sale -i -■ 117 J J: : < SILK KIMONOS Flannelette KIMONOS ** SIOO- Sale price DJ/C price lIC '• WOIWP S Aflfl ■: > Silk and Satin Kl- , , <> ; 00 M«n'» Best Percale Dress Shirts; laundered ITI . 300 pairs of Men's full seamless Half Hose, in | j „ . 1 SnS .f, r, as J'S ttJ-SS;: men's DRESS SHllm?S<«br£. A Q double M. and b^ l; ull .!«".■ |j Children « SI ?ir $3.95 SSWW.T 4 ' *«S2:i SalE p ri " 49c lAfe "f" sospbndbrs; ««« *l4 ■ ( Cll 5 ,■ c Sale Price */«3C 200 Men's Pleated Dress Shirts: fancy stripe, laun- 'ijb ■/:. \ Sale price X ll» 1 ■' x CTT V VTH/iAKTno * ' dered cuffs; all new Fall patterns; all sizes. \ i'wHr Men's Police and Firemen Suspenders; /wide web ! !• f ¥ * '■ * oILJv K.IMUI\IOo SILK KIMONOS S UNION SUITS; worth $1.25. Sale QC \ WWfy. leather ends; assorted colors. H fkCl AVIT !» > Women's Satin and Crepe d« !► nrice QjC \\l\ tS(S2 l 3 llUdlCl V J \ Chine Silk, full length Kimonos. Women's full length fancy silk ► P l, ' ' J W a MEN'S AND BOYS' GARTERS; 1 A J .• € beautiful ,-oloring; newest mod- Kimonos; all new Fall patterns; < Men s Gray and Ecru Ribbed Un on Suits; closed .. J I •' € els: worth to $7.95; d«e HC worth $-1.00; tOOC* crotch: perfect fitting garment; all sizes. Men ' c Underwear n H worth 15c. bale price IV/l* i&fSBSi \ Sale Price 3>5.95 Sale Price BOYS' UNION SUITS; worth 75c. A(J ' Qkp 200 pairs of Men's and Boys' Brighton Garters; all S p.,,, , , Sale price 4DC worth $1.25. Sale price, colors. ■JjBPMf i | , ofwomen KI ,^ ION 1 ? S DRES SING SACQUES 31 B . /■—*« S 5 f , rfino Women splain and fancy Women's flannelette and fancy S j COAT SWEATERS, worth $3. 1 Qf Drawers* all sizes Sale nrire I «; > > pe no f " n lenKth Kimonos; all crepe Dressing Sacques; all col- Sale Drice d) 1 ,"D Drawers, all sizes. bae price *p J. t ZJ 5 / i | > new patterns and colors; CQ. ors and sizes; worth ( 7Q« <' r - '''' '' ' . . , MEN'S FURNISHINGS Men s antl Women's Honey Comb Coat Sweat- I '! KSl ggy -• ;•> worth 11.00; Sale Price. . si.oo ; Sale Price ► I FOT men and women, high and V-necks, plain I-I .V. ers, roll collar with pockets, in red, gray, brown and 1 j| weaves, wool mixed; all colors and _siizes. 1' bine, all sizes. HOSE; 11'! »J Worth 17c: to-morrow for. *IC Ct m /fT\ At* ""tr* Ik bargain The Best Dressed .Men in Town \ 53a I ™" ke $1.37! 50c Gray fr el Ware I $1.50 coffee Percolators' o ften Less For Their Clothes f. Silk Hose: high spliced double sole, V Blankets, pair 1 W V Itt 1 W . _ * f every woofnap 1 ?ia,d a wwTkets?iif'tfood ' cof. w Than the InexDerieiiced j Xr : « S HOS,ERV; 39c subject to slight imper- ZuonTl » d tlw »»P ep - ..erculator t «ail UIC 111CA(ICI ICUCCU I- Worth 73c; to-morrow roi. OVC lections. and welded ffcTi / H I • ■ ••«»() pairs of omen s Pure rhrend •« K snout Ibj 0 0 WTTAM IA JMSM #up 'ntSaa,'" JEd "SUE?* B«s; i $2.50 Woolnap Blankets, SI.OO Turkish Bath ' BUYCr IDiaSineS i \p«i ? w sr^5 , WSSR~5i ?. c .} JEVS2? "'" k ' """• """ h «" ,! 8iI; R »ssr»- Wf • """■ ™.«". -"u.r'ZdCJS S8 Cilu'S «"isr«s^*" d " an ? Thread Silk Hosiery: silk and mer- i Towels, size 27x52 inches, in white 1 F : §KS| T"~ , ■ cerized garter top, in black and col- ? _ . and yellow Jacquard borders. 9/C SMF Many men COmc here with the intention of pay- |Hi H } to^ Kh Ai?S. doub,e 80le ' heel J Curtain Trimmings ° f A ■ ing sl2 to sls for a Suit or Overcoat, and find UfU 7IT Worth to $2.5 0 s ; SI: 93c ■: I Ktamlnc, yard 15c Table Cloths ! 75c Double Bed Sheets, II / J Wrfr' USt what they want in ° ur special line on sa e in(j M#■ I J. DOO pair of Women's Finest Pure <! Fine quality bordered Curtain Sl.s<» Pattern Table "Q,/, at J> ~»iead Stik iiosiery; in Rut-i-NolJ Scrim, 40 inches wide, in white and Cloths, each I/IC O*J% Ji and white: high sphc'ed 'heel,'' Toe '! o^red hoirders 8 ' " ' th ~oauliful ,o1 " f.'i nc quality mercerized pattern Cood heavy muslin Bed Sheets, Other men expect to pay $16.50 to SIB.OO M M BBi MM t and sole, in all sizes. The product C T . h ,„ T o v7 , size 81x90 inches; torn and hem- . . „ . _ ll# Jm Jm Mf" Of the best New York maker. { I J 1 j ,1 1 81 med; ready for use their ncw winter Suit or Overcoat and findlL | | £[Z KAUFMAN S—FIRST FLOOR 5 Dj o j hemstitched and scalloped. men ' reaa> lor use ' BOP 1 ■ ■ M Bed Spreads HM I just the garment they want in our special lineglV ■ I MA ■ / S i rcaZ hot . n ' a . 53c Rag Rugs 25c Bolster Cases, ea., 19<- Is|flsf sale at ■ t • 1 Hemmed crochet Bed Spreads, Our rag rugs are the talk of the Hemmed Bolster Cases, size 42x /SIUI And still other men who evnerteH tn n ai r>»v m m M ] 11C | AmVAn full 72x80, and heavy quality. town. Beautiful colorings and qua!- V 2; extra quality muslin. ■§ P * "ft M tlllwl niriVCll ity at Underselling Prices. $20.00 to $22.50 for a Suit or Overcoat are | -———. $3.00 Cotton Comforters ?>n'x36' Tac -{He ran^te Milk Cans, prised at the wonderful values we have on saleaM B Mpi TIT Am Atl yr\ Sllkoline bat k with 9-inch lig- 25x50, each *4»c Each, 17C / 1 N at «JUU W Ulllvll S ured sateen borders and plain "ox6o, each 8«c CftA MPM quilted centers; double bed size. 36x72, each »7e 3-quart size with a stopper lid. DUU lTltll BOYS' BALMAKUK djyj qj; « Anniversary Sale q»T r> l» L U OVERCOATS I 1 1 Price I .*7 / 101/o nufin>T r , l/-»4-Vi D rUrcnase ffere Size 8 to 18 years z/i I 7Sc Rahv Rlanlrptc l */2<~ VJUUng .rip T#-morrow The new Balm arue Overcoats, with velvet and R 11. Y Iflll C O r uui o Y lanKetS » 36 inches wide heavy Outing l»-IT10rr0W convertible collar: all wool material; the newest /s^A UIUUdCd Cobbler Sets. 2ot Each, 47 f $1.50 to $2.00 Hatordav li".,™"" *° ,IS °' . F _ «et M of lMu'Hnd W all*the B too?9 mPlete The Idrge.t aawrtmciit of animal ~ . Odd Pants, at ISKVS' OIHj t'WTS 49c I\j Kl. l?--!... I —————— nnd bow knot designs in the city: 89c Lonfifcloth. 4-OC _ These Knicker Pants are all double stitched and L/ 1 m. all \ At LXtra LOW sue 36X50 inche P ; colors, pink and S \7, , (t -f /I fk taped You will (in,l tin- strongest eassimcres and A ® Havden S Cedar Oil Mnn« blue ' 10-yard piece of Engltah Long- | fill cheviots. In sizes 6tc 17 years. / v/S D • T , P cloth for underwear. J} 1 • 1/1/ BOYS' WINTER CAPS AND O/l / MlillLt - y r rices I O-mnrrOW »1.50 large Bile HOP), «ach, 18c Smith S Tapestrv RuffS Z O . , . KNIT TOQUES |nniC§T\V lIIVII roc medium size Mops, each, s»c Oi 1 1 4*" IC* Dl'c TT A . hese a , r ? Vf Jn M dozen different colors and patterns; sizes forjiw>^' Worth to $4.00. d* O A[J I pint can Cedar Oil ,9c 4 , \1 1.9 ) 15 C PllSSe Underwear er deal better ever, boy. tterns, fo, l| ,^ Sale Price $2.95 These Crepe, 10<- They'a^ a a , 300 Women's Newest Fall "a°. P kedTn bed n rooms tra KOOfi f ° r MvlnK and inequality white Plisse Under- fitting. 3 a " Ptr ec For hoys« to 18 years IV l\ I Blouses made of Crepe de L"S? \ \\// FRIDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 29, 1915. 5
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