DIVES, POMEROY & STEWARTp i . 1 j DIVES, It's the Beauty and Comfort j|| Superb Quality in These of Fluffy Ostrich Boas Kid Gloves For Women t —that make them so popular. We have sold " *■—^gloves that are in . JHI more this season than ever before, and women 9 t ' ie fashionable class be are wearing theni this year for comfort as well MH| >k * cause they possess all jCM (T^. f as effect because they are a protection as well | V A / rd I kx\as a dainty neckpiece. A new shipment fills \ O \, \ make for style, service / v.* V \\ Ihi / the gaps in our stock for Saturday. *'• «V_ c <^S *' nC *'° n " Ur stoc .' c \ a " d whlte ' black and whUe> vajue, n ew and is most interest- \ bla^ k nd white. value, of beautiful novelties that | \ 'V*l 1 styles Ostrich Boas' at $».50, \ women. ' y $4.95, 95.50, $«.50, $9.50 antl $12.50 \ _,. _ _ . __ . lace and xkt neckwear _ o • \ r inest Makes or ivid Oloves at . O \ SJSJS® at o \ © « r " dy s '°° *«"» Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. __________ \ I .a France two-pearl clasp kid WASHABLE FABRIC CIJOVES ' —w—— OT—^w— gloves, P. K. stitching and over- \ Strap wrist washable leatherette .. .. . i» t • 1~^\" . • - O * . 1 f~\ '• • iy T £"> * « seam, black with white embroid- gloves in white, tun and grey. SI.OO Styles That Are New in Distinctive buits and Coats in aIN ew Showing .JXrrsursssJrKa *y black with white embroidery and sand and pongee 59c to $1.25 Silk and Cotton Petticoats Embracing Styles That Can't Be Duplicated , _ _ ¥ _ _ embroidery and stitching ...$2.00 Children's washable leatherette Silk Jersey Petticoats trimmed with taffeta flounce in new Per- ATTF?A CTI V F 1/ AIT JF > AT *£ 1 ZD *£ 18 ZD *tLID A hJT} Z Two-clasp kid gloves in black, und cashmerette gloves in brown, sian pattern*. plaids and stripes, Belgtan blue, Russian green and wis- '* * * iviT. v> i 1 V i-> V * v'■* «/J i <J»JL/y *p£\J /I iV i_/ *p£C) white and colors, .$1.50 and $2.00 ; naural, grey and navy, 25c and 59e taria $5.95 # Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Front. mouse, Russian green, Belgian blue, plum, purple and black navy, flew Fall's most comprehensive showing of suits and coats a a i . r Cotton Petticoats in iieatherbioom, sa'un^'anj 5 for women and misses is now on display in the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart out erg-arm cut /\II AQV SIICG OllOWing OI or plaited flounce, colors and black SI.OO. $1.50. $1.95 to $2.95 section, and we feel assured that if you are interested in the selection of a garment in T"\ * a. £.4. \ Dives, Pomeroy & .Mewart—second i loor. the near future it will be to your advantage to see the values in this collection to-morrow, L/fl.inTy * * |3 IVT ITT • Hundreds of suits in modes that have been copied from styles of a much higher The early buver of gifts will appreciate this advance dis iviany rersons lNeea nosiery I price will be found at very moderate prices. Distinctive fur trimmed garments are I play of dainty aprons which always make such an acceptable . , , . « . shown at «H16.50 and upward, present to members of one's own family as well as intimate The change to heavier and warmer clothing to most peo- r friends n |p ni f>an« rmtiitfirirr t mm t<-> <r>ot ' rnnrernincr the latter Poplin and novelty cloth suits, in navy, brown and Regular $22.50 suit in navy blue poplin, trimmed ' , . . . . , , , „ . pie means outfitting trom Head to tect. Concerning tne latter b , ack . wlth chln chln oollars edg . ed wlth naturnl rnc - with doth covered buttons with a velvet center. A ® maU J fan f, y aprons in round and square styles in lawn Swiss, or we have a splendid Stock of fall and \\ inter hosiery for all coon or black skunk. Ono jaunty style for women and stitched belt effect ending in two stitched bands in the gandie and allover embroidery, trimmed with embroidery ruffle or members of the familv For instance misses of average figure is made with a shirred back back completes the trimming. Specially priced at $20.00 seams joined with lace Insertion and trimmed with lace edge, at the waist line and trimmed with bone buttons, the Th cpipptton n f npw s tvlp« at fin i« . ... . . , " oc » • >oc • ' sc an< * °'- 00 WOMEN'S HOSIERY coat ending in an Inverted pleat style In the back, $16.50 plcte thll J, it has beon at anv time during the I ' arKe apro, ? s without bib, gathered band or fitted, trimmed with Black cotton fleece lined seamless hose 25e Another style with a raccoon collar has a simiiated The range of materials is made up of fine qualitv chlf- hemsmchedtucks or ®?Pbrol^derylnMrtloin^... -5e,50e. <oc and SI.OO Black cashmere seamless hose 250 girdle of self material with broad Russian pocket flap. fon broadcloth, poplin and gabardine, and while many . . ?nH HnttL,i iv« nV?.\' !r hnm>ftlt h,'r ini Black cashmere outsize hose, fashioned feet 50c On either side of the coat are inverted pleats. The of the garments at this price are trimmed in fur, there Swiss, plain or hemstitched hem or embi Heavy cotton hose, fast black, fashioned feet 25e skirt is fashioned to match the style of the coat. The are many other styles that have been adopted from insertion trimmea _oc, ouc,_ ioc aua 9 Fast black heavy lisle seamless hose 25c lining is of line quality peau de cygne interlined to the higher priced French creations in simpler models. The io™„' '„UV »„H -n» MEN S HOSIERY waist $16.50 colors are navy blue African brown, green, huckle- Ma,ds Pomerov & Stewnr -Lcond Floor' " Black cotton seamless ho«c medium and heavv weights l"V,e A fine Witty suit in a staple style with a straight berry and black, and there are complete sizes for UUeB, Forner °y & Stewart 1 loor. Black seamu.ss hose J weights, 1- |e f|pont ett9ct Jg of pop , in in various shades with a belt of misses and women. The superiority of these garments * TT __ Black lisle seamless Rack wool hose medium and hea\ 5 weights. -5e mado with two side pleats 518.50 that they cannot be duplicated elsewhere for less than S 3-B. T ITI OH. t S tO IVOGID /L7\ Back cashmeTe seamless hose -'Se- Fine quality serge Norfolk suit with yoke front and $30.00 to $35.00. Specially priced $25.00 VyUl IKJ IV^JJ Dives PonVerov t- StewWr'tUktreeV Floor back - loose ,ielt wlth button trimming in back and Several score of Exclusive styles will be shown to-mor- . _ VZ *jL ■ • ' I loor. front. The front is finished with silk hand made orna- row at $30.00 to sbo.oo. These garments are richly J_l m 1 ments. Specially priced $20.00 trimmed with beaver, Hudson seal or silk braid. 1110 D£iDV VV 3XIXI / A Cotorio of Dollghtful Styles Coats in Fine Quality Fabrics Low in Price Knit sweaters in all white or white with pink or «w j , T> 1 Fine quality poplin chin chin suits in navy, green, Semi-military gabardine suits in navy, brown and 1)11,0 P |ain back or with belt,^ mW/ C Klr\f ICAC brown and black; In a belted flaring style trimmed with black, with neat trimming of buttons and silk braid SI.OO. $1..>0 to SS.oO /V \ h/ » ▼ vvllxvyix O i /IkJ UuVl/O fur collar; the skirt is in a full circular mode ....516..>0 , Knit toques in all white or with pink or light / t Fancy trimmed style in navy and black poplin, with 9—.so trimmine '»"«• and "iOe / V* M \'oile. batiste, madras, crepe, novelty voile and linen waists double row of silk braid adding to the charm of a Chiffon broadcloth suits with full flaring type of coat, Mittens *. .V. .25e, 50c and SI.OO / i' ui - in tailored, semi-tailored and lingerie styles: trimmed with tar pialTtaUored'tt^l&^wlthout" fur trtmming for'women trimmed with Hudson seal, skunk, opossum or without Brushed toques with ' scurf, Copen- / fc li& tucks, lace or embroidery insertion or organdie panels; self- who favor suits of the conservative type; full cut skirts and $:so.oo set " white or S j°«« collar or lace or embroidery trimmed, #I.OO. 551.50. #1.95. $20.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. #2 95 to S(i 50 ~1 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—2nd Floor. ply.., Pom.roy ft st.w.rt, s.ond Floor. New Styles in Women's ' rTT- T~ ~ ' Mattress Values Do Not Show Black and Bronze Shoes Mid-Season Showing of New the Trend of a Rising Market „ th p *rr rs: s Millinery Featurincf White Creations In our regular stock, to-day, are mattresses at attractive Patent colt and dull calf button shoes, full toe lasts with Good- •/ q prices because price advances are a certainty of the near fu- year welted soles, high Cuban and low heels $3.00 ture. But these mattresses are immune from any advance, with^ylU k, cloth Ut to°p. and htgh haU French . Pl . ai ". toe $3.50 vv . ma " y " ew a " d ex «edin S ly stylish White Hats on display, being the latest modes in having been bought at the right time and at the right price, Black kldskin button shoes with black cloth tops, plain toe lasts, " inter Millinery. Shapes include small tricorncs, smart turbans and larger models for dress occasions. and as long as the supply lasts the OLD PRICES WILL PRE- Goo<l^"S?r kid' ''lace^es 4 sfiUhing,' narrow''toes® These f u P erb hat « arc trimmed with fur. velvet flowers with here and there ? touch of metal orna \ AIL. Do you need a new mattress? Buv it now. Goodvear welted: oak leather soles, high heels SI.OO mentation. .. 4 . , Black kidskin Gypsy lace shoes, white silk stitched, narrow toe cXn^m'XeJer^ 5 50 g "den rack with t e u4ed Show "' to °' arc bea « tiful hats of velvet and lace, both gold and silver, for afternoon and evening Silk floss mattresses # " 9 ° 3 mirror Box spring wi'h^^a^pa'd 500 Sp ecfa!° de " ™ -818 00 woon np-n>i TV T 1 T™ 1 H H 1 T"> selves to see the new styles as they are shown here almost daily. One stack fumed oak book case* Golden oak and mabogany beds, I Needs for Men snd lioys New white plush and velvet trimmed hats #4.95, $0.50, SIO.OO, $14.00 and SIB.OO top. base and six sections; $32.00 du "J"' sh - Special ... su.so , _ Beautiful black velvet hats trimmed with gold or silver lace $0.50, $7.50 to $10.50 al pumed ?I> oak' maiMtae'' tables',' * Jox3o * inch 'top 5 i SP s 'mabogaAy'' Men's silk frog flannelette two-piece pajamas. A special $14.00, $15.00 and $10.50. brass corners, felt or imitation 115.50 chiffonier; ?37.00 value. value SI.OO and $1.50 le o h ers^ff e d SP *Davenport'' 'bed' Special $19.50 Floor. Boys two-piece flannelette pajamas «•><; and SI.OO LXCITiS Of J-TItCfCSZ JT fOTtl 1 JUt* I*l ClTtt.h.— FjYITM. . l(7/f Wash Fabrics Pure Can Hie*; -- . . MensGioves . Ostrich Fancies, 69c /New Velvet Shapes at 49c doll i dUiH/o I U.ll. Men s one-clasp grey castor gloves, in P. X. M. sewing. COc crepe finish poplin in solid 30c Quintex chocolates. Special Ptir SI.OO Values to $1.98. A table full of velvet shapes in turbans, me shades. Special, yard 8«c pound box 18,'. ... ... . . , , ~ dium size styles and sailors, /| Q _ 26c wash suiting, in fast colors.' 40c San Mano chocolates Spe- Boys' and Children's Sweaters „ . "' CS rK 1 mmlnßS bought specially for va , ues t0 n -95 . sp ecial, at Special 15c,c!al. pouna box .»» c , , ~ . . -Us sale. 12 Uc white uround percales; 36 Hershey's 60c milk chocolate Bovs' fine worsted front! Children s sweaters, ill belt- Ostrich .pompon effects with double cq r S1 95 Felt Turhan* at 4Qr inches wide. Special 10c ltis - s es. S'pecial, pound box ...44c sweaters, in various colors, e( J nlain and fincv weaver and whips, white, blue, pink and black.. ▼ • 25c ratine in solid shades. Spe- hoT >atß cherr 'es- ' -.j || ro ]| ar $1 ,<>o ■' - - f I.arge ostrich fancies, in blue, fSQr felt turbans ' «' ( leed with striped clal 3P s e Sc al chocoUte-coated' 'fruits' and T'OVS' medium "and' heavv N ° rf ° lk StylC ' $l t0 lo ° ft brown, black and white <>*€ silk Hhbon and trlmmed wUh appliqued 'ml!' I !®' u Pe ' iiL'"e iP ° i nuts " s P ecla '. pound box ...,33c .■ u* . r • i Better sweaters in belted Ostrich bands and fancies in tan, OB- velvet flowers. 29c silk tussah, half silk. Spe- i 50c Jorden almonds. Special weight coat sweaters. pecial, * y[W> navy and black, at Special cial 16c pound box 3;u' sit 50 tn $3 50Utvles S?1 98 to 82 OH i „ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Franti's hand-diDDed ri, nn r 1 - 1 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Fl, Front Floor. i lates. Special, poundi box. ...35c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store. On With the New Overcoat, The Rl | h ' is First Aid to Oood Health <r~? A CLCCESS in any enterprise is usually based on one dom- _ t J , 44J1111r vJ -i ¥ .1 v r ' j Colds are largely a matter of carelessness with regard to dress. Our lines of underclothing for men, g 1 women and children will supply all the wanted styles in different weights. Wear the right kind of JwgfT jprr- "nTfji men Wlt h clothing the idea has been to supply in ready-to- underclothing. Which shall it be—Safety First or a cold first? ~2EL/ I Ml wear clothing garments which uflfer the same individuality NEVS UNDERWEAR WOMEXB UNDERWEAR ' Of Style that Characterizes the best CUStom-made productions. greyer. . CoUon . r . ,bbCd ,. Un,On . .' Ul !',! n , Bn ' Pllan »i oo Heavy cotton ribbed fleece lined vests, drawers to / perfection of fit, fine tailoring and attractive style Heavy cotton fleece lined shirts and drawers, each, Heavy cotton ribbed union suits, fleece lined . .sl,Oll / JL i lour cloths are first kin to the custom tailor's most ambitious / f ■ Tne Afferent,s one of fir,c* only. / ,i These Overcoats Prove This Claim of Maximum Values at a Minimum Price Heavy cotton neece lined shirts and drawers, ea., 250 white siik and wool umon su t» $..00 / /t «»WTV >lll9 VIBUM • ***.«: Heavy cotton ribbed fleece lined union suits 50c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. IJf $12.50 $13.50 $15.00 pxin !■ s "" ,c 25 lbs. Granulated Sugar For $1.27 To-morrow With Each V I Overcoats with Eiifflish or the More Conservative Lines _ . _ . . .. VV\\ At these prices a surprisingly large showing of smart patterns that run SI.OO Purchase OI Groceries INot Including OOap the gamut of plain weaves to fancy effects: — „ „.. . . „ . I/N -< _ o . Fancy Porto Rico grape Sultana raisins, pkg. ... 14c Ocean white fish, 10 lb. pail. Boiled ham, sliced, lb. .. HOc \[ x\v v \ urey ocotcn mixtures Brown velours Brown & erev overDlaids fruit se, ioc 12c containing 22 Ash. spe- Dried beet. 14 ib iop l\ V. \ V C__4-_U TII 11 N J* 1 1 Juicy Porto Rico oranges. Sunßhine fresh baked bis- cial Bl>c frankfurters, lb. aoe 1 « \ H ocotcn tweeds Black kersevs Grev diagfonal worsteds dozen sn<- cults, the regular 45c and Wet or dry pack shrimps, Luncheon loaf, lb 23c p W X YM niiiA ri__„_l„ i-w i i , 1» i_ • T~>l • i California juicy lemons. 500 varieties, including can 12c Minced loaf, lb 20c Mi olue tlannels Dark blue camels hair Plain grey worsteds dozen ibc -Hydrox" special, satur- Finest Hawaiian Dark grey overplaids cloth Dark oxford worsteds R 'each JU . .?. al,ab *. .! e . ni wftlT'each' one-pound' Swelt««r cheese, the best, Hunts' Caltfor- 2Bci |K TO Other styles, SIB.OO to $35.00. Concord grape Banket. your 'choice' 1 'lOc £ ull c !£ a l tl h^ eeße inV Hunts ,P Caltfor- r " X |UH 111 A » , \ ** i O • a-* f Catawba grapes ...| 14c package. Roquefort cheese in jars nla apricots «"• HflH Im Men S and Y W r- , , , . lb 15 « average 10 lbs. Special. F'=kle. full quart f ■ English two and three-button models- LOT.CW.O- N& r =i™'m«,V Wi: b!5 gSSSU^V:: S1 \j Grey overplaids Scotch mixtures Pinstripes or *°« <"™i»m r « -b.i. -b'.S K M?" a p n .™r e ?±/?i^ h ;l e ., r st r.pf s 1 Blue unfi "i worsted "ViTi.'"... ... "!"s fflrsrs " ' « l. • Pomeroy & ote art 3len s Clothing Second 1 loor, Rear. Best cleaned currants, pkgr., pint cans. 2Sei full quart Sugar cured bacon, sliced, v J ————l4c cans 74e lb 38c U., P. & 8., Basement.
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