| A Telegraph Want Ad fill Quickly Deaths EE I.MAN On October 20. 1915. Car son S. Beelman, aged 49 yeai'B, 11 and friends are invited to attend the service on Saturday after noon, at 3 o'clock, from his late resi dence, 1716 V? North Fourth street. Burial East Harrisburg Cemetery. UMERER On October 19, 1915, An drew Kamerer, aged 64 years, 10 months and 20 days. Funeral on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, li North Thirteenth street. The rela tives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. Funeral private. Body can be viewed on Thursday evening. CARD Of THANKS MRS. AVILLIAM CORNMAN. Mrs ,andis Parks and Mrs. John Fisher, of hiremanstown. wish to express their ppreclation and thanks for the many Indnesses shown toward their deceas d mother, Mrs. John Millard, during ler late illness. LOST LOST —Hupodometer. Reward if re urned to John Black and Son. 201 south eventeenth stret. LOST Small Fox Terrier dog rhite with black around eyes, black pot on back. Answers to name of ■luster." Libera) reward, no questions sked. if returned to Central Hotel. FOUND FOUND The beat results have ound by the ladles who had their Suits nd Coats remodeled to the latest style y the' Ladies' Tailor, H. L Powell, 925 forth Third street. Estimates free. FOUND That Eggert's Steam Dye ng & French Cleaning Works. 1245 .larket St.. do the very beat work In le city. Call either phone for :«roo£ V* call and deliver. v Ht.i.l- WANTKU —Mate WANTED—Men to learn to become tactical chauffeurs. We give you ur unlimited S3O practical course uw for S4O. AVe practice you front" he time you start on repairing and riving automobiles until you graduate, nirty cents per hour guaranteed as oon as they are competent of repair ig private cars. Auto Transportation chool. 5 North Cameron street. WANTED Eight good-appearing len to work for old. reliable llrm welve counties to work steady work nd good pay. Call, 8 to 9 A. M., 4 to 6 '. M„ 409 Patriot Building. WANTED A plumber's apprentice, pply to Chas. M. Froehllch, 1121 Mar el street. MACHINISTS WANTED la»8 men for niKht work on lathe, laner, sliaper, slotter, milling machine, orlzontal and vertical boring mills, ear cutter, turret latne, etc. rhls is lachlne tool work and only good men eed apnly. Newton Machine 100 l Vorks, Twenty-third and Vine streets, 'hiladeiphla. WANTED Experienced salesman or high-class advertising proposition; ne wno can write descriptive matter referred. Address Box J.. 3158. care f Telegraph. WANTED Two neat-appearing, O'ifg men wishing position with largo orporation as salesmen, experience or. essential, call between 4:30 and 5:30 t Morrell Apartments. WANTED Married man for gen ial farm work. Apply AV., 3160, care f Telegraph. "LIVEWIRE" SALESMEN We have room on our selling | iree for young men who are will lg to prove their worth. Knowl dge ol live stock essential. Call ,ith references. W. H. Breun lger Sales Manager, Hotel Carl □n, until Friday 8 p. m. j SALESMEN WANTED Competent nd reliable to carry our line of solder nd babbit metals to the Hardware, lumbing and Sheet Metal trades on a omntission basis. Apply Cunard lanufacturing Co., Newark. N. J. WANTED Good, llvewire repre enatlve acquainted with Automobile tade and individual owners, to handle ur Elastic Spring Shackles and Shock bsorbers. This offers exceptional op ortiinity for some one to make money, inclusive control of sales in Harrls urg and Dauphin county can be ar anged. Address Palace Car Spring 0., Box 143, York, Pa. WANTED A German-speaking col ctor and salesman; salary and com lisslon. Address L, 3155, care of Har isburg Telegraph. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring Mill and Lathe hands who can 'ork from blue prints. Must be first lass, experienced machinists. Apply Implo.vment Department, Westing ouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pltts urgh, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED We need lore men who can work Into executive nsitlons; only requirement natural bility and willingness to put in time one week) to learn our sales methods, all after 7 P. M., Arcade Building, 32 ourt street. WANTED. AT ONCE First-class lillwrights. Immediate employment, ddress J. F. Creswell, P. O. Box 26 4. lancaster. Pa., or call at Hotel Plaza, hursday afternoons or evenings. WANTED First-class barber; teady work. Apply 1018 North Sev nth street. i'ANTED A plumber's apprentice, pply Chas. M. Froehllch, 1121 Market treet. WANTED First-class toolmakers. roflters, millers, drillers, rlflers, barrel lrners, blacksmiths and steam ham ler men to make drop forges. Also len for barrel rolling. Address P. O. ox 264. Lancaster, Pa. For 1802 Boas St.. 2 s. b., 6 r $lO 2146 N, Seventh St., 3 s. b., 8 r„ sl3 2156 N. 7th St., 3 s. b.. 8 r $lB 1503 S. Cameron St., 3 h. b„ 8 r., sl3 1500 Allison St.. 2% s. b., 7 r. ...sl4 627 BPiggs St.. 3 s. f.. 8 r sl4 #tella Vista, Ross Ave $14.50 1503 Allison St., 2Vj s. b., 7 r. b., sls Near Duncannon. 214 s. f„ 10 r...515 Enola, State Road sls 1531 S. 13th St.. 3 s. b.. 8 r., b. .. ,slfl 1538 S. 13th St., 3 s. b„ 8 r slll 1500 S. 12th St., s. b„ 8 r. b...sltf 710 Cowden St., 6 r sl6 315 Mueneh St., 8 r. b sl6 611 Calder St., 3 s. b $1(1 660 Emerald St., 3 s. b., 9 r sl7 228 Hummel St., 9 r. b $lB 1853 Fulton St., 3 s. b $22 611 AValnut St., 3 s. b„ 8 r $23 133 N. 13th St., 3 s. b„ 8 r. & b.. $25 1207 N. 14th St., new, 2',4 s. b. ..$25 2220 N. 3rd St., 3 s. h., 10 r. . . .$32.50 2027 N. Second St.. furnished or un furnished. "Hill Crest.'' Bella Vista s(ls Hainlyn (Aldinger Cottage) ....$«« 23 S. Front St., furnished. 4 s. h. 209 S. Front St.. 3 s. b., 10 r„ 2 b. York Springs, Main St $75 Apartment—6o4 N. Third St., 6 rooms —Bath—city steam heat. MILLER BROTHERS&CO. HEAI, ESTATE Insurance "nrety Bond* Locust and t'o'if *'reet» THURSDAY EVENING, HEIiP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED A white woman to wash Monday and clean Friday; must be clean, strong and willing. Address M.. 3148, care of Telegraph. AVANTED Reliable white girl for cookln<- and general housework; ref erence required. Inquire between 7 and 9 evenings. 1936 North Second street. EXPERT training hv my ii.ithod, and every student employed is my record last year; no failures; attend here and be successful. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second street. WANTED Experienced girls for erlge stitching, tip stitching and fox ing. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Manufac turing Co., Vernon street. WANTED Lady stenographer and typist familiar with Remington; must have office experience and business tact; duties are light: salary must be reasonable. Address with full particu lars, stating age, experience and lowest salary, 8.. 3156, care of Telegraph. WANTED A few bright learners. Apply Cor. North and Second streets. WANTED White girl for general housework; family of three; no wash ing; reference required. Inquire 1908 North Second street. WANTED—Experienced sew ing machine operators on ladies' and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laun dry State street, rear entrance. WANTED Girl for tobacco strip ping; must be steady worker. Apply 200 Market, WANTED Reliable white woman to wash Monday or Tuesday mornings. Bell phone 1299 J. Address 2208 Chest nut street. WANTED White girl or middle aged woman for general housework In small family; experience In cooking. Address H„ 3157, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. GIRL WANTED Experienced white girl wanted for general housework. Ap ply 2426 North Second street. . WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers Packers, Filler and Binder Strippers' Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED Experienced sewing ma chine operators on ladles' and chil dren s wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co.. over City Star Laundry, State street, rear entrance. "WANTED Reliable colored woman, on Allison Hill, to cook and do general housework for small family; reference required. Apply 810 North Eighteenth street. WANTED Several ladles to in troduce our teas and coffees to the trade. Only those who can furnish good reference. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second stret. I WANTED Girl or woman for housework; good home; 110 washing; good wages. Apply J. E. Dare, 1855 Keglna. SALESMEN WANTED MEN AND WOMEN salesmen to handle Name-on Auto Dap Robe direct •to consumers. Dawson Mfr., Hancock and Somerset streets, Philadelphia. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Experienced grocery clerk wants position; married; best of references. Apply W. L. Urlch, 12 North Fifth street. COLORED man wants cellars to clean and whitewash; also general housecleaning. Call Bell phone 271 R. WANTED Young, married man de sires position as chauffeur. Apply 19X4 North Fourth street. SITUATION'S WANTED—FemaIe I WANTED Middle-aged white wo | man wants a place in a small family ;In the city; can give reference. Call at 204 Boas street. WANTED White woman desires I work by the day. Apply 1104 Cowden I street. WANTED By colored woman, day's | wrfrk or work of any kind. 510 South I street. WANTED White girl desires posl -1 tlon in doctor's or dentist's office, or , light office work. Address S., 3149, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position by colored girl at general housework; can give best of reference. Address 1308 North Seventh street. WANTED By two colored girls, ! positions at general housework. Apply 1225 North Seventh street. WANTED Woman desires position as housekeeper for widower. Address M., care of Telegraph. WANTED A good home at general I housework; will go in the country. Ad dress I. M. P., Dauphin, R. F. D. 1, care | of William Albrlgit. WANTED Woman wants work by the day, or any kind of work to do at I home. 626 Race street. WANTED By colored girl, 19 years old. night work of any kind. Address | 1 407 Currant street. I WANTED —By colored woman, I work by the week; can give reference. I 1407 Currant street. HEAL. ESTATE FOR SALE FOR IMMEDIATE SA 1,10 A valuable North Second street resi dence. Most desirable residential lo cality in city. A bargain. Price and terms lor the asking. Address "Home," care of Harrisburg Telegraph. WHAT will you offer for 273 Briggs street, city? Dot. 20x107; seven-room frame house.. Rents for $22. Part cash and mortgage. Must have your oiler bv November 1. Address O. F., No. 3147, care of Telegraph. FOR SADE Nice little Hotel within thirty miles of Harrisburg, finely fur nished, doing excellent business. Must Hell on account sickness. Will sacrifice |to quick buyer. Address C., 24, care of j Telegraph. FOR SALE 216 Pine street. Dot about 24 ft. front, back to South street. Room on South street for garage. Three-story brick House, two baths, city steam heat, 14 rooms. Call 559J Bell phone or at house for terms. A CORPORATION wishes to dispose of their holding of lots, free, clear, high and dry. title guaranteed, at I Manorville, D. 1.. In parcels of 10 lots. : SIOO.OO. J. Bauer. Sec., 269 West Fortv- I fifth street. New York. ! SUBI'RBAN PROPERTY FOR SADE —frame house —hath —porch front 'lot. 35x150 variety of fruit prop ! erty in good condition. Price, $2,400. I Inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner | Building. I FOR SADE 33 Evergreen street; i 9 rooms, bath, hmarriwood floors, ali : modern improvements. For particulars ! apply H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir teenth street. 109 ACRES; 2H miles south of Mld dletown; good frame buildings; sand loam soil; well fenced; a. good produc tive farm for $5,500.00. Brlnton- Packer Co.. Second and Walnut Sta. REAL ESTATE FOR SAUS A BARGAIN, 1314 Regina street. Must be sold. Is reduced several hundred dollars below cost. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. LOOK! Tou will pay more for ground facing on an alley than is being asked for plot corner Thirteenth and State streets 116x150 feet. H. G. Pedlow, 110, South Thirteenth street. 1819 MARKET ST.: S-story brick dwelling; 9 rooms, bath and furnace; porch front and rear. Lot. 15x97. Brin ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut I streets. IP you will make your monthly pay ments regularlv and take care of the property, you can buy a $1,600 house with very little cash. Opportunity for right man. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. RIVERSIDE PROPERTY FOR SALE —Brick 8 rooms bath gas electric light furnace porches lot. 24x134 corner considerable fruit and shrubbery garage. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT New brick house; 8 rooms and bath, 2711 North Sixth street; hardwood floors; up-to-date fixtures; steam heat; stationary laundry; front porch and nice back yard. Rent, $23.00 per month. Inquire W. H. Moody, 2331 North Third street. FOR RENT —Only one left of I the eight storerooms, corner Ham ilton and Third streets. Rent sl2. Suitable for any business. Clias. A.dler, Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third street. FOR RENT Desirable dwelling, Market street, Camp Hill, near Oyster Point avenue; 7 rooms, bath, furnace, lawn, garden, gruit. Rent, $20.00. Im mediate possession. James C. Patter son, 1712 Green street. Bell phone 9000. FOR RENT Blight-room brick house with improvements, 1729 Park street. City. Rental. S2O per month. Ap- Ply James Bricker, New Cumberland, 'a., R. D. FOR RENT Basement room, suit able for tailor, cobbler or plumber, at 1266 Market street; rent, $lO, Including heat and water. J. E. Gippie, 1251 Mar ket street. FOR RENT 2202 Fifth St.., $28.50; 2210 Atlas St.. $13.00; 2219 Atlas St... $1.>,00; 501 Hamilton St., $16.00; house in Hainlyn. $12.00. Kough, Brightblli & Kline, Kunkel Building. FOR RENT Six-room houses, with stables, half mile noFth of Penbrook, at Edgemont. Rent, $6.00. Inquire of G. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth street, City, or William Brenr.eman. Penbrook. REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT Bridge and Fifth Ave., New Cumberland, desirable suburban home, next to Lutheran Church; eight rooms; bath- hot water heat; gas; front and back porches; car stops at door; lot, 50x175 ft; chicken house in rear. FOR SALE OR RENT Desirable house with all Improvements, located at White Hill. Call W. H. Snook, 331 Kelker street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Private apartment, 3 rooms and bath: also private brick gar age. Mrs. L. A. Dandridge, 33 North Thirteenth street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two or three unfur nished rooms with use of bath. 129 South Fourteenth street. Are You Looking For Con venient, Comfortable Quar ters? Here Is An Except ional Opportunity In private family, two communi cating rooms, adjoining bath. Second floor front, large bay win dow. Livingroom furnished In leather mission library set, and big, easy chair. Bedroom, bird's-eye maple, complete. Electric light. Steam heat. Telephone in living room. Conveniently located on principal street.. Price moderate. Phone Bell 1111. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, city steam, all conveniences, with or without hoard; also furnished apartment of three rooms. Apply 9 North Front street. FOR RE> Very large front sec ond-story rooms, furnished or unfur nished: privilege of hath and telephone. Apply Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone 2503 R. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; use of phone. 1317 Swatara street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms—with use of hath—pleasant lo cation on Hill, in family of two —gentle- men preferred. Call IS6B Swatara street, or Bell phone 1331 R. FOR RENT Nlceiy furnished rooms for ladies or gentlemen. Rent reason able. Apply 4 South Fourth street, next to the Metropolitan Hotel. FOR RENT Two communicating, second floor rooms; will rent separately or ensuite: good location. Apply 110!) North Second street. FOR RENT Nicely furnishad rooms In fine location; use of bath p.nd tele phone. Apply at 203 State street. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms, with large bay window, front; each room convenient for one or two gentlemen. Hoffman Apartments, Fifth and Market streets. Second Apartment FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms on second floor, next to bath; one front, all convenience!, Including phone; central location. Inquire 1232 Market street. KOOMH WANTED WANTED Elderly gentleman wishes pleasant, unfurnished room with conveniences, near SeconS and Reily: state terms. Address U.. 315!1 care of Telegraph. OFFICES FOR RENT FOR RENT A desirable first floor office In the Telegraph Building. In fuire Superintendent. Business Offlce elegraph. • WANTED WANTED— To buy second-hand up right piano. Answer, giving descrip tion to Mr. Jones, care of Telegraph. WANTED, TO BUY A late" model flve-passenger Ford car. Bell phone 3458 J. WANTED Bakery located In coun try town. Address X., 25, care of Tele graph. POSITIVELY highest cash prices paid for Ladles' and Men's cast-off good Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and Carpets. Send postol to 526 Herr strfet. Citv FOR SALE FOR SALE, STEAM BOILERS Two slightly used castiron square sectiolial boilers.. One 925 sq. ft. and one 2,310 B<i. ft. capacity. Fisher Bros, mm Capital street. BARRISBURG TELEGRAPH IiYKENS CO. GETS $1,000,000 The largest single mortgage of the month was filed In the county record er's office this afternoon when the agreement between the Lykens Light tnd Power Company and the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company was record ed. The sum was $1,000,000. The •ompany, it is understood, wishes to nake repairs and to add new equip nent and to provide for future exten sions and additions and the mortgage was floated for this purpose. GET THREE IN RAD) Two women and a man were ar rested to-day in an early morning raid at 7 State street and this afternoon were fined by Mayor John K. Royal. ■ 111 S FOR SALE • GLASS window »;gn». Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. On* Df these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. it paid in advance. Inquire at Office of l'ele graph. FOR SALE Hot air furnace, large size, first-class repair; splendid heater; all connections; slightly used; very cheap to quick buyer. F. B. Caines. Six teenth and Hunter streets. FOR SALE, Six-cylinder Winton touring car, in first-class running con dition. Good tires. Will sell at a sac rifice to quick buyer, Mechanicsburg Auto Shop, Mechanicsburg, Pa. FOR SALE One Jewel double heater, complete, with pipe, used only short time; also one gas range, good condition. AA'lll sell cheap. Call at 9 North Fourteenth street. FOR SALE Two computing scales, one slicing machine. Inquire J. M. Shatzer, 529 South Sixteenth street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 2408 R. LARGE LINE of Automobile Robes, Horse Blankets, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Leather Special ties; repaired and made to order. Har risburg Harness and Supply Company, Second and Chestnut. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN One 3%-ton Reliance motor truck in good condition. Reason for selling, we are going out of wholesale business. Ad dress, or apply, Manhelm Ice Co., Man helm, Pa. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS—S. C. Smiths, Underwoods. Densmore. etc., SIO.OO up. Typewriter Office, 211 Lo cust street. Opposite Orpheum Thea ter. FOR SAEE 535.00 double heater to be sold for any price. Have no place to keep. Apply 1529 North Third street. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Five passenger Maxwell automobile A 1 condition. AddreSs No. 560 Race street. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at tfea Telegraph Business utTlca. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can M secured at the Telegraph Business Office. COLONIAL BUREAUX Several Colonial Mahogany Bureaux, $14.00; also other antiques. SALTZ GIVER'S, 223 North Second street. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN— One 3%-ton Reliance motor truck in good condition. Reason for selling, we are going out of wholesale business. Ad dress, or apply, Manheim Ice Co., Man heim. Pa. FOR SALE 1916 S-passen ger Chevrolet touring cars.»» Elec tric lights and self starter, only SSBO. Delivered. George B. Zech, City Auto Garage. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new • upply—6o for 26c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department .The Tele graph Printing Company. FOR SALE One 4-H.-P. motor cycle, magneto model; good tires; fine running order; run one season. Price, $55.00. 41 Balm street. City. FOR SALE Restaurant located on Market street, doing good business. A bargain if sold at once. Good reasons for selling. Address D„ 3015, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I MADE sso,ouu in nve years In the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea eock. 355 Lockport. N. T. ONE RESTAURANT FOR SALE One good one is enough. Rent, includ ing residence, $35. Only SSOO required —possihly less located at 1107 North Third street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. STORE GOODS AND FIXTURES FOR SALE Full line of groceries. Reason for selling, engaged in other business. Call, or address, Chas. P. Finnefrock, Main street, Mifflintown, Pa. FOR SALE Moving Picture Show for sale chean. Everything in first class condition. Cheap rent, etc. Or will be sold otherwise. Good reasons for selling. For further particulars address H. Ogden Blrnstfcck, Lyric Theater, Wrightsvllle, Pa. AUTO BUSINESS PROPOSITION FOR SALE Only $1,500 required pros perous business rent, including heat, S2O. Y ou want a business. .ills may be your opportunity. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ANY Intelligent person can earn gooa Income corresponding for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. lock port. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross. the Druggl3t and Apothecary. 119 Market itreet. Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAULING n. A. nARTMAN, Bearding Stable and X.itlonul Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone Ni •503 R. TO HIRE TO HlßE—Masquerade costumes anrt full dress suits; also full lot of hair goods, including wigs, beards, etc. An ply Brenner's, 424-426 Walnut, or Bell phone 1251 J. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second ttrcet. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 4l» Broad street, tot household goods and .merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3 Wagons, 75 ceau per month. Apply D. Cooper * Co, 411 Broad street. Both ebon**. liEGAL ft-mCES NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Henrietta L. Seltz, late of City of Harrisburg, Dau phin county. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in said city, all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY (222 Market Street), Administrator. DAN'L S. SEITZ, Attorney, lent That Yacait Roam || BETHLEHEM STEEL AT NEW HEIGHT New York, Oct. 21. Bethlehem Steel continued ltg record breaking rise to-day, early sales being made at 550, an overnight gain of 21 points and an advance of almost 200 points since the belnnlng of the month. Later It touched 599%. General Motors rose six to 360, later going to 363. and Stu debaker at 183 showed a„gain of seven points. Other specialties including American Locomotive, Baldwin Loco motive, AUis Chalmers, Commons pre ferred, and American Woof en were higher by a point or more. Inspira tion was again the feature of the cop per group, while U. S. Steel fluctuated narrowly and rails continued dull and irregular. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by Chandler Bros. & Co. 3 North Market Square. New York, Oct. 21. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaskp G M 32% 32% 32% 32% Allis-Chal . 44% 45% 4 4 44 Am Bt Sug 66 % 66% 66 66 Am Can .. 03% 64 63 % 63% Am C& F. 87% 88% 86% 86% Am Cot Oil HO 60 60 60 Am Ice Sec 23% 23% 23% 23% Am Loco . 72% 72% 71 71 Am Smelt. 93 94 92% 92% Am Sugar . 112% 112% 112 112 Am T & T. 124% 124% 124% 124% Anaconda . 76 76% 75% 75% Atchison .. 106% 106% 106% 106% Baldwin .. 133% 134 132% 132% B&O 91% 92% 91% 92% Beth Steel. 550 599% 550 588 Cal Petro. . 18% 18% 18% 18% Can Pacific 167% 167% 167 167 Cent Leath 55% 58% 55% 57% Ches AO.. 56% 57% 56% 57 C. M&St P 92% 92% 91% 91% C, Rlft P. 19% 19 % 16% 16% Chi Con C 49 % 49% 49 49% Col Fft I. . 58% 60% 58 59% Con Gas .. 144% 144% Cruc St . . 9 2 94 % 92 92% Dist Sec ... 42% 47% 42% 46% Erie 35 35% 34% 34% Erie Ist pfd 54 54 53% 53% Gen E Co.. 178 178 176% 177% Goodrh BF 77 78% 76% 76% Gt Nor pfd 121% 121% 121% 121% Gt N Ore s 49 52% 48% 52 Insp Cop .. 45% 46% 44% 44% In-Met 22% 22% 22 22 In-Met pd.. 78% 78% 78% 78% KasCS... 27% 87% 27% 27% Lehigh V.. 75% 75% 75% 75% Max Mot.. 63 67% 62% 66% Mex Pet... 90% 90% 89% 89% Mi Cop 33% 34 % 33% 34 Mo Pac... 5% 5% 4% 4% Nat Lead.. 68% 68% 67% 68% NYC 99% 100% 99% 100% NYNHH 82% 82% 80% 81 N Y O W. 29% 29% 29 29 N and W.. 115 115 114% 115 North Pac. 111% 111% 111% 111% Pa Rail.... 57% 58% 57% 57% Pitts C 40% 40% 39% 40 Pitts C pd. 108% 108% 108% 108% Press SC.. 72% 72% 71% 71% Rail SS. .. 49 49 48% 48% RayCC... 25% 25% 25% 25% Reading .. 78% 78% 78% 78% Rep 15... 54% 56 54 % 55 South Pac . 98% 98% 97% 97% South Ry.. 20% 20% 20% 20% Studebaker 176% 193 175% 189% Tenn Cop.. 64 64 % 62% 63% Third Ave. 61% 61% 61 61 Union Pac. 135 135% 134% 134% U S Rub.. 54 56 54 54% U S Steel. 86 87% 86 86% U S Stl pd. 115% 115% 115% 115% Utah Cop.. 70% 70% 69% 69% Vir-Car C.. 46% 46% 45% 45% West Md... 33 33% 32% 32% West U Tel 79% 79% 79% 79% West Mfg.. 71 71% 70% 71% rHII.ADELI'HiA IMlonnCß Philadelphia, Oct. 21. Wheat Unchanged; No. 2. red, spot, ami October $1.12% ®) 1.14% ; No. 2, Southern, red, *1.10%©1.12%. Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local, 75%®76V4c; steamer, No. 2, yellow, 74Va Cd>7o%c. ' 73 Oats Steady; No. 2, white. 45© 4 6c; No. 3, white, 41®42c. Bran The market is dull; city mills, per ton, $24.00; western do., none here; Spring, p«r ton, $22.75®23.25. Refined Sugars Market firm; fine granulated, 5.25 c; powdered, 5.35 c; confectioners' A. 5.15 c. Butter.— Solid packed lower; western creamery, extra, 26V4c; nearby prints, and fancy, 32c. Eggs The market is higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby nrsts. free cases, $9.90 per case; do., current receipts, free cases. $9.30 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $9.90 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $9.30 per case. ' Live Poultry Market steady; fowls, 14(f)) 15c; old roosters, ll@12c; broil ing chickens. 16@17c; Spring chickens, 14 @ 16c; Spring ducks, 13® 15c; old ducks, 13®fl5c. Dressed Poultry Market steady: fresh killed fowls, fancy, 19% @:ioc; average, 17@18%c; do., unattractive, average, 16©16 c; do., roosters. 13'/4c; do. broiling chickens, nearby, 22®2»c; broiling chickens, western, 14@20c; Spring chickens. western, 14#20c; Spring ducks, nearby, 16®17c; do., western, 10®12c; ice packed fowls, lb ® 19c. Potatoes Market steady; Penn sylvania, fancy, per bushel, 73@75c; Pennsylvania, fair to gooa. per bushel. 60®65c; Jersey,. No. 1, per basket. 40® 50c; Jersey, No. 2, per basket. 20@25c. Flour Dull and weak; winter, winter straights, $5.20@5.40; do., pat ent. $5.50@5.75; Spring, firsts, clear, $0.00®5.20; do., straights, $5.25®>5.50; do., patents, $5.60®5.85; do., favorite brands, $66.00@6.50. Hay Market firm; No. 1, large bales, $21.00® 21.50; medium bales, No. 2. do., $19:50®20.00: No. 3, do., sl7.sn® 18.60. Light mixed. $19.00® 19.50; No. 1, do.. $18.00018.60; No. 2, do., $15.00®16.00. PHII, A DIG I .PHI A STOCKS Philadelphia, Oct. 21.—Stocks closed irregular. Cambria Steel 67% Ueneral Asphalt 35^4 General Asphalt, Pfd 72 Luke Superior Corporation 9% Lehigh Navigation 78 Lehigh Valley ... 7514 Pennsylvania Railroad 57 r >» Pennsylvania Steel 95% Philadelphia Electric 11 Vs Philadelphia Company, Pfd 36 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 14% Philadelphia Traction 76 Reading 7SU Storage Battery 4 71 Union Traction 42% United Gas Improvement 86 United States Steel 86% Warwick Iron and Steel 10% CHICAGO BOAHD OF TRADE Chicago, 111., Oct. 21.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat December, 1.03%; May 1.04% Corn—December, 58; May. 59%. fiats —December, 38%; May, 39%. Pork—December. 13.60; January. 15.45. Lard —November, 9.05; January, 9.10. Ribs—October, 9.47; January, 9.05. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, 111., Oct. 21. Hogs Re ceipts, 23,000; weak. Bulk of sales, $7.25 ifi 7.65; light. $7.00 iff 7.75; mixed, $7.00® 7.85; heavy, $7.00®7.75; rough, $7.00(8) 7.15; pigs, $4.00®6.75. Cattle Receipts, 5,000; weak. Na tive beef steers, $6.00® 10.50- western steers, $6.70®8.80; cows ana heifers, $2.85®8.35; calves, $7.75®11.50. Sheep Receipts. 10,000; weak. Wethers, $6.00(3 6.85; lambs. $6.75ffi5.80. OCTOBER 21, 1915. TRINKLE ASKED TO STAY A WHILE Urges Commission Counsel to Serve Until Successor Is Picked Attorney General Brown has re quested William N. Trinkle, of Phila delphia, who resigned as counsel for the Public Service Commission on Oc tober 1, to continue in office until he can select his successor. Mr. Trinkle has agreed to act. Mr. Brown said to day; "I asked Mr. Trinkle to remain until his successor is named because of his knowledge of the public serv ice commission law and the practice of the commission. He has agreed to do so. I am very sorry he has de cided to leave the public service." The Newport Water Company to day notified the commission that .t had withdrawn the rates complained of by the borough of Newport. The Montrose water company case and the Dexter Cement company rate cases ■were heard to-day. A hearing was also held In the Mahanoy City Busi nessmen's protest against the Lehigh Valley grade crossing. Complaint was made before the commission by the Pennsylvania Pow er Company and the New Castle Elec tric Co., against the Harmony Electric Co., alleging failure to file tariffs and encroachment. John K. Powell, of Charleroi, complained of the practice of the California Water Company in reading meters. Strength of Navy Will Be Great in 1925 Washington, D. C.. Oct. 21. —What the United States Navy will be in 192 5 if the administration's defense program is approved by Congress was described to-day by naval experts. The strength of the navy will be: Twenty-seven battleships of the first line, 14 battleships of the second line, 9 reserve battleships, 6 battle cruisers, 13 scout cruisers, 96 destroyers, 18 fleet submarines, 149 coast defense submarines and 31 gunboats. In addition to the foregoing there are 10 armored cruisesr, 5 protected cruisers, 4 first class cruisers, 12 sec ond class cruisers and 9 coast defense monitors available for reserve fleet duty. It is not planned to build any more ships of these types. Deaths and Funerals FUNERAL OF W. E. REEI) Funeral services for William E. Reed, aged 74, Bellevue, will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home oT his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Deen, Hoyer and Hanna streets, the Rev. E. N. •Kremer offi ciating. Burial will be made at East Harrisburg Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, three daughters, Mrs. Sal lie Johnson, Mrs. Lottie Shipley and Mrs. Deen, two sons, William E., Jr., and George M. Reed. SERVICES FOR MISS M'OLOSKEV Funeral services for Miss Alice Ger trude McCloskey, who died Tuesday in Ithaca. N. Y., were held this after noon at 4 o'clock at the funeral par lors of George H. Sourbier, under taker, 1310 North Third street. Burial was made at Mount Calvary Cemetery. Miss McCloskey. is survived by two sisters. Mrs. James Monoglian, of Philadelphia, formerly of this city, and Mrs. J. P. Tuck, of Ithaca. RAILROADER DIES Cayson S. Beelman. aged 49, an em ploye of the Pennsylvania Railroad, died last night at his home, 1716% North Fourth street. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at his late home. Burial will bo made at East Harrisburg Cemetery. Two Story Bungalows S2BOO Eight of these now ready, seventy-ave more of various designs to be erected. The bungalows are 15x46 feet with 8-foot porches; size of lot 19x85 and eight feet between pairs. Six large rooms and bath; seven closets; floors finished for rugs; steam heat; electric, gas and modern In every respect. Prominent street; fine location. Greatest value ever offered; terms easy. Low Interest. No taxes for 1915. Call any time except Sunday, 800-814 South Seventeenth street. Anyone who wants a. home can own one of these houses. »«<F 1 Sw i 804 i NN i 808 1 8M» I 812 i 814 f I f .1 I Sold I I I 1 L J. E. DARE SEVENTEENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS Both Phones. : FOR SALE ' 3 Acre Truck Farm en Long St., Camp Hill IS'.OOO celery in fine condition. J4 acr « white Chinese radishes. l /\ acre turnips. 2}4-story new brick house with all modern improvements, never been occupied. Farm situated mile from car service. 5-foot concrete walk from house to car line. Phone or write R. W. BENTZ, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell phone, 3089 J. — i 15 BROWN SETS FORTH STAND ON OPINION Attorney General Says He Gave Opinion When Asked by State Department Discussion of the court decisions of the sole nominee clause of the non partisan judicial nomination act and the possibilities in campaigns before the next legislature meets is rife on Capitol Hill. It is probable that the matter will be taken up officially be fore the general assembly meets again. Attorney General Brown in the course of a discussion of the matter defined his attitude in reply to ques tions as follows: "My opinion was given after a care ful consideration of the act in ques tion by all of the lawyers of the De partment of the Attorney General and by the expert election official of the Department of State which depart ment had formally requested my opinion thereabouts, and the method of determining the sole nominees was adopted as the only one which would make the law workable. No other has thus far been presented. The court, after elaborate arguments and most detailed discussion by counsel for parties in interest, suggests none, but declares the act incapable of en forcement. "My duty as the law officer of the Commonwealth was to advise a way to comply with the law, not one to annul it. The action of the court which voids the act was within Us province, but, under the circumstances was not within mine." Taft May Be Called in New Haven Case By Associated Press New York. Oct. 21.—Counsel for the defense in the New Haven Railroad case announced 10-day that they ex j ected that the government would call ex-President Taft as a witness in con nection with a conference between Mr. Taft and Lewis Cass Ledyard in regard to the taking over of Boston and Maine slock by the New Haven. R. L. Batts, attorney for the gov ernment. said that the government would, "if possible," avojd calling the former President. PROPOSAL rs AUTHENTIC By Associated Press London, Oct. 21, 12.57 p. m.—The reported proposal of the British gov ernment to purchase the co-operation of Greece in the war by ceding to her the Island of Cyprus is regarded by the London press as authentic. THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally, except Sunday at 8 P. M„ at Its new location, front and Harris streets, for the free treatment ot the worthy poor. QIIBBER SYAMOO 3flj SEALS & STENCILS «j| W MFG. BY HBG.STENCIL WORKS ■ 11 % 8 ]3O LOCUSTST. HBG,PA. I* FO .1 RENT 877-79 Rriggs St., near Seventh, three-story brick build ing, with elevator, running wa ter, suitable for garage accom modating about 100 automo biles. Also desirable for use as storage house. Apply SIMON COOPER 600 NORTH ST.
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