(KAUFMAN'S TENTH BIRTHDAY SALES Greater and Bigger Than Ever To-morrow (Saturday) we will break all previous selling records. Our buyers have spent part of this week in the New York Market replenishing Store Opens BA. M., stocks. They have succeeded in securing for you the biggest and best values ever offered by this or any other store. Every department in the Read Additional Closes at 9P. M., store it overflowing with all the newest merchandise and every article marked at extra special low prices for this, our 10th Anniversary Sale. Announcement Saturdays JOIN THE CROWDS AND BY ALL MEANS COME TO KAUFMAN'S TO-MORROW. . on Opposite Page To-norrow Will Be Another Great Day For Those in Search of Women's, Misses' and Girls' Newest Outergarments Hundreds of Newest Suits, Coats and Dresses—All at 10th Anniversary Sale Prices. 512.50 and Slfi.OO WOMEN'S AND MISSES' dJQ "TC /«*>. X Sfl.oo AND $7.50 SPORT COATS! «!>! '7(l SUITS; TENTH ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE ° j m. aMSI \ ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE ' ° Fur trimmed, braid trimmed or button trimmed models. / \§l|k: 7®fc. \ The new plaids and checks—and all the plain colors. Pure wool pop ins or men's wear serges. Coats lined with / - \\ MBSm 7/a 'AnSII 1 Pure wool fabric*, in the best of the season's models, guaranteed satin. In black, navy, dark green, dark brown I \\o c fllwi 1 | and mixtures. All sizes for women and misses. 1 We i A SIO.OO WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS; ££ 7 C | $16.60 TO SIS.OO WOMEN'S AND MISSES' «10 JC . \\ / A 9 AN NI VERSAR\ SALE PRICE SI'ITS; Tenth Anniversary Sale Price ... 1£•• ** \ Mr jMBHFf 9 Plaids, mixture#, checks, plain colors. Pure wool ker- I Many fur trimmed models and others elaborately trim- V A / ?»v 'W' W] / »Af° «BL seys. in stylish matures—w 00l pl «"he« >n pretty check med with braid. Fur collars and cuffs—or velvet Box // / ff\ iJ j If, O/ V lit U&l novelty cloths, in great variety. A host of new models, In effects—belted and half belted. Plain or plaited skirts. // ft 1 \ / l\f I sizes f <> r women and misses. I Coats lined with guaranteed satin or peau d-cygne. Black, // /J\\ WML \ J 1 ' W\SS Mmm* llfflMMlf Sl2 50 and Sls 00 WOMEN'S WD MISSES' fi?o >»e navy. African brown, dark green and Copenhagen. In // /\\ \FV \ , §P?T PP*' roA'Wi VVV VMSARV 4PRirK $9.75 'pure wool poplins, gabardines or whipcords. j / JM Af \r) ' 181 * / \ H •;* / ffig ; • JflSjl „ fHHflflg COATS; ANNI\ ERSARY SALE PRICE ■ __ // // M O / I /Cl' ~ / \i/-J I jyt i "V ' I The newest models —the newest materials and the most I $18.60 TO $20.00 WOMEN'S AND MISSES £l4 75 I/\ 1 Jft 1 , /'£/ / W desirable colors and color combinations. Zibellne, wool SUITS; Tenth Anniversary Sale Price w * //'/ /n \ \ W t I ( rh /(t\\ velour, cheviots, corduroys and novelties. Such a great [The finest grades of poplin, gabardine, whipcords and 1/ J* k / / I » \ \ A 4 f \vlnK style assortment that any woman can be suited. broadcloths. In all the popular colors—navy, Belgium I flßf // / 1 \ \ blue, Russian green. African brown and black. A won- MW / I 1 Wf V\v 1% \ \ I \V/ J / Vs. $16.50 AND SIB.OO WOMEN'S AND MISSES jtl O7& derful assoptment of style in box models, belted effects and I I \\\ VH // W. \\ l\\ / Mil | I X- jr\ *l W&2f S ki COATS; ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE h,^ d nT^l e i ß^ FUr Collarß and CUff "' brnld<,d deSiKnß and n fW. -kMI Mlli \ V j-\zn\ ill I I L~nl X \Xf r 4 /I I Made of the best materials-imported zlbellnes, soft L \ / \ \ , r jjj .Am I wool velours, fine corduroys, pure wool kerseys, houcles $25.00 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SUITS; <1 Q7C / \\\ \ Tenth Anniversary Sale Price sll#. 7 5 N—J \±\ \ \ I / Jj£ /W/ i I we° hale%vlr Ihown The best range of Chiffon broadcloths trimmed with fur, imported poplins \ v\ / l \ I# \\ \ \ ■■y / —v. y I trimmed with fur. imported gabardines and whipcords \ II \ \\ /V \ 1 1 / 7 V \ \ tffi // O / Seal Plush Coats; Anniversary Sale Prices with fur trimmings—an unusual range of style. Black, \ II \ l I // lV \ L / | \ \ \ \ I A~ « _. _ , navy, midnight.blue African brown, taupe, all the shades \ \l \ \ \ /l M \\ M of gTeen and Copenhagen. Only one of a style of most \ \| I \ l \ nr / ' L»y ' / / L. / II ■ I I models—not more than two or three of any of them. \ | \ \\ := * S^Z !T|| \ l\V /jl / VT^/ I I T ,tcL // ll' The hest grades of seal plush—in belted full length, or $32.60 AND $35.00 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' (O/l 7(J \ *"4 \ J J~TI / )\ \ Ljd / ) \ C / J v I flared three-quarter length, or chin chin models. All lined SUITS; Tenth Aunlversary Sale Prioe &£>**• I O \ \ | ' >/If j / ) I'IS .:>• J x J I f throughout with Sol Satin or guaranteed yarn-dyed satin. Imported broadcloths, gabardine® and poplins, with ths 1 V / \i!|l /ill // X — I One model with fur collar and fur all around the bottom nattiest fur trimmings—collars, cuffs and some with fur Ww ' rJ / »JS // 1 A. \ t f °f the coat. Another with only the big fur collar. StUl around the bottom of the coats. Beaver furs, skunk, opos- 1 1 n| hv_i/ ' \ M zjKts I another has the big, high chin chin collar of plush and is sum furs, raccoon furs, fitch furs. Some have hand stitch- U JV UVCr 500 IMeW Fall '/ /M \ ' ' made in straight box style. Also one style is the fu ing aiul embroidery. Sashes of velvet or satin. Chin chin wT ww " e,,, <au,,a s / If \ *•' length, shawl collar model that conservative women will SSS Over 400 Nev/ Coats, Over 200 New Dresses, Over 300 New Girls' Coats . endless variety of models—most of them only one—or, at All 9 I ■ om». . _ *». . _ _ . the most, two or three of a kind. Ipßp All Here and Ready For Saturday's Sellinq S; $1.90 I $20.00 EXTRA SIZE SUITS; sl4 Tenth Anniversary Sale Price • 95.00 AND $5.95 SILK tfJO CQ 97.90 SERGE o{• 50 » ND silOO COMRINATTOV d>n -rf from 23 to 30 w 'aist measure. I Splendid grade of pure wool poplin in the best shades DRESSES, AT «5«3.31J DRESSES VT $5.95 rmirKSKs . IBIN ATION of navy, African brown, dark green and brown. Smart 95.00 AND 95.95 SERGE {JQ ««a erDec ,' ■ AT $4.00 SKIRTS; ANNIVERSARY tfJO QC | models that will appeal to women of taste and refinement. DRESSES. AT iPO.D*t "EKtiE AND SILK • *(• QCJ 912.50 AND $13.75 T\FFETA «q «7g SAI.E PRICE Coats lined with guaranteed satin. Skirts cut full—with Made just like the higher priced dresses. COMBINATION DRESSES, AT DRESSES, AT W./O Black and navy only. Fine pure wool poplin—the grade or without plaits. All sizes from 35 to 03. T, he ,, Bilk dre » ses . are m ade of fine poplins in Prettier dresses than you've ever seen for as p,, re wool rePR (affolo that is used In the higher priced skirts. Splendidly tal t black, navy, dark Breen, dark brown, wistaria low a price. And well made and made to fit. P .'° ol 4 ~ taffe,as and lored, ew models. Sizes 23 to 30 waist measure, in all ■ and Copenhagen. The serges are pure wool The colors are black, nan, Copenhagen dark combinations of both. A really remarkable as- , Bno . ths I O l * ftft fvft-9 CIO 7C nnH liarW C °>lroL are -Th'fv^o,^ ark t , brown green and brown. The combinations are plain sortment of pretty dresses under priced for the I LXtra uize OUItS, O ®" d h dark Bi7e X for women and <0 S Petty f etty SL ald silk anrt pln,n colored Anniversary Sale. All the wanted colors and $-"..00 AND $5.95 SKIRTS: QC \ bolh in'silk and Xe dressed 6 " m,SSPS ' masses t0 ma, ° h ' AU SIZM f ° r are among them'. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE bS.VS I .———_____ And all sizes for women and misses. Plain or plaited—with or without yokes. One belted Alterations Free CHILDREN'S COATS, C 4 QC CHILDREN'S COATS, 7 r CHILDREN'S COATS (FT *y p I cellently tailored- Navy and black only. Sizes 23 to 30 of Charge Anniversary Sale Price 4tl*S*J Anniversary Sale Price, ..... n , r VUx Values $2.50 to 93.00 Values $3 50 to <4 00 ... V * * *. * * 4 - 00 EXTRA SIZE SKIRTS: dJO OC oy tdXpert titters ....... . , PV , in „,,, n . ■ ■ $-*.oo ! \niue $5.00 ANNIVERSARY SALE i*RTCE Jt.oo In chinchilla, corduroy and other materials. The popu- Chinchillas, corduroys, mixtures, zibeline and other ma- * ' „ , . . , . , . and tailors , , J > terials; many have quilted linings and are neatlv trimmed I Mixtures, plaids, checks, corduroys and zibe!«» An Pure wo °' aer ge in black or navy. W alsl measures to unu lar colors—strictly new models. Sizes 2to 8 years. Sizes 3 to 16 veers neatij trimmed. 38—and cut proportionately full throughout—real extra ■ -• extensive style assortment, in sizes 3 to 16 years. siae skirts. I High Grade Coat Sweater. for Women, Men, Boy. i; New Trimmed & Untrimmed Hats 250 Ostrich Feather Boas Go on Sale 5 Z7it^r s Ha», pk This B.g Anniversary Sale M at 10th Anniversary Sale Prices ,j! collars, with pockets, worth $1.25. Anniversary QQ > A \ ? lf ! iTu ßl * roducing «*P* Mlve W7\ OSTRICH FEATHEfe BOAS—white, black and QF- Sale Price OifC J J \ fancy colors; worth to $1.50. Sale price SSC 15 Women's and Men's Honeycomb Coat Sweaters, shawl !» C\ Th». hat a c• s ome J s °J selling is —_ I collars, in gray, red and blue, with pockets, worth eIQQ i ard the mnch °i imP v,° r i? styles- OSTRICH FEATHER BOAS - assorted colors; also $2.00. Anniversary Sale Price Ipl .OU if * 8 ' IKj \ black and white; worth to $ 1 Boys' and Girls' Wool Ribbed Coat Sweaters, roll collars. ?{ F ° Uf J f ec t.on- ] Sale price , V 1 j , m I \ .. new and attractive models every day—and mostly only one of \«WX - 1 assorted colors, worth $2.00. Anniversary -J A[- each. 7 * T ' OSTRICH FEATHER BOAS worth £Q QQ Sale Price V* • *** 5 a. »O QA . . c _ ftn up to $4.00. Sale price f Women's and Misses' Mercerized Silk Coat Sweaters, in A* At $3.90 At $4.90 5 new Fall shades with belts, worth $5.00. Anni- d* QQC Hats that com P ar e favorably Hats that are equal to the hest Hats that are equal to the hest OSTRICH FEATHER BOAS black and Q 5 versarv Sale Price 5 2 hats in the city, in velvet, m Harrisbur* at J6.50. m velvet. white, 36 inches long; worth sß.ao. Sale price ... ZfiiJ / Women's and Men's Heavy Wool Coat Sweaters, shawl 5 silver and goVbraid im 1 taUon h pa r« I wlth flowerR ' feather bands . J °r- V / i collar, assorted colors, worth $5.00. Anniversary d* O f\ I* - i bv i. Clt l ES I GREAT variety large assortment to select from and naments, buckles or braid. Dozens \ Sale Price Jj.yb > eaeh Btyle - only one of each style. of style, and only one of each. \ M* 117 JM rl] J \ Women's Mercerized Silk Coat Sweaters, with sashes, in J Af OfV Untrimmed Hats in 'l~ wc Tp ,„ U>TC CD „ \} J Kf|fl «OlHen S NeWCSt Tall \ ? every new Fall shade, worth $7.00. Anniversary d»y| Qg XIL JJ.7U c „, A - A A t t WE TRIM HATS FREE !r ff 11 F| # 117 • . 1 111 I I Sale Price <p4"-i7O > Splendid Assortments And this Is what we mean by } 1 V Waists 2nd Blouses ■: ? ? Hats that are equal in everv way Every shape that's new this sea- trimming hats free: —When J < v to the hMt Bhown ln HarrisburK at «on-every wanted kind of untrim- h^ at h *® d \ , g - 0 Feather hanrt. n«tHnh h<,„H t e — a S wonderfully trimmed free'of anv charge i Hundreds of newest models have been placed on the table for i MPM'C A Kin PI TPl\ll<;i-llMr<; ■ OUr Tenth Ann,ver - But ThenmakWX I Saturday i IVIUIN O AIiL/DU IJ * rvlN lorlliN VaO cut jet buckles, fine braids and 7q/ (K,. tl tl AQ *1 on quired it will be charged for at J wnMFM'C WATCTC All I'll AT VFRY IOW PRirF<; Wing"? Conies of verv expensive ' ' sl-49, $1.90, our usual low prices. But all 5 WOMEN S WAISTS All new Fall models of Qf « A 1 VLKY LOW PRICES »>««»• Copies of expensive ats ar, trimmed by expert 5 Voile, Organdies and Fancy; worth to $1.50. Sale price jOC MEN'S COTTON HOSIERY. In 15c GARTERS—Men's and Boys' hats Our biggest assortment and Tn *l, JT ~„ • 1 . v. . tr _ % 'ft J 1 5 versary Sale Price 0 '2C / /2C — ——————————— ——,— 1 ——— BLOUSES every style; new models; worth to d* I QC V SATURDAY c/7| Wt JjQIKUJM &QMItWIUr «ATimnAV ' WOMEN'S BLOUSES of Crepe de Chine and Georgette \ iw« " 9 /2C the »o<- ties in very new Fall shades. -IIZ LYI JLLI i_ I OALURLIAI J Silks. Lace and Nets; over 100 styles to choose from; all cuts 5 Price <rSar> Sa, ° 23c J and sizes; worth to $4.00. Anniversary Sale dj OftC? *■ MEN'S SILK AND COTTON 1 1'. e „ f ' / M i HOSE, in black and colors, worth Jftc SUSPENDERS—Men s Police „ 11 P"ce "5c \nniver- < r n,,(l Hreinen Suspenders, full ■ I ? * 5 Imty Price lOC I^|^ r(^» ,hep ends - «orth «c. ? WOMEN'S HANDSOME BLOUSES Many sample 5 MEN'S PURE THREAD \ND Sftle Mt*' 14c ffjr| I s s §i '! ones ' n the assortment; all the very latest models and laces and J 35c. Anniversarv oQ „ UNDERW EAR—Shirts and Draw. I It il| ? Il iWWftMlgll II E : 1 » )• ' price «sP A,sJ %J J Sale Price 4LOC ers; black, gray and ecru; all sizes, fiLS* 5:- ss:: l' l IH =. ■ = If | / j worth "sc; our s | |K| >svw.svwwawwsvw^wawwsswv.wwwwvs« MEN'S AND BOYS' NEW FALL Sale Price tOC . ' Kaaaw^^£.._^gJ| DRESS SHIRTS, made of percales. MEN S NATURAL WOOL UN- Made in laundered and soft collars, DERWEAR, shirts and drawers, all ; 7* A/rtlv V CI» XI a 11/ t 11/ 1 C'll o \i 1 .r> 11 aii sizes, worth to 75c. a*j sires, worth *1.25. Anni- on (i| IP Uirls Newest Wash, Wool, bilk & Velvet Dresses Here An «J^Tvgrw le ,v,oe U MKvs Sa RiRBKi) UNION SUITS, ill M f 11Near Half Price to Pay For Beautiful Cleanly by the Thousands at 10th Anniversary Sale Prices MEN'S NEWTSST FALL DRESS worth 51.25. Annivcr- Qff \tJ J ' f™ IS ' I>"1- an SMC l'tiof vacO Cfl en A 1 TTr- __ GIRLS' WASH DRESSES _ Made of fast color eing- ! i ,s ?d^s, f spss! #i.du Aluminum ware ta m;sia«6toi4:.-o«hu.si.3a o e_ 8810 95c worUl " s< "- Anniversary 4C r § Jjpj 'Betty Bright" aluminum ware always shines; once used, Anniversary Sale price «/UC ITlce Sale Price ■ ———— 1 u , m in full size; choice of following, like cut. M m Wg% N/ . Vv\ I f »-qt. coffee Percuiator. 6-qt. Preserving Kettle. ■ ■ #V» GIRLS' WASH DRESSES Sizes 6to 14; neat models; 7-Piece Imitation CutGla„ I Anniversary Sale of] I*l -- -« H / , s2 ' S °:. y . Sale $1.45 Water Set For 10c n 1 I .1 II I il I- IHTTITm s -« i - BPrl'n pot. «-»l« stew °an and Cover. mW ■ cut, Keal Leather Hand Value up 10 ,150; spec ' a l i„ < . raent ;■•" GIRLS' REP DRESSES in light blue and pink; sizes RaPS to to Anniversary Sale Q C EXTRA SPECIAL FOR SATUR- 50C GRANITE DISH PANS, $4.00 PAIR HEAVY TAPESTRY price WBSSf )/ f er th°ee > 'lwrta b »nd^ e ali - all new Fall mod- J|f|jjS\fltau<P Se sa 50 4ooi N\P PIATD i??n BED SHEETS— "''si^TUßiTisH 4 BATH 'TOWEWS. els; assorted colors; sizes 6to 14; worth $3.50. d*l OA TS K *4'"° ** wo V;A*: I*l^l.D 1 * I^I . D BLAN- Fu n 81x90 and made of good heavy in fancy designs, also stripe colored Anniversarv Sale price «D 1 »Q*7 ' r~ hi ~1l fi4x»o, in tan, gray, muslin; (JQ borders; special A*7 _ J r Special! c eck ": 51.78 special, each 0»C t A f'C GIRLS' DRESSES made of wool serge and corduroy; WW beautiful plaid effects; *o>|o fa good selection of pat- 27r snecial nair 93C worth to $4.00. Anniversary Sale price tP^iOv/ rtShS \ Quasi Dull Pin Seal Handbags, all colors; Special, pair. . terns; special, yard SI 25 AND $1 50 RENAISS XNCF Values to $2.50. , *s.o° LAMBS- WOOL BLAN- $12.50 MITERED TAPESTRY i or' BATTEN BERG DRESSER AND GIRLS' HANDSOME SERGE DRESSES beautiful S>wtW . KETS—Pure white with pink and RUtjS—Size 9x12 feet, extra good ! BUREAU SCARFS—Size 18x50 -.j.i. . ~.,,.,1, e; nn -,nA <C7 fYI <l* o nv„„ ja a /* wm W m $1.69 53.87 sxr S6^s:rr. ! .rr..«7c-Bic $3.95 *" d $4.95 Th«e water neta are Imitation cot # w mi**' f A t>an ] (irHign nnti eon- Fvcrv new shape HlllfißMlW H °w to Get One of These One n * U ' 111 ' ||j|| | J"^ US Kayser^ Leatherette and Washable Gloves; alj sizes || FRIDAY EVTLNTNTG, ' HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 15, 1915. 5
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